Gbuggers ago

And he gets all butt hurt because we dont follow his lead and leave it alone. A kid is being. Tortured by someone maybe the kid is still alive and can be saved. John podesta is our only lead. And. I need more proof that its not podesta than just one person saying they heard Darren. For all we know he could be JA or someone else trying to steer us another direction. As hostile as he is about it, makes you wonder.

privatepizza ago

Following closely, from everyone's comments I can tell how utterly disturbing / devastating it is. I haven't watched / listened but really take my hat off to those who have. I question where the leak came from, also, and feel we're being fed info from somewhere. White hats or black, who knows at this point, and hopefully someone runs it through voice recognition soon. If we get a positive, it'll change the investigation irrevocably.

Gbuggers ago

I agree with you and i didnt hear anything close to Darren. Looks like 1 person heard darren

Gbuggers ago

The voice is that of John Podesta for sure. Where did the video come from? When did it surface?

CavemanCult ago

Could be true, didn't Killary put on a southern accent during the campaign in southern states?

goatboy ago

Yeah, look at the eyes of any chi-mo in prison. They all look the same- the down cast dead eyes and death grin that can't come above the nose. Seriously, watch any true prison show and look for the pedos. They all have the same mask on their faces.

lordofthekek ago

!!!Guys!!! After seeing this I went snooping around for footage that shows John getting angry/flustered/yelling and came across the very telling and candid Project Veritas Interview on the street.

Listen this part of the Veritas Interview, then:

Then compare to this segment of the 'fatherhood' original audio - almost uncanny:

Orangutan ago

YouTube must be removing that video now.

pmichel ago

exactly! The whole focus is on is it Podesta or not when it should be on the fact someone is using sadistic torture on children.. and filming it.

vacvape ago

I think it's more like it would just be more prominent when he's flipping out.


It's not Podesta. This is a hoax. Forget it!

lordofthekek ago

Listen this part of the Veritas Interview, then:

Then compare to this segment of the 'fatherhood' original audio - almost uncanny:

MAGABoomer ago

THIS video in the OP is fake. It's a purpose made video by an guy well-known for his mixing skills. This video is NOT the original video and if people want to see that they can see it for themselves instead of all the freak ass snippets your lot are putting out to confuse people.

MAGABoomer ago

HOLY SHIT did you go off and get a new account? THIS video in THIS post is a fake. PERIOD. SOME tard used mix software and BOOM instant views. Sorry I'm not helping you out on the lulz.

chewyflex ago

Same timbre, but the accent is totally different.

MAGABoomer ago

NO. This video is a mix using software to make a voice in a fake video on a fake troll website trying to trap people into believing this and spreading it. The man's voice from the "fatherhood" video has been ALTERED. I don't know what else I can do. People will believe anything.

zagreos ago

Even the crack in the voice is the same. No doubt it's the same guy. It's beyond question.

MAGABoomer ago

Yeah, I'm done here too. It's well-meaning people reposting shit from twitter and FB that...oh why bother.

I know this was done by a b/tard. /po/ is trolling with it now...acting like it's serious...then this guy says of the video AND the guy who compiled it:

I was convinced at first but if you listen to the other videos here:

DELETED LINK to worldcorp

(this video is called "fatherless")

you realize the guy has a trait for using voice altering software. I think the two (and third if you listen closely in the beginning) voices are separate streams merged into one. Also in the other videos he sounds representatively to that of a John Podesta-like voice with the harsh jew sounding accent, but nonetheless subtly different from the one that has made the current focus for this thread.

He further goes on to state he thinks it's actual performance art but that the kid probably isn't doing it voluntarily, and he lists an example.

The_Kuru ago

Is there some evidence that it's Podesta or is the "red pill" telling you that? Don't get to the point where you want to believe stuff.

IlluminatiKing ago

I am not sure. The other guy's voice seems to have a thicker accent, but they do sound similar.

MakeAmericaDankAgain ago

Am I the only one who doesn't know what's going on in this video? What's that audio from?

VieBleu ago

It was leaked repeatedly all over many forums and not just here. Possibly a psy op to create "fake news" sensation, or possibly leaked by law enforcement to rattle the perp recorded in it that the evidence is out of your control now, your move.

zagreos ago

The audio is a child being tortured by someone named 'John'. It was originally part of a video that was discovered viĆ¢ Pizzagate research.

redditsuckz ago

Extremely disturbing video circulating on twitter. Audio of sadistic child abuse, now being speculated as containing the voice of John Podesta

Wolftrail7272 ago

Yes. I'm saying that the video with a man screaming at a child was podesta. If it weren't, many debunks would've come out very quickly, as it isn't that hard to do and the media/dems have all the motivation to do so in the entire world. Think about the implications of this. There will be whole police departments, but likely just those in charge of them, that are corrupted. I have much more information I haven't leaked yet but am in the process of figuring out the right way to leak. Please, trust me. If you have guns, buy ammo. This isn't a joke. Learn how to make "home security systems." Please.


MAGABoomer ago

this is a fake. it's a diversion. as you can clearly see it's working. I did the analysis of all the videos on the troll site. Once I debunked it on one thread they came back and reposted it three more times in new threads with sensational headlines telling people IS THIS JOHN PODESTA...implant confirmation bias.

The little boy screams DARREN. Thanks for using your head. This rendition is seriously edited and dishonest.

zagreos ago

Stop spreading disinformation again. The little boy screams "JOHN!" when asked "what's my name?". You're simply lying. You're playing on the fact that most people are too squeamish to watch the video and verify it for themselves.

MAGABoomer ago

Trying to get paid view? Trying to discredit and make the whole thing look foolish? Fucktard, the video maker is well know for his "mix" skills. b/tard already exposed it so STFU and BTFO.

zagreos ago

You're trying to make the whole thing look foolish by trying to discredit LEGITIMATE and GOOD evidence. You're a fucking shill. You're utterly transparent. Stop protecting pedophiles. Stop spreading disinformation. The little boy screams "JOHN!" when asked "what's my name?". You're simply lying. You're playing on the fact that most people are too squeamish to watch the video and verify it for themselves. I hate liars. Stop lying to people, pedophile.

MAGABoomer ago

Stop lying to people who don't know better.

LOL working overtime? WOW you have something invested in getting people to believe you. I analyzed this last night fucktard. Some b/tard did a voice mix. DONE!

Trying to get paid view? Trying to discredit and make the whole thing look foolish? Fucktard, the video maker is well know for his "mix" skills. b/tard already exposed it so STFU and BTFO.

zagreos ago

Children DO matter, pedophile. You're a liar and a pedophile. I work for no one. You're trying to make the whole thing look foolish by trying to discredit LEGITIMATE and GOOD evidence. You're a fucking shill. You're utterly transparent. Stop protecting pedophiles. Stop spreading disinformation. The little boy screams "JOHN!" when asked "what's my name?". You're simply lying. You're playing on the fact that most people are too squeamish to watch the video and verify it for themselves. I hate liars. Stop lying to people.

MAGABoomer ago

LOLOLOLOLOL wait, you forgot god in this post. Hollering god AND calling me a pedo should work.

zagreos ago

Keep bumping the thread. More people will be exposed to the truth, shill. You're a liar and a pedophile. You're trying to make the whole thing look foolish by trying to discredit LEGITIMATE and GOOD evidence. You're a fucking shill. You're utterly transparent. Stop protecting pedophiles. Stop spreading disinformation. The little boy screams "JOHN!" when asked "what's my name?". You're simply lying. You're playing on the fact that most people are too squeamish to watch the video and verify it for themselves. I hate liars. Stop lying to people.

MAGABoomer ago

If you wanted to get some actual like...real believers you should have actually worked a little bit harder building a more believable user profile. LOLOL

heyall he's saying you're too squemish to watch the video. There's absolutely nothing illegal ANYWHERE on that website. Only two videos COULD be disturbing if they weren't so hacked up to hide that they're literally nothing.

MAGABoomer ago

The little boy also screams DARREN when the man says "What's my name" something creatively left out of the video.

Ya'll just keep on being distracted.

starseedlover ago

It sounds like JAAHHN to me

gardenofbacchus ago

It is JAAAAHN. The kid is in hysterical terror and this is what kids sound like when they're in immense pain

Gbuggers ago

I beginning to think he is protecting JP no one else hears Darren

MAGABoomer ago

Again, the man who made the video is WELL KNOWN for

you realize the guy has a trait for using voice altering software. I think the two (and third if you listen closely in the beginning) voices are separate streams merged into one. Also in the other videos he sounds representatively to that of a John Podesta-like voice with the harsh jew sounding accent, but nonetheless subtly different from the one that has made the current focus for this thread.

from /pol/ now stop it.

VieBleu ago

can you be more specific - who is "the man that made the video" that you keep referencing? He is not well known to me.

MAGABoomer ago

When /pol/ was LAUGHING about this video making the rounds one guy outed the video maker. I'm sure they've separated the video from the maker by reuploading so people cannot figure it out...but the man who made the ZOMG this is Podesta's voice is a professional sound mixer.

Personally I'll wait for something a little less trollish. The guy literally adjusted the sounds to make the video sound as much like Podesta as possible.

I have no idea why anyone needs to get on the fake evidence bandwagon. Podesta is a pedophile without a doubt just based on the enormity of the evidence we do have from PROVENANCED areas signed with his own name.

We do not need to start shouting OMG Podesta is a pedophile based on a shady video from somewhere on the Internet. The b/tards do this shit all the time for the LULZ.

VieBleu ago

It's more than lulz. More like a psy-op. Meant to shock for sure. Pushed by Brock shills all over the place.

In some ways it did some good - brought it home what this is about to some I think, even if not proven real. But I do think it is real, and I think Podesta sees and hears it and it scares what little there is that is still operational in him and keeps him compliant.

I appreciate your opinion and yeah, we don't need this. I just think it's interesting that Podesta always seems to have weird psy ops linking him to pedo stuff - the E-fit sketch, this Father video, and there's always what happened to Breitbart.

MAGABoomer ago

Podesta IS a pedophile. Literally a child trafficker, pedophile, possibly killer. Fake evidence is created to divert from the real shit. While everyone was OMG over that completely cocked up video and getting all emotional over a child screaming which may or may not have been a scene from a horror movie for all we know...they were not looking at the real evidence and absolutely creating the environment for LOLOL at pedogate. NO reporter is every going to be stupid enough to ask him about "evidence found on the Internet" and anyone pointing to it is going to be laughed out of the room. That's not how evidence work.

Congratulations Voat, you helped ShariaBlue do their job. Now everyone is rolling their eyes asking how anyone could believe shit on the Internet. It's like now anytime Julian Assange gives an interview they have 6 million ways to prove that's not Julian. I tried to get people to slow down and listen to reason, to stick to provenanced evidence. I failed.

VieBleu ago

lol if you are trying to make the case that NOW everyone is rolling their eyes bout the internet, you are about 10 years late.

I feel ya, but if you really want some place that is serious and does a good job, well Voat is NOT it. It's a circus and you will either have to hold your nose and roll with it like I do for the good moments and the rare gems, or yeah, you are going to be frustrated literally all the time. A bunch of opining isn't going to change much, and I have done my share. I do think my loud "shit stirring" complaints got doxxing put back on the sidebar as illegal, and not the special terms doxxing that KevDude tried to get away with.

BTW I don't think Podesta actually trafficks, he is blackmailed and a controlled govt puppet through his alleged pedo practices and killing, satan rituals with Luzzatto and other puppetry.

MAGABoomer ago

LOL Trust me after being here for a while and finding Voat also hosts pedophiles as Reddit, twitter, FB and other open social media places, I do realize this isn't the place.

VieBleu ago

THAT's the real problem. With all the tech people around, can we seriously not just get our own forum we control? I dream of stuff like this. I tried Votable and the format sucks. I don't really like either. I like a solid text based forum antiScientilogy is a great forum but seriouslly seriuosly compromised, you can't even mention pizzagate over there.

MAGABoomer ago

yeah once Anon turned it over to the clams it went kinda clammy. those poor people are so mindfucked there's a lot of things they cannot deal with. I've never met an exclam that's ok mentally. So no surprise they've circled the wagons there and focus the hate on Miscavaige rather than the fact that the "tech" mind fucks you to eternity and back. Mostly they're just upset about the management, not that L Con was bat shit insane.

VieBleu ago

I agree with all that but I think they are seriously a CIA hangout now. pizzagate brings out the kind of trollery of anti-Trump liberals. I held down a thread there for awhile, just feeding info, and only like 3 or 4 replies in 3 or 4 months were supportive- but like 15,000 views!

MAGABoomer ago

CIA hangout? LOL Trolling for pedos or looking for KP for themselves. We have actual pedos on here...that's why I'm very vocal with DEATH PENALTY to pedos. They're they Typhoid Mary's of earth. FUCK the CIA pedos will come after me for calling for their death and because they can!

VieBleu ago

NOOO we need MAGABoomer - stop it and stay safe! and yes we can have death for pedosBUT only legally and by the books and through the justice system. : )

MAGABoomer ago

We need to start just saying Death Penalty for Pedophiles and start injecting the Typhoid Mary correlation because it's spot on and something most people can understand. Typhoid Mary was literally a virus serial killer. Once they tracked Typhoid Fever to Mary they took her into custody. She was later released upon her promise to stop cooking. Naturally more people started dying of Typhoid and eventually they found good old Mary cooking again. Because she wouldn't stop murdering people with her onboard virus and she was 100% aware of it, it was never going to go away, they locked her away on an island for the rest of her life.

VieBleu ago

Nah, I'm not with you there. They were abused and twisted too a lot of them. I believe in jail, therapy and education for them, in that order. Yep bleedin' heart and proud of it.

MAGABoomer ago

I understand. The thing is that nothing works. 1st this type of abuse is so underreported it's impossible to chart recidivism rates. Impossible. Once a pedo always a pedo. Second, do you suggest that we let all people in prison out? Because the reason pedos die in prison is because most of the inmates were abused as children.

Adults always have a choice. They cannot be stopped. I've sadly been in this...shit long enough to know that. They're literally Typhoid Mary. I can list right now people who served time and are right back at it..this very moment. It never stops. They so called studies that show any sort of improvement on pedos and therapy? No. It's smoke and mirrors. It's underreported, studies rely on doesn't work.

Death penalty or extreme isolation. If we don't stop this humans will not end well. Pedophiles create violence, anger, crime, and more pedophiles. It;s perpetual in a way no other crime is. Not ashamed to be hard lined. Shall I send you the link to the 2 year old boy being anally raped with a sharp stick completely immune to the child's tortured screams for over 20 minutes, putting clamps on his penis and other body you can decide if the man doing it (the video was 30 minutes) deserves the death penalty or therapy? This child lived. 3 other dead little boys were found on the property. This video was on youtube.

Death penalty or extreme isolation. That's all. OR being charged and convicted with financial crimes so as not to avoid general pop and making certain the KP/abuse is widely known and circulated and let the prison pop deal with it. They're pretty effective. I particularly enjoyed hearing about the child rapist who was raped so hard and so long his intestine was hanging out his the infant he rammed his dick into. Been at this too long. No mercy. They have none, and should be shown none.

Explain to me how you reform a person who rapes an infant? A wee baby...there is no helping the mind who looked at an infant and thought..yeah...I can fuck that. (just an example..all of this abuse is horrific and deserves the death penalty).

zagreos ago

Stop spreading disinfo, MAGABoomer. The kid definitely yelloed 'John'. And 'John's' voice sounds exactly like John Podesta. You're a shill exploiting the fact that most people are too squeamish to watch the video. I watched it and can assure everyone that you're lying.

Gbuggers ago

Or protecting JP

MAGABoomer ago

Fuck off fucking fucktard of an asshole.

zagreos ago

I'll fuck off when you stop regurgitating the same disinformation. I hate liars. The little boy screams "JOHN!" when asked "what's my name?". You're simply lying. You're playing on the fact that most people are too squeamish to watch the video and verify it for themselves.

MAGABoomer ago


Trying to get paid view? Trying to discredit and make the whole thing look foolish? The video maker is well know for his "mix" skills. b/tard already exposed it so STFU and BTFO.

zagreos ago

You're trying to make the whole thing look foolish by trying to discredit LEGITIMATE and GOOD evidence. You're a fucking shill. You're utterly transparent. Stop protecting pedophiles. Stop spreading disinformation. The little boy screams "JOHN!" when asked "what's my name?". You're simply lying. You're playing on the fact that most people are too squeamish to watch the video and verify it for themselves.

MAGABoomer ago


The video maker is well know for his "mix" skills. b/tard already exposed it so STFU and BTFO.

zagreos ago

You're trying to make the whole thing look foolish by trying to discredit LEGITIMATE and GOOD evidence. You're a fucking shill. You're utterly transparent. Stop protecting pedophiles. Stop spreading disinformation. The little boy screams "JOHN!" when asked "what's my name?". You're simply lying. You're playing on the fact that most people are too squeamish to watch the video and verify it for themselves. I hate liars. Stop lying to people. We don't tolerate that here

MAGABoomer ago

Please check user profile.

zagreos ago

You're a liar and a pedophile. I work for no one. You're trying to make the whole thing look foolish by trying to discredit LEGITIMATE and GOOD evidence. You're a fucking shill. You're utterly transparent. Stop protecting pedophiles. Stop spreading disinformation. The little boy screams "JOHN!" when asked "what's my name?". You're simply lying. You're playing on the fact that most people are too squeamish to watch the video and verify it for themselves. I hate liars. Stop lying to people, pedophile.

MAGABoomer ago


dawgfan ago

So where did this video first surface??? Whoever it is needs to be curbstomped beyond recognition

GeorgeT ago

Pay attentio to hos K's, very distinctive. Anybody ran through the software.

theHubrisOfMan ago

This video really helped me clear up the world corp thing. I guess it was just part of some fucked up ARG? still not sure on the source, but the whole thing points to a meme.

crystalclear ago

I just don't hear it. The accent in the horrific video is much stronger on the "er" . I mean I wouldn't be completely shocked but I wouldn't use it.

MAGABoomer ago

You would be correct. The little boy screams DARREN when the man asks "What's my name?" This is a troll and it's getting legs outside serious researchers...but absolutely keeping this lot busy.

gardenofbacchus ago

The kid is screaming JOHN holy fucking shit why is this so hard to hear? "Darren"? Give me a fucking break no-one is even called Darren

lordofthekek ago

Listen this then:

Then compare to this segment of the 'fatherhood' audio - almost uncanny:

MAGABoomer ago

Member 4 days,

zagreos ago

Stop spreading disinformation. The little boy screams "JOHN!" when asked "what's my name?". You're simply lying. You're playing on the fact that most people are too squeamish to watch the video and verify it for themselves.

MAGABoomer ago

Fuck off.

zagreos ago

Never. I will never stop countering and refuting shills and spreaders of disinformation.

MAGABoomer ago

Paid per view? Trying to discredit and make the whole thing look foolish? Fucktard, the video maker is well know for his "mix" skills. b/tard already exposed it so STFU and BTFO.

zagreos ago

You're trying to make the whole thing look foolish by trying to discredit LEGITIMATE and GOOD evidence. You're a fucking shill. You're utterly transparent. Stop protecting pedophiles. Stop spreading disinformation. The little boy screams "JOHN!" when asked "what's my name?". You're simply lying. You're playing on the fact that most people are too squeamish to watch the video and verify it for themselves. I hate liars. Stop lying to people.

MAGABoomer ago

LOL working overtime? WOW you have something invested in getting people to believe you. I analyzed this last night fucktard. Some b/tard did a voice mix. DONE!

Trying to get paid view? Trying to discredit and make the whole thing look foolish? Fucktard, the video maker is well know for his "mix" skills. b/tard already exposed it so STFU and BTFO.

zagreos ago

I don't work for anyone but God. You're a fucking shill. You're utterly transparent. Everyone can see it. Stop protecting pedophiles. Stop spreading disinformation. The little boy screams "JOHN!" when asked "what's my name?". You're simply lying. You're playing on the fact that most people are too squeamish to watch the video and verify it for themselves. I hate liars. Stop lying to people.

MAGABoomer ago

God my sweet ass. God doesn't need you to do anything for him. What you think you toss GOD out and people will believe you? It does work for politicians so there's a point.

LOL working overtime? WOW you have something invested in getting people to believe you. I analyzed this last night fucktard. Some b/tard did a voice mix. DONE!

Trying to get paid view? Trying to discredit and make the whole thing look foolish? Fucktard, the video maker is well know for his "mix" skills. b/tard already exposed it so STFU and BTFO.

zagreos ago

You're a liar and a pedophile. I work for no one. You're trying to make the whole thing look foolish by trying to discredit LEGITIMATE and GOOD evidence. You're a fucking shill. You're utterly transparent. Stop protecting pedophiles. Stop spreading disinformation. The little boy screams "JOHN!" when asked "what's my name?". You're simply lying. You're playing on the fact that most people are too squeamish to watch the video and verify it for themselves. I hate liars. Stop lying to people, pedophile. We don't tolerate pedophilia on this board.

MAGABoomer ago

If you wanted to get some actual like...real believers you should have actually worked a little bit harder building a more believable user profile. LOLOL

fartyshorts ago

The audio is from a "Worldcorpo" video. They released some weird shit on YouTube that got some attention because of their freaky nature. People weren't sure if the videos were real or not, but it was later proven that at least one of them was a heavily edited and distorted version of a stupid video some kids made on their own. Maybe they mixed real with fake? Maybe it's all fake? I don't know.

NotHereForPizza ago

Hardly even an attempt...

BackAgain ago

Are there are any Audio Experts who can figure out 100% what the girl replies when the guy asks "Whats my name?" If someone can prove she says :John" to go along with the fact it does sound like John I think that would help out tremendously

MAGABoomer ago

The little boy screams DARREN. Jaysus talk about confirmation bias.

zagreos ago

The little boy screams 'John', stop spreading disinfo, pedo-enabler.

MAGABoomer ago

Fuck off asshole.

zagreos ago

Then stop spreading disinformation. The little boy screams "JOHN!" when asked "what's my name?". You're simply lying. You're playing on the fact that most people are too squeamish to watch the video and verify it for themselves.

MAGABoomer ago

OH FUCKIN A. Trying to get paid view? Trying to discredit and make the whole thing look foolish? Fucktard, the video maker is well know for his "mix" skills. b/tard already exposed it so STFU and BTFO.

zagreos ago

You're trying to make the whole thing look foolish by trying to discredit LEGITIMATE and GOOD evidence. You're a fucking shill. You're utterly transparent. Stop protecting pedophiles. Stop spreading disinformation. The little boy screams "JOHN!" when asked "what's my name?". You're simply lying. You're playing on the fact that most people are too squeamish to watch the video and verify it for themselves. I hate liars. Stop lying to people. We don't tolerate that here, shill.

MAGABoomer ago

LOLOLOL you're reallllly trying. Look yes, there's a lot of delicate housewives on here who gasp and cry OMG THE CHILDREN with their kind hearts. They don't know the evil world of trickery and fakery you walk in.

LOL working overtime? WOW you have something invested in getting people to believe you. I analyzed this last night fucktard. Some b/tard did a voice mix. DONE!

Trying to get paid view? Trying to discredit and make the whole thing look foolish? Fucktard, the video maker is well know for his "mix" skills. b/tard already exposed it so STFU and BTFO.

zagreos ago

You're a liar and a pedophile. I work for no one. You're trying to make the whole thing look foolish by trying to discredit LEGITIMATE and GOOD evidence. You're a fucking shill. You're utterly transparent. Stop protecting pedophiles. Stop spreading disinformation. The little boy screams "JOHN!" when asked "what's my name?". You're simply lying. You're playing on the fact that most people are too squeamish to watch the video and verify it for themselves. I hate liars. Stop lying to people.

MAGABoomer ago

LOLOLOL I watched all the videos. Did I hurt your feelings by making fun of your horrible rap? And hoakey "spooky" videos? FUCK OFF> Not everyone is a fool.

zagreos ago

You're a liar. There's nothing hoakey or "spooky" about this video. I'm not interested in such crap. What you're doing is trying to lead peopel astray from GOOD and LEGITIMATE evidence. You're a liar and a pedophile. You're a fucking shill. You're utterly transparent. Stop protecting pedophiles. Stop spreading disinformation. The little boy screams "JOHN!" when asked "what's my name?". You're simply lying. You're playing on the fact that most people are too squeamish to watch the video and verify it for themselves. I hate liars. Stop lying to people.

MAGABoomer ago

If you wanted to get some actual like...real believers you should have actually worked a little bit harder building a more believable user profile. LOLOL Anyone is free at anytime to watch the UNALTERED video. There's nothing illegal in it and since there is zero provenance it might just as well be a horror movie. The site maker was VERY careful not to put any illegal material on it. FUCKER you didn't count on anyone actually looking at them and LOLOLOL at the horrific raps....what, you dyingdaddy want to suck dick?

Spindle ago

Yeah, the way the torture video has the person pronouncing father ("fah-thah") reminds me of a Bostonian accent, which I don't hear at all in the Podesta concession announcement. But honestly, we'd need an audio engineer who specializes in this type of speech analysis to make any definitive claims.

Feelsbadman420 ago

I posted this video over on /r/The_Donald. Please go over there and upvote so people will see this. I also linked to a voat thread on the audio in the comments. Please help. Save the children.

User890020 ago

warning: following this link can get you banned from reddit.

Psalm100 ago

I listened with my eyes closed. Maybe that helps. I think they do indeed sound very similar. I wonder how unique people's voices actually are.

goodguy1367 ago

I didn't want to watch the video at first but i felt i should and then after listening to his thank you speech im over 90% sure that it has to be him!! So i googled voice comparison software and the first company that came up was Oxford Wave Search and shiiiit their symbol is, wait for it.......The pedo swirl of course haha probably nothing but this fucking swirl is everywhereeee. Link below for the website.

GeorgeT ago

I saw the pedo symbol - guys, they are taking a piss! Is this a joke??? Are living in a twilight zone? What's the meaning of this? Honestly folks - first I found out that the Superbowl 51 was scripted and now this.

bopper ago

Duh, my wife out of the blue said, "Wouldn't it be weird if that whole Super Bowl game was scripted?" And she's no conspiracy buff. She throws a fit when I tell her Apollo 13 was scripted. Who says it was scripted btw?


Im scared to watch video. Why is title john says thank you? Is he thanking the kid for letting him fuck it?

Mommyplayer571 ago

He is thanking Hillaries supporters for voting for her. It is cut with voice samples of the torture videos. The voice sounds similar. I reported it to the FBI who likely already knows.

carmencita ago

We know that JP must have had a hell of a childhood. I am convinced his father abused them both. I am thinking he may be taking on the persona of his father that is why the different voice. Sick but could be true,

GeorgeT ago

That is a very good analysis. Accent may differ but the actual voice will not - run through a software.

carmencita ago

I just remembered something that Cathy O'Brien said about mind control. Her brain was departmentalized. Many different personalities. I propose that they may have inserted his father's personality to remind him of his horrible past while it makes him even more vile. I would not want to meet him in a dark alley. I believe they can call up any one of their minds at a moment's notice depending the situation at the time. Scary to say the least. Yes. This must be run through voice software by the fbi. I believe someone has reported it to them.

GeorgeT ago

My gut feeling tells me it's real and there is no hiding this time.

goodguy1367 ago

This isn't the bad video, you don't see anything in it, it's just the audio that is quite disturbing. You only need to watch a few seconds of it to get the gist of his voice to compare.

redditsuckz ago

youtubeinmp4 to save the video;

ArcherMcTaco ago

Great vid. Spread it to normies.

23eulogy23 ago

After hearing that and being apprehensive before. I am 95% sure that is Podesta on that tape. Don't we have any researchers that specialize in voice analysis.? Or know someone who does?

GeorgeT ago

As I have mentioned earlier guys I possess very acute hearing, inherited from my mum who started played piano with both hands at 3.5 (For real, bless her soul) I was alrady matching The T's - JP has a distinctive pronunciation. But we need software.

vacvape ago

I have very trained hearing and I would say that's the same cunt 100%. Software won't tell you more than your ears.

GeorgeT ago

I came to the same conclusion. Sobody in the in the intelligence community risked his/her life to get it out. Hope that Megyn Kelly plays that for the audience. She is a scum.

BackAgain ago

SOmebody in another thread on Reddit said it was an 87% match with John Podesta but he never replied back to me. I know we have to have some audio experts in the PG community

HereticalPeasant ago

wow holy shit after hearing the comparison of the two back to back. I don't know what to say. Oh man is there good voice forensics software to analyze the two audios? If there's a demonstrative sequence of pattern which matches both of the audios, I believe this is absolutely damning.

remedy4reality ago

John. Skippy. Match. now down /

lordofthekek ago

Listen 2 this part of the Veritas Interview, then:

Then compare 2 this segment of the 'fatherhood' original audio - almost uncanny:

Gbuggers ago

The link to video has been deleted by youtube.

MAGABoomer ago

This video is a mix. It's been altered. The video maker is well known for his "mix" skills. Please don't fall for this and pass it everywhere. It edited out the bit where the child calls the man DARREN. And it's altered the tone.

gardenofbacchus ago


MAGABoomer ago

Member 4 days. The OP is a mix video and you cheese just slid off the cracker.

carlip ago

They are not even close.

BackAgain ago

Did you listen to them? They are definitely similar. And if there is a slight difference that can easily be equated to the fact Podesta will have a slightly different tone when giving speeches to thousands as opposed to when hes yelling at someone in private

MAGABoomer ago

And creatively edited out the bit where the little boy screams DARREN.

BoraxTheFungarian ago

Sounded like John to me. Could be projecting, though I certainly want none of this to be true.

AeroHammer ago

I think it could be 'Skippy' his alter ego, that and John likely suppresses any accent as much as possible, especially when giving speeches. It's well documented by some of the interns in the wikileaks.

MAGABoomer ago

OH you guys please. FB is a safe space where fake news is marked...

The video maker is well known for:

you realize the guy has a trait for using voice altering software. I think the two (and third if you listen closely in the beginning) voices are separate streams merged into one. Also in the other videos he sounds representatively to that of a John Podesta-like voice with the harsh jew sounding accent, but nonetheless subtly different from the one that has made the current focus for this thread.

From /pol/ where they are trying to hype it to troll people even more. It's working.

carlip ago

I did listen. Its really not that close IMO.

Wolftrail7272 ago

I've been patiently waiting for someone to post a comparison. The occasional hesitation in his speech is also a point of comparison as I heard it in both the speech he gave in this video as well as in the... bad video. Arm up, friends. Likely local police departments scattered across the country are corrupted as well, and must be dealt with accordingly. This is institutional, and this video comparison really brought that home for me. Buy ammo. Learn how to make... home security systems.

carmencita ago

What video on YT would you best recommend. I am researching for best "home security system". What do you recommend?

Wolftrail7272 ago

I don't want to be too specific by putting it in writing, but I would recommend anything that doesn't need electricity. Though deer cams for surveilance can be solid if well hidden.

carmencita ago

:) Thanks. Stay Safe. Still checking out the cloudy eye thing.

GeorgeT ago

That's JP or someone who sound like JP. What are the odds? A white hat cop has to be found and run it through voice recognition software. If it's a match, it's over. From that moment onward investigator can start taking every badge number down - and one ask them if they think one child torturer is worth half the 'law enforcement' joining him and his masonic brothers behind bars. One must use the word MASONIC let that sink in - let them know that their cover is blown. This is Donald Trump in charge and Jeff Sessions will sign arrest warrants. I suspect that a lot more of that is sitting on Athony Weiner's laptop. Time for people to start calling the shots. Days of Franklin Cover up are long gone. They are using the old masonic brotherhood secrecy guideline that is as outdated in citizen detective cyber age as Windows 95. Best thing is to use mockery and deadpan - it gets the message across. The fact that ped symbology has been decoded on their badges in LA counties! This is when all of us come together and start demanding answers.

Gbuggers ago

I remember reading something about there being a nude pictute of huma and. Hillary and an underage girl. I hope so that would be enough for an arrest.

GeorgeT ago

That was the first thing that NYPD found and wanted to go public but got silenced by Lauretta Lynch and others.

Gbuggers ago

Yes I remember now Thank You.

Wolftrail7272 ago

Demands must have teeth. Arm yourself. I wish I could be more straightforward about this. There are whole departments that are implicated. Violence will escalate. Be ready, patient, and have steady hands.

GeorgeT ago

It's a gigantic nework. Public's facination with mindless entertainmet and general apathy has led the weeds tale over and now we are faced with the task of clearing entire Amazon rainforest - ample metaphor?

goodguy1367 ago

Googled voice comparison software and first one that came up was this Are they taking the piss?? lol

Forgetmenot ago

I have not watched the video, or heard it. I know my limits :(. It's clearly not been debunked for many here. It sounds like this is a very damning video from all the chatter. Makes me wonder who was the leak? Also the Houston police department was mentioned in another thread as being corrupt. Everything is so bizarre.

bopper ago

HPD is hardly all corrupt. Don't get too gloomy.

Forgetmenot ago

I believe you. In general though these government institutions that are in place to protect us need to start cleaning house and exposing the corrupt. We need our watch dogs back!

bopper ago

I'm from Harris County is the reason I say this. But I definitely believe there is corruption (higher levels mainly of course). HPD was getting really corrupt in the '70s till it was cleaned up. And of course Dallas PD helped w/ the Kennedy cover-up. LAPD was involved with the RFK cover-up. And the film Serpico shows just how corrupt NYPD was. So there's def. corruption. But a lot of good guys (they take their kids to Little League). Who knows how corrupt Chicago PD was during the '68 Democratic Convention, where there was quite a lot of head-bashing.

Forgetmenot ago

Without the good guys in LE fighting the good fight we would never have known about pizzagate. This has been a joint effort globally from assange out in England, to Seth rich, the NYPD, the FBI, the people spreading awareness....this has been amazing to see people from all over the world to fight this tryranny! Edit: forgot to say thank you if any of you are reading this!

bopper ago

Yes, the scale of investigation is amazing!

DustyRadio ago

I am with you as far as watching the video. I already have been having terrible dreams and I can't have that audio as it has been described in my head. I will never be able to set it aside.

FriesischShipping ago

Houston = 33

Forgetmenot ago


FriesischShipping ago

Long story. Check out 33 Chilean miners if you're bored.

Forgetmenot ago

Are they related to Houston?

srayzie ago

I won't listen either. It would haunt me. I just read the comments about it so I know what's going on.

vacvape ago

Heard it once earlier.. it rings in the ears and is blood boiling. You'd want to kill him efficiently.

Wolftrail7272 ago

I have every reason to suspect the FBI, but I'm not going to go into why. I recommend watching the video. If the day comes where we engage in combat, you will keep that video, especially the audio, in your mind to remind you what you're fighting for. I wish I was kidding.

Forgetmenot ago

One of the realizations for me was when I realized that private investigators advise their clients to listen to their instincts. For example, If you suspect infidelity, chances are very good you are right. My guess is peoples instincts are right. Even me without watching the video I can't shake these sense. We should not ignore that intuition, private investigators don't.

Wolftrail7272 ago

Trust me, watch the video.

Forgetmenot ago

I will. This is huge. I have that feeling about it, the hair is standing up on the back of my neck :( this investigation is getting close. And the animals are getting cornered and maybe dangerous.