garouwarrior ago

Article regarding Eastern Orthodox Church in Russia operating as an arm of the former Communist governments and now the Putin regime (who has been accused of being a pedophile and Freemason):

Omnicopy ago

Best thing people could do is destroy all their false churches in America. I hate to promote violence but sometimes it is necessary. How bad do you want to save the USA? Instead of fighting one another-fight them and tear down their false churches or at least take them away from the fake pastors! who knows what is going to happen!!! Interesting to watch though!!!! For pity sakes don't fall for the civil war that they want to happen!! I'd by far sooner want to turn on them and destroy their false temples!!!! Then to turn on each other!!!!

Omnicopy ago

The demons are in people like Billy Graham.

artfullyours ago

I would really like to see proof of Billy Graham doing drugs and being involved in sex with young girls also. Very hard to could be true but I'm not sure I believe that.

awake4646 ago

My skin crawls every time I've ever heard him or his son speak. That happens to me around people with bad energy. I've 'felt' that he was a wolf in sheep's clothing ever since I was a child.

Judgejewdy ago

It's called discerning the spirits.

artfullyours ago

I really never listen to him...but I would like to see some credible evidence to prove that he is such a bad guy.

Omnicopy ago

The demons hide. They are very good at hiding and rarely do anything to allow people to know there are there, at least the ones in church people. Except for the Catholic priests, we can see their demons.

garouwarrior ago

That's by design.

When is Netflix going to show a documentary on sexual abuse and coverup in Synagogues? I think you know your answer...

UglyTruth ago

Christian pizza pattern (just add bread of life and you're good to go)

Rmm ago

Is anyone for real? There are suspicions and misgivings about nearly everyone---Assange, Alex Jones to name the latest. I've heard that about Billy Graham and how the Illuminati is in control of almost all organized religion. So---as a society---are there any heroes?

pimpinainteasy ago

All of these Religious Right ministers have always been frauds, never heroes.

Anyone who puts these nutjobs on pedestals are just asking to get taken advantage of.

Judgejewdy ago

Johnny cash?

Omnicopy ago

Our hero is God for showing someone the truth.

YingYangMom ago

The smart will be able to see through the entire lie and the false accusation. The wise however, will be able to pick the entire truth from the half truth. Tell me, which one is more powerful? The whole lie or the half truth? Between this reality and the fact that there are different levels of intelligence and wisdom, the odds are in the favor of the dishonest. So now, ask yourself again, who is the hero and who's not.

YingYangMom ago

The smart will be able to see through the entire lie and the false accusation. The wise however, will be able to pick the entire truth from the half truth. Tell me, which one is more powerful? The whole lie or the half truth? Between this reality and the fact that there are different levels of intelligence and wisdom, the odds are in the favor of the dishonest. So now, ask yourself again, who is the hero and who's not.

garouwarrior ago

If its someone promoted either nationally (or internationally) then likely no.

Heroes more likely to be on the local level. Even then, most people have skeletons in their closet that they would rather not let out...

equineluvr ago

This stuff has been known for decades. Graham was a big cokehead. He used to abuse young girls at the venues of his "crusades."

You don't get to be the "Pastor of the [Illuminati] Presidents" if you're really a Christian.

garouwarrior ago

Who at the top ISN"T a cokehead and molester?

SecureYourSeats ago

This is absurd. Where's your proof that Graham was a cokehead or abused young girls, or was pastor of the illuminati. Knock off the ridiculous, and shameful slander if you can't provide some substantiation.

pimpinainteasy ago

Isn't that the whole point of Satanic ritual abuse??? The abuse and sacrifice of CHILDREN@#$!

That there are people who are even sticking up for these religious FRAUDS is unbelievable! There is even four MORONS who actually down voted this!

No wonder nobody takes the Religious Right seriously these days lol...

SecureYourSeats ago

Disgusting slander of a decent man. Shame on you.

Judgejewdy ago

Proof Schmoof. Who needs that?!

Omnicopy ago

Billy Graham was the spiritual leader of many of these Illuminat Presidents, that is undeniable! His son, Franklin Graham, has taken his dad's place and is no better than his dad. FAKE PREACHERS

SecureYourSeats ago

Saying something is "undeniable" does NOT constitute proof. This is malicious slander against a decent man. And slandering Franklin is disgusting. Show your so called "undeniable" proof or shut up.