GhostOfSwartz ago

Thanks for the info friend. I'm paranoid about those kinds of things. I trust the government about as much as I trust Comet Ping Pong daycare center.

Nana66 ago

There is no nudity.

GhostOfSwartz ago

It would be nice to have some cleaned up images so we could identify pervs or other identifying markers rather than asking everyone to click on this possible child porn. After reading what the other users posted after clicking I'm not touching with a ten foot pole. Would love to help but I'm not jeopardizing my family by having that shit on my history... Or in my brain.

hojuruku ago

You were told these pedophiles on this site need to fucken die. You knew it was a bunch of evil disgusting faggots when you clicked on it, hence why I put it in the title to tell people to load up tor or whatever get the kids out of the room.

Why aren't people searching all the pizzagate keywords with the "" option to google search now eh? You can't say this not on topic. This research needs to be done.

hojuruku ago

I warned in the title I'm linking to - use tor and try to identify them, but the feds probably will leave you alone if you don't post and don't join and see if you can identify any of them to get a warrant for probable cause to get their PCs. And make the tip-offs to get them arrested.

Also worth targeting are pedophile advocacy groups. These cunts have a meeting in 9 days and they are all sex offenders. Anyone here in Florida. I have a beef with them like most people who have children they want to keep safe:

One of their members in florida was talking to the gay child raping pedo cop Christopher Kent Bowersox who attempted to murder me that got him arrested as he offered up the gay pedo cop that attempted to murder me in 2005 to get a lesser sentence - a Mr Beeman I recall. Sex Offender Issues was the site that also had a relationship with Christopher Bowersox but they are not active any more. Hunt these fucks down and get them locked up.

yes there are political groups for gay pedophile rights now! And the liberals give them a 501-c3 but the teaparty can't even get that!

Google search Pizzagate keywords then add "" to the end to see if we get lucky linking these GAY BOY LOVING pedophiles to Pizzagate. Boyloving is a form of homosexuality - same sex attraction. Are the boylovers male? are the boys male? then they are homosexual people. I will use the English language properly. Cultural Marxists and the triggered take a hike. I have the right to trigger anyone I want, Free speech et all.

Defiitino of homosexual: ho·mo·sex·u·al ˌhōməˈsekSH(o͞o)əl/ adjective adjective: homosexual

1.     (of a person) sexually attracted to people of one's own sex.

ArthurEdens ago

Same happened here. Closed it immediately. Now I'm kinda paranoid too.

Nana66 ago Rob2012 WashingtonDC Military Some sort of movie site Rob2012 UK model "I am straight, and do not shoot nudes or homoerotica."

surgeson ago

Discogs is a well known site for music collectors. Do you even look at what you're posting?

Nana66 ago

Yes I was posting what I found in a search of the handle associated with the creation of the Boylove page. Do you even?

surgeson ago

I was referring to "Some sort of movie site". It is evident that you didn't look.

postfascion ago

I am all for freedom of speech, but what freedom do the kids have to stop perverts from looking at them in that way. Clicked on the site, could only stay on for enough time for it to load... Fucking nasty. Justice needs to be done and done publicly (with due process). Don't forget, if you are a genuine researcher, they may pull Hillary's trick of accusing you of their crimes.

Kwijibo ago

Please do not use the term "faggots". Even if some peods are homosexual, not all are. And not all homosexuals are pedos. Also with questionable sites like this, you should not link directly, but use and archived link or a screen shot. The site may be a honeypot that records IP's

Crensch ago

Please do not use the term "faggots".

No matter what you personally feel about things, this is free speech here, and you complaining about it is reddit-tier. I'm unbannding hojuruku, as "harassment" is not a valid bannable offense.

Voat is not a safe space.

Kwijibo ago

Using language like that discredits the sub and the cause in general. If you want to unban him you can but I will not tolerate him making false statements and constant arguing.

Crensch ago

Using language like that discredits the sub and the cause in general.

Irrelevant, and not necessarily true.

If you want to unban him you can but I will not tolerate him making false statements and constant arguing.

I did, and you will tolerate it from everyone as far as the ban button goes. I'm here to keep the old Voaters from destroying this place - it's something they can and will do if we start acting too much like rEddit mods.

hojuruku ago

If anyone identifies anyone on that website call 1800-THELOST or your local FBI field office or law enforcement. Good luck people!

If anyone does same sex sex acts - they are homosexuals. That is the definition of the word - without age restriction.

A man boy relationship is a same sex relationship, therefore a homosexual relationship. Correct.

If you do same-sex sex acts with a child you are a homosexual pedophile. The medical establishment doesn't say pedophilia exists. It's gynophiles and androphiles. Gay pedophiles and straight pedophiles exist. Pure pedophiles only are very very rare about 1% of all the pedophiles that have been studied by psychiatrists.

Does someone who has sex with children need an endearing term? the answer is no @Kwijibo. Faggot means gay and pedophile means what it means. If I said androphiles it wouldn't have the same punch. For more information google "homosexual pedophilia pubmed" or click here. I got the full $390 AUD medical study but can't share due to copyright.

We are talking about boy lovers here. No respect is owed to them. They have sex with other men AND boys, and the number of gay dads that abuse children is shocking. I can list names like "Mark Newton and Peter Truong", "Christopher Kent Bowersox and his latino boyfriend", @TwoDadsAndMe - arrested, etc etc and about 20 or 30 more of the top of my head. 1.7% of the population (homosexuals) source CDC: do 35% of all the child abuse - source fact sheet. Not all gays are pedophiles, but all gays are 20-30 times more likely to rape your kids on AVERAGE. That's just the government statistics and cold hard facts from the most cited medical studies on PUBMED.

You can be GAY and a pedophile, even the leftists who interviewed the child rapists Mark Newton and Peter Truong ginger Gorman (suspect POI) says it here: And she said int he same article PEDOPHILES ARE EVIL SCUM.

In the English language multiple adjectives may qualify the noun if those adjectives are applicable to that noun.

Are men who have sex with boys doing homosexual acts. True - I can call them faggots if I don't want to be nice to them. Are they pedophiles - yes. It's cultural Marxism to stop people being triggered and be against the proper use of the English language. Yes it's offensive but only to lefttards. No offense to the mods of course.

RebelSkum ago

I appreciate the angle of your research, I just agree with the mods on this one that a title like that doesn't do the #Pizzagate community any favors. When discussions like this happen you run the risk of people putting up strawman arguments against you like hatespeech and whatnot which detracts the community away from what you're trying to put forward.

That said I'm all for exploring connections between this group and persons of interest. Bayless Parsley from Stratfor, for instance, I have heard rumor of belonging to this group, as well as some other Stratfor staff.

hojuruku ago big scandal breaking downunder - aus pizzagate

carmencita ago

An older person having sex with a minor is sexual abuse. Anyway you cut it. Whether they are the same sex or not. If the younger person is under age then the older person is guilty of sexual abuse, that simple. If a older man has sex with a 15 yr. old boy it is just as criminal as an older man taking advantage of a young teen girl. They are both still children. Disgusting. We used to think it was terrible, but now they are trying to tell us that they mature earlier. NO! They do not. Not in their minds. They have added things to the foods that have caused boys and girls bodies to mature sexually but they are still not mature enough to make decisions about their sexuality. I and many of my friends years ago made stupid decisions and it still has not changed.

hojuruku ago

What do you think about the greatest achievement of the gay rights lobby in Australia is lowering the age of consent to make it legal for a gay teacher with AIDS to have sex with a 16 year old boy in Victoria and not tell him he has AIDS (under criminal law) because it's already happened. Lowered age of consent , decriminalization of the deliberate transmission of AIDS. Don't get me started on the gay police helping 13 year old boys emancipate themselves from their "homophobic" parents, then the drop them off at right next to the "Wall" where Gay judge Justice Justice Kirby likes to pick up his rent boy child prostitutes as exposed by Senator Heffernan in Parliament. OUR GREAT ACHIEVEMENTS... Younger... Then there is peter tatchell Garry Burns proven Associate who wrote chapter in pedophilia books. They want to make 8 year old boy sex in England legal.! First great achievement is special gay police. Here is the video in of Special GAY POLICE in Washington DC and activists saying the GAY COP MUST ALWAYS OVER-RULE THE MORE SENIOR COP - because anal sexing status must give a homosexual officer total control of a case if the complainant is gay, because heterosexual police are too inferior to do the bidding of the elite gay even if they out-rank the gay cop. Hey they said it not me! (me predicting the Orlando Massacre would happen) ( I am a victim of special gay child sex police - here is my story with my dad riding shotgun - before he was targeted by the special court of gay child sex love @garryburnsblog @nodiscrim @NCATNSW ) Instead of suing my dad for being in that video and calling the special gay police evil (he is a UNIVERSITY PROFESSOR @USYD) they sued him for disrespecting gay baby rapists Mark Newton and Peter Truong on causes for the crime of linking to a video about them here: This is the video he embedded on before commenting under it with gay baby rapists saying it's homophobic us to delay us whilst kidnapping someone else child with an illegally obtained Australian passport (corruption no dna test) at the airport in Moscow. how dare the homophobic Russian cops try to stop 5 years of baby rape! Don't get triggered - those gay baby rapists said it was homophobic to oppose them getting that little boy not me. Here is Garry Burns the guy suing my dad threatening to RAPE SODOMIZE and MURDER a Russian Anti-Pedophilia activist by name who specaliizes in getting gay men to agree to meet and fuck under 16 year olds here: Do I need to respect the first "gay man" on Australian TV when Gay Marriage was announced by former Prime Minister Kevin Rudd who likes to threaten to sodomize women, and rape my daughter online?

That question I'd like @Kwijibo to answer please.

carmencita ago

I have a gay relative who is a wonderful person and right now my gay friend is making me hot sweet & sour soup because I have a cold. I think the Gay people that are pedos are the ones that are doing this sick stuff to make things easier for themselves to perpetuate their sick acts and not be charged. Innocent LGBTQ people everywhere should be alarmed and up in arms over this whole disgusting thing. Maybe we should stop calling them gay and just sick pedos just like heterosexuals.

hojuruku ago

let gays fuck children so the good gays don't get triggered. where have I read that before?

carmencita ago

The evil cabal is bound and determined to pass whatever laws they can, including the bathroom law to further their access to kids. That is what that law is about. They do not care that they add suspicion and hatred toward gays and transgenders. All they care about is their sick desires for our children.

Kwijibo ago

We are done arguing. I have made my statement and you are either too stupid or too prejudiced to understand it. People like you are going to give the public a bad impression of what pizzagate is about. It is not about liberals or conservatives or christians or jews or atheists or gay or straight or male or female or any other social class. It is about global elites abusing children.

hojuruku ago

So you have no comment on the greatest gay activist in Australia first on national TV after Gay Marriage was first announced by former Primer Minister threatening to SODOMIZE, MURDER and RAPE a FEMALE anti-pedophilia activists like yourself by name? He say's he gay, and you say we need to respect gay people. Some gays can be respected, but other ones not. And all the gays on who identify as gay like Garry need none of my respect and none of yours either. The same guy who's suing my dad for disrespecting Mark Newton and Peter Truong by linking to a video critical of them. 3 years in court - 30,000 dollars in Legal fees and $100,000 dollar fines for disrespecting the baby rapists who said ITS HOMOPHOBIC TO OPPOSE US. You replied to quickly to see the forensic evidence of the great gay man threatening to rape women like yourself who do something to stop pedophila and are very succesful at it. More information on Occupy Pedophilia St Petersberg, and HOW ABC TV Australia said GAY MEN HAVE THE BASIC HUMAN RIGHT TO HAVE SEX WITH UNDER 16 YEAR OLDS whilst SBS TV said that Occupy Pedophilia only baits men who want to have sex with MINORS whilst covering the same story:

Kwijibo ago

That was just one person.

hojuruku ago

Find a gay marriage activist in Australia that is against Garry. I'm still looking. All of his hate pages got censored, and he does 95% of all the homosexual vilification in the state. Good luck finding someone who will speak publicly against the great boylover leader of the Gay Marriage movement in Australia. There are lots of Gays in Australia. Find one who will speak on the record about this lovely man who threatens to rape female anti-pedophilia activists, then sodomize them and then kill them. Surely one of your gay friends can go on the record against the most famous gay activist in Australia who used the fake name in the media "gary burns" for the last 10 years because if you put his real name "Garry Richard Burns" into case law database he comes up doing hetrophobic hate crimes to police.

can you find one homosexual who doesn't support him? This was wrote by one of his facebook friends for attention seeking. It shouldn't' be too hard:

The court says he speaks for his whole community. He must be respected. it's a hate crime to vilify gary burns because the court rules if you disrespect the man who threatens to rape anti-pedophilia activists and murder them YOU VILIFY ALL GAYS, because Garry is a homosexual. It's in CASE LAW. Look up "burns sunol" "burns gaynor" burns mckee (my dad) in and see the judges say it.

The man that wants us all (being anti-pedophilia activists) raped and murdered must be respected under law. Reminds me of the OTO do what thou wilt and that will be the whole of the law. Sick bastards.

But no gay organization will disown him. He's too high profile. When baby rapists are on the front page of marriage equality and marriage equality Australia asking their members to give money to the baby rapists on the run - they wont say sorry for doing it. At least the ABC could do that. (see the proof there) or here: by top US blogger trumps mate censored from Twitter #FreeStacy!

Kwijibo ago

Please do not contact me again.

hojuruku ago

I wont. I'm sorry I won the argument and jeopardized your position as a moderator. I have a PDF of this that I wont release if this thread isn't deleted. Just expanding all the videos captions before I print it off again. stuff on get's indexed pretty well you know.

Kwijibo ago

If anyones do same sex sex acts - they are homosexuals.

A man boy relationship is a same sex relationship, therefore a homosexual relationship.

Yes that is homosexual, but not all pedophilia is homosexual. There are plenty of married me who molest girls. Also we do want to categorize ever gay guy as a pedo, most are probably not.

hojuruku ago

Please can we have a cultural marxism free board. Gay pedophiles exist. A leftist ABC woman and journalist who is in this video that is a crime to link to under Australian law (search "abcplugspedos" in / made that article where she said GAYS CAN BE PEDOPHILES. Your views are not the views of the academics that say for the 99% of pedophiles, they are either gay or straight pedophiles. More info on how crazy the case law is: (embeded vvideos of ginger goreman who interviewed the gay dads baby rapists who were members of who said it was homophobic to oppose them getting babies here <- (government sponsored child kidnappers gloating on radio about kidnapping someone's russian kid with Australian government breaking laws to facilitate human trafficking by not doing DNA test on illegal overseas commercial surrogacy under QLD law)

This is cultural Marxism vs truth & science here. I screenshot-ted my last comment and I don't want a fight. Here my dad talk about the crime of disrespecting those baby rapist published gay marriage activists Mark Newton and Peter Truong here:

Kwijibo ago

Yes gay and straight pedophiles exist. But you are assuming all gay are pedos and they are not. What you are doing is the equivalent of saying all niggers are robbers.

hojuruku ago

Straw man argument.

I am attacking the faggot pedophiles on that run around in public saying I'm gay to everyone.

where did I say all gays are pedophiles? I never did. I just said the goverment medical statistics say gays are 10% of all pedophiles, do 35% of all child rape and are 1.7% of the population (latter CDC) I got sources and I'm not full of shit.

It's a strawman's argument to say on this thread I said all gays are pedophiles.

Remember a man who said I was gay stopped me seeing my first born Christopher Kent Bowersox registered gay child sex offender google him for the FBI press release, and see his handwriting on my charge sheet that I beat at

Kwijibo ago

It was implied and using the term faggot makes all of us PG investigators look like immature bigots. We are a diverse group of people and we don't want to alienate anyone. I understand your passion, but don't let passion become hatred.

hojuruku ago

I hope all genuine members (the hunted - not the hunters) are alienated from these forums. But as a moderator you know they are not.

hojuruku ago

And I get many messages from SRA survivors and child abuse victims who appreciate my activism. Really.. You want screenshots with their names blanked out. Bugger me....

We have gay judges in Australia ruling that adult victims of gay child sexual absue Like Robert Oscar Lopez PHD are hate criminals for talking about the abuse they had as a kid with gay parents.

Who comes first? The child victim of child abuse or the abusers. Look at that Russian boy being used as symbol of gay pride uploaded after his rapists arrested UNCENSORED PHOTO ON GAY ACTIVIST BLOG OF VICTIM OF CHILD ABUSE: Most famous gay activist in Singapore Alex Au - wont take down the child sex victims image after petitions and aka wont take it down either because it's homophobic. Why is it homophobic to hate people using child fuck victims as a symbol of their pride for fucks sake? If you care about children ask wordpress niceless to take it down and see what happens.

THATS RIGHTS BOYLOVER.NET MEMBERS IN JAIL FOR 40 YEARS Mark J Newton and Peter Truong (look em up on's inmate finder) on the greatest gay marriage activist in Singapore who REFUSES for 2 years, and so does wordpress to take down the child rape victim's image being used to further HIS RAPISTS CAUSE - as published gay marriage activists.

Here is a list of all those sexual positions used by the gay marriage activists on that boy. Google Boycuddle2 edward de sears, it's peter truong I tell you as a fact.,%20Edward%20Indictment.pdf


hojuruku ago

I found one guy who was complaining about his Mac version of the Tor Web-Browser not getting updates on the forum with the same name. said since they sued Brendan Etch who invented Javascript and kicked him out of his own company because Obama faggots in the IRS broke the law leaked his private donations to PROP 8 - don't want to give out details on his account, so I set the FBI loose on now under faggot leadership.

More details on Brendan Etch etc:

If you can link any of the shit on here to pizzagate you'll have strong links to pedophilia. happy hunting.