ejd4500 ago

If you send me a list of wikileaks email links with files, I have some tools that I can use which attempt to locate stuff hidden in images.

But, if they put it there, they most likely encrypted it as well which is a dead-end. I checked a few images and never found anything - not even anything encrypted (doesn't me it's not there at all) but happy to check anything 'suspicious' you find.

Fire_Fly ago

There's supposedly something hidden in the photos in this email https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/15503

ejd4500 ago

Translating those chars results in:

"The iceberg dissolves rapidly"

"Wow, I'm sorry"

This is the best I can do with the tools I have.

for file in `ls`; do stepic -d -i $file; done;
error: JPEG format incompatible with steganography
error: JPEG format incompatible with steganography
error: JPEG format incompatible with steganography
error: JPEG format incompatible with steganography
error: JPEG format incompatible with steganography
error: JPEG format incompatible with steganography
error: JPEG format incompatible with steganography
error: JPEG format incompatible with steganography
error: JPEG format incompatible with steganography
error: JPEG format incompatible with steganography
error: JPEG format incompatible with steganography
error: JPEG format incompatible with steganography
error: JPEG format incompatible with steganography
error: JPEG format incompatible with steganography
error: JPEG format incompatible with steganography
error: JPEG format incompatible with steganography
error: JPEG format incompatible with steganography
error: JPEG format incompatible with steganography
error: JPEG format incompatible with steganography
error: JPEG format incompatible with steganography
error: JPEG format incompatible with steganography
error: JPEG format incompatible with steganography
error: JPEG format incompatible with steganography
for file in `ls`; do stegdetect -tF -s1000 $file; done;
antarctica_01.JPG : negative
Antarctica_02.JPG : negative
Antarctica_03.JPG : negative
Antarctica_04.JPG : negative
Antarctica_05.JPG : negative
Antarctica_06.JPG : negative
Antarctica_08.JPG : negative
Antarctica_09.JPG : negative
Antarctica_10.JPG : negative
Antarctica_12.JPG : negative
Antarctica_13.JPG : negative
Antarctica_14.JPG : negative
Antarctica_15.JPG : negative
Antarctica_16.JPG : negative
Antarctica_17.JPG : negative
Antarctica_18.JPG : negative
Antarctica_19.JPG : negative
Antarctica_20.JPG : negative
Antarctica_21.JPG : negative
Antarctica_22.JPG : negative
Antarctica_23.JPG : negative
Antarctica_24.JPG : negative
Antarctica_25.JPG : negative

And then again this:

So I suggest if you're going to look into that, so far the only tangible source of evidence to stand beyond plausible deniability in all of this investigation, that you look for the Podesta torrents and source your files from there instead of the website, analyze those instead.

Which I'm not really in a position to download...too big.

Fire_Fly ago

Interesting. thank you!

ejd4500 ago

So I suggest if you're going to look into that, so far the only tangible source of evidence to stand beyond plausible deniability in all of this investigation, that you look for the Podesta torrents and source your files from there instead of the website, analyze those instead.

^^ This. My tools are detecting anything in the first image at least...and it's possible they scrubbed all the images if they've been compromised...

I'll check the others in it...will follow up if anything

StopThePizza ago

I don't have the time nor do I know where exactly I would find that :( like I said I am more of a concerned observer here, I'm not especially tech literate and don't have a ton of free time to compile images.

But salinaslayer has wisely said in this thread that since Wikileaks may have been compromised, you should used archived information and images from when the story broke, incase the versions available online now have been altered since.

"look for the Podesta torrents and source your files from there instead of the website, analyze those instead"

Is there a way to find whether the information is there, even if it is encrypted? Whatever it is, it cant be too complicated unless we assume everyone who these photos make it to is very tech literate and knows how to use these programs..

salinaslayer ago

Here's one of the threads he started, in the first one he details how he had started to extract files


StopThePizza ago

Who is 'he'?

these are interesting but I cant seem to follow whats happening. It looks like the visualizer was posting pics, idk where from, and all of a sudden stopped?

salinaslayer ago

swiss anon

ejd4500 ago

I checked the pizza file long ago, I couldn't find anything. In fact, I do agree with some of them there that some of it was dis-info.

salinaslayer ago

Do try the torrent file though, from my point of view this is the only course of investigation able to stop the media from discrediting the whole investigation, if you find encrypted communications and you can make out pieces people will come back to what matters. We didn't get a Weiner password pen drive unfortunately.

I'm considering the idea there's actually no pedophilia and this is a distraction for more straight-forward influence peddling and intelligence trade (which would explain Stratfor being involved) since what could better discredit any legitimate corruption investigation than people accusing famous politicians of pedophilia without concrete evidence. I find it hard to believe the business would be good enough to justify the network, plant people in the DoJ, etc if it were child abuse alone, pedos are a small part of the population and there are only so many pedos with the money for this "hobby" even in higher circles, presumably.

Whereas intelligence can be valuable to any corporation in any business, and the government has a near-monopoly on extra-judicial activities of that sort abroad. Highly valuable information for the right people/groups/countries, therefore. All outside of national interest considerations.

ejd4500 ago

I've considered this. There's this guy George Webb on Youtube piecing a lot together, but it's all about arms, oil, drugs, influence...

Youtube search "where is eric braverman"

The one I still can't get over is "playing dominos on cheese instead of pasta". Unless that email was completely faked...somehow...then I can't explain it.

StopThePizza ago

Its a good point, but I never saw the child trafficking as a financial pursuit, more of a power play. Some people make it to those positions because they have a power fetish. I can't explain how that becomes pedophilia and then how that is used as blackmail to control or to foster trust, but there are plenty of (unsubstantiated) theories along those lines. That to me makes more sense than selling kids for $ though because I agree, it would not be worth it. They could make the same or more peddling drugs or information without a doubt. Or rigging the markets.

salinaslayer ago

Obviously what they didn't count on is that people would be so persistent in terminating a pedo ring, which is making the investigation get more attention than they would like.

ejd4500 ago

Agree. Most people are appalled enough by it that's its gaining steam. I'd be very surprised if it fizzles out.

salinaslayer ago

Exactly, say you have access to classified information that predicts stock fluctuation before it goes public, and you make it available to people who are handling the sheer volume of money required to make the operation profitable, for the intel's cost. That is a far more interesting business venture than kiddie porn for sure. And all the information would be collected at taxpayer's expense, and distributed without regard for national interest.

High treason is also a more concerning charge than pedophilia, so you can coat one around the other and completely throw investigations in the wrong direction. Maybe even affiliate with actual pedophiles and give them judicial protection, they are both easy bait and easy to control because they're desperate.

It could also explain the connection to George Soros, who's the undisputed king of these short-term operations. Actually the fact that he bet for Brexit to happen and made 100 million in the process, meaning he's actually betting against these people, suggests their connection is more likely that of a customer-supplier than that of someone who is structurally embedded with those people. And his payments, as those of any other clients, would merely turn up as donations to a charitable foundation.

So the foundation is probably more important than all these pedos and what we need to focus on is decrypting their lines of communication. That is also the only material that can be proven even without an official investigation, even with wikileaks gone.

salinaslayer ago

And God bless America!

salinaslayer ago

Just don't rely on the wikileaks website, use the torrent because some people reported emails have gone missing.

salinaslayer ago

Long story short, apart from decrypting potential hidden messages we should check which companies are making donations to the foundation, track their CEOs and see whose names come up in any of the emails.

I remember seeing a CEO from a hotel & entertainment group whose name I don't recall in the address of one of the emails with the codewords, he's probably just an intermediary or someone who arranges the transactions, otherwise they wouldn't send him emails with their planning. I also don't see these people being stupid enough to communicate directly with their clients, but internal communications should be enough to catch them.

Cheese, pizza and all that are potentially types of intel, Stratfor is known to use those codewords in operations with no relation whatsoever to child trafficking. The word pizza is what tipped them off in one of their operations in Lebanon and got their agents kidnapped by freaking Hezbollah (perhaps they were selling intel to Hezbollah? - an Iranian proxy organization - and that's why the Israeli government doesn't like the Obama administration).

Even Gaddafi put a bounty on the meaning of the codeword "pizza" a few years back. He must have also intercepted communications, and well, he's not around any more.

For example, black and white pizza-related handkerchief could just be an intel-related (pizza related) sheet of paper (handkerchief) that he left behind, black and white could either mean it's a copy/photograph or it could be a specific client/subject. The only current "state" to have a strictly black and white flag is ISIS.

ejd4500 ago

There's this one guy "Herb" I think, at the sandler foundation I think it was called. He was the guy making all the dominos, pizza and pasta references.

I think it goes beyond child trafficking, It's also human (adult, women mostly) trafficking where you can upwards of hundreds of thousands of dollars for one person. But it's also used for blackmail, I think that it's mainly used for that, and then there's as smaller market of "enthusiasts".

On the handkerchief - I think he said he didn't need it, so it seems like it's not something that's classified.

I've also seen that 'handkerchief' means 'video' and map means Minor Attracted Person.

Also "pillows" is slang for drugs, and that's in that email thread too.

We need a really focused effort...with takeaways and concentrated focus...it's so hap-hazard that it's draining sometimes.

salinaslayer ago

I remember when the discussion was still on 4chan and swiss anon found extra data in the "it doesn't get any better than this" email attachment, he managed to identify file names inside and we never heard from him again.


Meanwhile we've heard all sorts of theories that Wikileaks may have been compromised and even a later report that some of the emails on the website were altered.

So I suggest if you're going to look into that, so far the only tangible source of evidence to stand beyond plausible deniability in all of this investigation, that you look for the Podesta torrents and source your files from there instead of the website, analyze those instead.

ejd4500 ago

Good point. I might actually do that. Thanks.

StopThePizza ago

ejd what tools are you using? for reference and to see if those I'm familiar with are different

If there is something I can do to help please do lmk here or PM me