kidavenger ago

Looks like a prison tat. Big Bubba does 'em for a pack of smokes and a little "quality time".

Rangers_justice ago

It's the equivalent of a pedo-boylover tramp-stamp.

ThighHighSwampBoots ago

Is this on Alepanties' back?

cakeoflightylight ago

I thought so at first but then I noticed the beard. It's on his Instagram but I dunno whose back that is.

ThighHighSwampBoots ago

Tell me what you think of this photo

Fateswebb ago

Actually he does love cock on his back so it's not really an insult to him.

cakeoflightylight ago


kazza64 ago

i saw a photo of a birthday party at comet ping pong for alefantis and the cake was in the shape of that. they're a classy bunch arent they. you should definately take your kids down there for some ping pong lessons

Piscina ago

lol, that's funny. I've had children and the first thing I see is a penis and balls.

23eulogy23 ago

It's a weiner

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Slick Willie's lil penis!

shoosh ago

He needs to get a better tattoo artist. The lines look like a 12 yr old did it.

stellarcorpse ago

very little cock & balls..

featheredmasks ago

MODS: Please sticky this thread. For humor more than anything.

gt8h65fg ago

10-year-old kid accidentally drew it on his neck with sharpie

redditsuckz ago

I would have to say that is not James Alefantis. I have never seen him with a beard ever. It MIGHT be Joe Wills since he comments but could be anyone.

cakeoflightylight ago

yeah you're right my bad noticed the beard and edited


It's amusing that there is someone in the world who doesn't recognise a cock and balls when s/he sees one. I guess you're a nun?

cakeoflightylight ago

Nope. Baby brain. 6 kids = no brain left.

SandalsOfJudith ago

No brain? - I don't think so. But they gave you 6 times charme - this I am sure.

ThighHighSwampBoots ago

All girls I guess.

cakeoflightylight ago

Only one girl

ThighHighSwampBoots ago

And so you have 5 bo s but never seen a bab y penis?

cakeoflightylight ago

No, I've seen them. My kids and husband are intact. The first thing that I saw when I looked at the tattoo was a butt. I now see how it looks like a penis with hypospadias. I've seen circed penises as well, but I have baby brain and I didn't immediately recognize it. Now that I see it I think it looks like a pedo tattoo because of the size of the penis compared to the testes.



Flaaffy ago

You and me both!

Flaaffy ago

This whole thread is fucking hilarious. I saw a dick right away and thought OP was trolling.

This seriously just made my day.

HamstaRapper ago

Not tattoo that looks like a penis is one

cakeoflightylight ago

I guess I think a penis would be longer

Flaaffy ago

It could be a soft peepee.


You must be black.

cakeoflightylight ago

Maybe it's a pic of a baby penis tattoo. I'm white but lol


No. You must have seen a few babies' penises in your life and they're very very small. It looks like a reasonably average circumcised penis in non-erect condition to me.

Flaaffy ago

The dick tattoo sort of resembles my ex's dick when it was non-erect. He wasn't even that big when he popped a boner. He was really disappointing all the way around. Plus he was a ginger, and his pubes were red too. And he smelled like ball sweat.

kidavenger ago

Thank you for sharing.

MyUSA2017 ago

Oh my!

cakeoflightylight ago

Ok lol. I deeply apologize for my not immediately recognizing the subject. Maybe because it's been over 4 years since I've seen a circumcised or an erect circumcised penis.


I'm just glad you're not a tourist guide at Pompeii.

cakeoflightylight ago


2impendingdoom ago

see this explains why there are those strange court cases against bakeries refusing to make cakes for gays. people should not be forced to make limp pecker cakes against their will.

tinytank ago

It looks like felt marker.

The_Kuru ago

How do you know that's Alefantis tattoo? Alefantis probably took the picture.

cakeoflightylight ago

EDIT: Hmmmm you may be correct sir - this might be a different dude. Looking closer, looks like a beard is on that face

NikitaVerite ago

Bwah ha! Actually, it's called "placenta brain". And yeah - that's a wee little balls and dick on his back. WTF?!

RedGreenAlliance ago

Baby brain So that's what happened to my wife. Learn something new every day!

LadyMinx ago

WHOOO tf gets a tatt like that?

samhara ago

Circumscized cock. Baby bound with a Butt as a head.. [tiny feet, bent over]

mtlmjk ago


zzvoat ago

OP feel free to add these links to your original post.

Photoshopped for light adjustment only:

cakeoflightylight ago

I didn't see that. I just remember the flaccid penis occult sculpture sitting on the table. I'll have to go look for it.

Disgusted-Lurker ago cock and balls jokes from me.

Is this tattoo for real..? JA..? How come I'm just hearing of this? What a fucking weirdo...that's a strange-ass tattoo for one of the 50 most influential people in DC.

cakeoflightylight ago

Yesterday I think it was - someone posted asking for help looking through the complete archive of James Alefantis's Instagram. I spent some time scrolling through and screenshotting anything that looked like it might be weird. I came to the conclusion that his friends refer to him as a hotard, and that they weren't talking about Caris James. But other than that, the rest of his instagram does strike me as creepy. There are some normal looking things on it, but a lot of weirdness. This was a screenshot of one of the photos from that archive so I assume it's legit.

ArthurEdens ago

It's a portrait of Jame Alefantis, aka a chode

cakeoflightylight ago

^ Winning.

Antonius ago

Looks like circumsized cock and 2 balls hanging below.

cakeoflightylight ago

Yeah, or a fully erect intact one. That happens to look like a crescent moon with a demon dog head. jk

DarkMath ago

It's a dick and two balls Einstein.

Newfind ago

For real, lol.

FuckReddit69 ago

Don't elevate Einstein to some kind of Tesla. Einstein was a freemason FRAUD.

noworldorder ago

Honestly, it looks like a baby/toddler penis to me.

cakeoflightylight ago

Yeah you're right. That's why it isn't longer and more recognizable at first glance. I've seen lots of penis in my life but never erect baby penis on a tattoo.

zzvoat ago

Oh, really? Well, his tatt artist said it was a kneeling kid with his head bowed, arms behind his back. s/ ?

DarkMath ago

It's both.

abortionburger ago

lmao this comment killed me for some reason.

cakeoflightylight ago

I see it now. OK. Looks like his tattoo artist has a case of hypospadias. LOL Thank you