Redcone ago

Initials JP could be for John B Poindexter, the owner of the Cibolo Creek ranch, and a member of The Order of St. Hubertus

grlldcheese ago

I remember when i dismissed this one based on that logic.

Read the pol analysis of the movie script. It's pretty fucked up. I went from ridiculing skeptic to believer pretty quick.

Edit: Oh shit, the guy right under me, u/waxdino posted it.

abortionburger ago

Thank you!

contrarianism ago

This was noted a few weeks back. It's in the threads

hanknut42 ago

The question we need to know is why kill him what was he going to do? we need to know what he knew!

pizzaequalspedo ago

They "why?" is so that Obama could replace a hard core conservative with a Liberal. With 9 SCOTUS seats and a virtual tie in regards to politics, flipping one is a game changer.

jonnythaiwongy9 ago

Why not earlier tho, he surely must have foreseen difficulty appointing someone so late? Altho I can see how his power and arrogance cud lead him to this action thinking he cud bribe his way into appointing some1?

pizzaequalspedo ago

Maybe the timing wasn't right for the operation or who knows.

As to why wait so late, my first thought is he probably thought it was a fore gone conclusion that Hillary would win in a landslide so even if the R's dug in like they did, it was just a matter of months before another Dem could replace Scalia.

jonnythaiwongy9 ago

True, i forgot Hillary was the 100% chosen successor

rootthemout ago

Cibolo Creek Ranch is also referred to as "rent boy ranch"

zzvoat ago

very old find BUT thanks for bringing it up again!

waxdino ago

It was brought up yesterday. Am I in the twilight zone?

yabbadoody ago

that would be some pool party, would it not?

RebelSkum ago

Excellent work anon! +100. I updated the Antonin Scalia page with these details and included an image comparison between the Smithsonian map and Scalia's vineyard. Almost identical locations: ||

Phobos_Mothership ago

Does this look like the place to not state your claims outright?

Edit this post to include this 'realization' we will have or delete it and repost it to v/pizzagatewhatever

waxdino ago

The thread you linked, one of the biggest posts all day yesterday, still on the front page, had this image:
And this link that demonstrates exactly what you are describing.
So that's why you are getting downvoted. No offense. But there was just a thing about this. Did you not click the links? If I am missing something new, please explain.

bopper ago

Whatever the case, "wet-works' is a term that goes back years with intelligence and it means eliminating someone, killing them. I hadn't heard that it might mean firing someone, maybe so. But it's telling that the term is mentioned by this particular crowd. "Can't we just drone this guy?"

Chip Tatum (below) was tasked with 'wet-works' for example. (He's mistakenly being reported as dead, he's not.) Another example is a clip of a green beret who did wet-works (involved in JFK related eliminations) all the way back to '62.

AreWeSure ago

How come this vineyard doesn't come up in any way, shape or form on before these emails?

Google Maps lists this as a restaurant (probably because vineyards by themselves wouldn't appear.) Why is there no photos of this restaurant anywere? No pictures.

Food is included in your stay at Cibolo Creek Ranch which is in the middle of nowhere. Why would there be an additional restaurant. How would it be supported.

Cibolo Creek Ranch mentions nothing about making their own wine, in fact it brags about wines from all over the world in its cellar.

The satellite photo shows a field. No buildings whatsoever and at that map point. So where is this restaurant?

This is a hoax.

Orange_Circle ago

Podesta is straight up saying that wetworks has nothing to do with a pool.

So we default to what the term means. It's an assassination.

AreWeSure ago

Lot of folks think it's about this "political hit" on Bernie Sanders. Sanders hanging by the pool at a Martha's Vineyard retreat with the same lobbyists he attacked. Bernie by Pool on Martha's Vineyard

Orange_Circle ago

My own theory is that if they have been in government for any length of time, they must be corrupt.

AreWeSure ago

When do you think it happens?

jonnythaiwongy9 ago

They seem to immediately work on interns or newcomers, they are fairly abusive and force long hours. The main factor i think, is they slowly demand increasing flexibility of morals, until doing outright immoral things can be construed as, ok.

AreWeSure ago

Yeah, that's what happens man! It's like that prison experiment.

ThighHighSwampBoots ago

Immediately. As soon as they join the party. Podestas: undergraduate days. Just like Ted Bundy, only Democrat party.

jonnythaiwongy9 ago

This goes on in Republican circles as well, the entire political apparatus, at least 90% of it for the last 40 years has been increasingly corrupted, probably really getting going in the early 50's. The leadership the GOP wanted to put forward is the same, the likes of Rubio, Ryan etc, cud not trust those fuckers for a second, their political beliefs come a distant second to shilling for their masters.

Orange_Circle ago

I don't know. Now I'm rethinking that based on the Paul family.

jonnythaiwongy9 ago

It's not everyone, just most of them to some extent, I think the thing holding most of them back from being outright shysters is simply lack of opportunity. I don't think this is the case at all with Ron Paul. I think its exactly the reason he's never been put where he should be put, i.e. the white house, auditing the fed, head of oversight on cia, because he's honest, and that cud interfere with the plans.

Precipitate ago

Because it's months old info that gets reported as new every couple weeks.

TheJesusDude ago

There also isn't really anything new added from my thread he linked. I knew it was old information but I was going at it on pursuing the person who sent the email. This is just further repeating what information I had already linked in my thread.

Precipitate ago

I hate to admit it, but it seem like the investigation has hit a wall and I don't know if it can move forward with just the information that is available to us.

carmencita ago

Who lays down to take a nap with a pillow over their face? Hmmmm..... Also the sheets and bed and his bed clothes were not at all rumpled. Ok so maybe he died right after going to bed. But who lays so neatly with hands folded while sleeping. Something does not add up. He got into bed and someone snuffed him with the pillow and neatly prepared the discovered scene.

sensitive ago

Just a reminder that "Cibolo" comes from the Spanish "cebolla", meaning "onion". Thus in many Wikileaks emails references to the "Onion Creek Ranch", which is probably the same as the "Cibolo Creek Ranch".

AreWeSure ago

It's not Spanish.

What does the word Cibolo mean? In fact, the name Cibolo is an Indian word meaning “buffalo”. The City of Cibolo was named after the creek that flows through the area.

sensitive ago

Thanks, that may well be. In any case, those people seem to refer to the Cibolo ranch also as Onion ranch, maybe because the similarity of those two words.

DirtyDancingRedShoes ago

This is all fascinating, but why is it on the pizzagate thread?


I think anything we can find on this group of people is extremely relevant to pizzagate. An alternative path might be carelessly covered up by those involved and could lead to the center of everything.

ThighHighSwampBoots ago

Yes, I would hammer on Martha's Vineyard. It has a history of family participate d nude beaches since the 1940s. Plenty of pedophilia, hidden in the night or hidden in a sunny day at the beach. So many secrets. See Carly Simon's autobiography. She experienced sex abuse as a child on Martha's Vineyard. Even her family did nothing about it.

doubletake ago

?????? What do you mean, "why is it on the pizzagate thread?" How can you separate this from Pizzagate? Podesta is involved here, plus there has been a lot of talk about Scalia's pedo past. Why does it even occur to you that this is somehow out of the loop? The idea here, i thought, was to reconstruct the pieces of the P-Gate puzzle. This is a godzilla sized piece, if the links turn out to be valid. Nobody knows where this stuff is going to lead. What's totally amazing is that this citizen's investigation is turning up some brilliant clues, or at least a list of uber-coincidences.

G_Gordon_Linguini ago

bc "Pizzagate", in my opinion, is a very large criminal conspiracy around the players involved and the crimes they are committing. Not just one pizza place in dc which we all feel is a very low level operation in the larger scheme of things. It is wide and vast and deep so the net has to be pretty fucking huge.

I just always compare this to the basic run of the mill mafia crime family where they have bosses, consiglieres, dons, solders and of course front companies (CPP) to launder money and move drugs through like strip joints, construction companies and, quite ironically, pizzerias.

ArthurEdens ago

Pizzagate is the gateway. Just like watergate was the gateway to all of nixon's corruption.

abortionburger ago

Source on the pillow over his face? I haven't heard that before.

KittyTigerlily ago

I think they were talking about the pillow over the news and people wondering why. They said, oh, probably to keep the light out in the morning early. I remember that, and I know several news places and articles talking about it.


I have heard that as well...Pillow on face when found..(no source - seen over 1000 articles in past 2 months)

this helps:


AreWeSure ago

The owner clarified this the day after when people started to claim he was indicating some forrm of foul play. He was not.

“There was a pillow over his head, not over his face,” said Poindexter. “The face was entirely clear.”

No matter that Poindexter later clarified his remark. The pillow was between Scalia's head and the headboard, the Texas businessman told The Times on Tuesday.

Scalia looked peaceful, "almost as if a model had been put in the bed," he said.

happyme73db ago

very excellent research...

The_Kuru ago

That was the day they leaked the body-shaming photo of Bernie Sanders lounging by the pool at Martha's Vineyard. Same date for email and Perez Hilton posting the photo. How does this Scalia silliness keep reigniting here? It's idiotic.

WeWillWin ago

In the email they say:

**I am all in

Sounds like it will be a bad nite , we all need to buckle up and double down**

Why would they talk like that if they were merely leaking a body-shaming photo of Sanders?

BB-3 ago

The photo of Sanders was released at the same time as a cover.

KittyTigerlily ago

Yeah, why would they say "sounds like it will be a bad nite"?

AreWeSure ago

They were just about to lose the NH primary

Haldelos ago

just a theory that I've heard that made sense to me: the same day as this convo took place- numbers came out and Hillary lost or was losing badly to Bernie in i believe New Hampshire. I've seen other posters say this convo meant it was going to be a bad night because of the polling numbers...but they were not discouraged...still "all in" on Hillary as a candidate and would work even harder for her (double down). -something to consider

nomorepepperoni ago

I'd agree that they could have been referring to character assassination rather than a literal one, but with everything happening around the same time frame, the Scalia "silliness" isn't as farfetched given what OP showed.

Got a link for Perez Hilton being the same day?

PresudentMcCheese ago

Nice try, shill. I guess you weren't a fan of Scalias, huh?

Haldelos ago

I agree the the script is pretty weird...but im trying to be level headed about this stuff (after researching this for a month+ everything starts looking pizzagate related- haha) Anyway, the ONLY part of this that makes me think that it might be a legit attempt to get funding for a shitty little movie is that the Patterson guy names a director/producer attached to the film who is particularly good with small films. He names Ken Del Conte...that is a real guy with an active IMDB page. I just wonder why he would put an actual person into a code email.

TheJesusDude ago

I am the author of the referenced thread about the murder plot. steganography: the practice of concealing messages or information within other nonsecret text or data. They do this to send CP to each other undetected, unless you know how to look for it. Why would they not try to recreate this in real life? A murder plot inside a movie script. Even further suspicious when a reporter reached out to the email address [email protected] and asked about the suspicious email and the response was "i did not send that email"

We need to find out through WGA if the script for INEZ COMES TO AMERICA actually exists.The person also said on a forum that the script is on

Haldelos ago

hmm interesting...maybe i'll try to contact that del conte guy who seems to be real and check if he's heard of that project.

TheJesusDude ago

Also note that the user "viejojoe1" posts on an actual movie directing/producing forum talking about working with Lee Levinson. One of Lee Levinson's main films is Runaway Father, starring Jack Scalia. Pretty ironic in my opinion. Also look at how many fucking oddities are in this guys bio

He started his career as "The Boy hypnotist".... You can only have so many coincidences.

LakeOfFire ago

Cross reference this thread:, regarding a strange "film plot" that was emailed to Podesta.

The link included in that film plot is: -- look at the where the line is pointing in Texas.

IDeliverPizza ago

i thought we knew all this stuff months ago. reddit was all over this.

vector3rector ago

People are having to recompile things.

Mods are going through great efforts to delete, dissuade, or discredit, decently compiled threads.

And many many more.

Precipitate ago

We did. 90% of posts are old information being reported as new.

hanknut42 ago

it helps get new eyes on it to awaken more people! keep searching my brotheres!

doubletake ago

no paper, no foul. :) this is really helpful for some of us post/non-reddit folks who never saw this nugget before.

Kawksnahch ago

Here's who sent that wike-mail: (he's the first picture)


Goldman Sachs lobbyist, Monsanto lobbyist. Wrote an email to Podesta in which he says that when he 'worked for the leadership we had a records retention policy to destroy all email after 3 or 6 months.'

Apparently gay - he's a "Past chairman of the LGBT Victory Fund" - and, like Tony Podesta, is an "avid art collector" associated with Transformer DC. Hmmmm, I wonder what's in his collection.