anonymousj ago

Because I'm a normie. 64 year old grandmother and not hip. But a Patriot none the less. Thanks for the info. Came over here from Reddit. Not a shill at all.

Fire_Fly ago

She's back

00-00 ago

Just checked back here and found this.

Interesting, I hope she is for real.

Someone with Twitter should ask her for a second point of contact, Twitter can not be trusted, she used to be really reponsvie to her followers.

KittyTigerlily ago

I just don't have Twitter, but can read it. Her account is protected, or was earlier.

Fire_Fly ago

I'm not sure why that is but here is her tweet from this morning. I replied to it and she liked the reply.

MAGABoomer ago

Keep us up to date on her tweets. What do you think about her? Did she give any reasons why she disappeared? LOL I'm nosey..what's the chatter? Still promising to deliver?

Fire_Fly ago

I think she's for real but could be just wishful thinking. She is alluding to something going down soon, December. That Pizzagate is real and the information they are going to drop will bring them down. That something is up with John Kerry and Antarctica, something really bad.

See my comments here

I can send you some more screen shots tomorrow.

MAGABoomer ago

The ice shelf is going to crack off and that will cause a world-wide tsunami. So my guess is they're working together on some kind of international coalition to break the ice up themselves in smaller pieces to avoid that. However that does not seem like a very good plan. I did answer you also on the other thread because I didn't notice the username. Sorry. It's to do with the core of the earth as the core gets larger it begins to cause a wobble..the natives say the earth gives birth to the mystery egg (the core) from the area around the north wadden sea.

The global warming stuff is a distraction.

Yes, please keep an eye out on here and if you're feeling brave, ask her. I'm surprised people aren't asking her.

Fire_Fly ago

Do you have any other information on this?

Here are some of her other tweets.

She also made some comments about how investigative work towards Pizzagate could do more harm than good and when I responded that something needs to be done she responded that something will be.

Have you tried to view her account? Is she not accepting followers?

MAGABoomer ago

Tweet 1...with Antarctica pic...was she referring to how bad THAT'S gonna be? bad her information is going to be?

Tweet 2. Oh Pizzagate is bad (arms, human organ trafficking, child trafficking/abuse)...we here all bad. But to be honest, if Israel is not also implicated in this then we will know...because they're also in it neck deep.

Tweet 3.


Eight is the number of completion. The Tabernacle was dedicated in an eight-day ceremony. Male children are circumcised on the eighth day (Genesis 17). Hanukkah is an eight-day holiday.

Poinsettia is indigenous to Mexico, it's a xmas/December plant. In warm climates it actually grows into a tree.

The name Turquoise is derived from the French, pierre turquoise, meaning “Turkish stone,” because the trade routes that brought Turquoise to Europe from the mines in central Asia went through Turkey, and Venetian merchants often purchased the stone in Turkish bazaars. [Simmons, 419]

Turquoise and Tanzanite are birthstones of DECEMBER

The classic version is by Ovid, found in book 3 of his Metamorphoses (completed 8 AD); this is the story of Echo and Narcissus. One day Narcissus was walking in the woods when Echo, an Oread (mountain nymph) saw him, fell deeply in love, and followed him. Narcissus sensed he was being followed and shouted "Who's there?". Echo repeated "Who's there?" She eventually revealed her identity and attempted to embrace him. He stepped away and told her to leave him alone. She was heartbroken and spent the rest of her life in lonely glens until nothing but an echo sound remained of her. Nemesis (as an aspect of Aphrodite[3]), the goddess of revenge, learned of this story and decided to punish Narcissus. She lured him to a pool where he saw his own reflection. He did not realize it was only an image and fell in love with it. He eventually recognized that his love could not be reciprocated and committed suicide.[4]

Narcissus is one of the most popular flowers in the world and the most popular flower in Germany. Narcissus is mainly cultivated in the Channel Isles, the Isles of Sicily, Great Britain and Holland.

Tweet 4 Yes the Antarctica situation is a mess. I don't know why she just won't say it, but facts are...if that ice shelf goes all at once, the world is completely screwed. If it is time for don't even want to know.

Tweet 5. Operation High Jump...aliens. Alrighty. It's not that I don't KNOW there are aliens, there are aliens. But I seriously doubt what's happening in Antarctica has anything to do with aliens. That shit blows the world is toasted. My feeling is that Kerry was down there to negotiate some international solution to breaking the ice into smaller chunks somehow. The ice is melting from beneath...which is volcanic/or related to the Hopi story of the core. Hopi Indians are timekeepers of all indigenous wisdom. That's a VERY old story.

Tweet light..Operation Israel fucks the world up the ass sideways with all the blackmail shit the Mossad has been collecting for generations...yep. Like I said..Mossad is the ONLY probable source for that level of shit...videos etc she claims...and unless they also include ISRAEL in this...(which it's likely she won't she loves BIBI) then there are some very serious negotiations going on re blackmail and my guess is that it's related to the "greater Israel" land grab...meaning...let us take what we want or we're gonna blast your doors off.

IF by some very strange chance she is an honest person who came into some damaging information (I believe there are good people in Mossad who are disgusted too) then Israel will also be included in the list. If Israel is NOT exposed along with everyone else...and they actually do produce the goods? Well...that's a fuckin no brainer right there.

If that ice shelf breaks and falls into the ocean all at as we knew finished. If the core comes out...again (the sixth creation, Hopi say we are in the fifth) then we're screwed. There's rumors of all sorts of attempts to mitigate..setting off earthquakes...anything to relieve the pressure. But the alien thing...distraction. Really. WTF we gonna worry about aliens when the entire world is going to flood? Antarctica makes pizzagate seem redundant.

Thanks for sharing the posts. I am not on twitter. Got the ban hammer during twittergate. She's "signaling" december it will all be finished...the world or the NWO..(except for Israel of course, unless she's honest).

Fire_Fly ago

Oh and tweet 1, I got the idea she was talking about the information hid in those pics, is bad - - an eleven on 1 to 10"scale.

Is it possible they did something to try to project or create global warming conditions, and that has backfired and now they're trying to cover it up?

MAGABoomer ago

As far as I could tell there was no steno info hidden in the Antarctica photos sent to JP from the Japanese person. The file sizes are small. Global warming IS a fraud. Google climategate. I was on the ground floor of the email hack of East Anglican University. Those assholes were actually plotting their fraud via email. It doesn't get any stupider than that. They hid the medieval warming period in order to make it look like current warming is unique. I have no idea if the emails are viewable at this point, but that was a major scientific fraud that basically went completely unmentioned.

The ice shelf is in serious danger of collapse. The wobble created by the growing core is causing the heat to come from below..that's what they're hiding. I'm sure none of them have any intention of being caught in that mess.

Fire_Fly ago

New tweets. Have no idea what these codes are do you?

Edit: also this

MAGABoomer ago

Twee 1. yes I know what that means. But I am uncertain what she means by posting it.

Tweet 2. arriving soon base64 code

Tweet 3. wilted pointsettia=bad xmas

Tweet 4. as expected...those are all the people they're planning to expose, one from Israel is listed. Blue Haven is a foundation associated with Clinton Foundation via Lauren Cochran. Blue Jewel? haven't clue unless it's Jewel Samid a photographer that loves taking pics of Hill, or Turquoise/Tanzanite=december..Loren-also not a clue. The rest of them we already know every one of them are crooked. So apparently the Mossad is gonna dump their database at least on those people. Pfft, she's a BIBI lover so that asshole is gonna come out clean. Too bad I'm not on there cause I'd be asking her when she's going to expose her own government. We shall way can Hillary deliver Syria now so there's a lot of pissed of people who paid big money.

Fire_Fly ago

To the both tweets with codes she has just replied "shot across the bow."

Edit: she also says the code with the b's is not base64 code.

MAGABoomer ago

Anything new? Keep an eye out on her, an 8 day is coming. (18th)...the day before the electoral college meets.

Fire_Fly ago

So things might mhappen on any 8 day? And not just the 28th? She alluded to the end of the month one of her replies to someone.

To sum it up, she tweeted another code with Ls in it, but all codes are gone now. It had the acronyms EN, ETA and ITA in it. She also mentioned videos being the best medium, and said she had more than one. She sent "the promise will be fulfilled" in Hebrew with an 8. She mentioned Doha as a place leaders have been going past and future. She says Trump will def be inaugurated. She mentions his committee or loyalty to Israel. She just tweeted pages from the Holy Bible King James, Geneva Bible, I think it's John V, and three pics of what looks like ancient maps. One shows The coast off of the Med Sea- ancient Israel, One with Ancient looking Europe. One with Turkey.

Edit- looks like she's removed them all but ancient Israel and she added it back as a reply to her tweet with the Bible.

MAGABoomer ago

Bibi is a fool if he thinks Trump is a fool like other presidents. Bibi has nothing to blackmail Trump with. Doha=Qatar...which makes sense. Doha Round brought a lot of people to Qatar, likely to indulge in shit Arabs indulge in. Video makes sense. Maybe they're not going to throw Epstein under the bus and hold back on some stuff...LOL Qatar would be enough. Those Arab shits probably had a lot of offerings on the platter and cameras posted around.

Map of ancient Israel...ha...back when it was a little bit bigger. For the most part, based on videos/interviews I've seen Israelis hate Christians and torture/harass the fuck out of Messianic Jews. Posting a bit of the NT is very strange...ha but James 5 is a warning to rich oppressors. Hope she realizes 99% of all the take downs gonna be Jews...just based on the names. (

I hope she does expose something, but I still feel this threat is what is driving the desperate attacks on Trump to keep him from office. These folks paid a hell of a lot of money to buy Hillary. They are going to lose Syria because Trump isn't going to play ball....literally Obama is bombing Assad, NOT the FSA/ISIS. Russia is bombing ISIS/FSA. They are desperate to depose Assad-to make him into a villain. The only people who hate UK educated Assad are fundamental Islamists whom he absolutely oppressed, and for damn good reason. Having an open secular state is vital to the success and progress of a state. Assad has managed to stay alive and avoid Saddam/Ghadaffi's fate...and Israel has to be spitting nails as their vision of "greater" Israel grow less and less likely.

I do not believe she is going to do anything unless Trump does indeed manage to make it to inauguration. I also fully expect Israel et al to do anything and everything possible to prevent that. I am not certain Trump WILL make it to inauguration. One "natural" disaster in the US will have Obama institute his EO of continuity of government. That will spark a civil war. Russia will aid one side, China will aid the other. Based on the leaked Red State Planner synopsis, the left is going to lose, and lose badly. Very badly. 90% of them don't even believe in guns, the rest of them eschew military service and are fat, dumb, and have never seen a hard day's work in their lives. It will not take long to put them down. Especially with 98% of the US Military backing Trump.

I still strongly feel this is Israel blackmailing the US (again.) "They" KNOW what they did and where they did it. "They" also know how deep this dirty goes. They are absolutely desperate to stop this leak. That makes them very dangerous indeed.

If the L code didn't have numbers this time...then it may not mean what I think. But LOL she's gone down and dirty now mentioning Doha. Pressure is on.

Time...she said 8 day...and she's been saying that for months. 18th, and 28th left in this month. We shall see what happens next...but if Trump makes it to president, Greater Israel is no longer possible. He will not fight against Russia, as well he shouldn't. We're "supposed" to be taking out FSA/ISIS, not Assad.

Fire_Fly ago

She says she's giving us a "tidbit" before the "main meal". Could have something to do with lynch and Clinton on tarmac. She also tweeted that that meeting "was not going away."

MAGABoomer ago

The meeting was never going away. Can't imagine what happened there that we don't already know...heh Lynch was wired?

Lynch is saying "sorry" LOL but that was a nasty deal she made with the devil. I look forward to your updates!

Fire_Fly ago

It's John instead of James. I could have sworn in that message that was pinned on her twitter page before she changed it said something big was coming on upcoming 28th. She's still talking about the website they'll have up and she just mentioned Peter. I dont know near as much of all this background as you do but I do know we need Trump. She keeps posting positive things about Trump and I don't know why ... but she also seems sure he'll get in. Don't know what her true motives are but if she's got stuff on these evil f***** she better come out with it. Maybe she's a victim of some sort or truly her religion is motivating her to come forward, maybe she wants to do what's right, but likely more along the lines of what you suggest. I just hope we get something soon and I hope it's before 1/20 so it will seal their fate. I will let you if she says anything else interesting!

MAGABoomer ago

John 5 is as interesting as James 5. How odd. "bear witness to the truth". Noble. But motivation is everything, and if she is in Israel (what other source can she have?) the source is obvious...and it's going to be obvious to everyone. I would dearly love for this to be something...

Fire_Fly ago

Tzipi got quiet for a day or so about the same time Wikileaks got so quiet, which they still kinda are but anyway she came back tweeting about Israel, Satan 2 missile, some quotes from huckabee, a video of a Palestinian boy, Trump and Putin stuff and this code

Oh and you know she said she would be giving us a "tidbit" the next day the Insurance file was released on WL.

Edit: also tweeting about the Katla volcano.

MAGABoomer ago

Very interesting update. Did she SAY the new wiki insurance file was the "tidbit"? Because it's basically 82Gig of nothing useful without the key. Thanks. The 28th is coming.

Fire_Fly ago

Now she's saying they're going to wait Until after inauguration. I'm about done. She's talking about all the damage obama plans to do before Jan 20 and how bad the elites hurt children but basically they have to wait, that she wanted to stick to the timeline but Peter wants to wait.

MAGABoomer ago

Anything new? Lots of excuses?

Fire_Fly ago

Lots of news tweets /retweets of course favoring trump and bibi. And teasing about video and Antarctica. Basically more of the same. Peters back on promising anartica docs. But they have shown nothing yet. Wikileaks will come out with something before they do i bet. Not really putting much stock in them at this point. I mean, why all the teasing just come out with it.

MAGABoomer ago

It's beginning to look a lot like what I thought it was. Thanks for the update!

MAGABoomer ago

Curious...Bibi released evidence of child trafficking in Yemen from years ago. Obama's so desperate to get Assad he's willing to start a war with Russia by any means possible. (I fully expect something explosive in the US to be blamed on Russia or agents of Russia as an excuse)...they are that desperate. The ax is hanging over Obama's head....Israel knows Trump will finish ISIS and that's not what they want, they want Assad out and they want Syrian land for greater Israel. I wonder what they've got on Obama et al besides the stuff we already know, gay, moshell is trans or hermie..drugs etc...and everything we know about the Clintons et al. This Tizipi is playing a dangerous game.

At the same time it seems there is some effort to get rid of Bibi on corruption...Obama tried to influence his reelection...they truly hate each other....and have each other by the balls.

MAGABoomer ago

HA I knew it. That's so funny. Hurry up and wait. They're going to wait and see if Trump undoes the Israel thing, but I'm telling you...he's not going to...but he wants them to think he will. Israel is a nightmare and the entire world knows it...and they're just about out of options. Obama has a scorched earth policy and if they have what they CLAIM they have...they could stop it. Thanks for the reports. I had some hope, but mostly skepticism.

Fire_Fly ago

Lots of tweets on the UN deal, obama backstabbing Israel, trump making good with Israel and Russia and this latest code

MAGABoomer ago

Yeah she's not going to like the UN thing. What Israel is doing is wrong..but what most governments are currently doing is wrong.

Thanks for the update. The L codes again. Curious!

Fire_Fly ago

No she didn't say that specifically. Yep ... getting close.

MAGABoomer ago

LOL shot across the bow. As I expected. Well...not we will have to wait and see if Israel gets their way, what Clinton et al are willing to do to effect this, and what she eventually releases...if anything.

Thanks for the infor BTW.

Fire_Fly ago

Thanks so much for your analysis of this. There's a lot I don't know and honestly I'm having a hard time wrapping my brain around it all at the moment. So much information being thrown out it's hard to take in. People are throwing all kinds of suggestions at her, could it be this or could it be that. Not much coming from her to confirm any of the theories. I'm just thinking, she called Kerry "beyond nefarious" so there has to be something he personally is doing or hiding. Something in his control I would think. And she still tweets about the election, the recount, pizzagate, etc. so i hope that means that the release of that information and bringing them down is still primary and Antarctica is secondary, which would mean whatever she's talking about does not mean the world is about to end? Because why be so concerned about all this if the world is about to end, we better get busy preparing In The hopes we might be able to survive somehow! And maybe she's not referring to aliens in regards to high jump but something else that happened there, something to do with the Nazis. I don't know but the riddles and trying to piece all this together is about to Drive me crazy!

MAGABoomer ago

All I can say is the ice shelf is a real and present danger. If it collapses all at once there will be global consequences. Hiding it..well like I said, I'm sure none of "THEM" have any intention of being caught in that.

Both the US and Russia have hyersonic planes capable of space flight. That's why the ISS cameras shut off when one is approaching. People screaming ALIENS..nope, just top secret aircraft. This is revealed in Tom DeLong's book Sekrit Machines..he and Podesta were emailing...and he's collaborating with Spielberg on a movie. This book is probably the most accurate regarding the Nazi "bell" and Antarctica. The Hopi Timekeeper teaches that (using common word for them) aliens will come and offer to take people off earth to escape. Going with them=very bad idea.

So if it's aliens, well apparently no one is all that worried about it.

My guess is this..once Israel aka TzipiM gets what they want (greater Israel) there will be no release of promised information re Hillary and crew, instead she will release info re Antarctica / ice shelf and claim that's the big reveal. I do not believe she will release anything else once Israel gets what they want and they will...which will spark further war with Syria. Israel has been sneaking up snatching land this entire time...nefarious bastards.

Antarctica wasn't always covered in ice. The pyramid shit is bullshit but who knows what can be revealed by melting ice. Nazi's went there for a reason...but I find it difficult to believe anything left there is still there. We shall see. Hanukkah is coming.

Fire_Fly ago

Okay so someone tweeted this in reply to one of tzipis tweets. What in the world??

Fire_Fly ago

People are asking a lot of questions but she won't say outright what it is.

MAGABoomer ago

Well just tell her, yeah if the ice shelf breaks we're screwed, if the core "births" we're screwed, and the Natives say not to "go with them" when they come. See what she says to that.

KittyTigerlily ago

I started wondering the time in Israel and it's Sabbath. So if she keeps Sabbath, she may not talk on it. Some people do and some don't.

KittyTigerlily ago

It was here that I first saw about her.

KittyTigerlily ago

I've been following her on Twitter since I found out about her, I think it was from someone on Reddit. Anyway, I started at the very bottom of her Twitter. It said that she signed up in Oct 2016. The bottom date of the first post was on Oct 20th. I don't know why, but I felt like she was being honest in reading her info. At one time she said her friend and colleague, Peter Mathew Courtis, had to leave Twitter to finish up this work and get ready and stay offline. She never said which month. Only said the 28th. But once she stated 2016, so there's only two months left in 2016. Today and then Dec 28th.

There is a possibility that she had to go offline as well to stay safe and help finish this. I remember that she said that she's working abroad at times and then in Israel at times. Another time she stated that the FBI have problems, but the NSA are the real firecrackers. I think that they also helped Wikileaks, at least were once place that did.

Now I don't use Google anymore. If someone can, then can you look to see if you can get one of those webcache things on Peter Mathew Courtis, please? I don't know if you can. I try not to jump to conclusions on this. Someone said that they had been following her and Peter for a while now, and they asked her on Twitter if something happened and she was kicked off of it, then what should they do. She said that they have planned protocols in place in that event.

RecycledUser ago

I don't know if it will help, but I do remember she said with her big reveal, she was also unveiling a new website for it. I think she was from Israel. She kept showing pictures with her tweets, of the clintons, podesta, and lots of others.

MAGABoomer ago

I think she was blackmailing the "left". She made the post, promised to deliver, dropped a LOT of keywords that only some would know (WTF is L1, L3,) etc? And I think she had access to all the juicy info/videos from EpSTEIN's blackmail island, and loads more of Mossad gotten info. And I think she got what she or her government was after, and she poofed. She was trolling the elite. What changed since she poofed? Israel has suddenly become more active bombing Syria and bolder about their land grab.

RecycledUser ago

Wow. Very interesting. Thank you! Been wondering! Hope she's OK!

MAGABoomer ago

If anyone is still able to see her twitter...I do wonder if she's making excuses. Anyway to get in there? I cannot be on Twitter anymore since Twittergate.

RecycledUser ago

I was able to see it, but she's been posting a lot, and I didn't see any excuses or explanation. I personally am trying to phase out twitter, don't like it, going to gab.

MAGABoomer ago

Has anyone even asked her? LOL ask her! She made a whole lot of promises. I'm still waiting to get into gab. They might not like my blur email that forwards to my real email. GRR.

MAGABoomer ago

I think it was a blackmail "look what we're going to release unless" sort of thing. No doubt she's fine. It's her source for the information that is curious. Has to be Mossad. Where else would a "cryptographer" work?

00-00 ago

All she said was that it would be a .com address.

RecycledUser ago

Okay thank you!

RecycledUser ago


00-00 ago

All tweets since 18 Nov

Celticgirlonamission ago

Hope she's ok regardless 😊

Celticgirlonamission ago

Yeah her account is down

9217 ago

She was either fake or cointel because if she really had something big, why in the hell would she give the NSA and whoever the fuck PTB so much time to shut her down??? Why are these idiot leakers like phan etc posting on twitter "I'll leak in an hour!!" and then predictable over na dover they are shut down. Just fucking leak or gtfo,

And when you leak, it should be not in one spot but a fuckton. Send it to 50 news orgs all at once. Then disappear.

MAGABoomer ago

Isn't there some way to see archives? I must be going nuts but I thought there was a website to input the username and see all their Twitter is forever.

Thrash57 ago

Two nights ago @phan_sye tweeted he had made a major breakthrough. An hour later his twitter account vanished.

Last night on this subverse a member claimed to be @phan_sye. He stated that members of twitter had told him to come here with info. He claimed the NSA was trying to geolocate him via his tweets. He also claimed his last 29 tweets never hit twitterverse, but instead wemt straight to the nsa.

Will link to that specific thread in a moment.

TruthIsMyReligion ago

I'm pretty sure he was role playing. There is this guy too on twitter:

All they did was release already released info.

9217 ago

The LARPing on such a fucking horrible serious issue is getting fucking aggravating now.

HarveyKlinger ago

Thus my comment in the previous thread that it's stupid to announce you're going to release something in the future instead of just releasing it immediately.

For reference:

9217 ago

AGREE X 1000000000000

TruthIsMyReligion ago

Where did you get the info regarding "leaking something in the next hour"?

chehuahua ago

Sorry. I got the wrong date. Monday 1AM est is what it's supposed to be

TruthIsMyReligion ago

I don't think it is though, she never confirmed November as the month... only saying that she would announce the "upcoming" month soon. She did make it quite ambiguous though.

chehuahua ago

Linked above but I just saw this post and went to go check out her twitter

TruthIsMyReligion ago

So it looks like the reason she was banned from Twitter is this post on The Donald with over 500 upvotes. The time frames fit.

No huge leaks are coming tomorrow IMO.

chehuahua ago

Yeah. Why would that warrant a ban? It could be another disappointment but I don't know.

TruthIsMyReligion ago

Because she is threatening to take down the government :)

I'm surprised it didn't happen sooner. To be honest i really don't see the advantage in saying "I have all this info, get ready!" if you understand the powers at play.

I expect her to create a new twitter account soon enough, it's 8:20am in Israel.

TruthIsMyReligion ago

She never confirmed November as the month.

Her twitter going down is interesting though.

9217 ago

If she was actually legit why would she give the NSA so much time to shut her down? Why not just leak to 100 news orgs and GTFO?

TruthIsMyReligion ago

Exactly! The whole thing sounds off to me but I could be wrong.

chehuahua ago

Nice. What is going on? I find it interesting that it disappears right before a supposed leak. I'm not familiar with twitter, but is that page normal if an account is deleted?

9217 ago

She was either cointel or stupid.

jammymcjamster ago

They have everybody in their pocket.

pzag8t3 ago

confirming tzipimazuz is wiped, alt accounts anyone?

chehuahua ago

I'm going to check gab

EDIT: Can someone help find some other accounts? I'm not having any luck

9217 ago

Still could be roleplay/psyop --- no one can say if she did it or NSA/3 letter did etc