Justin_TeroG8 ago

Lord surround this person with mighty Holy Guardian Angels and give him intuitive feelings in his spirit to warn him. Jesus please have mercy and deliver him from the plots of the wicked. Amen

ArtificalDuality ago

Thank you for your prayer Justin, every bit helps.. :)

SoldierofLight ago

You're a good man. Stay safe, my friend. Sending you strength from afar.

ArtificalDuality ago

Thanks you tons.. it's a tense time for me. A lot is moving here.. You take care as well.. :)

ESOTERICshade ago

Fascinating and scary. Please take care of yourself, brave one...

ArtificalDuality ago

Thank you mate. I'm crossing my fingers that there's still good people here in our system to independently help out one way or another. I've already stated that if I die or suffer any sort of medical anomaly, that that will be absolute affirmance of everything I wrote on VOAT and other public venues. I am not suicidal and have no plans on dying.

ESOTERICshade ago

License plate: GHB: Sex drug. Again, 33, the same masonic flash signature. How to customize a license plate? Just have buddies at the RDW assign a plate with desired letters / digits. Done. The car is a RED Mazda.

Ahura Mazda From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia "Ormuzd" redirects here. For the kingdom of Ohrmuzd, see Ormus. "Hormazd" redirects here. For the Sassanid rulers, see Hormizd. Part of a series on Zoroastrianism

Atar (fire)

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Ahura Mazda Zarathustra aša (asha) / arta Persia/Iran Faravahar

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Amesha Spentas Yazatas Ahuras Daevas Angra Mainyu

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Vairya Invocation Fire Temples

Accounts and legends

Dēnkard Bundahišn Book of Arda Viraf Book of Jamasp Story of Sanjan Chinvat Bridge Zoroastrian cosmology

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Zoroastrians in India Zoroastrians in Iran Parsis Iranis

Persecution of Zoroastrians

Varavahar.svg Zoroastrianism portal

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Part of a series on God

General conceptions

Agnosticism Apatheism Atheism Deism Henotheism Ignosticism Monotheism Monism Dualism Monolatry Kathenotheism Omnism Panpsychism Panentheism Pantheism Polytheism Theism Transtheism

Specific conceptions

Creator Demiurge Deus Father Great Architect Monad Mother Supreme Being Sustainer

The All The Lord Trinity Tawhid Ditheism Monism Personal Unitarianism

In particular religions Abrahamic

Judaism Christianity Islam Bahá'í Mormonism


Hinduism Buddhism Jainism Sikhism Zoroastrianism


Tian Shangdi Hongjun Laozu


Eternalness Existence Gender Names ("God") Omnibenevolence Omnipotence Omnipresence Omniscience

Experiences Practices

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Euthyphro dilemma God complex God gene Theology Ontology Problem of evil (theodicy)

Religion philosophy texts Portrayals of God in popular media

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Ahura Mazda (/əˈhʊrə ˈmæzdə/;[1] also known as Ohrmazd, Ahuramazda, Hourmazd, Hormazd, Harzoo and Hurmuz) is the Avestan name for the creator and sole God of Zoroastrianism, the old Iranian religion that spread across the Middle East predating Judaism, before ultimately being relegated to small minorities after the Muslim conquest of Iran. Ahura Mazda is described as the highest spirit of worship in Zoroastrianism, along with being the first and most frequently invoked spirit in the Yasna. The literal meaning of the word Ahura is "mighty" or "lord", and Mazda is "wisdom".

Ahura Mazda first appeared in the Achaemenid period (c. 550 – 330 BCE) under Darius I's Behistun Inscription. Until Artaxerxes II (405–04 to 359–58 BCE), Ahura Mazda was worshipped and invoked alone. With Artaxerxes II, Ahura Mazda was invoked in a triad, with Mithra and Anahita. In the Achaemenid period, there are no representations of Ahura Mazda other than the custom for every emperor to have an empty chariot drawn by white horses, to invite Ahura Mazda to accompany the Persian army on battles. Images of Ahura Mazda began in the Parthian period, but were stopped and replaced with stone carved figures in the Sassanid period.


YogSoggoth ago

Some Arab trader brought some shellfish up from the red sea and poisoned a whole town under the jurisdiction of Darius 1. That beget the entire banned foods thing that is in certain societies today. His laws were very common sense at the time, but I still can't believe that people still follow them as religion in completely other religions across the world. He even copied earlier rulings in the god/king court from Sumaria. Don't eat pork or catfish because Darius says not to.

ArtificalDuality ago

I have been conversing with one of their Zionists on their STN. The STN is theirs. This profile which I attributed the letter "R", which I do not know who it is in real-life, is fully alignment synched with this Mariel H I wrote about. Whenever (when I was still gullible to her extremely amical reaching out to me) I attributed her positive alignment, this profile "R" then went on to say I found out "the absolute truth" for righteous Zionists (I know good and evil sits everywhere and there may be inherently good, unsuspect Zionists not aware of the hidden dark-side).

What absolute truth was this profile "R" talking about? Well this truth:


I never spoke of "The absolute truth". No, instead, my claim is that "Infinity is factual". And the subsequent spiritual implications can be far-reaching. It basically says, to say in a spiritual, religious fashion: "The existence of God (or which ever monolithic deity description one uses) is FACT". Though foot-note, this is in the most abstract sense. The Infinity framework does not dictate how to conduct spirituality as per concrete religions. It simply says that infinity is fact and is surrounding the world we live in. Infinity in every direction.

When I finally identified Mariel for what she is, a Zionist kabbalah practioner (a.k.a. Satanist), this profile "R" then went on to propagate that I was no more than a schitzophrenic that thought he had figured out the absolute truth.

The Zionists are after people who figure out turths about our existence and the universe. Why is this important? Because the whole premise of Zionism is that a human rabbi at one time declared victory over 'G-d' and claimed authority. From then on, Zionists warship Rabbis, not God. That's why they hate the notion of 'God' existing, infinity being a fact. It's one reason for them to attempt to assimilate me. To cover their Satanists behind my absolute-good alignment and through my work, claim authority as the legitimate religion for the world.

Secondly, there is another culture that they want to obtain from endorsement. This is the Hopi Native people within the USA, the state of Arizona. These are very intelligent, wise people who possess lore about the history of our planet. For this, you will have to explore and learn about them to understand the deeper aspects behind the reasoning for them Zionists to obtain endorsement.

One thing I will already tell. There is a prophecy their Elders have spoken of. It will tell about the past. It tells about the future. These are very peaceful people that you can read about here:



Note that at the second link, there is disinformation in regards to the explanation of the prophecy. Read the entire page and you might want to do further research. It's about our origins. Through study and understanding and a form of remote-viewing I have been able to understand deeper meanings within the prophecy. A story of origins. And the Zionists are after it.

Remember, the Vatican placed a telescope named LUCIFER in Arizona, in sacred Hopi lands, desecrating their heritage and lands. This is a very special place to them, and ultimately, mankind. I will not yet disclose yet what is the importance of this location.

However, I will share with you my finding on the prophecy itself. Before you click the link, I ask you kindly to read about the Hopi themselves first. To understand who they are and why they are who they are. Again, this is a good start: http://www.hopiculturalcenter.com/about-me-shift/#hopiland

I ask you to have a respectful mind when clicking the imgur link below, for it shows the prophecy in its original form. It is a divine work and tells a story about the whole of man-kind.


Ponder this and realize about the times before there were Bibles, Qurans, Torahs, Talmuds and other scriptures.

And again, as a final note: I am spiritually autonomous and sovereign and bide by the mere abstract of the absolute duality between good and evil. Having chosen 'good' over 20 years ago.

AJ-Styles ago

Good luck!