KittyTigerlily ago

Last we heard, Tzipi was supposed to be doing her cave exploring, spleunking. Then she was supposed to be back mid-Feb to make a major announcement. She had blocked me a long time ago for basically no reason. She would do that to people. One lady asked her when they were postponing releasing the info they said they had, Well, what about the kids? That's all that got her blocked, as she was concerned about the children. Also several of us think that Peter and Tzipi are the same person. Needless to say, we are not happy about how she has led us on.

Fire_Fly ago

I followed her since November and it was very dissapoiting the way they led us on, then dropped off, then came back, led us on again and then dropped off again. Edit: since October

jangles ago

Yes, I felt the same way. I use to believe that Tzipi was a professionally executed disinformation campaign by someone in Israel. After the #8 never was shown and nothing was released I lost interest. Then a phd Computer Scientist I know was over drinking some beer and we got to talking about hidden images in Podesta Emails. I was telling him about Tzipi and how by now she must have made some progress since January when I stopped following her. He indicated the methods noted in the papers in the OP are hiding a volume of information. He used 7Zip to show me the difference between a normal .pps document recreated with the same transitions and effects and those in Wikileaks Podesta emails with .pps. He says the packing method and encryption would take a supercomputer years to crack. So where is Tzipi?

shachalnur ago

Some observations,as a hebrew speaker and lived in Israel

her twitter account states Eilat as location.

that's a small town,and far away from the rest of the country

Everybody that goes in and out is controlled

why Eilat?

her tweets are an indication of her views on Israeli politics,and that's not very promising if it comes to who's good and bad,in relation to pizzagate and the Satanic Rothschild Cabal

she's supporting a lot of Rothschild assets inside Israel with her tweets,but claiming to out the same Rothschild Cabal in the US.

it strikes me as odd that if she had this kind of info ,she would warn about it.

She knows in israel the Shabak can enter any computer or account they want,anytime ,and IP and real adresses are a click away.

Be very careful believing anything coming from Israel,because politically it's out of the question the big pizzagate breakthrough comes from Israel.

it might be Jews though that will be part of the unmasking,but not from Israel.

Just saying

jangles ago

independent investigations in the US have indicated that the claim there is stego encryption data in the emails. Her disappearance is odd considering how avid of a tweeter she was. We need smart people to push to crack these files. My skills only go so far.

lawfag123 ago


pbvrocks ago

This post along with another one posted at roughly the same time do not smell right to me....sure info is good but this seems a little to "professional" for my liking...not sure what the intent is, will digest the info...just question the motive...

jangles ago

I have bad gas but IDK if you can smell that. Ate some McDonald's yesterday. The intent is to shed light on these encrypted and enunciate the concerns associated to the Millennium Copyright Act Laws and how it protects the illegal transfer of CP and other dangerous things. Also to shed light on the Podesta Brother's Dealings in the Cryptographic world of Stegnography . My 'professionalism' is because I am a professional in my field and hold integrity with all the work I do. Even the citizen investigatory work I contribute here at v/pizzagate. I have had multiple computer scientist phd's look into this and they all agree that there has to be something there. It is encrypted well. Tzipi was a specialist, WHERE IS SHE?

Jem777 ago

@jangles you are a take down expert

jangles ago

This is not my field of expertise, yet I find the virtues I use to define myself enable me to objectively contribute in this community. Now 5 months into this I have been able to enroll into 2 more 800 level classes (817 Metabolic Molecular Biology and 802 Advanced Genetics) that are slightly out of my inorganic chemistry world, just to better understand the fundamentals associated with the substances that might rejuvenate older adults. eg. molecular biology


My Molecular Biology prof has caught onto my intentions and invited me to author a paper for my final and attempt to publish it in a peer reviewed ethical inquire journal. What title sounds better:

An Ethical Review of the Use of Repetitive Induced Oxidative Stress for Increased Expression of Recessive Genes

Ethical review of Induced Oxidative Stress for materials used in Biopharmaceuticals

pby1000 ago

It is like they stupidly do it for the attention.

Freemasonsrus ago

I have been wondering about whatever happened to her for a while. She seemed legit at the time.

jangles ago

kinda odd

Gothamgirl ago


carmencita ago

I could not open the first two, but the last one has him standing on one of those hot Christmas gifts all the kids wanted. I cannot tell you how many times I have seen Podesta looking like a kid. He seems to have stopped in time, back in the past is where his brain is. Maybe at the age he was abused. That is what happens to a lot of pedophiles.

sugarskull ago

So Tony is the happy ending love you lon tiiiime?

AngB23 ago

Super interesting thread. Never knew about Tzipi's info before and wish when people find info, they just dump it right then and there bcuz they always seem to disappear. Has anyone found her? Did she make any vids or any more tweets?

Searched Wiki and found a few things but not sure if revelant to codes or not

Blue Coat- spy files

Cloud Security

DPX Network

I did a basic search of Base64 also found this

Reason why I threw this out there is because I saw a very weird thread in 4 chan and someone claimed to crack a Wiki code and said "it is US and U.K. In REVERSE" not sure what that means but a massive amount of trolls came on talking about going to sleep, we're sleepy, we're tired. It was so bizarre. The OP disappeared.

I don't know anything about codes but looks like if someone can crack these and report INSTANTLY versus these waiting games, we could get the info.

ETA- If Podesta is this smart with codes and so forth, why would he be so dumb as to set his password as @password or get phished/spammed on an email?! Something isn't adding up with that and these codes. Either he gets help with the coded Wikileaks stuff OR he was set up on the email dump.

jangles ago

If Podesta is this smart with codes and so forth, why would he be so dumb as to set his password as @password or get phished/spammed on an email?! Something isn't adding up with that and these codes. Either he gets help with the coded Wikileaks stuff OR he was set up on the email dump.

No one proved he his password was ever @password. The source of the Wikileaks is still unknown. It could have been Eric Braverman or someone, we don't know. Anyway the Podesta Brothers are intelligent, if you don't see that, you obviously don't understand their sick intentions. also you didn't read the OP well enough. If he wasn't that smart why would he have this said about him.

"Clinton's White House Chief of Staff, John Podesta, was an important influence in this (stegnography) process." -page 169

AngB23 ago

I never said Podesta's were unintelligent and I did read the OPs thread. And no one disproved the @password but curious to know WHERE THIS STARTED. It's been a while and I don't remember, but that is very important info. And that was my angle of saying this- "he was set up" and I do believe it could have been Eric Braverman or another unknown source.

jangles ago

He was not set up.

anonOpenPress ago

Related, check /v/pizzagate/1483165

8_billion_eaters ago

The subject line (Chinese) translates to: "The iceberg dissolves rapidly"

The response (Japanese) roughly translates to: "wow, I'm sorry"

There are a number of posts / comments on reddit that show up from a google search for the iceberg translation. Apparently, this flag (link to reddit) is embedded in the Podesta email.

No idea what this is about. This rabbit hole is a bottomless pit.

Laskar ago

Thanks for your translation.

madhatter67 ago

The flag thing....was claimed, but the steg extraction method was never shown, and as far as I'm aware noone has been able to replicate it

CardinalOfKek ago

Err guys theres a lot more of that kind of stuff in there. There have been efforts to get to the bottom of the base 64 encoded email with obvious stenography in them. If you compile them you get bizzare images such as a UFO over water and 4 arms, some childs with Disney tracking bands over a guys crotch. There are over 30 there. Search the email for Base 64 or Base64.

0xFFF ago

its just the attachments you were seeing...

CardinalOfKek ago

use that search to bring up suspect emails. Ive had coders look at it. They are not the atatchments. Honestly creepy weird stuff in there with way too much data for the pics.

CardinalOfKek ago

like this one

No its in plain text

neurofluxation ago


CardinalOfKek ago

God to the Podesta emails. You will find emails in Base 64 in plain text. You need to compile them and the produce photos. Just search for Base64 or Base 64. Also thay all come from verizon cell phones in the San Fran Bay area worringly.

I dont know of any threads on this outside of 8Chan... dont ask me whereabouts I picked it up in that mess, but yeah its legit and really strange. I have two of the images here but this thing only allows embeds..... I can put it somewhere... its on my twitter somewhere @cardinalofKek

neurofluxation ago

Base64 doesn't require compiling. Furthermore, loads of images are base64 - such as this one - they don't have to be nefarious. If things were hidden inside of anything, they wouldn't be base64 - because it's easily reversed.

CardinalOfKek ago

oh but the images are. Base 64 plain text emails do not make sense especially with the bizzare artifacts once output as JPeg or PNG. You have to work out the encryption type.

jangles ago

Here are some papers on the methods used to embed the data in these pps files - it is obvious there is something in them -


A Steganographic method via various animations in PowerPoint files Wen-Chao Yang & Ling-Hwei Chen Multimed Tools Appl DOI 10.1007/s11042-013-1708-1 Springer Science+Business Media New York 2013

  Microsoft Power Point Files: A Secure Steganographic Carrier 2011 Rajesh Kumar Tiwari, RVS College of Engineering & Technology, India G. Sahoo, Birla Institute of Technology (BIT) Mesra, India


Podesta’s PPS files have sounds, lots of animations, delays, auto start, etc eg.


Verify Yourself! Download the .pps files from Podesta WikiLeaks 7zip and ‘Open Archive’ watch the file in Microsoft PowerPoint, pay attention to the exact timing it takes for sound effects animations and events that take place, review the peer reviewed journal articles about the Stego .ppt and .pps then make your own judgment. Or find some way to crack the encryption. The methods are obvious the keys are unknown.

ploppy ago

Very interesting.

PizzagateBot ago

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CardinalOfKek ago

Sye-phan. I noticed that user immediately on Alefantis' SM accounts. Very very odd. Those links are broken. Anyone got intel?

PizzagateBot ago

Hi! I used Google to find related Voat posts using the URL(s) in your post and created the following link(s):

OriginLinkFromCurrentPost RelatedPostTitle PostDate LinkOrigin [ATTENTION TECH LITERAL] Regarding unexplained images and files in Podesta Emails and elsewhere, and forms of hidden photo and audio encryption (STEGANOGRAPHY) 12/8/2016 7212065 steganography John Podesta is an expert and he thinks we are too stupid to crack his code - WE MUST PROVE HIM WRONG!!!! 12/10/2016 7180029 Possible steganography in Antarctica pics 12/11/2016 OP Israeli woman is at it again, just posted some interesting things. 12/6/2016 OP US State Department enabled Sex Trafficking (original post from Reddit) 3/25/2017 OP TzipiMazuz twitter search 12/5/2016 7072064 US State Department enabled Sex Trafficking (original post from Reddit) 3/25/2017 7072064 TzipiMazuz twitter search 12/5/2016 7072064 WHERE IS TZIPI MAZUZ? 11/27/2016 6949550 Is this legit?!?! Screenshots on @Phan_sye 11/24/2016 6949550 WHERE IS TZIPI MAZUZ? 11/27/2016 6949550 Is this legit?!?! Screenshots on @Phan_sye 11/24/2016 6949550 Wikileaks_steganographic content_.pps_7zip_openarchive 12/7/2016 OP steganography John Podesta is an expert and he thinks we are too stupid to crack his code - WE MUST PROVE HIM WRONG!!!! 12/10/2016 OP Tony Podesta may be the real power not John. 2/25/2017 OP steganography John Podesta is an expert and he thinks we are too stupid to crack his code - WE MUST PROVE HIM WRONG!!!! 12/10/2016 OP steganography John Podesta is an expert and he thinks we are too stupid to crack his code - WE MUST PROVE HIM WRONG!!!! 12/10/2016 OP steganography John Podesta is an expert and he thinks we are too stupid to crack his code - WE MUST PROVE HIM WRONG!!!! 12/10/2016 OP Tony Podesta may be the real power not John. 2/25/2017 OP steganography John Podesta is an expert and he thinks we are too stupid to crack his code - WE MUST PROVE HIM WRONG!!!! 12/10/2016 OP steganography John Podesta is an expert and he thinks we are too stupid to crack his code - WE MUST PROVE HIM WRONG!!!! 12/10/2016 7159401 Possible steganography in Antarctica pics 12/11/2016 7194184 steganography John Podesta is an expert and he thinks we are too stupid to crack his code - WE MUST PROVE HIM WRONG!!!! 12/10/2016 7159401 steganography John Podesta is an expert and he thinks we are too stupid to crack his code - WE MUST PROVE HIM WRONG!!!! 12/10/2016 7159401