GrDec ago

For a good background on the Caracol Industrial complex and how HIllary Clinton and her brother were involved in the whole thing, i recommend watching the ground-breaking documentary Clinton Cash, based on the book by the same name.

Votescam ago

Thanks for the link -- will try to catch up with the documentary. :)

Votescam ago

And who do you think "is pulling the strings."

By the way, did you miss the news?

It's official ... US is now run by an oligarchy

America is an oligarchy, not a democracy or republic, university study finds

Donald Trump, American Oligarch

Jimmy Carter Is Correct That the U.S. Is No Longer a Democracy

Rule by violence isn't OK because Mao or Stalin also did it.

fogdryer ago

Capitalism is wonderful

Greed is evil

Votescam ago

You think a system which has brought us Global Warming and destruction of so many species of animal life is wonderful?

How about 43 million Americans living in poverty since the New Deal regulations on capitalism have been overturned -- and we have the highest rates of children living in poverty.

Greed is evil -- but the power that Elites possess through violence is even more evil.

They are the destroyers, over and again.

Mrs_Ogynist01 ago

Was Capitalism to blame for global warming 20,000 years ago? "The Laurentian Great Lakes were formed nearly 20,000 years ago when the earth's climate warmed and the last glacial continental ice sheet retreated."

Votescam ago

Are you saying the glaciers are not melting?

Or that we don't have an expected 9 foot rise in ocean levels?

The fingerprints of Global Warming and pollution of the environment are based in human activity - exploitation, capitalism.

The melting of the glaciers are also changing the pressure on the tectonic plates which will bring increasing numbers of earthquakes with increasing severity.

Trump -- and W Bush before him -- are but two examples of government corruption and deception, especially in regard to science.
See: James Hansen who's reports on Global Warming for the government were censored and changed.

WW: How often do you think the government is attempting to distort results of scientific research?

JH: Almost all scientists in the Environmental Protection Agency say that they cannot say what they believe if it goes against the [Bush] administration’s preference. In NASA it was the same (if policy-relevance was involved) until the administrator gave a green light. My impression is that things have improved, but they are still not good. My information is based on hearsay from a small number of scientists, but also on broader studies such as the last one conducted by the Union of Concerned Scientists. This attitude of the administration is idiotic, not just because it violates basic principles of democracy, but because it leads to lousy policymaking. Why do you need advice of scientists, if you know that you are only going to accept results that fit predetermined policy decisions? and

Today's global Warming is based in burning of fossil fuels and pollution and destruction of the environment due to human activity and populations --

Of course, modern global warming stems from a clear cause—rising levels of CO2 (and other greenhouse gases) from fossil fuel burning, cutting down forests and other human activities. And, in the past rising CO2 levels at the very least magnified global warming, ushering in the relatively balmy, stable climate sometimes called the "long summer" that has allowed human civilization to flourish. Humanity has now raised global CO2 levels by more than the rise from roughly 180 to 260 ppm at the end of the last ice age, albeit in a few hundred years rather than over more than a few thousand years. "The end of an ice age, you have a sense in your bones what that means: a big, significant change for the planet," Shakun says. "It's a tangible example of what rising CO2 can mean for the planet over the long-term."

And, of course, scientists have predicted Global Warming changes of natural systems into the far future, but then suddenly realized the glaciers beneath their feet were melting and falling right now --

Actually, scientists are even doubling that expected rise --


For those who may recall SANDY, I would point out that Manhattan island was flooded (underwater) up to 39th street ... as the East River and the Hudson River came together over Manhattan.

Votescam ago

Well, true ... you can believe Rush Limbaugh, or you can believe James Hansen and our Nobel scientists.

Rush Limbaugh, Sex Tourist?,_sex_tourist

Rush Limbaugh Busted By Caller Over Sex Tour!

Mrs_Ogynist01 ago

Rush Limbaugh??? This info is from from less than a year ago but has now been scrubbed.

GrDec ago

Root Causes and Contradictions of the Displaced Youth along the U.S./Mexico Border

Guest posted originally at

by Monica Petersen, guest blogger

You won’t hear about it in sound bites of coverage on the evening news, but every American should understand these seven facts about the 63,000+ kids that “showed up in the backyard” and need their plight acknowledged.

1 Illicit markets thrive where licit markets have been destroyed. Despite the façade of “free-trade” in Central America (or anywhere, for that matter), international trade is far from free flowing. Economic development policies between countries of the global North and South have favored Northern profits and the United States for decades. This has resulted in massive inequality of worldwide wealth and acute global poverty. Many Latin American economies attest to this. Where “free-trade” policies have collapsed the legal and formal markets of local economies, illicit and informal markets will fill the economic void as a necessity of human survival. Weapons, narcotics, endangered plants and wildlife, humans, and other illicitly traded commodities are advantageous to developing economies because regulated, domestic exports (such as auto parts, factory garments or agricultural crops) have been devalued to the point they are no longer competitive on the global market. Illicit markets are the natural comparative advantage for sustaining local livelihoods, and this is apparent in the homelands of border youth and children.

2 Criminal gangs often establish the supply niches for these illicit markets. Some are highly organized and violent cartels but most are loosely based. Minors in Central American conflict zones are at a higher risk for various types of child trafficking. Youth and children trafficked for gang soldiering and/or drug mules are an increased concern in the present context. Returning minors at the border to their homelands subjects them to these risks of human trafficking. Individuals caught in repeated cycles of fleeing and trafficking are common when violence and poverty occur together, making repatriation to these regions an unsustainable solution.

3 Hasty deportations of unaccompanied Central American minors violate international children’s rights.The United Nation’s Convention on the Rights of the Child outlines these child-specific rights and legal protections for anyone under the age of eighteen. Further, the current position of Congress and the Obama administration – to overhaul the 2008 Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act and deny fair trials that recognize refugee, asylee and trafficking victim statuses – is unacceptable for a nation claiming to lead the global fight against trafficking in persons.

4 The international principle of non-refoulment is being disregarded by the United States government. The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees defines “non-refoulment” as the obligation of states to allow territorial access to refugees and asylees seeking safety from life threatening risks in their countries of origin. Returning border youth to documented violence in Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador is another significant U.S. violation of international law. In the modern era, “forced” and “willing migration” are almost never clearly defined categories, but U.S. immigration policies typically insist upon the later. This undermines the human rights of fleeing children – who are still owed due legal process regardless of whether they are undocumented.

5 The U.S. has a sixty-year history of provoking regional instability in Central America. The complexity of this has included crippling Cold War policies, CIA backed coups, civil wars instigated and funded by the U.S. government, and the infamously chaotic War on Drugs. Gangs have flourished as a result of the illicit market niches created by sixty years of political-economic strife, and present levels of violence in these countries are deeply rooted in this historic trauma. Still, the U.S. continues to ignore the realities Central American youth and children are faced with as a result of its aggravating (often illegal) involvement there.

6 Research overwhelmingly shows increased border militarization is an ineffective, inhumane solution for stopping migrant flows everywhere in the world. The current solution to quell youth flooding the border is a request for emergency funds from Congress. The funding would provide badly needed health and human resources for fleeing Central American youth. However, more than half of the requested $3.7 billion will fund an impressive boost in U.S. border patrols, surveillance, expedited immigration courts and anti-immigration campaigns – all proven to be inadequate controls in the long term. Completely open borders would not be sustainable without addressing root causes either. Nevertheless, two billion dollars toward creating fair-trade markets and formal employment opportunities in Central America (rather than creating more U.S. border military jobs) would be more likely to have a lasting effect on stabilizing the region.

7 “Border Children” is a one-dimensional label. Perhaps necessary for categorical references, it is critical to remember that each one of these migrant youth is an individual human being. They represent diverse identities, experiences, resistances and courage in their individual life journeys. Their futures need to be considered valuable to our world and they must be supported as whole people with equal human rights.

The United States has yet to develop an immigration strategy that will appropriately address the interdependent forces behind what is now a worldwide phenomenon – the largest, global displacement of human beings in all of history. That’s a big statement for U.S. leadership to continue neglecting. Awareness of the tremendous underpinnings of the current border crisis is a vital first step for the American public to take. Without citizen demands for policy reforms – of both a broken immigration system and flawed model of international development – it is unlikely the entrenched roots of Central American oppression will shift within U.S. bureaucracy. The youth at the border are merely one casualty of this.

*Monica Petersen graduated in 2014 with an MA in International Development from the Josef Korbel School of International Studies, University of Denver. She is currently a research intern at the Laboratory to Combat Human Trafficking in Denver and a research assistant for The Human Trafficking Center at DU. This blog does not necessarily reflect the position of any other person(s) or organization(s), and is the author’s work alone.

PS George Webb Sweigert, is a Mossad / CIA disinfo agent, he gives himself away here:

"i am a berniecrat, and jewish and always rooting for mossad"

Notice, he doesn't say he's an American and he is rooting for the USA.. NO, first and foremost and he JEWISH and he is "ALWAYS ROOTING For MOSSAD" Do you think a hardcore zionist socialist jew like George Webb Sweigert, is going to say anything bad about Israel and their involvement in the US government??

As a matter of fact, one of the biggest markets for women and organ trafficking is Israel!!!

All of his "research" is carefully constructed to divert attention from AIPAC / Israel's involvement in the corrupt US government.

Votescam ago

Thank you for the Monica Peterson archived post -- and agree in the overall perspective of the US as totally corrupt, criminal and evil. And for much longer than 60 years.

True - economies are created by citizens of nations -- but they are then manipulated by Banks and Financial Institutions for the benefit of Elites.

And if we understand the past, we also understand that all of this evil is coming for us.

As to the PS and the anti-Jewish post, I'm not interested. Peddle it elsewhere.

GrDec ago

Typical, anyone opposing Mossad and Israel is "anti-Jewish" and "anti-semite"

Fortunately, I can peddle the truth anywhere i want.

Votescam ago

Unfortunately, you have limited understanding of truth ...

I also oppose intelligence gathering no matter the nation and including NSA spying on US citizens.

I oppose Israel's political actions against Palestinians as GENOCIDE.

What you are peddling is hate speech directed at all Jews.

GrDec ago

The typical reaction.. any criticism towards Israel / Mossad / AIPAC, means you are an anti-semite and you are against all Jews..

that also means you are a racist and you are a neonazi and you are EVIL.. LOL

Votescam ago

You're just incapable of hearing what is being said to you - Again, I am opposed to Israel's warmongering and attacks on Palestine - I am opposed to Mossad and every other intelligence agency working in secret and spying on citizens. I am opposed to AIPAC in their efforts to buy control of the US government. And I certainly not anti-Semitic.

Most of those who used to take criticism of Israel as ant-Semitism have pretty much been forced to understand that it is not -- and have matured in their thinking.

I suggest you do the same.

GrDec ago

I have roomed in the jewish household. I have worked with jews and had jewish managers. I have probably met and befriended more jews that you ever will (unless you, yourself are a jew LOL) I have never met a jew, that wasn't rooting for Israel and their own tribe. Jews consider themselves jewish, first and foremost, above being American, they have been raised to see themselves as the victims and to me that is a problem. This has nothing to do with maturity, this is REALITY. The fact the AIPAC is the one of the biggest if not the biggest and most poweful political PAC in the US, is not a coiincidence. All Jews are united behind their cause.

Votescam ago

Why are you so anti-Jewish and Jewish-obsessed?

True, all sympathy and support went to Israel after WWII -- and most Jews do support Israel.... but they are learning about AIPAC . . . and they certainly don't support New World Order or fascism.

They know what fascism is and the consequences of it.

And, it's not just about Jewish people as victims -- this will take ALL of us.

In fact, it's pretty much already taken the planet and all Nature on this planet.

GrDec ago

Why are you so Pro-Jewish and Jewish-obsessed?

True, all sympathy and support went to Israel after WWII --

and most Jews do support Israel.... of course they do..

and who do you think funds AIPAC? The gentiles?

and who are the biggest neocon warmongers? Do you want me to name them one by one? They are all jewish.. it is all a coincidence?

And who runs Hollywood? and who runs all MSM companies? Is it a coincidence? I am not making up the facts.. the truth is the truth.. If you don't want people to be obssesed with the Jews, please tell them to stop manipulating our politicians, to stop manipulating our media and to stop manipulating our culture with their multiculturalist garbage.

They know what fascism is and the consequences of it... of course they do.. the Israeli Apartheid state is basically a fascist operation, they learned very well

Votescam ago

America has crossed the threshold into fascism --

are you suggesting that's what the people want?

Or that the people of Israel want a fascist government?

Each time Israel has had a government supporting peace the leadership has been assassinated. And, Rabin likely assassinated by Netanyahu and his fascist supporters which is very much suspected in Israel.

GrDec ago

The Likud / Netanyahu party picked up 12 seats on the last election.,_2015

That is what the majority of the people in Israel wanted, no?

They wanted more of the same fascist, baby-killing, extreme right government, and they got more of it.

And yet, they complain as to why the rest of the world hates them. I don't care what the Israelis do in their own land, and what kind of fascist government they have.. what people hate is their meddling with America's government via AIPAC, the bribing of our politicians, etc etc

Votescam ago

No -- not any more than Americans want Trump ... or Hillary.

You are given the candidates that Elites/wealthy right-wing choose who will do their bidding and dirty work.

Notice that Netanyahu and his gang had to assassinate Rabin in order to defeat the peace effort --

And before Rabin, there were others killed who were involved in an attempt to bring peace to the area.

There is only one way the right wing can rise and that is by violence -- that has always been true and it is still true today.

GrDec ago

The "Elites/wealthy" that have been running the US into the ground for the last 8 years, are definitely not "right-wing" quite the opposite.. All Hollywood millionaire snowflakes and the zionist american media are ALL crying about how evil Trump is, and to me, that is a very good sign.

So i'd give Trump the benefit of time.. i seriously doubt he is going to be as bad as serial liar, war criminal, whistle-blower enemy and bankster-sell out Obumma.

Votescam ago

You're very badly misinformed. Elite Patriarchy is of the right wing. They are our exploiters of nature and humans. As is our system of capitalism as most Americans now understand.

Obama was not a liberal and neither is the Democratic Party liberal -- and hasn't been since the coup on JFK which also took our people's government. Obama is a corporate/fascist who immediately abandoned the voters who had put him in office. It's also like that Obama is closely linked to the CIA and has been since childhood via his family. The CIA is right wing/fascist.

Nor is our MSM liberal ... it's better described as corporate/CIA and if you bothered to read something about Operation Mockingbird you would understand that. Corporations own and control ALL of our media today -- with few exceptions.

I agree that Obama is a war criminal and has worked simply for his own enrichment at the expense of the public. And he has very much set back the rights of "Whistleblowers" and journalists covering these US wars of aggression. Again -- he is a right wing corporatist/fascist.

Again -- don't get confused by labels. There is no liberal party -- there are only two right wing/fascist parties.

Votescam ago

Only the right-wing has been in power since the coup on JFK and our people's government.

Obama was a right wing corporatist and the Democratic Party hasn't been anything but right wing for three decades now -- since it was bought by Koch Bros./John Birch Society and other large corporations. Like the Clintons, Obama seems to have his own ties to the CIA.

Forget labels and actually read something about liberals and right wing fascists.

Both political parties are wholly corrupted and criminal.

GrDec ago

Yes, In reality, there is no such thing as right wing or left wing, they are all pretty much the same, as both parties are lobbied to death and run on donations by the same groups of companies and people, such as the Military Industrial complex, Big Pharma, Big Oil, IT, Wall Street and AIPAC.

The funny thing is that the liberals still think Obumma was a "great" president and believe that Hillary is a liberal looking out for the welfare of the American worker, and that is complete insanity. People and specially liberals in America are completely delusional.

Even if Trump tuirns out the be a total liar, at least he had the nerve to say he was looking out for the American worker, said he was going to stop the never-ending wars, and the crazy invasion of Mexican illegal inmigrant thugs.. . Hillary didn't even make any claims of stopping the insanity that has been going for the last two neocon presidencies..

Votescam ago

There is always a left and a right -- even if both parties are corporate/fascist -- because the public will be divided to some degree representing both the left and the right. Although this is a majority liberal nation, there are still many who hold right wing beliefs -- usually the wealthy among us who profit under capitalism.

Both Obama and the Democratic Party immediately reversed promises made in the campaign -- especially for universal health care for all -- and betrayed the Democratic voters who had put him in office.

Anyone who knows anything about Hillary doesn't consider her a liberal, though I agree that she has managed to fool many voters -- and a surprising number of female voters which I find mystifying.

Trump would say anything he felt he had to say to get elected, but his primary interest is his own wealth and increasing it. Our government has been looking the other way on illegal workers -- and bringing in workers from other countries legally for the benefit of the wealthy who profit from cheap labor. Over decades, our Congress has betrayed the American worker by bringing in foreign workers -- including professionals to work in the US. In one case, Congress first contrived to increase the numbers of US citizens training as engineers. When they had a surplus of engineers, salaries were then lowered and many left the profession. That then gave Congress cause to IMPORT more foreign engineers. And that pattern has been followed with many other professions. Hillary has been very involved in creating the wars and violence in the ME which has resulted in the greatest number of refugees ever seen fleeing these wars.

GrDec ago

We agree on almost everything.

The right and the left is basically a puppet show, done to keep the illusion of democracy, while a few players (MIC, Big Pharma, AIPAC, Big OIl, IT) control both parties.

What we don't agree on is Trump. Trump got his MBA from Wharton.He the highest IQ since Bill Clinton, way higher than the last two morons we had for presidents. I once had a Wharton MBA as one of our directors.. and he was one of the most sensible and intelligent persons i have worked for.

The fact the Trump won in such a short period of time, shows how incompetent, hypocritical and phony our politicians are. People are fed up with them, and most of us harbor some hope of having an somewhat honest president. I think the MSM are in shock to find out that at least half this country, are not as stupid as they think we are. I don't think Trump is in for the money (like Obummer)..... his intelligence and ego go beyond that.. The guy is 70, his family's future is assured.. what can he possibly want more money for?

As he said many times in the campaign trail, he doesn't need to be president.. doesn't need the headache.. and i am sure he is right. He put his money where his mouth was.. he paid for most of his campaign... most people who do such a thing, do it for ego reasons.. not for monetary ones.

I think he wants to make history and be in the history books as the president that turned this country around.. and i don't think there is anything wrong with that. I still have hope that he may get some good things done.

Votescam ago

When you educate a fool, you still end up with a fool.

We've already seen the destructiveness of Trump as he strives to enrich himself and other Elites.

This isn't democracy, it's oligarchy.

GrDec ago

One more time.. to find out who the oligarchy really is, find out who you are not allowed to criticize.

Yesterday my 100% legit thread, based on historical facts about how the US government covered the Israeli attack on the USS liberty exactly 50 years ago, was pulled by a moderator here, because it had no link to "pizzagate" while hundreds of completely ridiculous threads that have no connection whatsoever to pizzagate remain.

This is no coincidence.. the fact that you refuse the name the (((oligarchy))) means you are a part of the problem, not the solution.

AngB23 ago

Awesome info. More to add

Basically, CGI, Bill/Hillary claimed they were helping Haitians with jobs to work and make money (opposite what they do in USA, give out govt money-same results- oppression) so they built with foundation money to "help" after natural disasters, Caracol Industries. It's a garment and textile mill for their rich buddies of Walmart (which HRC was a board member) target, gap, kohls. But in reality, it truly is a a SLAVE LABOR SWEATSHOP. They make roughly $3.25/day...even under Haiti's minimal wage laws. These people have to take a bus to get to work which costs them $15.00/week.

Some were swindled out of their rice farms that really made them decent money and say now, GMO rice is shipped in and they make zero money for that.

And yes, GW admitted in his vid he's "Old Guard Mossad". Also troubling, same vid he mentions being some type of courier of info to Wikileaks back in the day. So, I was already cautious of Wiki and now even more so. Never really trusted GW from the jump

Human trafficking Haiti-Silsby

DonKeyhote ago

Funniest non sequitur ever, demonstrably evil cinton is corrupt, ergo capitalism is evil

Votescam ago

Did you actually look at the video based on NY Times article which was very definitely connected to the evils of capitalism?

From Hawaii to Haiti and everywhere around the world we see the proof that capitalism exists as a criminal enterprise.

And that Capitalism is suicidal for humans, animal-life and the planet.

DonKeyhote ago

Nah predatory lenders, Jewish schemes like mortgage swaps, and the new science of consumerism and marketing is whats wrong with capitalism.

Every bitch i meet is studying marketing to convince other debt slave childless females to waste their paychecks from their unnecessary jobs.

Votescam ago

More anti-Jewish hate posts? When's enough for you?

What's wrong with Capitalism is that it's destroyed the environment with it's exploitations.

That it looks to systems of oppression and discrimination and violence for its profits -- even Slavery and Genocide.

I didn't know dogs were studying marketing these days, but I do know that most of the females I know are making more than the males I know.

And you prove patriarchy's greatest fears ... that women may live their lives for themselves.

Find something else to do than troll here.

DonKeyhote ago

Is the environment destroyed? Or do loggers clearing forest actually result in more trees, as we have more now than the planet ever has.

Btw jews have dominated the slave trade for over 2000 years even before theyd parasitically follow roman armies to snatch captives.

Women making more than men and having less children is a death blow to a society, which has always been the jews' plan.

You fell for it like most, enticed by consumer goods and fake "independence". So you are correct i fear for the choices women make because its demonstrably terrible.

Id put you against the wall with the jews frankly. Do you even comprehend the damage youre doing?

Votescam ago

DonKeyhote: Id put you against the wall with the jews frankly.<

You do understand you've posted a threat to me?

DonKeyhote ago

I know right cuz I'm the Nazi troll in a fantasy world concentration camp threatening you! Fucking grow up.

Notgood ago

It would not surprise me at all that Hillary had Monica killed, but it seems that it would have to do with the blowjob scandal back in the 90s then with investigating human trafficking rings.

noskerdycatusa ago

Wrong Monica. LOL!

equineluvr ago

"f there's still anyone who doesn't understand the evils of Capitalism and that it is suicidal I think this video makes it clearer than ever that Capitalism serves only Elite interests and is based entirely in exploitation of Nature and Human Life -- and Animal-life, of course.

Btw, George Webb also made some extended comments about this area and his suspicions that it was connected to child trafficking."

Duly noted. You're anti-capitalist and a huge George Webb fan, i.e. a pinko retard.

Votescam ago

Tony Rodham

Meanwhile Tony Rodham has helped VCS get mining permits in Morne Bossa though connections via the Clinton Foundation and its associates.

And some of the remaining gold and other resources have vanished. Raw materials are a good way of buying what ever one might need without leaving any trails.

His actions in Cambodia are notable in his meeting in 1998 with Hun Sen though publicly not a whole lot came of it.

"We came to see what fits here in Cambodia, and there are many fits," he told reporters—speaking at a hotel, the Associated Press dryly noted, that was owned by a Cambodian businessman banned from doing business in the United States because of his alleged involvement in the drug trade.

“I just bring different peoples together. I help them negotiate deals. I solve problems for people.”

The Cambodia connection isn't completely damning but Hun Sen is a bit of a shady dictator running a country with a serious human trafficking problem. 2015 article: 2016:

Wikipedia on HT in Cambodia (Note that child sex tourism is a major concern.

And maybe this bit may sound a little familiar.

From our Friends at the WaPo, "I write to you from Svay Pak, a village outside Phnom Penh where our rescue team has worked with the Cambodian police for the past year and found a very different story: The big business of selling prepubescent girls to foreign pedophiles for thousands of dollars still exists, though it looks very different than it did a decade ago." Maybe its best to look at Haiti and the CF's dealings there with a broader scope than just child trafficking. I just wanted to look at something today that wasn't Comet/Tunnel related for a change, and the makings of simple exploitation possible or confirmed in Haiti by deals brought into place by the Rodhams/Clintons are there. Monica Petersen may not have been directly investigating CF but may have been stopped in examining one or several of there interests, and of course she was there investigating HT.

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