badnewzhuze ago

It's amazing. I read one of the emails about walnut sauce. Just on a hunch I googled the recipient of the email, Jim Steyer. He's the President of "Children Now" and a whole bunch of other child advocate orgs.

Chatman ago

I've heard this convicted pedo is related to worldcorp

Windtwist ago

Sure sounds like Podesta to me. He probably does like making little kids scream. Hes clearly a fucking douche' so I'm doubting he's a Casanova with the ladies. That's probably why he loves to take it out on little children. He's no man but he can force a child to call him dad.

pmichel ago

I followed a link to worldcorpo in a comment on reddit. It took me to a page that listed maybe a dozen links. I clicked on one, halfway down the page, called Insubordination. I saved the links but now they do not work. This video was a child 8-10 in a shower or something, starts out the kid sitting in their underwear only, they do not show the face, the child was wet and shaking, trembling and covered in shit, wiping it all over their legs. Then the child was standing still covered in shit, shaking and trembling. This was the most disturbing thing I have ever seen and my heart just breaks knowing there is this kind of evil in the world. I think about the man screaming I'm your daddy now and can imagine the same hollering at this kid are shit, nothing but shit. Something needs to happen. I might have to stop reading about pizzagate for awhile, this has realy messed me up. I am praying for this evil to be exposed and stopped. God help us

Chatman ago

I doubt the shit rubbing one and fatherhood are related, different camerawork different focus. The effects are designed to be horrorfilm/artfilm and could easily be acted. The same can't be said for fatherhood and each which lack the editing but the audio speaks for itself

pmichel ago

I thought they both came off of worldcor

Chatman ago

Yeah all from the same website, but clearly different producers/editors (assuming you can call them that)

Fateswebb ago

I found a hidden video on worldcorp. In which you have to first find and then rename, to watch the video. And wen you do it's disgusting. It shows a man urinating, it even shows his penis, this appears to be the same man that is on the floor in the oops video. Then after urinating he drinks her urine by putting his hand into the toilet water and then slurping it up from his hand a few times. The man has a salt and pepper beard and is wearing what appears to be the same watch in the oops video but may be a different man. I am not even sure anyone else has found this yet. Forgive me if it has been found.

Chatman ago

No-one really focused on the other ones cause they didn't seem to have anything to do with children and seemed like art project larpish things.

Fateswebb ago

No I am talking about a hidden video, the others have gotten some attention and none show nudity. This one does show nudity as in his penis, and also is hidden and not in the list.... I had to download a file and rename the extension to view the video.

Chatman ago

I've heard about that video already somewhere. Compared to what I've seen on the net its fairly mundane & doesn't seem to have any PG links aside from being in the same folder

Fateswebb ago

It's not in the same folder.......

Chatman ago

The point being it's been commented on and is a known quantity, regardless

badnewzhuze ago

I know I'm not breaking new ground here. But the emails DO mention "torture chambers". This was definitely happening in a chamber. Someone is definitely being tortured.

Chatman ago

[this] article puts forward convincing evidence it's a shower door

badnewzhuze ago

Makes sense that that it would take place in a shower area (chamber could have a shower). If you're gonna spray away evidence, or just easily clean up the mess, better to do it where there is ceramic tile and a drain, rather than on shag carpeting.

badnewzhuze ago

Since I'm apparently the only human being left on the planet who isn't a complete coward ass pussy, please someone tell me where this fucker is and if the pussies of "law enforcement" don't make an arrest, I'll make a citizens arrest myself. I'm not a fighter. I'm a fucking accountant and even I would put my life on the line to put a choke hold on that cocksucker. No doubt the probability of my succeeding would be minimal, but at least I'll try for fucks sake. Until then, let's at least stop calling the "men and women in uniform" "heroes"

Forgetmenot ago

Thank you for all your work and making these connections. FBI if you are here thank you! Everyone thanks for not forgetting these kids.

conspiracyprincess ago

My heart is literally racing. Where did this come from? The screams of that child's extreme state of distress was far beyond obvious. WHAT THE FLYING FUCKKKKKK

wrok-wrok ago

Dude. Same. My heart was about to explode out of my chest.

What in Gods good name is going on

conspiracyprincess ago

Coming from someone who is on phones all day, voice recognition is my expertise. THIS SOUNDS LIKE FUCKING PEDOSTA

Chatman ago

Would be great if we can compare this to a video of him getting angry. I heard he has an alter ego named Skippy when he gets angry

VieBleu ago

I think this is a purposely sanitized version for internet public consumption. Made to scare the perp, who I call Perpesta. I have more in a comment on this thread where I explore this idea further.

VieBleu ago

I hate to post and run, but glad to be here to see what everyone thinks. These are my recent comments about it scattered on different threads:

This is an interesting find by a Voater from a while back.

The encrypted files in the hidden area on the Comet Ping Pong computer (blackmail stash?) have dates on them. Proof is shown. In the Podesta emails, the dates on two of the files match up with two times Podesta was going to spend time with Alefantis. Proof provided. No joke. EDIT: According to Vindicator this specific claim about files and meeting is considered debunked here at Voat. see his reply comment below..

My theory: I think the Screaming Child video for lack of a better title implicates SOMEONE who is going to hear that this video is online and people are listening to it all over the place and talking and writing and wondering about it. It may be J. Podesta, it may be another person in the pedo cartel. It is a warning. Now the perp "Perpesta" knows that this evidence is out there, there is probably a whole lot more and someone Perpesta doesn't know and doesn't trust has it. I think this is a leak that was designed to instill fear in Perpesta and others connected to them that the gig is up - but when? I don't know, but it is supposed to work every last nerve they have left, make them jumpy, fearful and make it hard to know what to do, so that they will make moves and make mistakes.

I don't think this was leaked for no reason all over our forums and boards and I'm not just talking Voat. There was a reason, and I think law enforcement did it. We are the audience, but no the target. The target is the perp and his cohorts.

So what we do is keep passing it around and talking about it, and do what we can to trace it. What we do is not let it be a five second thing that dies because of 24 hours what's next mentality. This should be passed and shared to everyone and anyone with warnings. Not everybody even needs to listen to it, but everyone should know about it and where to find it. This was most likely a sanitized leak, the real file has actual video, and shows Perpesta's face, as well as deeds, and Perpesta knows it. These deeds are getting exposed to the world, and this is just the first shot across the bow.j

What is the history of the Skippy alter ego?

Also, under strain, voices will change. I have to admit the more I hear comparisons, the more I think it does sound like him. there is a flatness in the higher pitches that sounds very similar. And also, in his normal speaking voice, Podesta doesn't really sould like a Chicagoan to me. He sounds like an east coaster - how long has he lived on the E coast? years? decades?

If this is a psy-op to link Podesta to terrifying shady material, it's working. If it is a law enforcement leak, it's also working.

Vindicator ago

VieBleu, your comment and link intrigued me, so I followed it. That post has been edited by the OP saying the screenshot was fake. Here is the comment from the user who proved it to him:

Also, thanks everyone for using v/pizzagatewhatever as it was meant to be used! :-)

VieBleu ago

thanks! no idea. don't want to spread it, I'll go back and edit.

followthemoney ago

Why are these videos connected to Pizzagate?

Chatman ago

The fatherhood one people claim it sounds like JA when he is agitated

Scirel ago

Here is the post I made on Saturday. Wish I had known about the alter ego "Skippy." Ruffled some feathers, but hey, it's an open-to-the-public "investigation."

Chatman ago

I don't think the purpose is porn related. To me it seems more like an MKULTRA torture reel designed for victims

Mommyplayer571 ago

The Cambodian torturer used a taser as well. I wonder if torturing a kid like that makes being a sex slave mild in comparison.

Chatman ago

Not that I could see

wrok-wrok ago

It looks like someone was recording with a cell phone from behind a transparent barrier. So they would have evidence

Chatman ago

An article here provides fairly good evidence of it being a shower door.

Mommyplayer571 ago

The Daddy video is different than the others. Did you see my link to website mod at World Corp who states who the perpetrator is? Not proof but it is reasonable to have an investigation. 1. Name is John that kid says 2. Moderators names "John __." 3. And third the voice is consistent.

Chatman ago

Havent seen it, post it and ill update the post

Mommyplayer571 ago It's from an earlier thread. Abortionburger.

Chatman ago
