ArtificalDuality ago


I again managed to find a new job. It's in the northern part of the country, close to Leiden in Holland. The first work day is the beginning of April. As it looks now and witnessed from the sytethic telepathic network, they're letting me off the hook for this year's satanic ritual sacrifice and scheduled me for the next year, if I won't be subverted to their NWO narrative before that, playing along with them. Now, like said, one of the two collegues at the ZorgNed company that I left after having discovered Satanic school of thought presence are now up for sacrifice. I'm not too sue whether I should post names. But it may be watched for. I've spoken out the names in my home though.

Alternatively, they want to conventionally kill me, being frustrated over the damask, again in a horrid fashion that was detailed to me by this profile 'R' on the telepathic network. I will remain a target as long as I don't let myself be subverted and remain active on forums, being part of the Human Global Collective.

Even though I have this new job, it will NOT mean I subverted to them. I can and will always be able to answer to the Question of Morality (see my posting history on this and proof of its validity). I won't be betraying alliances to evil because I don't have any.

It's gonna be quite the travel back and forth from the new job and nobody at the location knows about me (region wise) so the signal-to-noise ration isn't too good as if I were to work close to home in my own region. But we'll see. I'll keep an indefinite trust in the infinite good.

As for 3/22, today, so far I haven't noticed anything in (mainstream) news that could qualify as a high-profile evil false flag event, but there is a precursor to one possibly:

The staged chemical attack supposedly by Assad forces on civillians (Source: ZeroHedge). There has been some buzz about heightened activity pertaining to this event the past days.

I'll check in every so often.

ArtificalDuality ago


A lot has been going on in the past days, on the mental plane (STN) primarily. As far as staying up in the system of having a job etc I was almost grounded and had to contact social welfare and another supportive group. I did manage to find a new job. But it was like getting the application process done was being dragged out. It started in January and it wasn't until early March where I finally received the contract in the mail. Meanwhile I had, yet again, with another recruiter (because the first application seemed to drag to a point where I would still get into trouble), applied for another job in parallel.

Guess what: that application got sealed in virtually one day. And that conversation I had with the technical CEO wasn't without esoteric flash signs either. A lot of them. Example: Article count examples went from 2300, to 600 to 36. The last 2 numbers being flash-signs. Later on more number flashing: 6, 6, and I was just awaiting the 3rd 6 and I think the guy noticed so instead of another 6 he coughed up a 12. Well, then we have an extra 6 with that 2-pack.

It looks like through their horizontal platform now show 'prove-contrary' doctrine (I said earlier in my history that all in a sudden they weren't much cooperative, them recruiters), to prove me wrong. So, I have a feeling I am ending up in another highly risky place with Satanic flashing around. I'll have to see.

I'm still in jeopardy. Our own secret service still hasn't contacted me, but some are on this synthetic telepathic network as well. It seems the malevolents are trying to incriminate me big-time and actively try to demean any notion I would have of love, like demeaning my relationship I once had with the American woman.

It is very likely that I get harassed at the new place. I'll have to see. I'm not targeted any less, seeing how it all 'moves' around me. B.t.w. the recruiter that got me into that new place has had connections to one of the companies I was placed at early Januari where I left.

Still, nobody has contacted me from our services inspite a number of attempts to get in touch with them. MH-17 is something some people want to keep hiding, as well as the Satanism with its macabre hobbies. I'm witnessing on the STN that there seems to be 'in-house' fighting as much as there is within the FBI.

I'll keep you posted. Today I will visit my mom and see how she's doing; she had a lung biopsy after they found anomalies which may be cancer. She's out of the hospital now.

ArtificalDuality ago


I'm still ok. I learnt a lot more the past days. The job didn't turn out well, so now I'm really stretching it on my finances and I'm still micromanaging it. I'll have to see how things go. What I can tell there are more targets they want to f-up for sacrifice, namely two ex-collegues at this ZorgNed company where I worked for. One is mentioned in one of my previous articles; the other isn't. I learned through the STN that it is because they failed and were too obvious about the cult exposure. The one guy I listed also affirmed that the Bellingcat photo materials that were supposed to show a BUK transport in Snitzne is also fake; this was when I worked there. Upper echelons of our secret service in cooperation with Mossad are actively covering up MH17 amongst so many other things.

They're now trying to silence people and meanwhile continue to mentally quarantaine me in my own region as well as in the region my mom lives by telling people falsehoods about me, basically the inverse profiling.

More so the procurement of Satanic ritual sacrificial victims (at least the males) is by sending female assassins (they call them their Luciferas) that are then going to try to get close and seduce, hoping the victim would open the door to them and let them in. (Medusa effect). Then they're murdered and then fill their goblet. (Michael Jaxon wasn't too far off with the term 'bloodsuckers').

They (evil operatives in these secret service upper-echelons) call these 'confiscation missions'. But like said, they first blackball the victim in the neighbourhood so nobody would care about the disappearance of the victim.

The profiles I've witnessed on the synthetic telepathic network have been quite elaborate about their procedures. They like doing that.

I am not trying to flee. I'll be proof. I'll continue to find work and keep a schedule. They'll tell the neighborhood though that I would have fled (my situation). The network is vast and it takes only a few evil mental mistresses to spew a false narrative about the victim in their area of living.

I'll keep posted. 22/3 is coming closer too.

ArtificalDuality ago


While all of this seems far fetched, most of it (apart from actual first-hand experience at my former employers) is based on telepathic input from evil people that have been trying to coax me. I have been but a messenger and ran analysis on it. I didn't vet well enough and under pressure from this same evil input (death threats; highly detailed descriptions of malevolent molestation of me and my body parts) this came out. This same evil input is now trying to use all of this to paint me black totally.

What's been written has been a bit one-sided where I was explicit nonetheless, the Satanic part.

Here is something to contrast; something I wrote some months ago on VOAT as well:

[](The Absolute Duality). Good and evil sits everywhere, under 'Omni-dual' group binders like the religious labels. Luckily there are good people still; in our secret service (AIVD) as well. I'm thanking those that have been of support one way or another.

ArtificalDuality ago


Apparently there has been some sort of a covert court case, which I witnessed bits from through the STN.

It is over now and there are a number of things I learned:

  • I shouldn't have called Porosjenko a Nazi (for the school of thought going on in the Ukraine, along with the relentless assaults on the Donbas)

  • In this courtcase, they offered up as fall-guys, including the two women that I spoke of in the opening post and the linked post. Apparently they have been convicted for having enabled of exposing Satanic NWO school of thought by me. (internal reprimande)

For this, the evilists plan to feed me to sharks in Mogadishu.

I still have a job application and I can get new work, although it's not my primary field of expertise.

I want to pass on another big heads-up: 3/22/2018 is approach. You can expect something big. It's their favorite annual anniversary date.

14/15/16 march I will receive training for this new job. The 17th and 18th (2 3-packs of 6'es) follow closely. I don't know where this training will be held, but if it is not in-house a few yards from my home at the company site, it will be somewhere remote, where I might be disappeared and sacrificed the 17th, 18th or the 22th. I don't know.

But they're bent on killing me. The profile 'R' on the STN also told another guy multiple times that these two women were already performing extremely malevolent molestation on me mentally. Profile 'R' also spoke of letting me finish sourcecode I am working on, so their pon could confiscate the latest version of this off my CPU. (Spectre ring a bell? They steal people's IP by the boatloads if its useful to them). And then I could be disappeared he noted to another malevolent member.

So. I don't know. I'll try to continue my life as normal, but here are some potential narratives the evil gang is cocking up.

Take care people, these may be one of my last words.

ArtificalDuality ago

So far I'm still OK, although it doesn't take much longer before I get nudged from the system. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I still get a job in time, I'm currently having multiple interviews. I will keep you posted here.

On a side note, it's clear that the malevolents ( as I will call any malevolent people from now on ) have been "erasing" my history for years, all the work I did for various software companies, even to the point trying to claim to the outside world my resume would be fraudulent, while within the malevolent circles they still try to assimilate me into the malevolent NWO and still get me a job in which I'd be exploited and myself be presented as a malevolent NWO complicit. This wouldn't go for every employer hiring me, because there's also good (benevolent people) involved in this whole.

Personally I trust the Infinite Good unconditionally and try to keep a normal life like normal while doing little good things. To anyone still following my postings here: Thank you for your continued support.

With love.

ArtificalDuality ago


For what it's worth, at home I'm in severe stress, I'm enduring all sorts of physical anomalies like spontaneous bleedings from the scrotum and perhaps locations internally.

I also have a severe pain in my neck as if a steel string is tightened continuously. It has all to do with whether I concede mentally to evil or not. Still trying to get through it. However the outlook seems bad and of what I've noted from the mental plane, I could be kept in eternal severe pain through some life-support system. Maybe be placed in an AI, maybe pulverized in a wood mill, I don't know.

I'm trying to trust as much as I can on my own microbiome. I'm seeing docs as well, but it may be possible that any of the people I come in contact with pass out a deadly "buddy-tap" while other people may be undoing these and perhaps apply ones of their own. Disclaimer: by no means am I suspecting any person I meet or have been meeting, I assume people's best wishes and help towards me; that it may prevail the evilists.

Still hanging in there albeit under severe conditions. Love you all.

I feel like a pin-ball.

ArtificalDuality ago

One more note: I am still a fully spiritual, sovereign autonomy! I have not been shilling for ANY GROUP-BINDER. No (religious) group can lay claim to the Infinity Framework and its model of reasoning behind it, based on our current "Frame of Reference" and the ultimate abstraction "Difference".

It is important for everyone to know that the knowledge is FOR EVERYONE, it's PUBLIC DOMAIN, a GIFT to all of mankind.

ArtificalDuality ago

UPDATE: During my sleeping, the suspects surrounding the case that's been going on on international level have marginalized my entire posting history and my persona. This they did through the principles of "Maximum Distantiation Principle" - Accuse others of what they do themselves.

The Satanists do have their own mental network onto which I had been assimilated, along with a connection to the esotheric. This M.Hylkema however made every male defendant in my case a puddle and coercive, making people completely ignore facts. They wanted so bad to keep it between the walls of Jericho. Especially the last few days they have been trying to manipulate me into situations where I could still have a "last evening meal" which constitutes having sex whatever the victim possibly wanted before they are going to be decapitated.

The postulate indeed was that the goblet creatures they have surgically installed decapitate reproductive organs, suck in intestines etc. These women will look like they're pregnant for some days.

The ritual is now over. What they do is to feed previously convicted (zio)-Satanists to men and women who have this genetically engineered organism in their bodies. The AI they use, and call Jade Helm keeps their collective synchronized through the Syntethic Telepathic Network (STN) on which I had been assimilated to. One of the high-priests told me all of the gory details of the procedures and who would be gobbled down etc.etc. It's an internal fight between helvetians and Mesopotamian. They fight with each other over victims whose DNA they want to consume.

Because, besides the blood drinking, that is what it is about: consumption of DNA. DNA is said to have a "junk" part. Well it is not a "junk" part. It's the cell's own private memory in which it stores its own experiences. There's much more to it on the technical side.

But point remains: They managed to reduce me to "schitzophrenic gibberish" during the times I've been resting. I've been giving meds that were both placebo and or morphine rather than the actual. my doctors (generic, lung doctor) had been sticking up for me each for their own interest, fighting over whether I should be declared schizophrenic, psychotic (which I am not).

They now claim victory over the destruction of my 'truthtree', my written texts all over VOAT and ZeroHedge. And through the "Inversion of Guild" principle keep hammering the things I had done, like calling Dijsselbloem a babylonic fuckface over his demeaning words brushing together all south Europeans.

This Auxilium job where I was about to work; yes I went in there. And indeed that woman immediately began to hook me. Offering me to park the car with her home so I wouldn't have parking fees to deal with. Even without knowing me personally, she already claimed to be so in love with me, that I was the most beautiful man on earth (Remember, they all sit on the STN).

They put DNA remains in any food or tobacco products from past Satanists and or that of Merinos. So they say. Most of this comes from what I witness on the STN I am connected to. This profile 'R' had been quite detailed on the procedure. Others present with the ritual were dutch prominents, the women I listed, some former guys of former companies I worked for that were all fed to an assigned goblet (a genetically engineerd woman to perform the decapitation procedure). "Good" Satanists get morphine so they don't feel pain when literally gobbled up. It's f'king gruwesome.

The truth still stads. Further, the two houses on either side of my apartment are stuffed with surveiance devices which, together with the set in the other side home, can create various ELF frequencies. They already tried to prep me for this ritual session by attempting to bust my seed tubes from my testicles. Causing tintling, dripping feelings. They also made my scrotum bleed spontaneously. A lot more I am subjected to. The events seem to take place over a course of a week, the size as it was.

Even Rothschilds were present I believe. There was a humongous chatter on the STN as their esoteric Talmudic kabala rituals were conducted. And a lot of screaming of people being eaten by these goblet women.

IT'S NOT OVER. And yes, my mom, also a merino, one of the sweetest women in the world is up for a next ritual already if she isn't around anymore already. Her girlfriend which is also a mental satanic handler to my mom is going to prep her.

Don't be fooled by my image; I'm a regular guy. No, it's all about what is in my head and DNA. AND...all of you don't give in to the siren calls of the babylonic whiches that keep exitating your reproductive organs all the time, making you a yes-man to them. That's their biggest weapon into reburying everything!

I'm not controlled opposition. The past days I've been trying to stay the crap alive, focusing on my body as it was assaulted by ELF and astral sex magic.

I can't tell how many buddy taps I've gotten and were undone by people on the good size while doing stuff like groceries and filling up the car..

They think they have already eliminated my identity from various systems. I've received a letter at my address with a totally different name from me! Don't be fooled by image, look at content ; bare facts. It's not over yet and I'm still very much subject to disappearance. I'm seeking help myself to stay afloat financially and I'm looking for yet another job. They are hunting. And I am the hunted.

I still thank everyone who has tried to help me and stand for me and lost their lives and reputations over this. The pure filth here is that I could never be present as a defendant when these trials have been going on. They don't deem me a too big a threat by now, but they are adamant at disappearing me. This could happen any time!

ArtificalDuality ago

EMERGENCY: In a behind-the-doors (international) Trial this very same woman listed in this opening,m according to profile 'R' previously talked about supposedly now convinced that my online presence and truth was false!!

THEY ARE GOING TO DO IE! My mother is on the menu too...! Currently I am drugged, harassed with EM, buddy taps and everything. I've relied on all that's good in the infinite and beyond! This post stands.

I have full proof of my own history, my capabilities that I was never able to show. I've never been present at the case and as suich had no chance to defend myself in any case.

I AM going to be dog-food. The game is NOT over.

One more thing, this type of cannibalism is not religion dependant. I've already suffered all sorts of EM attacks up to bleeding from my crotch and other body parts. They (the defense of this woman and the woman herself) likely marginalized everything AND they are applying the "Inversion of Guild" principle.

I'm banking on a last stand by word. At worst, keep watching how I'm going to be snatched. The target location for their Luciferistic offering will be at the "Catshuis", the hideout of former Queen Beatrix.

ArtificalDuality ago

Dear all people and other beings of this planet, I think I have been much over analyzing this whole thing and with the blood libel and in the process have been hurting a lot of people which I ask for forgiveness for all that may have ensued by my posting this. There's been going to much information and counter information going during the times I've been writing this, including with my former two employers that I have listed here along with their names.

I will carry my redemption and hereby declare invalid this opening post and the two links contained within. I've never wanted to force casualties with all this writings; in part it was based on misinformation and I have had an increasingly difficult time because of all of it.

Please leave be everyone mentioned in the threats linked, the persons I listed and doxed, including my own dox. I wasn't attentionwhoring either. I was getting more and more desperate to a point I began loosing it. I'm now seeking help so I can get myself together again and wish to express my eternal sorrow to the people I mishandled by posting and were mishandled as a result of this.

I will redeem myself one way or another and just see what comes at me in life. Just remember.. Please forgive me if it's in your abilities to do so and I will forgive those that attempted to hurt me over this.

More I can not say. As of now, I will no longer post on VOAT any more. All that I figured I'll leave in the middle. As for the infinitiy framework, to me it is a pillar of strength, something to hold on to. It was never a new religion. May everyone find strength in their own and find resolvement within their own.

Over and out. Artificial Duality. P.S. The name was not to suggest I wanted to force artificial dualities. It was a reminder that this is what keeps trouble on our beautiful planet. But I have realized they can't be just erased in one year, or eon, or solar cycle.

Last, I love everyone and anything, no exception. Please forgive....

ArtificalDuality ago

A new update. The past two days I have been at my mom and my own place, having driven back and forth 2 times. Being with my family and the pets have given me love, which I have been returning likewise. You have to know I'll continue my life like normal, trying to do the little things, the little good in life. I've never wanted to inadvertedly harm anyone or anything. Please forgive my call to arms in heavy emotion. It is not I who is to decide. That's something I have to leave to The Infinite whole. I am sorry.

ArtificalDuality ago

Hello all, a small update. I've been under serious assault the past 10 hours, having almost given up. But I have NOT given up. I'm standing still, and fighting still. Everything stands despite of what you've might been told. That's the seriousness of scope of this.

I'm still standing for the absolute values of the good, as I've posted about before here. Love. Life, Compassion, Empathy, Consideration, Truth, Selflessness... Thus, serve-whole. The power of the individual is to work together as one whole... And remember.. We are all looking at the very same stars.

Love all of you good guys, always. I am not a spoof. I'm still the real me. I can always validate and verify that with any of you fighting the good fight.

The past hours have shown you though what the malevolent are trying to do...

ArtificalDuality ago

More: I've gone to my mother this night to at least have a chance to say good bye to her, that my end is impending. The satanist cabalists are out for my blood on one end.

I've been continued to be spammed with even more input from the various profiles that try to control me. I'm being assigned their women; they're trying to find replacement SRA victims from their own ranks to avoid having to sacrifice me. These day, it goes rather horrendous so I've learned. I may still be up for sacrifice. I can feel I am being prepared again (apopstosis of semen tube cells).

The "buddy-tap" I received from an ex collegue that was the contributor to the anomaly on my nose was that of malevolent (astral) microbes. That why they want to destroy the semen tubes of a merino man so that they won't be affected by semen of loving men (merinos in their language). So yeah, there is that as to why mostly Christians are targeted and other good hearted people that treat people as equals.

They're trying to turn me into one of them and pass me off as controlled opposition, however, I still abide by the absolute duality and I can answer to the question of morality. This profile 'R' also let me know that most 'merino' Jews have been offered during WW II. Not all know what goes on at the higher prominent places.

ArtificalDuality ago

January 18th, 2018. We have here, 2 3-packs of 6'es. This is the day I am to sign the job application with the company I'm to work for. This may be the day of disappearance. Location? A stone's throw the museum where king Willem Alexander the 1st was murdered back in the days.

If not that day, somewhere in the (near) future. They're preparing for it.

ArtificalDuality ago

Input keeps coming, but I'm not gonna be decisive about it. It may or may not happen. I'll just list them. Their AI is cocking up their narratives based on many people's (and my input). I'll just add them here as I go:

They are:

  • They are organizing an extraction procedure through Military Unit, and present this as saving me. But in reality they would take me to Soestdijk or another place. It may also be the other way around, that it is a real extraction. Either way: my disappearance means I'm a goner.

  • The Russian Bomber that flew past Holland that told about may or may not be true and may or may not be related to my case.

ArtificalDuality ago

Okay, final reconciliation of all:

I'll leave my judgement about these 3 women I spoke of in this post and that I linked, in the middle. The factoids in regards to Hylkema are as shown.

However, all descriptions of the vulva, GMO or not, used for SRA can be discarded. These were all based on the malevolent input through the STN, the mental plane and as such I discard these. Danielle Sarlui as mentioned was associated by this malevolent input which I retract as well.

I am still in a threatened position. As my previous posts on VOAT have shown, I have been systematically harassed by former employers that forced me to leave and get out of there.

I'm still going to work with the new company and make the best out of it and be a good contribution.

ArtificalDuality ago


Over the day and night I have been witnessing a lot more through the telepathy; actually conversing with them. I have now come to the final method of how the satanic high-priest woman conducts with her vagina, the ritual.

  • It is a genetically engineered utherus they get implanted throuhg a cecarean incision. They can:

  • Mentally instruct the engineered utherus to begin growing cartilage sharp edges. The microbiome begins to grow it. This is referred to as "Activating the Goblet".

  • Mentally instruct the engineered utherus to open. It can then be sunk over the penis.

  • Mentally instruct the engineered utherus to snap. It grips the penis, and decapitates the head with it. I'm not sure of the shape of the grown sharp edges of cartilage.

  • Fill the womb with artheric blood filled with adrenochrome.

  • After filling, real goblets are filled. A satanic priest can fill multiple gobles by dosed release so that the contained blood does not oxidate and the adrenochrome remains preserved.

  • After the ritual:

  • Mentally instruct the engineered utherus to deactivate. The cartilage begins dissolving, removing all traces of evidence.

John Podesta knows all about this. He is heavily into genetic engineering. Look into this.

ArtificalDuality ago

Another update: I have to stay in the loop. So I have chosen to go with this new employer (Auxilium) after all. I have to keep going otherwise it won't end up good.

If I DO disappear or anything else happens to me, you all will know and my online posting history to be affirmed true. I will simply keep work and personal life separated and keep my signal-to-noise ratio as clear as possible.

If I let my life derail it's likely game-over for me. So yet again, I am NOT suicidal and I am still taking one for the team if I do disappear.

ArtificalDuality ago


I've noted now that through telepathy they are constantly trying to doctrinate me alternate truths in relation to the actual method of conducting the ritual itself. The slaughtering bit. They hoped I would propagate false information eventually, and yes, some of it is false.

I've been presented multiple methods of decapitation and blood draining by a female satanist now. I can describe them here, but it's really not suited for work.

One method is that they indeed undergo surgery after the womb is removed, have the vulva attached to abdominal muscles to allow them to pull the vulva inwards with fierce power, as it grips the male reproductive organ. Thus, no genetically engineered womb entry with sharp edges in there. But instead, a modified muscle layout to generate a long stroke inward.

The details vary wildy. However fact is that the women do decapitate with the vulva inside and have themselves filled up with artery blood from the torn wound. Either one way would justify a tomography to get the final say. Some of these women have been identified for what they are already.

ArtificalDuality ago

DT, TG. they are goblet chained.

ArtificalDuality ago

They have been taunting and flaunting their abilities through the mental network. It was relatively easy for me to puzzle it all together. There are good folk too, trying to deal with the menace from within.

ArtificalDuality ago

More biotechnical details:

After having given birth to children they want / need, the satanist women then have their womb removed and might be genetically engineerd into this deadly snapper. It will then have its own digestive system. When a ritual is performed, the womb mouth grabs the penis, snaps off the head which will remain inside the womb, while it also vacuum sucks in the victims blood. The blood is expelled into a real goblet after the procedure, however, it will keep the penis head inside, literally, as food. It is digested by the womb goblet creature.

ArtificalDuality ago

More updates as I'm figuring out details of this whole thing:

Cocaine. It is of essence to them. The coke they use is laced with adrenochrome and or DMT. The adrenochrome is that of a "Merino" victim been SRA'ed. They distribute it amonst lower level guys that are like light criminals, to make them temporarily immune to the goblets of their mistress women, so it won't activate on people who are still good alined, yet dable in leight criminality and drugs consumption. Once the coke is taken, semen is altered and as such, the goblet of the mistress remains inactive (i.e. dormant, "asleep"). Once activated, evil semen doesn't trigger the biting, but instead makes it drain the man continuously in an extremely sensual fashion. Once men are doctrinated to a goblet of such woman they are hooked for life and slowly evolve into more serious evil Satanism, up to the point they might actually engage in parabiosys and or cannibalism themselves.

That's why the coke biz goes hand-in-hand with this satanic malevolent cult.

think- ago

OP, do you have a friend/therapist/counsellor you can get in touch with?

ArtificalDuality ago

They can't take on this menace. The NWO elites are not who you think they are. Before referring me to to a therapist and or councellor you might want to read my entire VOAT history.. It's been a long-time coming. We're in the climax times.

think- ago

I am familiar with your Voat history, ArtificalDuality. I also know that many therapists and councellors shun away from touching anything related to Satanism and will easily dismiss any claims that someone might be targeted as complete paranoia.

I'm not saying you are not targeted. I read your post and feel that you need someone near you who might be able to help, not only the online community.

From reading your other posts, I got the feeling you are a very strong person. And it is a sign of strength that you reached out for help by contacting us.

But still, I wished there were people near you who could help.

ArtificalDuality ago

Thank you man.. I've tried to find alliance in my own country, but it's nearly not there. There's two kind of people: The complacent civilians, and the controllers that 'hide' under the suspect. CEOs, government, hospitals. Erasmus Medical Center in Rotterdam for example is a hornet's nest of these Satanist folk. Close to bodies, blood and human genetic engineering. Did you know that is is the EMC that has Einstein's brain stored?

The civilians are nice and good people, but their scope of understanding is so limited in relation to this global construction that it's futile to try to redpill them. There is one guy here in Holland I could trust, a former Military Officer that has been duped in the 90's. Mr. Karremans.

think- ago

I remember reading that there is even a pedophile party in The Netherlands?

I didn't know that Einstein's brain was stored in Rotterdam. I can imagine that Medical Centers might have been infiltrated by perps - they surely are interested in anything related to bodies.

Can you get in touch with Mr. Karremans? How is the situation in front of your house? Is there a way you can get out?

carmencita ago

That is a great idea. I believe talking to someone on the same keel will help. Staying locked up does no one any good. He must have human companionship of some kind. That is a start.

ArtificalDuality ago

I have been mentally quarantained (falsely profiled in a fashion that makes everyone in my surroundings look down up on me) through out my life. (That's what the Rothshild canary cage wearable 'hats' represent). So I'm sorta used to it. One of the reasons I am still alive is because of the human global collective, the online community of we-the-people and my love for it.. :)

ArtificalDuality ago

Yeah there is no blocking of anything. I can just leave and get in the car and out of here. No, I can't get in touch with him... not sure if it would be a good idea either. He's being controlled too. I'm pretty much SOL

think- ago

I will be online for another hour or so. Feel free to PM me.

I have sent you prayers and benign energy, to help to protect you.

carmencita ago

Have to go out now. Won't forget to get back to you. Can you see your Mother or take a friend out on a trip to the country? You need fresh air and a clear mind. I know that is impossible in your state of mind but, at least to get out of your surroundings.

MolochHunter ago

unclear what to make of this. Is this the delusional product of a pathological need to feel important, to make a contribution?

carmencita ago

No, it is just someone that has had problems through out life and now is reaching out for help. All of us at some point in our lives have felt left out of life and isolated. But this may be something much more serious. Idk, but I and @think are trying to do our best. We sincerely needed someone that lives near him or in that area to reach out to him with a helping hand. Now since this has been deleted that will not happen.

MolochHunter ago

well I'm glad you care enough, in any case

ArtificalDuality ago

No, it's reality. The IC is aware of me for quite some time and in fact, I have been working with them in an "open-letter" style through public forums. By reading my entire post history here and on ZeroHedge you are going to find out. For example, start by reading the bottom two links of the post and go from there.

carmencita ago

Who deleted this? I did not even get to read it all. To even get to up or down voat it. OP did you delete this or a mod?

finska ago

This is the weirdest thing Ive ever read. This poor guy. I dont know how to help him.

carmencita ago

He needs someone near him to reach out and give him a helping hand. This has been deleted so we can not expect that now. I am hoping that he can hook up with some type of help to best decide what type of help he needs. Being so far away does not help. I and someone else are trying to do what we can. Sometimes people just need someone to listen. I have a feeling though that he needs something more as well.

ArtificalDuality ago

Na nothing of the sort. You supported the Targeted Individual thread and the happenings to me. And although I don't expect you to believe what I've posted here, most of these final hypothesis and conclusions come from the same telepathic network that targeted individuals are familiar with once they get hooked in.

So I'm ignoring most of it now as one big differentiator is that the input goes either one way, or the other way in a very hyperbolic fashion.

I thank you for your concern though... :)

carmencita ago

I know. Maybe putting all our heads together we can come up with something. I certainly hope others will join in on here.

ArtificalDuality ago

MF deleted it Carmencita..

carmencita ago

That's what I figured. Thank you for the response and for your Heart Rendering Post. You are in my Prayers. We will do whatever we can and that is in our power.

ArtificalDuality ago

I hope so, I need all the good help I can get now, your good deeds will be known.

ESOTERICshade ago

Take your personal info off of the post. I think you will be glad later that you did.

ArtificalDuality ago

The post can not be edited any more.

carmencita ago

Do you have any friends that live near you, that can at least be some comfort right now. You might not even talk about this to them. I just think you may need some friendship, even some time for a cup of coffee or a beer. It may ease your tension for the moment. Can you stay with your Mother?