9811575? ago

Be sure and take a look at the article and video in link submitted above.

fogdryer ago

you are a seasoned investigator, we are not :(

you know what you are thinking but we don't know what to think where to go and how to connect this stuff. I googled Racine Wisconsin international businesses-------what came up wasn't direct ....you know what to lookk for.....we don't

thks for all you do Wisconsin is corrupt

duhiki ago

Lead therapy. Makes the revictimization rate drop to a solid 0.

Truthseeker3000 ago

Please look up the story of Casey Johnson and her "accidental" death by not taking her insulin (bullshit). Her father Woody Johnson sexually abused her during her childhood, she had Borderline Personality Disorder and was bisexual. She was killed because she married Tila Tequila (Tila Nguyen) and told her the Johnson & Johnson family secrets. Tila told many things about the Illuminati on her blog and twitter and even YouTube but a lot of it has since been removed. The Illuminati have been after her for years and she tells many strange things to which people say she's a drug addict and delusional, however, she is not and never was. As flamboyant as she seems she S very much ahead of her time. She spoke out about the illuminati in 2010. She also had a brain aneurysm after she began speaking out and was programmed against her will in the hospital. All this because of the Johnson & Johnson family.

banusaur ago

Normally pedos get 11 years. This injustice is an insult to imprisoned Americans everywhere who are punished far worse for far less.

kazza64 ago

this would be the tip of the iceberg. paedophiles get convicted for one of the thousands of crimes they have committed. if they get convicted.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

We know this happens still today in Racine. In fact they have programs specifically built to steal younger kids' or small businesses' ideas, and control their growth or lack thereof. It is a cannibalistic market, where only those approved in the circle can survive. Every market is controlled through a system of bribery, blackmail, racketeering, extortion, embezzlement, fraud, bid rigging, kickbacks, handouts, free press, retaliation, blackballing, theft, defamation, and other forms of control. We have never seen anything like it. It is pervasive.

According to Racine, it is the center of the world, and in some regards, that is true. It is a main root for Pizzagate and Global Criminal Corruption.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

We are familiar with her story. Gang stalking in Racine is very real, and not only physical, but in other forms as well (e.g. social, electronic, etc.). As far as energy weapons, we cannot verify or deny, however we have heard similar testimony from many others to that regard. Thank you for posting this. It is worth some level of reexamination particularly for connections that may not have been linked before.

Another related story is Sean Stinn of Chicago Illinois. Biomedical Targeted Individual dies suddenly - From the article on examiner.com…Known as a bioengineer technical genius among the Targeted Individual community, Stinn fought to have evidence regarding electronic harassment used in court.

The interesting part is that we heard Racine was just named as a location for Biomedical Terrorism Preparedness.

fogdryer ago

Pedifiles are mentally ill

No cure whatsoever

User2060 ago

Teenagers on teenagers isn't fine? You can't call that pedophilia. It's the normal process of humanity. Nothing is gonna prevent teens from having sex with other teens, maybe they keep it to non-coits or birth control (not necessarily the could-be-for-some dangerous pill). Men at 14 are often ready for this, those annoying erections we get for no reason in school, anybody remember that? Truth is by 14-15, they're both (genders) ready for it physically normally.

Just to say that over obsessing about teenagers especially if you're a parent and preventing them from the natural happening, meaning them getting a x-friend or y-friend should be excluded from the shooting galleries.

User2060 ago

I don't know what kind of douchebag could minus me for that post, eat shit, puritan.

duhiki ago

Pedophile denotes an adult attracted to a child, not horny teenagers dating or whatever.

At 14, they aren't "men," especially in the USA. Yes, they may be able to reproduce, but their brains haven't matured, nor have their bodies. Conflagrating the two issues (teen/teen vs predatory adult/child) shows a disconnect regarding the matter at hand. My question is whether it's intentional or not?

User2060 ago

It's not, I was saying that because the person was saying that "pedophiles" should be killed no matter what age they are and started enumerating states of one's life and then got to teenager and I wanted to clarify that teenagers should not spend their life in shame for doing something with another person of their age or so. Definitely no sex with a tween is fine though, sure girls develop often earlier at 11,12 but to me that's an effect of exoestrogens from plastics that are just that that are everywhere in our environment thanks to it being put everywhere such as food cans (in the linings, so food drops out easier....my german friend tells me their food cans do not contain this kind of lining like we have here in North America. They have less problems such as increased gynecomastia (manboobs), and low testosterone levels for your age bracket, which is a virus here, my primary care doctor is also thank god a Men's Health Specialist and since I am scripted a testosterone enanthate shot once a week, it really put back my system in a state of homoeostasis. Although, he has the cure, the reasons he says are many, and he can't tell me why exactly, he agreed with me about plastic exoestrogens found in cans, soda bottles, (not the cans, which is funny in a way). Bisphenol A is found in any sample taken anywhere in a house or even most places outside in an urban setting or semi-urban setting. I was kind early myself, I started getting armpit hair in the 4th grade, just a little, but still, then I was dripping testosterone, now it's like it's all gone and has to be replaced artificially. Sigh...

eyeVoated ago

You guys want to see something fucked up? Did you ever hear the official 'story' of Johnson & Johnson heiress Casey Johnson? I remember this story vividly when it came out. Her life was destroyed by something deeper than what the 'official' news reports say:




"The Band-Aid heiress had been cut off from her fortune and family, whose help she refused."


Way to make a pun out of someone's destroyed life. Stay classy..NYPost.


Gee, wonder why a billionaire heiress would refuse help from her own family? Maybe because they were evil pieces of shit that ruined her life and then threw her out with the trash after they had their way with her?


Apparently she suffered from borderline personality disorder, a.k.a.: a buzzword for "she's crazy" which is actually code for "she was physically, psychologically, and spiritually abandoned by her own family, from birth, and they didn't know what to do with her reaction, so they got rid of her".


I would bet my life she was being groomed from birth, and refused to accept her satanic programming. Perhaps even stolen from the arms of her own biological mother and trafficked to the Johnson family to fix their inbreeding problem. I'm starting to see this as a regular global occurrence.


God save us.

10081418? ago

Don't confuse SC Johnson & Co.. (Home Products Wax. private . predominantly owned by the Johnson Family and its heirs.

with Johnson & Johnson Public Co. traded on NYSE Big Pharma company.

But interesting comment.

Thank you.

eyeVoated ago

Different families?

10083021? ago

You prob. figured out,. but you were referencing the big pharma company not the Racine company.

10082024? ago


But Johnson & Johnson is not owned by one family.

It makes medicine and medical devices.

It is publically traded on the New York Stock Exchange with

American corporate headquarters in New Brunswick New Jersey.

SCJohnson & Co..wax household products Is owned by the Johnson Family and heirs headquartered in Racine WI.

Picture one with a fa mily picture with someone holding can of wax. Racine WI

And Johnson and Johnson as a big ball of corporations with a picture of a hospital or doctor's office in front of it.

3141592653 ago

Great take on Borderline Personality Disorder

nuworldblue ago

Well, i guess they are a family company after all. :/

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

Thank you and yes it is all true. Keep digging and asking questions. It is an infinite circle of Pizzagate and Global Criminal Corruption, and there are new connections made every day.

we_kill_creativity ago

Can you link to any of the reading? I'd love to research more.

Jem777 ago

Okay @Wisconsin_is_Corrupt you have stayed true and at this since the very beginning. And alive which is quite remarkable. From Pizzagate through G.W. into Pakistan and back again you have said repeatedly the root of evil travels through Rancine & the Knights of Pythias which I believe is the heart of the Rothschilds & others. We must go after the root if we want this to end & you have stated James Comey, Loretta Lynch, Paul Ryan, & many others are linked through Rancine, Wi. Time to start digging and dedicating entire focus on the root-Knights of Pythias & Racine, Wisconsin

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

Bingo, and thank you. You are correct. If anyone else had posted about the thousands of connections to the same small city, we would also help connect those dots. Some people are quick to think it is a distraction, but anyone that spends just a few minutes verifying the information would have a hard time denying what is going on.

Racine links not only the corrupt arms of the RNC and DNC, but more importantly the global corporations and secret societies that are controlling industries and governments through various forms of Pizzagate and Global Criminal Corruption.

This is why we always state it as Pizzagate and Global Criminal Corruption. Some people do not understand Pizzagate other than the purposefully narrowed scope of the fake news version, but everyone understands what Global Criminal Corruption is. They just do not know where to start. It starts in Racine, Wisconsin. That is why the corrupt Boy Scouts Paul Ryan and Reince Priebus became so powerful without any logical reason why.

The Rothschilds, Rockefellers and Reynolds blood lines are all connected in Racine.The Rockefellers also own the patent to the Zika virus for example, and the most advanced mosquito lab in the world is in Racine. This is not a coincidence. Viruses, vaccines and poplulation control are a key part of Agenda 2030, and Racine is also the birthplace of Rotary International's founder which plays a significant role in global vaccination. There is so much more to this, but it is directly related to many evil and corrupt foundations.

The elite come to Racine for dialysis, transplants, blood transfusions, and pizza. They stay on the lake and play in the harbor. A real key beyond the Knights of Pythias is the Pilgrims Society. That was the beginning of globalization, and through the mafia and Clintons became the birthplace of Sustainable Development, Community Policing, and other aspects of the underlying and evil world agenda.

We knew that Jim Comey and Loretta Lynch were covering up Pizzagate and Global Criminal Corruption long before voat ever existed. Look at the comments on the last post before Reddit Pizzagate was shut down, and it is likely Racine is one of the reasons why.

Look at the links between Racine / Chicago and Karachi, Lahore and Bangladesh if you want to stick to George Webb's latest discoveries. Every time he reveals something, without fail, there are numerous connections to Racine. Our concern with George Webb is when he says Obama is innocent, Andy McCabe is a good guy, Hillary is where it ends, and no one should go to jail. It goes far beyond Obama and Hillary. It is both sides of the aisle, and goes further up the wealth charts.

Racine, Milwaukee and Kenosha are crawling with mafia that links back to Chicago, New York and even the Dixie Mafia where the Clintons rose to power. The Bushes and Clintons murdered Paul Wellstone, and he was going to reveal the next chapter of JFK's historic speech. They could not allow that to happen. Everything Paul said has come true, and the same groups involved then have only become more powerful since.

The world is run by bankers and corporations, not politicians. Hillary was trying to move above her rightful level in the chain, and that is why she is being sacrificed. Church and politics are just easy ways to control everyone. Pedo priests and corrupt politicians come and go, but the corporations, royalty, and wealthiest blood lines only become more powerful.

Keep digging Jem777, and message us for more details on sensitive topics. We will respond as time allows.

If anyone else has a better root to expose, we will support it. Please help support investigating this root as well. It runs deep.

4_InquiringMinds ago


Question, a story that I could never forget. Had a dear friend back in college days who was an amazing classical pianist. His family had a summer cabin in Tenn. There was a town close to where the cabin was located. I do not recall the location. This town was not on any maps/for all practical purposes did not exist. Ppl from the nearest town provided service workers for the invisible town. It was a playground for the rich/so rich you never hear their names. When one of the residents wanted to dispose of a vehicle it was taken to town/sold/the license plates had no record/special plates. My friend had a jeep from this town. Fast forward he moved to NYC to be the practice player at Julliard. He and a ballerina fell in love/wanted to marry and leave. It was then that they discovered the Mafia was running Julliard. They were told under no circumstances would she be allowed to leave. This started a cloak and dagger situation. They would book a flight and not be able to board. They were followed by govt vehicles with mafia riders.

Add to this the ballerina had a ring from her father (deceased) that she gave to my friend. The Latin inscription was I give so that I get. Add this info to the jeep that had strange plates.

So my friend being very emotional storms into the head of Julliard's office ranting and raving as a man in love can do. He kept thrusting his hand in front of the guy and when the guy saw the ring he started pulling back becoming much more agreeable trying to calm him down.

Then some ppl contacted the couple and said we can get you out of here but you have to follow our instructions/be there on time to board the plane and don't look back. They had never met these ppl. They were able to fly out of NYC (it was a red eye flight), land in Houston where his very straight parents picked them up and they stopped at Denny's. According to them the cook, waiters etc all made knowing looks, weird comments, innuendos. Of course his parents thought they were nuts.

Before they left town (Houston) totally freaked this is what they pieced together. Bc of the jeep plates and the ring the mafia in NYC was not sure if my friend was some wild child of another family so best not to start a mafia war/reason he is still alive. They swear if you go out late at night that is when the underground is everywhere in the most innocuous of places, like Denny's and so much more. During the day they said it was safe/the world seemed to go on as normal/like parallel universes.

My friend's best friend was the grandson of one of the founders of Gulf Oil. I had dated him a few years before/the year before he turned 21. He was into doing the as he called it peasant thing. He was actually quite intelligent and charming, exciting even. He told me that the ppl that rule you will never hear their names...which coincides with Ronald Bernard. Rothschild, Rockefeller's et all...pawns he would say. Pawns are expendable. They play the world like a monopoly game, again which coincides with Bernard's information. When B turned 21 he went to England for the summer. He came back as someone I didn't recognize. He started trying to groom me/had me read 'The Story of O' which he thought was so cool and I thought it was sick. I moved on, he was not the person I fell in love with.

So I have always wondered not only about the town that doesn't exist in Tenn and if there are others. I have wondered if places like Racine where everyone knows your name is for the pawns and there are places were they are so hidden they are not on any maps...is this perhaps the playground for the top tier bc certainly they have gathering places also.

Have you stumbled on any thing like this?

4_InquiringMinds ago

The other thing I wonder about is the 'they come out at night' thing. Wisconsin you bring up subjects I've not explored...Black Nobility, Kabbalah, Snake Lady. I take in these kinds of info on a relaxed basis/when it starts feeling like I'm getting off center take an appreciation break experiencing life around me (I love spring and summer).

The nearest town is not metro/college town. Nighttime seems benign. But I wonder if in the metro areas or where these pockets are more prevalent if there is something in the black magic that the description of my friend about the parallel realities is part of the occult practices. Yes there are the platitudes like 'in the light of day', all the symbolism of night, vampires etc...but I happen to love the night, quiet, peaceful, the hours predawn the very best for meditation bc of the stillness.

Any references to night when perhaps the lowest rung of the pawns would be out and about late at night in the most benign of jobs even? My friend and his ballerina were as innocent as first snow until this all happened. She had no idea of her father being mafia...he died when she was very young. Yet she had been picked to be a prima ballerina...and we know those selections are not random.

Or if anyone reading that is in a metro area has picked up on anything when out late at night. My friend gave a time when it seemed to shift but I don't recall. It was late sometime prior to midnight around 10 or 11 I think. Even their flight, the red eye, the ppl helping them accompanied them to the airport. At first the booking did not appear/words were shared by the guardians with the ticket person/booking appears and they were quickly herded to the plane. They were traveling with their two kitties/all made it out safely smile.

Like is there a network of activity that goes on late late between the forces? I know this sounds crazy but isn't it all crazy, torturing children, drinking their blood, eating them~

3141592653 ago

There are other secret towns. I watched a documentary about a secret town in Russia. I will try to remember the name of it. Crazy stuff

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

Very interesting. You are correct about Ronald Bernard, and the families of wealth beyond those who you generally hear about. This goes back to the roots of Black Nobility and Kabbalah.

There are other towns around Racine known for this. One was where the Snake Lady lived in Lake Forest, and another is Salem.

Just like in Monopoly, once one person is winning, the game changes and suddenly isn't fun anymore.

User2060 ago

Rothschild are said to be just one of the 13 families symbolized by the 13 little stars shaped judaic star on the United States seal.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

Council of Thirteen and Committee of 300 are directly to the Pilgrims Society. Other related groups are Club of Rome, Trilateral Commission, Council on Foreign Relations, and more.

The Pindar is a member of one of the 13 ruling Illuminati families, and is always male. The title, Pindar, is an abbreviated term for "Pinnacle of the Draco", also known as the "Penis of the Dragon". The true current Pindar is the head of the Rothschild family, as has been for several hundred years. Each of the 13 ruling families is given an area of the Earth and/or a particular function to fulfill on the Earth.   These particular functions include global finances, military technology/development, mind-control, religion, and media. Each of the 13 ruling families has a Council of 13 as well. The number, 13, has great significance to them. They know that there are 12 types of energies that pass through the 10 aspects of God-Mind. The totality of the 12 energies equals a 13th energy. This is considered the most powerful knowledge. They also know that there are really 13 Zodiac signs, not the commonly acknowledged 12. They have kept the 13th hidden for centuries because it is the sign of the Dragon.

The Committee of 300 is a product of the British East India Company's Council of 300. The East India Company was chartered by the British royal family in 1600. It made vast fortunes in the opium drug trade with China and became the largest company on earth in its time. The Committee of 300's members are members of the Black-Nobility families, which also represent nearly half of SMOM, making tangible connections between the organizations, through their members, hard to avoid. More importantly, the Committee of 300 is dominated/controlled by the Order of the Garter, a British organization controlled by the Pilgrim Society. Both the Order of the Garter and the Pilgrim Society are "inner cores" of SMOM, and the Pilgrim Society is based in SMOM's City of London.

George H.W Bush is a member of the Royal Order of the Garter, one of the "inner cores" of SMOM. He's also part of the Order of the British Empire (OBE). This makes him a close affiliate (and possible agent) of the SMOM British Royal Family, and the Queen of England, the British chief of SMOM. He is deeply involved in Satanism. He is a Fabian Socialist and a Nazi, as well as a high-degree Freemason and a member of the Bohemian Club, Trilateral Commission, and the Order of Skull & Bones. Bush, being a Knight of Malta and a member of the Order of the Garter shows that he was a high-level SMOM operative, as the Order of the Garter is an "inner core" of the SMOM, as is the Pilgrims Society, which is the organization that both he and James Baker III, a friend of his whose campaign plan won him the 1988 presidency, belong to. John Major, Bush's friend from Britain, is also a member of the Order of the Garter. Major was employed by Bush as a European executive for LIFE. Major sold a British nuclear/military plant to Halliburton, a Vatican/CFR-controlled defense contractor with strong links to Vatican/Jesuit coadjutor and Freemason Dick Cheney.

The Committee of 300 use many well-known institutions to accomplish their goals, including, ○ Council on Foreign Relations ○ Bilderbergers ○ Trilateral Commission ○ Club of Rome ○ Royal Institute for International Affairs ○ Mafia ○ CIA ○ NSA ○ Mossad ○ Secret Services ○ International Monetary Fund ○ Federal Reserve ○ Internal Revenue Service ○ Interpol, ...to name a few.

Silverlining ago

deleted duplicate post

User2060 ago

I'm not certain what is SMOM here....although I did read John Coleman's book about the new world order published in 1990, where the Royal Institute for International Affairs/Tavistock is blamed for everything in existence because of how large it's umbrella is over many other entities. I wouldn't dispute that.

It's as good as Ryan Dawson's movie The Empire Unmasked, it's worth the 20 bucks to see it online, because both works first discuss where "terrorists" come from, or more aptly named, privateers, which comes from the Pirates, who did the bidding of the UK, the UK is responsible for Spain's decline as a world power solely through the use of false flag attacks using privateers who were crooks and killers from many European countries together, flying the Spanish flag, attacking French and American boats and then the UK flagged frigates arrived to save the day. They both describe this and the British East India company being the first entirely corrupt company because they sold a product that always had demand...but ruined lives of those who were poor. It's perfectly fine to grow your own poppies, if you keep it for yourself and your family for all the miraculous things it can do, stop pain, stop cough, stop diarrhea among other things. But to take those poppy fields and then sell back in tiny quantities a natural resource of the Indians and Chinese was the first atrocious display of lack of human care en masse humanity witnessed in the so-called first modern age. No wonder the US flag is basically the British East Indian Company flag, with the union jack replaced with the first 13 stars at first and up to 50 when it got to 50 states.

Queen Victoria emptied her bowels all over the world and since then it's lost a lot of it's purity. Even if we have better life expectancy than people during that time who were considered lucky to get to 50 years old...the "something's wrong" feeling the partially awakened young minds around 16-18 who, let me use a cliché but the first Matrix movie....it's one hell of a metaphor and entertaining at the same time. When I have children I'll tell them there is no sequels to it "unfortunately".

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

Your awareness brings new optimism. Keep discerning and remain vigilant. SMOM is British Association of the Sovereign and Military Order of Malta (SMOM), hence the Knights of Malta which are prevalent in Racine along with Knights of Pythias and other secret societies in the same circles linking back to the roots of Black Nobility, Kabbalah, etc. Why do you think Ashton Kutcher plays such an important role in the cover-up with his friends John McCain, Hillary Clinton and the political and Hollywood elite?

The British East India company has evolved into Pilgrims Society and an entire network of Pizzagate and Global Criminal Corruption that is set to destroy the world through Agenda 2030, viruses, vaccines, and other evil agendas. The matrix has plot holes and weaknesses. It is time to expose them and red pill the masses before it is too late.

Please help shine the light on Racine, and we will use it as a model to root out the evil that is destroying our world.

User2060 ago

So many video games has decent humans fighting a fascist worldwide dictatorship, an alien invasion (X:Com - Enemy Unknown's canon story is that X-Com fails at stopping the invasion. Although, I beat it, had to, since it was a reboot of the classic 1990's game. But the follow up is in 2034, like the previous kind of game I mentioned, 2034 seems like some crucial date, there is like about 8 games I can think of where its dystopian future, in 2034. That previously undeletable cookie from Google ended in 2034 or 2036 or such?

It's all interesting. But I've been to some conventions (well, 2), I'm pharmacologist and we do get invited to such from time to time and there's many who doubt the Zika virus is effective in more northern parallels than where it has reached now. Which is good news but you never know. Might be time for you to find the lab and burn it down though...semi-serious.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

Zika was a test run. It was more than just a physical experiment to weaponize mosquitos. It was a social experiment. Notice the decline in birth rates even in areas not affected? What was Bill Gates' goal for sustainable world population?

They want everyone to know about the fascist worldwide dictatorship. They seem to have a rule that everything must be done in the open in one form or another, sometimes hidden, other times not. We are not sure about the significance of 2034, besides 2+0+3+4=9=3x3 (33), but if we don't unlock Pizzagate and Global Criminal Corruption much sooner, there will be little point in making it there.

Another quick theory is that 2034 = 2001 years after the death of Jesus. (2001 A Space Odyssey)

User2060 ago

What I can say is that my area of Canada is having a mini-baby boom, but we're always a bit different from anywhere else.

User2060 ago

Never been sure year 0 is really year 0. My grade 8 History teacher told me us could be either 3 years before or after, he said likely the real year zero is 3 BC.

Jem777 ago

Okay a couple of things G.W. does not think Andy McCabe is innocent he says that repeatedly on camera. If he is clear about anything it is this fact and he is not shy about it or the $700,000 dollars McCabe took from Gov. Terry McAulliffe (HRC Buddy) during email investigation. Senator Chuck Grassley knows all about it. Believe he thinks Obama is a CIA child born and bred into it. All signs point that way. Not innocent he is just trying to stop the biggest monsters.

You shared a lot of information as you always do thanks. Can you start a thread but make it very concise. Most of us have a very thorough understanding now of pizzagate & corruption unfortunately but there needs to be direction. Can you post about Racine, Wi and provide a list of the top few groups (secret societies) , family names, locations, historical locations, if hilary is being sacrificed as you say.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

Yes, George Webb has reported on the undisclosed campaign contribution conflicts of interest, however he has also openly stated that he just wants Andy to stop targeting him personally and to go back to the old ways of trafficking and corruption. He has stated many times that Obama was used and manipulated, and that no one should go to jail. Not to take away from some of his more important revelations, but some of these statements are concerning. There may be a method to his approach by focusing on smaller aspects at a time which makes sense to build momentum and an initial case, but we need to be careful about picking winners and losers in this network of Pizzagate and Global Criminal Corruption.

Only the full truth will create real change. We will heed your advice, and we are working on something bigger, but will being making submissions here also. Chuck Grassley and George Webb are doing much more than most, and we will support any investigations they push. The question is if they will go all the way, or stop with a few wrist slaps on Hillary and a handful of easy targets. Chuck Grassley knows what corporations, groups, and secret societies are behind the bigger picture, and we believe George does too.

The main flaw we see with both Chuck Grassley and George Webb is that they have faith in our broken legislative, executive and judicial system. Our government is not in control. It is merely a mechanism to continue the systems of Pizzagate and Global Criminal Corruption. There is only one answer, and unfortunately that means exposing the evil side of this network. We are not afraid of a dirty bomb. We are afraid of the system of Pizzagate and Global Criminal Corruption growing stronger and controlling everyone through AI and other means. Once that happens, there is no hope for humanity.

You cannot expose Global Criminal Corruption without exposing Pizzagate, and vice versa. They are one and the same.

Jem777 ago

I agree. When you say we I am assuming this is a group of white hats right?

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

We have contacts at various places in both public and private sectors. We have direct knowledge of and relationships with both victims, and people involved in the system of Pizzagate and Global Criminal Corruption at many levels. There are many innocent people employed or involved in groups tied to Pizzagate and Global Criminal Corruption who aren't even aware of their role and how they are being used. We know first hand how deep the corruption runs, and we know it is pervasive across many more communities than Racine, Wisconsin. Racine just happens to be a main root and a major weakness in the network.

We support and welcome anyone interested in the truth, which is that our entire global system is rigged, manipulated and abused by the very people entrusted with it. We need to raze the system of Pizzagate and Global Criminal Corruption once and for all, and we need to do it soon before it is too late. There are many paths to the truth. We don't care which one anyone takes as long as they get there sooner than later. Many, many roads lead back to Racine, Wisconsin, and it is a common denominator that we can all use to connect to our own lives and communities. There are many degrees of Pizzagate and Global Criminal Corruption, and Racine is burning.

We will work with anyone willing to investigate the real truth at any level or through any angle of Pizzagate and Global Criminal Corruption. This isn't about us, this is about the truth and fixing this broken world we live in by any and all means necessary.

User2060 ago

I doubt somehow they beat Yale's four big ones. It's not just skull & bones, it's scroll & key, wolf's head and book & snake.

Dressage2 ago

What he says is true. I know the area well.

ScientiaPotentia ago

His son did a documentary on his family wealth and the culture of wealth. Jamie Johnson did an expose on his father and these people. What he didn't know is that his family are part of a cult (Sabbatean Frankists) in which incest is specifically a requirement.


His father Jim figures predominantly in the documentary and was very upset that his son made it. He thought that Jamie was just fooling around and would not publish anything.

Ok fuck I just watched the first 5 minutes and Jamie is talking to a woman about crotchet. The woman says "Your father is quite good at it. He's hiding that from you, you know". Jamie replies prophetically "He's hiding a lot of things from me apparently".

Now to be clear, Samuel Johnson is the criminal here, but I suspect the whole family is involved.

The defense attorney stated that he could have "gone anywhere in the world to feed his sexual addiction, but he chose to molest his own stepdaughter." Suggesting that rich men go around the world to have sex with children. This case has pizzagate all over it.

Edit 1: The more I watch the documentary, the more I see the secret that Jamie is exposing which the family is very concerned about.

User2060 ago

This is what South Park were telling us in the episode Chef died after becoming a pedophile when he joined the "Super Adventure Fun Club" a group of British 1800's looking explorators who had maps and guns and stuff, but it was just to fight their way to get to rare places to rape children.

Beware that South Park is actually an awakened show, Trey Parker (main writer) knows how to be funny in all sorts of way, first, second, third degree and also some South Park episodes really point at something, of course they don't full on in the explaining of why the bunch of rich guys in their palace in the Super Adventure Fun Club were going around raping children, but it indicated something that sounded ridiculous to most yet he had to know about stuff like this (and many other, the many holes they ripped into the Vatican and what the Roman Catholic church has become was pretty great when they show that they really worship a huge spider.....the symbolism is immense in that one.

And Trey is a low level celebrity, some people don't even know South Park is on, because they used George Clooney literally to get the show on TV and not long after they started jabbing at him. The "smug" cloud he created when he credited Hollywood for the civil rights movement etc., the scientist describing it all, it's hilarious, but then you research Clown-ey and the guy and his friend lesser known "plays evil arabs most of the time" Grant Heslov started making movies themselves, starting with Confessions Of A Dangerous Mind, his directorial debut and everything else he's done since then is basically a large sign telling the CIA "come and get us, we'll make whatever you want".

User2060 ago

And they can't kill him....would be way too obvious.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

This is not the same Johnson family, however there is great overlap in global circles.

Jem777 ago

This documentary is very fascinating especially now that some of these players have come out and are more known. It looks like this was filmed when It was popular to bash the 1% republicans by the democrats before we found out they are actually all part of the same team. These top names Howard Buffet, Bill Gates, were Obama & then HRC biggest supporters. Now they are all being outed as hypocrites and pedos. Buffet is a selfish jerk to his own granddaughter in this.

twistedmac11 ago

Verrrrrrrry interesting, thank you for this. This family definitely deserves some digging into. Maybe the son could end up being useful for us?

BlackBear65 ago

so that's what they mean by "SC Johnson, a family company"

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

That is the M.O. of everyone involved. They all read Rules for Radicals, but it goes much deeper than that.

We posted on another comment that they revel in openly disclosing everything in various forms (art, music, movies, business, etc.). It gives them greater power, and it seems to be a strict rule. They have to disclose it in one or another form, even if obfuscated or abstract. Someday they hope to not even hide it at all. Much like the mafia or a serial killer, they want everyone to know. They want to show how they are above you, and the only option is to join them.

Everyone needs to know the truth about Racine and what is really going on. Look at their locations and their business partners.

This is an entire global network of corporations, governments, NGOs, mafia, and secret societies with unlimited resources. The problem is sometimes they get too greedy and sloppy, which is why Racine is a weak link to the entire system. It is time for Racine to be exposed to the world for what it really is - an experimental hub for Pizzagate and Global Criminal Corruption.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Seriously, complete isolation, with saltpeter, castration, & lobotomies done on each Pedo, may not be enough to stop a Pedo from abusing!

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Jesus Wisconsin Is Corrupt has been saying this for months!

carmencita ago

Believe it. It is true. I am just starting to research. I have not been able to spend much time this week because of personal reasons, but am doing my best. I will get into it more soon. Please others take this up, for it is what will set us free if we only can create a team large enough to do all this investigating. It goes very deep. @Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt @4TruthUnited

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

We can vouch for Carmencita's honesty and sincerity. She has sent a few questions and leads, and knows it is real along with many others here. We encourage anyone to ask questions or bring new information. There are a few bad apples here, but most are genuine. We need more like her digging.

Gothamgirl ago

4 months is not enough.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

There are many more victims. This one happened to be a dumb mistake let out of the bag, and covered up the best they could with payouts and corrupt judges. Another judge involved ended up dead in the Root River.

fogdryer ago

That journal times article sure was short and to the point No investigation regarding his " depression ". Move along folks

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

They only printed something because they had to. Most articles involving them and others involved do not allow comments or are closely guarded and scrubbed. They control everything that gets printed in Racine. The newspaper is their club newsletter, and you can tell a lot about what they do and more so what they don't print.

Touchdown50 ago

Just one bullet.

Pizzalawyer ago

So it looks like folks in Racine County, Wisconsin, are corrupt after all EDIT: Racine is a town in Racine County just north of Chicago on the shore of Lake Michigan and conveniently over the state line. Can play as good or better as the big bad boys in Chicago without a sophisticated law enforcement apparatus to contend with. Am I right , Mr. Wisconsin-is-Corrupt?

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

This is only a small piece of the puzzle, and there are many more involved. Everyone is silenced and the real truth is being hidden. This is not an isolated incident, and was never supposed to be exposed.

Look into Racine's international connections. George Webb has been hitting on Karachi, Lahore, and Bangladesh lately, but there are many more hubs connected - Ghana, Norway, Belgium, Netherlands, UK, Ireland, Haiti, Brazil, etc. They are all hubs for Pizzagate and Global Criminal Corruption.

Nothing happens in Racine without approval from certain families. Absolutely everything is controlled. Look at PAC and campaign contributions in Racine County. Look at the connections to the Clinton Foundation and McCain Foundation. It is a main "root" of Pizzagate and Global Criminal Corruption. There is a reason why the Pilgrims Society and Knights of Pythias have such deep connections to Racine, Wisconsin, and there are billions of reasons why a corrupt Boy Scout like Paul Ryan magically became so powerful.

Start looking into the foundations, and cover organizations to control the narrative and cover it up such as The Fight to End Exploitation. It is all a curtain for the truth going on under the stage.

fogdryer ago

Racine Heritage Museum racine international connection sc johnson

Silverlining ago

Name the families - just for the record.

User2060 ago

Sounds like the inspiration of "Raccoon City". Watch out for human experimentation labs underground hidden under the police station and isolated mansions.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

That is already happening. This is partially why Racine is a Sanctuary City. Look at the list of other sanctuary cities and see if you notice a pattern.


User2060 ago

That's rather very northern for a Sanctuary city. We don't have those here in Canada afaik.

Hell, Americans complain about how our border patrol is brutal with Americans. Well, I wouldn't blame RCMP's Customs Patrol to consider you violent trigger happy yahoos. They're even bad with Canadians driving back into Canada, they were always like that, not caused by 9/11. Some article I read a long time ago was because from a recent estimate (from then, I think it was 1999 or 2000), Canada's largest gross export product is weed, it was like 5 billion a year then, more than our oil and gas and our huge electric dams that allows us to sell hydro to new england and NY state. They likely take it personally they can't protect a border that's got thousands of holes in and is indefensible and is not militarized, ski-doo track in the winter at night, some cross into the US and people don't even know, I remember a story when a guy going to hunt (on the Canadian side of the border), he had a 12 gauge shotgun in the back of his truck, a normal thing for Canadians, especially if dressed for winter with a flask of whiskey or something in your coat-pocket, Canadian Style..mmm. Anyway, the guys from the US border patrol were acting as if they were back at your southern border when they attacked him and arrested him when he was at that one gas station that is on the US side of the border, but the street in that town is like that, it's got 6 homes and they are in the US borders, people living there are Americans, but they have the 418 area code and are served by Hydro-Quebec...just to show the silliness of borders, at times. Gas is a lot cheaper in the US, so that station has American prices just showing up, the street ends after the 6 homes and the gas station and turns into a forestry road where only trucks made for such can ride in then in turns into Maine pretty much once you're in the forestry road. He was at the gas station, doing like everyone else in Pohemegamook, QC...going to that gas station 5 inches inside the US border, the small US border kiosk where a guy stands there for about 6 hours a day can't prevent people from going to get gas in the evening, so those border guards were really heavy on that poor bastard. He had to do 6 months of prison in Maine then was let home even a few months before that. I guess border guards get bored up here, while there's hard drugs and children being trafficked both sides (more drugs, but I'm sure there's some children getting here that shouldn't.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

Trafficking from Canada into the United States is a major channel of operation for those involved in Pizzagate and Global Criminal Corruption. This is why so many corrupt mayors and Governors are part of the Great Lakes programs. The corrupt mayor of Racine was pressured to resign to cover up his involvement in Pizzagate and Global Criminal Corruption linked to Southeast Wisconsin, and his reward is a new position as president of the Great Lakes St. Lawrence Cities Initiative tied to The Great Lakes-St. Lawrence River Basin Water Resources Council.

Water is the new oil, and those involved in Pizzagate and Global Criminal Corruption need to control it as well as the ratlines from Canada through Wisconsin, Illinois, Midhigan, Minnesota, Indiana, Ohio, and Pennsylvania. Another corrupt organization linking Racine to Canada is Real Time Crisis Intervention. This links directly to the trafficking network and those who are using organizations as cover for Pizzagate and Global Criminal Corruption. Larger networks in the bigger picture link to the Royal Bank of Canada. This ties to the Pilgrims Society among other groups.

Here is another story linking Racine to Canada through human trafficking and satanic ritual abuse: RACINE, Wis. — Testing performed at the Smithsonian Institute has determined where Racine County’s Jane Doe may have spent several years of her life. The girl was found in 1999 at the edge of a cornfield on 92nd Street in the town of Raymond in Racine County. Her identity has remained a mystery, but in 2013, her body was exhumed. Chemical isotope testing performed by the Smithsonian on a sample of her hair and bone suggest she may originally have been from or spent several years of her life in Alaska, Montana or portions of southern Canada.

Everyone in Canada needs to know about the ties between Racine and Canada through Pizzagate and Global Criminal Corruption. There is a reason Racine means "root".

User2060 ago

That's kinda frightening, I live in QC...the St-Laurent is ours, the French Canadians are the culturally rebellious people in Canada, the not-so polite ones. I wonder what this position gives him, but the day I hear shenanigans controlled from oversears cross our beloved river, which feed the Fjord that's in the area where I live. Quebec has the most drinkable water per sq/km in the world. We're selling a lot of it, but tons of it is very up north and untouched, and we have legislation to either transform what we can in even more hydro dam complexes (see La Romaine river project) which when finished in a year or so will have Hydro-Quebec in control of the largest dam in the world again, after we sold our rights to use our tech to the Chinese in the 90's and they beat us at it a little later. People do not pay for water here, like the ridiculous situation in a lot of Michigan, Detroit and the whole area is just next to the Great Lakes, the real great wonder of the "new world". I can't believe they would cut water to human beings. The Canadian Charter of Human Rights and Freedoms, attached to the Constitution when we brought it back from Westminster or wherever it was stored, it's now in Ottawa where it belongs where a lot was changed for the better, although, they didn't have the balls to cut us off the Monarchy entirely unfortunately.

I'm not sure the French colonizers called Racine for what it means now, but I'm keeping an eye on that Nexus of human putrefaction.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

You are going to see a lot of changes for the worse unless you speak up. Contact them. Tell them you don't want the network of those involved in Pizzagate and Global Criminal Corruption to exploit your resources and abuse your citizens the way they have done here in Racine. Corrupt private companies are now controlling our public resources under the ultimate lie of sustainable development.

Everyone in Canada needs to know about the system of Pizzagate and Global Criminal Corruption that link to Racine, Wisconsin and other hubs around the Great Lakes. Help shine the light on Racine and these corrupt people, businesses and organizations infiltrating your country to destroy it from within as they have done to America.

User2060 ago

If you ever played Resident Evil, the game's story (not those awful movies), the story from the canon games. Raccoon City is described as a quiet Mid-Western American City where Umbrella corporation basically owns everything and everyone there works there or almost or get kickbacks from them. But when the BOW's (Biological Weapons, the zombies and all the creatures it comes in contact with, they all change their DNA rapidly into deadly things. The US Army ended bombing the city, not with a nuke...a hyperbaric bomb. I think. Anyway I was making reference to first game and Resident Evil 2 which starts in a half-empty police station because human error and some insane mofos released the T-Virus and G-Virus on purpose in the sewer as they were dying of bullet wounds when Umbrella went to consfiscate one of Umbrella's main scientist's creation which he really loved, injects himself with the G-Virus and dumps the rest in the sewers with his arm with his final breath. Sure this is fiction, but still, is it mountainous in that area, in the outskirts of Racine?

Magathree ago

This is the reason I can't decide if wire transfer of money is good or evil. The bad guys can stay on top anywhere and everywhere, but the good guys now have a trail they can sniff out. It is a purpetual cat and mouse game. Tom and Jerry gives us hope.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

You can either live your life, or you can hide in a cave, but you raise a good point. The question is not if wire transfer is good or evil. The question is if there are enough good people willing to stand up against evil, and that might mean making financial and other sacrifices. Money is one of many control mechanisms, albeit a very important one.

Why do you think the elite involved in Pizzagate and Global Criminal Corruption use Bitcoin? To hide their own trail.

They are trying to kill us all regardless. It is time we expose the system, and Ronald Bernard is showing us a clear path to exposing the banking networks, but it goes far beyond banking. We have a plan, but first we need people to understand what is happening in Racine, and why it is so important to everyone in the world.

User2060 ago

Since the mid-west was first discovered and colonized sparsely by the French, hence why you have so many French named towns over there, even Illinois is a french word, you just corrupted it heh, but Racine meaning Root and you giving it so much meaning is very interesting is all I can say.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Is there tunnels in Racine? Amtrak, Railroads, look at Western Union, Moneygrams, GreenDot, Bitcoin, ect.. Look at the transportation businesses and the institutions that allow many small $$ transfers. Is there any property owned or rented by Soros, Clinton's ect... Also look at the real estate, who owns the rentals, the empty buildings also. See if big $$ is being paid to rent out properties for a short amount of time. Look for male business big wigs that have their female sidekicks doing all the little dealings..think Epstein and Maxwell.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

There is an extensive underground tunnel network in Racine, and many properties with underground tunnels are related to Knights of Pythias members. The area is also home to historic and sacred Indian burial mounds. There are way too many check cashing and pay day loan shops. There are corrupt banks, and tons of vacant properties controlled by the people involved in Pizzagate and Global Criminal Corruption. Many schools are linked to underground tunnels also, and there are two massive and corrupt redevelopment projects currently under investigation that are linked to nefarious activities. Even the corrupt mayor swore under oath he did not even know how many properties he owned. Several corrupt friends of the mayor have bought up a lot of property just to control it and rent it out to other co-conspirators.

The Amtrak runs through the area, the metra train to Chicago is connected through Kenosha, the bus system is corrupt, the harbor and international airport are fully controlled, and the interstate is a central route for trafficking from Chicago to Milwaukee. They bought up the old train depot through fraud, extortion and threats, and control the surrounding area. Also, there are several female sidekicks doing the dirty work, with many of them linked to human trafficking, corrupt development deals, education and religious reform groups, child and family services, event and facilities management, and social justice funded by Soros and company. Everything you listed is connected in Racine and much more.

In short, Racine is a fully controlled lawless playground for the elite involved in Pizzagate and Global Criminal Corruption.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Yep, you have been saying this ever since I joined Voat. How the hell do we get the investigation to shift to this area and where do we start?

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

Great question, and that is what we are working toward. We have tried all avenues of traditional justice to no avail, and although there is a smaller more focused investigation going on at the state level, the real story is much much bigger. We thought we were going to have a breakthough when we had a direct connection to Loretta Lynch, only for her to personally obstruct the RICO investigations along with corrupt elements of the FBI including the Milwaukee FBI office. Once she realized who was involved both locally in Wisconsin as well as at the national and global level, specifically including ties to the Clinton Foundation among others, everything came to a grinding halt. At that point, we knew the system is too corrupt to fail.

So the only answer now is by revealing the full truth. Your comment shows that while it may be slow, it is working. Many others are becoming more involved and investigating various aspects. We have a network on voat and a few other platforms that are overlapping with multiple private investigations. Once more people begin shining the light on Racine, we will be ready to expose the bigger picture. We have something more significant in the works, and any help, leads, exposure, and support will only make it more effective.

The world needs to know what is happening in Racine, Wisconsin and how it directly affects their own community and their own lives. We support anyone else with a valid path.

Silverlining ago

Loretta is now under investigation herself. Perhaps she will lead us to Racine

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Is travel logs for small airports, public? See who is coming & going.

Silverlining ago

There is all flight info - I think. https://voat.co/v/WebbWatch/1942193

16.Live Aircraft

17.-------------------------------- 1.

2.ADSB Exchange (uncensored)

  1. https://gobal.adsbexchange.com/VirtualRadar/desktop.html https://www.adsbexchange.com/

  2. https://machloop.co.uk/track-military-aircraft-adsb-exchange/

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Wow! Great work! Thanks😁👍

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

It is selectively controlled at Racine's airport. No security, no searches, no scrutiny. You can pull cars right up to the plane, and put whatever you want on board, no questions asked. There are also an unusual number of NASA aircraft in Racine frequently, along with private helicopter pads, and a fully controlled harbor for multiple ways in and out. It is also on I-94 which is widely known as a main circuit used by traffickers to transport victims from Chicago to Milwaukee, Madison, Eau Claire, Minneapolis, and the North Dakota oil fields.

Many elite travel to Racine for global events and conferences. They keep much of it under wraps for good reason. If you were involved in Pizzagate and Global Criminal Corruption, would you prefer O'Hare, or a small, private and fully controlled airport minutes north?

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Yeah, that was my thought about the airport, like the Clintons in Medina.

John Menard Jr., founder of Menards, has a $9.3 billion net worth and is the richest Wisconsin resident, according to Forbes. Nine Wisconsin residents made the list. They include:

John Menard Jr., founder of Menards, $9.3 billion net worth Herbert Kohler Jr. and family, Kohler Company, $7.3 billion Diane Hendricks, Hendricks Holding Compay and ABC Supply Co., $5.1 billion H. Fisk Johnson, Imogene Powers Johnson, S. Curtis Johnson, Helen Johnson-Leipold, S.C. Johnson & Son, $3.3 billion each James Cargill, Cargill Inc., $3.2 billion Judy Faulkner, Epic Systems, $2.4 billion https://www.biztimes.com/2016/biztracker/nine-wisconsin-residents-make-forbes-billionaires-list/

**Johnsons of course from Racine.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

You won't find many fans of any of these people for good reason. Look at the combined wealth, and then compare that to say Donald Trump. Now pretend they are playing poker.

The real story here is that there is much more wealth being hidden in a wide range of sources. They do not want you to know their real worth. Think about what John Podesta is doing these days to hide money, and then think much bigger than that. Art and real estate are just two of many examples where brokers are used to hide the identity of the buyers, to hide from insurance companies, to hide other transactions, and to hide from others within the circle.

One of the keys to unlocking Pizzagate and Global Criminal Corruption is focusing more on what is not reported than what is.