ASolo ago

Please, ignore the angry troll, click here for more details on this person:

Hunter Biden: What My Daddy Taught Me

sponiatowski ago

Child predators have to disguise themselves as something "socially acceptable" and now they simply have more options of disguise, but the amount of pedophiles remains the same..

kestrel9 ago

I agree... :)

kestrel9 ago


I believe your post's stated intent falls short on several counts. The most obvious is that it is divisive, and the last thing the Pizzagate subverse investigation needs is that. It seems to contribute more to keep people from uniting against the sexual exploitation of all children, while ignoring the fact that division IS the best cover for child trafficking pedophilia merchants, as they cater to all social circles, all sexual orientations. So if you are not saying that "all or even many gays would be inclined to the behavior"...then why did you not only imply it, but also post a link to a religious blog that does? And the blog itself claims to not say it either but the author did say it. To go down that road, one could make a better case for "correlating various known facts, 'red flags', accusations and scandals and presenting them as an archetype of what might be going on" in your example of Elton John. His most obvious 'correlations' to what we've learned about elite pedophile network profiles are better supported by the fact that he is a white male, in a position of means and social influence, working in the entertainment industry while being connected and comfortable with Royalty and politicians. The fact that he's gay would simply be subgroup of the white male classification, one targeting male teens and/or children...And while I don't disagree on role PC plays in protecting pedophiles, when it comes to the ideal 'cover', all marriages are a better means for pedos to access kids. I'm not going to give all my reasons here, for concluding that overall, the presentation and interpretation of child molestation statistics cited by the author within the blog are more serving the author's religious beliefs, then they are a sound analysis of the body of research. Not because I can't, but because it would be very time consuming, and I don't believe it contributes to the intentions of this subverse. The part of the blog that IS most relevant to me in relation to Pizzagate is this: "This group (NAMBLA) openly and proudly practices, and lobbies for acceptance of, pedophilia, claiming that they are doing their under-age victims a favor by having sex with them. In the USA, the legal age of sexual consent is determined at the state level, with all states presently falling in the 16-18 year range. However, world-wide the legal age of consent for sexual relations varies from less than 12 years of age to about 21 years of age, with 13-18 being most common. There is no reason to assume, in view of the prevalence of liberal attitudes regarding sexual morality in America, that our own legal age of consent will not be conformed to that of other, more lenient countries, in the near future. In fact, NAMBLA lobbies for the repeal of all age-of-consent laws in the USA, hoping that some day they can have their way sexually with male children of any age without fear of legal consequences. While NAMBLA is an embarrassment to some in the homosexual community, it appears that, as a whole, the homosexual community is doing more to embrace them than to marginalize them. And their presence is a real, substantial and integral part of the homosexual movement in America, as adult-youth sex is viewed and promoted by many in the homosexual community as an important, and valued, aspect of gay culture (Allen, 2014)."
The goals of this support group of male pedophiles attracted to boys is very relevant, and if realized, they would benefit the goals of all pedophiles, i.e. safe unhampered access to children in order to realize their sexual fantasies. The response of the gay community in not coming out more strongly to denounce the group IS a PC related problem. But that alone doesn't substantiate concluding that the subgroups with a sample size of 229 convicted child molesters is enough to prove unequivocally that male homosexuality alone, is any more connected to a higher 'potential' incidence of pedophilia then in males as a whole. And that really isn't this subverse's stated goal anyway. Consider the how the subverse rules defines pizzagate: "Pizzagate" refers to the independent investigation of pedophilia and child trafficking by the certain members of the global elite. The leaked John Podesta Emails hint at deeply entrenched and protected pedophile networks operating with impunity at the top levels of government and politics in and through Washington, DC and the world at large."

sponiatowski ago

800,000 missing kids

Sources please.

erzmichael ago

The simple reason is that homosexuality - especially male homosexuality - is very often the result of early sexual abuse. This is statistically well established.

And as we now, people who have been abused tend to become abusers themselves.

The reason for this, in turn, is that sexual abuse is motivated by demonic entities attached to the perpetrator, which can then also attach to the victim in the course of the act, for reasons that I will not explain in detail here.

So a homosexual pedophile should always be assumed to be a prior victim of sexual abuse as well.

ASolo ago

Everyone also fails to mention what kind of damage anal sex does to the human psychology. Anal sex is violence. When a man let's another man enter his anus with a 'poker' this violent act changes the psychology of the male species, It changes it from one of dominance to submission. Much had been written about this occult knowledge and it has been used as an inculcating tool in these cults for thousands of years, especially among the Romans. Skip to the 20th century and Hitler, who's cabinet was largely ashkenazi jew, were also raving masculine butch homosexuals that persecuted the more effeminate homosexual in nazi germany. They used homosexuality as a top down approach to authority all the way down into the nazi youth programs where they conducted huge orgies so that the male children would grow unbreakable childhood bonds.

Kay Griggs also lays it out that most of the higher ranking military personnel are also 'top-down' homosexuals.

Although there is only less than 2% of the population that is homosexual, they sure have tried very hard to make their agenda known. Part of it has to deal with population growth while the other half is that the elite want generations of like minded prostitutes that will tow any political agenda they need because of the calculated coldness some homosexuals have for 'normal' society.

Anal stimulation also has much to do in the occult realm, as I touched upon above. The energies exchanged during anal sex of the same sex is counterintuitive to the universe and inculcates the same in the form of energy released into the environment.

Some studies dealing with MK-Ultra dictate that in order to properly brainwash a child into the occult the anal violation must happen somewhere between 3 and 7 years old in order for it to be a lasting part of the childs life. Anything learned by a child bwtween the ages of 1 and 7 become the core of the individual within the child, MK-Ultra dictates that the abuse must begin at those ages for maximum effect.

The Devil's Lair: Anal Sex *1)Ritual Sodomy “The initiation into the light of Lucifer is achieved by Sodomy”

Sodomy is extremely important in Satanic orgy rituals and sex magik, because we know that if you sodomize Ialdabaoth (the deity known as Jehovah) you get his power and this elementary principle has been followed for millennia by the Greeks, the Romans, the Fascists and left-hand path initiates. Ritual sodomy stimulates what’s called the kundalini gland, which acts to stimulate the pineal gland. Some use drugs like peyote, mescaline or DMT for a similar experience, but RITUAL SODOMY is the preferred means that appears to have NO real substitute. There is a powerful ritual sex magick that was practiced by the ancients and is practiced today, which still manifests a powerful transformative supernaturalism…! The act of sodomy is also performed to open up the initiate’s “third eye” which is suppose to enhance psychic ability. During this act, a demonic Entity/ies, called Legion, is/are invoked,refered to as an “unclean spirit”. The key is in the trauma: the complete destruction of the inner spirit. Then at the propitious moment the initiate’s third eye is opened so as to completely resocialize them and open their psychic abilities. in doing so, a bridge is created between this physical world and the spiritual realm. Once the Pineal Gland is opened, it allows a person to see into that realm. Thus, the reference to it being the Third Eye…*

ASolo ago

Well, there are people working very hard right now trying to make you forget and modify that exact belief system, and just so happens to be intimately connected to the Pizzagate issue:

let's go over the infamous 'handkerchief' email, but first we have to name the players:

The players among the Martha’s Vineyard set include: ( DO NOT be fooled, the RICH ELITE use their island retreats as dens of INEQUITY and MK-Ultra programming, ALL UP AND DOWN THE EAST COAST FROM THE BRITISH VIRGIN ISLANDS (Branson; Epstein) TO THE FJORDES OF MAINE)

Herb Sandler , owner of the Golden West subprime lender that caused Wachovia Bank’s failure in 2008 and its merger into Wells Fargo with a $25 billion federal bailout.

Hans Wyss , founder of Synthes bio-engineering prosthetics producer until a court ruling on the deaths of three patients in a human experiment

  • Rob Mnookin, Harvard Law School expert on foster parents, child custody and gay adoption, and director of the Earl Warren Institute (as in the Warren Commission whitewash of the Kennedy assassination). His male partner is named Dale.

Steve Philips and his wife Susan Sandler(Herb’s daughter) , a CAP senior fellow and author of Brown is the New White: How the Demographic Revolution Has Created a New American Majority.

It Takes A Spillage...Of Blood... To Awaken PizzaGate - Pt 3

So, if you've got an issue with this sort of thing, Mr Rob 'Walrus Face' Mnookin was most likely one of the more powerful players in this saga.

virtuous_pedophobe ago

Elton John is not the only "gay-married" man:

RexAxisMundi ago

Theres that infamous case of the two pedo homsexual aussie couple who adopted a russian boy and diddled him, the weak cunts. Both parhetic looking pieces of shit. Cant be fucked sourcing, have done it a million times alreadt but Im totally with you on this gay marriage being incredibly great cover for rock spiders.

Narcissism ago

There is a proven connection between Narcissism and Paedophilia. Any group that is more Narcissistic is likely to have more child abuser in it. There is a tendancy amongst the gay community towards Narcissisim. This could be caused by poor relationships with parents/ guardians while growing up.

siegnagel ago

Excellent post.

survey_girl ago

I have been wondering, especially since the Milo stuff, how many gay men (and women - but I am generalizing in this post for men) were molested and/or raped as children or young teenagers. Do older gay men sense that young boys they are around are gay and take advantage of them? Does the molestation "turn" them gay?

Milo being so nonchalant about being molested really got to me. He played it off like it was a coming of age thing and completely normal in the gay community. And I think part of that was a defense mechanism, and how he has learned to cope with it, but it still really struck me and got me thinking.

I have heard other gay young men talk about having a Guncle (a "Gay-uncle", an older gay "friend" that takes them under their wing and provides guidance, etc). And I sympathize with gays coming into adulthood that might not have the support of friends and family, and I can see where an older person that has been through what they are experiencing would be very supportive to them... but are they getting taken advantage of? Is it a cycle of abuse? Did they get molested at a young age and then think it is ok to abuse someone else? Is it normalized in the gay community?

These are all just thoughts I had after Milo... I do not mean to offend anyone, and I do think this applies to all gay people. It is just in today's PC culture, you are not allowed to even question anything!

virtuous_pedophobe ago

You only have to look at Milo and know that he is a deeply disturbed individual, he can't even look anybody in the eyes.

huntercel ago

pedophiles definitely use homosexuality, pansexuality, etc. as a cover, although all gays, though perverted and gross are not all pedophiles, and some all pansexuals are just stupid

GeorgeT ago

Gaybies is the right word, from Korea, African countries, India - no ties, totally at the mercy of Alifantis and his kid friendly pizza lovers. Time to address the elephant in the living room.

Marfa-Lights ago

Why would he want two boys anyway? Surely most couples want one of each if they can? Just saying.

kazza64 ago this link is to a story in australia that highlights exactly your point

SpikyAube ago

I think that there are probably more female pedophiles than are known about, and that the way people think of women on perhaps a more subconscious level means they are much less likely to be caught. There are several conditions and disorders that are 'gendered' in the sense that when a man or boy exhibits certain behaviours its recognised as a symptom of something else, but when women do it is not recognised as scuh, and vice versa. It's also the case that men and women may generally have different ways of going about things, and so while male pedophilia has been well documented along with the ways in which males groom children and carry out abuses, it is very possible that female pedophiles use different methods or exhibit different signs, or are perhaps better at manipulating children into secrercy etc, and so they are much more likely to get away with it, especially because women are much more trusted than men when it comes to children.

So I think we cannot be definitive when saying that the majority ofpedophiles are male. I also think that pedophilia is distinct from homosexuality - being attracted to children is a thing all of its own, it doesn't matter if the children are male or female, they are children, their maleness or femaleness is not sexual. It is also the case that grown men are more likely to be able to get access to male children than to female children, through activities such as scout groups, after school clubs, sports teams etc.

So I think it is very important to remember all these factors and variables - they make it very possible that there is little truth in the idea that pedophilia is connected with male homosexuality and that it appearing that way may just be a facet of our society and way of arranging and thinking of things, and our inherent prejudices (e.g assuming a woman is safer than a man when its comes to kids).

bFuddlez ago

This should come as no suprise to anyone who reads the Bible, God's Word. There is a reason why God forbids homosexuality and it's not simply because homosexuality itself is unnatural. Homosexuality, as it rejects what is clearly evident, that man and woman were created for eachother, is a perversion. Homosexuals deviate from God's intention for sex. He told us not to do it because He loves us. As the Designer of man and woman, He knows what's best for us.

24 Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another. 25 They exchanged the truth about God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator—who is forever praised. Amen. 26 Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural ones. 27 In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed shameful acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error. 28 Furthermore, just as they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, so God gave them over to a depraved mind, so that they do what ought not to be done. 29 They have become filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed and depravity. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit and malice. They are gossips, 30 slanderers, God-haters, insolent, arrogant and boastful; they invent ways of doing evil; they disobey their parents; 31 they have no understanding, no fidelity, no love, no mercy. 32 Although they know God’s righteous decree that those who do such things deserve death, they not only continue to do these very things but also approve of those who practice them.

Romans 1:24-32

By refusing to obey God and repent, they are asking for Him to eliminate all shame and guilt from their minds. God does not force this upon homosexuals, they demand it from Him. A debased mind, consciousness without a conscience, is capable of anything.

This a sobering reality, the connection between homosexuality and pedophilia. It must be addressed and not avoided. We live in a world that has rejected God and the natural order in favor of nihilistic hedonism; everything is permitted as there exists no absolute morality. This is wrong and you know it.

The_Kuru ago

I think you're right on op. My suspicion is that these sort of homo or tranny unions with the adopted kids live in tight communities, almost communes, and the kids are "community". Farmed out within the community, which could be an apartment complex. They share the kids. They pass them around. It only works in pedo-sanctuary communities like DC and the surrounding areas in Maryland and northern Virginia. Maybe some other Democrat strongholds away from DC. This should be easy to target and bust for Sessions. The disgusting way that they are handing children over to perverts should bring 99% of people together to stop it. I can't believe that it would be something politically dangerous. This is fish in a barrel stuff.

lopus ago

We have homosexual and heterosexual pedophiles, don't we? And I thnk most gays are not pedos at all.
And we know, that also "normal" families can be satanist pedophiles, who are sacrificing their own children. And we also know that anyone, gay or not, who is adopting children, can be a pedo - or not. And of course also an LGBT marriage also can be used as a cover for sinister purposes. Everything is possible.

But there is some historical connection: We know that the pedophiles tried to use the fight of LGBT-rights for their own purposes! Remember the "P.I.E." in the UK! Or some parts of the "green party" in Germany! Both tried to legalize pedophilia! - following the legalization of homosexuality. Somtimes with nearly the same arguments! Luckily they did not succeed!


There is also an undeniable link between heterosexuality and pedophilia. I have lost count of the number of heterosexual males I have heard enthuse about little girls, especially ones in school uniform, in my lifetime. People were more open about this back in the 70s and 80s than they are now, though. I wouldn't dispute the main point made here, which is that gay marriage does provide a cover for gay pedophiles. However, adoption provides a cover for heterosexual pedophiles as well.

DeathToMasons ago

The angle on homosexuality is not appropriate. Plenty of little girls being targetd, and the pervert is never called a straight pervert, or a black pedo, or a lesbian pedo, or a bisexual pedo. It is just the wrong focus. On the issue of Elton John, that is an awfull amount of smoke.

bFuddlez ago

It's amazing how two people can be looking at the same thing and one of them deny it's there.

Piscina ago

Please don't link pedophilia to being gay. There are far more straight pedos than gay. That said, Elton John funds Third Wave, which peddles child sex/child prostitution.

Astrodreamer ago

And yet it appears that the great majority of pedophile porn is of little girls. Or am I wrong? Also, in heterosexual marriage you actually create and legally own your victims, seems like the best cover of all, and has been so since way before gay marriage existed. There's no doubt that when PG gets out there will be a horrified backlash, witchhunts, and many innocent people will be hurt. Unfortunately that's unavoidable. The habit of suspicion becomes insurmountable.

Votescam ago

Whoa. . . . that is a myth cooked up by male-supremacist religion to hide the reality that the sexual abusers of our children are MALE and they are HETEROSEXUAL males.

Heterosexual males are 100X more likely to sexually abuse a child than a homosexual.

It's very easy to lie to the public about pedophilia because many automatically assume that if a pedophile is a male and sexually assaults a young male that this is about homosexuality -- but it is NOT.

Pedophilia is about the AGE of the victim -- not the gender -- !!

Here's one of the studies done on this subject -- but there is no way that Mothers/parents can protect their children from pedophiles unless they understand WHO those pedophiles are. And, again, they are MALE (which even right wing women's groups agree with) and they are heterosexual males according to studies ...


"Focus on the Facts" -- Sean Cahill, PH.D

A 1998 Study in the Journal of the American Medical Association found that 90% of pedophiles are men, and 95% of these individuals are heterosexual.

Research has indicated that gay men and lesbians are less likely than heterosexual to sexually abuse children.

Perhaps the most egregious and damaging claim promulgated by anti-gay groups is the claim that homosexuality is intrinsically linked to pedophilia and child sexual abuse. The social science research on sexual orientation and child sexual abuse clearly disproves the claim that homosexuals are more likely to molest children.

A 1998 study in the Journal of the American Medical Association found that 90% of pedophiles are men, and 95% of these individuals are heterosexual. One researcher explained this statistic by noting, "Gay men desire consensual sexual relations with other adult men. Pedophiles are usually adult men who are sexually attracted to pre-pubescent children. They are rarely sexually attracted to other adults. In fact, research has indicated that gay men and lesbians are LESS likely than heterosexuals to sexually abuse children. Two studies that examined the sexual orientation of convicted child molesters found that less than 1% in one study and 0% in the other were lesbian or gay. One psychologist reviewed the existing social science literature on the relationship between sexuality and child sexual abuse and found that "a gay man is no more likely than a straight man to perpetrate sexual activity with children." Further, "cases of perpetration of sexual behavior with a pre-pubescent child by an adult lesbian are virtually nonexistent."

Gay rights activists, like all advocates for children's welfare, oppose child sexual abuse and support equitable age of consent laws that help prevent and punish such abuse.

At least 110,000 children are waiting to be adopted in the US. Approximately 588,00 children are currently in foster care. Barring gay men and lesbians from adopting or foster parenting decreases the number of potential suitable homes for children in need.

Children who remain in foster care for much of their childhood, as do tens of thousands of American children, are more likely to have emotional problems. Some children in foster care live in 20 or more homes by the time they reach the age of 18. Barring gay men and lesbians from adopting or foster parenting is not simply unjust and unethical; it also decreases the number of potential suitable homes for children in need.

Research shows that children raised by gay and lesbian parents are not disadvantaged vis-a-vis their peers raised by heterosexual parents.

Footnote 65 -- p.123

A review of 352 medical records of children evaluated for sexual abuse during a 12-month period at a Denver children's hospital found that less than 1% had been abused by a gay man or a lesbian. Of 269 adult perpetrators of child abuse identified among the 352 cases of abuse, only two were gay or lesbian. The vast majority of the children in the study (82%) "were suspected of being abused by a man or a woman who was, or had been, in a heterosexual relationship with a relative of the child." And the review concluded that in this sample, " a child's risk of being molested by his or her relative's heterosexual partner is over 100X greater [than the risk of being molested] by someone who might be identifiable as being homosexual, lesbian, or bisexual."

Jenny, C., and Roesler, T.A. (1994)

Are children at risk for sexual abuse by homosexuals? Pediatrics. 94(1).p.44.

In an earlier study of convicted male child molesters in Massachusetts, none of the 175 men were found to have an exclusively homosexual adult sexual orientation or to be primarily attracted to other adult men.

Groth, A.N., and Birnbaum, H.J. (1978).

Adult sexual orientation and attraction to underage persons.

Archives of Sexual Behavior.7(3).pp.175-181.

Also : The right-wing "Family Research Council" notes/confirms findings that "almost all child sexual abuse is committed by men."


Silverlining ago

@Votescam re Whoa, was replying to @RedGreenAlliance [I think]

On a quick scan, stats would seem to be skewed by the [I would assume] the vast preponderance of straight men.

"A 1998 Study in the Journal of the American Medical Association found that 90% of pedophiles are men, and 95% of these individuals are heterosexual."

So if the study was "honest" and 5% overall of males are homosexual, straight and homosexual men are roughly just as likely to be pedophiles.

But the "straights good, gays bad" or vice versa is something of a diversion. The central issue is how bad is it and how to protect the children.

Votescam ago

You are correct --the central issue is what do our mothers/fathers and families need to know about child molesters in order to protect their children.

First thing to know is that the Oedipus Complex is a lie by Sigmund Freud, who very likely was also a sexual abuser of children. In that outrageous document, Freud suggests that it is infants, toddlers and young children who are the sexual abusers of adult males in their families.

Coming back to the issue of crime ... criminals self-select. And what the statistics on convicted sexual abusers show us is that the majority are heterosexual males. MALE is undisputed -- even right wing's women groups agree with that. And studies continue to show that homosexuals are 100X LESS likely to sexually abuse a child. Pedophiles likely have no sexual orientation -- not heterosexual, not bi-sexual, not homosexual.

But the majority of those criminals studied for child molestation are heterosexual and that has nothing to do with their percentage in the population.

Votescam ago

No -- this is a situation where individuals self select -- they CHOSE whether they will commit the crime of sexual molestation of a child. It isn't based on population numbers in the US.
And I think you have to read a little further than the first paragraph to understand the study.

As I understand the observations/studies of child molesters at this point, what they seem to be saying is that pedophiles basically have no sexual orientation -- they're not homosexual, nor bi-sexual -- they simply have an attraction to pre-pubescent children. Many pedophiles do not act on those attractions.

The balance of the child molesters are heterosexual males who act based on "situational" stress. That is, they might prefer to have sex with a female, but if one isn't at hand or cooperating, then they will resort to sexually abusing a child.

At least that is what I'm seeing reported: MALES are our sexual abusers of children and they are heterosexual males.

Silverlining ago

@Votescam "At least that is what I'm seeing reported: MALES are our sexual abusers of children and they are heterosexual males."

And my point was - on a highly superficial flyby - it is BECAUSE most males are heterosexual. Agreed: a child is statistically far more in danger from a male than a female.

Votescam ago

And, as I replied to you criminals are self-selecting .....

If most of our criminals are heterosexuals, it's because of their behavior and not their numbers in the population.

virtuous_pedophobe ago

You people have to pervert everything, including logic and science, right?

I had a discussion with a LGBT-advocate once who used the same "argument" as you, in the course of the argument it turned out that he just defined that underage sex between males is not homosexual. Your own source exposes the madness:

"In an earlier study of convicted male child molesters in Massachusetts, none of the 175 men were found to have an exclusively homosexual adult sexual orientation or to be primarily attracted to other adult men."

So child molesters are not exclusively attracted to adults! What a great insight!

These lies have worked for Kinsey, because at that time people still believed in PhDs, but now everybody can see through your lies. Also the universities have been run down so much that no sane person would believe a PhD in "gender studies" or other pseudo-scientific nonsense.

Votescam ago

virtuous -- Who are "you people"? This is not my argument -- this is based on studies. And there are many more of them.

If you re-read the quote you commented on --

"In an earlier study of convicted male child molesters in Massachusetts, none of the 175 men were found to have an exclusively homosexual adult sexual orientation or to be primarily attracted to other adult men.">

What they are telling you that in the category of "child molesters" the convicted males were not homosexuals.

There is a general category of "child molester" which some break down to pedophile/preferential and child molester/situational. The first are attracted only to pre-pubescent children, though there are varied age preferences. The second are heterosexual males whose preference is to have sex with adult females, but who will sexually abuse children in certain situations of stress. Summing up, they are telling you that NONE of the 175 child molesters were homosexual.

Here's some further info on studies which you can also ignore --

Public belief in the stereotype The number of Americans who believe the myth that gay people are child molesters has declined substantially. In a 1970 national survey, more than 70% of respondents agreed with the assertions that "Homosexuals are dangerous as teachers or youth leaders because they try to get sexually involved with children" or that "Homosexuals try to play sexually with children if they cannot get an adult partner."1 By contrast, in a 1999 national poll, the belief that most gay men are likely to molest or abuse children was endorsed by only 19% of heterosexual men and 10% of heterosexual women. Even fewer – 9% of men and 6% of women – regarded most lesbians as child molesters. Consistent with these findings, Gallup polls have found that an increasing number of Americans would allow gay people to be elementary school teachers. For example, the proportion was 54% in 2005, compared to 27% in 1977.

Typologies of Offenders The distinction between a victim's gender and a perpetrator's sexual orientation is important because many child molesters don't really have an adult sexual orientation. They have never developed the capacity for mature sexual relationships with other adults, either men or women. Instead, their sexual attractions focus on children – boys, girls, or children of both sexes.

For the present discussion, the important point is that many child molesters cannot be meaningfully described as homosexuals, heterosexuals, or bisexuals (in the usual sense of those terms) because they are not really capable of a relationship with an adult man or woman. Instead of gender, their sexual attractions are based primarily on age. These individuals – who are often characterized as fixated – are attracted to children, not to men or women.

Other Approaches Other researchers have taken different approaches, but have similarly failed to find a connection between homosexuality and child molestation. Dr. Carole Jenny and her colleagues reviewed 352 medical charts, representing all of the sexually abused children seen in the emergency room or child abuse clinic of a Denver children's hospital during a one-year period (from July 1, 1991 to June 30, 1992). The molester was a gay or lesbian adult in fewer than 1% of cases in which an adult molester could be identified – only 2 of the 269 cases (Jenny et al., 1994).

The Mainstream View Reflecting the results of these and other studies, as well as clinical experience, the mainstream view among researchers and professionals who work in the area of child sexual abuse is that homosexual and bisexual men do not pose any special threat to children. For example, in one review of the scientific literature, noted authority Dr. A. Nicholas Groth wrote:

Are homosexual adults in general sexually attracted to children and are preadolescent children at greater risk of molestation from homosexual adults than from heterosexual adults? There is no reason to believe so. The research to date all points to there being no significant relationship between a homosexual lifestyle and child molestation. There appears to be practically no reportage of sexual molestation of girls by lesbian adults, and the adult male who sexually molests young boys is not likely to be homosexual (Groth & Gary, 1982, p. 147).

Nothing there by Kinsey, btw -- but we should also note that Sigmund Freud - also now thought to have been a child molester -- betrayed science and his own patients who had confided in him their sexual abuse by males in their families: fathers, grandfathers, uncles, cousins and male friends of the family. In the Oedipus Complex, Freud makes the outrageous suggestion that it is infants, toddlers and young children who the sexual aggressors against adult males in their family. That is corrupt and perverted science that should be not only dismissed but exposed for its lies.

virtuous_pedophobe ago

"You people" are those that believe any perversion should be of equal status and social acceptance as the marriage, which is the institution for raising children.

Yeah, and then you tell me you care about children.

OK, but on to your points: Basically all you have is an appeal to authority. Some studies and an article from a college.

If you look at the Wikipedia list of serial killers by numbers of victims, you get about half homosexual and heterosexual. Even when you look at celebrities, you see Mooshammer and Versace murdered by their "lovers" - yet no comparable thing for heterosexual celebrities except O.J. Simpson's wife. So even though male homosexuals are a small minority, they are mightily overrepresentated at murders.

It's also highly remarkable how the homosexuals have "sanitized" the list:

For most the homosexuals, the victims are described as "street children" or "people". For heterosexuals they are described as "women" or "girls". This way, you get the impression that most of the serial killers are heterosexual. But I have looked at the articles and it's about equal, maybe 60-40 for either. Even 40% is a massive overrepresentation for homosexuals.

For example, number one on the list, "Lous Gravito" is described in the list as having murdered "mostly street children", you have to go the main article to discover that he murdered "147 young boys". But probably he slept with a woman in his life and thus is counted as a heterosexual in your mind.

It is a fact that the homosexual "subculture" is extremely violent and contains numerous other perversions. For example, before Pizzagate, I was blessed to have never heard of the "gay handkerchief" code. Such a code is just not needed by heterosexuals because we would simply be disgusted.

Yes it can be between consenting adults and still be disgusting.

And the violence of course makes sense, too. If you have a disgusting sexual preference, it may be not so easy for you to find a willing partner, so of course rape will be common for these people.

And if you are not finding a willing partner, then of course children are the perfect victims because they can be so much easier controlled, manipulated and imprisoned.

If for example, if someone has a sexual perversion that is only gratifying for one partner and denigrating for the other (pick almost ANY on the "gay handkerchief" code), then there will be not enough (if any) people willing to gratify him. Thus it makes sense that he would start to look at children, because they would be more willing to "try something out" and may be easier manipulated into it.

I don't think that pedophiles are attracted to children in a way that is comparable to normal sexual attraction between a man and a woman. If you look at Podesta's pedophile art, it is basically again and again a show of helplessness. Basically the children in these pictures lie on the floor, completely helpless and weak - or dead.

I personally would even suggest that Podesta's art is more necrophiliac than pedophiliac, which makes it even worse and sickening.

So let's say someone is a necrophiliac. Maybe he is preferring adults, but children are the only way he can "express his sexual orientation", because adults are just hard to come by?

So please don't insult our intelligence by citing studies that conclude "The molester was a gay or lesbian adult in fewer than 1% of cases in which an adult molester could be identified" - We both know that they use some weird classification system where they put "pedophiles" and "homosexuals" into different categories and require "exclusive attraction to adults" as a definition of the "homosexual" category, which of course is hard to achieve in a study about child molestiation. In that study, that means basically that 1-2% of people were homosexuals that molested children and didn't like it because afterwards they were still "exclusively attracted to adults".

You want studies that don't use this crazy definitions and use the commonly used definition (which is: homosexual = same-sex; heterosexual = different sex) then there are numerous studies that show that homosexuals are massively overrepresented in pedophilia:

Of course, you will not accept those and claim that a pedophile cannot be homosexual by your definition.

You people are pathetic.

Votescam ago

Actually, those of us here -- and I mainly speak for myself -- are here to stand against perversions such as sexual abuse of children.

But seems clear that you are having a hard time with gay marriage approval. But I will point out to you that many homosexuals are making excellent parents -- both lesbians and gays.

When we see a "study" we are given to understand that those who have looked at the subject have some experience with it --

Why are you talking about murderers?
Do you think that pizzagate reports every year the number of children killed by pedophiles all over the world?

Are you talking about pedophiles killing "street children" who you assume are homosexuals?

And for your info, males are constantly killing females -- just take a look at the records. During the VN war while approximately 57,000 male soldiers were murdered, an equal number of females were killed in the US by their husbands or boyfriends. Right now women are "Under the Gun" with 6,410 women murdered in the US by an intimate partner using a gun. (2001-2012) Women in the US are 11X more likely to be murdered with a gun than are women in other high income countries. Is there a day in the US that goes by without seeing a report of a female murdered by a guy in her life? Ask women you may know if any of them have been physically harmed or their life threatened by some male they were married to or seeing. And, then of course ask them if they've ever been raped or sexually harassed.

First, let me point out to you that you're sounding a bit homophobic and obsessed and that we are not discussing murder we are discussing the sexual orientation of pedophiles -- and why so many child molesters are shown to be male heterosexuals. However, it seems glaringly obvious that the case you recite of "Louis Gravito" seems to be a pedophile. You also don't seem able to keep in your mind that these are not my studies/reports, they are the reports of officials conducting studies.

Despite your obsession, you will find that homosexuals have just as many adult and working relationships as heterosexuals couples do.

And I think you'll also come to realize that insults don't help your debate.

virtuous_pedophobe ago

I don't assume anything, I looked up the individual articles.

And please stop your lies. The phrase "with a gun" is irrelevant and only used to distort. Nobody cares whether somebody is killed "with a gun" or "without a gun".

I only stated facts, if that is insulting then that is your problem.

Votescam ago

True -- "with a gun" is irrelevant because the subject is murder of women and they are killed by males in their lives -- heterosexual males -- who use many different means, including the old standby, strangulation.

But, guns have become handier, obviously, as we can see from the daily news reports of murder of women.

bFuddlez ago

If it's simply about age for pedophiles, why are there two different symbols of pedophilic preference? The triangle for boys and the heart for girls?

Votescam ago

Hi bFudd --

Yes, I know that there are preferences for boys or girls -- and will try to look it up and see what's being said about it.

Here's something that further complicates what any of us think about pedophilia -

In addition not all child molesters are pedophiles. In my experience, many child molesters are not pedophiles. A pedophile is an individual who prefers to have sex with children. A person who prefers to have sex with an adult partner may, for any number of reasons, decide to have sex with a child. Such reasons might include simple availability, opportunity, curiosity, or a desire to hurt a loved one of the molested child. The erotic imagery and sexual fantasies of such individuals are not necessarily recurrent, intense, and focused on children; therefore, these people are not pedophiles.>

AND -- speaking to differences between preferential and situational sexual abusers of children.

•Finally, the Dutch Government issued a report on child sexual abuse in 2014 which concluded that only 20% of child molesters have a paraphilia, meaning that 80% are non-paraphilic, but even more are non-pedophiles, since some of those had different paraphilias. It also says something very interesting: that violent sexual offenses against children are much more likely to be committed by non-pedophiles than by pedophiles. This clearly speaks to the very different motivations for offending between situational offenders — most likely frustration and anger, leading to a violent offense — and preferential offenders, or pedophiles— a misguided ‘love’ and the notion that the child welcomes the sexual experience. From section 2.5.5. on page 64 of the paper:

My outlook on that at the moment is that if you set fire to someone's property you're an arsonist and the motivation doesn't change that.

Here's another link which gives the specific names for attraction to children of different ages.

Also here:

And I think if the Catholic Church/Vatican ever releases its records on their pedophile priests, we may know a lot more about this brain disease. While it is clear that males are the sexual abusers of children, many Catholic children have suffered sexual abuse by nuns. And studies do make clear that when females come under the influence of heterosexual males -- as in the case of remarriage or male-supremacist religion - they will sexually abuse children. There is a long history -- like 2,000 years - of sexual abuse by pedophile priests in the RCC. And beyond sexual abuse, officials of the church have abused children in many different ways -- including declaring children in their care to be "retarded" in order to collect additional funding from government.

**Revealed: The symbols that pedophiles use to signal their sordid sexual preferences on social media FBI discovered five symbols used by pedophiles to show what they want There is one for boys, one for young boys, one for girls, one for 'anything' **

Read more:

For the present discussion, the important point is that many child molesters cannot be meaningfully described as homosexuals, heterosexuals, or bisexuals (in the usual sense of those terms) because they are not really capable of a relationship with an adult man or woman. Instead of gender, their sexual attractions are based primarily on age. These individuals – who are often characterized as fixated – are attracted to children, not to men or women. >

The distinction between a victim's gender and a perpetrator's sexual orientation is important because many child molesters don't really have an adult sexual orientation. They have never developed the capacity for mature sexual relationships with other adults, either men or women. Instead, their sexual attractions focus on children – boys, girls, or children of both sexes. >

By contrast, other molesters are described as regressed. Regression is "a temporary or permanent appearance of primitive behavior after more mature forms of expression had been attained, regardless of whether the immature behavior was actually manifested earlier in the individual's development" (Groth & Birnbaum, 1978, p. 177). Regressed offenders have developed an adult sexual orientation but under certain conditions (such as extreme stress) they return to an earlier, less mature psychological state and engage in sexual contact with children. (same link)

Actually, I think it may be help our thinking on this to consider all sexual abusers of children as "child molesters" -- some of whom can be called true pedophiles in the sense that they only desire pre-pubescent children, but others who have sex with adults but who do molest children when faced with stressful situations, such as the unavailability of adult females.

AND --

Other Approaches Other researchers have taken different approaches, but have similarly failed to find a connection between homosexuality and child molestation. Dr. Carole Jenny and her colleagues reviewed 352 medical charts, representing all of the sexually abused children seen in the emergency room or child abuse clinic of a Denver children's hospital during a one-year period (from July 1, 1991 to June 30, 1992). The molester was a gay or lesbian adult in fewer than 1% of cases in which an adult molester could be identified – only 2 of the 269 cases (Jenny et al., 1994). >

While I have to acknowledge that there are preferences -- by age, gender, appearance it seems to be confirmed once again that this has nothing to do with bi-sexuality or homosexuality.

Once again, it is reconfirmed that child molesters of children are MALE and they are heterosexual males.

I have to say again that I think the Catholic Church probably knows more about this subject than anyone else -- and from what I recall of two of their child molesting priests, they were extremely comfortable in what they were doing, abusing 100 or more children each. In one case, a nun recalled observing the priest visiting her third grade class tongue kissing a young girl. He also regularly sexually abused boys -- one in a body cast in a hospital lying on his stomach! Another one seemed to be equally driven, but eventually left the priesthood and married and had children. And last I heard of him he was trying to molest the teenage baby sitter.

bFuddlez ago

I get the jist of what you're saying and I don't agree. I am opposed to anything that seeks to excuse the debased behaviors of pedophiles and this is just that.

There is no excuse, save being literally retarded, for inappropriate interactions with children. A married man will not molest a child out of curiousity. Neither will he molest a child opportunistically. However pedophiles would. Abusing children is a crime. Does the average individual ever murder someone out of curiousity or availability? Or do they rape people for these reasons? "Why'd you rape your wife's sister?" Unto which he replies, "I was only curious and the opportunity presented itself so I jumped on it." It's absurd. If you touch a child inappropriately, you're a pedophile. People who are not pedophiles don't even think about it, let alone do it.

I am not going to sit here and make excuses for people who abuse children.

bopper ago

"For every expert there is an equal and opposite expert."

doubleherpes ago

There is an undeniable link between homosexuality and paedophilia.

Can you cite some evidence for this claim that isn't from a "Rethinking Theology" blog?

RedGreenAlliance ago

Argumentum ad hominem. The article cites dozens of academic research papers and studies. Critique them rather than injecting your own biases against the website, which is NOT AN ARGUMENT

doubleherpes ago

So is that a no? How about you find us what you think is a convincing peer-reviewed scientific journal article on the topic?

The rest of us not accepting religion as a source is a pretty reasonable standard to set, as you try to meet your burden of proof.

bFuddlez ago

So you're not going to acknowledge the studies cited?

doubleherpes ago

No, I'm not. I told OP that they need to cite a peer-reviewed science journal before their argument becomes worth anyone's time. Or you're welcome to.

How about you find us what you think is a convincing peer-reviewed scientific journal article on the topic?

Orange_Circle ago

Captain William Riddle of the Los Angeles Police says, "30,000 sexually abused children in Los Angeles were victims of homosexuals" (10).

jonnythaiwongy9 ago

Personally I have nothing against gays, but they absolutely should not be parenting children. Aside from the fact pedophilia is higher, there is some reason they are gay which will have some effect on the child. A child deserves and needs a mother and father, it is a child's right.

Orange_Circle ago

YEah, Elton John likes young boys. Remember his birthday party where he hired a group of twinks to dress in Cub Scout uniforms and do pelvic thrusts on stage?

bopper ago

"All the young girls love Alice ... tender young Alice they say ... " - Bernie Taupin and Elton, nice song for a 12 year old to hear.

GeorgeT ago

I have been told by many gay men that they are against adoption unless they do it with a woman - fake marriage, artificial insamination.

RedGreenAlliance ago

Oddly, Elton John was very against gay adoption... until he wasn't. I recall he then went on to criticise Dolce and Gabanna for their stance as a gay couple against adoption

redditsuckz ago


They use normal marriage as a cover also. And the women are in on it. How many pedophiles that were caught were also married? How many politicians are married yet go to the gay club house Bohemian Grove?

If I were to guess all James Alefantis close friends are gay and some are even married and have children just to abuse.

They use marriage as cover for satanic ritual abuse and married couples would also easily adopt children and BOTH parents would abuse them. The man and the woman.

RedGreenAlliance ago

Yep, true. Tried to acknowledge that in the post but of course this is what is happening, I am sure to a much greater extent than the gay-marriage-as-camouflage

GeorgeT ago

You know guys that I have done huge research on this topic and came away with conclusions that LGBT community does not want to hear. In Russia for instance, the word pederast is used instead of the word homosexual or gay. It stems from ancient Greek - relationship between a young boy and a much older man. Is that why they turned on Milo, because he was exposing the true nature of gay world? In many cultures homosexuality got demonised because of its links to pedophilia. Sad but we can't avoid elephant in the closet. For the record, I am not a homophobe, and what two consenting adults do behind the closed doors is their business but whenever homosexuality and children are mixed, we need to remove rose tinted glasses and scrutinize. Thank you RedGreenAlliance for the post!

RedGreenAlliance ago

Thanks. Yes its a taboo conversation, one we are told not to have because political correctness forbids it, but if we want to search for truth we have to remove PC blinkers and go were the evidence takes us however uncomfortable, or whatever risk of pushback we might get

SmilingWide ago

Yep, great post!

ArthurEdens ago

Lady Gaga is his kids' godmother

RedGreenAlliance ago

FFS! Mrs PizzaGate who wears pizza suits and is clearly an MKULTRA / monarch puppet

ArthurEdens ago

And who goes to Abromovich spirit cookings and had her artwork done by Jeff Koons

blackguard19 ago

Brilliant work. You put the gay correlation in a way that no one can deny it or accuse you of homophobia or whatever.

Elton John was knighted so that pretty much proclaims his pederasty.

shoosh ago

It appears that pedo's in general have traditionally hidden behind organizations and groups as a cover but it's good to see that someone isn't afraid to take on the PC argument, as if anyone is saying that all hetero or gay men and women are pedo's nonsense and stomping off.
Well done analysis. It makes complete sense based on hetero tactics.

Vanscribe1 ago

What type of BS? Most child molestation cases I see on the news and read about are from men raping and abusing little girls. I am so sick of this equating pedophilia to homosexuality. Pedophilia is its own sick twisted entity two CONSENTING ADULTS is not related to child rape and molestation PERIOD! It is not that difficult of a concept to grasp. There must be an undeniable link between heterosexuality and pedophilia none of us want to admit it but clearly the evidence is there lol what a load of #@!$! Also the number of heterosexual women raping underage boys with objects has started getting crazy and in many cases you will see that both a male and female couple acted as a TEAM in the selling rape and abuse of the children.

Also in the 1900s COUNTlESS 20 plus year old men were marrying and having sex with 14-15 year old little girls and these men were not gay so I am not sure where you are drawing this BS conclusion from.

bopper ago

Homosexuality is one step in the ladder downwards towards complete and irremediable societal debauchery.

Vanscribe1 ago

So is ignorance.

bopper ago

Truth hurts. What does your conscience tell you?

Vanscribe1 ago

The truth doesnt hurt me I am not weak minded and I dont let other people tell me what to believe or how to feel. Those are things I decide for myself my ability to do so has allowed me to see the news as a tool of social engineering when others fell under the spell of the illusion. My free mind allowed me to know to walk away from the military when everyone else chose to enlist and serve a corrupt government my freedom of mind and critical thinking ability allows me to know that pizzagate is 100% without a doubt in my mind a reality. And my conscience lets me know that homosexuality is not linked to pedophilia because I am smart enough to discern the difference and intellegenmt enough to know there are several anti lgbt people in the world salivating at the mouth waiting for people to believe there is a link to push there agenda.

On the other end of the link it serves as a different sword to help protect pedophiles like the anti child rape protest outside of commet ping pong STARTED getting steam then when it became anti gays and lesbians and they need to burn in hell that is when it started to loose momentum so it works in the interest of pedophiles for you to keep trying to link the two because it created the needed division to divert from their depravity.

If two gays or 2 lesbians engage in sex nothing is taken from one or the other there pleasure or stisfaction does not come at the demise of somebody else. The same cannot be said for an ADULT having sex with a CHILD. Now I know many anti gay people would love to get people to think there is a link to capatlize and push their anti gay sentiments but as I said before I am both a free and critical thinker and I examine facts evidence and reality and have a VERY strong consciense and aside from reasons like "the bible says its wrong" "i just dont like the idea of it" or its "nasty" there has not been one valid argument made against homosexuality that holds weight to me.

There is no link but if I say 2 plus 2 is 4 and you say its 6 who am I to waste my breath arguing with somebody who is hellbent on believing 2 plus 2 is 6. Lol gnight headed to the gym now bye lol.

bopper ago

I said nothing about pedophilia and homosexuals. Here's what I said.

Homosexuality is one step in the ladder downwards towards complete and irremediable societal debauchery.

Vanscribe1 ago

and I said so is ignorance am I wrong?

bopper ago

Okay you're gay. I get it. "Where we stand usually depends on where we sit."

Vanscribe1 ago

I am not a woman and I think women deserve equal pay 4 equal work. I dont need to have a vagina to know that. I think more should be done to help homeless people I am not without shelter. I think human trafficking needs to end I have never been human trafficked. You dont have to sit a any table etc to know whats right or whats wrong. I have a free mind and consciousness and cannot be manipulated and think 4 myself its simple really. I think options for ex convicts need to be better. Why have them do all that time in jail as a form of retribution for their crime only to ask them to commit more crime or punish them more when they get out by denying them opportunity for a crime they already did the time for.

I am not an ex criminal and have never been arrested for a crime and I am an advocate for that so your logic is flawed im not of the simple mentality of defending something because its close to me. I defend what I think is right and its really that simple.

bopper ago

Yeah I agree w/ some of what you say, though pay should only be merit based, I own a business, that would be unfair to me. And, here in the US the prison system is a racket like everything else. A waste of human life, sometimes for weed, ridiculous.

As far as free mind etc. we often fool ourselves, I am in marketing, people buy on emotion and rationalize it later. "You can sell anything if you dress it up right."

So we are oftentimes victims to our own confirmation bias, normalcy bias, selective reasoning, etc. It never goes away, you just get a little wiser as you get older, and learn from your mistakes. Have you ever thought you had cancer (or whatever) symptoms and then just reasoned it away, "erring" on the "I'm Ok" side? Or did a google search about it and kind of look only at the good stuff?

I have fooled myself and made stupid decisions all my life. You can only understand your life looking backwards, but you have to live it forward, as they say. And, "Hindsight is the greatest source of insight."

"Never be afraid to laugh at yourself. After all, you could be missing out on the joke of the century.”

"If you don't know who the sucker is in the room it's probably you."

The book "You Are Not So Smart" is good along this line.

"Where you stand and where you sit" ... what if you were wealthy and extremely comfortable with plenty of money for you and your kids, no bills, nice car and home, great health insurance, plastic surgery anytime, fine restaurants, etc.etc. But all this came to you 'cause your dad was a tobacco farmer and now you get to own the business. It's easier then to turn a blind eye to the ill effects of smoking.

I'm sure you're a great person. But I believe homosexuality is wrong, and that if you were honest w/ yourself you would agree. I do not at all believe that your conscience tells you it is a normal and acceptable "lifestyle." Who's going to carry on your family name? I know you'll be angry w/ me but that's the way I feel. I believe I am completely correct. Take care of yourself - I don't mind chatting again if you wish.

Vanscribe1 ago

whas "normal" does not dictate whats right. Slavery use to be "normal" but it damn sure was not right lol pastors preists etc used the bible and say it was the way god intended to get people to be okay with doing something so wrong and they agreed. I can tell you why I hate pedophiles they rape pillage destroy and corrupt the innocence of a child FOREVER. I read a story about a 11-12 year old girl who was raped by a pedophile on her way home from school. She wrote a suicide note at 11 blaming HERSELF for being raped by this pervert left it on her parents bed and went and hung herself from a tree and died and when they came home from work that is what they saw.

The amount of psychological damage torture and pain placed upon a child by these sick perverts is unimaginable. That is why they are called "predators" they prey on children because children cannot defend themselves and are defensless dont have the power to fight back say know and are not mental equivalents to their abusers making them victims.

It is a henious and destructive act that leaves nothing behind but a broken confused shell of a human being wondering why nobody could protect them. MANY children who have been molested kill themselves before they even reach adulthood there is more than enough documented evidence of the effects. That along with a litany of other reasons is why I know its wrong.

When it comes to homosexuality I will say again people tell me the bible says its wrong. Well 100-200 years ago white men said the bible says slavery is the will of god and is okay. People inteperate the bible to enforce what THEY want it to mean to do what they want so what the bible says is irrelevant to me. God created man in his image if you wanna get religious and god gave me free will and a strong mind and It would be a utter disgrace if I were to not use the mind he gave me. If god wanted obedient slaves to follow his every command he could have created them easily.

He didnt created a controlled mind he allowed me a free mind and so I will think freely and independantly. As a critical thinker this is why people tell me homosexuality is wrong here is the list. 1>somebody told me its wrong or the bible says its wrong 2>It makes me uncomftorble 3>its not natural 4>its not what god intended 5>I think men should be with women and women should be with men. 6>its a mental illness 7>I dont like it My responce to them all lets start with 1.) Somebody told me so or I read that its wrong may be a good enough reason by some peoples moral convictions to paint something as wrong but that is not enough to challenge my morals as something I deem innapropriate on to the next.

2.) The smell of peanut butter makes me uncomftorble it does not mean its "WRONG" black people being allowed to read books made white people uneasy once upon a time does not mean its "wrong" not by myconvictions next.

3.) I actually think it is natural. To me the defenition of natural is simply something that is "unforced" and occurs of its own accord. If you find kim kardashian attractive its natural because you are not FORCING yourself to find her attractive it happened naturally. If people of the same sex find one another attractive its natural it would be unnatural for a man who is not attracted to a woman to be with one or a woman who is not attracted to a man to be with one in my opinion because that would "usually" be forced and not natural. Some say well pedos naturally like children. I am not a pedophile so dont know how they think or what makes them prey on children so I dont know if they are naturally drawn to children etc. But its like violence some people have the ability to be more violent and predisposed to harming or killing others however THOUGHTS and ACTIONS are not the same thing.

Once a pedophile molests a child they have destroyed that childs being forever to gratify their own personal pleasures. Once you MURDER somebody in cold blood you have robbed them of life because you could not control your anger. In those cases people are taking and doing things that destroy somebody else while gratifying themselves. Two adult women having consensual sex with one anohter is just not something in which one is destroying the other. They are both willing participants and have a more equal playing field of maturity etc.

So I dont see how its "unnatural" when the very definition of natural is something that is not forced and occurs of its own accord. on to #4 Nobody knows what "god intended" because nobody I know has spoken with god and until GOD tells me what his intentions were and what it is he wants I am left to use the mind he allows me to have if he is real to navigate the world and see and experience things and make my own decisions. I dont rely on "interperators of god" because they could mistranslate his message no matter how much they claim to have studied or how divine they claim there wisdom to be. So much rape and molestation occurs rom these divine "interperators of gods will".

God gave me my own mind and my mind tells me that The only one who knows gods will is god and if he wants his intentions known to me then he will tell. So until I hear it along with an explanation from god himself I am not going to let a mortal human or scrap pieces of paper called the bible tell me. A man powerful enough to create galaxies and universes and know whats inside the heart of every living human being would let me know if it was wrong and he has not and niether has the mind or the conscience he gifted me with so thats my piece on that. Next

5 I think blue is the best color in the world my brother thinks its red next

6May I see your docterate degree and scientific evidence you have not sourced by researched yourself to support that claim?

7 Once upon a time in this country men didnt like women doing anything other than cooking baking cookies and spreading there legs for them when they got horny. Lots of men used there wives as abuse dolls when they were tired from work or as punching bags and LEGALLY were allowed to do so all because they didnt like the idea of women being equals. They also said the bible sided with that behavior and that a womans role is beneath a man certainly never above. Same thing with black people and so when I see black people or women who are against gays I find them repulsive ignorant and disgusting as human beings. I had more to say but it surpassed character limit so had to cut it ill attatch it to this one as a reply because it was so long.

bopper ago

Just briefly, most professing Christians and leaders today are hypocritical and not real. They do much damage to the faith they profess. I am an armchair theologian (so there's my "doctorate degree" lol) but I study the pure reformed doctrine of the 1600's, these men were giants and walked the walk. It's interesting how you have some insight into freewill. That's a deep subject. Christians of that time believed the Bible because they were persuaded by a deep spiritual conversion and conviction, something that they could not deny, something that happened to them inwardly. True Christians are fairly rare nowadays.

And just off the top of my head I'm sure I'm much older than you so I guess sometimes I feel like I'm talking to a son (not being condescending at all ... and don't think I dislike you because I don't). Women are indeed to be "in subjection" to their husbands however it is an even greater sin for the husband not to love, cherish, and protect his wife. This "subjection" is not about superiority but simply about order, to prevent chaos in the home and in the world. People of course abuse this and lord it over their wives and abuse them. You yourself may be of the opinion that in this day and age we have "progressed," but it is actually just the opposite, and look at the mess of a wicked and degenerate and hateful world we have (as opposed, at least, to the time of the Reformers in the UK in the past). Christianity and puritanism is what made England so great, in spite of her sinful exploits and colonialism (which had its upside too).

Well I said this would be brief lol ... are you sure you don't like girls better, seriously?? Just making sure, not trying to "change" you. When did you become the way you are, what made you that way, if you care to answer, please be honest if you do answer. You do understand it is not natural to have physical sexual relations in the way that homosexual men have them don't you? Hey, women are soft and beautiful and lovely creatures (and some are ho's and worse) ... I'm ready for you to change your ways! You will not be happy later down the line if you choose to continue this "lifestyle." Best regards.

Vanscribe1 ago

Actually I will be happy for starters and I have always been that way since I was born. In fact the VERY first guy I haver dated in my life I knew since we were 5 years old we were in 1st grade with one another however there are no "romantic" feelings at that age we were just kids having fun. I had a crush on my social studies teacher when i was in 6th grade so thats what 10-11 years old. Then my friend moved away and I did not see him again until i was14-15 I ended up going to a new school he just so happened to be at. Then one day after gym we were on are way back to class catching up and he asked me if I had a girlfriend and I said no and he then asked did I have a boyfriend very casually like it was not out of the norm and I was like but i never thought about those things yet at that age. I was impressed by how casually he asked me something other treated as "taboo" or weird and NOBODY would have in 1thousand years ever thought he was gay I was even taken aback by his forwardness and out of the blueness with it at first.

So needless to say we ended up dating for 3-4 years however I have never been drawn to women or attracted to them. I do not hate them and am not repulsed by them I just am not attracted to them and it would not be "natural" for me to be with one it would be "forced" if I was to date one. Are you sure you dont like guys better seriously?? just making sure not trying to "change" you.

Straight mens ignorance has become funny to me I remember one day after practice while showering at school some guys were offended I did not have a raging boner for them or find them attractive because I was showering with them lol. I was like thats not how that works they are like well hur dur if your gay dont you get excited showering with a bunch of men and I had to explain to them that A.) it was not an errotic fantasy 4 me b.) I have to find you attractive and c>) I actually have to "want" you then I kindly let them know that there are co ed showers in college and men shower with women casually all the time people can be so immature sometimes which is why I have a hard time relating to most people.

I would not be happy trying to live a lie I never felt compelled to be like closeted gay men who force themselves to marry a woman and have kids to "quiet the rumors" or "stop people from guessing etc" those are people trapped in unhappy lives paying gay prostitutes etc for sex on the dl and having 2 lives etc thats a miserable life. I dont care what people think about me or who I am because I know EXACTLY who I am and when you KNOW who you are who people "think" you are ceases to be important to you.

You keep saying its unnatural and I have stated that my interperatation of the term naturals definition is something that is not forced or made to happen but something that occurs naturally and of its own accord.

Why should I make myself be with a woman that I dont love to appease society and put smiles on peoples faces that dont matter 2 me and are not close to me? I am not so weak that I would allow pressure to make me live in a lie. I also never felt the need to "come out of the closet" that terminology is so stupid to me im not "coming out" of anything I have always been me straight guys dont sit down and go mom dad um.... I like girls lol they just do what they want. I dont owe anybody an explanation I dont go to bed with and "coming out" implies its a big deal to me and its not other people make it a big deal but its really a very miniscule piece of who I am as is my skin color. Also I am far to attractive to have never had a girlfriend if people are that clueless that they cannot clearly tell by this point its really not my problem lol.

I will aslo state the only one I seek validation from is the divine entity that has allowed me to experience the gift of life. I dont have to abide by what the "self proclaimed interperators of his will" have to say. I am led to believe that a being powerful and divine enough to create universes and galaxies can know the inner most confines and contents of my heart without question. It is because I know that that I am not bothered by anything that I do.

Other people go crazy and get frustrated because they want to be god and tell others what they need to do they cant read my mind and they cant read my heart because they were made in the image of god if you want to get biblical with it. They were not made as replicas of god but simply in his image so they need to pump the breaks and they might be suprised to find that god is actually more dissapointed with the bastardization and misuse of his message by these self proclaimed "interperators of his message" than he is with me.

I am very much at peace with who I am even if the world and no amount of downvotes or protesters with signs saying gays will burn in hell will change that lol. The people who like doing the most condemming usually carry the greatest amount of sins and cherry pick the parts of the bible they want to understand lol best regards.

bopper ago

Haha. Doesn't sound like I'm going to change you! I'm around if you ever want to talk. Take care and all the best. You black dude you :)

Vanscribe1 ago

,,,,,mmmk take care random straight Voat guy. I would love to stay and chat but Im craving some underage little boys right now I mean you know being a homosexual and all I clearly have pedophile tendancies *eye roll (extreme sarcasm) take care random straight guy who views homosexuality as unnatural sin and the equivalent of pedophilia. Id love to stay and chat but I have innocent children I have to go rape and abuse because clearly thats a gay issue.

bopper ago

You are clearly not a pedo goofus ... and you can look back and see that I never equated homosexuals w/ pedos!

Vanscribe1 ago

mmmmhm if you say so I dont take lightly to people trying to make that comparison as it is a VERY dangerous and irresponsible thing to do. However you have been respectful and open to dialouge so if you say it was not your intent to try and make a comparison or attempt to equate the two then I will believe that. Best regrards I will definatley continue being on this site waiting for clinton the molesta brothers alefantais and thee lackies to recieve the death penalty in jail. I will also be waiting for this revelation of the deep state wich I want more evidence of etc.

bopper ago

Copy that. Nice chatting with you. See you around!

Vanscribe1 ago

Continued to my earlier responce of your inital question I left off at why I felt black people and women in this country who are anti gay are annoying hypocrytes to me.

Simply because once upon a time "IN THIS COUNTRY" they were at the bottom of the totem pole fighting for scraps and to get better treatment and to be regocnized as equals now that they have ascended the pole of discrimination and get the right to have an opinion about things beside white men they have the nerve to cast judgement on the gay community? Like wtf??? lol the total lack of self awarness in that is so beyond repugnant and apalling to me that I cannot even wrap my head around it in the slightest. I guess people forget how those before them were forced to live and take there present as a reality and ont learn from the past at all.

Now you made a point earlier that if a very valid one that lots of the time what people believe comes from perspective. Which is why I hate the very first generation of white people who enslaved black people but see every subsequent generation as victims similar to slaves. because If I were a little white boy raised in a world where I was taught black people were my property beneath me and that I owned them as proprty and that that was the natural way I would grow up and believe that to be true. I would like to think my conscience would be powerful enough to redirect that brainwashing placed in me to think something so wrong was okay but there is a chance I might not. Unless a specific life experience happened to change my course of thought chances are thats just how I would be.

You know perspective can cloud judgement and morality however I am a person of color as well as a homosexual. Being both combined in one and placed into a world where the very nature of my existence would force me to deal with constant hostilities is probably the best thing god could have ever done for me if he is real. I dont loose patience with ignorant straight people "as quickly" as others because I understand how "perspective" can cloud and dim what is right. If I was a straight person what reason would I ever have to think homosexuality was right if I was told it was wrong?

I would never have to question it because I would not have 2 live in it. Lots of people who are not gay say that it is a choice and that THEY need scientific evidence etc and all these things to prove to them its a choice. lol People who are gay do not need that proof or validation because they already know. Now to expand on what I was saying when I was very little maybe around 12 I remember I told god that I hated him and thought he was a horrible person.

I asked him why he thought it was okay to create a book that taught the world to hate me and claim to be a person of love and virtue. Lots of people who grow up gay hate themselves etc that was never my experience I always knew I was not the problem but the world was. Just like slavery those black people did nothing wrong they were just born and placed into a time that was hostile for them not because of anything they did to deserve it.

I hated the "treatment" and "obstacles" being gay presented for me but I never hated who I was. Lots of gay men assume because I dont call myself laquieda dress in drag where bootyshorts and talk in gay lingo that I am ashamed of who I am etc when really thats just not who I am. I dont want to dress up like a woman and act like a sassy princess that just seems stupid to me not Wrong if thats what you like to do but its not me.

Back to my point though If im not dealing with racial ignorance from peopple who view blacks as beneath them due to societal conditioning that was instituted long before I was born or having hostilities directed at me for being gay its one or the other. I think that Is why my level of moral conscience is so high. If I was a straight guy I think I would be a complete loser and an asshole. I would have been loved adored and treasured by the world and no hardship or discrimination would have ever presented itself to me. I would probably be firther in life and would have been able to assimilate into the world easier but I know for a fact I would not have been a better person.

I would not have been given the ability to empathize with and care so deeply for things and situations I dont relate to. The other day a disabled woman who smelled of urine and could barely form a sentance begged me for change to get something from a vending machine because she was thirsty. I gave it to her and she left and it broke my heart and I started to tear up when she left.

To live and be like that must be so painful to her people made rude comments about the way she smelled and laughed at her when she talked. I think they were able to do that because they were the type of person I probably would have been. People who can assimilate and blend easily with the world and never face pushback and discrimination. I know for a fact that if I were white or not gay that I would not have been blessed with the mind virtue and compassion I have gained from my time on this earth.

I still dont believe in the bible but if I did I would point out that jesus was the nices kindest and most caring person there was many want to live their lives in his example. As good and as kind as he was his was nailed to a steak or a cross depending on your belifefs crucified and murdered by an angry mob. So Does that mean there was something wrong with jesus because he had all those people against him?

I am grateful for not being able to easily assimilate into the world because I would be an entitled piece of shit who lacked empathy or the ability to understand the pain others feel or what drives peoples behaviors. When your loved wnd charished by the world and always told who you are is right and who everyone else is is wrong that can actually be the GREATEST disservice that one can ever recieve if they wish to expand there moral compass.

Being placed in a world that is hostile twoards your very existence and disgusted and judgemental twoards your intellectual capacity and mental fortitude just because of what your skin color is can make you so much of a better person than the opposite ever could.

I know who I am what I stand for what I believe in and what I do not. I shape my mind and my beliefs and cannot be controlled manipulated or made to believe anything somebody wants me to believe. I believe that if god is real he knows the heart and intentions of every living being on the earth and he knows mines and its because I believe he knows mines that I honestly dont give a damn what the world says. when I lay my head and take my final breath on this earth I promise you I am not concerned in the slightest with anything that I have done or standing before this divine entity deemed god if he exists and accounting for all I have done. I am very confident in my morals the mind I was blessed with and my sense of right from wrong.

If you say homosexuality is wrong more power to you I said it once and Ill say it again if I say 2 plus 2 is 4 and you say its 6 I will have to choose to respectfully disagree life is short and the only one I seek any form of validation from is the being thatt allows me the privelege of life and the right to exist on this earth. Until that person tells me I need to do something different or its wrong im very much unbothered and dont seek council or answers from self proclaimed interperators of his will. I have my own special personal relationship with the divine entity and I am okay with all that I do now with that said you enoy the rest of your evening because I know im going 2 enjoy mines.

Vanscribe1 ago

My responce was to long for voats character limit so I messaged my responce to you.

bopper ago

Thank-you I will check it out :)

RedGreenAlliance ago

so... you didn't read the links proving from numerous research papers into the subject that homosexual paedophiles out number heterosexual paedophiles by an average ratio of around 2:1

Vanscribe1 ago

lol considering gays make up a VERY minute percentage of the population i am not inclined to believe that in the slightest. There are links to research by scientist stating that black people are NATURALLY inferior to white people does that make it true? The news said hilary clinton had a 98% chance of winning the election and there were links to those claims does that mean they are true? There are links to countless news outlets stating that pizzagate has been Debunked and we know damn well that isnt true.

So if your argument is my personal experience and links = pedophila is linked to homosexuality my argument is I can put up a link that says the opposite and simply arguing mathmatics more heterosexuals exist than homosexuals most child dissaperence and rape cases I see are of a grown man abusing a LITTLE girl.

I dont link that with heterosexuality it is its own category. A man raping a little girl is not "heterosexuality" it is disgusting abusive and wrong it is "pedophilia" a Man raping a little boy is not homosexuality it is Pedophilia. same thing with a woman and to suggest that there is a link between homosexuality and pedophilia suggests to me there is a link between heterosexuality and pedophilia.

DonaldWashington ago

Elton John AIDS Foundation $5,000,001 – $10,000,000 to the clinton foundation

RedGreenAlliance ago

wouldn't you know there would be a link...

bopper ago

Rock Hudson needed things "spiced up a bit" so he told his sodomite friend to bring some young boys in.

studio24investigator ago

Except for the rare good ones like Milo.

2BuckChuck ago

I dont know how you can say that. Milo CLEARLY protected the pedophiles he "partied" with. He knows names. He knows places. Yet he is silent. That, is not the definition of a "good guy" gay or otherwise. The minute he presents the list for the authorities and OR the public, is when I will change my opinion of him. Fuck him. He's part of it. He KNOWS them.

worthlessredirection ago

Disgusting art seems to be a common theme here:

A life-sized, bright yellow, glass-bead-covered sculpture of a naked man with his head between his legs, who at first glance seems to be gamely attempting to urinate in his own mouth. No such luck: on closer examination, it turns out his penis is actually a knife and he is trying to stab himself in the throat. “And don’t forget the vaginas,” notes John’s husband, David Furnish, as he passes.

RedGreenAlliance ago

vomit... :-/

RedGreenAlliance ago

Thanks, yes the connections with the UK elites in the media, academia and epecially politics - its RIDDLED with pedophilia. I am sure the Royals are involved. I have strong suspicions of Prince Charles (besties with Savile), and we know Prince Andrew went to Epsteins Pedo Island.

sponiatowski ago

You forget all the pedophiles that go after a divorcee for access to her children. About 80% of pedophilia takes place between grown men and young girls. The rape is of innocence, and the sex of the child abused depends upon accessibility. Gay men like things big and competent. Pedophiles like things little and innocent.

GeorgeT ago

Men who molest young girls are closeted homosexuals. Men are attracted to mature females - instinctual, a woman who exhibits feminine features - FERTILE. Young girls do not exude fertility, hetero man have no interest in them.

sponiatowski ago

Men who molest young girls are closeted homosexuals.

Really? What made them closeted in the first place?

GeorgeT ago

Societies standards. They hide behind the veil of wives. In Hollywood the term used is Bearde - wife of an alleged gay man who tries to hide his homosexuality. John Travolta, Tom Cruise????

sponiatowski ago

I agree, George T. The only "uncomfortable connection" that I find here is that of the OP's homophobia to his view of child sexual abuse. Child predators have to disguise themselves as something "socially acceptable" and now they simply have more options of disguise, but the amount of pedophiles remains the same..

GeorgeT ago

Media is pushing pedophilia. Children are sexualized at ages that would have seemed beyond perverted in the 1970's.

sponiatowski ago

I am big on the term "consenting adults" but I can't believe how knowledgeable and practiced young adults actually are? There's a problem somewhere, but scaring with diseases and hellfire doesn't seem to be the answer. I agree with Trump, jobs, hard work, education and diverse interests are the answer.

5000calandadietcoke ago


sponiatowski ago

Go to Thailand.

Narcissism ago

I think you need a firmware update. Cambodia is for underage not Thailand

sponiatowski ago

I don't really want to know where the little girls are...not my bag.

RedGreenAlliance ago

I am afraid numerous studies and my own experience disagrees with your 80% men:girls statistic, in fact its 66:33 the other way - unless you can back it up with an actual source. Happy to be proven wrong

sponiatowski ago

What is it about the term "consenting adults" that eludes your grasp? If boys are more popular here in the United States than they are in Thailand, that changes nothing. It's still child sex trafficking. And if I'm not mistaken, weren't all of the men that were busted at the Super Bowl recently expecting underage girls. That doesn't make them "straight", that makes them pedophiles. They were paying for "underage". There were plenty of "adults" they could've purchased or seduced.

sleepingbeautycan ago

I think you are right. Every pedophile has a perfect type. It is not the same as being homo or hetero, it is similar to the fact that I like tall quiet funny men.

I think the only thing in your original statement that is disputed is the 80% number. I think I read that 66% of the pedophiles target girls. I read a study that pedophiles that target people in the family usually seek girls and use the same girl continuously until she ages out. And then seeks another one. Whereas ones that target boys are more in a position of power (boy scout leader, priest, hockey coach) and have many many victims for a short while. Both really really bad but different effects on the victims.

So girl victims tend to have years of agony whereas the boy victims are used and thrown away..Horrific either way.

sponiatowski ago

Thanks. I'll accept your figures on faith because that's about what I see in the recent busts. Lots of study and profiling is necessary here.

MyUSA2017 ago

This connects more dots than I was ready to digest. Thank you for the post.

nomorepepperoni ago

I've been pointing out this possibility for some time (along with making clear that gays do not equal pedo). Pedos are weaponizing political correctness (in hiding behind LGBT) to hide their nefarious deeds and watering down instances where gays are legitimately being discriminated against (unfortunately this does still happen).

Good post.

Votescam ago

Compared to the involvement of higher-up's in government and Congress, the "Elton John" problem is minor. We are talking about State Dept. officials like Hillary Clinton an military involvement, Congressmen involved in pedophilia, and we've seen it even in United Nations scandals. Kay Griggs also talks about sexual abuse in our military. And we are talking about the 2,000 year involvement of the RCC in pedophilia as Italians relate to us from day #1 of the Catholic Church. And the RCC presents a worldwide problem of pedophilia where there is much evidence of it -- including via the original institutions they ran for our own government involved in genocide vs the native American. They were not permitted to speak in their own language and forced into Western style clothing, their braids cut. These native children were kidnapped and tortured and sexually abused in every way -- and murdered. They were not permitted to speak in their own language and forced into Western style clothing, their braids cut. See: "Where White Men Fear to Tread" by Russel Means. These were the very first of the institutions used by religions to exploit and abuse native children -- and later even children of their members. There are so many scandals involving children by the RCC that it is difficult to even zero in on one: But I do think that one of the nastiest was labeling children in their care in Canada as "retarded" so that they could collect more movement from the government for caring for them -- !! and

sleepingbeautycan ago

No child abuse is minor. I think Alefantis and his ilk are using the homosexual status to hide their true selves.

GeorgeT ago

nomorepepperoni you nailed it. Few days ago, Russian priest said exactly that. That by pushing LGBT agenda, it opens gateway to all the vile perversions, hiding under the banner of equal rights.

nomorepepperoni ago

Nothing wrong with pushing for LGBT rights, but we have to keep a close eye for the pedo rats trying to infest the ship. And infest, they have. Poison the bastard pedo rats, rather than burn down the whole ship. Pardon my Trumpism, but OUT! OUT! OUT!

GeorgeT ago

I have spoken to many gay men who are against gay couples adopting children. Several haves stated that they would enter a sham marriage for the sake of the child, artificially insaminate mother and keep up the appearance of a normal couple while seeing his gay lover DISCREETLY on the side. Let's pass that into law! Gays by nature are anti life, so when they want to do anything with children it's a red flag. Elephant in the living room? It's more like Gigantosoraus in Time Square that no one is noticing. Will some well meaning good hearted gay folk suffer - yes, but that is how it is. We have to protect the majority at the expense of the minority! Not the other way around.

Votescam ago

There's no slippery slope here -- only uninformed people think that when a male coach sexually abuses a young male jock that it's because he's a homosexual. In reality, pedophilia is about AGE, not gender -- !!

Read something about pedophilia -- and understand that it is heterosexual males who sexually abuse our children, not homosexuals.

GeorgeT ago

Heterosexual male has absolutely no interest in other males - sexually. I can look at poster of Arnold Shwarzenegger in his prime and admire his physique for hours that is purely esthetic in nature. Sexuly hetero men respond to female cyrves, feminine features. It is different for women. 32% of straight women browse through lesbian porn, 0% of men do the same - that's right 0%. The famous Chiver's report sheda light on this conplicated issue. All those 'heterosexual' pedophiles are not heterosexuals. I grew up around Alpha Males and all they ever talk about was Melania Trump like babes - it's nature. Homosexual men are mentally ill, and by adopting kids they spread mental disease. I live in Sydney, gay capital of the world and I can tell you, no way are they fit to raise kids. Did you know that average gay man is 12 times oversexed than the randiest hetero teenage guy. They are sex maniacs, their hypothalmus is 4 times larger than that of an average male, and it is unregulated. Homosexuality was decreed a crime in many cultures because of pedophilia.

Melitica ago

Not exactly. Pedophiles are highly gender specific. A pedophile who goes after young girls will almost never molest a boy and vice versa. There are very few cases of a pedophile who does not have a distinct gender preference.

Votescam ago

Yes -- they prefer boys or girls, but that doesn't make them homosexual nor bi-sexual.

Typologies of Offenders The distinction between a victim's gender and a perpetrator's sexual orientation is important because many child molesters don't really have an adult sexual orientation. They have never developed the capacity for mature sexual relationships with other adults, either men or women. Instead, their sexual attractions focus on children – boys, girls, or children of both sexes. >

By contrast, other molesters are described as regressed. Regression is "a temporary or permanent appearance of primitive behavior after more mature forms of expression had been attained, regardless of whether the immature behavior was actually manifested earlier> in the individual's development" (Groth & Birnbaum, 1978, p. 177). Regressed offenders have developed an adult sexual orientation but under certain conditions (such as extreme stress) they return to an earlier, less mature psychological state and engage in sexual contact with children.>

For the present discussion, the important point is that many child molesters cannot be meaningfully described as homosexuals, heterosexuals, or bisexuals (in the usual sense of those terms) because they are not really capable of a relationship with an adult man or woman. Instead of gender, their sexual attractions are based primarily on age. These individuals – who are often characterized as fixated – are attracted to children, not to men or women. >

Also --

Other Approaches Other researchers have taken different approaches, but have similarly failed to find a connection between homosexuality and child molestation. Dr. Carole Jenny and her colleagues reviewed 352 medical charts, representing all of the sexually abused children seen in the emergency room or child abuse clinic of a Denver children's hospital during a one-year period (from July 1, 1991 to June 30, 1992). The molester was a gay or lesbian adult in fewer than 1% of cases in which an adult molester could be identified – only 2 of the 269 cases (Jenny et al., 1994).>

Melitica ago

Dangerously stated. You are essentially making the case for pedophilia as a "sexual orientation", these are the same arguments.

Clearly an abnormality and some pedophiles don't have a gender preference, most do.

Two separate studies showed female-only preference 58%, male-only preference 14 to 25%, and bisexual/no preference 16 to 28%.

Paedophilia:Some Questions and Answers - Pedophiles can be of either sex or any sexual orientation, i.e., homosexual, heterosexual or bisexual. * Paedophilia:Some Questions and Answers, London: Paedophilic Informational Exchange, 1978

"This division has been accepted by pedophiles themselves" * FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin 53 January 1984

Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy - study on the prevalence of heterosexual and homosexual pedophilia, indicates adjusted percentage of homosexual pedophiles is 34% or 10 times that of homosexual population. * Kurt Freund, Pedophilia and Heterosexuality vs. Homosexuality, Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy 1984 Freund, K, and Watson, R. J., The Proportions of Heterosexual and Homosexual Paedophiles among Sex Offenders against Children: an Exploratory Study, Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy 1992

Psychiatric Journal of the University of Ottawa - The findings of previous studies report that pedophiles can be divided into heterosexual and homosexual pedophiles according to their erotic preference....classified homosexual pedophilia into three types: the socially inadequate homosexual pedophile, the intrusive homosexual pedophile, and the undifferentiated homosexual pedophile.

Researchers have variously estimated the incidence of homosexual pedophilia between 19 percent and 33 percent of reported. * John M. W. Bradford, The Heterogeneity/Homogeneity of Pedophilia, Psychiatric Journal of the University of Ottawa 1988

Behavior Research and Therapy - The second, and perhaps the most important observation we made, is that a homosexual an a heterosexual subgroup can be delineated among these offenders. * W. L. Marshall, Sexual Offenders against Male Children: Sexual Preferences, Behavior Research and Therapy 1991

Archives of Sexual Behavior - A study of 229 convicted child molesters found eighty-six percent of offenders against males described themselves as homosexual or bisexual. * W. D. Erickson, Behavior Patterns of Child Molesters, Archives of Sexual Behavior

Votescam ago

Mel -- Nonsense. What I am speaking against here is any notion that pedophiles who prefer males are homosexual. And, once again, if you haven't seen me post this -- our sexual abusers of children are male --- and they are heterosexual males. Heterosexual males are 100X more like to sexually abuse a child than a homosexual male.

"Focus on the Facts" -- Sean Cahill, PH.D

A 1998 Study in the Journal of the American Medical Association found that 90% of pedophiles are men, and 95% of these individuals are heterosexual.

Research has indicated that gay men and lesbians are less likely than heterosexual to sexually abuse children.

Perhaps the most egregious and damaging claim promulgated by anti-gay groups is the claim that homosexuality is intrinsically linked to pedophilia and child sexual abuse. The social science research on sexual orientation and child sexual abuse clearly disproves the claim that homosexuals are more likely to molest children.

A 1998 study in the Journal of the American Medical Association found that 90% of pedophiles are men, and 95% of these individuals are heterosexual. One researcher explained this statistic by noting, "Gay men desire consensual sexual relations with other adult men. Pedophiles are usually adult men who are sexually attracted to pre-pubescent children. They are rarely sexually attracted to other adults. In fact, research has indicated that gay men and lesbians are LESS likely than heterosexuals to sexually abuse children. Two studies that examined the sexual orientation of convicted child molesters found that less than 1% in one study and 0% in the other were lesbian or gay. One psychologist reviewed the existing social science literature on the relationship between sexuality and child sexual abuse and found that "a gay man is no more likely than a straight man to perpetrate sexual activity with children." Further, "cases of perpetration of sexual behavior with a pre-pubescent child by an adult lesbian are virtually nonexistent."

Gay rights activists, like all advocates for children's welfare, oppose child sexual abuse and support equitable age of consent laws that help prevent and punish such abuse.

At least 110,000 children are waiting to be adopted in the US. Approximately 588,00 children are currently in foster care. Barring gay men and lesbians from adopting or foster parenting decreases the number of potential suitable homes for children in need.

Children who remain in foster care for much of their childhood, as do tens of thousands of American children, are more likely to have emotional problems. Some children in foster care live in 20 or more homes by the time they reach the age of 18. Barring gay men and lesbians from adopting or foster parenting is not simply unjust and unethical; it also decreases the number of potential suitable homes for children in need.

Research shows that children raised by gay and lesbian parents are not disadvantaged vis-a-vis their peers raised by heterosexual parents.

Footnote 65 -- p.123

A review of 352 medical records of children evaluated for sexual abuse during a 12-month period at a Denver children's hospital found that less than 1% had been abused by a gay man or a lesbian. Of 269 adult perpetrators of child abuse identified among the 352 cases of abuse, only two were gay or lesbian. The vast majority of the children in the study (82%) "were suspected of being abused by a man or a woman who was, or had been, in a heterosexual relationship with a relative of the child." And the review concluded that in this sample, " a child's risk of being molested by his or her relative's heterosexual partner is over 100X greater [than the risk of being molested] by someone who might be identifiable as being homosexual, lesbian, or bisexual."

Jenny, C., and Roesler, T.A. (1994)

Are children at risk for sexual abuse by homosexuals? Pediatrics. 94(1).p.44.

In an earlier study of convicted male child molesters in Massachusetts, none of the 175 men were found to have an exclusively homosexual adult sexual orientation or to be primarily attracted to other adult men.

Groth, A.N., and Birnbaum, H.J. (1978).

Adult sexual orientation and attraction to underage persons.

Archives of Sexual Behavior.7(3).pp.175-181.

Also : The right-wing "Family Research Council" notes/confirms findings that "almost all child sexual abuse is committed by men.">

What pedophiles are trying to push is that pedophilia is a sexual orientation similar to heterosexuality, bi-sexuality and homosexuality. Since there is a victim involved with pedophilia (child molestation) it is criminal activity and not a sexual orientation. Assaulting and molesting children is a crime with real victims. And, even worse, what the world is dealing with in pedo-gate is that these child molesters also very often murder children and practice Satanic Rituals/Torture on them.

What you seem to be misunderstanding and confusing is that sexual orientation is not the same as gender preference in pedophiles. Pedophilia is not about gender of the perpetrator nor the victim, it's about the age of the victim.

The studies and research I've read argues against this conclusion ....

Behavior Research and Therapy - The second, and perhaps the most important observation we made, is that a homosexual an a heterosexual subgroup can be delineated among these offenders.>

That would be trying to judge the sexual orientation of the criminal according to the gender of the victim. That's inane. And I think we all understand that.

We also know that our sexual abusers of children are MALES -- even right wing women's groups agree with that.

What you're reciting is based in myths of homosexual behavior which is largely the work of the RCC.

Quite to the contrary, homosexuals seek adult relationships with other homosexual males.

From time to time women are involved in sexual abuse of children. However, that usually occurs when the female comes under the influence of a heterosexual male. Nuns give us a good example of that kind of behavior, though 40% of nuns themselves have been abused by Catholic priests. Some in violent attacks.

sleepingbeautycan ago

I don't think so. I think it happens in both communities. Just as some are bisexual, I think some are both pedos and hetero/homos. And some are turned on by anything, men women, children, animals, stuffed animals etc...

Votescam ago

Please see post above ^ ^ ^ and/or this link

and note --

Public belief in the stereotype The number of Americans who believe the myth that gay people are child molesters has declined substantially. In a 1970 national survey, more than 70% of respondents agreed with the assertions that "Homosexuals are dangerous as teachers or youth leaders because they try to get sexually involved with children" or that "Homosexuals try to play sexually with children if they cannot get an adult partner."1 By contrast, in a 1999 national poll, the belief that most gay men are likely to molest or abuse children was endorsed by only 19% of heterosexual men and 10% of heterosexual women. Even fewer – 9% of men and 6% of women – regarded most lesbians as child molesters.

Consistent with these findings, Gallup polls have found that an increasing number of Americans would allow gay people to be elementary school teachers. For example, the proportion was 54% in 2005, compared to 27% in 1977.

Again the Catholic Church has done as much as they can to confuse their members as to who is actually molesting children in the RCC. And it is males -- heterosexual males.

sleepingbeautycan ago

I found this one which seems quite opposite.

It is hard to get a correct read on the situation given that no one wants to participate in a pedo study.

bopper ago

uh, yes ... slippery

druhill007 ago

Even larger problem is shadow elite are weaponizing globalization and shit like empathy. tilts me too the moon and back

Orangutan ago

Weaponizing empathy? First I've heard of that, can you expound on that a bit?

druhill007 ago

ah okay so mainly theory based on feeling I get when I see my friends who are really amazing people get swayed and coerced by media. really evident on twitter. The stories they choose to exemplify and how they are presented are meant to activate the base empathetic emotions within people. So for example, when the ban was playing out, how they would target in on...a little kid who was having his bday the same day he was detained and then video of him and his mom and him(or maybe her) finally being released to a cheering crowd. These emotions poeple feel are correct in my opinion... you should as a human look at a situation of an individual being wronged and react accordingly, it's a beatiful thing.... but its the way the emotion is activated day after day and formed into the foundation of the 'resistance'

kestrel9 ago

Great explanation of how inciting a purposely misdirected empathy, through a controlled narrative, is used to pursue a hidden political subtext: Propaganda 101.

fartyshorts ago

Political correctness has always been about exploitation, suppression and censorship. :/

Votescam ago

That's not true -- political correctness is about allowing young women to be on college campuses, for instance, without being sexually harassed. Also allowing Negros to exist on campus without having to see a statue of a negro with a rope around its neck. And same for Homosexuals who continue to be harassed in their schools, from grammar school on upward and it still hasn't stopped.

PC is about stopping HATE speech.

GeorgeT ago

PC is about indoctrinating kids into cultural Marxism.

kestrel9 ago

And it's very effective at doing so.

Votescam ago

The rules and regulations covering HATE speech are about lifting oppression of females and AA's and gays by the system of patriarchy. That doesn't mean that every male is a patriarch -- it does mean however that the system of Elite patriarchy is often supported by ordinary males who don't always understand the harm it does to their own lives.

Re-read the Constitution and you will see that our Founders -- while proclaiming "All are equal" -- actually created an Elite Patriarchy, endowed them with land grants, gave them immense influence and control over our people's government and the nation's wealth and natural resources.

GeorgeT ago

I bought a book recently by Kenneth Royce - Hologram of Liberty. It sheds light on the true nature of the document and its sociopath founding fathers. People have been living a lie - independence was never won. 1776 is the exact date that coincides with founding of the Illuminaty Order by Adam Weshaupt ( Rotchild agent) with aim to infiltrate major secret socities and hijack governments.

Votescam ago

Children are regularly lied to about the Constitution in their classrooms -- and the Bill of Rights has been under constant attack. "The pursuit of happiness" should be the standard. And, true, as long as capitalism was the game being played we never did free ourselves from corporations/elites. I think at this point, those trying to draw our attention to the secret societies have gotten thru to the public and no one is dismissing those societies any longer as not conspiratorial in nature. But, remember that JFK was also trying to alert the public to those same secret societies before he was assassinated.

GeorgeT ago

George Bush & John Kerry admitted to being part of the Skull & Bones right on national tv.

Votescam ago

Until the last decades -- perhaps we should call it the internet era/? -- I don't think most people really understood the truth of these
secret societies -- though John Kennedy tried to tell me the dangers of "secrecy" and secret societies in at least one of his speeches. Remember this was all put down to "conspiracy theory" at one point, though if you want to study conspiracies all you have to do is begin looking up CIA Operations and Programs run over the last 70 years. In fact, they were running Operation Mockingbird two years before the end of WWII. And, as well, German higher ups in the military were visiting our Pentagon and making deals at the same time. Mockingbird is paired with Operation Paperclip/200,000 ex Nazis according to Kay Griggs/YouTube and with Operation Gladio where the US actually resurrected the Italian MAFIA in order to run the program. MKULTRA, of course, is another horror and Operation Monarch records were destroyed by Dir. Richard Helms before he retired. Who even knows how many CIA programs/operations there are -- thousands?

Jim Marrs also did a lot to wake up people in his books, as well as others Today, we are seeing the selling of war to the public via camouflage print on clothing/pocketbooks, etal -- even children's clothing --
making them look like supporters though 84% and more of Americans are against all of these wars.

At Christmas time, I happened to be looking at children's cloth to pick up something for my niece who's about 7 -- they were offering holiday black velvet tops with the skull and bones burned into it.

Certainly our CIA/Corporate press never alerted the public to these societies -- especially the Bilderbergers.

I'm not sure if even now the public knows the whole truth behind Skull&Bones and their actual activities. Or the fact that they are pledged to move their fellow members into positions of power whenever and wherever they can. Over 125 years, that accounts for a great number of S&B members in high positions in the US.

TheSeer ago

When the Church used to shut people up, keep them from expressing their opinion and shaming them for it, they made it ILLEGAL to disagree with them. This was called BLASPHEMY, and in severe cases, HERESY, make those guilty HERETICS. Interesting that gays use this tactic against them for hundreds of years against others now! *


Medieval heresy = modern political incorrectness *


heretic = sexist


blasphemer = racist/homophobe

Votescam ago

Actually they also killed people as "heretics" -- but it is true that in Italy it was illegal to laugh at a priest on the streets.

Gays -- like females -- and African Americans and people of color were being intimidated by HATE speech. That's what it's about. "PC" is right wing propaganda to cause disrespect for those rules and regulations and it works in kind of a "knee jerk" way when someone doesn't think about the propaganda being thrown at them.

Behind much of these "PC" claims it is also clear that there remains a great deal of discomfort and homophobia in regard to gays being let out of the closet. Much of it goes back to religious teachings. Organized patriarchal religion had a long list of enemies -- Women, Homosexuals, Jews, Africans, Native peoples.

They are male supremacists who are mainly for themselves.

TheSeer ago

And gays and feminists have a long list of enemies too, men, heterosexual, believe in God, white.

Votescam ago

True -- as I mentioned in my post.

To overturn Elite patriarchy, we first have to overturn organized patriarchal religions -- People are leaving these male-supremacist religions in droves and that's been going on for 30-40 years or more now. Islam continues to grow because they are basically "outbreeding" other religions and in some areas they retain control by violence and intimidation.

TheSeer ago

Wahhabism and Zionism are spreading. Not as fast as they were before Russia & Syria got involved, though. They both spread because their spread is being financed. You want to stop the Elite, you go after the money men, not the 'elite patriarchal religions'.

It is literally equivalent to treating the symptoms, instead of the causes.

Votescam ago

What's Wahhabism?

For more than two centuries, Wahhabism has been Saudi Arabia's dominant faith. It is an austere form of Islam that insists on a literal interpretation of the Koran. Strict Wahhabis believe that all those who don't practice their form of Islam are heathens and enemies. Critics say that Wahhabism's rigidity has led it to misinterpret and distort Islam, pointing to extremists such as Osama bin Laden and the Taliban. Wahhabism's explosive growth began in the 1970s when Saudi charities started funding Wahhabi schools (madrassas) and mosques from Islamabad to Culver City, California. Here are excerpts from FRONTLINE's interviews with Mai Yamani, an anthropologist who studies Saudi society; Vali Nasr, an authority on Islamic fundamentalism; Maher Hathout, spokesperson for the Islamic Center of Southern California; and Ahmed Ali, a Shi'a Muslim from Saudi Arabia. (Also see the Links and Readings section of this site for more analyses of Wahhabism and Saudi Arabia.)>

BUT....What is Wahhabism except pedophilia? (Child Molestation);_ylt=A0LEVx6c_bhYDrcA_CBXNyoA;_ylu=X3oDMTE0Ym51c29iBGNvbG8DYmYxBHBvcwMxBHZ0aWQDQjMwNjBfMQRzZWMDcGl2cw--?p=Saudi+Arabia+and+child+brides&fr2=piv-web&fr=yfp-t

A lot of Saudi Arabian money in our banks which worries a lot of people should it be suddenly withdrawn.

Zionism, I thought, was more of a political movement -- i.e., Israel statehood. Where they want to go after that, I have no idea. Don't know if they push the concept of Israel as a Church state or if it is others who do that. Also excluding African Jews?

Keep in mind that the **US government created the Taliban and Al Qaeda **-- actually Al Qaeda was an ancient cult which had petered out and which was picked up by the Nazis and after WWII they turned over it over to our CIA. US/CIA put US soldiers into Afghanistan 6 months before the Russians entered .... "in order to bait the Russians into Afghanistan ... in hopes of giving them a Vietnam-type experience."

Also, US has to create "terrorism" in order to hold control over the American public -- and RELIGION is one of the most often used tools in the Elite toolbox. Whether Christianity or Islam, it is fostered by government/intelligence agencies and politicians and has been used to conquer nations. This stolen land we occupy, for instance -- certainly Hawaii and many other nations. Kind of like the Drug War is being used today to infiltrate other nations.

This will give you some idea of what I'm talking about ... if you recall watching TV reports over and over and over again of young children in Afghanistan reciting very violent passages from textbooks. Well -- those textbooks were created by the US and shipped into the ME.

Same with ISIS -- it's creation by US/CIA. Take your pick of any of these articles ....;_ylc=X3oDMTFiN25laTRvBF9TAzIwMjM1MzgwNzUEaXRjAzEEc2VjA3NyY2hfcWEEc2xrA3NyY2h3ZWI-?p=US%2FCIA+created+ISIS&fr=yfp-t&fp=1&toggle=1&cop=mss&ei=UTF-8

Secret Pentagon Report Reveals US "Created" ISIS As A "Tool" To Overthrow Syria's President Assad

Here's are the stories on the creation of Taliban/AlQaeda -- and the Afghan Jihad Schoolbook Scandal --

**The CIA's Intervention in Afghanistan Interview with Zbigniew Brzezinski, President Jimmy Carter's National Security Adviser **> Le Nouvel Observateur, Paris, 15-21 January 1998

Question: The former director of the CIA, Robert Gates, stated in his memoirs <"From the Shadows">, that American intelligence services began to aid the Mujahadeen in Afghanistan 6 months before the Soviet intervention. In this period you were the national security adviser to President Carter. You therefore played a role in this affair. Is that correct?

Brzezinski: Yes. According to the official version of history, CIA aid to the Mujahadeen began during 1980, that is to say, after the Soviet army invaded Afghanistan, 24 Dec 1979. But the reality, secretly guarded until now, is completely otherwise Indeed, it was July 3, 1979 that President Carter signed the first directive for secret aid to the opponents of the pro-Soviet regime in Kabul. And that very day, I wrote a note to the president in which I explained to him that in my opinion this aid was going to induce a Soviet military intervention.

Q: Despite this risk, you were an advocate of this covert action. But perhaps you yourself desired this Soviet entry into war and looked to provoke it?

B: It isn't quite that. We didn't push the Russians to intervene, but we knowingly increased the probability that they would.

Q: When the Soviets justified their intervention by asserting that they intended to fight against a secret involvement of the United States in Afghanistan, people didn't believe them. However, there was a basis of truth. You don't regret anything today?

Q: Regret what? That secret operation was an excellent idea. It had the effect of drawing the Russians into the Afghan trap and you want me to regret it? The day that the Soviets officially crossed the border, I wrote to President Carter. We now have the opportunity of giving to the USSR its Vietnam war. Indeed, for almost 10 years, Moscow had to carry on a war unsupportable by the government, a conflict that brought about the demoralization and finally the breakup of the Soviet empire.

Q: And neither do you regret having supported the Islamic fundamentalism, having given arms and advice to future terrorists?

Q: What is most important to the history of the world? The Taliban or the collapse of the Soviet empire? Some stirred-up Moslems or the liberation of Central Europe and the end of the cold war? >

AND --** The Afghan Jihad Schoolbooks created by US/CIA**

The US spent $100's of millions shooting down Soviet helicopters yet didn't spend a penny helping Afghanis rebuild their infrastructure and institutions.

They also spent millions producing jihad preaching, fundamentalist textbooks and shipping them off to Afghanistan. These were the same text books the Western media discussed in shocked tones and told their audiences were used by fundamentalist teachers to brainwash their charges and to inculcate in young Afghanis a jihad mindset, hatred of foreigners and non-Muslims etc.

Have you heard about the Afghan Jihad schoolbook scandal?

Or perhaps I should say, "Have you heard about the Afghan Jihad schoolbook scandal that's waiting to happen?"

Because it has been almost unreported in the Western media that the US government shipped, and continues to ship, millions of Islamist textbooks into Afghanistan.

Only one English-speaking newspaper we could find has investigated this issue: the Washington Post. The story appeared March 23rd.

Washington Post investigators report that during the past twenty years the US has spent millions of dollars producing fanatical schoolbooks, which were then distributed in Afghanistan.

"The primers, which were filled with talk of jihad and featured drawings of guns, bullets, soldiers and mines, have served since then as the Afghan school system's core curriculum. Even the Taliban used the American-produced books..." -- Washington Post, 23 March 2002 (1)

According to the Post the U.S. is now "...wrestling with the unintended consequences of its successful strategy of stirring Islamic fervor to fight communism."

So the books made up the core curriculum in Afghan schools. And what were the unintended consequences? The Post reports that according to unnamed officials the schoolbooks "steeped a generation in violence."

How could this result have been unintended? Did they expect that giving fundamentalist schoolbooks to schoolchildren would make them moderate Muslims?

Nobody with normal intelligence could expect to distribute millions of violent Islamist schoolbooks without influencing school children towards violent Islamism. Therefore one would assume that the unnamed US officials who, we are told, are distressed at these "unintended consequences" must previously have been unaware of the Islamist content of the schoolbooks.

But surely someone was aware. The US government can't write, edit, print and ship millions of violent, Muslim fundamentalist primers into Afghanistan without high officials in the US government approving those primers. >

Re your comment: >You want to stop the Elite, you go after the money men, not the 'elite patriarchal religions'.

It is literally equivalent to treating the symptoms, instead of the causes.>

I'd go after anything that we can -- but keep in mind that the $$ require our cooperation with capitalism -- and the American public is walking away from capitalism. And they might just find the ways to do that.

How much is the Vatican worth??? Couple of Trillion? Maybe more? There are estimates in the tens of billions, but I don't think that includes their secret dealings with the Mafia -- money laundering/banking, etal.

Organized patriarchal religion underpins patriarchy -- no one can declare themselves "superior" -- you need a "god" to do that for you. "Manifest Destiny" and "Man's Dominion Over Nature" were also part of the gifts they bestowed on patriarchy -- i.e., the right to exploit nature, natural resources, animal-life -- and even other human beings according to various myths of inferiority.

TheSeer ago

You are still just scratching the surface. What do the Vatican and Wahhabism have in common? Well, the Vatican is being run by the Jesuits at the moment, and the Jesuits were... Founded by a crypto-Jew, known as Ignatius Loyola! And Wahhabism is financed by the House of Saud, crypto-Jews!

I leave it to you to piece together where the Wall St/City of London banks and Zionism fit into this picture.

Votescam ago

More likely Vatican is being run by the CIA and the Mafia.

But again -- Wahhabism -- like Saudi Arabi -- is primarily based in pedophilia as the main means of sexual expression among males. "Men for fun, women for procreation."

As I've said before, there are a few people in every nation who will do violence to get what they want. There is no preponderance of "Jews" working to control finance, other than as they are coupled with the Rockefellers and other non-Jews. Among those non-Jews, they are a lesser number.

I'll see if I can find Mae Brussels' article commenting on this for you. It's been a while since I've read it.

TheSeer ago

So we have a Jesuit pope for the first time in history and you want to tell me the Vatican is run by the CIA and 'mafia'. LOL. It seems to me you have a very specific way that you want to direct people's attention. Away from (((this))), towards this.

Who runs the CIA? Not financiers and bankers, according to you (why does the Vatican have SWISS guards, Switzerland being a banking center, coincidentally)? Let me guess, you think the CIA works for the Director of Central Intelligence?

All these secret societies are essentially mafias. All these intelligence agencies are built on secret society models, with compartmentalization of information, the whole works.

Part of, you know, NOT being a shill is to take in new information when exposed to it. You seem to struggle with that.

Votescam ago

In response to your "Preponderance of 'Jews' working to control finance" ...

Mae Brussel

(A little more than half way down at the link -- )

M.B.: The Bildebergers, CIA, CFR establishment ruling class is basically Anglo-Saxon White Racist. There are a few Jewish showpieces allowed on the fringe for entertainment or media coverage. Racism in the USA is everywhere, in every prison, police department, and so-called peacemaking organizations. The Control of Candy Jones by Donald Bain tells how a New York model was taken by the CIA, injected with sodium pentathol, and hypnotized. Candy was then taught to hate Blacks, Jews, and Italians. Why? Why were our tax dollars (I keep repeating this because it makes me furious that we are funding these crimes) used to further hatred? How many more Candy Joneses were taught to hate? Candy joined the CIA to deliver messages and ended up with two personalities inside her head. There is no pro-minority attitude on the part of the Establishment. That is so foolish that I wonder what kind of vacuum you are coming from. Blacks, Mexicans, Jews, and Indians are not part of the mainstream of white USA. They are on the lowest fringe. A few Jews such as the Rothschilds, Warburgs, and Schiffs are always the token names for a gentile society. They do not represent assimilation or a symbol of Jew-Christian solidarity. Henry Kissinger is a different story. Kissinger was developed by the U.S. Army Intelligence following World War II. Kissinger worked in counter-intelligence. Many Christian agents were assuming names of Jews killed in the concentration camps. How is it possible that Jewish Henry Kissinger became the darling protégé of the Rockefeller, Exxon, Standard Oil? Kissinger has been photographed kissing Anwar Sadat in Egypt. Sadat has been described as part of Hitler's Nazi brotherhood. Would oil magnates, with their anti-Semitic clubs and multimillion investments, allow Jew-Kissinger to make deals and contracts with oil giants in the Middle-East? Why does the Shah of Iran, a Moslem, work with Kissinger so well? Kissinger put Nazis into power in Greece, Brazil, Chile. They love him. When Hitler's $400,000,000 cash went into Argentina, did they know that Kissinger would be heading our State Department and National Security Council? No Jew would be allowed to be in charge of the Pentagon, National Security of the United States. The CIA is a racist organization. All of this is impossible!!! Kissinger's Jewish cover conceals the Rockefeller and Wall Street bankers who are directing him. >

A lot more of interest at the link.

And -- CIA/Gestapo has full use of US government and it's wealth, full control of US media. We've also had a Polish Pope who was obviously CIA. And CIA has always been interested in Vatican intelligence network. Keep in mind also that John Stockwell (former CIA) calls the CIA, "Catholics in Action."

In exchange a provision of the concordat insured that the Reich Treasury transferred into church accounts the income taxes of German Catholics, amounting to about $1 billion from the beginning to the end of the Third Reich (equivalent to about 10 billion in current dollars)[1]. The tax income and contribution made at the time included money stolen from Jews by German Catholics, the Holy See has made no attempt to use the revenues it gained from Hitler’s Reich to compensate the victims.>

None of that is intended to suggest that the Vatican is in any way innocent of anything.
Are Catholic elites practicing Black Mass Child Sacrifice?

“I saw the former Catholic Pope Joseph Ratzinger murder a little girl″ stated a survivor of Black Mass rites to Kevin Annett of the International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State. “It was at a French chateau in the fall of 1987. It was ugly, horrible and didn’t happen just once. Ratzinger, (Dutch Catholic Cardinal) Alfrink and (Bilderberger founder) Prince Bernhard were some of the more prominent men who took part.”

There has been great reluctance to damage the reputation of the Holy See by reporting the abuse of children. Under a 1980s Vatican decree still in effect called the Crimean Solicitations, Catholics faced excommunication and even jail time if they reported abuse.

Yet, alleged Black Mass practices by Catholic elites appeared to endanger children. As of 2014 there were an estimated 9.9 million Catholic Priest sexual abuse victims across the globe. Additionally, 139 respondents to the 2007 Extreme Abuse Surveys said they were abused as children by at least one Catholic priest in connection with satanic rituals. According to survivors, Satanic Ritual Abuse and the Black Mass typically involved the murder of children.

Citizens create economies which are then manipulated by banks and financial institutions for the benefit of elites. True, Dulles worked with Nazis from Switzerland often - and it was the Swiss who suggested that passports of Jews bear a "J" which made them identifiable. Jews under threat in Germany sent their savings to Switzerland, much of which was never recovered and which made that small -- very small nation -- very, very wealthy. Even more Jewish savings went to the United States banks and very little if any of it was ever recovered by the rightful owners.

Clearly, these kind of attempts at insults don't benefit your arguments/debate -- i.e., grow up.

It seems to me you have a very specific way that you want to direct people's attention. Away from (((this))), towards this Part of, you know, NOT being a shill is to take in new information when exposed to it. You seem to struggle with that.>

The secret societities -- (125 years of Skull & Bones) -- set a pattern of elites working together and moving one's fellow Skull & Bonesman into important political and government positions of power as often as possible.

Capitalism is an evil -- Unregulated capitalism is merely organized crime.

TheSeer ago

I wonder what Mae Brussel would say if she saw the composition of the Supreme Court, ownership of mainstream media, and control of the Federal Reserve today... The Skull & Bones are EASILY linked to the Bavarian Illuminati, which in turn are easily linked to the Jesuits, which in turn are easily linked to Crypto-Jews (they pretend to be Christian, so no reason they can't also be pretending to be Jewish, now is there?). If Mae Brussel were around to use the internet I am sure I could show her around a bit.

Votescam ago

Seer --

I'm sure Mae Brussel wouldn't be surprised at any of it. She was quite a visionary. Keep in mind that they had foisted a Central Bank on the US twice before this one and both times they were overturned. It has been by secrecy and lack of public knowledge that this Federal Reseerve Bank prevails, imo.

Interesting that the pattern of Skull & Bons can be linked to Bavarian Illumanati/Jesuits.
Remember that other colleges besides Yale have these secret societies comparable to Skull & Bones -- I think Princeton's is "Cap and Gown."

No one is ignoring anyone's involvement in this global fiasco, but we have been brought here by a war on Nature by male-supremacists, a war on women by male-supremacists, a war on people of color by male-supremacists and a war on homosexuals by male-supremacists. Organized patriarchal religions' war included a war on Jews as well as Africans.

And for more than 30 years now, there have been rumors of a RCC covert war on Muslims. Our government/CIA has murdered a minimum of 1 million Muslims. And, US/CIA worked to introduce violent Islamic writings and beliefs into the ME, beginning with Afghanistan. Many Americans saw on their TV's over and again children in Afghanistan reading these very violent messages from books provided by US/CIA -- composed, printed, shipped and supplied by US/CIA. LINK:

The US spent $100's of millions shooting down Soviet helicopters yet didn't spend a penny helping Afghanis rebuild their infrastructure and institutions.

They also spent millions producing jihad preaching, fundamentalist textbooks and shipping them off to Afghanistan. These were the same text books the Western media discussed in shocked tones and told their audiences were used by fundamentalist teachers to brainwash their charges and to inculcate in young Afghanis a jihad mindset, hatred of foreigners and non-Muslims etc.

Have you heard about the Afghan Jihad schoolbook scandal?

Or perhaps I should say, "Have you heard about the Afghan Jihad schoolbook scandal that's waiting to happen?"

Because it has been almost unreported in the Western media that the US government shipped, and continues to ship, millions of Islamist textbooks into Afghanistan.

Only one English-speaking newspaper we could find has investigated this issue: the Washington Post. The story appeared March 23rd.

Washington Post investigators report that during the past twenty years the US has spent millions of dollars producing fanatical schoolbooks, which were then distributed in Afghanistan.

"The primers, which were filled with talk of jihad and featured drawings of guns, bullets, soldiers and mines, have served since then as the Afghan school system's core curriculum. Even the Taliban used the American-produced books..." -- Washington Post, 23 March 2002 (1)

According to the Post the U.S. is now "...wrestling with the unintended consequences of its successful strategy of stirring Islamic fervor to fight communism."

So the books made up the core curriculum in Afghan schools. And what were the unintended consequences? The Post reports that according to unnamed officials the schoolbooks "steeped a generation in violence."

How could this result have been unintended? Did they expect that giving fundamentalist schoolbooks to schoolchildren would make them moderate Muslims?

Nobody with normal intelligence could expect to distribute millions of violent Islamist schoolbooks without influencing school children towards violent Islamism. Therefore one would assume that the unnamed US officials who, we are told, are distressed at these "unintended consequences" must previously have been unaware of the Islamist content of the schoolbooks.

But surely someone was aware. The US government can't write, edit, print and ship millions of violent, Muslim fundamentalist primers into Afghanistan without high officials in the US government approving those primers.>

Many authors of new writings today have relied on Mae Brussel's original research and investigations.

TheSeer ago

You are just falling for the Divide and Conquer strategy the elite have set out for the plebs. Its sad you refuse to look at the root cause, instead of the symptoms. Tell me how will we defeat the Elites by pitting men against women, black against whites and latinos, religious vs non-religious?

Votescam ago

Proud to be a commoner -- Would be ashamed to be "Elite."

First Divide & Conquer was one half of humanity oppressing the other half -- i.e., male violence vs women.

Second Divide & Conquer was Civil War guaranteed by our Founders compact with Slave owners which divided the nation's citizens by North and South.

Tell me how will we defeat the Elites by pitting men against women, black against whites and latinos, religious vs non-religious?

You don't which is what I am saying to you about this sickness of prejudices and hatreds along gender lines, racial lines, religious lines.

If you want to defeat Elites, you have to stop cooperating with capitalism.

TheSeer ago

You have a searing hatred, millimetres below the surface, for white heterosexual Christian males, and you are telling me about the 'sickness of prejudices and hatreds along gender, racial, religious lines'. I am not sure you understand the extent to which you have been caught up in the very thing you decry.

What about ALL the times that 'male violence', you know, against other males, actually kept women safe? Like every war in history? Pretty grotesque to ignore the sacrifices, literally, by millions of men over decades and centuries, don't you think?

You want to attack capitalism, that's great, but I am naming names and telling you the actual institutions and individuals involved, and your eyes are just glazing over (the enemies you are looking for are in Wall St, the City of London, Frankfurt, and at central banks such as the Federal Reserve). You have to keep in mind the Elites financed the creation of Communism, the 'opposite' of capitalism, as well. And there are no central banks in 'textbook' capitalism, and yet we have central banks absolutely dominating economies and markets today.

Votescam ago

If you believe in war you've really been taken in. It's about profit, power. Just look at what Kissinger had to say about soldiers being "fodder."

One of the most important things that Trump is doing for Elites/corporates is to try to hide the reality of Global Warming. They fear the public coming to fully understand what is happening to the planet. WWIII is set up as the next distraction.

War is actually war on women and children. There aren't any front lines any more. Read something about what our own soldiers in Vietnam confessed to in their brutalities against ordinary Vietnamese men, women and children. Have you ever seen the pictures of what NAPALM did to children there?

Communism has long been just another tool in the Elite tool box, just another boogie man to frighten the public,

Had the system only been comprised of capitalism, people would have seen through it much fast. But it's over now. All that's left to do is to bury it.

No one thinks that Banks are doing anything but ripping off the public. Wall Street money laundering going on for decades now with our major and largest banks.

We have these things because of the corruption of our government.

I don't have hatred for anyone -- other than non-cooperation with capitalism - the only answer to the destructive and evil forces we're facing is love.

But I do believe in facts and reality.

Look -- it doesn't seem that you're contributing anything here but time and wasting the time of others -- so please find a new pen pal. Thanks.

TheSeer ago

You come across as someone who has done a bit of research, who thinks they have done a lot of research. Its actually quite a dangerous attitude. Because you end up trying to 'correct' people that know more, and have done more research, when you should be trying to learn from them, and asking them questions.

Banks are doing more than 'ripping off the public'. They are involved in the fomenting of wars (like the very WWIII you mention), drug trafficking, and financing TERROR (like ISIS).

You have not said what you want to replace capitalism with. Is this not important in your view? If you believe in facts and reality, you need to do some reading about who owns and operates the mainstream media, who owns and operates the major Wall St banks and the Federal Reserve, and who intelligence agencies like the CIA work for (earlier it sounded like you thought they were a root cause, when in truth they are a tool used by the Elites). So whereas I direct my anger at the actual billionaires, you are upset at 'capitalism'. While I am upset with the actual people fomenting wars and financing terror, you are angry at 'men'.

All the truth is getting a bit much for you. That's what happens when you only want to talk, and don't want to listen. Either you want to learn more and clear up your misconceptions, or you don't. If you can tell me something new, that's great too.

Votescam ago

Actually, it sounds like your first paragraph is describing yourself. Anyone who seeks information immediately understands how much they don't know -- a universe of "don't know's."

The permission for banks to rip off the public, launder money and get away with it and financing wars comes from corrupt government. If they were regulated and monitored these things wouldn't be happening. They buy elected officials, or place them in government, to do their bidding. That is why I've said, "Unregulated Capitalism is merely organized crime."

Evidently, you've never noticed I refer to media as CIA/corporate media. Again, see Operation Mockingbird. CIA was created by Elites who put Hitler in power and presumably may have alien contacts/MJ12 type of thing. CIA has always served Elites with a Nazi-like agenda and putting that agenda in play, from Mockingbird to MKULTRA and how many thousands more operations we don't really know.

  • Elites/Royals are a system - some of it morphing into corporatism.
  • Capitalism is a system.
  • Just as the CIA is a system.
  • Just as genocide is a system.
  • Male-supremacy is a system.
  • Just as colonialism was/is a system.
  • Organized patriarchal religion is a system, underpinning male-supremacy.
  • MIC/Intelligence Is a system.
  • Drug Trafficking is a system.
  • That's why occasionally they are referred to separately.

And as far as I know, the wealthiest men in the world have always been involved with drugs and that continues to be true today with the involvement of our government/military. There is no enterprise more profitable than drugs.

But all of these corrupt systems continue to survive and thrive only because they are protected by corrupt government officials and corrupted systems of Justice. One example of that was our Founders' protection of the Enslavement of Africans here.

Capitalism's replacement would of course be democratic socialism -- which is what Bernie Sanders was talking about if you were listening. And the stigma and misunderstanding of "socialism" as something connected to communism no longer exists as the myth it was. The public understands that.

Again -- please find another pen pal.

TheSeer ago

Now you accuse me of projecting, that's sweet. So your solution is more regulations and bigger government. Got it. What could go wrong, right? Except that regulations already exist, and the real problem is selective enforcement, aka two sets of laws, one for the filthy rich, and one for the rest of us! The idea that you think government is more powerful than finance is a very entertaining, but unsubstantiated, one.

These 'corrupt systems' as you refer to them don't thrive only because of corrupt gov't officials, but also because of a complicit media (owned/operated by who?), willing financiers (who are the financial powers in the world?) and a completely rotten Justice system (is any group overrepresented in the Justice system, or is it those 'white males' again?).

I believe decentralization of power will solve many problems. In this case, that means not letting billionaires accumulate billions in the first place, and governments are prevented from becoming empires (as America has). Decentralization of the media (owned/operated by who?) too will make it impossible for Mockingbird agents to control all the headlines.

Break up the Federal Reserve. Break up the CIA. Hell, even break up America into 3 or more countries, dissolve the EU, so on and so forth. But we won't get anywhere without educating the public about where we are, how we got here, and also, who were the major players (and what was their goal)?

If you don't want to be a pen pal, that is entirely up to you. I thought you were on the cusp of learning something, though.

Votescam ago

Go waste someone else's time ... PLEASE.

TheSeer ago

Who would want to learn more about the world, esp. if it causes cognitive dissonance, and one has to rethink certain views... But yes, if we just can get more laws passed, and the size of government increased, there will be no more banksters dividing and conquering the populace, blackmailing politicians, enslaving everyone via debt, LOL.
"A government powerful enough to give you everything you want is also a government powerful enough to take everything you have."

Votescam ago

Rather than repeating right wing propaganda about big government, consider how large our government might need to be if it actually wanted to control crime, human trafficking, corporate criminal activity? Evidently you think it better that capitalism's destruction of the planet should go unchallenged? Consider that all of our government agencies have now been pretty much 100% corrupted by corporate influence/control. Our entire government is under control of criminals.

You're little right wing blurb equates everything to what money can buy... we have war because of corruption. Peace isn't expensive, it simply takes non-criminals to activate it. National Health Care system which actually deliver good medical care to the public are cheaper to run as every other nation knows. The corruption of these systems, like with Nixon and Thatcher as two examples, is to starve valid programs.

You have some ideas that have been set in your mind by the right and they have nothing to do with freedom or democracy and everything to do with giving crime a chance -- a bigger and better chance at every turn.

PLEASE find another pen pal.

TheSeer ago

Well, you did it, you convinced me that you don't actually believe the nonsense you are spouting. All gov't agencies are corrupt, but your solution is that they should be given larger budgets, hire more personnel, and have more regulations they can enforce! LOL

Which would just make the corrupt more powerful, there is no way you could be this oblivious.

You are a caricature of a human being with rational, well-reasoned opinions.

Votescam ago

Let me put it more clearly -- scram, get lost, find something else to do with your time.

TheSeer ago

You know you could make good money as a shill. Since you are already shilling, it should be easy, you won't even have to compromise your values because you apparently already believe the BS you are spewing! I am sure the likes of Huffington Post and CNN would gladly retain your services. Otherwise try The Open Society, or Correct The Record.

Votescam ago

Seer --

I'm sure you're speaking from experience.

Meanwhile, either go find another playground or I'll report you to the Mods.

Thanks for your cooperation --

Votescam ago

Seer --

Proud to be a commoner -- would be ashamed to be "Elite."

Divide & Conquer begins with war of one half of our species on the other half which separated men from their bond with women and children. Continues on to separating citizens on a North/South dividing line with Civil War which still echoes.

What I am telling you is that this kind of thinking is a sickness .... *Tell me how will we defeat the Elites by pitting men against women, black against whites and latinos, religious vs non-religious? *

and it has resulted in making Elites more powerful.

If you want to defeat Elites, attack capitalism -- stop cooperating with it.

Melitica ago

Though it hasn't gotten that bad in US yet, the EU has a robust hate speech law and has been trying to criminalize negative speech about the goverment for nearly 10 years. Canada just enacted a "no complaints against muslims" law.

Votescam ago

HATE speech is not criticism of government -- unless you're talking about trying to assassinate some official.

fartyshorts ago

Perhaps for noble people such as yourself, but it has been used to censor people for years. (slightly exaggerated) example: criticize Obama? You're a racist!

Votescam ago

Same with those who criticize Israel where it's suggested it's anti-Semitism ....

but that's not HATE speech -- and PC covers hate speech -- not misinterpretations of political speech. EDITED just to comment that "PC" propaganda is just that ... in order to confuse and distort that the rules and laws are about HATE speech.

And it also does link to sexual harassment of women in the work place -- that's the reasoning behind controlling HATE speech. And it's time that we actually put a stop to this kind of HATE speech against gays -- which sadly you can see even in these discussions.

Men know exactly what they're doing when they are calling to women on the streets and making comments.-- or from their cars. It's about intimidation and at some levels harassment. And we've seen some signs that some would like to see that male aggression moved even closer to true sexual attacks on women on our streets. We've seen a few incidents/events like that in the last decade and more.

Elite patriarchy can only continue on if females can be oppressed and excluded from positions of authority. That's what it's all about.

And to bring this back to pizzagate -- it is this oppression of females/Mothers which is necessary in order for males to be able to sexual abuse children.

sleepingbeautycan ago

Yep, whenever our premier, Kathleen Wynne is attacked on her policies she pulls out the homophobe word. And it works. Every. Time.

Votescam ago

Well, very quickly the "race card" is recognized and loses effectiveness -- and there should be more calling out of the "gay card."

But political criticism isn't HATE speech -- unless you're threatening to assassinate someone for it.

Don-Keyhote ago

Post of the year and I haven't even finished reading it

2impendingdoom ago

It sounds parallel to the problem of Islamists, not all are fundamental terrorists but the ones who are are ruining it for the rest of them.

RedGreenAlliance ago

YES! this. Completely. I also have my suspicions as to why the left is so protective of Islam and mass immigration. Already in Germany, Denmark, Sweden and elsewhere - they've accepted 'child marriage' of refugees - as acknowledgement of cultural differences. They even let old men sleep with their 12 year old 'wife' in refugee centres. Is it to normalise and break taboos, under the guise of political correctness? after all, if society says "well its their culture," then a few years late it will be "we have to standardise the rules, lets lower the age of consent".

Muhammad married a girl, Aisha, she was six when they married, but he waited til she was 9 until he diddled her (in the interim 3 years he practiced 'thighing' Aisha).

Don-Keyhote ago

How you gonna talk shot on Muslims in this thread lmao, they wanted to lynch Kardashian she had to flee. There's no gay mafia there

Don-Keyhote ago

I actually don't give two shits what Muslims do in their own countries. That's why we have countries. Fuckin village in Afghanistan which isn't even Arab Islamic culture, gimme a break

Don-Keyhote ago

Id trust my kid with a Muslim over a liberal any fucking day of the week. Aren't you English? Muslim values of chastity are the best thing that could happen to your country. If a Muslim who's 25 has a long fruitful marriage with a 16 yo who gives a shit. You realize they have already won in terms of birthrates? We can't possibly recover and that's thanks to liberal gay friendly culture you posted about.

RedGreenAlliance ago

no, i'd choose the individual based on how i found them as a person, not what hat they wore (Muslim, Liberal). People are individuals. Labels divide and obscure. There are many good liberals and Muslims. And when it comes to Muslim of 25 marrying 16 yo's - whats that about? why are you choosing 16? clearly not what i am talking about. Again, look into the links i have provided. Its COOL BY MUHAMMAD to marry little girls as young as 6. As long as you consummate when they are physically capable. In the meantime practice thighing.

Muslim values of chastity have been amply displayed recently in rock concerts in Sweden, the streets of Cologne on NYE 2015, and in towns like Rotherham in the UK. Chastity, yeah.

Don-Keyhote ago

Better she's married off at 6 than spend 40 years writing destructive bullshit for some kike rag. Get some perspective guy.

Don-Keyhote ago

LOL those are Muslims exposed to your shitty culture. They protect women and girls in their countries. Clearly you've never bothered to spend any time among these people you malign. I am not at all surprised they view western women as whores. Youd have to admit many are. Which Semites supported the overthrowing of traditional sexual values?

bFuddlez ago

If all western women are whores, all male muslims are pedophiles. That's quite an unfair assumption, no?

Touchdown50 ago

In my researcher of homosexuality and malignant narcissistic personality disorder i did find that pedophilia was a byproduct of this disorder. I wouldn't be surprised.