10095358? ago

You know what I heard?

(as you might imagine, I was not

able to vet this).

I heard that this is how Scalia died:

Scalia liked boys around 10-11-12 years old.

At that hunting lodge Scalia was alone with

a 12 year old boy in his private lodge bedroom.

(I guess for Scalia to "have at it".)

And..what happened?

The boy cut Scalia's throat

causing Scalia to die.

10092798? ago

10090926? ago


Greta Van Susteren 👎 was lawyer for suicided DC Madam.

Source: book by: Henry W. Vinson Confessions of a D.C. Madam

Also this::

"My trusted attorney, Greta Van Susteren sold me out"

Source:. From Tag Archives:. GRETA AND ME Part 5.

Looking forward to the documentary on Greta Van Susteren 's Un-Godly perfidy; betrayal; subversiveness;

deception and low rent practices.

10087385? ago

About Greta's husband John P. Coale and Greta:


10086584? ago

You asked us to be aware of potential Susteren. - Clinton inter-connections.

Like George Stephanopoulos, Greta Van Susteren 👎 was once a member

of the Clinton Global Initiative.


witch_doctor1 ago


witch_doctor1 ago

Here's a more comprehensive link... https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1649935

witch_doctor1 ago

Check this out...not saying I believe it 100%...but the coincidences start to add up after a while, especially when the Clintons are involved. http://pizzagate.wiki/Antonin_Scalia

10080870? ago


Thinking you are on to somehing.

If anyone is interested in assessing a possible Greta Wisconsin

connection I recommend going

and reading all the comments

@Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt. made.

SCJohnson...big movers ...

btw Samue l Curtis Johnson. Johnson heir, worth around $3' billion was arrested for repeatedly assaulting

his teenage stepdaughter.



witch_doctor1 ago

Great work, very interesting. It's starting to look like every pedo case has something in common...CIA and CIA controlled media involvement. The part about somebody from the WaPo calling and recommending Greta piqued my interest...Was WaPo CIA controlled back then as well? And if so, how did they hook up with Greta?

So I looked at her wikipedia page https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greta_Van_Susteren ....Georgetown Law graduate...Podesta's alma mater and rumored to be a CIA recruiting center/hangout. Startpage it for tons of links, but here is one of the first http://georgetownvoice.com/2009/04/23/gu-profs-receive-secret-cia-funds/

I am doing a little digging in the Podesta email dump right now, but I used the search term Greta and interestingly enough, Greta Van Susteren was mentioned in the weird movie pitch email that could have been code for the Scalia hit. Characters Alex and Inez appear on the GVS show (about 2/3 of the way down the email). https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/1459 Strange huh?

Piscina ago

Henry: Well, in my experience the government and the media work in tandem to prevent the American people from learning about the unbelievable debauchery (18:10?) sexcapades of our power elite in Washington, D.C. is essentially a present-day Babylon, but Americans are just naive about the depravity of their political and politicians who are endowed with a potent alchemy of power, arrogance, and lust, and I think that, they just don’t know because the media doesn’t report on a lot of it. I think Bill Clinton and Eliot Spitzer are merely two examples of a numerable politicians who put their careers and families on the line because of their sexual additions or compulsion.

Jason: You were exposed to, you know, many amazing things, heavy drug use, orgies, pedophilia maybe. Tell us about that.

Henry: I was consistently pressured by D.C. power brokers to provide child prostitutes to their power broker cronies, but I refused to have anything to do with child prostitution and the federal government was aware of this fact.

Jason: I’m curious, what ages did these people ask for? That’s disgusting. What ages? I mean, they specifically requested that from you, huh?

Henry: They specifically requested it and Nick Bryant has written a book, The Franklin Scandal, which goes into great detail. He spent many years researching that and there were very young children 10, 12-years-old and many, many lives were destroyed with Lawrence King and Craig Spence. Craig Spence ran his own underage escort service, if you will.

Jason: Wow. Unbelievable. Okay, so any of the more sinister things you were exposed to. So you talked about, was there more there? I kind of interrupted you, sorry. I want to make sure you finish.

Henry: That’s fine. The federal government is always saying with the interstate child prostitution, the federal government was aware of this fact, because I told my government (#20:04?) about an interstate pedophile network that was providing D.C. politicians and power brokers with children, but the Department of Justice and Secret Service and FBI, they covered up that pedophile network

His clients included William Casey, Donald Gregg (US Ambassador to South Korea during Bush’s Presidency), Charles Dutcher, the associate director of Presidential Personnel under Reagan administration, Labor Secretary Elizabeth Dole, political personnel liaison to the White House and Larry Craig.


Piscina ago

Vinson had government members who were his clients. Greta filed a motion to release the names of Vinson's clients. Her motion was successful but its public disclosure was banned. Vinson said that Greta 'sold him out'. This is what Vinson said:

I named several powerful and affluent men who either procured escorts through me or procured them through one of the architects of the blackmail operation. I also edified (enlightened?) her about the pedophile network that was organized by these architects. In addition, I mentioned the threat that had been parsed out to me by a member of George H.W. Bush’s cabinet.

No doubt Greta was working for the government.

Vinson said of Spence:

I ended up providing escorts to a CIA asset named Craig Spence who was a preeminent blackmail artist. His upscale DC home was fitted with state-of-the-art blackmail equipment that he used to blackmail our country’s elite. Spence told me that he was blackmailing the rich and powerful for the CIA...

lol, Vinson calls himself a 'scapegoat'--yet another psychopathic criminal playing the victim.


dickface88888 ago

The daughter of a Wisconsin judge? Holy moly..

carmencita ago

Here is another interesting tidbit: The judge’s daughter graduated from Georgetown and describes herself as a “liberal.” And her father once helped Joseph McCarthy get elected. Hmm. Interesting Backgrounds on both of them. from that Cult News Report of @Factfinder2

10076762? ago

I am posting this comment because Greta grew up in Wisc.

And her father worked as a judge.

Wisconsin is corrupt.

Racine is totally corrupt. Including it's courts.


Including Wisconsin's Corrupt Supreme Court: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1998642

copy to @Wisconsin_is_Corrupt Copy to @fogdryer

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

Greta van Susteran has deep connections to Scientology and Freemasonry, and the coalition with Jesuit, LDS, OTO, Kabbalah and other groups involved.

Wisconsin and Racine in particular if the hub, model and "Root" of the global coalition.

10090514? ago

My appreciation to you for your attention to this matter -- not able to put into words.

Thank you.

copy to:


copy to @vindcator

kestrel9 ago

She was at Fox for 14 years and stopped working there last September, reportedly over contract issues.

carmencita ago

I just found this article and this is where she is going to be as of now: http://www.westernjournalism.com/greta-van-susterens-next-career-move-revealed/ ALSO I decided to check the comments on the article and someone said that she and her husband had been helping FRANKLIN GRAHAM in the past. We know that Franklin has been compromised. There have been articles on here about him. In the article it says she is joining The Annenberg Center on Communications and Policy. This appointment is very telling. Read the Article it tells what she will be doing there regarding Journalism.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Well, Greta seems to like kids😒 Hmmm!

Greta sure took interest in the Natalie Holloway case.*

Greta Helps Children Of Haiti

Published December 18, 2012 Fox News' Greta Van Susteren and her husband try to keep poor Haitian children a new chance at life with new academy.

Click Here To Learn More About Samaritan’s Purse Orphanage Greta Home in Haiti

Click Here To Learn More About Samaritan's Purse http://nation.foxnews.com/greta-van-susteren/2012/12/18/greta-helps-children-haiti

kestrel9 ago

Interesting, especially since I was just reading excerpts from that interview while looking into some Haiti related topics. This excerpt is from rense, I haven't looked to source every detail in it... http://www.rense.com/general96/pizza10.htm

At the subsequent trial of project organizers Laura Silsby (Gayler) and her church-based supporters, the Haitian prosecution showed that Jorge Puello (aka Torres-Orellana) was not a lawyer as claimed but instead a wanted criminal in El Salvador and Costa Rica on charges of international trafficking of women and underage girls for prostitution. Born in Yonkers, New York, to a Dominican mother and Puerto Rican father, he was previously arrested for people-smuggling into Canada. He had also been arrested the U.S. for handling money for drug smugglers.  

Puello-Torres asserted that he was the head of the 400-strong Sephardic Jewish community in the Dominican Republic, based on lineage from his mother, who was also implicated but not charged in the family business of human trafficking, but appears to be the matriarch of a larger crime family.  

Notably, Puello-Torres said that he had worked with U.S. Army military intelligence, the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) and the Department of Homeland Security. Why was this undercover agent involved in an attempt to transfer “orphans”, many of them children still with parents, transferred from Friends of the Orphans facilities to Laura Silsby’s operation across the border? Why did he serve only half of his prison sentence? Was the leniency toward this fraudster and pimp due to powerful patrons in the American political establishment?

I had also been reading an article by Chantal Laurent, "...a Haitian-American who blogs about Haiti, socio-economic, environmental and political issues at thehaitianblogger". Laurent's name is connected to Monica Peterson according to this post https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1911134:

On January 3rd, 2016, Petersen shared with Robinson some of her findings based on her field work in Haiti up to that point. By this time she had already become aware of corruption by the Clintons in Haiti or as she put it, "start[ed] to connect the dots on what I already suspected". In fact, she was getting ready to dive in full time: Ms. Clinton has corrupt & dirty business to finish in Haiti ... This is the theory my master's thesis puts forth... this is modern structural slavery.

Robinson re-shared this post by Petersen to a Facebook group to which she belonged.

In that same post, Petersen also links to a blog post discussing similar claims. The blog is written by Haitian native, Chantal Laurent, and the specific post Petersen provided is called Hillary Clinton's Scandalous Conduct in Haiti: Charity Begins at Home.

The day after, on January 4th, 2016, Petersen again shared with Robinson some more of her findings: But the real significance of this scandal for me, I know you feel me Bella, is the link to contemporary slavery and trafficking. I can't say to what extent, but there is human trafficking happening through the Clinton's Caracol Complex.

From another one of Chantal Laurent's articles: The MSM Continues to Perpetuate Fallacies About Haiti 8/31/2011

Haiti is the scene of an ongoing international crime. It's to be expected that the worst sort of buzzards would be picking its bones clean. The NGOs supported by USAID are expected to return over 90% of the money spent in Haiti back to Washington.

Haiti is under occupation. Period. There is no freedom, human rights, sovereignty, autonomy or decision making by Haiti's government. The U.S. and its "partners" are determined to keep real democracy out of the hands of the Haitian people as evidenced by their awareness and endorsement (according to Wikileaks) of the fraudulent nature of he last two major elections in Haiti.

...every upcoming or anticipated disaster, calamity and mismanagement of resources"etc, is the direct responsibility of those who have imposed detrimental trade policies that have robbed Haiti of the ability to feed its people, that have sponsored coups, fraudulent elections, brought disease, the entire globe's occupying armies to play their war games, the multinational exploiters of Haiti's wealth, and others who use Haiti as their piggy bank and dumping ground for all of their toxic hate, greed and depravity"

**Speaking of depravity: they also share the responsibility for making Haiti the ground zero for sexual predators of every base/perverted sexual nature imaginable. **

10076356? ago

Good background data here:

Look For The Name:Jorge Puello!




This one is really good: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1588812

Another superior post:

https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1523591 This One is Loaded With Over 150 comments.

copy to @exposethecriminals

Vindicator ago

@Surviveandheal15: Interesting post. I am giving this a "Potential Lead" flair to encourage people to dig into it. I've always wondered how Van Sustren got a tv show. She is hard to look at, hard to listen to...one of the most boring people on TV.

Commoner ago

I've always wondered how Van Sustren got a tv show. She is hard to look at, hard to listen to...one of the most boring people on TV.

For sure! And she is not that smart either.

Factfinder2 ago

Antonius ago

But she is no longer on Fox News...hasn't been for some time.