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ArthurEdens ago

Excellent question

ArtificalDuality ago

They use an algorithm for the symbols. It's not so much "Twitter" doing it. All the big-wig CEOs and socio-spheres are part of the global satanic / pedo cartel as a lifestyle. A way of life. Using the symbols tells sympathizers that their ideas are implicitly endorsed by the platform while the pedo normalization campaigns run rampant through their other Silicon Valley Maffia buddies like Google and YouTube. That is why anti-pedo tweets get banned (anti-tolerance) while pro-pedo tweets are left up. Here is the algorithm rule-set I posted in the original thread on this They use more algorithms to communicate their presence and intent.

Archive, and spread this knowledge in appropriate channels as much as possible so LEO gets to know about this cult's way of communicating, while learning how to recognize their "footprint" on events and information transpiring.

ArthurEdens ago

Having a hard time visualizing what you described

ArtificalDuality ago

Which part... the algorithms, or the concept of really evil, highly educated and technologically advanced people covertly employing extremely nefarious acts, with their circle of friends..? The concept of evil people around at the highest of levels?

If that is the case (hold on to yourself, make sure you have a solid spiritual to hold on to)... The allure of a prominent Dutch Software Engineer that developed Dutch ATM software turning out to be nothing short of a Monster. Things like these are not isolated cases... This sucker was just unluckily (lucky for us!) bust.

At that, he was sentenced to (again the flash sign) 17 years of prison. (See the 2nd link above, 1st link about the number 17 there in).

ArthurEdens ago

This part. What does it look like in context

EDIT: Posted by: ArtificalDuality - They're replacing user handles with post ID keys. Beware!!!!

You got an absolute POSITIVE:

Here is the match pattern to determine whether something is meant to be a pedo symbol:

Single out-line drawn object. Line continuation from the original object that replicates the object surrounding the original object. >("spiral-effect", independent of shape) Must be a 2-level nesting of the object. (Unless they go multi-generation orgy?)

ArtificalDuality ago

I don't understand you. Can you please be more specific. What you refer to by 'it' ? And then, which context? The criteria I stated are the abstract elements that must make up the symbol. These abstracts form the basis for making it a pedo symbol. The actual shape of the object (triangle, circle, hearts, square) denote the type of pedophilia. The triangle represents man/boy fetish (I refuse to call it 'love'). The hearts so far seem to mean, according to FBI, woman/girl fetish. I don't know this sub dialect more than what the FBI has released. I've only extracted the abstract criteria that all pedo symbols meet regardless of their concrete art form.

ArthurEdens ago

okay I understand now. You're describing the different spirals. Thanks. I thought you were describing some new searchable symbols twitter was hiding

ArtificalDuality ago

Okies :) Yeah.. it's an abstract rule set (can call it 'theme') that will help on deciding whether something is meant to be a pedo symbol (of what ever sub-fetish)