ThighHighSwampBoots ago

That's why I don't eat pork.

ThighHighSwampBoots ago

And everyone who has been eating meat these last few years realizes theyve been eating human flesh. So they'll just make a joke about it. Too bad Jay Leno is gone he could smooth it over for them that fat fuck.

ThighHighSwampBoots ago

I figured that on day one. He's probably been raping John his whole life.

Silverlining ago

@Godscut You saw the Godfather. It was all there, including the blackmailing of the Senator(?) after he had killed a prostitute in the hotel room. The horse's head in the bed - just to make sure the message was received and acted upon. It started little - solving people's problems and scaled up from there. And went bad. How governments began.

thisHoCwilltumble ago

The real power is Soros

HunkaHunka ago

figures the Podesta's have that Greek mother. Queen Elizabeth married the King of Greece just five years before her father mysteriously died So Queen Elizabeth marries into The Greek Royal Family in 1948 and they take over the world in 1953,

this just gets weirder, Queen Victoria's second son was elected King of Greece in 1862, but the election result was rejected, and instead another British royal, the youngest brother of The Princess of Wales, was installed as King.

Elizabeth has been kicking and screaming to create a global Greek culture ever since she married into the Greek Royal Family . Hence their pushing so hard for Greek style homosexuality, pederasty etc.

PrideOfOshtekk ago

Tony was obviously the dominator in the relationship. I never understood how John got anywhere with his weak, stuttering demeanor.

Orange_Circle ago

Starting in 1994, Russian and Chinese military units began to purchase U.S. made super-computers for nuclear weapons research....In 1995, Tony Podesta, a powerful D.C. based lobbyist and brother of John Podesta - the White House advisor, had a consortium of top U.S. computer CEOs attend secret meetings inside the White House. The meetings were on computer hardware and software exports to China and Russia. The meetings occurred just before Clinton changed super-computer policy. Within weeks, the Russian and Chinese were buying computer power that now surpasses the U.S. Defense Dept.

In 1995, the Computer Systems Policy Project (CSPP) - according to documents from the Commerce Dept. - was represented by Tony Podesta, brother of White House official John Podesta. The CSPP is a group of computer companies, that in 1995 included Apple, AT&T, Compaq, Cray, Data General, Digital Equipment, Hewlett-Packard, IBM, Silicon Graphics, Stratus Computer, Sun Microsystems, Tandem and Unisys. Officials working for Apple, and Silicon Graphics are documented by the Federal Election Commission (FEC) to be very large Clinton donors.

Orange_Circle ago

Judicial Watch 7/3/00 "……Today The Washington Post ran a "fluff piece" on John Podesta's tenure in the Clinton-Gore White House. The profile, written by John Babington, ranks Mr. Podesta as perhaps the finest chief of staff during the Clinton-Gore tenure -- however, this depends on how you define "finest."…….First, for instance, according to Ms. Nolanda Hill (long-time confidante of former Secretary of Commerce Ron Brown), Mr. Podesta, along with Mr. Leon Panetta (former White House Chief of Staff) instructed Brown to obstruct and violate court orders to produce documents issued by Judge Royce C. Lamberth in the lawsuit which uncovered John Huang and sparked the Chinagate scandal…………Second, documents produced during the burgeoning e-mail scandal show that Mr. Podesta was advised of the "e-mail problem" over two years ago, but consistent with his behavior in Judicial Watch's Chinagate case, he likely obstructed justice yet again and kept the e-mail hidden from investigators………Third, according to testimony in Judicial Watch's $90-million class action Filegate lawsuit, and other sources, Mr. Podesta ran and participated in the scandal operations in the Clinton-Gore White House -- namely the use of taxpayer monies to coverup Clinton-Gore scandals……..Judicial Watch is pursuing justice for Mr. Podesta in a number of its lawsuits, and indeed, the story of his tenure will be different by the time the public interest law firm is finished. ….."

Orange_Circle ago

"From Judicial Watch, Panetta and, Clinton's fourth White House Chief of Staff, John Podesta were involved in the planning and implementation of the illegal taxpayer financed foreign trade missions used for DNC fundraising. There is also strong evidence that in the spring of 1995, Panetta and then-Deputy White House Chief of Staff, John Podesta were involved in the obstruction of justice in regard to an investigation into then-Commerce Secretary Ron Brown's 'allegedly' illegal taxpayer financed trade missions. The Panetta/Podesta team's involvement with Brown in this matter would put them in close contact with Brown's lawyer, Reid Weingarten. Curiously, Mr. Weingarten is/was also the lawyer for the illegal fundraisers Charlie Trie and Pauline Kanchanalak - and other Clinton embarrassments."

Pizzainmyass ago

Even the spirit cooking email was originally to tony

Godwillwin ago

I can see that. The bigger older brother and the little scrawny with a lisp little brother being "controlled" by the older bro

John seems like a sad little man. A creepy evil one but a sad one.

I bet he was bullied big time in elementary and highschool. Not that that has anything to do with pizzagate but he is one weird looking guy and the lisp and fangs. Maybe being bullied contributed to his hunger for power as an adult

Orange_Circle ago

Tony Podesta goes way back in the corruption racket:

Orange_Circle ago

I understand that Alefantis is very close to Tony.

Tony gave him a big grey flaccid penis cake for his birthday.

Silverlining ago

Link, evidence of Tony and the cake, please?

Close enough to be from the same seed bank?

I've seen the tattoo, but not proven that it is on Alefantis's back. Could it have been on Tony's? What the hell is this tattoo on JA's back?

contrary_mma_hipster ago

"When John was summoned to testify before the grand jury investigating the Monica Lewinsky affair, "Uncle Tony" had spirited John's children off to Italy with their grandmother. "

Spirited them off, eh...and this is how they keep the psychopath traits going generation after generation

zzvoat ago

Tony is an active foreign agent of the Saudi government with the “Center for Studies and Media Affairs at the Saudi Royal Court,” and acts as an officer of the Saudi Arabia account.

PizzagateBot ago

Hi! I searched the links in your post against previous Voat posts using Google and found the following Voat posts: steganography John Podesta is an expert and he thinks we are too stupid to crack his code - WE MUST PROVE HIM WRONG!!!! | pizzagate

ASolo ago

THIS gets 65 upvoats but threads written by a black panther with YEARS of research into these cults and some half rate idea, poorly sourced, gets 65 upvoats to 18.

Just goes to show how naive and young most of you greenies are here. You aren't about research you're just kids playing around.

Silverlining ago

@ASolo - recognise your tag, but can't place the context. Good feel though. Was it TNT?

We're not all on the same page and not everyone has read the entire library. If you could present the best case information you have seen in your researches, I for one would be forever grateful.

Good news here, perhaps. Weiner's PC dynamite.

Just checked your tag. I clocked you on Alright enough of this pizzagate is real and Romulus and Remus

Melitica ago

There is a huge board infestation of new accounts and suddenly active accounts. Just read and look for stuff that is actually new. Depressing.

smonkey ago

Anything useful here is long gone. People are shit posting nonsensical stuff that was figured out months ago, and if you try to point that out they repeat the same BS back.

ASolo ago

Yep... cointelpro infiltration. I've had a very serious thread up for more than an hour and zero upvoats, when the subject matter of the thread is dead on truth. Strange days at voat, I even had a contributor call me a pedo because I disagreed that his thread had nothing to directly relate to pizzagate and it stayed on the main page, with a ton of upvoats, crazy, it's like the serious research community that it might have been descended into a day school class of observers.

palmitespo910 ago

Well, I have thought about that once or twice. I have noticed that we don't really talk that much about Tony, I wonder if that's for a reason or just because we are actively focusing on John in a decent amount of threads.

noreturn4me ago

Great digging for the proof. Of course Tony is the big man. John is the little stuttering pawn. Psych 101 could have told anyone that.

Gorillion ago

Yeah, he seems like the alpha of their little gang.

Touchdown50 ago

I hope so

searchthetruth1 ago

that's funny because i spent all the day to do research on tony because when i woke up i thought exactly the same thing...that maybe we should look at him more...and i found that about the collection of videos TP And i found that about the red shoes tony always wear but i can't remember if it was in Alefantis pictures where there is a photo with a lot of men wearing red shoes:

Touchdown50 ago

Basically John is tonys appendage. I can see that. Tony is obviously a sadistic pedophile. Just look at those teddy bears in that photo of his artsy fartsy a sore thumb. He probably seduces and rapes young children in that room.

remedy4reality ago

you won't get the last word..

head back over to youtube, nothing man

remedy4reality ago

you're almost less than nothing

j2436 ago

This! Tony is the one with all the weird "artwork" in the house.

remedy4reality ago

you said nothing

keep saying nothing

remedy4reality ago

Shut up, who gives a fuck what you think? My contributions to this sub are beyond question and your account is 12 hours old. You fuckwads are so transparent it's laughable.

Jem777 ago

Great work

TrishaUK ago

WHAT about BRIAN PODESTA? John and Tonys BROTHER? This is a really great investigation which seems to be a BIG part of the picture: Thanks to Echo Truths, for all her hard investigative work: Great work dipedo57 :)

searchthetruth1 ago

i'm doing research on the family of the podesta and in a article tony had alleged that his mother had adopted 25 children but that seems very bizrre because of that: !!! so or she never adopted anyone or they are all disappeared

Melitica ago

They were not children. They were wayward adults who she "adopted" by inviting to holiday dinners.

save_thechildren ago

Maybe she did adopt and get $$ for them- and then they disappear???

Fatsack ago

Duh, the mob boss is never a public figure...

hir0ce1ine ago

Add in the fact he lobbies for Saudi Arabia. Says a lot.

remedy4reality ago

They changed it, but when you move the cursor over the staff pictures on the website, their childhood pictures would pop up.

Mbailey63 ago

The puppet master Tony behind the scenes lavish parties big house. John the puppet out front doing PR.

TrishaUK ago

Even more secret brother. BRIAN PODESTA see link in my reply to dipedo57 :)

Mbailey63 ago

Okay thanks

Clinker ago

Well, duh. Wasn't that obvious?

alzr ago

I have no doubt she is a cannibal. That's why she needs that weird heavy make-up to hide the side effects on her skin.

Kawksnahch ago

John is obviously the submissive of the two. His only dominance is over children, employees, and when he loses it and attempts to make a failed display.

spacewitch ago

And with the "Skippy" thing, we can wonder if he's been a victim of mk-ultra and has Dissociative Identity Disorder. And what about Tony then?

Kawksnahch ago

well... if he is... he's still a handler at this point. a slave turned handler. it's what they do. I wonder what generation they're on...

spacewitch ago

Yes I believe it's what they do, generation after generation... Who knows how long it's been going on?!

Kawksnahch ago

One of my favorite versions of this is that it's going on for a veeeeeery long time. Something along the lines of splintering into multiple personalities on purpose that can be called up. So... it's suggested that with this form of MPD, one of their alters can be sleeping while the surface personality does its work. Then, when the surface persona becomes tired... they trigger and switch. Something like that.

Touchdown50 ago

Tonys the head vampire

remedy4reality ago

I totally disagree but I would look at any information you have proving such an assertion

Touchdown50 ago

What assertion is that? I have no idea what your refering to

remedy4reality ago

You just called Tony the 'head vampire'

Touchdown50 ago

For his brothers yes.

DeathToMasons ago

Cool. Hang um both.

TrishaUK ago

Hang ALL 3 of them...Brian Podesta brother also into it? Source Echo Truths

ThighHighSwampBoots ago

Brian Podesta. He's a dog.

noreturn4me ago

Actually Brian Podesta works for the NCMEC. His Father Don Podesta referred to John as "Cousin" on a photo of John's. Don Podesta (Brian's father) and his wife Jane Sims Podesta work for the WaPO, which is where John just announced he will start working. HoneyBee originally reported. Echo is part of the team they are putting together. Here is Honeybees vid.

Godwillwin ago

So is that podesta elementary school in California related to any of the these podestas? The hawk is their mascot. Lol

I saw it on twitter but never saw that this podesta family had ties to it

noreturn4me ago

From the digging I've done they play it pretty close to the chest. It is quite difficult to find connection outside of immediate family (father, mother, sibling) maybe if you pay to look you'd find different info, but what is public is quite closed source so to speak. It wasn't easy to find a direct connection from Brian to John. Anything is possible, but the probability of it I can't say.

TrishaUK ago

Thank you for the clarification :)

anotherdream ago

Agreed, john's showing his pedigree as we speak, follower - not leader

remedy4reality ago

Pieces on a chessboard.

Both of them are closer to Pawns than Bishops.

This pyramid reaches much, much higher than most people realize.

TrishaUK ago

Check BRIAN PODESTA in my reply to dipedo57... lets keep piling the evidence against the scumbags!

hamans_revenge ago

meaningless platitudes, we know how high it goes - the Rothschilds, and Israel

CIA are PMCs for Rothschilds, which means human and drug trafficking, toppling govts to install Rothschild controlled central banks, money laundering. Rothschilds get high off their own supply.

Jews love human trafficking, they have controlled the global slave trade since its inception. Israel is the human trafficking and organ harvesting capital of the world. Jews had full control of the african slave trade to the united states, as well as the european slave trade to the arab states which continues today.

Even before the international slave trade routes were set up, jews would kidnap european children,kosher slaughter them by draining their blood into a pan, and use that blood in matzoh for passover. These are the same people we dealt with in the 1200s, they never stopped.

SecureYourSeats ago

what a bunch of nonsense

Touchdown50 ago

Dont forget the pope

hamans_revenge ago

He's a (((jesuit)))

remedy4reality ago

uh no... 'we' all do not know how high it goes.

99% of the god damn world is totally oblivious and idiots like you with your 'JEW' rhetoric prevent the dismantling of the empire, regardless of whom is behind it.

Stop being an ass and falling into the trap. Blaming all Jews is a NON STARTER because it immediately turns people away who might otherwise open their minds and become aware.


This comment makes no sense. Blaming Jews 'turns people away'? Hang on, it's called telling the truth. If it turns people away, so be it. Certainly, Pizzagate turns people away, so do you advocate not talking about it? If so, why are you even here?

ThighHighSwampBoots ago

He should call them reptiles like David Icke does. Just make up a name. Its weird that saying Jew is a taboo anyway. "That's an Italian!" Cool! "There goes a Jew!" HOW DARE YOU! Huh?

remedy4reality ago

I'm so tired of you dumb fucks. Do you have the slightest bit of reading comprehension?

NikitaVerite ago

Shouldn't we be calling them "Zionists" instead of Jews? Yes/no?


The problem is Jewish supremacism. Judaism is a supremacist ideology with the Jewish worldview based entirely on the distinction between Jews (good) and gentiles (bad). A Jew remains a supremacist regardless or not of whether s/he supports Zionism. Non-Zionist Jews still seek to advance the collective interests of Jews against nonJews, wherever they are, Brazil, Argentina, Australia, Estonia, Sweden, everywhere. This would not change even if Zionism vanished from the earth tomorrow.

remedy4reality ago

keep reading down.. we get to that

I'm calling him out for exploiting the term 'JEW', you realize that, I trust.

spacewitch ago

Well it's not jews, it's sionists... Even some sionists are anti-semitic, as weird as it sounds.

remedy4reality ago

Zionists... but yeah, this idiot doesn't even have the common sense to differentiate between everyday Jews and Zionists

He knows exactly what he is doing.

spacewitch ago

Yes, zionists sorry.

remedy4reality ago

:) no apology needed

hamans_revenge ago

(((pure coincedence)))

remedy4reality ago

It's not a coincidence, but do you understand how unhelpful and pointless your approach is ?

hamans_revenge ago

You admitted it's not a coincedence. There's the point.

remedy4reality ago

no.. there is your point. And my point is spot on >> Your rants are detrimental to efforts to inform the general public.

My 'platitudes' are far more effective and when you look at it, your approach is meaningless, regardless of any pertinent information it may hold.

hamans_revenge ago

All you have is ad hom, I'm just stringing you along so everyone can see how poor your arguments are.

remedy4reality ago

you're delusional and have an obvious superiority complex

that's about it

hamans_revenge ago

more ad hom, and typical armchair psychologist bullshit. Still not an argument.

remedy4reality ago

And just how many people have you convinced Pizzagate is real by telling them JEWS are behind a 2000 year old conspiracy to dominate civilization and eat babies ?

You're a fucking idiot.

hamans_revenge ago

Pulling out that tired old "conspiracy" buzzword, eh? Desperate.

You don't have much self awareness if you're making those comments here of all places.

remedy4reality ago

You don't have a single submission to this subverse.

You're are obviously a shill who knows exactly what he is doing: hijacking the narrative with a proven method that gains sympathy for the very people you are indicting as responsible.

hamans_revenge ago

It's like you're going down a prescribed playbook item by item. Okay, so armchair psychologist didn't work, neither did yelling conspiracy, so now you have to accuse the other guy of being a shill, and tell him he doesn't meet your arbitrary standard of internet points.

This isn't reddit. We deal with facts here, and having more or fewer internet points does not affect the truth of a statement.

DarkMath ago

"We deal with facts here"

Great! Let's start with you explaining why CIA Brownstone Ops don't exist and even if they did they have no bearing on Comet Ping Pong's highly secured child porn download page.

Your descent into the CIA's Brownstone rabbit hole begins now:



hamans_revenge ago

The thing you linked doesn't mention brownstone. I don't know what it is, or why you want me to explain it. Are you defending the CIA?

OrwellKnew ago

brownstone. I don't know what it is

Then you are not qualified to participate in this investigation. Your 'contributions' such as they are, are harmful as you do not understand the very basic facts about how the enemy operates. You are dismissed! Go play in /pol

hamans_revenge ago

Shooing away curious eyes, totally not suspicious.

DarkMath ago

"doesn't mention brownstone"

I wanted to leave a little mystery and was hoping you'd connect the dots yourself. Sigh.....


remedy4reality ago

You have no points on this sub because you're a mindless shitbag shill. I have thousands points on this sub because I submitted ideas for review that Voaters consistently agree with. Take your weak rhetorical game down the line, shill'boy.

hamans_revenge ago

I just deconstructed your last post, and you reworded it and posted the same thing again. It's like arguing with a bowl of jello.

druhill007 ago

Easy lads!! We're all on same team!! Both make very good points. It is important for people to realize the depth of the issue but it's also important to take care with perception of message.

Although majority of "illuminati" might happen to be Jewish, not all Jews are shadow elitists!!! Bunching them together like that is an easy target for people that don't want to research things themselves.

Anyways, keep fighting the good fight instead of each other guys LETS GOOOOOOOOOOO

remedy4reality ago

He is blatantly attempting to shift PG to an attack on Jews. He is not on our side, at all. Watch the media, they are already dogwhistling where they are headed: TRUMP > MILO > NATIONALISTS > FASCISTS > ANTI JEW > HOLOCAUST > NEVER AGAIN !!

druhill007 ago

Kk I'll withhold from any shill accusations but will also keep my eyes peeled for any trends of this nature :)

I actually defended this guy on Twitter from Jew slander immediately after roasting him for going after PewDiePie lol. There are so many human negatives littered within all corners of the arguments that getting the narrative to move forward is often more about navigating past these road blocks. Or so it seems

hamans_revenge ago

Illuminati is a red herring, and PR doesn't matter. Giving a shit about PR killed gamergate.

OrwellKnew ago

You "deconstructed" nothing. STFU and GTFO

You're on my list now, congrats ;)

remedy4reality ago

They think I don't have supporters on this sub. We need to root these shills out and expose them for what they are. This will be the next move by the Cabal. They are a step or two away from saying Trump hates the Jews and it's this hatred driving Pizzagate. Clear as a cloudless day.

OrwellKnew ago

Agreed. They stick out like sore thumbs. Their clumsy and confused argumentation gives them away every time

hamans_revenge ago

Oh wow, a list. Nice alt.

Agora1234 ago

To be fair there is hundreds of known cases of Jews throughout history torturing and drinking blood of gentile children. They event got kicked out of Spain for it. Some of the children were canonized

LincolnsMullet ago

She also enjoys the same "art" that Tony does. Tony described the first time he had her over the house "and for some reason I had pictures of headless women", and when they spoke again later she made some cute joke about her not being headless or something. They went on to jointly collect all the horrifying art they proudly displayed in their home. Unless she was plotting her rise to power from an early stage, and suffered Tony's presence and taste in art, she enjoys the same shit he does.

crazimal ago

Unless she was plotting her rise to power >from an early stage,

Unless? Of course she was plotting. Otherwise she would go for a kind handsome middle class guy, not creepy rich and perverted if not 100% pedophile ( & likely bi or gay) Tony. If Tony isn't a pedo he is trying hard to look like one!

Singleservename ago

I think they work in tandem with John wielding the influence and Tony selling it. But yeah Tony's always been the dominant one. Just look at the Camp Nose photos.

I always wondered about Tony's ties. In ANY photograph of ANY occasion they invariably stand out as ostentatiously cheap, tacky, tasteless and out of place. And this is the guy that dominates the DC modern art market?

What's up with that? It's way too consistent to be an 'ironic' statement.

hamans_revenge ago

modern art is money laundering

thisisnotagame ago

I agree! I got a very bad vibe about Heather Podesta when I checked out her company: