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ArtificalDuality ago

EMERGENCY: In a behind-the-doors (international) Trial this very same woman listed in this opening,m according to profile 'R' previously talked about supposedly now convinced that my online presence and truth was false!!

THEY ARE GOING TO DO IE! My mother is on the menu too...! Currently I am drugged, harassed with EM, buddy taps and everything. I've relied on all that's good in the infinite and beyond! This post stands.

I have full proof of my own history, my capabilities that I was never able to show. I've never been present at the case and as suich had no chance to defend myself in any case.

I AM going to be dog-food. The game is NOT over.

One more thing, this type of cannibalism is not religion dependant. I've already suffered all sorts of EM attacks up to bleeding from my crotch and other body parts. They (the defense of this woman and the woman herself) likely marginalized everything AND they are applying the "Inversion of Guild" principle.

I'm banking on a last stand by word. At worst, keep watching how I'm going to be snatched. The target location for their Luciferistic offering will be at the "Catshuis", the hideout of former Queen Beatrix.