garouwarrior ago

fedevela ago

"A determination has been made by our Social Workers that it would be unsafe or unfit living conditions to return them to family members" ... really?? smh

fedevela ago

Notes about Samaritan’s Purse orphanage Greta Home in Haiti
by Greta Van Susteren

DEC 9 2012 - 6:37 PM ETCOMMENTS

The Greta Home
Currently Housing 73 children (at Maximum capacity now)

48 boys   Ages 2-16

25 girls    Ages 3-13

Children classified as orphaned or needy by the Haitian Government.

Most children cannot be cared for by their parent or parents due to poverty conditions. All of our ‘needy’ children’s families/relatives have been visited over the past year. A determination has been made by our Social Workers that it would be unsafe or unfit living conditions to return them to family members

Several of our children are true orphans with both parents deceased and no known family members to care for them

Many children that were at the old orphanage site when we found them have been since reunited with family members.