The_Roman_Numeral ago

They do. Sometimes I think though, that the plants are not too high up, or these stories would be buried before they even began. Seems like they come out, then there is damage control.

Astrotheologist ago

I noticed the Dagon statues in some of the drawings. This is Jordan Maxwell, I'm sure some of you are familiar with him. He's been researching the truth for longer than most of us have been alive. He's talked about SRA for 20+ years now. He has a wealth of knowledge of the Occult and the type of secret societies we are dealing with. Heres a video of him talking about Dagon incase any of you want to deepen your knowledge.

This is a longer video about the Cult of Saturn. I think it is important to understand what we are up against. Most corporate logos use some sort of Occult/astrological symbols, and if you've listened to the Dutch money changer whistleblower you understand how and why

BlackManta2 ago

Nauseating. Even before this blew up, I'd read things about Nicole Kidman's dad being a pedophile.

Truthseeker3000 ago

WARNING: This is that Cathy Fox / Gail Allen website who Dr. Sue Arrigo writes for. This is the woman who reads a bunch of articles online and makes up her own stories and posts them as fiction. I personally don't believe anything to do with her or these sites she posts to. She has multiple Voat profiles and keeps reposting to those websites under those 3+ women's names. Proceed with caution for any real usable evidence.

The_Roman_Numeral ago

This is not your story, and Sue Arrigo has nothing to do with this. it is their story. I imagine you're the type of person that doesn't believe in Jimmy Savile's elite pedophilia and possible SRA? and Edward Heath? There are multiple public accounts worldwide of the same type of things being described. They're bravely spreading what happened to them, while you sit anonymously behind a keyboard. If it isn't true, the people named have all the right to sue for libel. Until that happens, I'll respectfully rather believe them than you.

Azzipdoe ago

I just wanna say there's no way in hell that airplane in pic 1 was drawn by the same person lol.

The_Roman_Numeral ago

That's a stupid, insensitive comment. Yeah let's lol what happened here.

RoadRunner1 ago

Order of the Eastern Star? Kidmans Charm Sydney Uni Seems to match up. Lodge for Master Masons and wives General Grand Chapter logo Logo Lodge Lodge

MolochHunter ago

probably add to that Australia's ordo templi orientalis

The_Roman_Numeral ago

It is the same. Good job.

Jem777 ago

Immediately after these "child hunting" crimes were exposed just over a year ago. Dr. Anthony Kidman (Nicole's father & psychologist) from Australia, who has been exposed as a CIA operative involved in MK Ultra type work, fled the country to Singapore. He had a "heart attack" immediately after and "died"

This was blacked out in the US media. Unknown sister happened to pop out as living in Singapore all along.

Hollywood poured out and put on a show. Story buried by all. Horriffic

Kristina_Gilliam ago

Nicole's sister, Antonia is not unknown. She was quite a prominent TV personality in Australia before she had children. She hosted a movie preview show on network TV for a number of years and appeared in various commercials and talk shows. You can search her name on YouTube and see quite a few clips.

Jem777 ago

Agree. Trying to spare the identity while giving voice to the truth.... Fiona is a hero and living witness.... tie in the psychologist & intelligence connection as well as the horror of SRA....

Dr. Kidman was trained in trauma based mind control...MK Ultra

As well as involved in politics of the renowned secret society of Luceferian worship and sacrifice.

To really understand this wrap our minds around the fact that the experiments done in prison camps on children and prisoners in occupied Germany was exported.

It never stopped.. they got away with it and continue because it went secret in black budgets.... and those scientists were actually the pyschologists of the future..

Legalized & institional trauma all paid for on behalf of security & giving pass and protection to the horror witnessed as the WW11 camps were liberated.

Dr. Mengele & others involved in war crimes now involved in Operation Papet clip.

The_Roman_Numeral ago

Yes Paperclip, brought them to the US. A few name changes and given key positions in areas such as, Medicine, Space exploration, Research and development, Military, Government. Etc... The experiments as you say continued, were successful, and then implemented in those disciplines. A recent worldwide test was conducted with 911. That was MK-Ultra's successor at work. It was trauma, followed by repetitive messages and images. Broke a lot of minds and It worked on a lot of susceptible folks.

TrishaUK ago

Shocking. :'(

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