Nana66 ago

Someone on here commenting on a post I made calling the grayed out pics i was talking about on a pedo's Flickr, stenographs in a comment. I had posted that I hovered my mouse over them and my Chrome hoverzoom extention popped open porn. So somehow pics that were set private can possibly be visible.

tudda ago

I would be very careful with this kind of stuff. People could be honey potting you into down loading child porn without realizing it.

IAmJohnBarron ago

well that'd be a smoking gun right there wouldn't it

tudda ago

Well if that's what you consider a smoking gun, then consider the gun fired 1000x over. They've been doing this to all the chat servers/forums where people are trying to investigate stuff. I feel bad for the mods of endchan.

derram ago :

Steganography and the Podesta email attachments. I found an anomaly, but I’m stuck. Perhaps someone in this sub could lend a hand or opinion. : conspiracy

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