garouwarrior ago

In the picture with the two parrots mating, I remember reading somewhere that Trump's shoes are black-and-white design.

Just like the checkered black-white design in Freemasonry.

Almost makes you wonder if the whole Pizzagate thing was a psyop and that almost all politicians (national and international) are all in on it...

twistedmac11 ago

Also notice on her top are butterflies, which are associated with MKUltra.

I’m starting to think that Pizzagate is a limited hangout designed to steer eyes away from other, more important/dangerous/secretive operations. Sort of like knowing a flood is coming and trying to divert the water away from certain things (that was the best analogy I could think of, rofl). I believe that one cannot reach beyond a certain level in life (be it in fame, riches, politics, etc.) without being compromised in some way.

garouwarrior ago

Forget about the butterflies, thanks for the reminder.

We're all getting played :(

ASolo ago

This thread is undeniably important and highly underrated, especially in this current environment of partisan bullshit. I'm amazed that after so many years of being deceived by these two corrupt parties that any of you still think there's any hope that they're not all controlled. And to think this lump of shit is any different. This platform can be as pro trump as it wants to, but it's only blind delusion for a man that knows he's got to pull us into another world war. You trumptards are pathetic, just as much as you retarded clinton supporters.

Read mindcontrolledblackassassins and to understand trump, kushner and chabad lubavitch to understand THE REAL plans for the world.

You trumptards ignore the obvious at ALL our peril, which makes you ALL COMPLICIT.

garouwarrior ago

Upvoated the thread and the comment.

As much good as this forum has provided, it is EXTREMELY BIASED, most posters (and most Trump supporters) being right-wing Evangelical/Fundamentalist Christians.

Good luck getting people to even talk about Protestant abuses, Zionism/Israel's role in relation to Pedogate, etc.

These people deserved to be called out for their hypocrisy and complicity for perpetuating the very thing they claim to be against...

That this thread ALREADY has four downvotes should speak volumes...

twistedmac11 ago

It’s so funny to see people talk about how brainwashed other people are, but then those same people dismiss sign after sign of Trump’s bullshit. Allegations against Bill Clinton/Podesta/etc. weigh more than they do against Trump. But why? Until people realize the level of their own hypocrisy/confirmation bias and actually get it, I’m afraid the world is headed for the shitter.

twistedmac11 ago

The thing I started to notice is that people are quick to make excuses for Trump, but if these same connections were found for Podesta or Clinton, people would be all over it. The bipartisan stuff is bs and people need to take their rose-colored glasses off.

Commoner ago

'Trump, who is facing a plethora of sexual abuse claims himself,'


twistedmac11 ago

See Part II, linked at the end of the post :) thanks for pointing that out, I’ll edit that in