Fire_Fly ago

Here is another discussion on Tzipi

Fire_Fly ago

Should we start a new thread about that NSA tweet? There could be things about John Kerry we are missing, such as do those precommittment numbers match the ones Wikileaks sent out? Is there anything in the recent Yemen leaks that could relate to Pizzagate? Or anything else tying Kerry to Pizzagate? I could have missed this discussion though. I can see Tzipis page, she tweeted a poinsettia with the #8 last night. Could indicate her info is coming near Christmas on dec 28.

Fire_Fly ago

Never mind, just got a response back from Tzipi that this was not a real tweet.

Millennial_Falcon ago

What is that last bit about? "pre-commitment John Podesta..."

KittyTigerlily ago

Since I'm watching Tzipi Mazuz, and right now she has her Twitter page set where I can't read her stuff anymore, she is a cryptographer. Maybe she has in-sight into this. Makes sense. She said she works abroad at times, too. Now I'm getting extremely excited, guys. If that is real, they are looking at what you found and told you DO NOT STOP.

KittyTigerlily ago

Hey, what do you think the pre-commitment John Podesta means? This is huge if it's from the NSA/CSS. The CSS is this, and oh, heck, this may be extremely important:

Has to do with cryptologic things.

Millennial_Falcon ago

I have no idea.

KittyTigerlily ago

I know that you don't know me, and that is fine. But let me just say this. I have been following what y'all did on Reddit and now here because I saw the link. I'm still on Reddit in a place where we talked about Tzipi Mazuz. We're watching there. Just wanted to thank you for all you guys have found. It's amazing to me. BTW, I live in TX, born here and grew up here. Here's my theory. So much stuff coming out now on the Clinton Foundation organ harvesting. Just search it out. I use Duck Duck Go. After I listened to a short video from your site that was linked from an anonymous, which who knows which one to trust, they were talking about this stuff. So I started searching it out. Anyway, I wonder if whoever is fixing to do a drop is allowing some more things to be leaked in mental preparation for this. It's just a thought. My guess is that it would shock so many people who aren't looking, that they could not mentally take it in.

Hey, I'm a 63-year-old woman. I'm not shocked by much of anything anymore, especially since I've read the pizzagate things. It's so beyond sick, but if that is what is going on, then it MUST come out.

KittyTigerlily ago

I do not know, but I pulled up that site that I have saved to see how many people are talking to Tzipi Mazuz again. Well, after we ate dinner, I pulled it back up and lo and behold that was there. I am sorry that I don't know. I have screen shots of it, though. It's weird because the screen shots pull up history. I am not good at computers at all even though I've worked on them doing my work for years and years. My husband figures things out on these more than I do. I used to work from home but am on SS now. I still could, but I have a spinal problem. Anyway, I didn't do what y'all do on computers at all. I had a certain software program to do my work. An expensive one at that.

Like I said, I just pulled that up and from my bookmarks. It was not there earlier because I check off an on all the time looking to see what people are saying about Tzipi.

Oh, only one had history and was mine. It was freaking me out, but I thought the others had them, too. My goofy mistake. Can we figure out if this is real, though?

derram ago :

TzipiMazuz - Twitter Search

'When you tweet with a location, Twitter stores that location. '

'You can switch location on/off before each Tweet and always have the option to delete your location history. '

' Learn more'

This has been an automated message.

KittyTigerlily ago

But I'm not on Twitter, I just read what I can. Does this matter? I'm not signed up for it. Husband hates it.

KittyTigerlily ago

You have to go there and look now. Before it's gone. No joke! You'll see what I mean, and if you don't see it, I have a screen shot of it.

Scotty_Doesnt_Kno ago

I just added him, waiting for him to accept. Should post screenshot anyway