DerivaUK ago

@Wisconsin_is_corrupt. Or have you changed your handle?

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

@fogdryer is learning the truth about Racine and Wisconsin, as are many others. Fogdryer and anyone else that legitimately researches what we post knows that everything we post is true, and that Racine is not "just another corrupt community".

The world needs to learn the real truth that Racine, Wisconsin is a main "Root" to the entire network of Pizzagate and Global Criminal Corruption.

The entire Wisconsin court system as well as the former Racine DA, state Attorney General, Milwaukee FBI office and other authorities are absolutely corrupt and linked with groups known as the Marquette Mafia and secret societies. RICO cases in Racine escalated all the way up to Loretta Lynch who became personally involved to obstruct and stonewall any investigations once she realized who was connected, including but not limited to the Clinton Foundation and other prominent Foundations and corporations.

The corrupt criminal freemason mayor of Racine just resigned (following a string of other resignations from fellow corrupt criminal officials), and he was rewarded for his involvement in racketeering and other crimes with an appointment to control the Great Lakes fresh water supply for private interests tied to the Pilgrims Society. This is part of Agenda 2030, and the real agenda is Global Enslavement. That is what Sustainability really stands for.

if you are in the UK, then you should know all about the Pilgrims Society.

DerivaUK ago

I am, and I understand all about the birth of that Anglo-American "special relationship". I've watched your posts for some time now and you are nothing if not tenacious, and slowly it seems the evidence is emerging to support your claims which are profound, but that you reveal little in terms of research sources they simply remain tantalising. I read you and dearly wish I knew where to start unravelling your clues.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

If the world waits too long to learn about Racine, Wisconsin and the real agenda, it will be too late.

There are any number of directions you can start from. What do you need to verify that we are telling the whole truth and nothing but the truth?

Start with the beginning of Sustainable Development in Racine, Wisconsin. This is a main key that leads to United Nations Agenda 2030 which is only part of the bigger agenda. Once you understand how Racine fits into the history of Sustainability (along with the Clintons and others involved), then look into Community Policing. From there, you can look into the Art in Embassies program and how it links to companies in Racine. Then, you can look at the list of the Knights of Pythias and where they had their historic parade. Then, you can look at who owns the Zika virus and who owns the world's most advanced mosquito lab. Then you can look at their list of international locations and business partners. Once you get that far, you can start to look at the Pilgrims Society again knowing how it links together and back to Racine, Wisconsin.

Also, you can look at all of the corrupt criminal officials that have resigned recently in Racine, most recently the corrupt criminal mayor who is in these same secret society circles. Then look at his reward for resigning and covering up what he can, as he is put into a less public position to work for private corporations that want to control the Great Lakes fresh water supply.

We unlocked the real secret about Racine, Wisconsin and the real agenda that leads from Racine back to the Council of 13 - Global Enslavement. Racine is the model and a main "Root" to the entire network.

That is the real truth that the world needs to know. Then we can move on to Stage Two. Shine the light on Racine and we will expose everything.

fogdryer ago


The Protection of Ashton Davis #3 .....................................................................................58 The Protection of Ashton Davis #4 .....................................................................................59 February 4th, 2011 Home Invasion of 1818 Fordem Avenue ...........................................61 The October 20th, 2011 Homicide at 802 Vera Court ........................................................62 The Murder of Michael Keith ..............................................................................................63 Preventing Anthony Williams From Coming Forward #1 .............................................64 Preventing Anthony Williams From Coming Forward #2 .............................................65


SECTION VI: THE LEGAL REALITY OF DANE COUNTY ............................................87


103 pages !!!!!!!!!!!

it just goes on and on well documents and organized ! "Global Criminal Corruption, and simple for people to understand. It is a controlled community ran by the elite who are involved in the most heinous crimes imaginable and the authorities at all levels are corrupt and complicit to it. Racine and Wisconsin are a lawless cesspool where corrupt community leaders are immune and protected from all laws through systems of blackmail, bribery, extortion, embezzlement, fraud, intimidation, murder, stalking, retaliation, etc"