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eyeVoated ago

You guys want to see something fucked up? Did you ever hear the official 'story' of Johnson & Johnson heiress Casey Johnson? I remember this story vividly when it came out. Her life was destroyed by something deeper than what the 'official' news reports say:



"The Band-Aid heiress had been cut off from her fortune and family, whose help she refused."

Way to make a pun out of someone's destroyed life. Stay classy..NYPost.


Gee, wonder why a billionaire heiress would refuse help from her own family? Maybe because they were evil pieces of shit that ruined her life and then threw her out with the trash after they had their way with her?


Apparently she suffered from borderline personality disorder, a.k.a.: a buzzword for "she's crazy" which is actually code for "she was physically, psychologically, and spiritually abandoned by her own family, from birth, and they didn't know what to do with her reaction, so they got rid of her".


I would bet my life she was being groomed from birth, and refused to accept her satanic programming. Perhaps even stolen from the arms of her own biological mother and trafficked to the Johnson family to fix their inbreeding problem. I'm starting to see this as a regular global occurrence.


God save us.

10081418? ago

Don't confuse SC Johnson & Co.. (Home Products Wax. private . predominantly owned by the Johnson Family and its heirs.

with Johnson & Johnson Public Co. traded on NYSE Big Pharma company.

But interesting comment.

Thank you.

eyeVoated ago

Different families?

10083021? ago

You prob. figured out,. but you were referencing the big pharma company not the Racine company.

10082024? ago


But Johnson & Johnson is not owned by one family.

It makes medicine and medical devices.

It is publically traded on the New York Stock Exchange with

American corporate headquarters in New Brunswick New Jersey.

SCJohnson & Co..wax household products Is owned by the Johnson Family and heirs headquartered in Racine WI.

Picture one with a fa mily picture with someone holding can of wax. Racine WI

And Johnson and Johnson as a big ball of corporations with a picture of a hospital or doctor's office in front of it.

3141592653 ago

Great take on Borderline Personality Disorder