ArtificalDuality ago

You see, I am an information scientist for one, an engineer for second. I know about logic and data; processes and information. A human can be seen as a process. Anything that happens due to humans and nature itself can be seen as information. Processes that act up on and produce; modify information. The human psyche in large part describes the 'process' in light of information science. As such, the workings of a human at the psychological level have been very important. I've been studying the human psyche at the metaphysical level for near 30 years to figure out primary workings.

By looking at history, leaning about all the things in the world that I could get my hands (eyes) on, I then, being the engie that I am, reverse-engineered the information through history, to identify the processes that were the cause of the information being the way it is over history. I call this 'dataset' a "Time-Space-Cube". What I am saying here, I've been able to identify the existence of an evil power structure on our planet and how it would actually have to be made feasable given our reality. Including how it manages to stay hidden for the most part. It also allowed me to crack a number of their codes which are in actually essential communication means to them. Again, information between them, seen as processes. This abstract information model of humans and other creatures on our planet with all its physics I then began to overlay on our concrete world. Beginning to isolate and identify concrete persons, organizations, platforms etc. adhering to the abstract model. So I now may have just painted a target on my arse.

But yes, that's the how and why =)

equineluvr ago

Alien bullshit = TOTAL FAIL.

Those "craft" were most likely U.S. military.

ArtificalDuality ago

Nope they were not and besides, it was a single craft. Not in 1996 in the Netherlands. You are not going to defy my mom's and my first-degree experiences. You are not going to defy my scientific knowledge in many fields. You are not going to defy my knowledge about cultures that are part of this planet, past and present. You are not going to defy the Inifity Framework which is the theory that The Inifinite, of which all and everything is part of, exists. The Inifite exists. And we are all looking at the very same stars. You are not going to defy that a number of cultures past and present embedded this knowledge in various ways. The Yin/Yan symbol; The Fractal, Biblical scriptures (alpha/omega/eternity), Greek Delta symbol and others.

Take it or leave it. It's your individual choice.

ArtificalDuality ago

Part #1

In light of all current discoveries in regards to #Pizzagate, #pedogate, #humantrafficing, #satanism, I present you the big picture. I'm 41 years old. Versed in many sciences while also highly spiritual. These two are no polarities but in reality, an enhancement to each other. For ~30 years, I've consumed every bit of information I could find since the dawn of the Internet. To find the truth. The absolute truth. The reason? To find a solution, to, through knowledge, be able to put an end to horrors, wars and other atrocities that have plagued mankind for centuries. A solution that would theoretically, yield zero victims, casualties. All the science, the entire quest to come to this was massive; only to realize the answer was so simple: The individual's conscious choice between good and evil. But to prove that, I would have to find a way through science. Because that is a universal language throughout modern mankind.

Growing up in the world we live in, eventually ending up in the working corporate in IT, I began to understand that something was not right with our world. Our societies. Our planet. It felt sorely demoralizing. Slowly realizing, that our planet was ruled by evil people that at worst, could destruct our planet, like through a nuclear cascade, a red-button bonanza. At that time I already had learnt that life beyond earth seemed to be more than just a rumour. Having lost faith in mankind overcoming this evil, I did something. I mentally transmitted an emergency call for help. From my heart and soul. To anything out there who might be willing to help these puny humans in overcoming the looming darkness that seems to engulf our planet.

Not one month later, my mother told me in private about something she had witnessed when she was talking to a neighbor a few blocks away, while siting in his yard in the early evening. She had witnessed that evening, some tens of miles away, that must have been from the location of a military base close to our home, a firey spiral that shot up into the sky. Apart from noting it, she had not given it further attention. A little later however, she began to notice a low, heavy sound. And she looked up. A craft was hovering about 50 - 100 meters above the houses, almost right above her. A triangular craft, that had no signs of propulsion anywhere. It only had 3 lights on each corner, like search lights. It hovered above there for an aproximate of 30 seconds to a minute, after it then accellerated away from the direction it apparently came from at such an amount of G's that no humans could have piloted it (but flattened instead). The neighbour did not hear sounds and in fact, he went inside his home leaving my mom, while exlaiming "I'm seeing flying pigs!" unable to believe what he saw. My mom however was not freigtened. She was captivated instead.

She never talked about this to anyone else but me and my brother. Both my mom and I have O rhesus negative (O-) blood. Blood relatives. Much later in my life (the inquiring scientist I was) I've always left it in the middle what the craft could be. Human (advanced military), or of E.T. origin. There were parts of wishful thinking in me as well as occam's razor type objective thinking. Only some years ago I sat again with my mom to query her for specifics which she would always be willing to talk about. Queries designed to ultimately determine whether it would be of human origin or E.T. origin. The outcome? E.T. origin. The call for help was heard. It is family love that allowed me to establish this. We are not alone on this. But we need to change and elevate our thinking before their help can be really effective:

E.T. Message to Mankind: "Do You Wish That We Show Up?"

There's another culture on this planet that has prophesized about the timeline of our planet as well:

The Hopi (Native Americans) Prophecy Explained

You can learn about the Hopi Indians here and find out they were and are very intelligible and compassionate people, unlike what the Babylonian World Order would like us to believe. However, the explanation given for the prophecy in this article is a lot of Babylonian disinformation to hide the real truth from us.

Now with this, let me continue (reply below):

ArtificalDuality ago

Part #2

It really takes off in the times of Ancient Babylon. Babylon is known for the times where men abandoned God and wanted to build the Tower of Babylon to rule from the skies and become gods themselves. King Solomon, the son of David in fact was not so much a nice guy. He was into Babylonian Occultism. The books describing this sinister side of Solomon were never bundled in what is now the Bible. However, the Vatican houses these and other books which are kept secret from us. The Babylonian Occult (School of Satan / Lucifer) throughout history made it into what is now known the Vatican.

Similarly, during the 8th century, the European region Khazar housed a malevolent King who was posed by the Russians of that time to pick one of the 3 primary religions and abandon the occult. They had to choose from Christianity, Islam and Judaism. They chose Judaism and still sprinkled it with the Babylonian occult and continue their practices. These are the ascendants of those who today call themselves "Jew" but are in fact followers of Babylon and Lucifer. Examples of these are today's Rothschild bloodline, the Rockefellers and Soros. But there are many more that have sworn allegiance to the Babylonian cult. The Khazar region of the past is today's Ukraine. That is why the Ukraine plays such a big deal in today's events and why many of these modern day politicians have a direct link with the Ukraine or otherwise have an affiliation with it.

This Babylonian cult is witnessed in so many cultrue and structures today. The European Union parliament building in France represents the Tower of Babel. Even its architecture shows an 'unfinished' tower, referencing the fact that God intervened during Ancient Babylon, where the tower got never finished and unfaithful people were dispersed. The whole of EU is riddled with this Babylonian, Luciferist occultism. It has 666+13 = 679 seats in the parliament building. Seat 666 is always left empty. The building sports a statue at its entrance that displays a woman riding the beast. And last year, they celebrated one of their biggest feats, connecting Switzerland with the the rest of Europe through the Gotthard Tunnel, whose Grand Opening was nothing short of a pure, evil display of Satanism / Luciferism. In the ritual you can see references to the future outlined further down this article.

What is referred to as the "New World Order" is in fact, the Babylonian World Order. The western world and notably the European Union is, in actuallity, "New Babylon". Basically, ancient Hebrew Jewry (following the Torah) had been hi-jacked a long time ago by this Babylonian cult. The Babylonian Khazar created what is known as the Babylonian Talmud, which was an artifically created (by humans) scripture that embeds these Luciferist phylosophies. Amongst one being the creation of the supremacy concept (which is found in parts of other religions as well), giving rise to terms like "goy" and "gentile".

Those Babylonians owning and conquering the world are NOT semites. This was proven by an Israeli scients that did DNA research into Jewish heritage. Those Babylonians are not Jews (inspite of what they say, they use it as a mental body armor). They are Babylonian Luciferst scum fucks. Babylonia is very alive today and it is the greater evil we face. The importance here is to realize though that this cult keeps it occult evil hidden from its low tier, insignificant members. Whoelse would want to follow a cult of evil? The evilist are going to need followers for their agenda. (Meaning, judge the individual and don't go broad-brush on anything that smells "Jew").

What really happened in WW 2 is that the Babylonian filth calling themselves "Jew" in fact mass-killed Jews that follow the Torah. George Soros is known to have turned in Jews to the Nazis. That were Torah Jews. While today he's using the "Anti-Semite" mental body armor meme to divert away attention from his evil doings, past and present. This is why Putin called him a "dragon". Referring to the Babylonian Serpent cult. Here you can hear a radio interview with a Babylonian rabbi, Abe Finkelstein. It's gross.

Well this piece provides plenty to start further research. Don't turn this into a Jew (or Christian, or Muslim) witch-hunt. Don't fall for these artifical (evil humans created) dualities. Turn the duality-disk 90 degrees, meaning, look at everyone by whether they are truely good or evilish . There's only one duality. The absolute duality that's Good and Evil. Neither look at race, religion, color, whatsoever. They look at wether one would let either one in or not.

That is the solution to fixing this bump in the road mankind as a whole faces. On to a better world. So we can stop them from (their planned agenda):

  • Conquer Russia, China

  • Conquer Iran

  • Finish the LHC portal to Kepler 452b (that side's up and running already) and pour in Lucifer and its army of deamons which are in fact E.T.s, some are here as scouts already to guide the Babylonian filth with technologies required for this and the following:

  • Continue Terraforming of Earth through solarshield technology by chemtrailing aluminum particles into our stratosphere. The shield keeps in heat energy on the night-side of Earth and prevents it from cooling down enough. These E.T.s like heat better than we do.

  • Build the new Temple of Solomon, the final Seat of Lucifer.

  • Enslave mankind (already done) and exploit them every conceivable way. Amongst one of these being to litterally feast on and harvest from innocent defenseless (young) people. ( THIS IS THE PIZZAGATE / PEDOGATE / HUMAN TRAFFICING LINK )

  • These E.T. will eventually dump and eradicate remaining humans and claim the planet as their new colony planet.

See? Even earthly Babylonian servants will become the hunted after they are no longer useful idiots. Ah well, their own mistake LOL. Once we learn that these E.T.s are the evil ones, we can in fact start welcoming the good ones before the evil ones get to coax us into thinking they are actually the good ones and mistakenly attack those that want to help Earth and humans.

  • The evil E.T.s: Reptilian class (Annunaki/"Serpent People", Greys, Tall Whites) from constellation Draco near the Northern Cross, Orion Constellation region the star systems Zeta Reticuli, Rigol.

  • The good E.T.s: Arcturians from the Bootes constellation, Pleiadeans from the Pleiades star system, originally from Lyra.

There are many more, but these are most prominent in regards to human history. However, with this piece of text we are ahead of the plans of these evil ones and help save ourselves from attacking the wrong guys when Babylonian World Order endorsed disclosure about E.T. life will come.

The Final Countdown

ArtificalDuality ago

Here are the depopulation mechanics employed by them to reach the target of half a billion people:

  • Big Gender through: Pushing LGBTABKRIGJJDH....EHFGSD as the norm, decreasing numbers by inhibiting offspring through: Same sex intermingling; transformed sex which renders reproduction inhibited. Pushing "differential-equality-displacement" through Feminist Supremacy and Machochist Supremacy which kills off the ability to establish spritial bonds of eqality ( Love ) between the man and woman. It will be competitions ( Ego ) because of mutual supremacy in which there often is no place for children and equality morals.

  • Big Pharma through: prescription preference for, but not limited to: Unnecessary medication, detrimental strong medication, ending up in a cascade of added meds to combat effects of others.

  • Big Bio: Mastercrafted epidemics of engineered virusses; if not outright killing, then feeds pocked of Big Pharma. Vaccins through malicious additives, fertitilty inhibiting (Keyna Cholera prevention, HPV cancer prevention).

  • Big Food: Aspertame and many other additives to have people end up with Big Pharma; Reproduction inhibiting additives.

  • Big Industry: Carciogenics in many materials used in every day lives. (Asbest, plastics etc), all making people end up with Big Pharma.

  • Big Military : Wars to be waged to conquer the world and claim it as New Babylonia Lucifer's own.

Now you also see how they make money off of the de-population at the same time, because most methods send people straight into Big Pharma. They get away with it because the majority of people are ignorant of the sciences and have no access to equipment to test these things to be truths.

And remember, all the money generated by Big Babylon is by them seen as a shared resource as far as pushing the common Babylonian Agenda goes.