bikergang_accountant ago

The left always projects.

Trump is anti-democratic..
Everyone else is making fake news..
The republicans only care about corporations..
Conservitives are thoughtless toward women..
Republicans only want the insurance companies to get rich..
Republicans hate freedom of expression..

There can be some half truths of these statements but if you replace conservitive for democrat you get a solid truth.

DeathToMasons ago

This is obvious and many of us instinctively felt that this was what they were doing. By the way, Fuck you Ashton Kutcher. Anybody still paying for movie tickets has my disdain.

dmthirdeye ago

Ashton Kutcher is a Mason anyways.

He also has an interesting history and so does the women he dates, some interesting coincidences and connections here.

Demi Moore - Pedophile.

21 year old man drowns in Demi Moores pool ruled "accident"

Bruce (Cuckold) Willis and his new wife Demi v2.0 and their interesting "Honeymoon pictures"

Bruce Willis spend over 1 million dollars on a Moore's 16 year old Aaron Carter?

Aaron Carter and Michael Jackson (Teen pop star Aaron Carter is speaking out to PEOPLE about his troubled relationship with his mother and sister – and about his friendship with Michael Jackson. After Carter's mother Jane told "Access Hollywood" that her son had spent an unsupervised night with Jackson at his Neverland Ranch, and Carter's sister Leslie, 18, implied that drug use may have been involved, Carter told PEOPLE: "I don't do drugs. I didn't do them with Michael Jackson and I don't do them with anyone else." Carter, 16, had a lot more to say in a frank discussion. On his mother and sister: "I really don't like being around them. All I hear is 'You need to go on television and make me look better.' I just think, 'Just be my mother, just be my sister.' It's all about money and publicity for them. My last word to (my mother) is that she's the adult, not me. But it seems to be switched around.)

Demi and Bruce Willis' Daughter, Scout Willis and her sexual assault accusation of creepy Hollywood photographer Terry Richardson.

And lets not forget before marrying Ashton Kutcher wife Mila Kunis dated Pizza Undergrounds Macaulay Culkin for 8 years.

GeorgeT ago

This is exactly what is happening. Vigilante justice will surface it's ugly head in not too distant a future. Because guys, as I have said, and knowing what I know I will tell you this, at best you may hear about some suicides, at worst these small fish busts - but there is no way Podesta or Alifantis or Hillary will ever take the stand in court. Absolutely no chance of that happening. If it happens, I will say I was wrong. But I know the game. For all we know entire NSA, FBI, Trump cabinet might have ties to all this, maybe not directly but in some way.

djklbd ago

Absolutely man, we need to realize what we are up against.

GeorgeT ago

Only way we can actually bring these freaks to justice is through public exposure. We need to up the ante to reach massess. Fortuately for us, this is a conspiracy that people can relate to. It can be their child in that torture video. Reach out to mothers - who may not know what Building7 is but they know marernal bonding and they will spread the word. Give them stats : 1.2 million children dissapear / year

Fateswebb ago

While you could be right, all proper investigations take them out from the bottom and work their way up. Why would you take out the top first and leave the entire structure below? If you implicate a bunch of small dudes, and half of them talk then you just work your way up, except starting with dominoes and ending with nuclear fusion. They are the same concept on different levels, and I'm sure we would all love to see podesta eat him some nuclear fusion on pizza or pasta we don't give a fuck if it's both.

pepe16 ago

Very plausible. I assume that senators from both parties are implicated. This is a tough case!


What does CTR stand for?

JDepp9thPizzaGate ago

You can see the gallery Fionna Bartlett drew detailing her time being abused here

scroll down and check out the drawing of the underground tunnel entrance, and the other one below it with candy canes.

I found this in November while investigating some of those social media accounts. Anybody know what it is?

wearesven ago

There are responses to it on imgur for what it is.

ArthurEdens ago

No one here will be satisfied until the big kahunas are riding the lighting

dmthirdeye ago

Were all ready for the big names but this is such a massive operation it may all be playing out just the way it has to. To prosecute these big names at the highest levels you need really solidified cases with multiple witnesses you can call and all kinds of shit. When they start from the ground up and work their way up they can get lock down cases on every single person at the top... hopefully. Mostly by giving the plea deal sentences to the lower level people to make sure they call out the people up top. If it doesn't happen in the next couple months there is going to be a great deal of civil unrest I can tell you that much lol

ArthurEdens ago

Most people don't know about the ring, they just watch tv and eat, you could show hillary murdering a child at the super bowl half time and most would just shrug

djklbd ago

Amen dude. At least I won't be satisfied until then...

Jem777 ago

Exactly. Kushner limited hangout. Check his connections to Teddy bear picnics- Satanic pedo ring outed in Australia. Fiona Bartlett outspoken victim of child hunting parties. SA-Dr an. Kidman known child psychologist tied to CIA intelligence. Father of Nicole Kidman. Fioanna Bartlett brought her witness testimony to court Dr. Kidman fled to Singapore happened to "die" in Singapore hotel.

JDepp9thPizzaGate ago

It feels different this time. We have a POTUS that roasted Hilary for being connected with human trafficking...

NonexistentNihilist ago

The thing is these arrests are only hyping me up for more arrests, and I don't think I'm the only one. If their plan is to take the heat off of them it's definitely backfiring.

UncookedSpirit ago

Psychopaths are "icycalm". They don't have a panic mode like we do. They just move onto the next tactic or strategy. Your analysis seems right on about Kutcher. What's the best evidence about him? It's nigh impossible to defend the ultra creepy James Koons as the owner of the ICMEC, and Kutcher's effort works with ICMEC, so that's one angle.

dmthirdeye ago

Yea they are worried as fuck though, feathers ruffled lol... They were sitting pretty literally flaunting it at this point, advertising it in our faces. They fucked up and got cocky, got lazy, the internet has made them our bitch.

djklbd ago

Agreed. They are very calm. They simply move on to the next phase, collected and with poise.