4warned ago

Pillow over face incorrect. It was originally stated that way, but the witness misspoke. The pillow was above his head.

NotAnIdiot ago

Did the witness misspeak or was the witness corrected?

4warned ago

Good point.

AreWeSure ago

He was misunderstood.

reasonedandinformed ago

How certain you are on these matters...as WeAreSure you are a CTR troll.

Votescam ago

Has anyone figured out the motive for killing Scalia?

ActivistAngel ago

No discussion of Scalia is real without asking about the "order of St. Hubertus" that he was "vacationing" with at that remote ranch without his security. They are a Belgian "hunting society" that has long been known to be hunters of boys, literally. The fact that they are never mentioned is stunning evidence that something nefarious is going on. Many in the survivors networks have said that Scalia was a particularly sadistic child raper.

The_Kuru ago

The context of the email is that he's talking about Bernie Sanders. It's a real interesting question as to what Bernie Sanders has to do with "wet works", but it's a question that doesn't get focused on because all of the disinformation relating it to Scalia's death.

RebelSkum ago

I can see how people get the connection to Bernie and Martha's Vineyard, but that even took place on the 8th before any of the emails. You'll notice in the correspondence it is said "Sounds like it will be a bad nite" implying the event is still to come, and this was sent on the 9th.

doubletake ago

fwiw,, Steve is also gay.

"Clinton campaign picks gay lobbyist as D.C. delegate"


bernitdown ago

Source on pillow over face or I call bullshit

RebelSkum ago


The owner of Cibolo Creek Ranch has even tried to clarify. According to Jake Tapper, the owner says Scalia’s pillow was “​over his head, not over his face . . . against the headboard and over his head.”

Edit: another source on suspicious details after his death as well: http://www.latimes.com/nation/la-na-scalia-conspiracy-20160217-story.html

AreWeSure ago

Are you hoping people don't read the links you provide? Both of them eviscerate the case you made above.

Pillow was not over his face like you claim. He was known to be in poor health with heart problems, high blood pressure and was recently deemed too weak to undergo shoulder surgery. He was also overweight and a smoker. There were no signs of foul play. Yes he was clothed. Did you expect Scalia to sleep naked? His family didn't want an autopsy.

The Vineyard is Marth's Vineyard and we know exactly what he was referring to in that email.
There's no evidence for a Vineyard at Cibollo Creek Ranch, but you will find people using MS Paint to say otherwise.

RebelSkum ago

Cibolo Creek Ranch Vineyard is a real place which is part of Cibolo Creek Ranch: https://www.google.com/maps/place/Cibolo+Creek+Ranch+Vineyard/@29.8527687,-104.3421611,14z/data=!4m12!1m6!3m5!1s0x86efb0a5569d321f:0x5b5bbb720c4900f1!2sCibolo+Creek+Ranch!8m2!3d29.861264!4d-104.3329128!3m4!1s0x0:0x5bc8e77df99fb5e7!8m2!3d29.8655928!4d-104.3314109

There are enough suspect parts of this case which make the allegations of suicide at least worth investigating and should not have just been immediately ruled suicide.

edit: And you say there was no evidence when you posted that there was a Vineyard at Cibolo Creek Ranch, but the screenshot including Cibolo Ranch Creek Vineyard is actually linked in OP: http://pizzagate.wiki/images/9/97/Scalia-ranch-plus-smithsonian_map.png

reasonedandinformed ago

AreWeSure us certain to be CTR, and WeAreSure.

RebelSkum ago

Starting to agree. Healthy skepticism is not the same as just baselessly saying everything is wrong

reasonedandinformed ago

Yes. This particular shill goes beyond skepticism saying "nothing here"...without any way to prove his side, similar to MSM labeling this as "fake news" conclusively without investigating or debunking any of the major findings. This argument is ingenuous and proves that they are not seeking the truth. He further confirms that he is actively on the side of the pedos by, ironically, going after Trump without ANY support. If he were truly skeptical, he would see the inconsistency of this, but his goal is simply to dissuade, discourage, and distract.

AreWeSure ago

To prove how easy it is to edit Google Maps. Please follow your Google Map link for Cibolo Creek Ranch Vineyard and look at the URL.

RebelSkum ago

Just because it's easy to change Google Maps doesn't change that it's there. I didn't see anything in the URL that said it was made after the allegations though.

AreWeSure ago

No. Look at the url, I just entered as the url for Cibollo Creek Ranch Vineyards. The url that is listed as part of this place is voat.co

That is because I just changed it to voat. Google maps accepts user edits. It's very, very simple to add a fake place to Google maps. And that's what happened here. This place does not exist. It's fake. 100% and completely fake.

The google map page claims this place is a restaurant. The fake images that were posted of a field on Cibollo Creek Ranch show no buildings. The ranch has its own restaurant and the whole point of a stay there is you never leave the property.

This is a completely fake winery/restaurant that someone added to google maps after this ridiculous theory came out. There's no web history for this place prior to pizzagate and the ranch website mentions nothing about it. They do talk about their restaurant all the expensive wines from around the world they serve. The Vineyard only means Martha's Vineyard. And this is just one aspect of this ludicrous theory.

RebelSkum ago

Oi, if you spent less time refuting things which are true then I'd start to listen to you.

For instance here's the Cibolo Creek Ranch Vineyard mentioned SEPARATELY from the Cibolo Creek Ranch BEFORE the Scalia theory: http://www.texasfamilygetaways.com/family-adventure-vacations.html

My biggest opposition to the Martha's Vineyard suggestion is that the Bernie event there happened days before the Podesta email in which they say "it is going to be a bad nite", implying it is still yet to happen.

In addition the Bernie pictures were discussed days before the "wet works" email and the associated article that was to go with them never published: http://www.breitbart.com/2016-presidential-race/2016/10/26/wikileaks-clinton-team-leaked-creepshot-of-bernie-sanders-in-his-swimming-suit/

reasonedandinformed ago

AreWeSure CTR troll readily refutes real leads as unsupported but constantly attacks Trump, which is heartening to definitively show that Trump is their enemy.

AreWeSure ago

The bad night was the day of the primary. Bernie stomped them in New Hampshire.

Where did you find that link for the vineyards and do you know when that was published? Was that just from a google Search? Because that is the only result for the exact phrase Cibollo Creek Ranch Winery that's not pizzagate related and it's one of only 7 results. 7 results for a commercial establishment is awfully suspicious. And it wasn't there a month ago when I ran the same search.

Because looking through resources for Texas wine and wineries, I don't see any listing for Cibollo Creek Ranch and no one one google has ever seemed to have discussed the wine. So this is curious. It's also not on the Wayback Machine.





RebelSkum ago

Looks like the domain was registered August 2016 if you look up who is: https://www.whois.net/

RebelSkum ago

I first found that link at least a month ago when I was looking into the Vineyards location. I'll need to get home to try and pry some date data, but I concur it's not archived through Wayback or archive.is

AreWeSure ago

That's not a real place. You can easily add locations to google maps and that was added after this theory came out.

PizzaThis ago

Oh snap.

RebelSkum ago

Great find! That's quite an obscure and strange connection.

zlomsocz ago


quantokitty ago

Good post. Nice work and I wouldn't be surprised if he did have something to do with it.

Dasistnichtgut ago

You guys are so transparent to anyone with half a brain. If you've been here for 2 months like your info claims you'd know that's old news.

TheJesusDude ago

Very old news

RebelSkum ago

I realize that, but the extent of John's connection to finding Scalia's replacement is a fairly new detail, and here it's all brought together and references can easily be found in their proper context.

Dasistnichtgut ago

Shilly McShillerson.

DietCokehead1 ago

Scalia assassination infographic [high-resolution]:

imgoat upload: https://imgoat.com/uploads/4ca4238a0b/795.png

imgtc upload: https://i.imgtc.com/WRV6tIN.png

RebelSkum ago

Added link to this near the top of the post with a shout-out. Thanks!

tic_toc_tic_toc ago

They totally killed him and im sure Obama was fistpumping hard over it even tho he knew HRC would be the one pointing out the next one...oh wait.. oh SNAP ooooh shit!!WHAT HAPPENNNDDD! MAGA happened. If that old hag Ruth Guinsberg og whatever could throw in the towel soon then Trump can name another conservative judge for the supreme court. Good stuff.