They'll probably kill me for this, butt fuck them. Here's a slightly cleaned up version, I found some new software and I have a 10 day demo so if there's more of this shit let me know so I can clean it up and expose this piece of shit. Here's the link, please don't share en masse until I get some feedback, frankly it's extremely hard to listen to him break the soul of this poor child, so I need some feedback whether I've improved it enough to make a difference. Here's the link, fuck you john podesta:
had_enough ago
Going to pull the media file, I'd delete this thread too but I'm not sure how. Since this may be a honey trap I concur we should move on to more provable leads. The boston accent always kind of stuck out to me...
had_enough ago
After reading the comments it seems this may not be something we want front & center anymore? I looked into stabilizing the video but it's an enormous amount of work and frankly I'm not sure I can sit thru that for that amount of time...thoughts? It does seem like it would be a great trap, to suddenly have someone come out and name the person in the video & it ends up not being podesta. Perhaps my time would be better spent updating the Pizzagate For Dummies book? Anyways would appreciate your thoughts on it...
Bitchybadger ago
At the end does it sound like someone screams I will kill you?
had_enough ago
OK now I got it, this is the one called "Each" and I have the "Fatherhood" one but I have to extract the audio out of a VLC file. I'll work on these more but it's like going into fukashima, I can only do a few minutes at a time. I'll leave this versionup for feedback, give me a couple days to tweak it and then we can circulate en masse. If I process the girl screaming separately I think I can make it better, stay tuned...
PeelTheAvocado ago
Podesta abuse? That's assuming a lot. Podesta has a Chicago accent.. This guy has a clear Boston accent......
nomorepepperoni ago
A different accent but an otherwise very similar voice. I'm personally still not fully convinced it's John (or his "Skippy" alter ego for that matter), but can see where people are getting this idea.
RH ago
It's not a coincidence, it's a trend. Fucking shill.
rest_me123 ago
There's no reason for even assuming that it is podesta. People like you discredit pizzagate a lot. And what has this picture even to do with this?
nomorepepperoni ago
Can we please stop yelling SHILL anytime someone doesn't agree with something? There are legit shills but throwing the word around every 5 seconds just muddies the waters.