garouwarrior ago

Billy Graham is a big-time Freemason/Satanic stooge, who I wrote about:

More information about Samaritan's Purse, this time in Africa:

This guy is as corrupt and evil as any other major player in "pedogate."

Why he hasn't been investigated/researched more is beyond me.

10094591? ago

Is Billy Graham's son Franklin in on this? i.e.NWO. Satanic ritual.sexual abuse of children.

Or just his father?

garouwarrior ago

Only heard of Billy boy. Not heard anything about Franklin.

10094719? ago

Thanks for answering.

I never could cotton to Franklin (or his father -Billy.)

I question why Franklin is hooking up with evil-minded Greta Van Susteren in charitable projects.

Not trying to spread any bad stuff around; Or create fake news.

But sometimes "birds of

a feather" flock together.

pimpinainteasy ago

Alot of these "evangelical" organizations are supported by the CIA and decidedly "un-Christian" organizations such as Reverend Moon's Unification Church.

AKA glorified fronts!

10092745? ago


I want to link your important Part 1 here.

If you do not want that way, PM me and I will delete.

Doing it because I don't voaters to get only a part of your work.

10091640? ago

        Want And Need To Get This Out:

I strongly support POTUS Trump.

Not expecting that to change in foreseeable future.

My favoring POTUS Trump...I am not going to mix in here.

Am obviously aware some on the case do not support him.

Want To Get That Out In Case It Is or Becomes An Issue.

copy @Surviveandheal15




hookednosedjoooo ago

Van Susteren's sister, Lise, is a forensic psychiatrist in Bethesda, Maryland Just Wiki'd her and saw this. Her sister is a spook forsure. Bethesda is a shady fucking place

Ang68 ago

Greta went to Georgetown. She reeks of being a spook herself. I wonder why she got fired? Did she ever get another job?

hookednosedjoooo ago

Glad I found this. I was scouring this place hoping to find something decent and I finally did. Good work and remember Craig J Spence and Roy Cohn are just the tip of the iceberg. Roy Cohn being Trumps mentor and Roger Stones friend should prove that this is a giant limited hangout and all these people are guilty.

twistedmac11 ago

I made a post about Trump, which included some info on his connection to Cohn. People didn't like it, rofl good post, OP

RweSure ago

Not to egregiously piss off all the Trump people out there, but there is no shortage of articles indicating that Roy Cohn was a very important mentor to, friend to, and lawyer and political "fixer" for Donald Trump over many years. Not trying to step on anyone's toes, just reporting back all the info thats out there.

Roy Cohn was the second most important person in Donald Trump's life after Fred Trump. Cohn was Trump's entry to the rich and powerful and Manhattan society. Remember Trump grew up rich, but he was from Queens and not Manhattan and his family made its money in apartments in Brooklyn and Queens for working to middle class. He was part of the Brooklyn political machine and family friends of the mayor and the governor, but he was never part of the society crowd and it took him several years of scrapping to break into it.

10085908? ago

This sub from 8 months ago: OP. @Orangutan

This sub going on now:

OP. @fedevela

10084331? ago

Bringing up questions:

Was that earthquake damage or targeted controlled demolition damage?

Thank you to. @remedy4reality

Building destroyed Named: Fr. Wasson Center in Petionville, Haiti.

Had to rebuild??

Putting this out there...

Was a controlled demolition set up (not earthquake)

to make room for the construction of The Greta Van Susteren Orphanage.?

witch_doctor1 ago

I posted late in the other re-posting here....more coincidences...

"Great work, very interesting. It's starting to look like every pedo case has something in common...CIA and CIA controlled media involvement. The part about somebody from the WaPo calling and recommending Greta piqued my interest...Was WaPo CIA controlled back then as well? And if so, how did they hook up with Greta?

So I looked at her wikipedia page ....Georgetown Law graduate...Podesta's alma mater and rumored to be a CIA recruiting center/hangout. Startpage it for tons of links, but here is one of the first

I am doing a little digging in the Podesta email dump right now, but I used the search term Greta and interestingly enough, Greta Van Susteren was mentioned in the weird movie pitch email that could have been code for the Scalia hit. Characters Alex and Inez appear on the GVS show (about 2/3 of the way down the email). Strange huh?"

10084193? ago

How does this bio look to you?

Greta Van Susteren.👎

They describe her as a 'sports journalist and a commentator now.

After her recent firing from MSNBC, is she inventing herself as a sports journalist now?

10083786? ago

Roy M. Cohn


Life Magazine March 1988

Was Joe McCarthy in with..

Rather did the John Birch Society spawn from Joe McCarthy's work?

(Cohn ...Greta.)

hookednosedjoooo ago

John Birchers are kosher Koch brother libertarianish republicans who spawned Alex Jones. Look into the CNP, Roy Cohn was a board member

10090536? ago

Will do.

Thank you!

hookednosedjoooo ago

Rightwing Council on Foreign Relations basically. I'd shill for them if they were the good guys, but they aren't

VieBleu ago

These people are way beyond any semblence of creed. their loyalty is to Scientology because the church forces it, but within that it is to whatever agenda they are pushing.

The link to evangelical charity Samaratin's Purse (active in Alaska) and Van Sustren/Coale can be made as far back as the agenda of promoting Sarah Palin as far as her failed VP run - they thought they'd have a candidate amenable to their interests in dumb Sarah. Coale advised her on setting up a political PAC slush fund and brought her to Washington DC where she met Kissenger, another time she attended the Press roast with old DC insider and Nixon CREEP Malek.

Evangelicals run adoption mills, some are probably okay, some less so, just like funamentalist congregations.

SecondAmendment ago

Great post. Upvoat for ya, @surviveandheal15. Something about this Scientologist, VanSusteren, has given me the heebie-jeebies for well over a decade. I get a pretty strong "lesbian" vibe from her, too, even though she is married. I have weak gaydar that doesn't buzz too often, but when I get a vibe, it's almost always accurate. I've had that vibe from this cow for many years. I'm so glad she's not on tv anymore, and cannot wait to dig further into her disturbing background... On a side note, it ticks me off that so many involved in this crap are lawyers. Lawyers seem to wield so much power in our society. Too much.

10083480? ago

Thinking Greta is 'king -pin-ish' To me she seems to have some kind of power behind her.?

10083431? ago

Good point.

Just read that Greta defended Roger Ailles in the Gretchen Carlson sexual harrasment law suit.

She and Ailles must have really had some kind of a connection ?

Really surprised me.

Had no idea that she was still practicing.

On another point:

If the story I just read is correct

MSNBC gave Greta her unexpected notice on Thursday and she left

the same day. Gone supposedly.

I understand her husband is her manager. He is also a litigation lawyer.

Another point:

I could listen and listen

and listen to her on Fox...

and get absolutely nothing out of it.

Basically stopped watching Greta in 2011.

I kept watching her previous because that's

what I thought everyone else was doing. ?

UnicornAndSparkles ago

Same goes for Tom Cruise and John Travolta. I remember watching a documentary on how the Scientologists un-gayed people. It was effed up to say the very least!

dickface88888 ago

John Travolta is gay himself and Tom Cruise wouldn't surprise me either.

UnicornAndSparkles ago

A taxi driver once told my father a very very long time ago he has Tom Cruise in the back necking another guy. His jumping up and down on Oparahs couch solidified that fact for me. It's all a front. Which is pretty sad :(

SecondAmendment ago

Yup, @UnicornAndSparkles, good reminder that Scientology hides the gays. The cult uses abusive tactics and blackmail on its members, and once Scientology has "the goods" on people -- especially the high-profile ones -- they own those celebrities. Kind of reminds me of the politicians getting "brownstoned" in DC. I did a quick Twitter search on Greta possibly being a lesbian, and came across the tweet linked below (posted in 2011) which says:

RT @AlecMapa: If Greta Van Susteren isn't a lesbian, someone needs to tell her face, hair and clothing. Oh, and her girlfriend

I never did such a search before but I'm glad to see that Alec Mapa, an actor who's gay, gay, gay, gets the same vibe from Greta Van Susteren that I do.

Here's the link to that tweet:

Hah! Turns out there are lots of tweets out there about Greta being gay. Here's another one that says, Greta Van Susteren looks like everybody's gay aunt, circa 1993

UnicornAndSparkles ago

That's hilarious. Seems your gaydar is onto something.

10082555? ago

So glad you are giving this research time. So worth it until and if we come up with nothing.

VieBleu ago

Never forget, Van Sustren is DEEP DEEP DEEPLY embedded in Scientology, both her and her DC llobbyist lawyer husband John P. Coale, (who proudly calls himself "a pirate") To the point that they actually employed David Miscavige's mother for years and years as their "money man" accountant at their personal law firm - you don't get deeper than that. We are talking they are at the highest level of Scientology with decades of donations, deep operations and legal advice - Scientology's "ethics" require members to lie, cheat even murder if it benefits the church. No joke there.

Scientology has reared it's abominal head once in awhile here and you can bet if Van Susteren is involved, so is Scientology at some level

Samaritan's purse as well as Van Susteren and her husband were all involved with trying to get Sarah Palin elected and we have never taken a deep look at her but there were a lot of questions around Trigg's birth which probably involved a fake pregnancy and shady adoption for political gain.

10082569? ago

Very very impt point. Yes.

Thank you.

equineluvr ago

Roy Cohn, homo Jewish CIA pedophile "ringleader"/mafia attorney/was Trump's "MENTOR."

"I think Roy Cohn definitely deserves his own investigation on Voat"

There is ZERO investigation here. What is done here is armchair RESEARCH.

10081597? ago

Why do these places have so many orphans?

DonKeyhote ago

Your characterization of McCarthy is mistaken; I would expect you to be smarter than to accept the conventional history on anyone LIONIZED or DEMONIZED to such extent.

Do you not understand drilling in these historical narratives is how they brainwash people, through education and hollywood, known bastions of communists?

"power brokers Joe McCarthy" he was publicly censured by the Senate and died in disgrace of alcoholism. Nice power broker.


hookednosedjoooo ago

Dude Joe Mccarthy's entire fucking "commie hunters" were homosexual Jews so gtfo with that bullshit. FBI rightwing glory days are over. Commies are vermin but so are John Birch faggots

DonKeyhote ago

You dont know shit. Youre a fucking embarrassment and have been since i first saw your ass. Thats why i get shilled and you dont despite saying worse shit like "a person if gay and jewish cant be on the good side ever."

hookednosedjoooo ago

Roy Cohn ran a blackmail operation with Craig J spence KYS

DonKeyhote ago




hookednosedjoooo ago

Why tho

DonKeyhote ago

Ill be goddamned if you malign a great american patriot like joe McCarthy. Actually jfk said precisely that, in public, and very angrily.

hookednosedjoooo ago

he was a fag on the down low

DonKeyhote ago

You buy a jewish bullshit smear against their greatest enemy along with GREAT PATRIOT NIXON. Gtfo here fake ass studio gangsta

hookednosedjoooo ago

You're the one falling for Jewish hegelian dialectic so you gtfo bitchnigga

SecondAmendment ago