Pizzalawyer ago

Alex's activities are far more subtle than those of Rene O. who was busted in 1994 for illegal weapons chargss and child abduction who reportedly had plans ( or fantasies) of bringing children to his apartment in order to torture and murder them and then feed their remains to pirahnas. His name comes up in connection with several posts back in December on Bubblegum Satanism, that is the marketing of Satanic images and concepts to small children via youtube. Never leave your children unsupervised with youtube videos

ArtificalDuality ago

I didn't know that bit regarding A. O. Has he (and his network) been subject of investigation yet?

Rmm ago

Very insightful post thanks for sharing

ArtificalDuality ago


  • Strategizer logo: Black / White inversion. Embedded slice element (pizza).
  • Children being cattled into a building by Guy in Black 1. These guys are drawn bigger than any of the other participants in the picture. Denotes ruling over / supremacy. Both Guys in Black seem to be coordinating.
  • Light-bulbs with each of the Guys in Black: Illumination -> Illuminati movement reference.
  • Sun: Depicted at a low angle, a morning sun. The rising sun -> Lucifer.
  • Sun: Way too many rays for picturing a sun. It has exactly 34 sun-rays. That is 2 x 17 (click for significance of 17). One 17 for each of the Guys in Black as they are coordinating
  • Kids thrown in lab vial: Disposal of victims (that what René O has been bust for).
  • Wires from the lab vial machine connecting the display that shows a "Risk Graph" with a down-ward slope -> Service indicates low-risk, untraceable disposal of victims.
  • Big Twig / Small Twig in middle-section. --> Pedo symbol.
  • Medic guys at vial: Medical expertise present; René O's girlfriend had access to medical equipment to shoot gyneacology related porn movies.

As far as I am concerned; this guy is involved with the logistics of child-trafficking where as his company offers ways to get close to schools and possibly watch for, pick, select victims.

The connection to Switzerland is important; Italy + Switzerland are the 'root' of historical Black Nobility as outlined in this thread here.

There may be more references that I have not picked up on.

Laskar ago

Agreed on all counts. Thanks for this post. Excellent find.