ArtificalDuality ago

He's just part of the cover-up squad. Here's some fun-stuff. The tech that enables the following is the same that enables synthetic telepathy amongst other things. Just gotta get scientifically creative:

Lobotomy ago

You're implying this is my only account.

Also, whatever you say, schizo. I know more than you about pizzagate, because you've been led astray by disinfo. I've got facts to back me up, you're too much of a pussy faggot to do even that.

Jem777 ago

Now I got it that's you Equineluvr welcome back and say hello to your friends donkethole.

You are an abusive self-aggrandizing asshole. Keep this moment in mind when you stand and are called to will need it.

Would you like me to pray for you I might have some free time after I teach Sundayschool and volunteer at the Bible study ;)

You stupid fuck...

Lobotomy ago

Stay mad!

Lobotomy ago

Spoonfeed me, you nigger. The burden of proof is on he who makes the claim.

Back up your statements or go back to the asylum. I'm sure that you, in your apparent infinite wisdom, can make an infographic or something.

Lobotomy ago

I think you're being fed garbage and actually don't know shit about microwaves yourself.

Lobotomy ago

I don't believe anyone owns the world, but I know that the kikes run it, and I also know that there's no paranormal reason as to why. I think the answer is much simpler. In fact, I know it is.

I practically helped found this subverse motherfucker. This started out as an investigation about real shit, and once the actual breadcrumbs of info started drying up because "oy vey the goyim know", stupid motherfuckers like you decide to stumble out of /x/ and the looney bin and talk about fuckin space alien raygun beams and shit.

This isn't going to bring justice to the thousands of dead kids. This is going to discredit pizzagate. Take it somewhere else and stop making us look bad, you fucking loon.

Lobotomy ago

Present your findings or shut the fuck up, lunatic.

Lobotomy ago

If you won't explain it, then that means you have nothing to explain. If you DID have info, you would have presented it, because you know that Voat does not fear new information.

Put up, or shut up.

Lobotomy ago

Give me scientific whitesheets and take it to a different sub. We don't talk about /x/ here, and I know this guy isn't important enough to be a "targeted individual", by anyone who matters.

Even if you're right, this reeks of disinfo thread. There's nothing about pizzagate that is paranormal outside of elites and their cults. Their cults don't have real power. Talk about pizzagate or frankly get the fuck out. I'm tired of people straying off into tinfoil hattery and religion, and making a CRIMINAL investigation into Ghost Chasers.

/v/Conspiracy if you want, but it doesn't fucking belong here in the real world, until you can give me all of your proof. And I mean PROOF. At this point, this is like you saying that God did all of this and you know it for a fact.

ZombieUnicorn ago

I too am being remotely killed. They brain link me and torture me. They believe in complete whack job horse shit, like stealing life energy. They are basically technologically empowered murders with fanaticistic beliefs. If they practiced secular, it would be fine. But hitting someone with directed energy causeing sleep deprivation and then endangering other drivers on the road is assault. It is mutilation. They need to be put down. It has been two years for me. Give me the opportunity I would return them to their source. It is not rehabilitative. It is heinous, grotesque, interspecies predation from liars with egos so big you cannot comprehend, and psychocisis so retarded none can.

It is their access to the weaponary that enlists their followers. Either they fear them or are not informed enough to be able to tell the difference. Magic is reserved to the relational theory. This magic is nothing more than sick, morbid, fucking assholes who need more holes drilled in their heads for all the shit lies they spread.

They try and use neurologist programming as well as satantic torture techniques. It is a reinstantiation of MK Ultra buy those with enough money to buy such things. Those without enough money and no skills to lie to survive. And those who have serious mental issues in a power hungry manner.

The loss is their own. They do not understand the beauty before them. They are to lazy to have real curious fire in the belly to get anything productive done. They truly need to under go a spiritual death before they can hope to get better.

I do not intend harm to self or others, but given the opportunity I will defend myself. This is murder.

Lobotomy ago

Seek mental help.

ZombieUnicorn ago

I have, but then I measured something and filed a police report:
And then whistleblowers came forth:

Lobotomy ago

That does not prove a god damned thing.

smurfy69 ago

Feel for ya bro. I understand. Been there.

ZombieUnicorn ago

Did you get out or off the program or file asylum in another country?

smurfy69 ago

Neither. It finally just stopped.

Dressage2 ago

We are all concerned about your well being. I thank you for all your research and pray the hospital can heal this bleeding issue. Please stay in contact with us. This another reason we are concerned about @RebelSkum.

Tallest_Skil ago

lol, get fucked. Your obvious well poisoning bullshit can't cover up the childfucking ring any more. We've known about it forever.

ArtificalDuality ago

Are you addressing me? If so, let me say a few things :

I am not a Jew. I am not Satanic. I can answer ti the question of morality. Secindly my research confirms the Synagogue of Satan. Do your research about me properly if you are going to say something. Thank you.

It is because I do not want to concede to those anti-merino luciferists calling themselves Zionists so they can call anti-semite every chance they get, tha I am suffering this shit.

Tallest_Skil ago

It's your delusion about violations of the laws of physics which make this well poisoning. I appreciate not only any work you do in uncovering the jew in any walk of life, but also you replying to every insignificant comment thereon (meaning this one), but you won't get anywhere with obvious falsehoods.

ArtificalDuality ago

lol which laws of physics? Flat Earth? You are not even telling how and what I violate. The earth is not flat. I made a meme that shows how to conduct a measurement using a few smartphone cams and a few people spaced 2 timezones apart to prove the Earth is a globe. I hate the fake science bullshit as much as you.

Tallest_Skil ago

It's really quite obvious what I'm talking about, and your invocation of further non-sequitur well poisoning only serves to highlight my point.

ArtificalDuality ago

You are one of them. You are evading any justification for your allegations which make you the loser. Back up your allegations with actual content or be gone.

Tallest_Skil ago

any justification for your allegations

The laws of physics make your claims impossible and your retardation detracts from anything you would say to expose the global ring of child abuse.

ArtificalDuality ago

laws of physics do not defy bio warfare kill switches and synthetic telepathy networks. You are sorely running behind on the abilities of today's tech. I am an EE and IT guy and much more. Really, do check the thread about RFID i posted in.

Instead of trying to act all hotshot on me, you better research me properly. Then you will learn that the rampant pedo desease has an occult satanic background and are not isolated cases. I am not diverting. I am adding.

Tallest_Skil ago

laws of physics do not defy bio warfare kill switches and synthetic telepathy networks.

Citation needed.

do check the thread about RFID i posted in.

Evidence of your implantation with said receptor chip is where?

Instead of trying to act all hotshot on me, you better research me properly.

I couldn't care less about you. You don't matter in the slightest. The factuality of what you say is the only thing that matters. Substantiate your claims or expect to be called out as the obvious shill you are.

Then you will learn that the rampant pedo desease has an occult satanic background and are not isolated cases.

Yeah, totally irrelevant to the topic of discussion and not in question by anyone. Classic shill tactic, equating proven reality with delusional fantasy. "X is real because it's related to Y (because I say so) which we all know is real, so you have to accept X!"

I am not diverting.

Exactly what you're fucking doing.

ArtificalDuality ago

go to science daily .com there you will find evidence. I have CONFIRMED the existence of that network with local workers around me through systemic testing, knowing what and when I thought sentences. You can believe that or not. I made highly detailed logs and transcripts of words said by coworkers, conversations we had etc. They are attempting to assimilate me and otherwise terrorize me mentally.

You have no clue you dumbfuck.

Tallest_Skil ago

Okay, thanks for trying, at least. Your complete and utter inability to prove anything you've said only detracts from the exposure of the jewish rape and sacrifice of children over the course of the last 2 millennia worldwide. If you had any actual evidence, you'd post it. You're purposely conflating pizzagate with your /x/-tier bullshit that is not founded in any scientific theory or fact.

Fuck the hell off, attention whoring LARPer.

ArtificalDuality ago

i can prove everything. Can you read dutch? Ill send you all the related documents. I can start a facebookstream and show the hospital from te inside along with morw.blood. I am now resting and have to make do with a phone trying to type all this. No larp here. The real thing. You are the kne deteacting. I am the one enhancing, also, RATIONALIZING YOR SATANIC PDEOPHILIC JEW CULT. Now stop being stupid.

so far you are the ass trying to obfuscate and demean truthful reporting.

edit: typos due to stupid phone keypad

birthdaysuit11 ago

SHILL POST IS OBVIOUS. DON'T FALL FOR IT. MODS delete this or are you the real shills letting this get to the top as with most shill posts. Mods are pedo protectors.

Lobotomy ago

You get your Targeted Individual/Gang Stalking shit out of here, you absolute fucking disinfo lunatic Israelite.

I know about your fucking kind, and this is an obvious D&C thread to make us look like schizophrenics. This is /x/-tier dog shit, right there with Flat Earth. This whole thread is a shareblue moneypit. I don't know how they managed to do it, but if you take a look at most of the shill accounts, they are either exactly 6 or 9 months old, and some of their profile bios are the same.

Downvote and report OP for shilling his retard cult here as a disinfo tactic.

ArtificalDuality ago

WTF? Come visit me right now in the hospital, i just got out of surgery. You are the shilling dumbfuck here.

Lobotomy ago

I think you're just upset because I'm not enabling your mental illness.

You may very well be in the hospital, but you are not a Targeted Individual, you are not being Gang Stalked, and you probably have some kind of non-native virus. I don't think that just because you're researching satanic cults in Spain, that you are somehow important enough to be zapped with a telepathic raybeam or some other 1960s scifi cliche.

At the end of the day, you're making this place look crazier. Take it to /x/, take it to /v/conspiracy, but one thing is for sure. This is not Pizzagate material. Take it somewhere the fuck else.

ArtificalDuality ago

A little note, i received a number of private messages as well but i can not reply much as i would like to, its hard with a mobile touch keyboard and I am awaiting the 2nd lung embolization procedure right now.

As soon as I get a chance I will update more.

Thanks ti everyone vowing support in every way, it doesn't go unnoticed. Love.

argosciv ago


Fuck yourself.

birthdaysuit11 ago

Don't believe you. None of the links prove anything, this seems shillish.

Lobotomy ago

It fucking is dude, check out all of the shillposts, and how they're at the top of the comments section. Someone's putting a LOT of money into buying accounts and upvotes this time.

Seriously, the top four threads are fucking cultist shit.

birthdaysuit11 ago

Don't believe you.

ArtificalDuality ago

Come visit me in the hospital here.

SoldierofLight ago

Yes, a few whistleblowers have spoken of it, or at least experiencing aspects of it. This includes David Shurter and Elisa E.

argosciv ago


Fuck this guy and the rest of them.

Most especially, ES and EYJP can go fuck themselves, or each other, so long as they don't procreate.



What's the matter, Amy? Worried?

I have NOTHING to do with these groups you lot(ES and co) are bitching about. I've been paying close attention, though.

Moreover, I quite happily retract any amount of support previously offered to the many suspicious users being named.

Gaslight me all you like. It must be infuriating that you can't brigade me.

EDIT 3: Oct 14, 2018 12:22:22 AM UTC

Others are saying you were groomed by ES, well, I'm on the fence about that. You present as totally complicit in the brigading and consensus manufacturing - further evidenced by your trying to act like I'm the bogeyman just because I know that Satanism is neither the problem nor related to/affiliated with Scientology. LRH was a goddamn pretender, a thief & manipulator, a pervert, an abusive father, all that awful shite - but what he made, did, etc, has absolutely nothing to do with Satanism - you just call it "Satanic" because that's the easy way out and it suits your religious background(no, I'm not criticizing Christianity by saying that).

If you're actually a victim in this, prove it. Stop trying to pin this on me just because you can't see the things I do.

I put in more effort than a lot of people around here, when it comes to digging deep into topics that most avoid because they find it easy to slap a label they don't understand on things they don't understand - if you were groomed, you need to take a good look at the propaganda being used to groom you.

Notice that ES loathes me and makes up bullshit about me(same as he does EricKaliberhall), grooms others(allegedly including yourself) to brigade me, uses his alts to brigade me and even made at least one for the specific purpose of doing so - because I challenge his propaganda narrrative which is used to groom others.

EDIT 4: Oct 16, 2018 ~10:50:00 AM UTC

Truly pathetic, Aimalech. Desperate finger pointing/deflection and changing of the subject.

Seems you've opted to instead prove that you're complicit in the brigading and attacks - indeed, a willing participant.

Like I said, must be infuriating that you can't brigade this comment.

EDIT 5: Oct 16, 2018 ~11:15:45 AM UTC

LOL! Flavor words and heart-string pulling fairy tales. Same old pattern.

EDIT 6: Oct 19, 2018 ~8:17:17 AM UTC

Pretending to be a Satanist online

Lmfao! You dense, bigoted fool. I've made it very clear that I'm Syncretic and have, many times, explicily stated that I don't even call myself as a Satanist. The only one playing pretend around here, of the two of us, is you - indeed your continued displays even make the word "bigoted" obsolete as an adjective of you; you're clearly just a shill pushing tired propaganda to manipulate others who are genuinely of the cloth you pretend to be part of.

Your desperation to make it all about me, in order to throw people off from yours and ES's pitifully transparent charade, is very obvious. Moreover, the act of using newly created alts to offset the votes over in the other thread, is equally as pitiful, desperate and transparent.

carmencita ago

That is so beautiful. What a wonderful comforting momento for him to read at his time of distress. I think you are right. Letting hope take over your body can change your outcome immensely. Having faith also can be very calming.

tehlolman ago

can someone post the photos and videos somewhere else please? im not very comfortable with opening random photo and video files on my pc.

argosciv ago

Okay, I have, myself, experienced all sorts of weird shit in relation to my contributions here. Especially in relation to what is being referred to here, as the "synthetic telepathic network"(now is really not the time to discuss that though)

MY concerns aren't necessarily with the story being told, but, something stands out...

Okay so, In the past, I have been accused of being both @srayzie & @Jem777, hilarious as it is, it's woefully incorrect.

Looking at ArtificialDuality's bio, he/she appears to be strongly accusing Jem777, @dressage2, @bopper & others of corruption/shilling... including a moderator...

Can someone please explain this for me?


mooteensy ago

Any links about synthetic telepathic network mean? I've never heard of it and I'm intrigued!

argosciv ago

Our true consciousness does not exist in our brains or in our bodies. But this illusion of our individual bodies, along with the misinformation of our true origins, has manifested the idea that we all think independently from one another.

With this misunderstanding it would seem impossible to scientifically explain telepathy, clairvoyance, spiritual mediums and other phenomenon dealing with transferring information between sources without physical means of communication.

~ Ben Stewart

argosciv ago

unfortunately there are still gaps in my knowledge - no attempt to avoid the question so to speak, but, most of my understanding comes from experience and research which intertwines into... well... I see and experience it well before I can understand it... such is the case with anything I suppose... I'm starting to ramble...

Case in point, I am not the one to explain it to you... where to start even, no idea...

Gimme a second to find a quote from a source I won't name for the moment

Jem777 ago

@ArtificialDuality and I had heated exchanges about good vs evil & morality.....just small talk you can read it.

Just because I strongly take a stand does not diminish his knowledge or experience that is not how I roll. I have always known he is authentic and want him to be safe and healthy so he can help all of us learn together.

ArtificalDuality ago

That I appreciate. Ill have a bio update to do for now.

argosciv ago

No worries, I just couldn't help but notice AD's bio and those who had been responding here, especially when then considering the accusations which have been thrown my way.

bopper ago

@ArtificialDuality He and I have just dueled a bit over flat earth, it was all pretty good natured, I think he still likes me. He has some beliefs that were a bit out there for me but I do believe he's in hospital being treated for something. Part of why I liked to feud w/ him is cause I have some Dutch friends (AD is Dutch) and they love to wrangle. I hope he gets better. That thing on his nose looks like Squamous Cell Carcinoma (cancer). I had that. Maybe I just didn't look deeply enough into what he was espousing but I wish he'd had explained it better at the time, this was months ago. "If you can't explain something simply you don't understand it well enough yourself." Of course this statement can't hold true in everything. Also, you can see in the thread that he and Jem777 are burying the hatchet. (So here I am saying he is "out there" when I'm talking flat earth lol.)

argosciv ago

Yeah I definitely noticed a lot of love between AD and those mentioned in the bio, here in this thread. Hence being very confused and wanting a bit of clarity :P

bopper ago

Yeah, overall everybody liked him, but we'd debate w/ him. I think he's a good guy.

ArtificalDuality ago

I still dont agree with flat earth tho haha. But I am forgiving. :)

bopper ago

Just concentrate on getting well! Good luck to you.

Piscina ago

Can you go to a crystal shop? Buy yourself some black obsidian, some black tourmaline and some pyrite. These are protective stones from negative energies being sent your way and emf. The tourmaline will reflect the energy back to the sender. The obsidian is a strong protective stone. Pyrite also protects you from emf.

crashing_this_thread ago


Lobotomy ago

Get gassed, /x/. Go do real, factual, research, instead of your hippie power crystal religion.

ArtificalDuality ago

I will take a look at it :) crystaline materials do have their own resonant EM frequencies and may alter the EM fields present surrounding them. A human being has a strong effect on EM fields surroimding them as well. A human is a conductor and channels/contracts field lines.

ThisisThat_2 ago

Also Lapis and smokey quartz, carry them with you everywhere.

argosciv ago

+1 to this, sounds like woo on paper, but I can attest to some amount of efficacy; placebo or otherwise - debate that another time.

Piscina ago

Yeah, I know--I thought it was all BS too. But I used to get very sick if I sat next to a computer for a long time and when I was under fluoro lights. The obsidian and tourmaline worked. Don't ask me how, but they did.

argosciv ago

yeah explaining it is a bit beyond me too... there's books, but it's easy to look at them and think "some of this HAS to be utter crap", touchy subject but the proof is in the pudding.

crazycycle ago


10505980? ago

Blacksmith21 ago

I'm sorry...I'm calling BS on this one. I see nothing to support OP's claims but some blurry photos of a zit gone bad. A comment in Zero Hedge is proof of life?

Save hurling insults at me, as you can look at my history and see that I am strong defender of survivors.

Something is off with this story. A few posts here in there, which do fit in. And if I am wrong, I have no problem apologizing. Not a snowball's chance in hell I'm downloading some file. Post individual JPGs of you laying in bed bleeding out of your ears like Litvinenko.

If you're going to dox yourself and come into the light, do it the right way.

Lobotomy ago

This is a fucking slide post. OP is disinfo.

merica_fk_yeah ago

they just brought home several of our Cuban diplomats because they were being electronically attacked... some suffered permanent brain damage. this was actually in the news. But even if a LARP, it is possible to be attacked. One thing for sure is either way, get right with your maker because these people are going to make our lives miserable either way and we can't give in one bit.

Lobotomy ago

Acoustic torture isn't Telepathic Raybeam Zapperoni technology from some 1960s scifi cheese. If this dude was being hit with it, then he would have to have been within a direct line of sight of the transmitter, he would have HEARD it because those fuckers are LOUD, and it wouldn't have caused whatever that lesion was.

His story doesn't add up.

Jem777 ago

@Blacksmith21 you are wrong on this one. I know it seems hard to believe but this is the real deal. @ArtificialDuality is the real deal.

Prayers to you

Lobotomy ago

"Prayers to you"? Seriously, motherfucker? This isn't sunday school, and this isn't /x/.

We aren't flat earthers, and we aren't christfags. This is a real investigation about real tangible things that real people have done to other real people. Not spooky ghost stories down by the campfire. If you want to prove that this guy is the real deal, then give us proof, until then, shut the fuck up.

ArtificalDuality ago

I am now back home, I got released from the hospital. You seriously need to tone down your vitriol spamming yap. This is not Flat Earth shit. Here, I made this a year ago: Use it to thwart FE trash.

Further more, give me your e-mail or whatever and I can send you all relevant personal documents about me, my co-workers, my company and conversation logs I've had that enabled me to establish existence of the synthetic telepathy network. I've already sent you supportive links from Science daily enabling this technology.

So all in all, it is YOU who needs to shut the fuck up big-time. B.t.w. I just got released from the hospital and now I'm back home typing on a full-size keyboard with access to all web resources I have once more. No more fudging with a minikeyboard of horror on a mobile phone.

Lobotomy ago

Alright, well hurry up and redpill me on this so I can actually buy your story. Don't pussy out like ESOTERICshade and give me some lame-ass crypic metaphor. That's why I don't believe this garbage, that, along with the Targeted Individual Psychopathy fad. If you're not a part of that group, then you have to do a better job of choosing your words, because I've had NUMEROUS run-ins with those psychos, and I can absolutely tell you that nothing they say is true.

If you have your resources on hand, I'd like to see what you've got. Burden of proof lies with the claimant and what have you, but if you guys are going to keep blueballing me on information, then I'm going to keep calling this disinfo, because all that tells me is that you've got a big ol goose egg and you're making shit up for attention or to discredit Pizzagate. At face value, your story sounds ludicrous and unrelated to pizzagate.

Blacksmith21 ago

You know I'm willing to change my mind. It remains upon but skeptical.

ArtificalDuality ago

when you would download the rar zipfile you can SEE what you request. I HAVErecorded my own damn bleeding. The website is not dirty, its just a file sharing site

You can use winrar to unzip the rar archive.

Right now i am back in the hospital. posting from phone.

Lobotomy ago

Make sure that if you die, that it gets on the news. Then we'll know if you're bullshitting. Until then, go be mentally ill somewhere else.

ArtificalDuality ago

I will make sure ut gets postes. further more, if you research my handle well enoug you will find my license plate and yiu can run it through the Dutch system if you are LE and verify legitimacy of all my claims.

You are the rude dumbfuck here.

10505659? ago

I have great empathy for you friend.. this isn't the real life . We were not created to suffer ! We were created to cultivate the earth and live on it forever ! With access to the finest materials for building homes without the need of any money . Gold and silver will be for adornment for whom ever wants to use it! Those who endure till the end will be the ones left over on the earth after Armageddon! If we happen to fall asleep in death before the day this war takes place , then we will be resurrected ! Think about what they do with DNA now , even though humans are imperfect we can still do remarkable things , imagine an earth being rid of all that is bad ! We will enjoy perfect health and peace forever on a paradise earth. God knows each one of our DNA maps and every hair on our head he can number ! He is perfect in all his ways . He has the ability to bring us back from the grave and use his super power to restore you to your most "vigorous youth ". Everything I described is written in the Bible , I didn't cite the scriptures but will be happy to look them all up for you if you want . I will pray for you to know how to over come this , but remember the scripture where Jesus told the sinner hanging on the pole next to him? "I will see you in Paradise" Well paradise is a real hope and a real promise from God . Not a fairy tail . What they have been teaching in most churches our whole lives has been lies !



AngB23 ago

WTH? Prayers for you and your safety. So disturbing on so many levels.

fogdryer ago

keep safe keep us updated tell everyone you are depressed

carmencita ago

:) I figured you guys would want to know.

pizzaequalspedo ago

Prayers to you AD

MostPostersAreShills ago

Can you upload it on a normal website? I feel like that link is just gonna be viruses

Omnicopy ago

Bind up the devil and the demons in Jesus Christ Name. They have been trying to kill me and my family for years. Don't fear them. Be strong. Be courageous. Don't be terrified by your adversary. Proverbs 19:23 is a great verse to stop them. Psalm 23 too. Satan was defeated at the resurrection of Jesus Christ. He's nothing but a paper tiger now.

argosciv ago

The devil, Abbadon, is not Satan(enemy of elohim(living god))

Gothamgirl ago

I am so sorry to hear this, I will pray for you. Is their anything anyone can do here?

ArtificalDuality ago

Your prayers are helpful.. :) Thank you so much..

srayzie ago

I am so sorry ☹️ I've read a lot about targeted individuals and have watched many videos. I know it's real. I'm going to be praying for you. Please try to check in every now and then.

Are your zerohedge comments under the same username as here? I haven't been able to find them. I can't see the archive file using my iPad either. But, it sounds terrible. <3


ArtificalDuality ago

Yes they are, including the typo in the name, the missing last 'i' in the word. I kept the error across different forums hehe.

srayzie ago

Lol ok

jangles ago

seriously protect yourself from emf flux.

ArtificalDuality ago

That'll be tough, I don't have a faraday cage suit for those THz scale waves. I'll just suck it up and take it like a man. It's people doin this and they hate exposure and truth spreading. Besides my indefinite faith and trust in The Infinite (as I call it, independent of religious choice).

Forgetmenot ago

Please be careful. Don't drink tap water even brush your teeth with it. I will be praying for you. Is there a timing to it? Or simply random. How do you know it was 3? I am asking for arc angel st Michael to protect you and neutralize this coven. I will also ask my prayer group to pray. They have their peeps but we have ours. It's not over yet!

2impendingdoom ago

I am terribly upset to hear what you are going through. It must be horrible. In the show "better call Saul" the brother was allergic/sensitive to electricity and wore a mylar blanket to protect himself, maybe something like that would help you. I don't know what THz waves are. You can stream the show here if you don't get it in your country.

jangles ago

They need lot of power to use mm waves they use them more for this

Changes in Circadian Melatonin Synthesis in the Pineal Gland of Animals Exposed to Extremely Low Frequency Electromagnetic Radiation: A Summary of Observations and Speculation on Their Implications

SoldierofLight ago

Have you reached out to Breitbart and other alt-right publications, podcasts, etc. to share your story? We need to get the word out, and that may back them off of you. Thank you for your courage and all of your hard work. Sending you strength from afar.

ArtificalDuality ago

no I have not but I may when I get through this. For now I decided to share with you all first, I have been quite active here on VOAT trying to offer support and knowledge. Now the Merino hating satanic sectarian cult has its eyes on me.

Yes, the Zio-Satanic-Cabalist-Cult calls everyone on the good/divine side, "Merinos". I am called that as well.

A Merino is a race of Sheep. Its symbolism for God's Sheep.

Differentially they call themselves Goats, Baphomets. And as such, Satanists.

That is one reason they genocide Christians around the globe. And anyone else on the good side.

argosciv ago

something's strange about this...

gimme a minute

carmencita ago

OK. I am getting into a fight right now with someone that made a racial remark about a dead girl in Chicago. Wasn't that bad, but she is dead. Geez. He said black chick. stupid for walking into a freezer. She is dead. Sorry, ticked me off.

merica_fk_yeah ago

look you have to understand that you are also dealing with 4chan autists that say all kinds of irreverent things. waste of energy to get offended. the Truth is more important and thats the goal of everyone right now. They care too but they also like the banter.

argosciv ago

pretty much

argosciv ago

Eh, yeah i wouldn't waste any mental energy on the likes of that.

I'm a bit confused by certain things here though... will make a standalone comment and ping a few to it

carmencita ago

Yes, that is a sad situation for sure. Many have offered their appreciation for all he has done.

SoldierofLight ago

Yes, thank you.

carmencita ago


srayzie ago

Thank you for pinging me about this Carmencita

carmencita ago


twistedmac11 ago

Please keep us updated and let us know if/how we can support you during this. Your work here is greatly appreciated.

ArtificalDuality ago

The best thing for everyone involved is to get to know the enemy and most importantly there is more between heaven and earth.

Regardless of one's chosen (or not) religion, spiritual faith is no luxury.

oftotc ago

Yes, the synthetic telepathic network is real.

This is pizzagatewhatever material, so don't bitch when the mods intervene.

ArtificalDuality ago

It's ok, but it isn't. I have systematically uncovered this fact with involved people. Part of this is documented in the Vault 7 files from a while ago. Neural bio electric interfacing nanoscale technology. Further more, it's not a claim. It's first-hand experience. Besides, it's not the main point of my post :)

Freemasonsrus ago

Pray. You defeat this evil only through binding lucifer and asking for God to intercede. This is a spiritual war first and foremost. I'll be praying.

Lobotomy ago

Get the fuck out.

argosciv ago

Stop picking on Lucifer, for Christ's sake ;)

argosciv ago

What oftotc is trying to say, is that discussions about "the synthetic telepathic network", are best saved for v/pizzagatewhatever, given how much needs to be explained and rationalized, before "the synthetic telepathic network" will make sense to 'normies'.

Similar to the complexity of the discussion pertaining to DMT and it's involvement in all this.

SterlingJB ago

) good ole argo

argosciv ago

i'm guessing you actually mean that, so, <3

Jem777 ago

@ArtificialDuality you have contributed so much to uncovering this evil. You were explaining things 6 months ago most could not understand. Your insight and courage has been remarkable. I am sorry you are being attacked. Praying for you.

Edit: Everyone needs to support this guy. He has done very deep exposure.

carmencita ago

He will also be in my Evening Prayers. There are so many that are putting their lives on the line every day, unearthing the evil by these monsters that are attacking @ArtificialDuality. Thank you for what you have given us, the truth in your discoveries. We are grateful for your courage and wish you the very best. Keep us informed. Peace and Love.

ArtificalDuality ago

Thank you Carmencita and others. I'm trying to stay strong, calm and cool.

Blood keeps developing. Blood pressure is still ok. I may have to call the Erasmus MC any time depending on how this turns out though.

All your support means a lot to me, regardless of how this all turns out.

PeaceDogg ago

Are you sure you're not being poisoned? Try changing your routine. Eat different things, Buy food at different places. Change your residence if possible (to avoid any fumes). Throw away your toothpaste and carry a little tube on you. I don't believe this is being done to you "telepathically" as those types of attacks are highly ineffective against a spiritually sound person. But there is an entire universe of poisons and ways to deliver them. Good luck.

Commoner ago

I will be praying for you too. You are one tough person!

carmencita ago

We will keep the Home Fires Burning while you mend. We will work all the harder to make up for your convalescing. There will be some that may not see your post, but I know that their hearts are also with you and appreciate all your hard work. As a researcher I commend you and Thank You again from the Bottom of My Heart. Though you are for sure under some stress, please take time to take walks and smell the air and the roses. God is watching over you. Bless You.

ArtificalDuality ago

You bring a tear to my eyes, thank you again hug

carmencita ago

0:-) You are an Angel.

ArtificalDuality ago

Thank. I know we had a little argument before but I'm over that. Thanks again. We'll see how far I'll get. I'm still dumping footage with narration from my phone onto my CPU.

If the bleeding gets worse I'll have to call emergency again and the hospital. As for the type of killswitch, it's a mold / yeast like microbe that can get very aggressive when turned "on" and "off" with EM pulse trains. That much I have researched. I have been "buddy-hugged" by one of their agents in March 2016, leaving me with an anomaly on my nose, can be seen here:

Apparently the stuff can be used as a kill switch too, note though that the yeast sits in the repiratory tract. The anomaly on my nose was a different, supporting agent to scare me. A dog's saliva killed it off.

YogSoggoth ago

Start a real Mexican diet. The hot stuff actually adds to the flavor when you know how to apply/eat. The tip of your tongue is your hot receptor contact to your brain. If this fails for you then you need a product called neem. Neem trees are available in South Florida and I would not try to buy the product in a dried up pill form unless absolutely necessary. Neem works, and is used in every big country except USA because of big pharma..

10505714? ago

Have you ever detoxed your body from heavy metals and pathogens?

ArtificalDuality ago

no not specifically tho I eat unrefined coconut oil often. When eating it a lot I get the die-off which hurts bad.

throwaway4578 ago

Experience speaks: Been there. Best I know to do is:

Yeast fungal mold thing. Probably aggravated by microwaves or whatever wave form it is.

p73 oregano oil. Seven drops three times a day. Mix with water. Put a couple of drops under the tongue if you can take the burn.

Ground Turmeric Root. Three teaspoons a day.

1 pound ten dollars

Synthetic walkie talkie. Yes its real.

ArtificalDuality ago

Thank you, I'll see if I can get my hands on any of what you suggest. Thanks for the support everyone. I'm about to call the hospital and be taken in again.

throwaway4578 ago

Are the walls popping in your house?

throwaway4578 ago

Finally stopped after about five years.

throwaway4578 ago

I didn't try a faraday cage. About the only thing I didn't try that I think has a shot at working, maybe.

Commoner ago

Is that a staphylococcus aureus infection on your nose? Is it like a boil?

mooteensy ago

@Commoner I currently have a staphylococcus aureus infection inside my nose. It bleeds then scabs, and never fully heals. Sometimes it gets better, sometimes it gets worse. My ENT just confirmed the staph, and he believes I might also have MRSA. Could you maybe explain to me why you guessed that? I'm wondering if it could be of any help to me.

BugsBunnyMirror ago

@commoner You know the cure for MRSA is manuka honey.

The way to heal infection is with garlic, crushed ten minutes prior to application to produce the chemical allicin. It was a favorite of Herodotus.

Chilli is anti-inflammatory. Coconut oil is anti-fungal, anti-viral. As well as this, infections are unable to thrive in a balanced body which is not straying from the natural PH of blood. Apple Cider Vinegar helps to maintain this level, take it daily. If your body is resistant to healing, it is likely you are experiencing a vitamin and mineral deficiency.

Commoner ago

Thanks, I will pass on to @mooteensy. If it is IN their nose, I would think a long strong round of antibiotics would work ...and maybe some honey inside the nose? There are a lot of strange skin conditions and other stuff out there now that I don't think anybody knows about. After all, it is called 'practicing medicine".

BugsBunnyMirror ago

Garlic is an antibiotic.

Commoner ago

I took a microbiology class in college. One of our test labs was to isolate and grow out a mixture of different bacteria for identification. Anyway, one of the bacteria was staph aureus and it is pretty contagious because the lab instructor who kept a good distance from us students doing the lab work, ended up with a big boil on his nose a few days later that looked pretty much like the pic that artificialduality posted. A big boil right on the tip of the nose is something you just don't forget once you see it. The lab instructor, besides being irate, knew what it was right away. I always assumed it was something you were more likely to get in a hospital, so that is why I thought about it. I don't know much more than that.

ArtificalDuality ago

No it is not. This was very localized, where an involved person touched my nose. Rather, I touched her cheek with my nose during an innocent birthday kiss to the cheek.

Farm2Table ago

Butt cheek?