Breadleaf ago

I have noticed HUGE differences in the appearance of the fat old white dude in the videos and this Gary Lee Munroe Barney. The beards are nothing alike in SHAPE, and the facial structure is somewhat noticeably different. A picture of the man from the worldcorpco videos - A picture of gary lee munroe

Notice the different beards, notice that gary lee munroe doesnt have the disgusting bags under his eyes that the other guy has, and notice that gary lee munroe has wider cheekbones than the other man. What does voat think?

Tomioka ago

I can't hear it, but I read the "transcript" above and listened quite a few times trying to clean the audio up a bit. I.e. I'm biased from the get-go.

That would also make the video *very *fresh, his birthday was on Jan 8.

ZalesMcMuffin ago


ZalesMcMuffin ago

Lots of sites host videos. is somewhat popular lately, but there are plenty. Search for "free video hosting".

You can also upload it as a file, like any file. Tons of free file hosting sites out there too. Search for "free file hosting".

had_enough ago

Does anyone have a link to this that I can download? Con't seem to pull it from Twitter. I just cleaned up the other one, posted it here: If what I did helped please let me know what else is out there I can clean up before my software demo expires. I'm not too familiar with the posting protocols so bear with me, I want to help! Also please don't share that link en masse just yet until I get it as good as it can get. Help me make these so clear there's no doubt anymore!

foltaisaprovenshill ago

"I'm John Podest-SING!"

  • Clear as fucking day. Sounds like him too.

Bluebirdsolitude ago

And let me say, I dont ever post here, just lurk, but I want to say to those investigating this: thank you for your service, for you are serving for the greater good. Been married to a LEO for 28 yrs so I know the stress that man's inhumanity to man can have on those trying to investigate the aftermath. You have my prayers, admiration, and my gratefulness.

Bluebirdsolitude ago

This may have already been said so forgive me if so: I wonder if the murkiness of the video or low light is because it's being recorded by a low light camera such as what George Webb speaks about so much? Say, a hidden camera? Just a thought.

JamesGhost ago

Mmmm. I can totally hear " I'm Jon pod..SING". But I can also hear "I'm da da ...SING". Like he just don't know the lyrics

Rhino7682 ago

Why are u here?

Rhino7682 ago

Definatley not fake,just tryin to figure out whos involved but the abuse isnt fake,those are real screams of terror

redwormcharlie ago

I can't extract audio from twitter, but someone posted a youtube video with this much audio, so I cleaned it up for review.

Mtnchan ago

I was speculating they may have filmed through a skylight, but I was wrong. Thanks though

Mtnchan ago

Lakeoffire had exact match for the shower doors, So I'm letting go of the skylight theory

AHuman ago

Hey guys. I just found another worldcorp YT channel called WORLDCORP CESSPILE NETWORKS

The channel only has 1 video called Deleted1 and the video only has 191 views (so I guess no one has found it yet) and it was posted on the Published on Aug 13, 2016.

It clearly has a bathtub in it with blood splattering in it. Sorry couldn't watch to the end though.

VoaterBR529 ago

I'll admit that it does sound something like "I'm John Podes.. ahh" I also detect a distinct stutter

Listen to Podesta stutter in the video below and compare the two relevant parts.

Excerpt from the "Each day I grow" video

Ushil ago

I have tipped the FBI, sent them the Twitter video to investigate and told them about the connection with Robert Robinson.

Newfind ago

I can't watch it knowing this might be real

Newfind ago

I can't watch it knowing this is even real

Newfind ago


RexAxisMundi ago

Someone who has cancer or a terminal illness, please track down podesta and just end the weasel looking cunt. He needs to get gut shot and left to bleed out.

Singleservename ago

He's singing the same line again - I'm just a kid who's bored, each day etc. But the second time he says I'm just a k.. sing it!


I thought this is at castellum in colombia hights, (not next door to comet)

ploppy ago

Not sure I can listen to this.

Micheal84 ago

I remember reading somewhere, the toilet doors are really hard to find in CPP. It was on a review site people talking about CPP. Heres an old post about it

nowiknow ago

he doesnt say john podesta... fuck. pgate is real, but the confirmation bias on this worldcorpo shit is astounding.

Infopractical ago

Oh wow. I didn't hear it at first. I didn't understand what I was listening for. For anyone else in a similar state---read the song and then think about somebody inserting their own name instead of the name of the character in the song. He spits it out a little quickly, but it really does sound like John Podesta.

I've spent a few days away from this forum. What is the source of this video? Who found it?

Votescam ago

Do they record this stuff for themselves?

Tomioka ago

I've cut out the 'singing' part if someone wants to have others opinion or for sharing. Terrifying, but safe enough to listen to.

In the event that more evidence is uncovered, it might not be a bad idea to have some reference material. I'd guess the videos are a few years old (though it might also be recompression; the .webm format is part of HTML5, which is rather new) judging from the quality, so voice samples not from the election are likely preferable.

Note that John Podesta has a bit of a LISP from what I can tell. It might be the microphone, but I'd be really surprised if someone like Podesta didn't know how to not 'spit in the microphone', so to speak.


Lovethelight ago

Thanks for the sound clip, i listened several times, all i can get is 'I'm dah--ze-ze---SING....that doesnt rule out that he wasn't slurring his name ....

Lovethelight ago

There MIGHT also be a very soft N sound there too, as in 'i'm Dahn-ze-ze-SING!

Silex ago

Yep. "Dominoes". Eech.

EndThePizza ago

I can see how you're hearing "I'm John Pod-", it's plausible. It also sounds like "I'm just a ..."

I couldn't listen to it more than two or three times to try to hear it better though, it makes me sick.

MrO ago

I think, if you look at 0:25-0:30 in "Fatherhood" video: there's a pair-having-sex switching position and a woman's hand is placed on the glass/window while the man is penetrating from behind.

In "Each" video: the kid hangs with bounded hand(s), at 0:03 John? bends down and he starts to cut? or penetrate? the kid with something and then the kid turns the head sideways in pain.

According to this, these two rooms are different, the first video could be recorded behind the stage? and the second one seems to be through the skylight?

ZalesMcMuffin ago

Holy shit.

It does sound like a woman moaning during sex right at the beginning, and I think I see what could be flesh-colored shapes moving around at the right side.

Whatever it is that they're doing, if there are people in there doing something sexual, depending on who they are and what they're doing, that might account for how desperate and agitated the child is.

Irene_Ignacius ago

Skylights confirmed. You can see them from the Earth view on Google maps.,-77.0698695,26m/data=!3m1!1e3

madmanpg ago

I don't hear "I'm Jon Podesta". It's unintelligible, sounds like the person is drunk or otherwise intoxicated from something.

Why would Jon Podesta film himself committing such an act, and identify himself by name? There's a certain limit to how much you can convince people that monsters are publicizing such acts, unless you can find a clear pattern. There appears to be only this video. Again, why was it made, and why would Podesta not only name himself to his victim, but also on videotape? I mean, can you think of any case where some kid fucker was caught by identifying himself on a recording of him committing the act? That's suicidal, basically, and it would make no sense why he would cover any other part of what he does up.

ZalesMcMuffin ago

First, it's always risky to assume you understand someone who is nothing like you.

Second, we don't know that the abuser, whomever it is, knew he was being recorded.

Third, if he did know, my first point notwithstanding, it's probably safe to assume that he thought the place was totally secure, including whomever was doing the recording. For all we know, there could be terabytes of this sort of stuff in existence by now, but usually not shared with the "outside world".

We do not know the whole situation here, so it is definitely not safe to try to draw any conclusions about the precise motives or state of mind of the abuser.

clowntrash ago

After listening to the video, I don't believe he said John...but whoever this is on this video deserves the worst death imaginable

4thDaGrymReaper ago

John Podesta is a real fucking retard that says his own name instead of saying "I'm Caillou"

TrishaUK ago

I wonder if this videos was on Weiners Laptop in the file 'Life Insurance' ? Has it as been leaked by an honest FBI agent sick of them getting away with this stuff. Would make sense how it sounds like Podesta and could connect to Comet like people say. Just my opinion.

departmentofthefence ago

this is.... the smoking gun. at last. are you kidding me. what do we do now?

stellarcorpse ago

I don't think it's pucnhing I think they are using a flogger. That is what is sounds like when you hit someone with a flogger..

HolidayPanini ago

It's not John Podesta. The people who made the video brag on Discord constantly about faking this shit to throw off people who are actually interested in the truth behind Pizzagate.

gardenofbacchus ago

So how exactly do you "fake" this video exactly ? What's "fake" about it ?

MadMonkey ago

any proof to back this up?

Chatman ago

It's important to stay critical, no need to be sorry. It looks like the shower door, handles metal trim and all, idk if it's a shower but pool/shower areas are easier to clean of evidence

stellarcorpse ago

Thank you.

Chatman ago

It looks like the shower door in the pictures is all I'm saying

Chatman ago

Chatman ago

The speculation thread in pgw makes a convincing argument for a shower door

stellarcorpse ago

What is this a photo of?? Where did you get this?

GeorgeHodelDidit ago

I think even the kid fuckers know that now.....he isnt long for this world.

Dauphin ago

Thank you! We are so close to cracking this thing... thank you for your help!

Omnicis ago

I dont hear the last name at all. Sounds too muffled at that moment. definitely hear the john and skippy, though.

gurneyx ago check out this video i dont remember it being so low res last time i watched it.

Whattheheck321 ago

Um it's not that crazy or off base when considering the shit we are talking about. Why so rude and negative

GeorgeHodelDidit ago

Probably James lurking again.....

ZalesMcMuffin ago

And drunk, and unhappy -- for good reason.

gardenofbacchus ago

keep digging mtnchan, you're doing God's work. Will jump into it with you when i get home

Quazer2 ago

This is what I think I may have heard. After the freak screams, What's my name?!" @0:34, the child screams a response that sounds like "John Podesta" -- maybe. Then he says something like no my other name. I wonder if someone knows how to delete/reduce the background noise and just leave the voices.

gardenofbacchus ago

it's a boom mic

ZalesMcMuffin ago

I don't think it's a boom mic, but I'm not an expert there. Can you show us a pic of a boom mic that's similar?

gardenofbacchus ago

you're right, the boom mic is in clear view at 7 seconds along with the silhouette of a figure pushing or punching something. I can't really figure out what you mean by it being filmed through the skylights - to me it looks like it's being filmed from the other side of a glass wall or something...

BackAgain ago

I don't hear it at all. Not to mention the idea he'd just say his full name is unlikely "Each day I grow some more....I'm john podesta!" like come on guys. Its not going to be that easy.

I really wish this girl wasn't doing her investigation on twitter. If this video is proven false after shes spreading it around in the twitterverse instead of a low key place like here then its going to look bad for the investigation

gurneyx ago

the band in that photo look like they are in the same spot to me look at the kid on the stage in my photo and the curtains hanging on either end of both.

antiracist ago

How do we know that this wasn't audio photoshopped? We had such concerns for the Assange interviews, why not here?

What's the bottom line for the origin of the video?

gurneyx ago

check this out right above the stage there are two skylights above i bet that is where the videos are filmed from the roof.

caliginosity ago

Look at those panels hanging from the ceiling at CPP perpendicular to the backwall (there's 8 total in that picture).... Notice the orientation of them. Watch the first video and notice that there is are things hanging from the ceiling behind the glass that is partially blocking the strobe light from entering through at the top, casting a shadow that looks like those panels. It is filmed as if it were facing the stage head on, but with a glass window blocking the way.

Dauphin ago

I think you are right! This is the sky light and there is a boom mic recording the sound... this is someone's "life insurance"

RagingShieldMaiden ago

Valar mughulis.

MrO ago

Notice the kid's reaction right after he says ''I'm John Podes(something).''

slickleg64 ago

What video? The page has 404'd

concernedaboutitall ago

Can't bring myself to listen to these, but appreciate reading the reactions. Whoever this guy is in the videos I pray he is caught very VERY soon, and the poor child rescued.

MrGodspeed ago

Some of the crazy kids in this forum will go nuts over just about anything, right?

Fateswebb ago

Hmm qood question, I'm undecided but it's possible that's what he says. The resoning is solid. We need audio enhancement.

Makingspace1 ago

Dayum....just wow...this is the power of the human intelligence hive mind...continuing to deliver blow after blow. The crazy thing is how is there not a major shake down of this pig demon already in play...what the hell do we need to prove a probable cause or red hot lead? Seriously FBI...get off your asses and take down these big dogs NOW. you can round up these small time pervs. that have been hitting the news lately any time...but the iron is hot now to strike the Pedestas and Clintons...DO IT NOW!!!

Wolftrail7272 ago

I thought honestly when I read that he says "I'm John Podest-" that it was too good to be true, but I think it really may be the case. He may be drunk or on drugs as well. One implication if this really is the case is that this evidence was leaked extremely purposely. It identifies him, and shows an indoctrination of a kid. Whoever leaked this has more...

td_exile ago

That's a lot of smoke, maybe fire. Certainly sounds like him. And sounds like he catches himself.

This was leaked by someone. The timing in relation to the Flynn leak, as if it was retaliation, is uncanny. It is very hard to tell who did it. Is it a white hat, is it Russians, is it someone who wants us to think it's the Russians. But what with all the pedo art stuff at Podesta's house, and this, and the voice comparison... I'm sold.

8toborrm ago

It's my theory that if these videos are legit 100% Podesta @ CPP, they were leaked by rogue IC or FBI

My question then becomes: If this were proven to be in FBI's possession, and then leaked by "rogue" agent, does that fuck up the evidence gathering/evaluating/presenting process at all in prosecution?? Is it a mishandling of evidence?

ArthurEdens ago

I wonder if they were on comet download site

8toborrm ago

As far as I know, the first guy to get in to that page was a german anon. He claimed to have gotten access, and I think he may have posted proof, then I never heard from him again. I didn't think to document carefully because we had JUST found the "secret area" of the site and just hours later the guy claimed to have gotten in. I am not up on any updates, but I saw a headline, is it confirmed CP in there?

ArthurEdens ago

A guy hacked in, says there was cp, in early December turned it over the dc police who have done nothing, now he's being gangstalked

50hurtz ago

Is there more info on that? Because I remember someone hacking their site and saying there was cp on the comet website too

ArthurEdens ago

That's all i heard. Hacker did say there was cp on comet site

GeorgeHodelDidit ago

Get America to believe he is guilty and it wont matter about the chain of evidence....he is screwed either way.

Makingspace1 ago

it may or may not mess up the evidence chain but it is a bit irrelevant....because its now in the public domain and could probably be independently verified through voice analysis. Furthermore, it opens up another point of reference for other evidence to be mined. Take this video...couple it with the person of interest sketches of John and his brother, among other evidence and you would have to be mentally disabled to not make the connection. I agree with you on the reason it was leaked to ...see below.

8toborrm ago

Ok, gotcha. Appreciate the reply. WIll check out below.

anotherdream ago

I haven't had the stomach to watch this latest one. What's the camera perspective? First person cell phone? Third person observer? Worn device? Stationary cam?

ZalesMcMuffin ago

It's very low res and shaky; obviously handheld. Could be held by Pedosta(?) or maybe by someone right next to him. Without re-viewing it, I would also say hypothetically it could be a close-up portion taken from an original video, with the original having been recorded from farther back behind Pedosta(?). Watching it with that idea in mind should reveal whether or not that is really a possibility. The low resolution would seem to indicate either a lousy phone cam or my hypothetical idea.

anotherdream ago

On a bus now- will watch later.

Makingspace1 ago

Yes..I totally agree. The timing is key. In the last few days the deep state/Clinton/Soros faction through multiple illegal methods breaching confidential communication chains threw Flynn under the bus. Perhaps the leakers of this Podesta video issued in response or pre-emptively. A scenario like this would align well with Assange's twitter statement today that there is struggle for dominance over who runs the government...the deep state or Trump. It is safe to say the deep state is up to its ears in Pedo gate and have had a central role in it from the beginning most recently aligning heavily with the Obama and Clinton machine. It goes without saying that if this is a smoking gun for Podesta, it would be a major blow to the deep state, hence the manifestation of this power struggle in real time.

Votescam ago

Enlightening. Deep State and CIA very much wants iran, Russia, China. Just look at the map.

8toborrm ago

Good point, forgot about Assange's tweet.

When PG evidence first started surfacing, I mean, REALLY surfacing - getting more and more mainstream traction - the complementary rise of "fake news" as a subject of discussion was undeniable.

The two are still closely linked, getting closer and closer to their final destination..

Isis_Pizza ago

Absolutely, the 'fake news' phenomenon is no mistake or coincidence. They threw it out there as an intentional effort to keep the majority of normies from ever even considering the possibility of this stuff being true.

caliginosity ago

It does sound like he says "I'm John Podes-SING IT!!" To instruct the girl to sing,and I think I hear the kid say "i'm singing" while crying. Holy shit.

S3v3n007 ago

@caliginosity I'm hearing that too. It's especially daunting when she says, "I'm just a girrrrrl...." :( Poor kid, that's got to be confusing. She's doing everything he's screaming at her to do but his cruelty has nothing to do with her; it has to do with HIM.

longtimelurker2 ago

Yes good ear, I actually hear this. It does sound more like "I'm John Pode-SING!" and that's why the kid screams.

Fateswebb ago

I have imagined it as a boy, maybe it's my inner child feeling the haunt. Idk. Either way... kinda irrellivent the sex of the child. It's certainly enough trauma to be considered abuse just based on the child's voice alone.

S3v3n007 ago

She says, "I'm just a girrrl."

stellarcorpse ago

It's a girl.

SaveTheChildren ago

They often time raise these children as the opposite sex. I've been explaining this all over.

gurneyx ago

I asked my wife what he was saying and she had never once heard the video and i did not prompt her at all. I just asked what do you hear this guy say and she said " I'm John P something..." . Then she asked me why was a child being murdered and why was I listening to that crap....

gardenofbacchus ago

Someone get Suzy Q back in here and tell her somehow

Fateswebb ago

I'll link her.

gardenofbacchus ago

We should also keep in mind Podesta/whoever this cunt is is out of his mind on drugs and completely intoxicated so this could just be him rambling. HOWEVER I have to agree this does sound like he's saying "I'm John Po-ehherher..." as if in his intoxicated blood-lust torture arousal he's bragging about himself, as in "look what I'm doing, I'm fucking John Podesta, look what I can get away with", then realized what he's saying and cut himself off

PerusingTheOoze ago

Someone on 4chan made a connection to this video of Heavy Breathing performing at CPP and the "fatherhood" video, they suggested it was the same place. The post with this video was deleted by 4c mods.

Kristina_Gilliam ago

Sorry, but you're imagining this one. It sounds like, "I'm tiiiiiirrrred of you" to me. I can see how people might think he's saying, "I'm Joooohhhhn...." but nope. Is there a psychological term for wanting something so bad that your mind starts playing tricks on you?

EDIT: Apologies, I was listening to the original source video (each.mp4) , not the edited one. I agree that it does sound like I'm John Pod... but it's still a stretch and would never convince anyone that's remotely skeptical.

gurneyx ago

there is definitely no T at all...its clearly I'm John Po....after that he either realizes he saying his name stops or just moves to the next line of the song. i have sadly heard it 100 times.

Whattheheck321 ago

Ugh that's brutal that you listened to it that many times. I listened 4 times and felt like throwing up. Truly thank you and others for your dedication on this and all the other leads. I am getting so confused, sad, at times encouraged by these leads. Sometimes feel like I'm losing hope. So just thanks to those of you that persevere

joey4track ago

This is the guy who made his password p@ssword so of course he would say his own name when he's on film abusing a child.

Kristina_Gilliam ago

Sorry, I've edited my original post.

longtimelurker2 ago

Confirmation bias, haha. That's exactly why I made this post. Thanks for the skepticism, but I'm not hearing the "t" pronunciation for "tired."

MrGodspeed ago

He doesn't know the lyrics to the song. He's just repeating the first line again. He slurs and sings, "I'm just a k- SING!!!"

ProudTruther ago

First time listener... and I'm buying what you're selling.

Sandy008 ago

I'm too scared to listen to it, so thank you so much for your help and research. Your find may help to save children, and for that you are a hero/heroine!

gardenofbacchus ago

If you're just here for the ride and not investigating then don't listen. It's the most disgusting and disturbing thing I've seen in many many years

Lorent ago

I agree. I've been investigating since spirit cooking. I've been there for the unfurling of most of this. Videos broke me man. Its real.

surgeson ago

That's extremely far-fetched. All he's doing is rushing the lyrics to the song.

MrGodspeed ago

Exactly! He's singing/slurring, "I'm just a kz- SING!!!"

longtimelurker2 ago

That's the thing though... it seems pretty clear he's singing the Caillou song, but the next line of the song is "I like exploring," which sounds nothing like whatever he is saying. Instead he skips that line and goes to the next one, the introductory "I'm Caillou" line, but adlibs "I'm John Podesta"

What does it sound like to you?

surgeson ago

To me it sounds like he doesn't know what the line is so he hastily sings it phonetically.

gardenofbacchus ago

You're right about this, I've listened about 30 times there's no other explanation given the coherency he's singing the rest of the song in

LA_Trump ago

Oh my god... No words.

gurneyx ago

wow this is unreal that is totally what it sounds like to me!!!! cant believe i never realized it before you pointed it out!

bopper ago

I'm the one who agreed w/ you about it on another thread. Sounds like he's saying "John Pdst...."

privatepizza ago

Hey, top find if you're right ! You get the coat ! (sorry I can't listen, but I'll support you with an upvoat and send massive respect for delving this deep)