Silverlining ago

Laskar ago


Jem777 ago

Just wanted to respond that again and again you post the most difficult truths of all. No matter if it is in Swiss or in SF with Goathill & Pelosi your ability to see evil and understand this is about Luceferianism is remarkable.

ArtificalDuality ago

What can I say.. other than that I've had reason throughout my life to keep my eyes peeled and silently witness what happened to me and the world around me. In recent months, almost up to about one and a half a year I have began to tell and explain about all these things. I'm 41 years old and spent a considerable part of that figuring out why the world is in such dismay, since childhood. I also realized both science and spirituality had to be brought together and no longer be considered opposites.

The end result of this life quest is a frame of knowledge that allows me to see this evil. I have figured out some stuff and if you would look at my full post history (notably the thread about "The Big Picture"), you might, additionally, learn where I'm coming from. I didn't just spend time to figuring out the 'problem' to then put the finger on - I've also thought about actual solutions (guide lines) in order to overcome the problem. If there's no solution to a problem, the problem is not going to be dealt with.

By telling all the stuff I'm posting about, all the analysis I post, I hope to contribute to the global effort that leads to containment of this gruwesome evil that runs this planet in the hope that us humans and their generational offspring would have a better world for millennia to come.

You're a good guy I can tell.

Jem777 ago

Thank you for sharing that with me. I knew from your writing that it was base on experience as well as squired knowledge. I have a belief inside that children who have been traumatized in some way or witnessed trauma become hyper sensitive to external events just like soilders do. These children are often viewed as extremely sensitive, do not adjust well to changes etc. Some act out and you see that in behavior of course which needs no explanation. Many act in which can be savant like theu crave answers for why the world is so unfair, so hurtful. They are often in helping professions trying to assist other people's problems.

Regardless the need for answers is so deep inside we search almost endlessly to make since of these very evil truths.

Your understanding of spirituality and Satanism combined with science is unparalleled. There is a group of scientists who just now have gotten to the idea that Pineal Glands are being taken and frozen. Do you mind if I connect you to them so the N. Pelosi Goathead explanation can be fully absorbed and understood.

blackfyre_rebel ago

House of Orange of Nassau...yes very much so. Fighting these sick Babylonian fucks from every country on planet Earth.

Violetti112 ago

I saw an interview yesterday with a Dutch wistleblower. This video is 5 day's old. This is a must see in relation with pizzagate. I hope some Dutch pizzagate followers can help with the translate in English. I know this link doesn't work here but click under the video on the open button and you will see the video. [ ]

helpingabit12 ago

The above video with English subs MUST SEE

ArtificalDuality ago

Interesting. The less interesting thing however is that the same channel also presents David Icke, which for a large part is a dis-info agent. I think we need to take a closer look at the guy confessing things. Also the interviewer refers to elements like MK-ULTRA while the victim did not mention it at all before. I'm a little weary about it.

There may be a possibility that this confession at a later point (when having gained more publicity) is "debunked". Still however, a lot of what he says is true. The Babylonian World Order is real.

ArtificalDuality ago

Article updated..

ArtificalDuality ago

[Moved and merged paper articles translation]

ArtificalDuality ago

This tells us that involved elites pretty much will always use their own private (secluded) properties for these deeds, rather than shared (community) buildings. Tunneling may interconnect closely related properties.

ArtificalDuality ago

Including the accidental misspelling? The first article is up in this thread :)

ArtificalDuality ago

Translation of article in first link (1993):

Sex with baby on video

By: Theo Kuypers and John van de Heuvel

AMSTERDAM, Thursday (Swiss couple in Amsterdam prison for horrid child pornography)

Swiss authorities requested to extradite as quick as possible a 39 years old Swiss, R. O. [initials of first and last name], and his 21 years old fellow country woman, A. S. whom are suspected of sexual abuse, torturing and kidnapping of children.

The suspect, nick named "The Monster of Jura", and his girlfriend were arrested by Amsterdam law-enforcement at the time of them departing their home at Droogbak [street name] in the capital [of Amsterdam]. During a property search the police found six tapes with recordings of the 39 years old Swiss sexually abusing, in a horrible fashion, three young kids, of six months, eighteen months and twelve years in age.

The police also found a UZI semi-automatic, complete with laser pointer, two hand guns and a pencil disguised fire-arm. Furthermore, a number of videotapes containing child pornography were found in the apartment.


The confiscated tapes, according to the Amsterdam Youth- and Sexual Abuse police department, contained gruesome footage of child abuse. "Such horrendous footage of child abuse we have never seen before in The Netherlands," a police spokesman said. The arrested Swiss who is visible in the footage, confessed the tapes were shot in Switzerland.

In the apartment at Droogbak the police also found a whole arsenal of medical equipment, normally used by gynecologists and pedagogues only. It came to light that R. O.'s girlfriend had bought this equipment through a wholesale for medical equipment located in the capital [of Amsterdam]. According to sex-crimes police these kind of instruments are often used for recordings of pornography. Also, professional video recording equipment had been found in the bedroom.

See more page 6 k?l 1

Translation of article in second link (continuation):

... this situation. Living separately from his wife, René O. regularly visited Montmelon in the weekends with his new girlfriend Agostina S. At first nobody was suspicious about villa window doors remaining closed all the while expensive cars were parked before the [villa] porch, suggesting additional guests to be present. Neither did the change of appearance of René, becoming exceedingly restless and rushed, raise suspicion.

By now, the police of Zürich and Jura, in absence of René O., conducted a property search of his chalet. In the basement they discovered a complete sado-masochistic torture room. Also they discovered two barrels of hydrochloric acid. Through a further analysis of barrel content remains, it was uncovered that the liquids contained traces of human meat.

René is also suspected by Swiss police to be part of an international gang of kidnappers of little children from 'Oostblok' countries [former eastern European countries], most notably from Romania. The orphan children were lured from Romania with a promise to be adopted by Scandinavian families.

probus ago

Read this article: It's a very well written article about abusing/murdering little kids under the cover of the gay scene in Amsterdam.
It's from 2000 but more relevant than ever. It is a long read, but I would would read it.

Here is a quote from the article(NSFW) : "Frank said he watched in growing horror as the video played out a murder - a boy who seemed to be no older than 12 was beaten and attacked with needles, before being castrated and cut open with a knife. " Horrifying

ArtificalDuality ago

Formatted post of @probus :

Read this article: It's a very well written article about abusing / murdering little kids under the cover of the gay scene in Amsterdam.
It's from 2000 but more relevant than ever. It is a long read, but I would would read it.

Here is a quote from the article (NSFW):

"Frank said he watched in growing horror as the video played out a murder - a boy who seemed to be no older than 12 was beaten and attacked with needles, before being castrated and cut open with a knife. "


Silverlining ago

probus please edit your post and put a space between article: and https so the link appears

TheWhiteKnight ago

A guy in a facebook group im in posted this about our country some time ago. And yes pedophilia is rampant here. Belgium and the Netherlands are hotspots for western elite pedophilia, sadly. The Netherlands is in the grip of globalist, is a frontrunner in mass manipulation as seen last week with the dealings with Turkey(and for instance MH17). And with this scam let the population think the VVD and Mark Rutte in particular is a good and solid choice for MP. They won with 33 seats how convenient and how in line with the occult / esoteric( en ( But that aside the info of the post in Dutch:

Dames en heren, ik heb de afgelopen maanden veel onderzoek gedaan naar de Clinton Foundation, je weet wel die organisatie die bekend staat voor "Pay-to-Play", "human trafficking" en geld witwassen. Echter ben ik nu aan het kijken wat wij als Nederland hier mee doen. De Nederlandse Staat heeft tussen de 5 en 10 miljoen betaald aan de CF blijkt uit gehackte gegevens die begin vorig jaar naar buiten zijn gebracht. Dit vond ik nog niet eens zo raar, maar als je kijkt naar de top donoren zie je daar de Postcode Loterij bij staan (Die hebben meer dan 25 milj gedoneerd). Daar kwam natuurlijk ook nog een flinke donatie van 1.8 milj (!!) bij vorige week. Nu heb ik een aantal vragen aan jullie;

De uitgaven van de Nederlandse staat, vallen die onder ontwikkelingshulp of buitenlandse zaken? En zijn dr gegevens van deze overboekingen zodat er een timeline gemaakt kan worden? Waarom geeft de Postcode Loterij in hemelsnaam meer dan 25 miljoen aan de CF? Zeker als de Nederlandse staat (maar) 5-10 milj heeft gegeven. Is de Postcode Loterij een soort van doorgeefluik van de Nederlandse staat? Waarom denken jullie dat die donatie van vorige week (1.8 milj) nog is gemaakt? Bijna alle grote donoren hebben niks meer overgemaakt na de verloren verkiezingen (Daling van 37% in donaties). Iets wat ook opvallend is is dat Noorwegen is gestopt met doneren na het oprollen van een enorm pedo netwerk.

Hetzelfde geldt voor Haiti, een pedo netwerk wordt opgerold. 30 minuten later stopt de CF in Haiti. Het is te bizar voor woorden. Ik hoop uiteindelijk de betalingen te kunnen dateren om die vervolgens te kunnen koppelen aan iets wat rond dezelfde tijd is gebeurd wat gunstig heeft uitgepakt voor de Nederlandse staat. Dit patroon zag je ook bij bijna alle andere betalingen (Kijk Clinton Cash wanneer je mij niet geloofd).

Mocht iemand van jullie mijn vragen kunnen beantwoorden of iets van andere input hebben, dan hoor ik t graag. Bijgevoegd een foto met bewijs. Thanks in advance.

Edit 1; Ik kom telkens terug bij Novamedia, een bedrijf dat 6 loterijen heeft en wiens eigenaar Boudewijn Poelmann is, dit komt ook terug in de Podesta leaks.

Edit 2; 1 van de ambassadeurs van Novamedia (Moederbedrijf Postcodeloterij) is Tony Blair, de oud-premier van Engeland. Zijn vrouw heeft een bedrijf tegen child trafficking. Deze organisatie is meerdere malen in verband gebracht met pedofilie en jawel child trafficking. De organisatie heet Barnardo's.

Edit 3; Desmond Tutu is ook 1 van de ambassadeurs, dit is alleen maar een gedachtenspinsel, maar hij heeft ook een Child youth care centrum. Richard Branson, een andere ambassadeur, was hele goede vrienden met nu veroordeelde Jeffrey Epstein (van Pedophile Island). Zijn eigen eiland ligt dr ook vlakbij. Nogmaals, dit is ook weer een gedachtenspinsel.

Edit 4; Mohammad Yunus, weer een ambassadeur, wordt in verband gebracht met het grote pedo netwerk in Noorwegen.

Edit 5; Nog een grote speler die is gestopt met doneren aan de CF. (Australië)…/n…/219577919ed8dfbd79cf808321234eba

Edit 6; Ik heb vandaag met de Postcode loterij gebeld en gevraagd waarom ze nog steeds samenwerken met de CF. De vrouw die ik aan de lijn had vertelde mij dat ze meerdere projecten hebben lopen samen met ambassadeur Bill Clinton. Je weet wel, die Bill die 11 keer naar pedophile Island is geweest. Ik ga mij morgen verdiepen in de projecten die de CF samen met de Postcode loterij heeft lopen, het zal mij echt niks verbazen als het iets met kinderen te maken heeft. (Bron bewijs voor Bill z'n tripjes naar Pedophile Island)…/flight-logs-show-bill-clinton-flew…

Edit 7; Richard Branson, ambassadeur Postcode Loterij, heeft heel toevallig een organisatie opgericht die International Centre of Missing and Exploited Children. Raadt eens wie deze organisatie samen met hem de wereld in blies? Hillary Clinton. Wie was nog meer aanwezig bij deze presentatie? Cherie Blair, mocht je niet weten wie dat is kijk dan even naar edit 2.

shachalnur ago

You might want to look into Sharon Dijksma,Socialist PvdA member,nr 4 on current list.

She's an ambassador for the Clinton Foundation,and is the one that lobbied for 5 million Euro's to be given to CF,by the Dutch Govt.

Also check the travelling behaviour of Dijksma ,and many other politicians,journalists and VIP's from the TV ,who visit children's homes etc abroad.

Most of them are sick phucks that don't have children,are mostly gay or lesbian.

It also shows the connections to Europe and what children's homes and countries are targeted,and probably who abuses children and where.

The amount of gay and lesbian politicians and Tv persnalities is huge ,and many don't like children at all,

Big CF donors like Postcodeloterij en Unilever(CF donor,and their logo for ice cream is the girl-love double heart pedo symbol) are run by very powerfull people,more powerfull than average politicians ,whom they control through brownstoning.

they ARE the Dutch Deep State Pedo Elite

Brownstoning is the most powerfull weapon the elites have to control their slaves.

Most politicians,journalists and VIP's in the Netherlands worked for Unilever,Postcodeloterij or worked indirectly for Poelman(postcodeloterij) or Polman(Unilever).

Just look at the average tv commercials in holland,most have family hating and pedo messages.

Pedofilia is institutionalized in Holland,it's everywhere,commercials,govt spots,magazines,TV,Sportsclubs ,schools,universities etc.

Noc*NSF(Dutch olympic commitee) were just exposed as actively suppressing proof of thousands of cases of abuse on children in sports.and politics and media are silent ,and defend alleged pedophiles with a vengance.

The netherlands are very sick by now.

Children are confused and ill,genderbending,genderfluid,pushed into sexual behaviour at a young age preferably with non whites,taught that a family doesn't consist of anything that has to do with a traditional family.

Men don't phuck their wives,most families are broken,children are defenseless,and are being abused by everybody that can,and their parents don't really care anymore,

They gave up.

I refuse to let my children grow up here,it's plain dangerous

And I'm afraid it's not much different in most European countries.

Micheal84 ago

This is realy awfull, i agree on you that not many people here (Netherlands) know about pizzagate, none of my friends know about it either.

People here dont do their research, look at the elections lots of them voting on the same (Rutte) as 4years ago. Its annoying thinking about it, they only follow the MSM.

Reversible ago

It's weird about the Dutch though, isn't it? No offence, but they just seem like totally degenerate sheeples. It makes me proud that my own people (Anglo-Saxons) have stronger critical thinking skills than the snobby Europeans who think it's clever looking down on us, because they have slightly wider cycle lanes.

Micheal84 ago

I know what you mean, as long as you follow the MSM your not getting much more information. But believe me, people are waking up more and more. But still a long way to go.

strix-varia ago

I think the US researchers on pgate are at the forefront of exposing this. Many people in other countries are totally asleep about it ie, Canada. The US researchers are waking people up, a little at a time.

ArtificalDuality ago

You can help simply by making aware more people. Just be careful not to shock people too much. Mostly those that look for truths but whom are going the wrong direction. :)

GeorgeT ago

Hostel Franchize it seems was more than fiction!

ArtificalDuality ago

I will translate today the two relevant articles, will add it later today.

ArtificalDuality ago

How the hell in the world somebody can downvote this is, is beyond the pale. But then again, there are a lot of luciferists here scrambling at how they can stifle any research without making it obvious they are doing so?

Laskar ago

There are plenty of trolls on this site and if they don't downvote enough, the post will get buried if it is a good one.