Disclaimer: I am not saying that all homosexuals are pedophiles. I am also not saying that child abuse only occurs with homosexuals. What I am saying, though, is that the abuse pervades the homosexual population in greater proportion than in heterosexual when dealing with population demographics.
It is well known that male homosexuals are three times more likely to abuse children than heterosexual males. Per capita. Also, remember that the population demographic of homosexuals to heterosexuals is minute in comparison. When this is taken in to account, the sheer amount of abuse perpetrated by homosexuals as opposed to heterosexuals is astounding. Normalize homosexuality then normalize pedophilia. This is why the "gay rights" advocate groups marched with and were associated with NAMBLA in the 80's.
The proportions of heterosexual and homosexual pedophiles among sex offenders against children: an exploratory study. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1556756
NAMBLA was part of the International Lesbian and Gay Association (ILGA) until ILGA kicked NAMBLA out in order to secure UN funding. Upon that happening, several leading lights in the ILGA, including Harry Hay, one of the founders, resigned in protest, saying that we have no right to impose our views of sexuality on NAMBLA members.
Harry Hay (the founder of NAMBLA) was a grand marshal of the San Francisco Gay Pride parade... and later arrested for child pornography. There was also Larry Brinkin, another grand marshal of the gay pride parade--a convicted child molester.
Abuse reports pertaining to the child abuse scandal in the Catholic Church is compiled every few years called the John Jay College report. According to this report, 81% of the abuse was homosexual in nature. They do not come out in this report and blatantly say this, but if you read through the report and compile the numbers, the great majority of the abuse is obvious. It also showed the great majority of the abusers were lay people and not clergymen.
Interestingly, Protestant denominations are not subjected to the same scrutiny as the Catholic Church is in America--when they have nearly the same amount of reported abuse according to insurance claims. The only difference is, the Catholic Church is hierarchical and has a more stringent system in place for reporting abuse, whereas Protestant churches are, by nature, independent and autonomous. Abusers are able to go church to church, and any background checking falls completely upon the local church council. Most, however, if they are able to afford insurance for such a terrible thing should happen, are required to use background checks on its employees. Many aren't able to afford it. (My father was a pastor of a Protestant church in the late 80's, I know a bit of how this works)
For a lay person to work in the Catholic Church, you must take classes which 'certify' a person (with background check) before you can actively participate in parish functions. One such program is called VIRTUS, which literally whitewashes the homosexual-abuse link. I know this for certain, as I have taken the class.
For the record, the Vatican has long banned Bishops from allowing homosexual men from entering seminary--even going as far as to ban men "sympathetic to gay culture." If a priest is ordained and is homosexual, it is a direct failure of the local Bishop to obey. This is discussed in detail in the book "Goodbye, Good Men ... ".
PC is literally putting our children in danger. I don't think anyone here would disagree with that.
Seriously look into the homosexual/pedophilia link.