mrjdouble ago

100% this. Simple plan but lots needs to happen. Critical steps to the official rollout of the NWO.

-Eliminate borders

-Eliminate currency

-Eliminate nationalism and pride for your country

-Create new borders to include a super state similar to the EU, in which the US, Mexico and Canada are one "country"

-Create new currency

-Call it the "Amero"

-Develop other unions, (African, South American, ECT)

-Group people into larger areas

-Eventually erase all borders and establish the 1-world gov't

mrjdouble ago

Unless they select bodyguards that are also pedos, sympathetic or can keep their mouths shut. Several other Secret Service agents have been publicly busted in sex stings set up by other agencies of law enforcement.

G_Gordon_Linguini ago

I'm guessing there's something on video that the family's seen and they don't want it out. soooooo, clean and tidy, respectful, arranged conclusion to the story is the way they went.....


crashing_this_thread ago

I think he realize there is no way he isn't getting the death penalty if he comes forward.

Hopevoats ago

I spent a lot of time following him around the internet. Here's what I came up with. Some of these links could lead to Pizzagate-type material; especially the venues he frequents and bands that play there.

Jerry Rapp is a ghost writer who writes and produces in the horror genre. He is located in Kansas City, MO, but is active in red carpet events and film and music festivals; so it's not out of the question for him to move in the same circles as Alefantis and Podesta.

I have archived the following links, and will replace with archived versions if anything happens to these. Because of the information that does not translate in the archiving, I'll post the direct links, for now. If anyone has time to dig further and download/archive anything they find, please help me follow these leads and add to what I've found so far.

Jerry Rapp's Social Media and Articles

Jerry Rapp Facebook

Jerry RappTwo Facebook

Jerry Rapp Three Facebook

Jerry Rapp IMDB Profile

IMBD Writeup about his 2016 works (featuring Nicolas Cage)

IMBD Writeup about 2010 works

Jerry Rapp Wikipedia Page

KCTV5 Interview Interview

Note: The interviews divulge some information about his habits and favorite venues. A couple that I found interesting were Open Fire Wood Burning Pizza, which the restaurant is closed, but the venue in back Art Closet Studios is open. Based on the FB reviews and the entertainment posters, it gives me a questionable vibe. This might be a good place to dig.

Another favorite place of his is Grinders. Notice the various dark and devil references in their branding, as well as the use of eroticism and dripping pizza in their logo.

Other leads that I haven't delved deeply into:

Jerry Rapp's Production Company - Cinema KC Seems fairly benign, but it does illustrate a penchant for dark topics.

YouTube interview on Big Dumb Fun Show

Cinema KC youtube channel

Jerry Rapp's ex wife, actress Susan Diol, who is still friended on two of his FB pages with her FB Profile.

TheJesusDude ago

Good work

Hopevoats ago

Thanks :)

Same to you!

OrwellKnew ago

I'm the one who made the recent submission tying Scalia's death with that of a Peace Corp that, they were both declared dead over the phone by the same Judge

Here's an interesting take from a news report after Scalia's death

Scalia’s physician, Brian Monahan, is a U.S. Navy rear admiral and the attending physician for the U.S. Congress and Supreme Court. He declined to comment on Scalia’s health when reached by telephone Monday at his home in Maryland.

“Patient confidentiality forbids me to make any comment on the subject,” he said.

When asked whether he planned to make public the statement he’s preparing for Guevara, Monahan repeated the same statement and hung up on a reporter.

So who is this Monahan fellow? Well he was born in Fairfield, CT (a known CIA town) and attended Georgetown (many key pizzagate players have ties to Georgetown)

Dr. Monahan was selected by the leadership of the Congress and nominated to the position and rank by United States President Barack Obama in January 2009

TheJesusDude ago

The Georgetown connection is key. Whoever sent this email sent it to Podesta's Georgetown email address. Many other suspicious emails sent to the Georgetowne email such as the one trying to sell beanie babies.

OrwellKnew ago

Agreed. Some good reading here

mrjdouble ago

Does the "wikispooks" logo have to be ultra-similar to the known pedo triangle symbol?

It could literally be anything, but it's that.


OrwellKnew ago that you mention it, yea


The way I understand it now, the email about the film script seems to be calling for a major event in 2016 that will somehow lead to the end of the "wall" (i.e., the border) between the U.S and Mexico. This material doesn't make sense if it was really just about a film script, and, in any case, who would send a movie idea to a top-ranking politician like Podesta? The idea that the email is not really about a film script is strongly suggested by the bogus identity of the "Joe Patterson" who sent it. It would have been very easy for Podesta to figure out who this Joe Patterson was (if he didn't already know) by looking at his FB page. If it was a real movie proposal and Rapp was foolish enough to think Podesta would want to invest in it he would have had no reason to conceal his identity. So something is being discussed that is not the movie. What? Well, the clue is the map, where the line does indeed end at the location where Scalia was killed. There would be no need to send Podesta the link to the map if it was just a film proposal.

Melitica ago

Script email says it was also sent to pataki. Democrats get one, republicans get the other....

Hillary was defacto nominee for democrats and who was the other? Jeb! was. Baby brother dropped out February 20, right after debate where The Donald threatened to reveal W's knowledge of no WMD and implied inside jobs on other issues.

Pataki had been a bush guy since 911 and made as much noise as he could (not much) about Trump's 911 accusations... Was likely in line for Jeb cabinet ?

Jeb drops out same day as Scalia funeral.

mrjdouble ago

Interesting timeline here. They whacked Scalia and that was a message to everyone else. No one is untouchable. We can get at your anywhere, at anytime.

nitro169 ago

Because the family has most assuredly been made aware of the circumstances, anything they do would result in direct harm to their family physically and/or disgrace & shame. There is absolutely nothing positive that would come out any further investigation of this for the family, and they are fully aware of this. Keeping silent is the best/only thing.

nitro169 ago

Podesta makes a sick joke since this location is usually where they do FUN things in/around the pool at the ranch - “Didn’t think wet works meant pool parties at the Vineyard,” Steve Elmendorf replies.“I’m all in, Sounds like it will be a bad nite, we all need to buckle up and double down.”

That should help connect the dots...

APC_Frankfurt ago

The order of Saint Hubertus was mentioned in the press in relation with Scalia

For the records this is a Oath of the Wild Boar Hunter copied from a traditional restaurant in Punta Ala peninsula in southern Tuscany a posh resort and sailig port. " In nome di Sant'Uberto con il sangue del tuo primo cinghiale Io ti battezzo e ti nomino cacciatore di cinghiali. Rispetta sempre questo animale e caccialo seguendo le tradizioni.

Dannanzi all'animale abbattuto con il ginocchio sinitro a terra e la mano destra nella mano di chi da il battesimo, il quale prende il sangue dal foro della palla con la mano sinistra e segna la fronte, il mento, il petto e la mano destra del battesimando."

APC_Frankfurt ago

This is the archive of my comment which ARCHIVE.IS dont captured. Made a screen print of the comment. This is relevant to contributors. As comments and discussions are disappearing without warning. Is either the Russian Hackers or the Vatican innit uh! I have to repost the symbols of masonry and jesuits posted in the illuminati subverse as they are gone. Please make archives via screen print beside also post them. Also send copy to others. And please swearing and fighitng each other. Childrean could be reading Voat.

WakeyWake ago

There is a link in the email

A map. Look where the line is pointing to on map (TX) specifically Shafter, TX where Scalia died.

I found this email fascinating a while back, but chose to dismiss it only after believing it was a plot on Scalia. The only reason I dismissed it was the guy's fb page had same "plot" on it and it was posted years before Scalia's death. I do believe they killed Scalia. Maybe this is correct. I hope so.

thezodiac ago

Exactly, the guy is working on this script since 2010. How can it be a cover for Scalia's assassination?


I find much about the theory that the email sent to Podesta contained a proposal for a plan to kill Scalia plausible, but I would have thought that such things would be discussed entirely in person. Simple face to face communication would remove the necessity for such 'movie' proposals in the first place and leave nothing in writing.

fetuspizza ago

ELI5: How is Podesta powerful enough to call for a hit on a SCOTUS Justice and get away with it?

mrjdouble ago

He's likely not the one calling the shots, yet the mouthpiece that send out the kill orders. Like it if came down from the very top, that person would both being on a fucking email that could eventually implicate themselves in such an op. Similar to the unit level of the military, the order comes from top brass, then to several other levels, to the CO, then the XO, then the ranking NCO and finally to the grunts or the men on the bottom.

Make more sense now?

Haldelos ago

Hillary's cabinet (that would have been had she won) leaked today. Podesta would have been Sec. of State....he had alot of power but no doubt he would not move without Hillary on board

TheJesusDude ago

Bill's chief of staff, counselor to Barack, campaign manager for Hillary. In 1988, he and his brother Tony co-founded Podesta Associates, Inc., a Washington, D.C., "government relations and public affairs" lobbying firm. Now known as the Podesta Group, the firm "has close ties to the Democratic Party and the Obama administration [and] has been retained by some of the biggest corporations in the country, including Wal-Mart, BP and Lockheed Martin."

He is a big time player

smudgepotforever ago

Thanks for the link lane 24: So Christensen, is Kermit Christensen who married Margaret Isabelle Lucas (descendant of the Governor) They had 2 daughters (that I know of). Daughter Margaret Ellen Christensen married one John Warren Patterson (not our Joe Patterson apparently) in 1956, apparently in St. Louis, Mo. She was an artist. I don't have full access to to see the full article, but I could see that much.

So anyway....that couple had 2 children...looks like Bruce Frederick Patterson and Marcy Lucas Patterson. The other sister, Mary, doesn't appear to be married or have any children and like her late father Kermit,is a Dr.

ConnectALLtheDOTS ago

Dr. Bruce Kendrick (not Frederick) Patterson is a pathologist/ AIDS/HIV researcher. per Kermit's obituary: CHRISTENSEN, DR. KERMIT, Tues., Feb. 17, 1987, husband of the late Margaret Lucas Christensen, father of Margaret C. Patterson, and Dr. Mary Christensen, grandfather of Bruce Kendrick Patterson, adn Marcy Lucas Patterson, dear friend of Augusta Feehan Service at Christ Church Cathedral 13th and Locust, Thurs., 4 p.m. interment Iowa City, Iowa. Memorials may be given to the anatomy Dept. St. Louis University Medical School or Christ Church Cathedral Endowment Fund. No Visitation. A HOFFMEISTER COLONIAL Mortuary Service

Transcribed from archives of St. Louis Post Dispatch.

Votescam ago In order to understand this you have to go to the link first. It's amazing discovery, again based in code. Still more to be researched.


I am really struggling with all this! I can see how the role of C. Allen Foster implicates Podesta in Scalia's murder, but I can't for the life of me see how the email in question contains a murder plot and I have absolutely no idea what the Lucas angle is about. Can someone please summarise this clearly and simply?

Votescam ago

The original work by "Whichguy" is here and it's what you need to read to understand it all -- it's brilliant --


I did read it. That's why I wrote my post! I still have absolutely no idea why this movie idea conceals a murder plot.

Votescam ago

Do you think it's entirely coincidental that the Smithsonian map happens to point an arrow at the area where Scalia died?

Or that Podesta just happens to refer to "wet works"?


Why do you ask that? You obviously haven't read my posts.

I would point out that on the Smithsonian map there is no arrow, just a line.

Votescam ago

What was your reply to my questions?

There is no arrow -- there is a line pinpointing a location, however.


That's what I was pointing out to people who keep referring to an 'arrow.'

TheJesusDude ago

Look at the imgur link I posted for information about murder plot, also remember the email Podesta sends right before Scalia is murdered about being all in. John Podesta to DC lobbyist Steve Elmendorf. Elmendorf was also the former chief of staff to Democratic leader Dick Gephardt.

Podesta writes, “Didn’t think wet works meant pool parties at the Vineyard.”

Elmendrof responds, “I am all in Sounds like it will be a bad nite , we all need to buckle up and double down”

In the wikileaks email I link in my post, the "sender" (most likely not this Joe Patterson character) identifies them self as a D.A.R verified descendant over Robert Lucas. This is how we would find out who the sender actually is.


Can you actually give me the imgur link instead of just referring to it? I have no time to read through every post you've ever written looking for it. But do I have to read it anyway? Why can't you just tell me why you think the movie idea is actually a murder plot? It would make the whole thing a lot easier to comprehend!

TheJesusDude ago

It's the second link in this very post... I've done enough work for today, you can put those pieces together yourself.


(1) There are now two threads on this subject and (2) I thought we weren't supposed to use imgur!

TheJesusDude ago

  1. holy shit read two threads. 2. there is no rule in the sidebar against them.


The threads are long and involved, especially the first one (why was a second thread needed at all, I wonder?), which is doubly difficult because most participants are already 'in the picture' and do not bother to make it clear what they are talking about. Because Voat does not display the threads in a manner that makes them easy to navigate, following longer threads is extremely taxing. Anyway I looked at the imgur and understand it better now. What I'm still not sure about is how the movie project points to the exact location where Scalia was killed. I now have to find the email to check through it.

TheJesusDude ago

In the wiki email which I linked, they post a link from the Smithsonian

That arrow showing where land was claimed by Mexico and Texas is exactly where Scalia was killed.


Not an arrow, though, just a line.

salinaslayer ago

Flimsy but nice spotting

Haldelos ago

In the email/script...the guy (patterson) says he has a guy lined up named Ken Del Conte who is excellent with small budget movies. The budget on this was listed at 1.5 which would be very small in movie standards. Anyway, Ken Del Conte is a real guy who in fact directs small films...I think this is a big "check mark" in the column that says this may just be a really shitty little script and not a coded assassination. Ken Del Conte IMDB

mrjdouble ago

or 1.5 is the cost to preform a hit of this magnitude. Perhaps ken is the conduit that facilitated the action or was the trigger man himself.

Haldelos ago

Perhaps a conduit...definitely not a hitman. My main point is that Ken Del Conte is a relatively well known director/producer in Hollywood...not the type of guy you use for a hit...they have sheep dipped ppl for that kinda stuff. What WOULD be interesting would be to get in touch with Ken Del Conte and ask if he's ever been approached about a project called Inez comes to America...if he says yes...then this is probably legit...if he has no idea what your talking about then maybe this is a code and they just threw in a real guy to make it look legit.

TheJesusDude ago

But why would he send his shitty script to John Podesta and a former governor and big time lawyer? Why list the benefits of combining Mexico and USA in the email? Why does he list a different email to contact him on other than the one he sent it from?

Haldelos ago

I'll attempt to answer that piece by piece (my best guesses really) why would he send his shitty script to John Podesta and a former governor and big time lawyer? -Because he's desperate and thinks his shitty move could help their political cause by supporting an open boarder society (Hillary and Podesta want open boarders...typical NWO stuff)...Like Hey -I have a movie you could get behind, make money and support your NWO ideology!" (thats why he lists the benefits of merger) Also, these ppl have money and will invest in stuff. For example, Tony Podesta gives money to "artists" and galleries all the this line of fund raising isn't that abnormal. The lawyer is on there because he would eventually need to be involved anyway for contract/legal review IF Podesta decided he wanted to give $$. no clue on email

TheJesusDude ago

Governor George Pataki’s practice focuses on energy, environmental and corporate matters. He knows nothing about Hollywood.

Haldelos ago

You're wrong. He's had regular meetings over the years with Hollywood Leaders in efforts to make NY more attractive to filming. He knows ALOT about the business side of Hollywood.

TheJesusDude ago

I don't see any connection of this on Google, source please?

Haldelos ago

here's just one of several stories i easily found on google.

TheJesusDude ago

Oh wow I apologize, for whatever reason that didn't popup when I searched. Thank you. That certainly does make it appear to be more movie related now...

Haldelos ago

all good, bud... Not saying it still isn't worth looking into...just wanted to offer another possibility. After looking at this stuff for a few weeks EVERYTHING starts to look like pizzagate related...haha

TheJesusDude ago

Yeah I definitely put in too much time yesterday. You kind of distract yourself. Stay safe and keep working.

Haldelos ago

thanks! you too

Melitica ago

He was a Bush guy though and nominees were slated to be Hillary v. Jeb.

ZalesMcMuffin ago

The tin foil is weak with this one.

Haldelos ago

So this Patterson guy was born in 35' and died in the Korean War in 50'?? How many 15yr olds did we have fighting over there? No wonder it was a stale-mate... In all seriousness though that can't be accurate.

srslyitsbad ago

Or it could have just been prostitutes. I think the dailymail ran a story that he was killed by a prostitute.

draegspir ago


yabbadoody ago

Why: He was an impediment to Clinton... did you SEE all the supposed "GOP" shills lining up at the trough to praise Hillary? Ex Presidents (2, perhaps 3, not counting her husband and Barry), Generals, Governors... hell, Hillary WAS the GOP Candidate in 2016.

And "paedo": The Clintons both LOVE to blame others for crimes they themselves commit. It's a strategy, places your enemy off balance and makes them look like they're just parroting you ("you" being the guilty party). Most people in high places have been compromised directly, or by association. Scalia? He may have been there to hunt people (St. Hibernius Club, rumored). Or perhaps to dine on "long pig" (Soylent Green), or perhaps to engage in "forbidden fruit". We don't know exactly, but the speculation so far has led toward paedo - perhaps wrongly, yet Scalia did grow up in an admittedly fascist household with his father, Nazi sympathizer, so I don't suppose that Scalia himself might have been abused is too far fetched for Nazi leanings toward "discipline".

In any case, we don't know yet. We DO know he was there, cryptic (and not so cryptic) communications with Podesta PREDATE his presence there by months/days with ODD coincidentality, and we know he died - quite unexpectedly, and that the aftermath of that death was most suspicious. That's about all we know for sure, but these emails and sender/recipients fit the bill, almost like OJ's glove... only much better.

Stukov ago

I may need a new thread, but I think I finally figured it out. This is the post.

Writer-producer with political connections needed. I have the script, similar in theme to “Fahrenheit 911”, which grossed 119M. There is one version for Republicans and one for Democrats. The buyer gets both.

The goal is to help swing votes for one of these contenders in 2010.

95% takes place in Europe where I have a producer who has prepared the budget. We need funding from one of the Political Action Committees.

Armed with the script and the funding, we go to Europe as writer/producers and split what ever comes; 50/50.

Contact Joe - [email protected] – Southern Ca.

I've been scouring 2009 and 2010 for events (in another post), I didn't find anything that jumped out until I reread the message again before I was going to bed for the night. "I have the script, similar in theme to "Fahrenheit 911", it jumped out at me, this is code, the code "terrorist attack".

I look up terrorist attacks and see this: This is the underwear bomber that flew from Amsterdam (95% Europe) to Detroit that was supposed to blow up mid flight. I missed this before because I was looking for successful events not failed ones.

There is one version for Republicans and one for Democrats. The buyer gets both.

I'm assuming one version is success and one is failure? Or one is over US and other is over Europe?

The goal is to help swing votes for one of these contenders in 2010.

Is this still code?

May need its own thread?

which grossed 119M

The film did domestically make this, but is it code for anything? Wiki says bomber was in seat 19a, 119 is 911 reversed, and it says it would be the deadliest bombing surpassing American 191 on US soil.

Melitica ago

Democrats get one, republicans get the other.... Hillary was defacto nominee for democrats and who was the other? Jeb! was. Baby brother dropped out February 20, right after debate where The Donald threatened to reveal W's knowledge of no WMD and implied inside jobs on 911.

One week after Scalia death February 13.

Jeb ends campaign after debate, same day as Scalia funeral.

save_thechildren ago

I saw the son interviewed on television- he said given his fathers medical conditions they did not ask for autopsy.

dickface8 ago

That's still ridiculous and hard to fathom.

Freemasonsrus ago

Ya I've heard that. Wouldn't doubt it at this point, but you'd assume those into that crap have security details that are used to looking the other way.

yabbadoody ago

3 months lead time between these "pseudonymous" emails and the "wetworks" email. That's adequate time to get a wetworks team and plan together, especially at this level... heck, they took a little longer with Kennedy, but that was a PUBLIC execution...

So Scalia may have taken one for the paedo team. Everyone seemed to think so at the time.

SpikyAube ago

On the descendant of Robert Lucas, I found some things that should be useful for anyone working out who that might be. Here is some research done by someone who was looking into this family. Apparently Robert Lucas' sons George and Napoleon were twins and were illegitimate. They don't come up on as Robert Lucas' children, but clearly they were as documented elsewhere. Here's the research by that person, showing who each of those children married and their children and children's spouses:

And then also I found proceedings of the Masonic Grand Lodge of San Francisco in 1897 - a William Thomas Lucas was Grand Master and there was also a Frederick William Lucas. I haven't connected them to governor robert lucas, but there's a lot of them around and procreating in the 19th century, so there could be a connection, and obviously the freemason thing makes it interesting given the subject matter.

TheJesusDude ago

Nicely done. Check my latest posting to see the pedo connection between the guy behind the Joe Patterson account and pedo shit. Upvote for the cause if you agree.

Votescam ago

Here's genealogy for HRC

About a third of the way down this name appears

**2010 Pierre Lefebvre ** * Ste-Trinité, Bois-Guillaume, Rouen, Normandie [now Seine-Maritime], France, ... [between 1648 and 1652] + Laprairie, Québec, 4 April 1694 m. Laprairie, Québec, 4 Sept. 1673

Wasn't that the name of one of the Clubs in DC?

Haven't had a chance yet to cross check names from Spiky Aube list --

Also other reports on her family tree I haven't had a chance to scan as yet - from search:;_ylc=X3oDMTFiN25laTRvBF9TAzIwMjM1MzgwNzUEaXRjAzEEc2VjA3NyY2hfcWEEc2xrA3NyY2h3ZWI-?p=geneology+for+hillary+rodham+clinton&fr=yfp-t&fp=1&toggle=1&cop=mss&ei=UTF-8

ON EDIT: Other than the two Robt. Lucas sons who were illegitimate -- George and Napoleon -- there may be some other parts of the trail that are misleading. Seems there is disagreement with genealogists about her paternal grandmother reported by Hillary as Hannah Jones Rodham (Welsh) versus genealogists' claim that her paternal grandmother was Mary Bynum Jarnagin (Tennessee-Colonial ancestry)

Also may be further room for confusion as Huffington Post article below suggests that genealogists got one-quarter of HRC's family tree wrong:

One of Rodham Clinton’s grandmothers was a woman named Hannah Jones who was born in Scranton, Pennsylvania around 1882. If you’ve been doing genealogy for even a short time, you know to be cautious whenever you encounter a name like Jones, which happens to be the most common surname in Wales, the birth place of Hannah’s parents. Names like Jones, Smith, Johnson, Brown, Miller and Williams are a punch-line in the family history world — guaranteed to provoke a reaction from a seasoned audience — because we all know how much effort it can take to sift through the abundance of records featuring these names to find the ones we’re looking for.

So it’s astonishing that no one had taken the time to make sure that they had identified the correct Hannah Jones. As it happens, there were two baby girls born with this name in Scranton around the same time, and the other one left a more conspicuous paper trail. It’s not surprising that some researchers fell into the trap of picking the wrong one, but it’s mind-blowing that everyone did.

If everyone got a quarter of Hillary Clinton’s tree wrong, what about yours? Are the names adorning your family tree really your ancestors or just crowd-sourced fiction?

Mrs_Ogynist01 ago

On Joe Patterson's facebook about page, it show's he's married to Julie Patterson -

EDIT - It is his daughter - she was born in 1959.

TheJesusDude ago

Just found pedo connection to Jerry Rapp (guy who most likely made Joe Patterson accouunt). See my latest post.

2impendingdoom ago

When Scalia arrived in Houston and chartered a plane after ditching his US Marshall protection detail, Scalia and his companion, C. Allen Foster. Foster heads the Order of Hubertus and is co-owner with John Poindexter of the Cibolo Creek Ranch, 25,000 plus acres free for anyone to use, according to John Poindexter, “free of charge,” so long as they are a supreme court justice, “A list” celebrity like Mick Jagger or billionaires, others need not apply.

The crux of the story is how they got Scalia. According to sources, Scalia had been providing protection for an international pedophile ring and was murdered by “friends” who he had informed of the nature of his visit with Obama and the doom it signaled for those around Scalia, prosecution, ruin and Citizens United reversed.

The mechanism Scalia used to provide this protection was the Federalist Society which chooses the judges throughout the US judiciary system so should any unfortunate pedophile find himself in court, the judge was under Scalia’s control, thus making a successful prosecution difficult to achieve.

The Federalist Society grooms and recruits candidates to become judges at a young age – college age kids; they specifically seek out suitable candidates who have certain moral ambiguities that can be exploited.

Thus a stranglehold is placed on the judicial system of the United States by a group which serves the interests of big business – corrupt corporations, big pharma, the oil and coal barons; this is how their interests are, time and again, placed ahead of those of we, the people with the result that our environment and our bodies are polluted by the products of these corporations, be it poisons like aspartame and GMO crops in our food, toxins in our ground water (see Flint, MI) or just plain old exploitation of poor people such as the coal miners of West Virginia and Kentucky.

Scalia met with the Order of Saint Hubertus, the patron saint of million dollar dude ranch hunting. As of yet, no one has identified who was there, it seems that Supreme Court justices are found all the time with pillows over their faces and nobody asks a thing, but this was Texas and they make their own rules down there.

We remember former FBI director and founder, J Edgar Hoover, the man who said ritual satanic child abuse was a conspiracy theory. He is also the man who said the mafia didn’t exist. Scalia’s talk in Texas was said to have gone like this: “They have us, we are all going down unless we can give them what they want and they are holding all the cards, they have everything.” There was no negotiation with the White House, instead Scalia got, we are told and multiple sources confirm, a pillow over the face and a heroic funeral, one that President Obama refused to attend. Now we know why.

save_thechildren ago

There is a previous post about who was there.

thezodiac ago

Please explain one thing. If the script is fake then why we have a post of Joe Petterson talking about the script way back in 2010/2011? I call it bullshit, not about Scalia at all.

yabbadoody ago

Joe uses "scripts" as a cover... there ARE no "scripts", most likely, however THESE particular scripts aren't even written in proper screenplay format - and he mentions this, and excuses it. Likely just more backstory, making the whole thing easier to email around. I must admit, the "Democrat or GOP" versions things is most peculiar - people in Hollywood really ARE this crass, but they're even more professional about their crassness. There is a certain false naiveté here that doesn't seem to fit with "seasoned producer", if you ask me, though there is definite knowledge of how this process works, and certain elements of it - for instance, the email writer mentions "WGA number", which is a script registration number showing a date proof of authorship, in case there is ever a dispute.

That's most likely a ruse, because the script sample sent is SO BAD - the writing - that well, you can see why this person isn't writing blockbusters, but why would anyone spend $1.5 mil for THIS - a script where the dialog lays like lead pipe on frozen ground? It's bad. Stiff. Definitely "filler", something a student might turn in - it's for show.

thezodiac ago

It doesn't make any sense. Maybe he is just a poor writer trying to find some producer for his film he's working on since 2010/11. Not about Scalia at all.

TheJesusDude ago

Was Scalia still a Justice in 2010/11? Yes. Why would it be sent to Podesta or, a former governor and lawyer? Also odd that he is running for President? Also notice that in the wikileaks email, it comes from [email protected] but in the email they list their email address as [email protected]. Lots of suspiciousness.

Melitica ago

Republicans get one...democrats get the other. Pataki is a Bush guy. Race was supposed to be Hillary v. Jeb.

thezodiac ago

Interesting, but I don't think an annexation of Mexico will happen.

yabbadoody ago

He's talking about AMNESTY - near complete. And painting a rosy picture of outsourcing to Mexico, even as the US brings in Mexican professionals to UNDERCUT US workers, thereby forcing down wages and busting unions, AGAIN. TO A DEMOCRAT. Which only proves that the DNC has completely ABANDONED working people and will never return, now having had a taste of the "real money".

You don't have to give Texas back to the Mexicans... all you need is complete AMNESTY, and it'll be Montezuma's revenge on everyone but the top 3%... Social Darwinism.

TheJesusDude ago

It's what they're working towards. "New World Order"

Gorillion ago

Here is the summary if you are unfamiliar:

Well, he was right about what would happen if Hillary lost the election.

I'd completely forgotten about the "movie deal" coding. Crazy how much shit was going down in a such a concentrated period.

marvin_nash ago

Why do you, or anyone here, think his family chose no autopsy or medical examination? That part confuses me unless they knew something

ZalesMcMuffin ago

They got the message.

TheJesusDude ago

The family didn't get to choose the autopsy because the Judge declared it not needed. I don't believe the family got a say in his cremation or not. There was also some child care worker just discovered on here connected with this same judge where it was suspected murder, no autopsy and cremation again.

marvin_nash ago

Thanks, didn't know the family didn't have a say. Creepy stuff

2impendingdoom ago

Someone on this forum explained to me in a comment more than a month ago that Scalia was killed by his own. I'm trying to find the thread and the comment but can't remember who it was, or what the thread was about. It was in early December or November. The gist was that Scalia was called by the Whitehouse and shown an incriminating dossier by Obama who wanted to blackmail him for a vital court decision, Scalia took the file to the ranch that day (or next day), showed the cronies the file, and that night they slit his throat because the dirt would take all of them down. They didn't need Scalia because the case went to the S. Court, split 4-4 and remanded back to lower court with same verdict. I'm trying to remember the case. Anyway, that was this voater's take on Scalia's murder, if anyone has whitehouse visitor logs, maybe this would comfirm a Scalia visit to support this theory.

yabbadoody ago

that's the story, but we cannot CONFIRM that story - we have no available means to do so. For all we know, Obama asked him if he'd support a Clinton candidacy, or at least not object. No way of telling, without someone spilling their guts or documentation.

save_thechildren ago

FBI anon said to look at the cases Scalia was handling at the time.

Commonwombat ago

One case was The United States V Texas. The order would allow the offspring of illegal immigrants to work legally, roughly 4 million people. Maybe that's the Mexican connection in the movie plot and Scalia was killed because he would have opposed this.

2impendingdoom ago Found the source of compelling pizzagate related theory.

Stukov ago

I'm also seeing from the Reddit Thread on the donald about this, it says the lawyer that seems to be friends with Podesta that took Scalia to the ranch is tied to Bohemian Grove, didn't we find a bunch of info on them lately?

TheJesusDude ago

Yes we did.

Stukov ago

Weren't they possibly tied to the hometown of Joe Biden, do you remember this thread?

TheJesusDude ago

Who exactly?

Stukov ago

There was some post about Bohemian Grove and a town that Joe Biden was from (it had a gallows and everything with this "theater" thing).

Stukov ago

I'm tottally on board with this and cant believe I didn't read this stuff earlier...but one thing I don't understand, can someone explain how or what Scalia would do that would be necessary to remove him? What I mean is, I know the constitution and law somewhat well, but I don't know why you would remove a USSCJ as necessary to annex Mexico?

TheJesusDude ago

He was one of the only starch conservative voices.

Stukov ago

But how is he going to stop annexation of Canada? How is his removal and assumption they would get a different justice in there going to help with that?

yabbadoody ago

you DON'T need to annex Canada - all you need is TPP, which Barry and Hillary had been working on behind closed doors for about 2 years.

Stukov ago

Canada? You mean Mexico? So they could need Scalia out of the way to make sure TPP passes USSC?

TheJesusDude ago

Remove him and Clinton replaces him with their plant. Except they didn't think Trump would actually win.

Stukov ago

No I get that part, just not understanding how once they have supreme court that will allow them to annex the US. The only thing the court would matter for in this NAU (which they even made currency for once) is repeal of the 2nd amendment so they can do whatever they want. I'm just not understanding what Scalia would have impeded them on for annexation of Mexico as that would have been able to occur with him around. Either there is something we are missing as to what his impediment would have been or they wanted him gone for another reason?

ZalesMcMuffin ago

Or annexation was codespeak for something else (like amnesty).

TheJesusDude ago

There are probably many other pieces at play that we just do not know about or haven't seen yet.

Stukov ago

Fair enough. We will find it.

2impendingdoom ago

he was one of 5 reliably conservative voices, so now the court is split 4-4.

wecanhelp ago

I have reuploaded the graphic summary to, our preferred Imgur alternative as Imgur is highly affiliated with Reddit. Just in case.

catslovejustice ago

How is this pizzagate related?

TheJesusDude ago

Pizzagate is not just child sex crimes. It is a network of powerful people engaging in guns, drugs, children, murder, etc. This will lead us to another player in the ring.

Dagnysghost ago

DAR documented doesn't mean it is a female, to join DAR you have to prove with authentic sources your relationship by blood to a revolutionary fighter. Simply means they have the authenticated documents to prove the relation.

Ang68 ago

If I recall correctly, I remember learning from somewhere in the past that D.A.R. Is one of the most powerful groups in the US. A freemasonry registry I believe. This is from memory, so my memory could be wrong...

ConnectALLtheDOTS ago

I have an Ancestry account. I'll track down Lucas descendants and post a link.

TheJesusDude ago

Please PM or tag me or whatever

SaneGoatiSwear ago

goat sage.

CantWeJustDroneHim ago

Does anyone have a method of archiving that is a little easier to read than blowing up those crammed 4 chan images? The topics always seem really solid with data, I feel like I am looking at this

Maybe I am just getting old and should try harder.

Gorillion ago

The key is to look at the ID number up top (highlighted on the image) to understand who is who. Then understand that ">>123456789 #" means "replying to ID123456789" and whatever question they asked.

So read the top corner left, and then follow the relevant green lines outward. The original threads are far more nightmarish to follow. This is the easy version!

CantWeJustDroneHim ago

This is very helpful. Thank you.

Eastwood350 ago

Can someone explain the writer's plot with the connection to Scalia's death? I am not reading the email as a murder plot so what am I missing?

Vic138 ago

Here's the original reddit post that started all this (I think it explains it):

FR33D0M ago

FYI Joseph A. Patterson from the 7th Infantry Division in Korea was born in 1924. Was just curious since he obviously couldn't have been born in 1935 and died while serving in 1950.

Does anyone know if there's a place to look up names of everyone from the 7th Infantry Division? This book titled Seventh Infantry Division: 1917–1992 World War I, World War II, Korea and Panamanian Invasion seemed like a good lead but most of it's not viewable online.


I'm having trouble connecting the Patterson email to Podesta with the Scalia plot. Did I miss something?

Sharipie ago

They reference Robt Lucas being "chairman of the DNC". Could this be referring to Debbie Waserman Schulz who had that same job at the time?

MolochHunter ago

Man, that's straight outta Mad Men - Donald Draper was the assumed identity of a K.I.A Korean army

hide in plain sight much?

TheJesusDude ago

They like that strategy. They aren't hiding but soon they will be.


Joe Patterson has only one friend on FB and that is Jerry Rapp. As Rapp is a writer/director, I'd say Rapp made the Patterson FB account up and, for some reason, used this bogus identity to try to get Podesta's support for his nutty film project.

AreWeSure ago

but, but, but if this is just about a nutty film project than the whole premise that it's a coded assisnation plan falls apart.

TheJesusDude ago

This people employ steganography tactics to hide images inside images for pedophilia. Why would they not employ it in real life? A plot inside a movie plot. Also....why do you only post concern trolling comments?

ZalesMcMuffin ago

S/he is RPing a troll. It's a good enough gig, for the reasonably thick of skin. :-)

Anyway, who cares? It's not like PG would be better off with less critical thinking and devil's advocacy. There's lots of bullshit left to shovel out, and always more being dumped in by our (ahem) friends on the radar screen.

ravensedgesom ago

Impressive find thank you the connections are evident

TheJesusDude ago

If you inspect Jerry's profile, you will see he is in a relationship with Jerry RappTwo, so we can confirm Jerry is in control of 2+ Facebook accounts!

rooting4redpillers ago

Did you notice his relationship with Jerry RappTwo "It's complicated."

Ha, I'll bet it is.

TheJesusDude ago


pizzaequalspedo ago

Are you saying he unfriended him tonight, AFTER this thread was posted?

TheJesusDude ago

Yes. They are monitoring this website.

Godwillwin ago

yes they are. Alefantis admitted this to Ryan

pizzaequalspedo ago

Well, that seems very telling. Obviously something there if they are scrambling to edit facebook immediately after a post is made on Voat.

doolord ago

I guess that's one of the downsides of investigating on the internet. Everyone can see what we're saying.

Notashill4sure ago

True, and even though none of this is funny, it is kind of funny imagining them watching here, seeing something else discovered and then tripping over their own feet to try to hide the evidence. Like a scrambling bunch of cowardly weasels.

AugustaJulia ago

The advantage of tapping into the megapower of Earth's entire hive mind far outweighs the disadvantages, in my opinion. The wattage concentrated in the awsomely sharp beam of collective intelligence that is shining on places of darkness cannot be beat.

sleepingbeautycan ago

The upside is that it outs people who are concerned enough to be monitoring.

TheJesusDude ago

This is important!

Pizzainmyass ago

John podesta is such an asshole. He's always trying to sound cool and sounds like a douche. Like if he's actually making a snarky comment about an assassination on an email. "Cmon man!" - Obama

Freemasonsrus ago

I wonder what made him feel comfortable enough or if there was something going on there he wanted to hide and that's why he dropped his SS detail when he went out there.

TheJesusDude ago

No Marshalls either. Very, very fishy.

Freemasonsrus ago

It's an odd place to not bring protection simply bc, even though it's in the middle of nowhere, it's close to the border and those ranches are known to have coyotes running through w drug runners all the time. On the other hand, I could see someone like Scalia telling those guys to enjoy a weekend off bc he felt he was safe.

AreWeSure ago

How is this new evidence?

TheJesusDude ago

If Scalia was murdered as it very well appears to have happened, the real person who sent this email of the plot identified themselves as being a "D.A.R. documented descendant of Ohio Governor Robert Lucas". Hillary Clinton is associated with this group. Whoever is connected to Robert Lucas can be implicated in this plot to kill Scalia.

Stukov ago

Robert Lucas wife Nancy Stokey is a professor at the University of Chicago...where did Obama work?

AreWeSure ago

All this nonsense has been around since October.

And you are claiming who ever is a descendent of a guy who had 8 children and died in the 1850's got together to kill Antonin Scalia? That would be hundreds of people. Scalia did not die on Martha's Vineyard. He died on a ranch. A ranch that does not make wine.

Also if you google the email [email protected], you find him pushing movie ideas for years and years

Pushing Inez comes to america in 2012

Melitica ago

Cibolo creek has a large vineyard.

AreWeSure ago

There's no evidence of that. There are pictures that people label as a vineyard, but nothing predating the emails being released.

Let me be clear. It's claimed Cibolo Creek Ranch has a large vineyard, but all of those claims come after the wikileaks. Zero evdience past years.

AreWeSure ago

It doesn't matter if there is no evidence of a vineyard existing there before these emails were released.

You can just declare a vineyard to bet there.

TheJesusDude ago

This is not nonsense. I am not claiming "who ever is a descendent of a guy who had 8 children and died in the 1850's got together to kill Antonin Scalia" THEY STATED THAT in the email. How do you know it would be hundreds of people? Some of his kids didn't have kids, and most people live 50-80 years then. that would mean three generations tops. Yeah really reassuring that his movie script posted in 2012 involves "murder, cover-up and political corruption"

And mind you, in the fucking email, the plot references "The search leads them to an isolated ranch house with a massive underground tunnel" The Cibolo Creek Ranch is in the middle of ghosttown Shafter TX, population 11.

AreWeSure ago

A generation is not 50 or 80 years. A generation is when you have children. In genealogy, this is considered 25 years on average. But it very realistically could be shorter and most likely was in previous centuries

So if you are 80 years you could easily have three generations of descendants

great grandfather 80 years > grandmother 60 years > father 40 years > daughter 20 years. If that daughter gave birth to a new born, you would have a total of 5 living generations.

Lucas was born in 1781 that's 235 years ago or at least 8 full generations from the time of his first child. Using a common formula for descendants, if each generation averaged 3 children per family as opposed to the 7 Lucas had, that would mean about 10,000 descendants over the years with hundreds still alive. If the families average 4 children over the years, it would like 90,000 total descendants.

THEY STATED THAT in the email.

"They" didn't state anything. One guy did. Are you just confusing the singular and plural pronnounds. Do you really think he was speaking on behalf on any descendant of Robert Lucas or on behalf of the whole Daughters of the American Revoluation? It's nonsense, there is no THEY here.

Yuke ago

H'mm. So, he took part and died in the Korean war when he was 15 years old?

TheJesusDude ago

The details don't matter. Joe Patterson is not who sent this email. We need to look into the direct descendants of Ohio Governor Robert Lucas.

TheJesusDude ago

If he was truly born in 1935 how would he fight in the Korean war that was from 1950-1953? Unless maybe he joined right at the end? I guess the point I should make is that the person who sent this email is not that person. We need to find out who the direct decedents of Robert Lucas are.

ZalesMcMuffin ago

who the direct decedents of Robert Lucas are

You keep using that word. I don't think it means what you think it means.

TheJesusDude ago

I've been researching for 12 hours....sorry for typos....

Sharipie ago

Somebody with an account on would be helpful right now

SChalice ago

its free for 14 days

ConnectALLtheDOTS ago

I'm on it. It will take an hour or two to fill in the tree. I think a bunch of people must be trying, but I've got a premium account that gives access to supporting documentation, so please don't everybody try to set up a free account and slow down the system (seems to be happening as we speak).

ConnectALLtheDOTS ago

godammit. there must be a bunch of people trying to do the same thing. Ancestry is incredibly constipated right now.

KansasJakeBG ago

Adding context and info from Google based on e-mail addy [email protected]

This story broke out same week as the Mirai botnet attack and Assange's supposed kidnapping:

Redditor says his apartment was broken into the day after he posted (lots of links):

Joe Patterson says he never sent that email (heresay):

In the works since at least 2005:

yabbadoody ago

WOW - here our good buddy from 2005, let's call him / her "Joe," goes by the handle "viejojoe",

or otherwise "V(ie)-j(ay)-j(ay)", which is slang for "vagina", or perhaps "by way of a woman" ("vie" being exceptionally close to "via", which means "by way of")

So our PLOTTER here is potentially a woman, DAR, with connections to historic figures in early America.... hmm.... hmm... wracking my brain, trying to figure out whom this may be, and why it "triggered" so much attention so quickly... possible IP trace back to source originating the profile.... hmmmm... authentication... hmmmm.... only a criminal SUPER genius would think like this... No No No, not HIM, but perhaps more like... HER... "She of the Giant Laser, Who Must Be Obeyed"

KansasJakeBG ago

I saw that link but I don't want to sign up to see their other messages. I am lazy like that. Your post is funny and UPVOAT for Frau Farbissinia, I love her.

AugustaJulia ago

Viejo means old in Spanish, doesn't it? There are place names that contain viejo. So he could be Old Joe.

ZalesMcMuffin ago

Viejo Joe makes sense. The vagina thing is really tenuous.

Stukov ago

This is a different guy right?

NEED WGA ACCREDITED WRITING PARTNER “Inez Comes to America” is a completed action/adventure feature. Log Line: Inez crosses the border in search of work and her missing mother. She finds murder, cover-up and political corruption. I need the input of a WGA accredited partner to prepare it for submission. We will share equally in film credits, compensation that may come from this film. Please contact me, Joe Patterson, at [email protected].

Stukov ago

I may need a new thread, but I think I finally figured it out. This is the post.

Writer-producer with political connections needed. I have the script, similar in theme to “Fahrenheit 911”, which grossed 119M. There is one version for Republicans and one for Democrats. The buyer gets both.

The goal is to help swing votes for one of these contenders in 2010.

95% takes place in Europe where I have a producer who has prepared the budget. We need funding from one of the Political Action Committees.

Armed with the script and the funding, we go to Europe as writer/producers and split what ever comes; 50/50.

Contact Joe - [email protected] – Southern Ca.

I've been scouring 2009 and 2010 for events (in another post), I didn't find anything that jumped out until I reread the message again before I was going to bed for the night. "I have the script, similar in theme to "Fahrenheit 911", it jumped out at me, this is code, the code "terrorist attack".

I look up terrorist attacks and see this: This is the underwear bomber that flew from Amsterdam (95% Europe) to Detroit that was supposed to blow up mid flight. I missed this before because I was looking for successful events not failed ones.

There is one version for Republicans and one for Democrats. The buyer gets both.

I'm assuming one version is success and one is failure? Or one is over US and other is over Europe?

The goal is to help swing votes for one of these contenders in 2010.

Is this still code?

May need its own thread?

which grossed 119M

The film did domestically make this, but is it code for anything? Wiki says bomber was in seat 19a, 119 is 911 reversed, and it says it would be the deadliest bombing surpassing American 191 on US soil.

Melitica ago

One version for democrats, one for republicans. Race was slated to be Hillary v. Jeb. Three months later, Scalia killed and on same day as Funeral....Jeb quits after the Donald threatens to reveal dirt on W.

Stukov ago

2005, is that a reference to Ukraine? Or what happened then? Archived the messageboard one.

Stukov ago

Things that happened in 2010 of note (the post mentioned in the messageboard occurred Nov 2009

January, 12: A massive earthquake of 7.0 magnitude hits the capital of Haiti, Port-au- Prince. 230,000 died and it said to be the deadliest on record.April, 10: The president of Poland, Lech Kaczyński, died along with his wife and the other 96 passengers on a plane crash. It crashed western of Russia. The plane tried to land in a thick fog, but sadly missed the runway and crashed into a nearby forest. April, 14: The volcano in Iceland after several eruptions, stopped air traffic around Europe.May, 20: Five famous Picasso paintings worth 100 million euros were stolen from the Musée d'Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris.December 21: The first total lunar eclipse occurs on the day of the northern winter solstice/southern summer solstice since 1638, takes place.

Wikileaks drops massive amount of cables and files from Iraq/Afghanistan (from Manning).

With Economic turmoil in Europe (Greece and others very unstable) Austerity measures are approved. (debt crisis)

Suicide Bombers in Russia

France expels Roma (gypsies)

KansasJakeBG ago

MY MISTAKE he has been working on it since 2009. I mistakenly used his Join date :(

YingYangMom ago

Excellent. Thank you!

Investigate1999 ago

Scroll down to see the explanation of why I am wrong.

With names like "Joe" and "Patterson", it's not unreasonable for your average Joe to have the same last name in an military division in the war. You'd be surprised. With all of the wars, eventually, there will be some coincidental anomalies. Vsauce did that video about coincidences, where 1 photo captured 2 kids, who didn't know each other [i.e.: 1 kid in the background], and then later in life went on to meet and get married.

I'll give you an up vote, but don't go jumping on any bandwagons just yet.

EndThePizza ago

I appreciate your skepticism, and try to use that myself as much as possible, but let me 1-up you on the stats game lol

If you're in a room with 20 people, the odds are high that any two people have the same birthday. But, the odds are low that someone will share your birthday.

So, if we're looking at any common names for any army division, it's likely that there are going to be two people that share the same name. But, if it's one particular person that we've already singled out through their connection to podesta, then the chance is small that another person in their division that shares their same name.

yabbadoody ago

The most common form of "Identity theft" as being when an entire identity is assumed (and not just a temporary straw man or patsy), is to utilize the identity of someone DECEASED. It requires experienced skip tracers and PI's to decipher what, if any, information is being relayed by the choice, though it is most often just "random" and based on available information or dates, etc.

In this instance, I think we can assume certain information is being relayed, if we can demonstrate a CHAIN of such information relative to the purpose of the identity (coded information, in a format such that only the recipient could be certain what is being discussed) - which is already being firmly established..

Investigate1999 ago

But, the odds are low that someone will share your birthday.

Ah, that makes mores sense. People have explained it before, and it was on reddit also. However, I don't think that I've heard it in terms of 1 person being singled out.

Thanks for the explanation!

Vindicator ago

Nice explanation

TheJesusDude ago

The real point I should make is that the real person behind this email is not this Joe Patterson we see. We need to find who the direct decedents of Ohio Governor Robert Lucas are. That's how they identify themselves in this email.

Sharipie ago

Children‎: ‎George W., Napoleon B., Minerva, Sumner, Abigail M., Robert, Susannah, ...‎

Stukov ago

Where do you get those names?

Sharipie ago

Do you think it's just coincidence that he has a son named George W? not an entirely uncommon name, but still....

Sharipie ago


SpikyAube ago

His son George W Lucas is Star Wars George Lucas.

Oh god I am so tired I totally didn't realise how stupid this is given the dates!

SpikyAube ago

googling those names brings up Wikipedia profile of the governor:

Stukov ago

Just found it odd that people say that the Owl is the symbol they use for Moloch and Minerva is Athena, who is symbolized by an owl. And he lived at a place called Plum Grove (like Bohemian Grove?), in Iowa City, which I've been to many times and don't think I've ever heard of it.

Throeaweigh ago

Yes, minerva is an Owl! maybe it's a cute in-joke about who's responsible?

carmencita ago

Wetworks. Email on Tues. Feb 9. Scalia dead on Fri. Feb 12. Pretty obvious.

redditsuckz ago

Didn't think wet works meant pool parties at the Vineyard.

carmencita ago

I find it almost comical that he was found with a pillowcase over his face. No one found that strange? I guess not. Another snuff job?

mrjdouble ago

The telling piece of evidence to me was that his next of kin family reportedly passed on the opportunity for a post-mortem autopsy. Fairly certain they knew he was an ultimate, violent pedo and just decided that would make more waves and create more heat. Kinda accomplished that anyways by forgoing a critical facet to any COD investigation.

TheJesusDude ago

The caretaker at the ranch said he found him with a pillow over his head, then retracted the claim. The Judge who ruled autopsy unneeded in his case also said he died of a heart attack, then retracted the claim.

carmencita ago

So they retract and that means it never occurred? How strange. Hmmm. I wonder how many children were brought there for their amusement. He had eight of his own. I wonder if he abused them to create more of his ilk. These are pretty sick people.

Sharipie ago

The odds are astronomical that it's a coincidence. If it were you or me and we sent such an email re someone who is our ideological enemy under similar circumstances, we would've been picked up so fast our heads would spin. But then we don't have dirt on pretty much everybody who runs everything. In this country, sooo.

pizzaequalspedo ago

Yeah, this isn't rocket science. Things like a SCOTUS dying are extremely rare, and there just happens to be an email using the term wetworks 3 days before?

I've heard all the snopes/dem explanations for using "wetworks" to describe Hillary's New Hampshire loss in the primary..... That doesn't pass the smell test. Wetworks is a niche word, and one that would not be used for a primary loss, in my opinion.

mrjdouble ago

This is specifically a term used in covert operations to discuss a sanctioned hit.

Snopes is so full of shit. The links have been made already, they are the ultimate paid shills working on a deliberate plan of misdirection.

Fuck those guys. If anyone sites them moving forward on this sub or irl, they've effectively outed themselves as absolute morons.

NotAnIdiot ago

As a term wetworks pretty much just has one meaning.

AreWeSure ago

It certainly does not. In fact, this is the first definition from Merriam Webster. 1
work involving water or wet substances <All wet work, such as concrete, masonry, plaster, drywall and paint must be complete and dry. — Daniel Boone, Floor Covering Installer, 1 May 2010> <It is a frequent problem among individuals who perform “wet work” such as homemakers, bartenders, hairdressers, dental workers, and health care workers; repetitive wetting and drying of the hands leads to dryness and redness. — Deborah A. Kedrowski and Erin M. Warshaw, Dermatology Nursing, 1 Feb. 2008>

Wet work is a common term in pottery/ceramics and you don't want your pottery going into the kiln wet as the moisture in the clay will cause the piece to explode. To help us protect our kilns and other peoples’ work: We do not accept wet work. It must be 100% dry when dropping it off for firing. If you are unsure please do not bring it.

In the corporate world wet work is used for layoffs and terminations.

Whenever pink slips were imminent, he’d duck out of the office, leaving [the wet work](Whenever pink slips were imminent, he’d duck out of the office, leaving the wet work to others. ) to others.

"Governor Brown has just turned the keys of the Public Utilities Commission over to another oil industry loyalist who did the industry's wet work in firing tough oil well regulators in 2011, resulting in the loosening of well standards and a half million in contributions from Occidental Petroleum to the Governor's causes," said Jamie Court, President of Consumer Watchdog.

George Clooney played a guy who just went around the country firing people Companies hired him to do their wet work.

MattHelm ago

You moron. Podesta himself said "I didn't think wetworks meant a pool party."

He knew exactly what it meant and what was intended. It's CIA-KGB code for murder.

AreWeSure ago

It's also used when you lay people off, like a human resource manager saying he going to do a hit. It's a reference to the CIA terms, but not an actual murder. A lot of people think this corresponds to a hit on Bernie. In Paticular this one from the same date as the email.

AugustaJulia ago

The second is obviously meant as the same thing and used as a figure of speech, a humorous hyperbole. The first is irrelevant in the context.

carmencita ago

What kind of hunting did they do on this ranch. Something more nefarious than pheasant? I read a report on here that it was thought that BO summoned Scalia to the WH and handed him an envelope with proof of something that the Hibertus Soc. would most certainly not want revealed. You can't make this stuff up.

fogdryer ago

I read that also. it was dot to dot connection of a pedophile ring involving a supreme court justice

carmencita ago

I am of the belief that BO called him to the WH to present the dirt he had on him in order to blackmail. St. Hubertus offed him. He had become a liability.

fogdryer ago

I get the blackmail part scalia was not NWO and blocking him and kilarry

what I get from the emails is that this was planned podesta and obumer are perverts as scalia they had the goods on him to force cooperation. they didn't have to kill him but they did Why idk

why kill someone you had the goods on. use the dirt, manipulate the guy right. idk

carmencita ago

Maybe it was something we will never know about. They were all involved in so many nefarious things. Somehow I bet Assange knows. Podesta has a lot of power. When they released her cabinet choices he was listed as Secretary of State. What a catastrophe. She is like a vampire never dying and she will not be happy until she sucks the blood out of all of us. She will run for Pres. again. We must kill the Democratic Party and drive a stake into it's heart before they run her again.

fogdryer ago

I did hear of a tv show for here. Doom if true. I will have to leave by then. Lol. I will help to bring her truth forward. The question is how and who will listen. No one cares it seems

fogdryer ago

the article I read was akward. it was not clear who had the file obumer or scalia. if obumer had the file and gave the file to scalia and he took it to the ranch, showed his cohorts he could not protect them anymore ??? a global trafficking ring. he would go down via the law or

scalia was Not for open borders and NWO. He and killary did not like each other. strong conservative jusge. there was a murder plot and coverup. was he supporting the TPP or not. is that the case he was working on ???? obumer enjo yed summoning him. obumer didn't like him he was not a liberal etc. so why not just kill him for blocking him and killary? I don't get it the emails do suggest he was going to be killed.

carmencita ago

Well, it probably contained pedophilia charges and who knows what else. Possibly hunting the children as well. It has been written on here that there are such charges regarding the elites and many royals. The International Order of Hubertus was probably very worried that findings could be discussed with others and they could not allow that. He also may have told BO that he was not going to vote his wishes. We will never really know. But I have read before, a few years ago that he had pedophile tendencies. JP had Scalia taken care of by orders of BO. Whatever the reason or how it happened we know what that email was about. Wet Works.

fogdryer ago

Podesta has a lot to answer for !

fogdryer ago

not complying with obumer is blackmail (files) but why kill scalia if you had the goods on him scalias cronies maybe did it cuz he was now a liabaility

however with the legitmate emails a procedure was in place for sure which points back to obumer yes he was a violent pedophile.......idk...

carmencita ago

They are all violent pedos. Even if they have not killed a child themselves, they are complicit just knowing it is occurring. Yes. Well with the email and Wikileaks releasing it, we know it was pretty important. And nefarious.Wet works. Maybe JP belonged to Hubertus as well. We don't know. To think I voted for BO twice and GWB and WJC. What a bunch of worthless pieces of crap. All the people that died under their hands. Wars. Our kids and those of other countries. None of their kids have died. The D-Evil Cabal.

dickface8 ago

The hunting on the ranch thing is scarily reminiscent of the claims of "people hunting" in these elite groups.

carmencita ago

That is what I am afraid of. It brings to mind the accounts of Fiona Barnett. I read her story over and over so I will never forget. They must all die or be locked up forever. I want them to suffer for the heinous crimes they have perpetrated upon the helpless. I have no remorse for any of them.

dickface8 ago

Yep exactly where my mind went. Her account of the "hunting parties" was one of the more impressionable stories I've heard and far beyond evil if true.

carmencita ago

I believe that the Court of Brussels is taking up the case. I also believe that is why they have the former pope behind locked gates. He is mentioned in her account. I remember how he loved his handmade Red Prada Shoes. I wonder if Tony Podesta's Red Shoes were also made by Prada.

yabbadoody ago

it's a bit like Soylent Green - the answer is "people". Basically, whatever debauchery they want.

fogdryer ago

read the same

redditsuckz ago

Something more nefarious than pheasant?

Hunting and killing kids...

carmencita ago

That is my fear. He had eight kids. I wonder if any of them are on to this stuff and what might have been done to him.

throwawaa ago

Is there somewhere that explains the analogy in that "murder plot"? It's kind of long, and doesn't mention Scalia by name.

TheJesusDude ago

Of course they wouldn't mention Scalia by name in their murder plot dude. Look at the imgur link I have up there.

throwawaa ago

Of course! Thanks for the imgur link, that's what I was looking for.

akfroggie ago

Just curious - How could he have served in the Korean War if he died BEFORE the Korean War? Or am I reading that wrong?


The first engagement of the Korean war was the Battle of Osan on July 5, 1950, so the first casualties occurred that day.

wecanhelp ago

Excellent submission, competently researched, reasoned, and explained. I'm flairing it as New Evidence (technically, it's "old" evidence newly summarized, but I feel that the distinctive flair is justified as this is actual circumstantial evidence).

GoHeadBeGoneWithIt ago


Keep repeating this and he might realize that there's a real chance it will happen, and he might turn states witness! Cuz the noise isn't stopping, all the paid shills aren't working. The dots are still being connected and evidence dug up.... seriously. He's got what two weeks before shit could get REAL nasty! And if I was a Saudi Puppet master I'd be lining up some wetworks on a little pizza boy, no matter how much moolah he cleans through art!! THINK ABOUT IT JAMES!! I'd pull a Braverman and call the FBI like NOW!!!

ich1baN ago

You're wrong about this... JA is MUCH bigger than you people realize.... the guy went to the White House on NUMEROUS trips.... regular schmucks in the line of duty for these Globalists don't have secluded 1on1s lasting all from evening until 11:59 PM at the White House.

mrjdouble ago

I want to believe... About it all; that Braverman knew he was outed as the source, and skipped on over to the feds for protection. That Alefantis is smart enough to know that time is running out on him, (he's certainly familiar with the conversations going on over here and know's the ship has just about run it's course, largely due in part to our investigative efforts). Or that if he doesn't give himself up and cut a deal, essentially walking towards the light, he does meet his maker for everything he's done.

My obvious concern is shared by you. That if his evil overloads go through with it, it will be an excellent opportunity to do what they always do... Spin it for their agenda and to further win over popular public opinion.

The scenario you've mentioned is super dicey either way.

Somevoatguy ago

I think you are underestimating his power. He's not just a little pizza boy, he's the 49th most powerful man on Washington DC.

Godwillwin ago

But he is the reason they're being exposed. Well podesta too, but alefantis and his instagram....podesta was phished/hacked. Alexandria was not. They can't be happy with him

DriftingDevoid ago

Worth a topic on it's own?

Amyamy ago

Noone likes a sloppy braggart! He let too many clues slip through his social media.

Cuboctahedron ago

Screenshot this and post it everywhere.

fogdryer ago

yea, I would have run long before this. look at Kidmans dad. even after running they found him anyway.

Gorillion ago

He'd be an idiot to believe they're not going to kill him anyway at this point. Even if the heat magically went away they'd still snuff him. The guy's a fucking clown.

FriesischShipping ago

I keep imagining the scene in Goodfellas with the cornfield and baseball bats.

Banned4Truth ago

Eureka! Something just occurred to me. In the Alefantis/Pegasus Youtuber threat video, he said (paraphrasing) he would "do whatever necessary to protect his family" inferring that he had been undergoing death threats. I'll have to check it again. But perhaps tptb told him to make this go away or he would "go away". Just a thought

Truthseeker77 ago

Just who is his "family?" He may be inferring not only blood family but crime family as well.

Hooliganscat ago

Just think of all the violent gay sex in prison JA could have! It would be a holiday for him.

asdfghjkl123456789 ago

Not Saudis. British.

ArthurEdens ago

Interesting. Why do you say that?

asdfghjkl123456789 ago

For one thing, the house of Saud is Jewish...

That's not a mysterious statement either. They're really, actually Jews.

ArthurEdens ago

Do Jews not do hit jobs or something?

asdfghjkl123456789 ago

That has nothing to do with it. The point is, they were installed. If they were installed, they certainly aren't in control of those doing the installing.

PresudentMcCheese ago

This makes sense when you pair it with William Daniel's discovery that Netanyahu is half Muslim. (When his brother was killed in Uganda he received a Muslim burial. There's a good video on this somewhere)

asdfghjkl123456789 ago

Things can get really fun here. Because of what Islam is based on. Mohammed met up with a bunch of heretic Jewish Christians that were living in his area. And many of his beliefs are based on theirs.

It's remarkably similar to Arianism (the theology of Arius, not White Power Aryanism)

SpikyAube ago

Which British?

asdfghjkl123456789 ago

The UK. Mostly through their intelligence agencies. It's easiest to pick them up with the Kennedy assassination.

SpikyAube ago

So you think that US politicians are puppets of British intelligence? Interesting - why do you think that, is there somewhere I can read about it do you know? Thanks! :-)

asdfghjkl123456789 ago

Larouche has a metric fuckton of info on it. They're...weird. But their intel is good.

WindowsInJudgement ago

Good shout u/wecanhelp


TheJesusDude ago

Thank you.

Orange_Circle ago

How big is a division?

WindowsInJudgement ago

A division had 10,000 - 15,000

Orange_Circle ago

That would be enough room for 2 John Patterson's.

WindowsInJudgement ago

Defo, also two joe/josephs I'm sure those records are available

TheJesusDude ago

Large, but since he doesn't give more information about his military rank or division it's hard to pin that this is exactly him. But what I am looking for, and this is much more important, is who are direct dependents of Robert Lucas. This will tell us who is actually writing the email.

Orange_Circle ago

I've been reading too much about these freaks. I read that as Joe Paterno all the way through.

derram ago

fogdryer ago

we all agree he was indeed murdered. who and why ?

nitro169 ago

I read the script as a potential DAR initiation, selected individual(s) are lined up ready to go.