notanartist ago

OMG - he didn't have to register as a sex offender bc he was a "first time offender!!!"

notanartist ago

Could this be Curt Johnson, the Johnson&Johnson heir? He served THREE months in jail after pleading guilty to a MISDEMEANOR (reduced from felony) charge of sexually molesting his 12-year-old stepdaughter over several years. Appeared to be some legal gymnastics going on. Full archive from Racine WI:

Note the downplay by the Wash Examiner - describes stepdaughter as simply "teenage girl" - /billionaire-pleads-guilty-to-sexual-assault-charge/article/feed/2139516/section/baltimore

LawofTruth ago

Interesting on Antarctica. The UFO conspiracy community is buzzing with the narrative that elites will roll out disclosure initiative about ancient civilizations / ET presence in Anarctica - referencing John Kerry's trip there recently and discovered pyramids in the snow.


CrackerJacks ago

Too much fake news to know what's fully the truth concerning Antarctica and UFO's/ET's. I personally think you have to be narrow minded to think we're the only life in the universe, but we'll save that for another day. (That wasn't aimed at you, just a generalization)

MeatballPizza ago

Anyone done an analysis to see if there's hidden info in the photos?

WellSetTable ago

King send you a new female scarf knotting method, please accept.       Please send your new female scarf knot knot, please accept a gift. Please male, Mr. transferred to female family or friends.

Pictures of preteen girls wearing scarfs.

There was already one with a girl in a scarf. How many scarfs and preteen girls posing in them does one need?

This doesn't prove anything. But it's WEIRD knotting method?

WellSetTable ago

The girls in these pictures are posing in Hermes Scarfs which are pretty popular

WellSetTable ago

From attachment

I see the ugly (next year) of the world Year of the ugly change, the global variable frequency of natural disasters. India war earthquake muddy, China to become the collapse of water, Japan's financial bankruptcy to do, South Korea's economic difficulties, The Soviet Union, the Soviet Union and the people of unemployment, street violence snatching mixed, poor people hungry, The EU separated from survival, the most chaotic Taiwan society faint, the US earthquake hurricane burning, Israel State defeat, Obama risk of gunshot wounds, from the disaster but residual body, Prices of the world go wrong, the poor poor African people, no food without food can be steamed, World Council gradually stabilized by the end of the year, all from the beginning of cicada slender extension. Day regulation rotation through the fortune, But the sentient beings destroyed ground ground, I do not know Shou Li Xiu Shen Xin, has to hell Ben at the end. Qian heart to persuade the world to wake up, fear to respect Heavenly Exhibition sincere, compassion Xi She Ren Cheng, Love the Earth pray to coexist. (No midnight in Taipei City Yang Xin vegetarian)

我看己丑(明年)之世界 己丑年中多變化,全球地變天災頻。印度戰爭地震渾, 中國地變水災崩,日本財經破產盡,南韓經濟困難營, 蘇俄人民失業爭,街頭暴亂搶奪混,困苦非洲民餓呻, 歐盟離散自求生,最亂臺灣社會昏,美國地震颶災焚, 以色列國慘敗淪,歐巴瑪險遭槍傷,大難脫離卻殘身, 物價全球歸故本,可憐貧苦非洲民,無物無食可煮蒸, 世局年底漸回穩,一切從頭蟬蛻伸。天規輪轉循時運, 祇是眾生毀地勤,不知守禮修身心,已到末時地獄奔。 虔心誠勸世人醒,畏地敬天展真心,慈悲喜捨仁怋誠, 愛護地球祈共存。 了無禪士敬題 2008/12/31(子夜於台北市養心齋)

WellSetTable ago

Translated the text from the Catholic attachment

Some people called to consult: "I heard that Tzu Chi has a smile cream, I ask, there is no heart of anti-virus software can be downloaded?"

"Why do you want to download Tzu Chi's anti-virus software?"   This is a very interesting new programming language.    

"Since Tzu Chi people donate their love and money to save people and do good deeds for many years, they always keep the Ten Commandments, and they always wear" soft and shameful clothes "," unbearable "and" The Master must have a strong antivirus software, it may not be this world of demon hacker invasion.  Ok! Interesting, the answer lies in the question! Does this not contain the Buddha's six-degree line and four-volume heart?     Loading ... "Well, that simple, let me help you install the heart of the anti-virus software now!" "Free service?" "Of course, there is no harm." Are you ready? "I've decided to install, and what can I do?"    

"Please start from the Start menu, find the heart of the file to open the heart of the console, you first discard the messy overload of information, let the heart clearance, when the heart of the file empty, completely clear the negative thinking mode, Empty the recycling bin so that the virus never invades. "  Please widen the capacity of the heart, widened and then widened, it infinite.     Loading ... And install the following anti-virus software into the following: "Busch heart , Be wary , Tolerance heart , Sophisticated heart , Meditation heart , Wisdom heart , Compassion , Compassion , Hi heart , Heart. "    

"But there are many other programs that are running, does that matter?"   "What programs are there?"  "Greed, jealousy, arrogance, slackness, ignorance, resentment, doubt, loss of love, frustration, death, criticism, etc." "Oh, that whole army of the virus, if not repeatedly removed, it does not matter, anti-virus software installed, they will automatically overwrite wrote."    

"But in the memory, there are some chatter programs out there, the cards are there; like swallow, injustice, injustice, no confidence, etc., how to do?" "Those who are rubbish memory programs, then you install a greater happiness software, called" Thanksgiving " Thanksgiving                        , Its large capacity, when the installation of this program, the memory, garbage, it will naturally disappear. "    

   Because Thanksgiving is on the earth, on the person, the most beautiful returns, features great, I believe Google can not match. "Will there be a crash or a file open?"    

 "If you still can not open the file, then please use the helper:" heart does not turn to the environment, "let the heart keep calm.When the heart calm, like a ship, no matter how deep the sea, as long as the hull is not Whenever you are puzzled, distressed, unhappy, or losing strength, open the folder and search for the file you have saved. You can solve all the stalemate and distress, all the anxiety and pain, it is like a row of consolidating the heart of the firewall, Baidu invade, longevity.      

"Installed and ready to go!"     Loading ...  "At any time, you should always start, maintain it, it is best to update every day, as long as there is a virus invasion, you can start to rule the heart, heart health often from time to time you will always start happy, "This is the kind of anti-virus software that Tzu Chi often uses," he said, noting that he has always been able to use his life for the rest of his life.    

   Heart is like network information, often have proximal, remote, toxic, junk mail waiting for an opportunity, this is really incredible heart network. Therefore, the Buddha taught his disciples, the heart as a Kuta, what seeds themselves spread, you have what kind of fruit.    

   "The heart often lies between heaven and hell, at a loss, and will be in the virus, will be obsessed with, easily injured, easy to hurt, easy to be injured, broken. This world, the fastest, most difficult to grasp, than the heart.    

Inheritance of the heart and vein lines Carry forward the door Tzu Chi will cherish the cause Meditation method medulla immeasurable meaning Our disciples should bear in mind Please worry about the Master Mo    

Gomachi Kyung recorded This is the mail received the article, after finishing with Tzu Chi-ming.

dogeminho ago

In fact, I know someone from there who speaks both English and Chinese. They know what it really means, as things can be lost in translation. I'll work on the power points and hopefully figure out a way as of how to publish them here.

dogeminho ago

I'll get what I can anyway

WellSetTable ago

Well the sender of the email Hong Kong Institute of Marketing (HKIM) TITLE Council Member (2012-13); Membership Committee (Chair, 2012-13)

WellSetTable ago

Another attachment Catholic imagery .

Same style as the attachment with the anti abortion message

dogeminho ago

I actually know some mandarin, I might be able to translate some.

WellSetTable ago

You guys could it be possible this was the phishing they talked about?

InfiltratingAuditing ago

No, that appeared to be a Google password reset. Was a trick.

WellSetTable ago

Well unless I missed something I don't see Podesta talking to this person. They sure have something to say to him. Have you seen most of the attachments?

WellSetTable ago

This is an attachment I just found with children

There's text in another language think it's an anti abortion presentation.

These are really weird it's like spam all coming from this email addy

ZalesMcMuffin ago

Why am I getting a security error at this link: ? I've never had this particular error happen before (on WL or anywhere else). It's telling me WL hasn't configured their site correctly.


CrackerJacks ago

I seen this posted yesterday on one website...

Astronaut Buzz Aldrin was at the south pole during this recent huge elite meeting that is getting talked about in various circles. When he came back, he did indeed put out a tweet that was deleted. It said "we are all in danger, it is evil itself".>

You have to decide if you think it's true.

Whaaaaat ago

I feel like that's another Buzz Aldrin hoax, like the faked moon landing tweet.

CrackerJacks ago

I honestly have no idea, I remember him being flown back to NZ because he became ill on Antarctica.....That was him wasn't it?

LolturdFerguson ago

Aren't they hearing rumblings under the ever -shattering ice shelf there? I'm assuming two things. Satan, or a Kaiju. Either way we're fucked.

CrackerJacks ago

We're fucked as humans v humans. We don't need help from the outside.

LolturdFerguson ago

'tis sadly true.

Whaaaaat ago

Yeah, that part was widely reported. What's unclear is whether the tweet was a hoax though. I don't know for sure, obviously, but I do know that Buzz Aldrin was the subject of another hoax tweet in 2014 "admitting" that the moon landing was faked, so I'm taking this one with a grain of salt.

That said, there's definitely something weird going on with Antarctica.

CrackerJacks ago

Definitely, parts of google maps are blacked out on Antarctica's all suspect.

Whaaaaat ago

This whole thing is just too weird. We're the crazy people, aren't we? Fuck it, I'm going to start believing in aliens now, aren't I.

CrackerJacks ago

If you don't believe in them already then I think something is wrong with you :P

MommyLove ago

I noticed the name....code? JOHNSON...LOW??? Did these contain attachments? Were they for Podesta to look at when his Johnson was low?

WellSetTable ago

No that's the name of the guy that sent them he works for HKM

Johnny3names ago

So who is Steve Huang?

hunk_quark ago

Where did you get that name?

Johnny3names ago

One of the translations has it as Fwd from...another has Jie Liu.

WellSetTable ago

Have you noticed in the To part where email is supposed to be addressed it's blank on some of these? I'm not very tech savvy . Is that weird?

Johnny3names ago

Not sure what you mean exactly. One thing with the Podesta emails that irritated the shit out of me from the beginning were blank subject lines though because I could figure out how to open them without it to click.

WellSetTable ago

Johnson Lo is really spamming the shit out of Podesta . I don't see them talking all I see are these emails talking about Religion. Mostly. Which is weird because we saw the ones where they wanted to do a Catholic Spring and invade the Church with their ideology .

But again I don't see any actual convo between the two.

Johnny3names ago

There's another dude who sends him weird lengthy emails he doesn't respond to... [email protected]

... but they're in English and different, talking directly to him about the masses not being equipt to make their own decisions, race and Germany from what I remember and giving him advice. I remember laughing and thinking he either had a weird old stalker or George Soros was emailing him directly because it was nutty old man talk.

WellSetTable ago

Did you see the Hermes Scarf Attachments? Several pictures of what looks like preteen girls in scarfs. Hermes is big I love scarfs never heard of them guess it's rich folk stuff. Really weird. Doesn't prove anything but this guy from Hong Kong Marketing Johnson Lo is a very interesting character.

WellSetTable ago

There's a lot of forwards

WellSetTable ago

From:[email protected] To: Date: 2008-12-11 02:00 Subject: Fw: 米勒畫作(Millet The Beauty Countryside) 賞析

Subject: 米勒畫作(Millet The Beauty of Countryside) 賞析 如果到法國奧塞美術館欣賞米勒的畫作是一種幸福,那在台灣欣賞到16幅米勒的作品,是一種享受的幸福......... 這麼美好的佳作,真令人愛不釋手。經整理後,傳送與大家分享。圖檔較大,如造成不便。請見諒。 圖圖檔wj6,.,___

Translation From: [email protected] To: Date: 2008-12-11 02:00 Subject: Fw: Miller Painting (Millet The Beauty Countryside) Appreciation       If you go to the Musée des Beaux-Arts in France to see the paintings of Miller as a kind of happiness, it is a pleasure to enjoy the 16 pieces of Miller's works in Taiwan. Such a beautiful masterpiece, really put it down. After finishing, send and share with you. Larger image, such as causing inconvenience. Please excuse me. Figure drawing wj6 __, ., ___

In these pictures there's Chinese writing

有看到新聞報導的人都知道,米勒當初畫這一幅畫的時候,要表達的只是農民望著欠收的馬鈴薯田嘆息,但後來因為好友的一句話,這幅畫彷幅聽到遠處傳來的鐘聲,於是米勒便在地平線上的遠處畫上教堂。 這一幅畫就從《糟糕的馬鈴薯欠收》正名為《晚禱》。 米勒的作品中,可以看到他深刻的描寫農人的生活,不僅寫實更深切反映他的在巴比松的日常生活。此外,在米勒的畫作中也隱含了許多宗教情懷。 在《晚禱》中,除了「禱告」這件事有跟宗教沾上邊,我們就事後諸葛的從構圖來找尋「宗教情懷」吧。構圖中,光線從左上方灑落在兩人的中間,像是上帝特別眷顧一般,賜給豐衣足食。另外,地平線與農夫隱約構成十字架,可以感受到畫作中的宗教意涵(這個「十字架」論是導覽員說的)。 對了,順便補上一張《外出工作的人》,也是米勒的作品,現存於英國格拉斯哥市立美術館暨博物館中,畫作中的主角應該跟《晚禱》是同一組人馬吧...XD。


Everyone who saw the news reports knew that when Miller first painted the picture, the farmer was looking at the potato fields that had not been harvested, but then, because of his friend's words, Where Miller draws the church on the horizon. This painting from the "bad potato poor" is called "evening prayer." Miller's work can be seen in his profound depiction of the peasant life, not only the more realistic reflection of his daily life in Barbizon. In addition, Miller's paintings also implied a lot of religious feelings. In the "evening prayer", in addition to "prayer" this matter with religious dip, we Zhuge after the composition to find "religious feelings" it. Composition, the light from the top left spilled in the middle of the two, like God in particular care for the general, given plenty of food and clothing. In addition, the horizon and the farmer vaguely constitute a cross, you can feel the religious meaning of the painting (the "cross" is the guide said). By the way, make up for a "work", is Miller's works, existing in the United Kingdom Glasgow Municipal Museum and Museum, the protagonist in the painting should be with the "evening prayer" is the same group of people ... XD .

WellSetTable ago

While at the time, there's no proof of anything here , I got curious the art work here is beautiful . Any way,

" An interesting point about Mr. Millet is that he was not brought up in a wealthy family, who spent much money for His artistic talent to grow. Though a very simple peasant upbringing, Millet's artistic talents (created and used by God) helped people discern the humblest existence during a time of confusion and social injustice. It seemed to bring people "back to basics." I felt he was a good example for home-educated art students who wish to continue their love of art regardless of financial setbacks or other distractions in their lives. In all things, God will be glorified. "

Hm. So far I'm seeing forwards and no actual conversation between Podesta and this person . There are two pages on Wiki of these emails.

Beautiful paintings though.

ris4republican ago

The antarctica pictures are what is of importance here, theres a missing picture, from other sources Ive read that are going to release information on this exact topic, picture number 7 is missing

Someone questioned how bad this was on a scale of 1-10 and the person who's helping to leak this information said 11

CrackerJacks ago

I noticed this yesterday, I have no idea if it's true.....

Astronaut Buzz Aldrin was at the south pole during this recent huge elite meeting that is getting talked about in various circles. When he came back, he did indeed put out a tweet that was deleted. It said "we are all in danger, it is evil itself".>

Johnny3names ago

I read something about that a few days ago, there's a bunch of talk about Antarctica and Obama visiting the base there meaning something is going on.

CrackerJacks ago

I watched a video months ago saying that Obama had been there.....I wish I could remember the name of it, but it was interesting.

The same video talked about the Nazi's going there before the second world war or during.....It was months ago mind.

Johnny3names ago

I know what you're talking about, the Nazis were supposedly obsessed with it and claimed some huge mass of land there, for whatever reason, that is now divided up into chunks by most of the big player countries under some treaty. It's hard to tell wtf it's all really about because no one lives around there to see, the ppl involved aren't telling as far as I see and the popular Nazi theories available on the internet are just as likely to be bullshit disinfo as true.

Considering the Nazis were all on a fuckton of meth it's entirely possible they really did just up and decide one day to drill to the center of the Earth and find satan, who knows. All these ppl are astoundingly fucking weird.

rush22 ago


"Send you (your) cute panda"

There's a PowerPoint file 可愛的熊貓.ppt (cutepanda.ppt) attached. I'm not going to open it because .ppt files are virus carriers. Beware. One option might be to upload it to an online powerpoint viewer.

WellSetTable ago

From: [email protected] To: Date: 2009-01-07 10:43 Subject:       Subject: キ O タ ル シ ャ ナ ナ b, ゚ セ セ r

What the hell is that. Lots of 404 errors.

WellSetTable ago

From:[email protected] To: Date: 2009-01-05 14:02 Subject: Fw: 又有 病毒通知

-----Forwarded message----- From:劉 婕<BRDate: Mon, 5 Jan 2009 23:32:13 +0800 (CST) Subject: 病毒通知 --- 09/1/5 (星期一),Huang steve 寫道:<BR寄件者: Huang steve 主旨: 病毒通知 收件者: 日期: 2009 1 5 星期一 上午 2:22 Subject:


From: [email protected] To: Date: 2009-01-05 14:02 Subject: Fw: Another virus notification       ----- Forwarded message ----- From: Liu Jie <BRDate: Mon, 5 Jan 2009 23:32:13 +0800 (CST) Subject: Virus notification --- 09/1/5 (Mon) , Huang steve wrote: <BR Sender: Huang steve Subject: Virus Notification Recipient: Date: Monday 1 5 Monday, 2:22 AM Subject:

Johnny3names ago

Wonder who Steve Huang and Jie Liu are.

28leinad82 ago

Here are ALL of the PPT and PPS attachments inside one zip file, i complied a few days ago:

EQJ ago

That's awesome! Thanks

WellSetTable ago


From:[email protected] To: Date: 2009-01-06 00:29 Subject: 貪瞋癡

貪瞋癡貪慾如淵深莫測,眾生易患人心#39499;。樣樣層層罪業錯,皆因貪慾未嫌多。不曉用食無幾何,利名更是雲間河。瞋起怒潮掀海浪,暫時瘋俇失形色。手腳不停續顫抖,瞋消心臟諸疾烙。腦病中風艱苦活,別人過錯自枷鎖。一陣瘋狂害自己,可惜此障人難躲。萬眾咸由癡啟智,隨學日積月累多,成智慧生呈等籌,無關別類分良惡。癡假偽裝最可怕,誆時欺世惹干戈。肇是生非扮仲婆,滔天罪孽果因科。地獄天堂由世作,貪瞋癡障欲銷破。唯有勤修皈聖佛。藏經頁裡澄心智,禮教洗心滌慮磨。蓮花身化清心波,六道輪迴三障沒,生生世世依佛陀。了無禪士題 2008/1/6 (於台北市養心齋) document.getElementById("blkimg").style.display = "none";


Greedy crazy    From: [email protected] To: Date: 2009-01-06 00:29 Subject: greedy 瞋 crazy       Greed, greed, deep greed, such as deep deep unpredictable, sentient beings susceptible # 39499 ;. All layers of crime wrong, because of greed not too many. Do not know how to eat without geometry, the name is more cloud between the river. From the waves to lift the waves, a temporary mad 俇 loss of color. Hands and feet do not stop trembling, eliminate the heart of various diseases bile. Encephalopathy Stroke hard work, others from the yoke of fault. While a mad harm their own, but unfortunately this barrier is difficult to hide. Wanzhong salty by the Chi-Chi, with the school over time, into the wisdom of Health and other chips, nothing to do good and bad points. Crazy fake camouflage the most terrible, when the bullshit. Zhao is born non-play Zhong Po, the heinous crime of fruit. Hell's paradise by the world for, want to destroy the lust. Only diligent repair Gui Buddha. Tibetan scriptures in the mind, cleansing heart and mind. Lotus body of pure heart wave, six reincarnation three barrier, life after life in accordance with Buddha. Style = "none"; no documentary information about the Zen Buddhism in the first half of the year.

EQJ ago

I believe all these emails were from 2008-2009 and nothing thereafter

WellSetTable ago

Think I saw a few from 2016

WellSetTable ago

Nope my bad those were the release dates

WellSetTable ago

2009年新希望--祝福滿滿 From:johnson [email protected] To: Date: 2008-12-28 11:18 Subject: 2009年新希望--祝福滿滿 2009穝辨--褐骸骸


New Hope in 2009 - Blessing Full From: johnson [email protected] To: Date: 2008-12-28 11:18 Subject: New Hope in 2009 - Blessing Full 2009    Brown skeletal remains

WellSetTable ago

Blessing brown skeletal remains?

hunk_quark ago

Haitian Pizza Remains?

disclosuretimes ago

Someone I know knows chinese. Can you guys comment with what texts we should look into and I'll send them to her.

The antarticta pictures seem weird...

WellSetTable ago

From:[email protected] To: Date: 2008-12-28 23:25 Subject: 世界十大名犬

-----Forwarded message----- From: 林漢青 To: 羅醫師 Date: Tue, 16 Dec 2008 22:29:02 +0800 Subject: Fw: 世界十大名犬 世界十大名犬: __________ NOD32 3661 (20081203) Information __________ This message was checked by NOD32 antivirus system.

Translated From: [email protected] To: Date: 2008-12-28 23:25 Subject: The World's Top 10 Famous Dogs       ----- Forwarded message ----- From: Lin Hanqing To: Dr. Luo Date: Tue, 16 Dec 2008 22:29:02 +0800 Subject: Fw: the world's top ten name dog Ten world dog: __________ NOD32 3661 ( 20081203) Information __________ This message was checked by NOD32 antivirus system. Http://

EQJ ago

I spend 4 hours on this yesterday. Literally using Google Translate to copy and paste each emails' context into English. Definitely weird rambles about increasing oil prices, climate change, and old Chinese proverbs, etc. Most attachments were PowerPoint PPS or PPT and had to be converted to jpg. The dancers one has 25 pics of contemporary dancers and ballet. There's one with 6 pictures of Steve Jobs daughter. Lots of pics of Chinese artwork. 25 pics of Antarctica. I could've missed something for sure...... But it seemed pretty legit. I don't believe it's spam due to the PPS attachments. I'm really starting to believe if this sender has anything worth looking in to, it would be potential stenography within the pictures codes. That's where I have no expertise.

coincidencesmyass ago

Thank you for the time you put into that.

hunk_quark ago

I agree, i translated about 25% of them and its a bunch of random things. I do not think we will get very far by using google translate on the subject or message body. The attachments look more important to me.

WellSetTable ago

Amazing Dancer

From:[email protected] To: Date: 2008-12-01 23:18 Subject: Amazing Dancer

Amazing Dancer....

I'm not going to click on link Podesta knows Chinese?

There is a lot of these

EQJ ago

It's a slideshow of ballet and contemporary dancers

WellSetTable ago

Ok this is going to be a bitch but I'll google translate them.

hunk_quark ago

Google Translate might be a starting point, but I think the sender was smarter than that. They might be using another form of encoding the message.

WellSetTable ago

From: [email protected] To: Date: 2008-12-31 12:08 Subject: Send your new scarf knot knot, please accept.       Please send your new female scarf knot knot, please accept a gift. Please male, Mr. transferred to female family or friends.

This is fromFrom:[email protected] To: Date: 2008-12-31 12:08 Subject: Jìng sòng nǎi xīn nǚ wéijīn dǎ jié fǎ, qǐng xiàonà.

Jìng sòng nǎi xīn nǚ wéijīn dǎ jié fǎ, qǐng xiàonà. Qǐng nánxìng xiānshēng zhuǎn gěi nǚxìng jiārén huò zhīyīn péngyǒu.


So Podesta wasn't supplied with English translations?

hunk_quark ago

a very small number are in english. Such as this one which says 'merry christmas' But most are in chinese and very weird. It is clear that this guys is trying to send a hidden message to me .

WellSetTable ago

Some of these Im getting a 404 error message

EQJ ago

I received those today too while in these emails. No errors yesterday though, in same emails