Orlando_Kek_Follower ago

I could not help but notice that when I posted anything WorldCorp related on Twitter, I immediately got hit with one of those "We are limiting your activity" messages, so only my followers (a weak 275) can see my posts for 12 hours. They have been doing this hardcore ever since those videos came out.

rwb ago

New voat member. First post.

A quick read of all content in this subverse does not appear to contain the following information, so for the sake of completeness and at the risk of redundancy, consider the following:

At the 25 second mark of the video, a reasonably clear image of the back of a right arm is visible. The person is wearing a dark or black T shirt. The build is of a caucasion of slim/scrawny build. This is consistent with the build of John Podesta as revealed in this photo: http://impiousdigest.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/Cwa_0NFUAAAjqlE-1024x683.jpgJPG

My intuition is that the video is being filmed by someone other than the person holding the broom (which could be a scrub brush used to scrub the shower). Reason being, the camera angle appears to be to the right of the person holding the broom (if indeed the 25 second mark shows a right arm) and it appears as though the person is holding it with their right hand farthest down the handle, meaning his back is somewhat to the camera. I cannot see how this recording angle could come about even if the person holding the broom was using only one hand.

Also posted this information to: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1651045

thicktail1730947 ago

Satanism is the left hand of the church, robbing you of mind, body, and soul, while you stare at the anointed one on the right hand and enact cannibalistic rituals pretending to eat his flesh in church.

bibigirl_ ago

Either 2 or 7 sec







ZalesMcMuffin ago

Clickblocked by Google (which is Skynet).



bucketoftea ago

I can hear No Skippy, too.

ZalesMcMuffin ago

"Russian Dozier" = dossier about golden showers? Yeah, that thing is about as credible as noodz of Hillary. There are really still people believing that?? Or just tons of CTR shit-accounts?

ZalesMcMuffin ago

381 comments and it's 3:22AM (o hai skull&bones) so I dunno if I'll get through them all, but felt led to say again that I don't hear "John" yet, nor does the "no skippy skippy please" sound at all clear to me. This is some really messed up shit, whatever it is. I'm a long way from believing it's Podesta yet, though. Maybe there's something more than the audio and video files here which can persuade me.


SoullessTechnocrat ago

Pechal is definitely one of the ShariaBlue shills. This is really close to having him nailed to the wall.

One wonders if Podesta would be 'reachable' by a hands on operative...

FakeNewzIsFake ago

So, why was there a thread on POL saying, "Wow voat just nailed podesta"

You fucking idiots crossed posted and they are going to compare your posting styles.

foltaisaprovenshill ago

Hey you fucking spammer trash, go fucking kill yourself.

foltaisaprovenshill ago

Hey spamming retard, go jump into a freeway, you pedo-loving piece of shit.

stellarcorpse ago

https://hermetic.com/crowley/book-4/hymn I put a spell on you. Muahahaha...

Votescam ago

Haven't had a chance to listen to the video as yet - tomorrow I hope. But thank you for pursuing this story and think it's something that should be investigated further. Certainly we know these pedophiles "condition" or "groom" the children. And, I'm sure that fear and intimidation are main means of control.

obvious-throwaway- ago

the_donald is compromised and is just being jewused to get people to reddit so they can preach their narrative,

1) Get the fuck out of reddit forever, quit being suckered back in, delete bookmarks and just let it die.

2) Focus on keeping this place legit. Regardless of how you feel about anything, constantly shitpost racist, sexist shit everywhere. This will trigger the brigaders and bring them out of hiding.

3) White woman only sleep with niggers because they have beastility fantasies and their apartments don't allow pets.

teh_Dude ago

I agree with 3).

Fateswebb ago

I can prove who is the producer of these videos and have decided to do so with a video that I urge others to share and make videos discussing if you so choose. The guys name is Gary lee Monroe Barney Here is the video https://youtu.be/nWW7mj4Oroc

Note this in now way debunks podesta being the voice, unless we were to find this guys voice and it's a match.

ZalesMcMuffin ago

Age-restricted link. Got one that isn't?

Fateswebb ago

It's restricted because it shows images of a man slurping urine. Sorry. Part two is not restricted and helps answer why does he do this?


Moonlandinghoax ago

Which video are we supposed to watch in that directory?

Kristina_Gilliam ago

Fatherhood.webm and each.mp4 are the alleged Podesta ones.

Moonlandinghoax ago

Omg. Those are fucking disturbing. The kid or kids that are screaming. Those are blood curling screams. These people are monsters. They need to be burned at the stake.

kazza64 ago

that video is one of the most disturbing things i have ever witnessed

cheese_pizza_lover ago

Pizzagate is fake news. Only losers believe it. You wish you had Mr. Alefantis' or Mr. Podesta's lives. They are intelligent, respected, well heeled, wealthy, sexy, etc. Minotaur means masculinity. J10A1%*

foltaisaprovenshill ago

I'm personally going to ensure you never have enough karma to do your brigading bullshit here, r/politics spamming fucktard. Your last account, /u/Zeus_Juice didn't work and this one won't either.


cheese_pizza_lover ago

Poor little snowflake...wah...wah...wah.

stellarcorpse ago

cheese_pizza_lover ago

Ohhhhh sooooo scary...a Nazi and a witch. Hahaha...we are winning.

stellarcorpse ago

Who are you shill? You're not winning . Last time I checked my President is in the WH & your old lady Hillary was tweeting about Pizzagate.

cheese_pizza_lover ago

Trump is out little Nazi. Impeachment is coming. We won. NO BAN NO WALL.

stellarcorpse ago

your favorite pedo J. Alefantis going down soon. We know he has Caris. You're losing.

stellarcorpse ago

Podesta is a hideous troll.

Coolidges_Ghost ago

I have a question...why is that video of him calling John "skippy" in a silvagunner video from 6 months ago?





Check the link

yourtruthseeker ago


Commonwombat ago

I won't be listening but by god if this is true this is enormous. It needs to be verified by a sound specialist and then spread across the web.

TomDrew87 ago

But that clown MAGABoomer said it was all fake, LMAO

gardenofbacchus ago

Fuck MAGABoomer


I am at work so may be affection it but yall need to try https://worldcorp.com

bopper ago

I've listened to it several times now, I can make out John, but I don't hear Skippy. I do hear something that might be what you're saying is Skippy - but not twice. It's weird that he says "What's my other name?" Two names, John and Skippy. That really really sounds like Podesta.


NetRange: - CIDR: NetName: DREAMHOST-BLK6 NetHandle: NET-208-113-128-0-1 Parent: NET208 (NET-208-0-0-0-0) NetType: Direct Allocation OriginAS:
Organization: New Dream Network, LLC (NDN) RegDate: 2006-04-12 Updated: 2012-03-02 Ref: https://whois.arin.net/rest/net/NET-208-113-128-0-1

OrgName: New Dream Network, LLC OrgId: NDN Address: 417 Associated Rd. Address: PMB #257 City: Brea StateProv: CA PostalCode: 92821 Country: US RegDate: 2001-04-16 Updated: 2017-01-28 Comment: Address location was created regardless of geographic location.


Now I know why the infraguard program started it really was about protecting the infrastructure for the pedos


Yeah we gotta jack these motherfuckerZ






Been banned 12 time from social media for bashing the participants in this shit just got suspended from imgur for this today http://imgur.com/a/MBjHm

I am perma banned from instagram for bashing trannies cuz at the bottom of this is transexual sodomite vampires

TheTuringTest ago

It's MKUltra.


TRUE STORY https://soundcloud.com/fakenews-jones/the-finders-cult-and-the-cia


ZalesMcMuffin ago



In reference to what? You do have a volume control right?

ZalesMcMuffin ago

I was yanking your chain because you posted in all-caps.


Okay got it I do it all the time just a habit from mobile and all the auto formatting bullshit

bopper ago

Thanks. I do have good speakers.


I went back to the Worldcorpo.net site today and there a few new videos. Weird fuckin old man doing weird shit

bopper ago

Thanks, but if I simply listen to it in a new window (like I've already done once) I should still be able to hear it right? So at what time mark will I hear it? I'd really like to see what I think. (Maybe you or another already addressed that, don't remember.)




TheTuringTest ago

link error


Got banned from GLP today for posting worldcorp shit


Just got banned on Godlike productions for posting my videos about worldcorp fuckin funny




Dasistnichtgut ago

Serious question: why does it Matter if this is Podesta? If it is, give it to the authorities (not that they don't already have it). If it's not, quit wasting time ruminating about it, looking at posts about it, etc. Seems like it's a purposeful diversion. It's EVERY WHERE and I just don't understand the investigative point. As with most things, I get suspicious when things get too popular...

TheTuringTest ago

Breathing air is popular.

privatepizza ago

Because we're investigating Podesta ?

privatepizza ago

Think there's enough of us here to handle multiple threads of enquiry at one time.

It's obviously popular for a reason.

If you're in a team who have been investigating someone in particular for 3 months, and that team gets some material which could be incriminating, would you say, "well what does it matter if it's him, just pass his deets on to the FBI? "

"Why is everyone looking at this, it's too popular?"


bibigirl_ ago

Fucking shit the kid does say skippy what the fucccckkkkk aaare the chancesssss of that shiiittt

RexAxisMundi ago

Podesta needs to go to prison. Not the pedo prison. The man prison.

survivingtime ago

I'm sorry, the audio link doesn't seem to be working, could you please give another link to the audio? Or is it in one of those files?

privatepizza ago

OMG the SHILLIN that's been going down on this issue is immense! Enough for me to think we've got something BIG! Where have all these zombies come from exactly? wTF?

privatepizza ago

Which mods did you discuss deleting posts with, Chelsea?

teh_Dude ago

The conspiracy sub is being brigaded, that's why the Flynn post is on the top. Some people are actually bashing the mods for not stickying that post, claiming it's "the biggest conspiracy of the century". Laughable.

stellarcorpse ago

personally i think they are. I have only been on voat for 6 days and my posts have been deleted several times and every time it has been when i mention J. Alefantis.

stellarcorpse ago


SmilingWide ago

Double-wide?? You rich mofo.

TheTuringTest ago

I'm never static, nor are my friends. Of course, unnatural vantage, to contrary, depends.

TheTuringTest ago

Put down the clipboard intern.

SmilingWide ago

Not me. Left, Right, I call for Civil War so all of you government-worshiping retards can slaughter each other.

SoldierofYAH2 ago

You can search the Wikileaks emails by word search. I searched "Skippy" and here's one of the top results:


QUOTE: "A thin, stern-looking man in photographs, Mr. Podesta was given the moniker Skippy the Evil Twin by the staff when he was in a bad mood, according to his brother, Tony Podesta, chairman of the Podesta Group, an influential lobbying and public-affairs firm. "

(see 3rd paragraph down in email)

Truthseeker3000 ago

I went to worldcorpo.net and to the video section. The videos are just fucked up and weird but I strongly assume there is hidden flashing imagery u don't see in them. A fat guy drinking a beer wearing sunglasses gives an email address in one and in another they advertise children along with disgusting toilet photos. It's warped. I watched the fatherhood video once but cannot stomach listening to it again because the boys screams were not acting and it's bothersome. I cannot help to determine if it is Podesta or not but I can say this, it is shot in a scummy place as the shower glass is really outdated and dirty and he kid looks to be in a bathtub, it's one of those sliding glass ones but my point is, why would john Podesta go to a scummy house? The place where he was at with the handkerchief was a nice upscale place not some basement dwelling scummy one. The other videos look pretty scummy too. I'm not saying it's not him but I just don't know, I mean why is this video surfacing now and where is the rest of it? It looks like it's a piece of a longer version. Further, the person shooting the video (to me) seems to be doing it without the knowledge of the pedophile otherwise they would show the kid, would they not. Was this a blackmail video? So many questions...

TheTuringTest ago

Scummy surroundings have f all to do with the class of the perpetrator, let's make that clear.

ZalesMcMuffin ago

To add a statement of principle here:

It's always risky to presume to understand the motivations and decision-making process of someone entirely unlike you.

Chatman ago

I've compiled all the stuff I've found about the videos here. Feel free to post speculation or evidence and I'll update.

privatepizza ago

What are you thinking, @Chatman?

Chatman ago

Just compiling everything on the videos in pgw so we can reduce the number of new posts about the same video here

Touchdown50 ago

Ok it probably is.

ThePedoHunter ago

We've just nailed this satanic fck....this is huge.

RecycledUser ago

Has the second video been archived? The link says file not found.

RecycledUser ago

Thank you! Is this one milder than the original father one? Just want to check, if it's too disgusting to watch.

RecycledUser ago

I'm not sure what this is.

TheTuringTest ago

Aw really? You don't know? http://archive.is/fyKN4

RecycledUser ago

Is it safe to look at?

JamesGhost ago

Do we only care about busting podesta? I agree this is likely not him but who cares. Pizzagate is about saving children not busting Jon podesta. Both would be great but we want podesta because we believe he is this kind of Phsyco. Sooo... whoever this phsyco is should deserve the same fervor in finding him and arresting him. If it's not podesta it will send a message that hiding in plain sight as a child abuser WILL get you caught and if there is any justice, the electric chair.

fetuspizza ago

Where were these videos of "skippy" torturing the child found?

roundhouse1776 ago

At least you're aware now. I'm pretty sure his cult followers are an organized shilling campaign to defend him.

Im_with_her ago

Pizzagate is fake news. Haha. We are winning. First the ban is lifted now Flynn is out. How does it feel Trumptards? Hermes heaps Hottie. C3P16P16.

SmilingWide ago

You can hang right next to her.

Im_with_her ago

Dream on. Your leader is being impeached.

SmilingWide ago

I have no leader.

Chatman ago

SmilingWide ago

This place is no better than Reddit. This site was compromised shortly after Pizzagate moved from Reddit to here.

roundhouse1776 ago

Seaman's only loyalties are to himself and the State of Israel. He's a Mossad asset.

herbsmoke ago

Couldn't have said it better myself. Seaman is a jew shill. Thats why he is unconditionally supporting trump as he sells the entire country out to thejews

The1stLantern ago

Saving locally everything on this goddamn thread.

TheTuringTest ago

Thank you.

thicktail1730947 ago

https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/59111 (Referring to Skippy as legend, not reality, risked being "off message"?)

https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/15239 (Who invites the alter ego nobody wants to meet on a private jet to Columbia?)

DawnofTruth ago

4Chan is so hard to navigate (especially when it's been archived) Not sure if this is widely agreed or if it's just me, someone over 50 but it's so frustrating. What makes these forums even harder is, when you click on a link, instead of opening another window, it cancels out the window in which I was reading.

Can someone please make this easier to follow?

iamthepizzanow ago

frames are your friend. Just add /frames to the end of 4chan url


SmilingWide ago

I always hated the format of 4chan, which is pretty much the only reason I don't participate. They must all be super-mutant autists to be able to follow those threads...

And, for the record, I've been on BBSes since early 90s, Internet since 95...

TheTuringTest ago

Try it on your mobile device, it has a hover function when you click thread numbers contained within the post.

Also just search the whole page ctrl + F for "skippy"

Ennosun ago

The song is the opening theme song for the children's show "Caillou"

samhara ago

Callalou is a green from Jamaica.

roundhouse1776 ago

Except he's not. David Seaman is not on our side, I can guarantee you that.

had_enough ago

Did anyone archive the audio? I'm a professional audio engineer and would like to clean it up so we can nail this purp.

LaDonnaRae ago

I have heard that "fatherhood" tape before. I cannot place it, but if you filter out the screams you might be able to get a match on something from YouTube. I thought it might be Alec Baldwin, but the "Alec Baldwin screams at daughter" on YouTube is not the same. I DO know I have heard those exact same words before from someone. Let us know if you have any luck.

privatepizza ago

The Team here seriously needs you. We've been trying to find someone with your skills. We need to do a voice recognition between the abuse video and John Podestas voice. What do you think, is this your avenue ? Please call for help if you need it.

had_enough ago

I'm not a forensic/voice recognition analyst but I can try to clean it up. I could really use some guidance on what exactly is needed, I grabbed the video from dasbo0ts link (nice handle, I worked on that DVD lol). The list posted by TheTuringTest has a lot of files, where do I start? I saw the post today with the bathtub/shower analysis, so happy to help that #$%^& go to prison for eternity.

privatepizza ago

This thread may also accept your kind offer of sound tech help - https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1650235

Pinging @longtimelurker2 @fateswebb and @gardenofbacchus investigators from that thread, so they can hopefully let you know what's needed. I think it's to isolate "I am John Po...." .

privatepizza ago

I think one of the things needed, is isolating and cleaning up the parts where the child allegedly says 'Skippy' and 'John'. Maybe a start?

Video http://worldcorpo.net/content/video/ http://archive.is/5nfBP

The audio of the child from worldcorp, where the name John is mentioned... Well apparently the child not only calls the abuser John but also Skippy...

privatepizza ago

Thank you thank you! Help to clean it up would be extremely valued I'm sure.

As I'm not au fait with the video files, im pinging @TheTurinTest here, to see if he/she can help let you know what's needed re voice research.

Any poster of the video threads, you can ping them by writing a reply on their thread, and adding their u/name with an @ right before it. They'll get your message in their inbox. If you offer your help, I'm sure Voaters working on this will come in to help you too.

I'll look around for some links for you to files, meanwhile. Let's do this ; )

had_enough ago

Where should I start? Sorry, I could use a little guidance as to what is needed...

had_enough ago

worldcorpo.net has deleted the mp4

23eulogy23 ago

Both videos are covered here: https://www.youpak.com/watch?v=tgKAbejXPaw

23eulogy23 ago

Why isnt r/conspiracy picking this up? Is it being deleted?

privatepizza ago

r/conspiracy has been taken over. Last night was a bloodbath with many shills from here over there too with the same names . Guess a planned op, possibly in conjunction with david seaman being fucked with given the wrong intel, to disparage the whole shebang and to discredit DS

educate_yourself ago

i cant get the link to the skippy one says 404 not found

Rusdy ago

"clear as a bell.", Pardon me but I cant make out anything like this. Did you link the wrong video maybe? All I hear is him talking crazy shit and the kid crying :(

23eulogy23 ago

The problem is they don't have souls to punch fear into. These people are straight up evil

Orlando_Kek_Follower ago

They may not have souls, but they have fear. Fear of being raped to death in Prison. Fear of being exposed to the masses for what they truly are. Fear of being killed by a mob of angry people at their front door. They don't have souls, they've long since sold them, but they fear exposure more than anything, like a nest of roaches.

ArmedExorcist ago

This is a war on humanity. It's them or us.

ZalesMcMuffin ago

Exactly. Humans vs. inhumans.

I've never encountered a raw survival-level conflict before, and my first one is GLOBAL. (What is fate going to do for a second date??)

Fateswebb ago

Different video...

Pechal ago

This comment was made before OP edited and posted which video he was talking about.

VieBleu ago

I interrupt this program for the followoing pubic service announement:

Anunnaki_Bukakke - You have the best name I've ever seen on Voat, hands down. if you ever leave, I want to inherit it.

Fateswebb ago

The site is down now? Do we have archives?

VieBleu ago

the link to the Skippy no video does not open anything for me, just rolls, also when opened in another window. does it work okay still?

Fateswebb ago

Looks like it has been taken down or possibly is under DDOS, or is just too busy I cannot get even the home page anymore

VieBleu ago

I just posted this with a skippy reference and link, cross posting here: if you just want the skippy part, it's at the bottom. Otherwise this is a Bostonian/Chicagoan accent discussion.

Podesta's parents were both from Chicago, the working class children of immigrants, his mother's line was Greek, his father's was Italian. It is unknown if his grandparents spent time elsewhere upon arrival to the US than Chicago, but one has to assume they most likely came through New York.

Podesta graduated from Georgetown in DC in 1976, so he moved from his home state before that. From then on he has been in DC, so about 40 years there. Accents can modify over time in different locales. "The brothers, who grew up on Chicago’s northwest side, have spent most of their adult lives in D.C." http://www.chicagomag.com/Chicago-Magazine/Felsenthal-Files/December-2013/How-the-Podesta-Brothers-Rose-From-the-39th-Ward-to-the-White-House/

Re: the Boston/Chicago discussion on JP's voice: In the above article Tony Podesta also mentions Boston a couple of times, as if being a Boston politician and one from Chicago are sort of parallel but competitive. It may be that the immigrant tenement kids aspired to act and sound like like the well-bred blue blood politicos of Boston when they descended on DC, and they may have somewhat affected that type of accent until it was second nature to them, in line with their upwardly mobile aspirations. Just a thought.

Same article BTW, as said to Tony P - "Politico’s Glenn Thrush says that your brother can have a “short fuse;” that he has “a sulfuric evil twin [named Skippy] so fearsome that even the brash Rahm Emanuel scrambled for cover.”

nnfx ago

Yeah noticed them after i replied to you. Was asking for this for some time now. :/ But hey what a coincidence, that now that we have this information the videos are down.

Forgetmenot ago

In today's day and age with the way everything is tracked and recorded, it's practically a police state for crying out loud. don't tell me they cannot track who posted that video. There is more than meets the eye here,

JustAnotherUser ago

Is there any reason why I wouldn't be able to view it in the UK?

DarkMath ago

The Worldcorp videos are a hoax. It's part of an "art project" which is highly likely a CTR dis-info campaign.. The rest is real.

Touchdown50 ago

Bullshit. That is so real . you gotta be a crazy fucked up asshole to do that to a kid for arts sake.

Fateswebb ago

If it's a hoax, why does it appear to have been removed or DDOS? It's no longer a site for me?

Fateswebb ago

It's back online with a dude spraying windex on his penis. I feel like most is unrelated but a few videos could be real. You can't make a child scream like that without at least putting them through some trauma, and as such it's still most likely considered abuse or illegal.

privatepizza ago

It would be useful if you gave evidence to your theory, rather than simply opine. Why do you cry hoax ? Genuinely interested.

DarkMath ago

The shills keep pushing the Worldcorp story here. They've posted it maybe 20 times already. It's classic paid shillery.

Read the comments in any of the links, you'll see what I mean:


privatepizza ago

I've read all the threads, thanks. Specifically, what the your proof which makes you put your name on the line that this 'an art project' ?

DarkMath ago

I'm sorry if I came across jaded, I should have put this link in earlier. It's just the Worldcorp story has been posted so many time in the past few days it's frustrating.


@IXOYE @SturdyGal

SturdyGal ago

Didn't take it that way. Thank you. ;O)

privatepizza ago

Hey I understand, and I've seen all the threads and the re-posting. What intrigues me is that some are desperate to shill it off as debunked. I'd like to know, other than hearing opinions w/o facts, the reasons why people are debunking. It's an investigation right? We have to look and consider all sides, and to simply debunk w/o facts, is doing exactly as we accuse the MSM of doing. I'm sure you'll understand, and tell us the facts of your debunking?

DarkMath ago

"It's an investigation right?".......Absolutely. I totally agree. No stone left unturned. Total objectivity required (@AreWeSure).

My evidence for the "art project" theory of Worldcorp is https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1645546/8041172

If it was real the group wouldn't be hosting chat sessions with any and all comers right? No one could possibly be that stupid.

But if you still think it's a problem I would encourage you to contact the FBI and/or Child Protective Services. They should be able to help.

privatepizza ago

Hey thanks for posting your thoughts and proof of what you think is right. I'll be checking that thread out shortly. In any investigation, the so-called 'evidence would be being dissected, as it is now. I appreciate your input and opinions, so that I may form my own. Thanks ; )

Pechal ago

Well I should give myself a medal that people think I'M the shill now. At least I finally got you to post evidence of the claim. And it is not clear as bell by any stretch. I am being completely objective and people who are falling for this shit is the problem. I am not saying to throw away the evidence but I am saying to at least say "he could be saying this" and not "100% CLEAR AS DAY PODESTA"

See my other comment which I will quote: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1645566/8043482

On a headset. I know exactly the part you are referring to, I would not call it clear as day by any stretch. It can sound like those words but any neutral listener would not be able to make that determination by any stretch if you didn't tell them they are saying "stop skippy" or something similar.

Which is why its not "clear as day", a neutral listener would be able to tell you if it was clear. Also nice downvoting there, starting to grow suspicious of your intentions here.

ZalesMcMuffin ago

Neutral listeners are the key. Everyone here is invested, thus tainted. We need to hear from randos, not trolls, tards, moralfags, and shills.

BackAgain ago

The Skippy video isn't working for me

nnfx ago

Ok then be so kind and tell me the timestamps for "John" and "Skippy"

NikitaVerite ago

Does anyone know the source of the horrifying video hosted on worldcorpo.net? I mean, where it originated? It's beyond horrifying.

Mommyplayer571 ago

And when it came. I first found reference to it Friday 2-10-17, that is day that The files were supposed to be delivered from FBI to Congressional committee I think. References to world corp longer. I found pic of woman with all 4 limbs severed lying in a pool of blood on a plastic lined basin. It looked real. I got it on 4Chan with a thread about this Daddy Torture video.

cantsleepawink ago

Buzzfeed is owned by the Democratic party.

peechag8 ago

2nd link 404'd, is there a mirror?

OpenSoulOpenMind ago

still not convinced at all that this is pedosta... if it turns out to be, well then he is more sick and vile than i imagined and i will be the first to congratulate you all on recognizing this as being him. But something in my gut tells me this has nothing to with with him, that and the fact that there's another video on the website from the same source...but in that video the guy doesnt sound like podesta at all, in my opinion of course

TheTuringTest ago

[–] Anunnaki_Bukakke 2 points (+2|-0) 41 minutes ago

http://worldcorpo.net/ At 12 seconds the child says "John," which also admittedly sounds like it could also be "Darren." Then the child repeats it, and it is most certainly John to my ear at 14 seconds. If you alter your equalizer you can isolate the child's voice better.

Then in this video http://worldcorpo.net/content/video/each.mp4MP4MP4

At ~7s the child says "No Skippy Skippy please" clear as a bell. Pechal is going to every single comment and spreading FUD, makes me very suspicious of him.

OpenSoulOpenMind ago

listened to the video and it sure doesnt sound clear as day to me...like i said im still unconvinced, but im not ruling it out....hopefully we get some more info on this

Freemasonsrus ago

That last link to the genetic stuff is exactly what George Webb has been detailing. That's just fuckin creepy. I feel we have a lot of eyes on this and a ton of awareness from different areas from Alex Jones to here to George Webb to even people like Seaman. There's definite momentum building and we just have to keep spreading the info everywhere. Not let up.

Bo_Dedkatzen ago

I went through the videos on that worldcoropo site. Tons of them are dodgy. Pointing towards pedo shit. This one is the most disturbing. http://www.worldcorpo.net/content/video/producer_mix1.mp4 WARNING. First clip looks like its showing a child being run over, so sorry for that. Next bit is a childs underwear soaked in something.

ZalesMcMuffin ago

The child being run over was really recorded in China, IIRC. I recall watching that video (not a worldcorp version) many months ago. Horrifying.

bopper ago

The kid is obviously saying "Dad" repeatedly (as you get towards the end) apparently in response to the abuser's continued demands for the kid to call him that ("Dad").

Pechal ago

On a headset. I know exactly the part you are referring to, I would not call it clear as day by any stretch. It can sound like those words but any neutral listener would not be able to make that determination by any stretch if you didn't tell them they are saying "stop skippy" or something similar.

Which is why its not "clear as day", a neutral listener would be able to tell you if it was clear. Also nice downvoting there, starting to grow suspicious of your intentions here.

bopper ago

Firstly, I believe this to not be fake. Second, it does sound like John that is said, at least one time. Third, I didn't make out the Skippy but I'm having to open that one in a new window. How do you make the audio work on the second vid you posted?

Pechal ago

To me its just screaming, not saying any words in particular. I don't know how you can seriously say that its "clearly" it is anything but "clear".

One thing I can maybe hear after listening a few more times is "stop singing" but I mean it really is such unclear screaming that you can make it sound like you are hearing any number of words.

Yates ago

This was OP of a thread last night, don't see it here now. Voice matches to my ears. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZIk1hJDdUBM thread https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1644671

SaneGoatiSwear ago

keep on loggin and cappin!

RockStrong ago

Holy Mary! That wasn't just screaming. That was a child being tortured. By someone called Skippy and or John. Who can deny it. Damn!!!

e-traiu ago

why did it loose upvotes? i could have sworn it was 195 when i hit upvote.

ZalesMcMuffin ago

The voat user interface is a bit wiggy in places. That's one of them. Look carefully and refresh and look carefully again; do this often, and after a while it will make sense.

o0shad0o ago

The "evil alter-ego Skippy" comes from the TV show "Big Bang Theory".

ZalesMcMuffin ago

Hollywood often laces its output with references to things which most of us don't pick up on at the time.

wrok-wrok ago

o0shad0o ago

The show predates these emails by a long while; so the use of the nickname may not be unique.

PizzaGateDiscovery ago

Now I'm going to have to go and listen. I was avoiding the tapes. They sounded so bad.

nnfx ago

Thanks for doing this. Please let me know what you have found.

TheTuringTest ago

@23euology23 listened

privatepizza ago

Dude who's this @23euology23 ? He's not on Voat, is he on 4Chan? Please tell us what you mean by linking to this anon. Cheers>

Nana66 ago

There are also a crap ton of CTR everywhere on social media and news sites and if this sudden surge of shilling is real people...I'm scared for this world. Even what I call the Obama trolls are out in force, those are the black ones that around ganging up on anyone on Twitter who isn't following the narrative on twitter. For examle if I saw them conversing about Bernie being a racist, I had better shut my white mouth because I would be gang attacked by droves of them....I think PropaneJane us a leader.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

we had ctr come here a few months back leading up to the american election.

they're still here in smaller capacity.

Nana66 ago

None of it goes away just because Hillary lost...including the media pushing their agenda. I can believe people are so blind to that just because they are trained to hate Trump.

facereplacer ago

His YouTube links links to the panda sneeze video. These people are sick fucks.

duckingwhitemale ago

There is a memo in there on the different boards, with spelling mistakes. I want to to see an ant-trump meme now.

thebabyseagull ago

Skippy is Podesta MK ultra alter ego.

I posed this theory on Reddit at the time of the Podesta dump.

The video does look how I imagine MK mind control would work,flashing lights weird songs and such.

If we can prove it says skippy then that is pretty damning.

What's the consensus,does it say skippy or not?

ZalesMcMuffin ago

I don't hear it yet. I can't make out WTF the kid screams. I have crappy speakers though.

100% agreed on the MK Ultra. Whatever TF this video is, it is seriously bad for kitties -- or, in this case, kiddies. This "worldcorp" needs a good door-kicking MJTF raid (and I'm an ancapistani who hates those).

TheTuringTest ago

@23euology23 says is does

Pechal ago

OP you fell for a random comment on 4chan, a comment on 4chan doesn't mean its true. No one has been able to find which video file and at what time the child says anything like skippy. Please close this thread its useless.

inb4 I'm a shill, before you say that, find me "The audio of the child from worldcorp, where the name John is mentioned... Well apparently the child not only calls the abuser John but also Skippy..."

Mommyplayer571 ago

I heard John twice and then a Daddy.

Touchdown50 ago

Does skippy alter ego use a boston accent as well? That "thank you " video had pedosta yelling loud but i dont hear that boston accent coming out unlessss , its skippy who uses a boston accent

DopeandDiamonds ago

I have a Boston accent. I normally make an effort to hide it. I don't like the way it sounds.

When I am mad, I have no control over it. It comes out and I sound like southie trash. It is like night and day.

I cannot find any ties with him to Boston though.

Touchdown50 ago

But you do agree this guy in the video has a boston accent right?

DopeandDiamonds ago


privatepizza ago

@TheTuringTest - Have you posted the wrong /pol thread link? The thread at the top of OP is about the dam, nothing about JP and Skippy? Is this a larp ?

privatepizza ago

Here's an archive link for ya - http://archive.is/fe8tf

Maybe you could add it to your OP for those who can't visit /pol?

TheTuringTest ago

Done my man!

privatepizza ago

Yea that's better ; ) looking

23eulogy23 ago

I had read that and listened to the audio. ..it's true 😕 It's in file "each"

Pechal ago

Which second?

FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago

I think we need to take responsibility for being startled... Responsibility is probably the wrong word...

I just mean; We should have known this would eventually happen. I remember seeing posts when I first came to voat, CELEBRATING the fact that we now have a space free of shills.... But even at the time I was thinking, "Yeah, for now.... I'll give it a month"So what I'm saying is, I'm always right, everyone else is always wrong No but seriously.... Turns out I was wishful thinking with my estimate of a month.

But what do we expect? Voat's platform is no different from reddit, in the sense anyone can join, and say whatever they want.... Of course it's going to be corrupted. There's no reason to assume it wouldn't be, and we shouldn't be startled when it does...

This is why I said From litearally day 1 of this whole "Scandal" I know it's much more than that... that we need a PRIVATE SUB for actual research.... Keep the public ones, but we need a setting that can not be easily compromised. Anyone can join the private group, upon submission of relevant, original, information...If they abuse their "membership" they are removed.

I still think this needs to be the case, I know it's happening in a sense, as certain users have begun to collaborate with others privately. But It would be ideal if there was a larger private group, where users could collaborate in smaller groups on a number wide range of topics.

I tried to make a group like this, but quickly realized that I am not the person who should be making such a place.... Not that I shouldn't be, rather I'm not qualified. A couple hours in I'm like " I have no fucking clue what I'm doing"It's pretty ironic how much original information I have, since I'm technologically retarded in most aspects.

I know George Webb has had a pretty practical approach like this but I haven't taken advantage of it yet. I'm still trying to arrange my information in a digestible form...being able to easily present my information is one example of the technological aspects where I lack proficiency.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

i intend to take v/reportshills

when putt FINALLY gives in and gives it to me (conspiracy: v/subverserequest hasn't been done because of that; evidence: trail, last time i asked for a major sub, requests also took waaaay longer than usual, lending credibility again to the proven fact now - by justin's actions - that he is pro-censorship sjw.

by all means put your info in v/reportspammers now, so it can be out in the open :) shedding light on shills dries them up like raisins in the sun :)

SpikyAube ago

Can't see what you're referring to on that thread, it's just about the dam thing as far as I can see, no mention of Podesta.

SpikyAube ago

Thank you!! :-)

ploppy ago

Its not as far as I can tell. prove me wrong anyone.

FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago

Take No offense. I'm not him, so I shouldn't speak for him.... But fuck it, I will. I think he was insinuating you must spend more time on reddit, than voat if you're asking that question... Actually I'll abandon that theory, I have no clue what he's insinuating.

As far as censorship on voat goes. Yes. They most certainly are censoring, albeit under the guise of "We know what you guys should be focusing on." Often times they remove extremely relevant posts because a single mod lacks understanding as to what constitutes "relevant to pizzagate." And that's me giving those mods the benefit of the doubt... If I were to assume the worse, It would be that the mods removing these posts are doing so deliberately, in attempt to steer the investigation/research in a particular way.

Personally, I've seen a half dozen posts removed after being deemed, "not relevant" when I know for a fact they are relevant. I know they are relevant becasue my own research consists of many of POI in the posts that were removed... And to clarify, I came across these POI solely on my own research project...

It's not like I saw the posts on voat, Then decided to look into them... It was actually the other way around. I did my own research, not based on leads from voat. I only searched voat for these specific POI AFTER I deemed them relevant to my personal research. Sometimes the posts were months old... It should also be noted that even though my research correlates with a lot of the same people in the removed posts, It is completely DIFFERENT information.

However, the original posts on voat, were just as damning as the separate information I came across. Which makes it really hard for me to give the mods the benefit of the doubt in these cases.

That being said, There are a wide range of mods on this sub. Some have a good track record, Some not so much. Some get beat up more than they should, Other's not enough.

SpikyAube ago

I really really don't think most of the mods here are at all trying to censor, they all seem very concenred with getting it right and not censoring important stuff while at the same time ensuring the content is relevant and not all disinfo, distraction or just stuff no one can understand asking people to click on dodgy links. Thats my experience anyway. I think its more misunderstandings, either mods misunderstanding the relevance of the post, or posters misunderstanding the rules or the reasons their submission was deleted. Most submissions can be resubmitted with some additions like explaining the connection to PG or including sources for claims.

FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago

I really really don't think most of the mods here are at all trying to censor, they all seem very concenred with getting it right and not censoring important stuff while at the same time ensuring the content is relevant and not all disinfo, distraction or just stuff no one can understand asking people to click on dodgy links.

Ok, so I agree with you that most of the mods aren't TRYING to censor... But we've seen far too many examples, not even as far as internet forums go, rather life in general.... Where all it takes is a couple "moles" to fuck things up.

As far as their duty to weed out "distraction" This is where a lot of people might disagree with me.... but PERSONALLY, I do not think that is their duty. TOO OFTEN we see examples of what they deemed "Distraction" turns out to be extremely pertinent... It's a bit of catch-22. The way it should work, Is that no one becomes a mod, unless they've contributed a lot of original, relevant, information.... But Once you become a mod, Your time is spent being a mod..... I doubt they have time to monitor posts for distractions, and ALSO do their own original research, let alone research on all the new finds.... So how can they know what is a distraction or not?

All I know is I have a list of posts that were removed (Not mine) for being "distraction" or "irrelevant", even thougth they are extremely relevant. I only come across those posts, when I search voat for "new" information that I Find..... But more than not, upon reading the removed posts, it's perfectly clear to me how they were relevant before they were removed, and with out the added context of what I've found through out my research.

BUT AGAIN. I agree with you in saying that most of the mods do not have malicious intents, However intent has no bearing on the affect their power has... What seems like to distraction to them, often times is not distraction at all, to those with a better understanding of the topic at hand.

Side note, unrelated to anthing you said.... POSTS ARE NOT ABOUT IRREFUTABLE EVIDENCE. Some of the biggest aspects of this reserach, fuck, MOST of the information can be "refuted." That's the definition of "Circumstantial evidence" Actually I have no clue what the definition is. That doesn't mean it is not relevant, or further more, not evidence... No post should be viewed with tunnel vision....By that I mean, stop looking for absolute conclusions based on a single post.... This puzzle is too big, to be deemming a single peice irrelevant, when you're analyzing that single piece on its own.

There are a lot of people who know what they're doing, and are privay to a lot more context than the mods.... It's hurtful to those people, If the mods remove posts simply because they deem it distraction. Especially since the acitvaty of this sub has slowed down dramatically.... In my opinion, The only posts that should be removed, are posts that are factually inaccurate. This sub was NOT** created as a tool to inform the masses on what's going in pizzagate..... It was created to research ALL of the pieces to this massive possible. Nothing can be done if every post that isn't concrete evidence is removed.... Sometimes posts are generally correct, but the specifics are lacking. If you watch George webb (AS EVERYONE SHOULD) this is what we call "working theory."

From the wiki (WHICH IS SHIT SOURCE FOR "NEWS" based events I.E pizzagate)

A working hypothesis is a hypothesis that is provisionally accepted as a basis for further research[1] in the hope that a tenable theory will be produced, even if the hypothesis ultimately fails.[2] Like all hypotheses, a working hypothesis is constructed as a statement of expectations, which can be linked to the exploratory research [3] purpose in empirical investigation and is often used as a conceptual framework in qualitative research.[4][5]

Under the current practices of this sub, we seen none of that. Which is not rational way to go about this research.

SpikyAube ago

I don't think the rule about sources is at all about irrefutable evidence, it's partly to get people in the habit of making sure they can back up claims and distinguish between claims and speculation. Speculation and working theories are 100% a crucial part of any research, but it's still v important to distinguish between what we can postulate from the facts available, and what we actually know to be true. I don't know about the other mods but I'm a researcher for my job and I've also been trained as a journalist (although I quickly realised I really hated the media!) and if it's what you do as your profession, you perhaps notice what things will work and be credible as a source or evidence, when certain speculation is valid and helpful and when it is missing information or steps etc, and why certains things will get picked up on and torn apart by the media and therefore just serve to derail the investigation.

I always try to give extensive commentary on posts that have been deleted (that I come across or deleted myself) to explain why it was probably deleted, how behind the rationale is the desire to protect the investigation from being discredited, and how the post could be changed so that it will work. But a lot of people don't want to learn about that stuff and don't resubmit and just start posting about how all the mods are shills etc. Which really makes me sad!

Speculative posts are fine and not against the rules, and they don't need solid irrefutable evidence at all, there just needs to be enough information to show people why/how you came to that conclusion or what led you down that path of thinking. Because that provides extra value to the investigation by giving all the people reading different points and sources and persepctives for them to hang their own ideas and research on, which will be more likely to spark out of the box thinking or connections that wouldn't otherwise have arisen.

This sub was NOT** created as a tool to inform the masses on what's going in pizzagate..... It was created to research ALL of the pieces to this massive possible.

I think this is actually the main problem - the sub wasn't created to be a way of informing the public, its purpose is completely different, BUT it attracts attention from people who've only heard the fake news lie or people who know little about it and are skeptical, and knowing that, we want those people who come here to leave understanding PG better and understanding that it is real, that this isn't just a bunch of nutters making up stories to one another for laughs, and we also want to make sure that anyone who wants to discredit it can't leave with reams of submissions they can point to that are completely unsourced or don't follow a rational narrative thread, or that make us look like none of us know what we're doing or that we are going crazy and sharing random people's social media accounts and info just because they said they like pizza in their bio or something and because we had a 'bad feeling' about them. It could be that something like that actually ends up leading somewhere and the poster's intuition was right. But the likelihood of that has to be balanced against the potential negative repercussions to the investigation of having a post like that on the front page, which could end up on the news with newsreaders screeching about how PG is an insane witch hunt and leaving out ALL the other information other than that which makes their point.

So it is diffiuclt I think to balance the two, although I agree that it should be heavily weighted on the side of the investigation, it would be a massive shame if somehow some of the less solid and more crazy ideas/research posted here ended up making it much more difficult to convince the wider public of the investigation's general veracity.

FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago

Also, I'd like to double down on my mod criticism not being directed towards you... You know the saying " People don't remember what you say, but how you made them feel..."

well I don't remember anything you've said(aside from this exchange) but I don't remember seeing your name and feeling annoyed/pissed.... Don't get all cocky now, I'm not saying I remember feeling a rush of euphoria as I saw your name either.. Lol. No but seriously. Not talking about you... And again, in case any mod reads this, I'M NOT REFERRING TO MY POSTS BEING REMOVED.

Also I'd like to double down on my comment that said "SOME OF THE MODS ARE BEATEN UP MORE THAN THEY SHOULD BE." So it's not like I'm against the mods in general.... I know it's hard job, and often times a thankless job. I should just stop there, but I'll go ahead and ruin it... I JUST THINK that some mods make their job harder than it needs to be, by removing posts that need not be removed. Especially now, since" new development" posts have been slowing down dramatically... It's not like there's too many good posts, and not enough room on the front page.

SpikyAube ago

Yeah I understand, especially the bit about the rush of euphoria you get when you see my name - I can tell you're a little shy about it, but honestly it happens a lot, nothing to be ashamed of! :-)

FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago

See, This is why I try not to go on multiple long winded tangents in a day.... Because Now I'm not sure which comment you're specifically addressing...lol

I don't think the rule about sources is at all about irrefutable evidence

Did I say anything about sources or the source rule? Whoops, I don't mean that aggressively... like, " DID I FUCKING SAY ANYTHING BAOUT SOURCES YOU FUKIN CUNT"

I literally can't remember.... But I don't think I did? IF I did, I shouldn't have grouped it with the other point I was making... Because I Think EVERYTHING needs to be sourced well. But I was talking about the countless posts that are sourced AMAZINGLY well, but are still removed. ( I might be over exaggerating when I say "Countless posts" to be honest, I have about a half dozen posts in mind as I type this, But they are pretty big posts formatted properly)

I just realized you're a mod... So first let me say; you can sleep soundly because I was not thinking of you when mentioning the mods in my last post... Lol.

d we also want to make sure that anyone who wants to discredit it can't leave with reams of submissions they can point to that are completely unsourced or don't follow a rational narrative thread, or that make us look like none of us know what we're doing or that we are going crazy and sharing random people's social media accounts and info just because they said they like pizza in their bio or something and because we had a 'bad feeling' about them.

Dude. I totally agree.... and Again, I hope I didn't say anything that insinuates posts need not be sourced.... but also, I DON'T THINK social media accounts should be posted AT ALL, because it always ends up hurting us one way or another... Whether it ends up in a which hunt on innocent people, Or whether it prevents future research on someone highly suspicious. In fact, I think I said something similar in one of my following comments.

I'd argue, the only time a social media account should be publically analyzed, Is if there's incriminating evidence on that person else where.... By that I mean, instagram accounts should not be posted, simply because they are friends with another POI... Admittedly, more often than not that person ends up having sketch shit that warrants furthere investigation.... But you just can't do that shit. LIke, Do it privately, But you're most certainly right that it will end up hurting us if we continue to post people's instagram, if those peoole aren't connected in any other way.... I've been trying to say that for awhile now.

It's tricky.... Because often times Instagram accounts by themselves are suspect enough to warrant further investigation. But either way... I was not addressing those types of posts,orwhat we should do with suspicious instagram accounts, In my last comment.... And again, if I did, then I wasn't very clear..

So I agree with everything you said... I should have been more clear in the points I was trying to make.... I was strictly talking about well sourced, Meaty posts, Being removed because people somehow can't see how it's related to pizzagate.... Or because the poster isn't willing to spell out his accusations against someone because there's not ENOUGH evidence to do so.

I wasn't saying that crazy speculative posts should be allowed... In fact, I dont think speculative posts should be allowed at all... Well, completely speculative... Back to your first point, speculation needs to be back by sources... And the more serious of an accusation, the more sources you should be providing...

I ALSO WANT TO CLARIFY, I WAS NOT TALKING ABOUT MY POSTS BEING REMOVED.... Although, I did have one of my bigger posts removed the first 2 times I posted it, but admittedly, It was disorganized as fuck

SpikyAube ago

Okay we agree with each other, I am not sure I have seen meaty well sourced posts deleted. I suppose throwing a sentence in explaining its relationship to PG doesnt take too much time, hopefully people will get used to doing that and there will be much fewer controversial deletions!

I could have added this reply to my earlier reply, but I wanted to give you double the rush on seeing you had a message from me - you're very welcome ;-)

bopper ago

Where in the audio is "John" and also "Skippy" said?

DeusEstClaudio ago


This is the clip, supposedly 10 seconds in.

VieBleu ago

Does anyone have this archived? That link does not work anymore.

bucketoftea ago

Try again. It didn't work for me 1st time, but did when I tried a bit later.

Pechal ago

No where, OP is purposely disinfo, or hes an idiot and believed 1 unsupported comment on 4chan.

For the record: this comment was made before OP finally posted which video and at what second, about an hour and a half later

micha_ ago

Not only that, but the voices are lacking any real stress. To me this is obviously fake. The disinfo idiots have such an easy game with the normal idiots.

bopper ago

Thanks. What about this Victerus Libertus (or whatever the name is) guy? I've seen him just a little.

ploppy ago

"Well apparently the child not only calls the abuser John but also Skippy..." prove it.

FriesischShipping ago

8 Minute old handles calling it fake news = realist shit ever

wrok-wrok ago

List of videos from the original domain http://worldcorpo.net/content/video/

I really discourage anyone from watching these...You won't be able to sleep...

GeorgeT ago

White hat agent leaked it.

pnwpatriot97 ago

To the TOP with this!!

BackToBlack ago

no, I meant the mods on /pol/. If you start a pizzagate related thread you get a warning that one more post like that that does not directly relate to politics and you'll get a ban. It started right after those videos were found.

Fate0011 ago

Not lying, I caught a 2 week ban for it. (They said it was "Raiding/Call to invasion")

It's more less the day mod over half-chan he/she is a fucking cuck faggel Im pretty sure (Not positive) they are also running script to auto-sage/auto-slide PG threads on half-chan (Day and Night). You can have 3-4 ppl commenting and the thread either WON'T bump or within 2 minutes of nobody posting it will be pg. 10. And half-chan's whole spiel is "Free Speech" What a fucking joke They are becoming the MSM now.....say what we agree with or it's gone and so are you.

Night mods are pretty cool. I've never been b& at night. Although the slide/sage script still seems to be running

It's changed ALOT since M00k came

OrangeKraken ago

Flat out untrue, threads are stickied for god sakes.

Yates ago

We have a sticky for pg stuff. Webb or one of his fans keeps posting new threads with his vids asking for mods to delete trolls and shitposting. Keep it all in one place for easy reference, why is that so hard to understand?

SmilingWide ago

Because, one thread can not contain an entire subject without becoming a sh1tshow

Voatuser-x ago

Fuck /pol/ they banned me for starting a pizzagate thread and for talking about what I went through. Feb 14 5 AM Hawaii time.

Hawaii, where they openly protect the pedos. After all, if god didn't want you to get raped, why would he make you a poor, abused kid? Just let the old guy suck you off and never tell anyone and maybe everything will turn out ok, well no, they will try to spy on you using the toilet and rape and murder you (on the toilet, they like that stuff) and turn it into a snuff film, and if you get away, they call you a violent criminal monster terrorist and say you hate Amuricuh.

thomccc ago

Voatuser-x, Man, you ever do any resaserch on "Targeted Individuals"--especially on youtube?

Your case/life experiences is classic

Touchdown50 ago

I do believe many states protect pedos. And hawaii as well.

Voatuser-x ago

Here is an example, years after what I went through.


This Leon Rouse guy and a whole bunch of others have a network in Waikiki where they lure poor and homeless kids to their places and exchange a place to stay or drugs for molestation. Years before this they tried this on me and when I tried to tell the cops, the cops started to target me and never stopped. It has been 23 years and several attempts on my life. This stuff is deeply entrenched here.

Protected by the cops and guys with shirts that say "Federal Police". They boasted they could do anything they wanted to me, but when I got video and pictures, they called me a violent terrorist. Multiple illegal arrests to destroy evidence and steal my cameras, sham court trials when they could not, constant death threats from police and their snitch crews- drug dealers, neighborhood watch groups...

LolturdFerguson ago

Makes you think why Obama went to Hawaii all the time...

concernedaboutitall ago

So sad. I am sorry you went through this.

Mommyplayer571 ago

Oh my . That is terrible.

theHubrisOfMan ago

An interesting video about the little bit of history we have on "Woldcrop Enterprises" Worldcorp on YouTube. Possible ARG? Child Abuse? Both?

gangpressorliber ago

NOW IS THE TIME FOR ACTION!!!! Everyone make a tweat able shareable logical short and simple media to spread around in mass. We can use 1000 different unique ones and one or two will catch like wild fire! we need to spread what this man here has found!! get it out. Post it everywhere!

TheTuringTest ago

I have tweeted to FBI and intend to tweet to all police departments also. Join me in the flood.

ploppy ago

I call bullshit. no link to thread and no audio either.

klondike1412 ago


Listen @ ~10 seconds into the video, kid goes "Noooo! Skippy! Skippyyyy!:

nnfx ago

If you think you can take listening to this.... https://www.youpak.com/watch?v=tgKAbejXPaw

So if you really manage to go through this please let us know, if the names "Skippy" "and John" are really mentioned. I just can't. I have the original video as well if anyone needs it.

ploppy ago

Thats a link about the dam. nothing to do with pizzagate.

nnfx ago

You failed the turing test- A person wanted a link to a 4chan worldcorp thread and you delivered a 4chan thread about the california dam? :D

TheTuringTest ago

Human error, I'll fix it.

nnfx ago

Human error

That's what they always say. xD

btw, you obv. are brave enough to listen through this shit. Can you not go for us and cut out the parts where John and Skippy are mentioned? I want this to be verified, but I really just can't do it my self and many others feel the same I guess....

ploppy ago

Well? its been 5 mins.

ploppy ago

Where is the audio of him saying skippy? proof might be nice.

23eulogy23 ago

Worldcorpo.net videos- file "each"

Pechal ago

And at what time in that video? Not hearing anything like skippy. OP literally posted 1 guys comment on 4chan and took it as fact, newfag mistake.

jastonas ago

Can't hear it either.

klondike1412 ago


At around 10 seconds she goes "Nooo! Skippy! Skippyyyy!"

rest_me123 ago

There is nothing near "skippy" or "no" or "please". I'm listening on apple earpods, which are the clearest of all earplugs I ever had. I can only concur with Pechal in that matter, but still, I'm open for further revelations.

klondike1412 ago

You can very clearly hear the first "no skippy" before he starts talking over the "skippy, skippy please". It's not easy to make out the rest, but the first one is pretty clear.

Pechal ago

Well that is a huge stretch but finally someone makes some sort of a claim.

redditsuckz ago

Maybe if people keep saying they hear "skippy" enough times you might be brainwashed and able to hear it?...I cant hear shit...someone needs to isolate the audio for any proof of "skippy" being said.

Pechal ago

Not only this but it is debatable if he even says John, it sounds more like "Darren" if you think he says Darren. It can be John but its quite unclear.

Also TheTuringTest you are linking to a wrong thread about the Dam, there is nothing in here about Podesta or Pizzagate

Touchdown50 ago

No it sounds like John.

Pechal ago

Alright not trying to be a shill, but you can be objective about it. Also there is ZERO evidence that in any of these videos the child calls him Skippy, not until i get a timestamp and filename of where it supposedly is.

Ask yourself who the disinfo shill really is here, the first thing you would do with such a claim is say its in "x" video at "2:21" timestamp, whole thread no one says anything like that!

Touchdown50 ago

Thats the hard part, i dont hear skippy in that lunacy. But this guy is going on about his multiple personalties. Its like they are all there in that bathroom.

Pechal ago

The multiple personalities thing is definitely more evidence, but all I'm saying is theres no evidence of this in this video.

Touchdown50 ago

If you listen to that second video you can hear him say" and me and me and me."

TheTuringTest ago

Anunnaki_Bukakke 4 points (+4|-0) 2 hours ago http://worldcorpo.net/ At 12 seconds the child says "John," which also admittedly sounds like it could also be "Darren." Then the child repeats it, and it is most certainly John to my ear at 14 seconds. If you alter your equalizer you can isolate the child's voice better.

Then in this video http://worldcorpo.net/content/video/each.mp4MP4

At ~7s the child says "No Skippy Skippy please" clear as a bell. Pechal is going to every comment and spreading FUD, makes me very suspicious of him.

ZalesMcMuffin ago

If you alter your equalizer you can isolate the child's voice better.

Could you be more vague?


Srsly though, what alteration do you recommend? I don't hear any Skippy or John anywhere yet. Just Darren and a bunch of screaming which I can't make words out of.

The test here is going to be what a normie hears in a blind testing arrangement. Take this to someone who has no idea what it is and tell them nothing, and simply ask them to listen and tell what they hear. It's dumb for us moralfags to take our own impressions as objective facts (which, hopefully, we all realize), and it's simple to address the subjectivity factor.

Yay for common sense.

TheTuringTest ago

If you can bare listening to the audio, then do it and prove it to yourself. All else will be secondary until the FBI or other white hat agencies legitimise it to you. Will then, the proof be good enough? Anything I say is in dispute with you currently, apparently. Listen for yourself. http://boards.4chan.org/pol/thread/112369261/its-absolutely-fucking-happening

Pechal ago

Uh I think you linked the wrong thing. Is there a new audio? I have listened to all the tapes. Where does it say skippy?


23eulogy23 ago

I believe file "each"

Pechal ago

Well I'm listening want to give which second, never hear skippy.

Pechal ago

Can you not just link the video, no one is telling which video. Tell the filename at least Jesus, are you purposely trying to be vague? Thats the only reason I can understand for not saying which video he says skippy.

Dir7y ago

Funny... repost the video a couple days ago, immediately get labeled a shill, disinformation, and had my rep brought down. Strange how everything just unfolds right in front of you. Keep it up, folks. We're near the end

ThePuppetShow ago

The mode here are working against everyone, just like everywhere else.

Mylon ago

I keep hearing that, but no one ever links to the public modlogs to prove that the mods are removing useful content.

ThePuppetShow ago

Anything Saudi Arabia was deleted for a while. Any calls to organize the community for protest are redirected to another sub with like 20 members. Any complaints about the rules are deleted. I even started a thread to get the rules changed and was told by one of the owners that if we got a majority vote it would change. They deleted that too once they saw it was getting a good response and told me to take it to the pizzagatemods sub where there's only 20 members. It's impossible to get a majority vote like that.


But, I'm just considered a shill with shitty research skills for pointing this out..


Narcissism ago

I got mine axed....

FriesischShipping ago

It's cool, this is an open source investigation so they have the same Intel we do. They were waiting to pounce the second someon made a post. If anyone is calling out new evidence that's literally hours old as shillery rest assured they aren't here for our benefit. Real researchers need time to digest and analyze new leads and materials before it gets vetted or thrown away.

GeorgeT ago

It's just the begining - begining of the end of them! We have Killary to thank. She sure does have wonderful instincts.

doolord ago

Hillary's tweet started all this shit. Makes you wonder what would happen if she hadn't said anything at all.

roundhouse1776 ago

You could be very successful and happy in life by just doing the exact opposite of everything Hillary does.

survey_girl ago

Makes since now, why Obama hated her so much, he said she was too careless....

Orlando_Kek_Follower ago

She's doing it because she's a Satanist and part of her belief structure is that she is better than us (the goyim, the peasants) and that we cannot get to her, up there on her pedestal. But we're slowly building a ladder.

GeorgeT ago

And it all started with her private email server and JP giving away his password. That is ameturish.

Dressage2 ago

Somebody just brought up several instances where Skippy is used to denote Podesta in the Wiki emails. Just posted in last few days. Check the Deleted Submissions on lower right corner. It is probably there. That is where all the real leads and posts are stored.

wrok-wrok ago


No one doubts Mr. Podesta’s toughness. During his previous White House stint, colleagues joked that he was sometimes replaced by his evil twin “Skippy.”

GeorgeT ago

I knew that child screaming was real, no child could possibly fake that. I cannot wait to see Megyn Kelly's face - please God, let it happen! I want to see her face please God!!!!

phlux ago

Keep tweeting it to her....

TheTuringTest ago


derram ago

https://archive.is/uLkpn :

Jeremy Nolt on Twitter: "This guy @PhilippeReines that Hillary just quoted concerning #PizzaGate has a John Podesta quote as his bio... t.co/93NHsh6vkL"

This has been an automated message.

carmencita ago

I just commented in another thread about the MK Ultra mind control. I suggested he may have used his father's voice, since their brains have been departmentalized, they have many personalities. Yes, it could be Skippy. Must be run through voice software by the fbi. I believe they are reading everything on here.

Drugs ago

This is very interesting. Do you know of any literature or videos about MK ultra and monarch programming that I could check out ?

VieBleu ago

Everything you need to know to get started is on this site - http://vigilantcitizen.com/

21yearsofdigging ago

There is tons. Google Fritz Springmeier, ritual abuse, Svali Speaks and any number of other places. Here is a book he wrote https://www.amazon.ca/Illuminati-Create-Undetectable-Total-Controlled/dp/1440490228

carmencita ago

I am not good at links but there was one on here about Leonard Cohen and how he went under MK Ultra it was by Abel Danger. There is one that is of greater length with much more information in it, including how Jesuits are involved with a hospital in Montreal and MK Ultra. It also stated that John P probably mind controlled BO and that Justin T is also MK Ultra because of his father and his friends. Very informative if you can find the long version. It blew my mind.

Drugs ago

Thanks! I'll try to find those.

21yearsofdigging ago

You are so right. Last night was insane, the worst I have seen in over a month on here for perp activity. The alphabet agencies freak out when any of us mention monarch programming and ritual abuse. Yesterday had an upswing in people on here mentioning SRA and targeting. I could almost 'feel' the bad guys going, "holy shit, we have to throw a wrench in those posts". Yes, just assume anything we write here is being dissected and they are in spin mode and damage control but it is too late, the proverbial cat is out of the bag

thicktail1730947 ago

I wish we could engineer a few tomatos in the mirror. Many of the participants are themselves programmed outputs of earlier rounds, and as such have alters of their own. Some of them would be very, very surprised to learn of their own activities.

YingYangMom ago

Spot on.

carmencita ago

We must keep it up. We must keep reporting things to the fbi and speaking out. We know who the shills are. They are on here because we are getting close and they are out in force. Keep Up the Good Work Pizzagaters.

FriesischShipping ago

It was off the chain last night, wow, so many new accounts forum sliding, shilling of shills on shill posts and comments, and trying to shut down discussion on real posts, 'twas nuts.

JoJoVoat ago

Has anyone researched the Podestas upbringing? Wonder if they were born into this shit

Godwillwin ago

Yeh his mom was the one in his emails in the book club that in the emails was said to not really be a book club or something like that. I'll see if I can find the emails and thread about it

concernedaboutitall ago

Their mom may have adopted "20" people, not sure if those were kids or adults. It was stated in articles upon her death, with no clarification.

carmencita ago

This is from the Chicago Mag Interview: Politico’s Glenn Thrush says that your brother can have a “short fuse;” that he has “a sulfuric evil twin [named SKIPPY] so fearsome that even the brash Rahm Emanuel scrambled for cover.”I think that John has high standards. And I think that the people who worked for him in the White House and people who worked for him at CAP love and respect him. He has moments when people disappoint. He sometimes can make that clear. And just for Gits & Shiggles Tony Says: Are there other people from Chicago who went on to run for office whom you knew when you lived here, went to school here?I went to college with Denny Hastert, Carol Moseley Braun, and Steve Schiff, who became a Republican congressman from Albuquerque, New Mexico. We were all in student government at the U of I. In 1965, Hastert and I were part of a two-month student delegation to Japan. We traveled around the country, taught at an English camp for two weeks, met with local YMCA leaders. We were there for the 20th anniversary of the bombing of Hiroshima. Hastert was not like Clinton or Rahm. I did not see the seed of political power. We’re still friends. I knew him when he was Speaker. His personality has not changed at all from 1965 to 2013. He’s a decent, wonderful guy. People like and respect him. I was surprised to see him elected to Congress, but, once there, I was not surprised to see him become Speaker of the House. HE SAYS ABOUT HASTERT: He's a decent wonderful guy. Has not changed at all. Whoa!

zo34 ago

Need a link for that source.

carmencita ago

I am sorry I am really lousy at links but I did say at the beginning that it is an interview in an old Chicago Mag. article. It was by Carol Felsenthal if that helps.

zo34 ago

That'll do. Thanks.

carmencita ago

I have read that article many times, especially that part. I don't remember where I read it, maybe on 4chan site. There was a letter from someone that met Tony and Denny years ago on their trip. Very interesting. If you can find it, interesting. If have read so many things that my head is going to explode it is on overload.

GeorgeT ago

I believe most of them are. JA for sure.

carmencita ago

I have tried to research the father's past but find not much on him. I would not count out that they have scrubbed it all. There is an old interview of TP by Chicago Mag. You should read it. It was somewhat enlightening, but of course he is not going to say any nasty things about his dad, since he would be doing the same things. Ugh. The Mother is Greek and so is Alfantis. There is a lot of pedo stuff in their past, like with the patriarchs, not saying all of them but going way back there were some. I believe it may have been handed down through satanic religion, or again through their MK Ultra mind control.

stellarcorpse ago

Father may be CIA 2.

carmencita ago

A real possibility. One thing I feel for sure is that there were a lot of strange things going on in that home. There had to be for those two brothers to turn out as they did.

GeorgeT ago

Ted Gunderson had been right all along. So that is what Newt Gingrich meant that Trump was not member of the Club. Too clear.,

TheTuringTest ago

He had a Jesuit upbringing and his mother was known in political circles.

GeorgeHodelDidit ago

Jesuit were started by crypto jews to take over the catholic church.....and it worked....look at the clown that is now the pope....major kid rapist that one is.

YingYangMom ago

Clown? You're being too nice here. Maggot is more like it.

TheTuringTest ago

Adam Weishaupt was of Jewish stock, correct.

Forgetmenot ago

Just like the pope.

SaveTheChildren ago

They were all born into this tranny satanic occult. Get with the program.

They live in the image of baphomet and they live degenerate lives to mock god. They are the architects. They are attempting to turn the human race into a bunch of trans-human tranny abominations.

I don't even believe in god, but these people do, and actively try to mock him at every chance they can.

Edit: I just want to thank people for not slamming this with downvoats. We can break through the conditioning if we all are honest with ourselves.

redditsuckz ago

They were all born into this tranny satanic occult.

Yep...even Caris James might be a boy these people are raising as a girl;


DustyRadio ago

IMO, you don't have to believe in God (though I do) to know that this shit is fucked. These people live their lives taunting and hating the ordinary person and their beliefs, whatever beliefs they are.

huwiteyffffff ago

Pain, suffering, evil. These are all things people can't deny when they are confronted by them.Some are possessed by it and become the demons we're investigating here. Some find the strength to about face and walk in the opposite direction.

As a people we must all confront this evil directly, extinguish it, and then collectively about face and begin walking the other direction. Whatever the opposite of this horror is must be something like goodness, holiness, righteousness.

GeorgeT ago

Guys, a gay porn director next to Obama on Airforce1 - Washington must have been rolling in his grave.

SaveTheChildren ago

Just think how desensitized everybody is now a days to the degeneracy. They've already made degeneracy a socially acceptable thing. It's gotten so bad that people think defending those who chopped off their god-given sexual organs is something to be cheered. It's really disgusting and I wish that people could just wake the fuck up. Taking hormones to change your sex and surgically altering your body into the opposite sex is about one of the most deranged and degenerate things you could possibly do. Why do people support this?!

Piscina ago

Truth. people support it because they don't want to be labelled as bigots

SmilingWide ago

They chopped the tip of my pecker off at birth and I've been pissed off and looking for revenge every since!

SaveTheChildren ago


As an american with a fully intact penis I feel so fucking lucky.

Talk about severe brainwashing to get an entire nation to mutilate their children! At least it seems we are waking up from that one. The media still pushes so hard in America that a 100% natural penis is somehow 'gross'.

Americans are so fucking brainwashed. Jesus Christ.

SmilingWide ago

The part that really pisses me off is that not only did they clip my tip, but they sold it for upwards of $100k while leaving me to be raised in a life of abject poverty.

SaveTheChildren ago

Is that why they do it? People want to eat the foreskins off the little boys, don't they?

SmilingWide ago

I think they use it for stem cell research or wrinkle cream for rich old ladies.

SaveTheChildren ago

It's so disgusting. I can't believe that generations of Americans subjected their little boys to that it really just infuriates me. I really lose my patience with people that still support it.

GeorgeT ago

And here is the disturbing thing about normalizing the abnormal. To them, what we do is abnormal! A wholesome sexual & spiritual union between a fully matured man and a woman is perversion from the perspective of a homosexual, pedophile or a child torturer & murderer. This is the truth that no one dares speak about. We are their enemy. They hate us.

SaveTheChildren ago

I agree, brother.

You should head over to /v/Transvestigation sometime. We are all aware of this satanic tranny occult, so you can talk to other's who aren't asleep.

survey_girl ago

Ex KGB agent speaks about ideological subversion: https://youtu.be/R3nXvScRazg

I know a lot of you have seen this, but if you haven't, it is definitely worth watching (and the longer version too!). The Marxist's took over this country, look at how much our values have changed in the last 60 years. Everything that was considered degenerate behavior is now mainstream. And I agree completely @savethechildren... we are trained to support these behaviors because we don't want to be labeled a bigot (or homophobe, islamaphobe, racist, fascist, Nazi, etc.). We have to accept them or else!

SaveTheChildren ago


It takes courage to believe in yourself over the masses.

There is no way these disgusting trannies will make me believe that chopping your dick off and inverting it into a vagina is anything other than complete degeneracy.

BackToBlack ago

Right after those videos were leaked the mods started censoring all pizzagate related threads. We're getting closer to shooting this hive so that it bursts open for everyone to see.

slickleg64 ago

banned on 4chan for apparently trying to incite a riot. Title Here Same topic as my last pg sub. Someone using a random yandex found my personal email messaging me to stop. Im backing out.

ZalesMcMuffin ago

Make new account here, lurk a little while, & jump back in.

GhengisPlan ago

OP is banned for this http://archive.is/fyKN4

isthisreality ago

My post just got deleted citing rule 2 - but anyways is there an occupational title for people who analyze audio for a living/professionally? If I could find someone around here that does that I would be MORE than willing to pay to have it done

ZalesMcMuffin ago

"Audio forensics"

ginx2666 ago

Right after those videos were leaked the mods started censoring all pizzagate related threads.

4chan mods? You do realize there are other places one can gather, don't you. Like, oh I don't know... fucking HERE?!

wrok-wrok ago

8ch pol doesnt sensor this discussion. Its best discussed there

Orlando_Kek_Follower ago

Yeah but when you source an obscure site like 8chan (which has loli shit and CP posted somewhat regularly from what I understand) it can be hard to get people to get behind that information. Every time something leaks from ANY chan site, the narrative is always "its a prank, its a prank."

redditsuckz ago

Oh yes it does..

8ch.net mods deleting Pizzagate posts

26 Jan 2017 19:22



1 hour later 22 posts are missing;

26 Jan 2017 21:12





8ch is worse because posts completly vanish unlike here where they at least get moved to the deleted submissions pile...

Melitica ago

The shit 8ch.net/pol/ deletes is actual shit.

As for the missing 22...It's all there 8ch.net/pol/res/8950997


no 8chan will you ban you for anything that gets their population angry

ive been banned for saying all finland is brainwashed by the government, drugs should be decriminalized, nazis are bad, and not all people who identify as muslim are bad, and defending freedom in general!

TheTuringTest ago

shakes your hand congratulations on making history.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

the amount of censorship on voat is startling. not only is pg entirely run by shills, so is voat.

justin chastain, (@puttitout) is a liar and an sjw. last proof post; voat is for the shills.

Lovethelight ago

There is an open source thread re pg on Corbett report...could be used at least as a way to cross post? https://www.corbettreport.com/reddit-bans-pizzagate-investigation-the-corbett-report-continues-it/

stellarcorpse ago

No one round ever lets me post a damn thing about J. Alefantis without getting me deleted and yes I am whining.

followthemoney ago


stellarcorpse ago

My first submission here last week about J. Alefantis and CarisJames was deleted 4 times by Mods. It finally stuck but I had to change to title. Now it's Where is Caris?

SmilingWide ago

Everything I posted early on was deleted and I was downvoted to the point I couldn't even post.

stellarcorpse ago

this shits real.

2016DLG ago

that's exactly it. this shit's real! they are so extra vigilant about ANY pizzagate thing but everything else on voat or deddit or wherever is fine including cannibalism and bestiality.

stellarcorpse ago

Every time I try to post anything about J.Alefantis it gets deleted. Maybe it's just my bad luck.

roundhouse1776 ago

Don't celebrate yet, David Seaman will show up soon to take credit for this.

LolturdFerguson ago

dare I say Top Kek?

DonKon ago

why don't you make a video using your real name then if you don't want him to talk about it? He has more exposure with his name and puts himself out there.

SmilingWide ago

I think David let his true colors show (egotistical asshat), but tbh, most of the people covering PG were just attention-seeking whores looking for followers... Everyone is a wannabe journalist these days...

I give David credit for helping to get the word out though. Just like I do to Ben Swann. However, I believe in the end, the only people who will deserve real credit will be the anonymous vigilantes who bring Justice to these pedos.

OhRutherfordBehave ago

Seaman hasn't taken credit for anything. He has taken something not mainstream and made it made mainstream. He is a general reporter, not a specific reporter, which is largely how media works in the place it is now. He has supported activism and supported the conversation. He is a very important piece of the puzzle and I have yet to see that his intentions are evil. And until that time I will not be taking any shots at him.

MolochHunter ago

got Davids back but that made me laugh, +1

Astrodreamer ago

Nonsense -- DS will bring this news to thousands due to his years of effort at audience-building. He deserves credit for that. How many people can you inform? This Seaman bashing is pure envy. Yes he's repetitive and drones and is sometimes absurd. But repetition, no matter how annoying to the already informed, is necessary to do the job. Anyone who is up-to-date about PG doesn't need to watch him; that's OK.

Birdzeyeview ago

Seaman does not believe a word of what he spouts on PG, it's clickbait for bux, means zero to him. But keep getting scammed y'all.

southartful ago

Take a seat, it was a joke sonny

roundhouse1776 ago

Oh you poor lost soul.

Betty_Swollocks ago

I don't care who gets credit. Just let's get this shit done.

HarveyKlinger ago

Don't take this the wrong way but I've never loved anyone as much as I love you right now for that comment.