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ESOTERICshade ago

I believe in your work. Your presentation is so busy that I honestly cannot understand what you are telling us. Break it down into pieces, or something. I think the mods here will let you tell the story. The mods are trying to help you. Here is my suggestion:

Start with the Jewish kids care org and state your case. Make it more simple. Your posts are so complicated that I cannot understand it.

I believe you, but, I don't understand you. The mods will let you post it, just clean it up.

VoatisCIA ago

We too believe in your work @hojuruku !!!!!! WE know of the mods censorship here, and have spoken out many times about it. The mods here delete OUR hit post on Pedo Rob Reiner!!! Wtf???? WE have 'dark web' allies that WILL attack these mods; The mods made some "mistakes". Look for a post coming down the pipe entitled " unmasking the pedo mods at voat "............. Their safety is not OUR concern

hojuruku ago


My first PEDO hunting bounty is out. Happy hunting people.

VoatisCIA ago

WE will get word out to @KillAllPedos and @KILLALLMODS