carmencita ago

Thank you so much @fogdryer for all your hard work on all of these Submissions. You are sticking your neck out for all of us and I appreciate it so much. I did it for some time with St. Louis and hope that my work did not go unrewarded. I hope info has been passed on and I hope that some of this info is being seen by those that are not corrupted. MORE PEOPLE need to read your posts. They are what will bust this whole thing wide open. I wish I could give you and @Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt hundreds of UPvoats Here is One.

carmencita ago

This all makes my head spin. The Koch Bros. are all in this too. You Libertarians many times stick up for your ilk, you pick one or two causes you are for and don't pay attention to their whole plan. Look up the John Birch Society. Ron Paul and his son Rand are fakes. Rand once said he would not have signed the Civil Rights Act. That is epic. I am not just picking on them. There are many False Friends that people think are for them and they are not. I am no longer the fan of any idol. No YT idols for me or Political idols. I learned my lesson for the rest of my life with Obama. Never Again. Wake Up and Look into the Koch Bros in Wisconsin, for that is what they are doing everywhere else. In your state too. They are behind a Constitutional Convention so they can change the Constitution. They are just 2 states away from that.

fogdryer ago

Wisconsin Club for Growth

Wisconsin Club for Growth (WCFG) is a state arm of the national Club for Growth, and one of the top political spenders in Wisconsin. WCFG spent $9.1 million during the Wisconsin's historic 2012 recall races for Governor, Lt. Governor and State Senate, and has reportedly received a subpoena in a 2012-2014 John Doe criminal probe into possible campaign finance violations during those races. Prosecutors in Wisconsin allege that Wisconsin Club for Growth was part of a "criminal scheme" to coordinate activities with the Scott Walker campaign during the state's 2011 and 2012 recall election, in violation of the state's campaign finance laws.
the Club for Growth become “a hub,” according to prosecutors, for coordinating political spending by the Walker campaign and an array of outside groups. CMD also uncovered how WCFG was at the center of a "dark money

web," where the "group took in funds from some of the top Republican donors and Koch-connected dark money conduits in the country, and in turn shuffled millions to other organizations that spent money on ads in 2011 and 2012, all while keeping Wisconsin voters in the dark about the true source of the funds

WCFG's Board of Directors includes Eric O'Keefe, ---- deep ties to the Koch brothers, and who helped form groups including the Franklin Center for Government and Public Integrity and American Majority.

WCFG is led by RJ Johnson, a close Walker ally, who was a top campaign advisor to Scott Walker . WCFG registered with the Wisconsin Department of Financial Institutions on August 24, 2004

carmencita ago

Whoa. This is so very incriminating.I noticed a lot of the names had Patriotic and Citizen type names. So Very Fake. Do you think it will pass for pizzagate sub? Will MF delete? I think you should try to post it in both places. But you know best. I noticed that Donald Trump donated $15K himself. What do you think this means.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

Wisconsin is completely lawless and controlled at every level. They use Racine and Wisconsin as models for their bigger agenda. You can identify who is leading the charge in political corrupt through donations. Club for Growth is one of many PACs involved.

There was a chance that some more information would come out through the John Doe investigations tied to Scott Walker, but it has all been since covered up. The real story is with the Milwaukee 7 and Marquette Mafia using communities like Racine to push their corrupt corporate agenda to control information and resources, including the Great Lakes fresh water supply.

Paul Ryan, Reince Priebus and Scott Walker are corrupt and compromised Boy Scouts who are working for the mafia and the elite to push through an evil and corrupt global agenda. Racine, Wisconsin is the weak link to the entire system. That is why these three guys have so much undeserved power. It is because of what they are covering up in Racine and Wisconsin.

Racine is one of 13 Bellwether districts that control the political fate of the nation. Wisconsin is a key battle ground, and it is used by the elite to control the one party system. Both the corruption in the RNC and DNC are closely tied to Racine, Wisconsin.

fogdryer ago

Milwaukee 7 markets the region to companies looking to expand operations or relocate -- from across the state line to around the globe. The business appears quite successful in terms of how much money they make but I find it quite odd I cannot name the founder/owners...... This marketing business has a lot of sponsors. a lot ! sc Johnson to name one, other familiar names in their. I will let you read more below. Marq-Mafia====Back in the day they were called the Milwaukee Mafia. Victor DeLorenzo, Sam Llanas and John Sieger.

Milwaukee County is being run by the mafia.

The "Marquette Mafia," as alumni working in Milwaukee , make up most of the staff in County Executive Scott Walker's office . All of the employees with college degrees in the office except for one graduated from Marquette University. That means six out of nine staffers are Marquette alums. Milwaukee County is being run by the mafia.

Justice Scalia had ties to Marquette, Milwaukee

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

This is absolutely correct and only the tip of the iceberg. These groups are being used for global models from privatized control of public resources including the Great Lakes fresh water supply to Sanctuary Cities to renewable energy to education reform to prison labor to viruses and vaccines, and it is all part of the real agenda of Global Enslavement. Foxconn was the latest corrupt development deal that will be used as part of this program, and is a cover for what is really going on in Racine and Wisconsin. Trump is also involved in the deals, and the Reince Priebus firing was only for cover, just as nearly all officials in Racine have resigned recently as the system of extreme corruption, trafficking and criminal activity has been exposed. The players change but the system remains. The Marquette Mafia controls all local and state judges, and is directly tied to corrupt officials and law enforcement who protect those involved.

There is a coalition between political groups, corporations, institutions, NGOs, religious groups, secret societies, gangs and the mafia to push through the real Agenda. It is not only the Jesuit groups including Marquette, Georgetown and others, but also other groups including Greek Orthodox, LDS (Mormon), LC, OTO, Scientology, Kabbalah, and others. Racine and Wisconsin serve as the models for these programs, and many of these same groups affiliated with Milwaukee 7 are involved in the cover-up with fake organizations such as the Racine Interfaith Coalition, Higher Expectations, Great Lakes St. Lawrence Initiative, Anti-Trafficking Coalition, The Fight to End Exploitation, the I-94 Project, and many others.

Look into Scalia and ties to groups such as the Red Circle, Keshe Foundation, Federalist Society, Koch network, Club for Growth, CATO Institute, Reason Foundation, and Heritage Foundation. It is a global network with many layers, and the Milwaukee 7 is one of many regional models involved.

Racine and Wisconsin is the "Root" of the entire system, and the real agenda of Global Enslavement.

fogdryer ago

the john doe investigation has been stalled

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

They cannot allow the public to know the real story about the John Doe investigations, or everyone will find out about the criminal corruption networks in Wisconsin that control the entire court system, legislature and public private partnerships through collusion, racketeering and other crimes. Scott Walker and many others involved should all be in prison, but instead they bought off the Wisconsin Supreme Court and all lower levels. The rule of law is dead.

It will also expose the JTTF programs in Wisconsin used by politicians for retaliation, intimidation, blackmail, extortion, harassment and other means.