AssFaceSandwich2 ago

He either didn't know or was sure he wasn't going to win. I remember it as he didn't have any plans for transition right after winning. I heard the excuse that he didn't want to jinx himself, or whatever, but that doesn't seem likely. Superstitious prez? Uh-oh...

AssFaceSandwich2 ago

"One of the things that sticks out in my mind about Trump the most is the fact that he met with utterly corrupted NCMEC and Ashton's Kutcher's shady ass Thorn organization in a grandstand display of stomping out the pedos. I saw people saying things like "oh nooo!! Doesn't Trump know how corrupted these organizations are? Someone should tell him!" Please, I have sympathy for the naive, but of course he knows. At least I am convinced for myself that he couldn't be dump enough not to know. For the sake of discussion, assuming he knew, then why did he put on that dog and pony show? Makes me wonder..." Trump didn't even know he needed a transition team if he won the election - one of the most basic of things to understand, yet you think he knows about this largely unheard of group NCMEC?

quantokitty ago

How was this post resurrected?

Shills must be active today ....

twistedmac11 ago

I originally posted it late at night without thinking, and I felt like it would’ve gotten a bit more exposure if I had waited to post until the next day. So I deleted & reposted. How am I shilling? Am I not allowed to hold an opinion, albeit unpopular without being a shill? My post still stands either way.

quantokitty ago

Am I not allowed to hold an opinion, albeit unpopular without being a shill?


twistedmac11 ago

Lol. Okay then. I guess it wouldn’t do to point out that I’ve made valuable contributions to this sub since Pizzagate first broke? People aren’t going to agree on everything - that does NOT mean I’m shilling.

quantokitty ago

I guess it wouldn’t do to point out that I’ve made valuable contributions to this sub since Pizzagate first broke?

No, it would not.

twistedmac11 ago

LOL okay then.

quantokitty ago

I did go to your profile to see some of your previous posts.

I am willing to back off on the shill claim for now.

twistedmac11 ago

I know that you’ve been here for a while, and I’m a little disappointed that someone who’s been in this for that long was so quick to call me a shill. Differing opinions does not always mean shill, remember that.

If you would like other evidence of my not being a shill, you’re welcome to check out my twitter account. Same username.

quantokitty ago

Whoa! No, I pulled back from the claim, but you're still on my radar. Shills can be sleepers. Not all shills are like DarkMath or Equineluvr. Sometimes they're subtle and smart. But anyone writing this post would get on my radar, and like I said, that's where you are.


Blacksmith21 ago

New push. They are waking up sleeper accounts.

quantokitty ago

Damn those sleeper accounts.


Blacksmith21 ago

Like junkies, liars are never to be trusted. The MSM has demonstrated on a daily basis they are liars. What's to say that the narrative that Trump was involved in rape isn't 100% fabricated like the Russian narrative.

And if he was at ORgy Island banging 14 year old girls, don't you think there is a teensy chance the Deep Pedo State would have sourced up that video to leak, effectively killing Trump's campaign dead in its tracks?

OP: Flynn's sudden departure was completely staged. He needed access to the NSC and he needed access to the special collection program setup by the last administration to spy on 20MM Americans considered "enemy of the state". Then he let the chips fall where they may, and headed off to go help Tillerson clean out the 7th floor.

twistedmac11 ago

liars are never to be trusted.

And Trump hasn’t lied? That’s laughable. He’s lied about his associations (Epstein, anybody?), for one. Anyone in the public eye (who wishes to remain in the public eye) is going to lie at some point. That’s part of maintaining good public relations. Propaganda = Public Relations

Statistically speaking, sure, ALL of these women could be controlled opposition, but the chances of that are slim to none. Your bias is showing. What makes Trump more credible than the accusers?

And yes, if there is a video of him banging 14 year old girls (which I never said, btw, but I’m going off of what you said), and Trump didn’t want it to get out, he would do what is asked of him. That’s how blackmail works. Hypothetically speaking, the MSM/general public wouldn’t know said video existed unless Trump fucked up. The Clintons have left a sloppy and obvious body trail behind them, and could easily have been a threat to the whole operation. Also considering the odd timing of the Wikileaks release (see Part II), do you really still think this whole thing couldn’t have been a limited hangout designed to distract us while shedding off dead weight?

Blacksmith21 ago

What makes Trump more credible is he has been in the public eye for almost 40 years with little to no allegations of sexual abuses. With no mention of out-of-court settlements, etc. Unlike the Clintons whom have had this air of stink swirling about them since they burst into the public eye at about the same time in the last century.

Your first sentence states: "Trump, who is facing a plethora of sexual abuse claims himself " = if this is the case, where are the lawsuits, the counterclaims, the credible articles.

Just like Trump pissing on Russian hookers (which I understand was actually HRC pissing on the bed Obama slept in), you don't have squat other than UNFOUNDED allegations.

Your post isn't about Trump's truthfulness (again, your first sentence questions Trump's honesty). It's about allegations against Trump. And as you mentioned, anyone and everyone in the public eye lies at some point. Especially politicians.

It's called Occam's Razor.

twistedmac11 ago

So wait, there are many women claiming Trump has sexually harassed them, and Trump’s statements haven’t helped his case. He himself has said “You know, I’m automatically attracted to beautiful—I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything.” And in some of these allegations, the women specifically said he kissed them without their permission. Trump is ADMITTING to the claims himself! But there’s no way it’s possible, right?

Blacksmith21 ago

Even if he grabbed an ass or two and maybe banged a few aspiring starlets on the side, there is a country mile between that and pedophilia activities. No one gives a fuck because they know it is bullshit.

For latecomers like you, any of us here with any skills have already run through the analysis of competing hypotheses on Trump's accusers and said allegations. Not to mention, I personally revisit it about once per month and come to the same conclusion, again based on any new information or new developments. The results always the same. could run the variables through Palantir and come to the same conclusion with better than 90% accuracy that Trump isn't a pedophile.

I'll also assume you are likely a female because of 1) the faux outrage over his comments, 2) if you were a guy, you've heard this stuff 1000 times before from your friends and/or uttered it or 3) you are actually a dude and completely inexperienced with the opposite sex. Or a fat cat lady who has no experience with men. Or women. And you hate the world.

Because, at the end of the day, that is all you really want to intimate. Isn't it? Sow the seeds of doubt.

Edit 1: Let me apologize if there was an aggressive tone to my post. I am assuming your eponymous name on Twitter and you are one in the same and I see you are doing good work out there. I'm a little edgy with a lot of the BS shills going on here and should do my due diligence before firing from the hip.

Let me rephrase: Yes, Trump is a pig. So are most MEN (not these gay little boys passing for men these days). When they have money and fame, even more so. Hell, Trump's been married 3 times? So yes, he set a pattern. Look at the obvious though - if he were complicit, the Deep State would hav burned him as he would have never ascended to the power he needs to destroy them. And once flamed in public, it wouldn't have mattered. Trump could have held a press conference of HRC fucking, dismembering and eating a baby and no one would have cared. And the DNC corruption machine would have rolled over Trump and across the USA. And there are more than a few of us here who are serious about this topic have at a minimum, a decent understanding of the basics of how to conduct an investigation and intelligence assessment.

twistedmac11 ago

For latecomers like you

Bitch please, my account is one month younger than yours. Try again. It’s so awesome to have people jump down my throat for this, but anyone “with any skills” knows that playing devil’s advocate is a great way to keep you honest and point out any potential flaws in your argument. Think of banks, for example, that attempt to hack their own computers in order to make sure their security is sound. You need to develop some thicker skin if you’re going to be so quick to get triggered over anything I’ve said.

So you’re admitting that there may be credibility to some of the claims, but the other ones are just patently false? Got it. And again, you’re assuming Trump isn’t controlled. IF he is controlled, he’s now right where they would want him to be.

Blacksmith21 ago

Bitch please? NIgga pleaaaassseee.

No, I'm saying that it's fine to play devil's advocate. I do at as part of any critical process. I don't know if you read my edit or not, but I retracted my intensity. I also said that stopping to look back is a good idea.

It's fine to second guess everything. I do the same. Feel free to fart around with your azimuth check. I know which direction I'm heading in.

twistedmac11 ago

We may have different methods but our goal is the same, and that’s what matters. Cheers.

Commoner ago

I still don't see what pedophilia evidence you have on Trump...compared to the massive amount on Clintons.

twistedmac11 ago

Boom. 100% to everything you said. I think the low-level pedophile arrests are, like you said, just to appease us and make him seem like he’s doing something. People who refuse to at least be open to the idea that he’s shady are kidding themselves. Propaganda is very real. Even Trump has a PR person. Propagandists were the original Public Relations people.

In regards to Flynn, I read somewhere that he got fired bc he was going to actually expose the pedophiles in office. If that’s the case, it would go along with the idea that Trump is involved. I don’t have anything concrete going one way or another though.

4_InquiringMinds ago

Trump is a puppet. Concessions need to be made to the common folk every now and then to control the opposition...slow boil. Trump's crew responsible for horrible civilian deaths and mutilations in Yemen, Syria and now Somalia...slow boil. Plenty of money for israehell and military industrial complex while not only Flint but other cities in water contamination crisis. Some pedos thrown under the bus. Healthcare reform is a joke. List goes on and on.

Probability of blackmail info on him...sure. He's a sleaze. He would not be where he is if he could not be controlled. Everything else is for show.

Is he into SRA...who can say? At this point nothing would surprise inquiring minds.

Trey and the so called good guys that get a lot of press...controlled opposition. Trey fully supported bombing Syria and said if Assad didn't get the message to bomb again.

This is where the 'lesser of 2 evils' comes into play. Until that mindset is dissolved it will carry on like it has been. This is how the agenda is rolled out/masses make excuses for the current evil bc it's lesser than the other...or so the masses are lead to believe. Think of the bigger implications of 'lesser of 2 evils'...evil is accepted and normalized/just like the push for pedo. Things will not change until 'evil' is not acceptable in any form or persona.

AssFaceSandwich2 ago

Trump was elevated into the nomination by the Clinton cabal's collusion with the DNC and MSM-corporate media using the Pied Piper strategy. We know that as fact. Unfortunately for the cabal/Deep State, Clinton didn't win as she was supposed to. The acting by many players is too good for me to believe this was all planned and is going as they wanted.

twistedmac11 ago

Agreed. We need to stop settling and start cleaning house.

Omnicopy ago

Nobody gets to be President without being in the club. That is the bottom line. I don't know what kind of game they are playing acting like they hate him? The devil is sly and for those of you looking for "hard evidence", You'll never find it!!!! The devil won't let you find it. You got to know this character, he's a snake and Satan is very real!!! I can tell you that! Welcome to knowing the truth but not being able to prove it!!! Not much fun!!!

Commoner ago

"The devil is sly and for those of you looking for "hard evidence", You'll never find it!!!! "

I would say we have found all kinds of hard evidence on Obama giving taxpayers money away and the Clintons stealing it back.

We have hard evidence of Hillary breaking the law.

There is no way to even start looking at Trump funny until those two are in prison along with James Comey.

Omnicopy ago

Commoner I meant hard evidence about the child sacrficed mainly. I know what I'm talking about because I've experienced. You may see some things like you mentioned but notice no arrests yet!! Probably won't be, but who knows? I doubt any arrests will come. You'll never find any hard evidence about the Pedogate. The devil is to cagey to ever allow that to happen! God showed me something in my church 34 yrs ago and I still can't "prove" it with evidence. God is just not going to allow that because it is a strong delusion. If too much evidence gets out about it, it won't be a delusion anymore. One thing that really troubled me was when I heard Trump on Mother's Day say Sunday was a really special day. That should be a super big red flag I think!

2impendingdoom ago

There is always a possibility that Trump will usurp the vacuum filled by the demise of the Clinton foundation and continue the same crimes to his benefit.

We are all here wanting him to step up and undo the policies that facilitate wrongdoing and to arrest the perpetrators. So far, there has been some indications that he is working on this.

You have:


No War with Russia

Syrian cease fire

No Child Left behind revoked

reform of the VA

many Pedo arrests at state and international levels

Healthcare program reform in progress

decimation of the State Department

demise of CNN and other MSM on notice (no small thing because this is the CIA propaganda arm and why would he smack this down if he were going to "work with them" ?)

There is something to be said about knowing your enemy, and that requires using their language and getting in on the inside. I think if there truly were sex dirt on Trump it would have been used against him by now. However, I do think he has manipulated and been unethical in business dealings, using bankruptcy, mafia, Trump University fraud, not paying small contractors and other shady shit to enrich himself and get ahead. As distasteful as this is, it is a far cry from organ, sex and human trafficking, weapons dealing and unjust foreign wars.

joey4track ago

What I can't get past is him giving so much support to Saudi and Israel. Which is more than enough for me to not trust him and to think he is a total lying fake. But that's me, I can't turn my eye the billions going to Saudi Arabia but for some reason most Trump supporters just conveniently ignore that MASSIVE bit of information.

GeorgeHodelDidit ago

This is the biggest question mark for me....the Jewish and the Saudi stuff. If he is a legit guy then helping them is helping the damn devil almost. But maybe he is working some deeper deal or maybe he is trying to set them at ease with him? I am not sure but it does concern me pretty greatly.

joey4track ago

Yeah I think 4D Chess is ridiculous & I'm tired of it being the excuse for Trump to support these evils. 4D Chess? People will believe anything as long as it allows them to keep believing what they want..

Commoner ago

"Trump supporters just conveniently ignore that MASSIVE bit of information. "

Not necessarily. There are several factions in Saudi. Obama and Clintons dealt with one faction with their money laundering. Trump is dealing with a different faction.

joey4track ago

So after 3 days you have nothing to show in support of what you are alleging? Gee, you quiet up just like the idiot libs whenever they are presented with logic. There's no room for you fake 'patriots' and you don't belong here

joey4track ago


2impendingdoom ago

I thought that one of the Republican senators was going to object to that Saudi deal, which gives him the opportunity to act like their buddy and none of the follow through. Did that happen. I forgot to check.

I don't like that many of his advisors are goldman saks either. so I guess we wait and see what happens.

AssFaceSandwich2 ago

If he doesn't play along somewhat he would be exposing himself and the possible plans. 59 Tomahawks comes to mind...

twistedmac11 ago

I agree, he has kept us out of war so far, and that is extremely important, as World War III could be VERY devastating. I thought the same thing about the sex dirt (and how it would’ve been used by now), but, on the other hand (and I’m just playing devil’s advocate, in keeping with the title of my post), we wouldn’t necessarily know if they WERE blackmailing him in some way. If they have something on it and he’s a pawn, they’re not necessarily going to make that something known to the public or else it loses its power.

I don’t think we can latch onto the connections of other people, like Clinton, Podesta, Soros, etc and not investigate Trump’s, but that’s exactly what’s been happening. What if that’s the point?

4_InquiringMinds ago


I agree, he has kept us out of war so far,

hc was not going to jump in office and start bombing russia, china etc. trump has furthered tensions to the point it was a bit tricky. He has escalated the syrian war which he had to back down on when Putin said nope. Tillerson said regime change, wafflehouse Haley was a complete neocon at the UN...oh, and let's start challenging Iran...he did everything he could get away with to escalate things but russia and china stand in the way.

Israel wants Golan heights (prime real-estate), SA wants their piece of the pie (and in cahoots with israel). The plan to partition Syria, give some to the kurds, another portion to dump Palestinians and other troublesome populations. Yemen is genocide and US started bombing there asap as soon as trump was sworn in/read on what happened to that village, evil is the only description. Deep state has to figure out a way to get the ppl to support all out war and they haven't either figured out yet what is the best plan or they haven't played all their cards yet and best plan is happening but we don't see it yet.

And lets not forget the increase in the military budget.

No, he has not kept us out of war. He doesn't make any decisions. He's there to be an irrational acting puppet/which comes naturally to him.

In order for the nwo to complete Russia and china need to go, particularly Russia/which means Syria and Iran have to go. There is turmoil with the Balkan states which is another can o'worms. China might, speculation, go along with nwo if they can be equal partners and nwo is not above making false promises. Russia is a problem bc the population is very patriotic/something china does not have.

I recommend the Oliver Stone Putin docu (youtube) for some perspective of history and where things stand today.

Don't ever let your guard down about the war machine. Just sayin~

Omnicopy ago

Twisteac11 Trump is no different than anyone else. He grew up in a false church and it is almost impossible for these people to change. I kind of look at him like Schindler in Schlinder's List. He did good things but he was still a Nazi!

Commoner ago

Are you saying that the MSM is intentionally pushing the fake Russian narrative and not pushing all the dirt on Trump because they want him to be president?

twistedmac11 ago

No, that’s not what I’m saying. I’m saying if the elites have blackmail on Trump, we wouldn’t necessarily know about it. The threat is usually to “expose” someone; if Trump is a pawn, as long as he stays in line, they wouldn’t give the blackmail to the MSM to use, that would cause the blackmail to lose its power. Idk how else to explain that, I hope you get what I’m saying.

I’m sure I’m going to get downvoted to oblivion for asking this, but are you 100% sure the Russian stuff is fake? Serious question. I’ve found that I question everything now, lol.

Commoner ago

I'll put it this way about the Russian stuff. If the MSM was worried about Russian meddling, the narrative should have been brought to light and rammed down our throats during the campaign with regards to Clinton's and Podesta's dealings, but there was hardly a mention....definitely not 24/7 like it is now. And it involved our uranium supply! To me, the MSM didn't seem too concerned about any blackmailing that could have been done via Clinton's presidency and Russia. So the fact that it is a major deal now just doesn't smell right.

twistedmac11 ago

That is true. I will be honest in that I haven’t done too much digging into the Russia stuff, but besides occasionally asking myself “what if?” I don’t buy it. The timing is all wrong, you’re right, plus they haven’t been able to show any evidence of it after months of talking about it. It’s all fishy.

2impendingdoom ago

Look up Bill Binney, he installed all the NSA spying. He came out and said that if Russia were hacking actually we would have trace route proof and hard evidence. There is none of that.

Don't forget how they pummeled the fake WMD, yellow cake, aluminum tubes and Iraqi mobile labs on us, it was ALL FAKE.

twistedmac11 ago

I will look him up, thanks! I know they’ve used propaganda to even push us into war before; it’s just hard to tell which is truth and which is fake sometimes 😆

AssFaceSandwich2 ago

Most things leading to war are fake. That's a good policy to understand.

twistedmac11 ago

War is profitable, and it’s easier if we’re compliant, lol.

2impendingdoom ago

I hear you. but at the moment, hope that he really is draining the swamp is the only hope we have, if he betrays us then I guess we live with it or its pitchforks and assault rifles revolution.

twistedmac11 ago

Agreed, we keep hoping for the best!

2impendingdoom ago

the fact the there is such an overwhelming effort to discredit and remove Trump, I see that as a positive, that he a a real threat to that power cabal. As for the banking cabal, I predict he is going to let them self destruct and refuse to bailout. give them enough rope, they will hang themselves...

its been going on so long, i am frustrated too

wgvdl ago

Valid points. I think we have to connect the the dots between Trump's being filed banruptcy twice in the 90's and him miraculously being saved by cheap credits. What was his service in return?

Disclaimer: this said regardless of my firm opinion that Hillary ist the most evil felon ever.

Commoner ago

No problem looking into Trump's deals, but that is going nowhere as long as the Clintons and Obama can go free for cheating US taxpayers. Whatever Trump did, he did as a private citizen and his illegal deals would not effect the integrity of our USA government. However, the Clintons and Obamas were government employees, servants, when they committed their crimes. We need to prosecute them before even thinking about Trump or our country has no chance to survive as a law and order country.

wgvdl ago

"... is going nowhere as long as the Clintons and Obama can..."

So in which way do you think is this linked? Why can Clintons and Obama still walk free?

As a matter of fact, since Trump holds presidency, there was one deafening silence about his former contrahent's misdeeds and crimes. Au contraire, he stated, that Clintons are respectable persons.

So is that the interconnection you suggest?

twistedmac11 ago

I agree. The Clintons, Podesta, etc are all guilty as sin and need to be thrown in prison at the LEAST. However, people seem to be stuck on this Clinton vs Trump thing like we’re voting again. Why is it such blasphemy to say the two party system is a joke? That both could be involved, and putting on a play for the public to make us feel like Trump is on our side? Brainwashing at its finest.

2impendingdoom ago

yes, I really want to see high up arrests/resignations/suicides til the filth is gone. I don't care what party it is.

twistedmac11 ago

Exactly, who cares what party it is if they’re kidnapping and raping kids? They all need to go.

Hastert, Reagan, Bush, need I go on? Obviously this is not a one-sided issue; people need to get their heads out of the sand. Just bc someone says what you want to hear doesn’t make it real!

Commoner ago

If you look at this submission just now, you will find out that

"Under Bill Clinton's Administration he signed a law which gave cash incentives to CPS for every child taken from their parents and placed up for adoption. Clinton's law gives CPS $4,000 per child with an additional $2,000 added for special needs children that are taken from their parents and put up for adoption. (On November 19, 1997 President Bill Clinton signed the law - The Adoption and Safe Families Act (ASFA, Public Law 105-89) after having been approved by the United States Congress in early November of 1997)."

I think it is fair to say that we KNOW what the Clintons and their cabal have done.

twistedmac11 ago

Here’s the thing. This isn’t a contest. The bipartisan system is bs. Yes, we know the Clintons are fucked up, but everyone is turning a blind eye to Trump. Read up on limited hangouts and then apply that here. Pizzagate put the spotlight on Podesta and the Clintons and probably, honestly, won Trump the election. Look at Part II (linked at the bottom of this post), scroll to the bottom, and read the part about Wikileaks. What if that was what was supposed to happen? What if the Clintons and Podesta have been so sloppy that they needed to be taken out in order for elite operations to continue? Trump is now in one of the most powerful political positions in the world. You still think that is a fluke, a hiccup? That is wasn’t planned? Try again. The whole system is rigged and you’re falling for it.

Commoner ago

"What if the Clintons and Podesta have been so sloppy that they needed to be taken out in order for elite operations to continue?" The Clintons were not taken out as part of a (((plan))). The American people voted for Trump because people pretty much have disdain for the Clintons and anyone associated with them.

twistedmac11 ago

So you still believe the voting system isn’t rigged? That your vote makes a difference? Sounds like you’re in denial. No one gets the presidency unless they are allowed to do so. Trump is a pawn. Set aside your MAGA bias for a bit and go do some research on him. Seriously. This is important. Until people start to wake up and really understand this shit, it’s going to be business as usual.

AssFaceSandwich2 ago

The voting system is very corrupted, by Clinton's shenanigans, and by the Crosscheck list that won it for Trump. Yes, many people voted for him as how in the fuck could anyone vote for Her?, but the list is real. Oh well, no arguments from me, except of course neither side should have such mechanisms.

Commoner ago

Well, then, who should have been elected from all the ones that ran? And what would Trump need to do to convince you that he is not part of the NWO cabal?

You are assuming that I have not done research on Trump. I have researched not only him, but the organizations that are doing research on him.

twistedmac11 ago

Who should have been elected is who was elected. Everything is orchestrated.

I don’t know that there’s any convincing unless he starts throwing people in prison. So far there have been a lot of low level arrests and a lot of talk of draining the swamp, but no real action, which is another reason I keep saying I think this is a limited hangout.

You know, one time I saw someone say something like “Pedophile friends + pedophile art + pedophile code words = nothing to see here” in regards to Podesta (or maybe Alefantis? I’m second guessing myself now) and how absurd it was that people were ignoring his connections. Trump has the pedophile friends, he’s made pedophile statements, and there are numerous sexual harassment claims against him, two which involved underage girls. What would Trump need to do to convince you that he IS part of the NWO cabal?

I’m not assuming anything about what you have or haven’t done. I, too, have done my research. What I am wondering, though, is if you’ve starting catching onto your bias yet.

Commoner ago

Hey, if Trump is found to have participated in the trafficking/abuse of children, then he can hang with the rest of them. I am just telling you that what you have presented is not overwhelming enough to convince voters yet that he deservers to be. There needs to be more evidence provided. I am sure the MSM would be happy to accommodate whatever you can find on him, especially if it pertains to Russian children. The problem they would have in doing that, though, is that most likely much of it would stick to Clinton and Obama too. So, perhaps, Clintons and Obama need to go down, before things stick to Trump. The MSM attacking Trump constantly on Russian is only helping him. So I think that before Trump can be exposed,, the MSM needs to appear to be more balanced in the way they cover him in relation to how they covered Obama. Until that happens, Trump will continue to be seen as the 'white hat' outsider, whether he is or not.

twistedmac11 ago

I agree, and that could definitely be the case. The media has had an absolute field day with Trump. Then again, he has been directly attacking the mainstream media and calling it fake news since they first attacked him. I agree that the mainstream media is a joke, but him continuously yelling fake news is probably not helping his case any.

But, on the other hand, there is a large amount of the population (I’m gonna guess maybe half?) that hates Trump and/or believe what the media writes about him. They would probably take his connections to known pedophiles and child traffickers seriously. So I don’t know that the MSM really needs to be more fair in that regard, but it would certainly help the Trumpsters get on board.

Commoner ago

"The media has had an absolute field day with Trump. Then again, he has been directly attacking the mainstream media and calling it fake news since they first attacked him. I agree that the mainstream media is a joke, but him continuously yelling fake news is probably not helping his case any. "

Well, this is well we differ. Trump calling them fake news IS helping him, And the MSM may think they are having a field day, but they are hanging themselves on their own petard.

"there is a large amount of the population (I’m gonna guess maybe half?) that hates Trump and/or believe what the media writes about him"

And they are the ones who are seen as biased, partisan , un-American and out-of-control. Trump is benefitting greatly from the MSM's bias and the craziness of the ones who hate him.

twistedmac11 ago

You know what, I just sat here and typed out this long response before I realized that, if Trump is compromised or whatever, it doesn’t matter either way. If that’s the case, the media vs trump war isn’t meant to be won, as it would lead to a Boy-Who-Cried-Wolf situation either way. If the media won, and Trump quit fighting them, the public would continue to be brainwashed by propaganda. If Trump won, and the mainstream media as we know it fell, Trump could “fake news” us right past an actual scandal. I guess the underlying idea either way is that people have to understand how propaganda is used and how to recognize it. Then switch their brains on, start thinking for themselves, and stop blindly believing what they’re told.

Commoner ago

I agree with you there!

Commoner ago

Considering the fake news media is throwing everything they have at Trump, even fake Russian dossiers, I tend to believe that if any of the items you have listed had any merit, Fake news would be pushing them instead of Russia.

Is Trump connected to any third world country orphanges? or has he prevented the prosecution of a kidnapper or child trafficker? Does he have an unbelievable list of more than one hundred deaths associated with his political career?

twistedmac11 ago

The mainstream media did latch onto Trump’s sexual harassment claims and comments, and his “grab ‘em by the pussy” threatened to derail his campaign. Unfortunately Trump does a lot of things that catch the media’s attention; not all of it gets the spotlight it deserves.

So you choose whether to believe something or not based on whether the mainstream media covers it? Examine your own bias. If these connections were made about Clinton or Podesta, would you even be questioning it?

Commoner ago

I think the difference that I see is that Trump, as a citizen , TALKED, about doing things. Bill Clinton, actually has done far worse things and Hillary , not only covered for him but actually harassed the women. The Clintons were in politics at the time, which means they should have been more aware of their situation and behavior. That is why politicians don't mind releasing their taxes. Everything they do is generally scripted to put them in a good light.

twistedmac11 ago

How do you know Trump didn’t actually do the things he talked about? I agree that the Clintons should’ve been more careful; they’ve been way too obvious, and the trail of bodies behind them is too bloody and too extensive to be ignored.

The Clintons were in the public spotlight while Trump, although famous, was able to operate more behind the scenes than they were until recently. He also used to be friends with the Clintons, and even defended Bill against some of his sexual harassment accusations. Methinks we may know more about the Clintons’ activities simply because they were in the public eye more so than Trump prior to the last year or so.

Although nothing that I listed directly implicated Trump, it does give some pretty damning info about his associations. It also shows that he knowingly allowed Ivanka to sign her first modeling contract with a company that had already been in the spotlight multiple times for pedophilia and child trafficking. In fact, Trump had a long relationship with the guy who founded that agency. I would never sign my daughter up for a modeling agency without doing research on it first, and Elite’s scandals are no secret, yet he still allowed her to sign with them. He’s made numerous sexual statements, even some about Ivanka. You can’t just explain those away.

Commoner ago

"I agree that the Clintons should’ve been more careful; "

No, they should not be more careful. They should be in prison!

Maybe, this is comparable to the OJ Simpson case, Everybody knows he killed his wife, but he got off. So they got him for something else. Everyone knows the Clintons are guilty, but they get off. So, everyone wants them to go down on something! At best, you have suspicions about Trump. I say go for it. If there is an abundance of incriminating information on Trump, people will want justice.

twistedmac11 ago

Yes. Well, no, they deserve worse than prison, but at the MINIMUM, yes. Bad wording on my part but I hope you see the point I was making.

heygeorge ago

You've compiled a lot of "coincidences" here.

twistedmac11 ago

What, besides the sexual harassment claims, are coincidental? I listed information about Trump’s associations along with quotes from him directly. While the harassment claims aren’t proven, statistically speaking, what are the odds that they’re all “coincidences”? And if this amount of connections were posted about Podesta or Clinton, would you even be questioning it? Do with the info what you will, I’m just posting it in the hopes that people will wake up to their own bias.

heygeorge ago

Do you understand what it means to put words in parenthesis? edit: lol I mean quotation marks.

if this amount of connections were posted about Podesta or Clinton, would you even be questioning it?

I may not be 100% convinced, but the burden of evidence is higher for me than it is for most here.

posting it in the hopes that people will wake up to their own bias

So you are what the kids call a shill? Dude... What if Hillary never got down personally with kiddie fucking, and that's why she wasn't allowed to become president again!

twistedmac11 ago

Do you understand what it means to put words in parenthesis? edit: lol I mean quotation marks.

Ah, so I misread your first comment, but I think we were originally in you’re calling me a shill? It’s called tone, and it’s not always perceived as it’s intended by the reader. You should probably get used to that happening sometimes, being on the web and all.

And, no, I’m not a shill, rofl. Maybe she isn’t fucking them, but she sure is trafficking them.

heygeorge ago

Nah, I figured you were not really shilling. There wasn't enough snarky righteousness in your tone. But now I'm detecting a healthy dose!

I think you will find that most on Voat will continue to largely ignore this pretty damning wall of info.

twistedmac11 ago

Lol! Anybody gets snarky with enough prodding.

Agreed, just scanned through the first couple of pages of this sub and this post isn’t even on there. It’s going to more than likely only be seen by a few people who will, like you said, ignore it. It’s sad how biased people are, even when it’s right in their faces.

heygeorge ago

True. Sad!