votesarestolen ago

Thank you for posting this, especially the details about Roy Cohn. Given all of Trump's deep state connections and the probable links to sexual abuse you've laid out, it shocks me how anyone could consider him a crusading outsider.

twistedmac11 ago

Agreed, I still don't understand why people are so damn insistent that he's some kind of savior. I think it's the bystander effect; people keep waiting for someone ELSE to do something, never realizing it's US who has to make the moves. No one is going to pave the way for us.

4_InquiringMinds ago


Wasn't aware of this/pretty much says it all. Can't find specific reference on quick search/but whenever the story of embassy stormed/is JA dead, tortured etc/took the focus off this very astute timing. Hindsight, sure trump was picked. Promised to killary but she got too sloppy and too many health issues/Kaine too much of an idiot to take over if need arises/Pence much better to do stand up puppet.

Bottom line she sucked as a candidate and tried to climb higher on the ladder than was allowed. Even tho it's unlikely she will ever see prison it is comforting to imagine how over the top devastated she was/is...that she never got the prize she had killed for all her political career. That at lease is something :)

twistedmac11 ago

I wasn’t aware of half of this stuff until I started digging. I was honestly surprised by the amount of connections I came across.

The “grab ‘em by the pussy” comment could’ve derailed Trump’s campaign. Wikileaks did, in fact, push us towards the Clintons and Podesta, and could’ve been what caused Clinton to lose. Trump is a man with a lot of money and power. Why do people just assume he wasn’t responsible?

DonKeyhote ago

leo87 ago

"Not real jews"