**steganography** John Podesta is an expert and he thinks we are too stupid to crack his code - WE MUST PROVE HIM WRONG!!!! (pizzagate)
submitted 8.2 years ago by jangles
Please upvote to try to get more people aware of the messages still hidden because....... Well, US intelligence is 'state of the art' and the poedsta broz are "..... not so much of a tech guy," Podesta demurs. "What I really am is a translator."-wired link below
"Clinton's White House Chief of Staff, John Podesta, was an important influence in this (stegnography) process." -page 169 http://www.federalcybersecurity.org/CourseFiles/FITSI%20Exam%20Guides/Study%20Guide%20for%20FITSP-M.pdf
How about is brother Anthony (Tony)?- ["He's a router," says a White House adviser. "I'm software," says Podesta. "I'm a server, I'm a switch."Whatever the metaphor, he's closing deals that leave everyone happy."] - Except the kids :( https://www.wired.com/1998/12/podesta/ http://archive.is/szJCo
Google Covers it up - they define steganography as if it is not used for secrets. wtf https://www.google.com/webhp?sourceid=chrome-instant&ion=1&espv=2&ie=UTF-8#q=steganography
0 - 0 - Again please upvote - 0 - 0
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