carmencita ago

If Franklin Graham is involved there are for sure nefarious things going on with this Home. I am sick and tired of do gooders always telling us what is good for us and then we find out they are abusing our children, trafficking drugs, humans, organs you name it. Grow a pair and work honestly for your living. Like the rest of us. You know who you are. You are on here reading all the time. Keep your hands to yourself and off our kids.

Antonius ago

I would be more suspiscous is they regularly imported food from Comet Ping Pong.

jonnythaiwongy9 ago

Don't see anything suspicious here, pointless to just put up orphanages without any reason why we should be looking at them

Orangutan ago

It's in Haiti connected with high level Americans. It's worth knowing about and being on our radar considering what all has gone on down in Haiti regarding Laura Silsby and Monica Peterson in association with this topic.

jonnythaiwongy9 ago

True, I'm naturally suspicious of all child related things, especially in these types of countries, but it should be made clear whether or not people of interest are linked

Orangutan ago

Greta just did a hit piece on Comet Pizza investigators today 1/25/17 at the end of her MSNBC show. Not a good journalist.

NoBS ago

Is the Topic poster implying education of children is a bad thing? Is this part of the Psych-op of emotional innuendo with the recent deflection campaign thrown at citizen investigators? You don't even have any false accusation to smear this organizations that could be changing lives for the better. Remember, the dumber the natives are, the easier it is to hoodwink.