ArtificalDuality ago

It is important to note that besides the known big religions, spiritualism is not exclusive to those three. Many cultures have their own form of spiritiual connection with their surroundings, the world they live in, eventually tying up to the universe and its infinicy. Within all of these, there are likewise, good aligned phylosophies and evil aligned phylosophies.

What the evil cult that took most of the world is doing, of which this article is examplary, is to paint evil the bits of cultures' good . So that in the end, we would end up fighting the wrong (good) people again and in actuality serve the Babylonian cult's evil agenda of eradicating all that's good, if we were to blindly listen to CNN and their other doctrine-cannon outlets.

This happend with the Aboriginals, the Native Indians and apparently, now the Haitians are targeted to discredit their efforts in beliefworthiness and contribution at busting the Babylonian filth that's slowly taken large parts of the world.

CNN did the same thing very recently with the brain-eating thing where they visited this Cannibalist Tribe, where they attempted to portray this as being "Hindu". Well, this tribe in no way represents Hinduism as a whole. Same deal here, smearing an inherently omni-dual religion and paint it as evil.

ArtificalDuality ago

I haven't noticed the article, but given the fact that they published on the 17th is clearly stating that yes, this is NWO dis-information / marginalization, false-truthing.

Here's what the importance of #17 is, reply below:

ArtificalDuality ago

Know Thy Enemy: Number 17. The Babylonian World Order "flash-signature".

The Number 17.

I now have collected such a huge number of references that I've got a 100% signal. There is NO trace of noise left. What's so significant about number 17?

Well. The (satanic) occult is about hiding things in plain daylight. As with the devil's horns and the OK sign, number 17 is used as a "flash-signature" to indicate a number of things. The most important ones being:

  • Showing allegiance to their (Luciferist) cult. This is the most common reason.

  • Instructing followers of the cult to support any designed narrative surrounding the item / event that shows the flash-signature. This one is significant, because through this, they can communicate from the few (one or two guys flashing their signatures) to the many; all loosely aligned members at every place in society. You will see below.

Now, what is so special about 17 and how does it relate to Luciferist occultism? Well. 17 is the short-hand form for the number of the beast 666. Get your math-hat on:

The key to unlocking this number is the Prime Numbers table. But before I will get to it I will need to explain something about prime numbers first. A prime number is defined by a number of factors:

  • Only dividable by the number itself.

  • Only dividable by 1.

  • Any other divisor must yield a fractal number. This is the condition that makes a prime number a REAL prime number and not a pseudo-primenumber.

1 is officially not a prime number. Yet the first two conditions are met. Since both conditions are written the same way (1/1 (by number), 1/1 (by 1)), this is not regarded a prime number. Further more, there's nothing else left to divide it by.

2 is officially a prime number. However, this is NOT a REAL prime number. Why? Yes 2/2 ends up to be non-fractional. And so does 2/1. However, there's still not anything else to divide it by (the 3rd condition is not met). Yet it is regarded a prime number because the first 2 conditions are met. And unlike 1, the two conditions don't look the same. But, for it to be a true prime number, it must be divisbable by something else that must yield a fractional number. And with 2 it does not. This is the sole reason, why 2 is the ONLY even prime number. All other prime numbers are odd numbers ALWAYS:

3 can be divided by itself (3/3) and 1: (3/1). There's something else to divide it by, a 2: 3/2 ends up to be a fractional number. So, all 3 conditions are met. This is the first REAL prime number.

Now, let's take a look at the real prime numbers in the prime number table and look at number 17:

  • 17 is the 6th real prime number. There's the first 6.

  • 17 is the 3rd, 2-digit real prime number. 3x2 = 6. There's the second 6.

  • The difference between 1 and 7 is....6. There's there third 6.

17 packs three 6'es into it as you can see. And that is why it is used often. Now; let's take a look at known references that employ the number 17 into it. Get ready and be shocked:

[email protected]

Hillary Clinton's sender email address. She used this email address a LOT in her email correspondence. It's known that other sequence numbers worked too when she was being mailed to, but this is the address she would use as the sender address.

A side note, the other address she used as a sender was [email protected]. This is also a well thought-out choice in address makeup. HDR are her maiden initials. Why not HRC as she's mostly known by? Hardly anywhere one would see HDR. Well. The reasoning is this: The 'C' is already denoted by the domain name: 'C' To not duplicate the C reference, she had to pick another (or no) letter. However, she was adamant about having 3 letters. I'll tell in a bit why. To get 3 letters without using the 'C', she instead used the initial of her much less widely known maiden name 'Diana'. Hillary Diana Rodham. This results in 'hdr'. The 22 appendage is well-chosen as well. Because, when you'd use the letter count (3), you will get 322. And what does 322 stand for? Yes. The Sculls & Bones Yale Secret Society. Lynn Forrester de Rothschild was also a Harvard student. Hillary used this email box to communicate with Skulls & Bones members. Every person she mailed to, using [email protected] as the sender, is a Skulls & Bones member.

File #17

This was the supposedly released file that would show the Saoudi's to be behind 9/11. In the bigger whole, you'll realize this was not a coincidential sequence number of files. No, it was a deliberately picked name for the document: File Number Seventeen. In light of 'support-the-narrative', this was to suggest the Saoudi's were being 9/11 while we all know that is not the case. It basically says, support our blame-game!

17 Intelligence Agencies

A whopping 17 intelligence agencies purportedly told it were the Russians behind the DNC hacks all along. Support the narrative!

Extortion 17

The code-name for the helicopter that had the SEAL team aboard that got blown up; the SEAL team that was said to have captured and taken out Osama Bin Laden. They had to be gotten rid of because they would know too much. Google Abel Danger on this. With this, the cabal told they did it, this take-down.

MH-17, July 17th 2014

A double-whammy. The tail number of this plane was changed almost last-minute to be number 17. The date of this flight was on the 17th of July. The Russians did it. Europe, support the narrative! Both Samantha Powers and Jan Timmermans (NL) pointed fingers at Russia almost even before the aircraft hit the ground. Yes, support the narrative.

Vid 17

The video posted here at VOAT. Dearman the child pornographer.

Bill Maher and his $1.700.000 charge to one of his child abuse victims that spilled the beans (for violating a 'contract')

The number 17 is worked into financial sums as well, in any variation. The absolute amount doesn't matter, so long the 17 is clearly visible, like $ 1.700 does the same thing.

Other usages of 17:

In advertisements: 17 items you got to check out! Check out #17, the hottest item! And so on. Basically a "this is us, we were here" usage of the flash-signature.


As you can see, the number is used with high-profile geopolitical events and issues. It's their most covert way to flash their presence since the number itself does not suggest anything other than being just a number. So they make heavy use of it. But, I've noted the pattern over the past years and recognized it to be of intelligent doing. When I looked at the prime-number table, I saw instantly what it meant. Here you have it. This essay proves conscious intent with the usage of number 17. It is an occult flash-signature to stamp with statements and events, representing the number of the beast.

When you note any use of the number 17 with high-profile items you will know the Criminal Sektarian Global Syndicate is saying 'hi' and asks 'followers' to support the narrative displayed by the item the number is used in.

And yes, with this CNN article we again see the use of an 'obscure' 17 that tells "hey cult-fellas! Support this narrative!".

neo50 ago

Wow, thanks for the education. I didn't realize their numbers had such meaning, other than 666 and 13.

lordoftheonionrings ago

Now that's interesting, didn't make that connection but thought it was strange that this article came out now of all times.

derram ago | :

Demystifying Vodou: Sorting through distortions (Opinion) -

'Recently some evangelical Christians have resurfaced the explicit claim that the Vodou spirits are demons working for the devil. '

'Elizabeth McAlister is a religion and African-American studies professor at Wesleyan University, whose expertise is on Haitian Vodou. '

'"The Serpent and the Rainbow" was the first time I saw Haiti and Vodou on the big screen. '

'For that reason, French slave owners considered Vodou a threat and that is why it has been grossly misrepresented by white colonists and Haitian political and spiritual leaders alike. '

'Vodou shares much with Christianity, and Vodou initiates must be Roman Catholic. '

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