jangles ago

Does it make sense to make an info graphic to show why we believe this is a serious lead? Like including the odd data that indicates stegnography and the vast involvement both the podesta Bros have with cryptography and the legislators they have colluded with?

Thrash57 ago

It could definitely help. It seems that some people are, at least, uninformed about the Podestas' cryptography knowledge. Furthermore, most people still arent sure what steganography with.

jangles ago

I also think we should consolidate these various threads. Any opinion from this group?

Stellarjay ago

The google imagery of McMurdo Station in the Antarctic reminds me of a camp image in North Korea. Definitely a great place to hide something like a massive eugenics factory. Cold enough there to keep stuff frozen 365 Days a year.

jangles ago

It isn't the images themselves, it is the animations and sound effects holding the secrets. Normal steganography is not what is being used, ToNY and John think they are smarter than us. We can't fail, this is the way to prove they are the bad guys.

Thrash57 ago

Where are the animations and sound effects?

jangles ago


This one for sure, there is nearly 4 gig of PowerPoint xml data, there should only be a few meg

isthisreality ago

...am I losing it or was there not just a comment with a link to the reddit sub discussing this?

Fire_Fly ago

There was, sorry I deleted it! https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/5gbwon/urgent_i_need_help_decoding_pictures_in_wikileaks/

Edit: there's this voat thread too in case you haven't seen it https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1475863

I really think if someone could figure this out it would be huge.

MAGABoomer ago

Email subject says "the ice dissolves rapidly" the text in the body says "wow I'm sorry". Looking at the jpg sizes there isn't anything that jumps out. What Kerry was likely doing down there is working on an international solution to break the ice up in smaller bits ourselves rather than let the whole thing slide in at once at which point we're all screwed. The ice is melting from below however due to some too-long-to-go into here issues and that they have zero control over.

SavingGrace ago

Kerry left the US for the Antarctic on the 7/11. Not pics 7 and 11 are missing. Duplicates in there at pics 9 and 10 from memory. Assange's internet cut day after release of the pics. Obama in Patagonia earlier in the year on a surprise extension of his trip to Sth America. Lockheed Martin has contracts at both bases. Something is mighty fishy.

MAGABoomer ago

They are trying to figure out how to break that ice up into smaller pieces and let it go into the ocean a bit at a time...if it goes in all at once..we are completely screwed. Also the core...https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZgA_TfvZ5ok

That is an ancient native legend. The Hopi are the timekeepers of indigenous wisdom from the beginning of time.

I'd say with the current condition of the ice shelf, aliens are the least of our worries. However..I will say this...the timekeeper story alludes to aliens..we have a long tradition of "the ancestors". So long story short, the legend says, "don't go with them when the come and offer to save you." That's a wise choice. We like to say, don't go unless you want to become spare parts.

isthisreality ago


isthisreality ago

I do think there is something in these pics too... but I have no clue how to do any of that crypto stuff

Fire_Fly ago

There's a red symbol bottom right number 19.

Fire_Fly ago

Interesting as Tzipi Mazuz has been tweeting a lot about Antarctica and mentions that email in particular.

https://i.sli.mg/yxUaGY.png https://i.sli.mg/ox6Alu.png https://i.sli.mg/QLgr1O.png https://i.sli.mg/P3bPtK.png

crazimal ago

They look like normal pictures to me. You could at least make the token effort of giving context and translating the email:

From:johnson_1. [email protected]

title: 冰山在快速溶解(Chinese) Translated: The iceberg is rapidly dissolving

Text: (English and Japanese) Subject: ヲB、sヲbァヨウtキサクム

Translated: Wow I'm sorry

I don't have apps to detect steganography either, sorry. Any thoughts on the sender?

But I don't disagree totally, looking at another of the sender's emails it's all Chinese characters, thru google translate it is a bunch of cautionary stories of people getting framed for smuggling in Asia, carrying others bags, other baggage scams. Semantic compression/coding? Spam email? Who knows? 62 emails from this person.

Caratacus ago

I'd played around with a couple free programs like http://freeonlinetools24.com/base64-image

This will give you one code from the photo. Next, I placed parts of the code in https://2cyr.com/decode/?lang=en and then input results on free translation. Sometimes I would then try to decode the translation which led to results. I'd like to corroborate with someone if they try this.

Thrash57 ago

Youre right, i didnt give much effort forth here. Thank you for translating the email. I am totally at a loss on the sender or even the content.

I will say this though. John kerry went to Antarctica during the election, and wikileaks released a pre commitment regarding John Kerry. Maybe its possible that wikileaks hid something in the email.

Personally i think that is unlikely because it would be kind of like editing the email, but desperate times call for desperate measures