DerivaUK ago

Many thanks for that. I get the logic but not a clue on the process!

Fire_Fly ago

Maybe we should get in touch with this guy and see what programs he would recommend.

Fire_Fly ago

Bumping this as Tzipi Mazuz is saying the pics in this email are hiding something. Didn't see it mentioned yet. Can y'all put into one of your programs and see if you find anything?

HarveyKlinger ago


jangles ago

Please help not hinder!

PZGate ago

I wasn't shilling, I can only upvote 10 times a day apparently. And I did in fact use a steganalysis tool to check images and find suspicious data in them. It seems that it was a file made by a student for a university course or something so it's rather rudimentary but it demonstrates that there is some questionable content in some of these images even upon crude investigation. I suppose there's a chance for false positives but as I said I have no idea how to proceed with this kind of thing. I genuinely believe this is a good avenue to pursue for potential breakthrough.

The tool I used is called StegExpose but I would guess there is some professional tools available somewhere on the web.

HarveyKlinger ago

That commented was directed at the OP for saying EVERYBODY NEEDS TO UPVOTE THIS!!!! (which he has edited and removed). You're good. :)

PZGate ago

Sorry, that's my bad assuming like that.

HarveyKlinger ago

nah, we're all good. I've made the same comment you have made. When an OP begs for upvotes, I usually make a sarcastic remark and downvote them out of spite.

PZGate ago

I agree, I would upvote this if I could but there's upvote limiters and I haven't many contribution points. I used a steganalysis tool I found on the internet on a folder of a bunch of images I got off of Podesta leaks and found that there was suspicious data on many of the larger images. I don't know how to go any further with it but I imagine there could be a treasure trove hiding in plain site.

Electionfraud ago

I was on 4chan when the hackers were dissecting pizza.jpg and have one pic that resulted. Would like to post but not sure how. It is some some type of military/royalty embelem. Generally purple in color. Would be interesting if anyone could identify it.

Silverlining ago

Just give a link if you feel like it. Copy and paste.

derram ago