MAGABoomer ago

LOL what the fuck ever. I know, I know, the LULZ reading the horrified comments must make your troll dick hard.

Godwillwin ago

Yeh. Look at all the journalists and political figures the Clinton machine had killed - the list is verrrrrrrry long. Then look at the messes purposefully created by the leaders of the USA over the past few decades in Iraq, Romania, Albania, Syria, Libya, Haiti and more. That list is long too.

Godwillwin ago

I'm keeping my faith in trump for now....

But yeh, it is definitely interesting to consider Putin and where he stands. Trump's comment summed it up "you think we're so innocent?" That was awesome

RecycledUser ago

OMG I feel the same way. I don't know if that was a broom or what that was, but I think it was in one of these threads, they do that not only for power, but to condition the kids, and the poor things end up with multiple personalities to be able to cope with the abuse somehow.

HearMommabearRoar ago

These must be those "really complicated video" pieces that Tonh Podesta talks about viewing in his underground dwelling.

murphy212 ago

Here is the link to that

OpenSoulOpenMind ago

there's another video on the same site, which is undoubteldy from the same source...same guy screaming at the child, same video quality, ect... In that video he doesn't sound anything like podesta, IMO. Just another sick fuck living amongst us in this world, who just so happens to be named john

OpenSoulOpenMind ago

this video has been on the web for quite some time as far as i know, just because the child sounds like it says john, doesn't mean its podesta...there's tens of millions of johns in the world...what makes you all think it is podesta? Quit tieing imaginary strings together...

cakeoflightylight ago

I watched the video again. It sounds like Podesta to me. I looked as closely as I could and it looks like he has a really large torture device. I don't think the kid is being raped. I think the kid is being either beaten, or beaten with something that is shaped like a commercial mop - maybe a large garden tool, or something with electrodes on it or spikes. IDK the shadows look like he is standing over someone who is on the floor and the kid is screaming so much it just sounds like they're being killed. I think this is possibly a snuff film we are looking at, and not a rape film. But I don't know. Was the image of the poop in the tub extracted from the fatherhood video?

YingYangMom ago

Thank you, yes, you explained it even better than i could. It's the 'range of emotions in the child's reaction'. You only hear it when a child is in real danger, in total panic mode or is absolutely terrorised. I only heard it twice in my life, but it stayed with me. That sound is basically a parent's worst nightmare. Btw, where the hell is that child's mother??!! Poor child.

waxdino ago

What was new in those reddit threads? I'm still trying to figure that out. Why is it so important? It lays it all out nicely, but it's not "smoking gun breaking news!1!!"

cakeoflightylight ago

If you click all the links it should automatically download to your computer and then you have to play it.

cakeoflightylight ago

Why does everything have to be a disinfo distraction? Why every time a child is severely abused do people claim it's a disinfo distraction? Fuck that. ISIS is evil, yes, but so is this.

cakeoflightylight ago

I absolutely agree I think this is a leak. I am waiting on Wikileaks dump of vault 7 which is rumored to have videos in it.

NotAnIdiot ago

Isn't there software that can analyze this type of thing?

memegod420 ago

Bingo. People keep deflecting saying "There are lots of people named John" like the issue with the footage is that these kids are screaming a name that is common. The issue is that they are screaming.

Gbuggers ago

This made me cry no child should ever be subjected to terror this goes over and beyond the unspeakable. I think this very well could be John Podesta but whoever it is needs to be terrorized for the rest of his life. Evil pure evil. It sickens me to think that their are human beings that are this evil. I cant stand thinking that kid or any child is as i write this being tortured sacrificed raped by these evil pedos. Why Cant they hurry and get Killary and her evil pedo friends behind bars. I am saddened and my heart crys out for this poor DEAR CHILD as I sit here and picture my children and my grandchildren and I thank god they are safe and I WANT ALL CHILDREN SAFE FROM THIS EVIL. WHAT ELSE CAN WE DO? Have we missed something? What is it going to take to bring these people down.

cakeoflightylight ago

I completely agree.

YingYangMom ago

OMG, that child is not only screamed at, but beaten. You can hear deafening 'thumping sounds' every now and then in between the so called 'father's questioning'. The step-father (assuming this because the person commands the child to say "father" and doesn't come naturally) is beating the crap outta that kid and I can't stand it. Podesta or not, this man needs to be identified and jailed asap.

SoldierofLight ago

I enhanced that image and found more than just the text-- there appears to also be numbers at the end of it, possibly "53" and maybe an additional character after that:

Edited to add URL for pic description

sensitive ago

I also played around with the picture, and it clearly says "jod does not forgive you", directly followed by either "536" or possibly "53c"

SoldierofLight ago

Looked like a "c" to me too.

Chatman ago

That vid is part of an Arg I believe


Oh, doesn't open in my browser. Maybe a good thing, judging by these comments.

ArrestMe ago

What's going on in that fatherhood video? The kids locked in some kind of strobe light room, and the camera man is holding a broom to the window? The only thing I get is the kid is terrified but I just don't get the rest. What is going on?

Fateswebb ago

It looks to me like the kid is in a shower, with the typical sliding doors, and glass that looks almost like melted ice in the top of a cup.. then there is some sort of lights in there with him and it looks like a dust mop is being ran across the window. Also it sounds like he says Darren. Not John.

ArrestMe ago

Where the fuck is Podesta nowadays anyway? He doing any TV interviews? Hiding in a hole?

pig_lifter ago

Found a video of Podesta yelling to compare. I don't think it's him personally based on the yelling comparisons.

There is really no evidence from anyone other than a hunch.

Fatsack ago

Jesus fucking christ. I want shred these fucking monsters into pieces with my bare hands. What sick fucking pieces of shit.

MAGABoomer ago

You're feelings are irrelevant, you're on the Internet. Fuckitall, go visit the chans, you won't last 5 minutes without fainting. The chans are where this shit really happens and we don't have time for your feelings.

cakeoflightylight ago

So in essence, you're the master of all knowledge because you're on the chans. And you can't spell your. It's a really really easy word to spell.

MAGABoomer ago

Here's why the whole thing is fake.

  1. Hotlinks. There is a rather lengthy video index as you will note in my rather lengthy analysis. Only TWO videos are hotlinked. One is at the top (father) the other nearer the middle called "OOOPs" . Only two of the entire index is hotlinked from the index and oddly those are the two most disturbing videos if you're a newb. Now anyone seeing those is never going to risk looking at the rest because you have to download them. If you download them to watch them you don't know what the content is before you do it and ...see the trap. The fear kept people from looking closer. operation going as planned.

The logic is did those two videos get hotlinked? How would anyone know which two videos were "shareable" versus needing downloading? (forgetting some might not know what hotlinks are) Who would know which two videos are hotlinks? IF someone didn't go through the entire index and download and look at each one, how would they know which ones were hotlinked? They wouldn't. WHO would just download what they believe is KP? No one. So basically no one but the maker of the site or aids would know which two videos were sharable and would for certain head off many from looking at the rest for fear of DL KP!

  1. Aiming it at John Podesta. The thread title says his name...instead of "does this sound like anyone we've heard before" ...people brave enough to play the FATHER clip all heard John. I'm like WTF the kid's not saying John...but I'm trained to do these things. After hearing the hotlink video and realizing the "implant" I had zero fear downloading and watching each video because I knew there was no way it was real. It wasn't. The videos are literally what I said they are. And I wrote that when I was "chillin" .

People can make something out of nothing if they're looking too hard.

What do they want me to believe and why do they want me to believe it. No one serious about exposing KP would do that.

Also i warn not to open the first link as it is exe and even I'm not that stupid.

MAGABoomer ago

Here's why the whole thing is fake.

Hotlinks. There is a rather lengthy video index as you will note in my rather lengthy analysis. Only TWO videos are hotlinked. One is at the top (father) the other nearer the middle called "OOOPs" . Only two of the entire index is hotlinked from the index and oddly those are the two most disturbing videos if you're a newb. Now anyone seeing those is never going to risk looking at the rest because you have to download them. If you download them to watch them you don't know what the content is before you do it and ...see the trap. The fear kept people from looking closer. operation going as planned.

The logic is did those two videos get hotlinked? How would anyone know which two videos were "shareable" versus needing downloading? (forgetting some might not know what hotlinks are) Who would know which two videos are hotlinks? IF someone didn't go through the entire index and download and look at each one, how would they know which ones were hotlinked? They wouldn't. WHO would just download what they believe is KP? No one. So basically no one but the maker of the site or aids would know which two videos were sharable and would for certain head off many from looking at the rest for fear of DL KP!

Aiming it at John Podesta. The thread title says his name...instead of "does this sound like anyone we've heard before" ...people brave enough to play the FATHER clip all heard John. I'm like WTF the kid's not saying John...but I'm trained to do these things. After hearing the hotlink video and realizing the "implant" I had zero fear downloading and watching each video because I knew there was no way it was real. It wasn't. The videos are literally what I said they are. And I wrote that when I was "chillin" .

People can make something out of nothing if they're looking too hard.

What do they want me to believe and why do they want me to believe it. No one serious about exposing KP would do that.

Also i warn not to open the first link as it is exe and even I'm not that stupid.


cakeoflightylight ago


Also - I downloaded them somewhat on accident and watched the Father video. It does sound like John to me. I have never heard of or whatever it is and I am not understanding what that website is for.

MAGABoomer ago

Please, back away from the computer. You're out of your league and you're going to end up getting threatening phone calls like others have reported because you really don't know what you're doing. You're exposing yourself to trolls by doing stupid shit like downloading things you don't know.

Asking what KP means? PERSON, you are on the wrong part of the Internet.

cakeoflightylight ago

What does KP mean? Kiddie Porn? I've never seen someone use the term so I was clarifying. I don't want to assume anything, it could mean anything else... but I know better than to expect answers from a bipolar computer hacker. Maybe WOW forums are the best place for you.

MAGABoomer ago

I hope they get you. That's all. You're stupid and arrogant and ignoring people who tried to warn you in your rush to the funeral pyre. Go for it.

Countdown to you asking how much of your personal information they nailed when you were stupid enough to ignore what I'd written.

cakeoflightylight ago

You hope who gets me?? I posted my links throughout the forum with links to my website which has my name on it and I've posted it on Twitter and facebook under my real name often publicly, I'm not hiding under a username like MAGAboomer. To think you would need to be a genius to figure out who I am, if they want to come get me, I'm not very hard to find. Fuck you and go threaten someone else asswipe. I don't think anyone at this point would think you are anything other than a shill trying to scare people. Fuck off.

MAGABoomer ago

So you admit to creating the hotlinks? OR you admit to being so technically challenged that you posted it over and over again encouraging people to click the links. Excellent work fucktard.

cakeoflightylight ago

MAGABoomer, go take some calming tea or maybe have a Rescue Remedy or go for a walk and chill out. I never said I created hotlinks in reference to this video. Please stop responding to me now, it's obnoxious and you sound like you're either drunk or you've had one too many Prozac today. Anyway, for the record I have a deadline due tonight and apparently unlike you I do have a real job and I support people, which I am going to get back to. You can report this $15 hourly to your little shill master, nobody cares what you think anyway.

MAGABoomer ago

OH dear sweet baby jeebus. I never said YOU created hotlinks. Do some critical thinking and re-read what I wrote. If you don't understand what I wrote that please just stop exposing people who don't know any better to a info stealing site. That's all. Get out of the emotions and put on that thinking cap. Whose idea was it to label the video with John Podesta's name when that was not on the original video? Oh god. Ya'll are hopeless. Can't you wrap your head around why someone would take that information and make NEW threads with it so no one could see my debunk? JAYSUS. Hopefully you're better at your real job than you are at the Internet.

cakeoflightylight ago

MAGABoomer 0 points (+0|-0) 18 minutes ago So you admit to creating the hotlinks?

I'm admitting to being technically challenged. Can you explain what the fuck you're talking about. Not everyone is a software engineer. It would take a college degree in computer programming to speak your language. I don't have that. I just have a doctorate degree in law. I don't know why you wrote "creating the hotlinks" if you didn't mean you are accusing me of creating hotlinks.

MAGABoomer ago

I explained it already in multiple posts. Only the creator of the site can create hotlinks. Didn't you notice that ALL the other videos need to be downloaded to view, and only the two most "disturbing" but un-provenanced videos that are complied in a way as to obscure their origin are hotlinked? it does not require a degree in anything to know that is a problem. Hotlinks do not require you to download anything, they link and load the material directly from the site. WHO did that? OH wait could it be the site creator? YES the only person who could make those hotlinks is the person who made the site. We have NO idea if any of the hotlinked videos are scenes from movies, or snippets of real shit from the dark web. They literally could have come from anywhere. The entire site was designed as a hoax and a time waster. And look it's worked. The troll was very careful not to put anything illegal on that site. However real KP has no caution. Have you SEEN real KP? Just the globe and Cyrillic text should have been enough to clue anyone in. It's not a troll designed to hoax people like me. It's designed to snag newfags with zero Internetz skillz to fall into the emotion bait and spread it. And Thanks, you've done a fine job.

They reposted the same information on here so no one could see my debunk on the original thread. They've DV my warnings so you can't see and heed them and you think I'm the problem?

cakeoflightylight ago

Nobody would know that unless they have computer hacking skills and it is difficult to understand you because not everyone has your level of skill. It would be like if I tried to explain an entire year of studying contract law to you in a single comment - it would not be possible.

If "there is nothing illegal on the site" that leaves the only two possibilities being that you are saying you believe there is illegal "KP" or CP embedded in an exe file on the video, or secondly, that you want people to be too afraid to open, watch or investigate the video. Or possibly the third is that you're overly angry when you believe someone has a mistaken belief or disagrees with you.

What are you saying about exe files? I mean I'm on the FBI website about to report the video to them using my real name and everything since I'm too stupid to know anything about computers and how to report things anonymously. You went extremely overboard saying you "hope they get me." And saying 'Enjoy" when I asked you to explain what you were saying about exe files. Please understand just because people aren't as smart as you are with computers or anything else apparently, doesn't give you a pass to expect us to catch up to your level of thinking without explanation. You will have to dumb it down.

MAGABoomer ago

NO, anyone would know that if they had read my complete debunk on the original thread. Not wanting anyone to see that they made a new thread.

Hotlinks are not magic, this is common sense. JAYSUS what part of the hotlinks were added to those TWO videos ON purpose. No one has to download anything to see them. Get it? Then people become afraid to look at the other videos have to DOWNLOAD them. Didn't you notice that the two videos linked did not need to be downloaded and yet every other video in the index DID have to be downloaded? Didn't you notice that the two videos hotlinked had nothing illegal in them? How can I say that OMG what a horrible person I am. Fact..nothing illegal in the hotlinked videos because there is no provenance. They could literally be scenes from horror movies. A hook to get people to the site which is clearly a hoax site due to the globe and Cyrillic text which is 100% purdee Anon. That's all. It's a hoax site. The chats are also hoaxes.

Whether or not WorldCorp is or is not involved in something shady has nothing to do with the site being a hoax. Disinformation is truth mixed with fiction. The goal was to trap personal information. You have, by your refusal to even question something, managed to pass that site around to countless people who also have no clue. Seriously, I don't even know why I bother. Endlessly frustrating. I reported all three of the repost threads last night because there was no reason to repost the same information EXCEPT to hide my debunk and keep people focused there instead of real shit.

We've had this happen three other times. Including fake chat logs. It's endlessly frustrating because this shit is not for newbs and you're not helping.

cakeoflightylight ago

Which two videos are you saying you're afraid of - Fatherhood and Each? Or the others?

MAGABoomer ago

I listed them in my debunk. Clearly you didn't read it. I cannot make you understand it. So just keep spreading the disinformation. I'm not "afraid" of any of the videos. I stated IN MY DEBUNK that only two of them are truly disturbing and those are the ONLY TWO that are hotlinked. And they literally could be from anywhere. Don't you get it, that's the point. Anyone hearing the child screaming lets common sense go straight out the window. Critical thinking comes to a halt. FATHER and OOOPS. HOTLINKED. Those hotlinks can only be created by the maker of the site. HOW did the OP know that without attempting to DL all the videos? Instead we get gifted a nice tidy package with hotlinks to the only two videos in the index that people can actually just click on and watch without DL the rest of the videos? HOW did the OP know that? Did they DL all the videos? NO the OP clearly .states..Oh found this on FB didn't watch the other videos, just dropping the links..SRSLY FB is the easiest place to spread this shit because FB users are literally tards.

SO HOW did the OP know those videos were hotlinked. You'd have to go through ALL the videos to know that. But there were no descriptions of the other videos until I provided them so people wouldn't have to go clicking and endangering their private information. NOOOO because you don't understand that you just keep passing it around. AND when cautioned you freak out and accuse ME of being Podesta.

Please. Just stop. You're not helping this investigation. No one should be doing this on suspicious sites unless they know how to Internet safely.

cakeoflightylight ago

I think the problem here is that you think you're debunking something but you don't fully explain yourself. Your point now seems to be that you believe going to that site is not safe and do not download the videos because they haven't been put up in a safe format for viewing. Yet you also seem to claim that there's an exe file embedded in them. Then you say they can be viewed without downloading. For me, they couldn't be viewed with sound unless you click on the link below the embedded version. So you're saying everyone who downloaded these videos now has CP on their computer?

MAGABoomer ago

ok I quite. Just stop spreading the hoax site. You're either playing dumb on purpose and keeping me busy explaining countless times how that site is a complete and total hoax, or you just need to stop Interneting. I've got an inbox from people who do get it just scratching their heads why you can't wrap your head around this.

cakeoflightylight ago

OK well good. It was getting annoying how many times you responded acting like you were explaining. I don't speak your language at all and I've asked multiple times for you to clearly explain but I give up. If i downloaded KP it certainly should be spelled out by someone in the know such as yourself rather than beating around the bush in every comment.

MAGABoomer ago

I copied and pasted the explanation of hotlinks to you MULTIPLE times. It is also clearly explained in the OP that they hid so no one would see my explanation. If you do not understand me, please then don't go doing shit like this. There are millions of people who don't understand and operate off gut clenching SAVE THE CHILDREN..which is exactly why this site was created the way it was. The globe and Cyrillic writing are ANON symbols. Anyone who knows that would not DL without sandboxie.

cakeoflightylight ago

I don't know what sandboxie is. Are you saying Anonymous made a fake website worldcorpwhatever - and I guess I don't know who you're saying Anon is - Anonymous, didn't you claim to be a part of Anonymous? I'm going to send you a Pm.

MAGABoomer ago

And FYI this site (PGVoat) is not safe. Mods trying to deal with the misinfo are being eliminated. Think about that for a minute. I'm outta here. The chans may be wild, but they're honestly crooked.

If you want to read a REAL hack, here's 8chan going after Freenet. See how they attack each other? That keeps the process open. DO NOT click on any links. Please. LOL.

If you keep reading someone will post a REAL negotiation for the purchase of a child via emails. Then you can see something REAL. it's pastebinned, but don't download it. Someone does post the entire thing.

DO NOT DOWNLOAD or click on any links. Reading is OK.

cakeoflightylight ago

I did see that on here a couple of days ago. Thanks for the explanations.

MAGABoomer ago

Oh dear. I had no idea. Please please just stop. I didn't realize so many people were on here who literally don't know.

Look all this stuff is hosted on sites you want nothing to do with. If you're a normal everyday American you're way out of your league. This culture is not one you can just step into. It's a dangerous place for newfags.

Sandboxie is a sort of "virtual machine" program that you open suspicious files in. NEVER click on links, NEVER open files. Watch and wait until someone else who knows what they're doing does it. The more this investigation heats up the MORE people who are bad are going to take advantage of it. Not every Anon is a "moralfag". Even PDFs are dangerous unless they're on a KNOWN safe site, like the FBI vault. NEVER click on and open files. Ever. Hotlinks are bad enough. But at least it's not a Dl.

If you want to start learning the culture hang out and READ at the chans. If you think I'm "bad" you'll never survive even just reading there. But at least you'll get an idea of the culture.

TomDrew87 ago

Take a chill pill champion!

MAGABoomer ago

I'm not pushing anyone to fucking believe anything. Read the analysis I wrote YESTERDAY and try to wrap your brain around it. I do information analysis, I'm a pro. I'm also OG anon and b/tard. I fucking know the clues.

Anyone serious about exposing this would not do that. Those videos had so many clues in them to troll it was ridiculous and i list them in my analysis as i go along....designed to nail newfags and it did. Congratulations. OP decided to IGNORE or not read on purpose. GO fucking look at each video yourself and compare what I wrote to what you see. If the fucking hotlinks weren't clue enough there's no helping you.

Edit...YES and in my analysis I explain that there are two videos that are of concern. I make that clear. I also make it clear not one of those videos can be claimed to be abusive or violating any laws on the surface of things. WHY? Because trolls don't cross that line. They're not going down for passing KP on a forum like this. The child is suffering. No doubt. Now, who do you think is better placed to turn that information over to FBI? The person who made the video in the first place probably already did. NOTHING can be claimed from what we see. For all we know it's an obscure scene from some 4th rated horror flick. We can literally do nothing with it.

MAGABoomer ago

Oh fuck off. Opinions are like assholes, everybody has one.

People posting and reposting things they didn't listen to or didn't follow through on original investigation are HURTING not helping. That's all. The suggestion in the thread title "IS THIS JOHN PODESTA?" gets newfags every time. If I need to explain the power of suggestion to you, you don't need to be here.

The kid screams Darren once. The video could have come from ANYWHERE. There was zero context. Every single video was analyzed and described. If you can't deal with that, then do it yourself. Go about assuring people that a man with a clear BOSTON accent is John Podesta. Excellent.

Stukov ago

I concur it says god does not forgive you, the last part looks like odr or something along those lines.

redditsuckz ago

It looks like "joo does not for give you 53S" .

sensitive ago

I played around with the image a bit, and it clearly says "jod does not forgive you", directly followed by either "536" or possibly "53c"

edblings ago

jod aka john + god?

norobotono ago

Are you sure it says 'god' and not 'jon'? The first letter looks more like a j to me and the 3rd could be an n.

MAGABoomer ago

LOL of course you don't. Fuck off.

HighFlyingRambo ago

Trump needs to quote famous boxing promoter Jew Bob Arum "yesterday I was lying, today I'm telling the truth "

MAGABoomer ago

Oh pluuhleese. LOL

Queen_Puabi ago

I can't open for some reason?

RecycledUser ago

I would say be glad, and don't watch it if you want to be able to sleep tonight.

OpenSoulOpenMind ago

is it podesta? no, its not

MAGABoomer ago

There are now three/four threads on this exact same thing occupying the front page. Anyone with half and ear can hear the child screams DARREN..they either didn't listen to it and mindlessly reposted, they did listen but somehow convinced themselves the child said something else, or they're counting on the majority of people not to bother to listen and just run repost it. I have seen this misinformation on THREE DIFFERENT conspiracy forums and it is completely discrediting valid information.. Stop making excuses.

cakeoflightylight ago

Before I found this thread, when I listened to the horrific video yesterday, I clearly heard John. The thought of it saying Darren never occurred to me. I think you might want to do some ear candling or go back to your CP jackoff session and get the f out of this board.

MAGABoomer ago

Listening probably never occurred to you. If you clearly heard John you need a hearing aid.

cakeoflightylight ago

I listened to it. It was disturbing. I read the first part of your analysis also. I didn't realize until today that your analysis was supposed to be bad seems like you were just telling us what was in there. But now I see you think it's fake. OK, noted, I don't think it's fake. Nobody can scream like that. The only question I have is what that website is and whether it's possible it's John Podesta.

MAGABoomer ago

YOU FUCKING FUCKER where did I say the video was fake? Can you even fucking read? YOU are part of the problem. THE WEBSITE IS A FUCKING TROLL. The clues are all over it. ALL OVER IT.

Because you don't know you are insanely easy to trick. The website is a troll. The website is a troll the website is a troll. The website basically has a big giant sign that says THIS IS A TROLL and you are wasting time, as intended "sleuthing" a fucking troll.

It's not fucking John Podesta. The website is a troll.

THE FUCKING HOTLINKS should be clue enough. And let me guess, you haven't got a clue what that means do you? YOU need to go back to a nice safe website and chat with the old ladies.

YOU haven't got a fucking clue what I was talking about do you? And you spam my inbox with accusations and mor fuckery and you haven't even got a fucking clue what I'm talking about.

cakeoflightylight ago

You're angry as fuck at people you do not know. I have not PMed you. Have a nice day computer hacker.

MAGABoomer ago

I'm angry as fuck at people for continuing to perpetuate and troll false information that makes YOU and PG look stupid and whose creators are laughing their asses off at you while stealing personal information from everyone stupid enough to DL that shit without condoms.

I can't help but notice INTELLIGENT YOU failed to respond to the HOTLINK statements. You are either perpetuating the fraud on purpose, or too arrogant to admit you've fucked up.

cakeoflightylight ago

I'm not arrogant. I just don't understand what your point about hotlinks is. I'm 38 years old and I'm not a computer programmer. To my knowledge a hotlink is a weblink that takes you somewhere. Maybe if you tried thinking from the point of view of a casual computer user you would realize nobody gets what you're saying and that not all of us are hackers. Again, please have a better day. I'm not your enemy but you're an ass for sure. I'm sorry you think I'm stupid I don't see what your assessment has to do with anything. I'm on this forum the same as everyone else and I'm not pivotal to any investigations or any reputations of any of the other people here.

MAGABoomer ago

Let me try again. AND IF YOU DO NOT UNDERSTAND HOTLINKS you need to stop posting iffy sites to all your friends and relatives. I'll repost my answer as to why the site is a troll....AGAIN. Try to work it out in your head.

Here's why the whole thing is fake.

  1. Hotlinks. There is a rather lengthy video index as you will note in my rather lengthy analysis. Only TWO videos are hotlinked. One is at the top (father) the other nearer the middle called "OOOPs" . Only two of the entire index is hotlinked from the index and oddly those are the two most disturbing videos if you're a newb. Now anyone seeing those is never going to risk looking at the rest because you have to download them. If you download them to watch them you don't know what the content is before you do it and ...see the trap. The fear kept people from looking closer. operation going as planned.

The logic is did those two videos get hotlinked? How would anyone know which two videos were "shareable" versus needing downloading? (forgetting some might not know what hotlinks are) Who would know which two videos are hotlinks? IF someone didn't go through the entire index and download and look at each one, how would they know which ones were hotlinked? They wouldn't. WHO would just download what they believe is KP? No one. So basically no one but the maker of the site or aids would know which two videos were sharable and would for certain head off many from looking at the rest for fear of DL KP!

  1. Aiming it at John Podesta. The thread title says his name...instead of "does this sound like anyone we've heard before" ...people brave enough to play the FATHER clip all heard John. I'm like WTF the kid's not saying John...but I'm trained to do these things. After hearing the hotlink video and realizing the "implant" I had zero fear downloading and watching each video because I knew there was no way it was real. It wasn't. The videos are literally what I said they are. And I wrote that when I was "chillin" .

People can make something out of nothing if they're looking too hard.

What do they want me to believe and why do they want me to believe it. No one serious about exposing KP would do that.

Also i warn not to open the first link as it is exe and even I'm not that stupid.

You literally reposted and encouraged your friends and family to click on links leading to a troll site. Do you even understand what that means? Can you wrap your brain around WHY someone would repost the entire thread and start no one could see my debunk? WHY would anyone do that ya think?

The website is a hoax the chat logs are a hoax. This has been done before and sadly due to people who can't "Internet" and certainly can't tell fake from real sites, you're a danger to the investigation, not a help. Go to 4chan/8chan and read the Freenet hack and get a load of REAL shit. That shit's real, this shit is fake.

cakeoflightylight ago

What do you mean the first link is an exe? It downloads automatically? I thought an exe was a program. Are you saying you've looked at the file and it has an embedded hidden exe?

MAGABoomer ago


porqueno ago


Does he say what his other name is? Is it Skippy?

Anyone who has worked for Podesta in the past decade knows Skippy, who first appeared during Podesta's eventful years as chief of staff in the Clinton White House. As scandal rocked the end of that presidency, staffers knew they had better come prepared to meetings. Otherwise, nurturing mentor John would be replaced by Skippy -- Podesta's quick-tempered, edgy and sarcastic alter ego.

Gbuggers ago

I did not know about skippy very interesting. Thanks.

DustyRadio ago

WTF. Why do all these elites openly brag about their "alter egos" and being taken over by a different personality??? Miley, Gaga, Beyoncé... too many to list.

YingYangMom ago

MK ULTRA victims. DID does that. Multiple personalities created by the victim under extreme torture or abuse to cope with the pain and the situation they're living. From what I understand, the dissociation happens as an inner survival instinct and different personalities emerge to protect the 'central' core personality from harm and/or insanity.


could someone see if this looks like the same kitchen shown in the dog eating spaghetti video?

MAGABoomer ago

Yes yes it is...asshattery. No reason NOT to comment in other thread. Wanted to revive the OMG is this JOHN without mentioning every video was analyzed and summarized in the original thread and included the very clear statement that the child screamed DARREN. Stop making excuses. This is purposeful diversion. New account waste of breath.

Scirel ago

Quoting your post from yesterday:

"the child screams the man's real name. Darren or's fairly clear and with a bit of cleaning up I'm pretty sure the name could be exactly identified."

Yesterday it was "Darren or something."

Today it's "clearly Darren" and "very clear statement that the child screamed DARREN." And your post is full of spelling errors and poorly written sentences. And you don't KNOW anything about the provenance of the video. You don't KNOW it's a diversion. And I'm an idiot. And you've reported me. And I engage in asshattery.

Give me a break.

And I listened to it again. Still sounds like JOHN to me.

I'm a reasonable guy, and appreciate constructive responses and will be the first to back off if this is proven to be a sham. So back off the language SVP.

MAGABoomer ago

I try never to be what is the word...let me think...oh yes, so certain that I assert an answer no one is ready to hear.

So by saying it sounds like DARREN (and then allowing that more clarity is possible with cleanup) I have avoided implanting asshattery like the title of the thread did. Fuck off you can think it's John all day long and you're welcome to.

You're probably the asshat spreading it around the internet. Not only that you have not even bothered to work with the logic of it. You're emotion trolling and it's useless. The Anon globe and Cyrillic text give it the fuck away. What part of that don't you fucking understand? Newfag to anon?

I reported the 5th reposting of the same fucking shit. NO reason to repost. NONE. Attention fag? Concern troll? Whatever reason you reposted, it's reported. That's all. You had something to say, work in the original thread, otherwise it seems like you reposted so no one would see the videos were analyzed and that's asshattery.

I even listed the clues directly to trolling..either you're an idiot (HELLO YOU) or you're doing it on purpose. You're feelings are irrelevant.

cakeoflightylight ago

Shill, troll or John Podesta / Alefartface much MAGABoomer? Let me guess, you're really from Oklahoma and not actually John Podesta getting all angry right now.

MAGABoomer ago

Oh fuck off. You really think you've got any legs? Any fucktard that is pushing fake shit like you are and spamming my inbox with your fuckery...and your only response is "ZOMG you're John Podesta"...why yes, as a matter of fact I am, and that's not my voice in the video and you're fucking being trolled and too fucking stupid to know it.

cakeoflightylight ago

I wasn't inboxing you.

MAGABoomer ago

Anyone who feels the need to go through a person's post, avoid reading them and then exposing ignorance (if I need to tell you what KP means you don't need to be here.) of simple things like fucking deserve whatever they do to you.

gardenofbacchus ago

Jesus Christ what the fuck is this video

RecycledUser ago

OMG, I shouldn't have listened to it. No matter what name the child is saying, I just pray someone has rescued him from that monster. If THAT video doesn't red-pill people to demand this shit stops, I don't know what will.

Electionfraud ago

I watched every video on worldcorp and believe this is podestas secret website. The whole site is sick. This is another part of the concerted effort to expose these fucks. Thank you fbi

wrok-wrok ago

I watched the "fatherhood.webm" and my heart rate rose...This is fucked.

Disgusted-Lurker ago

Thank you for taking the time to compile this info in greater detail. I honestly wrote it off when I first saw it because it seemed like a stretch. This makes a more compelling case, at least warranting a closer look.

I hope somebody with expertise can help out...

MAGABoomer ago

This is a repeat of misleading information already solved from yesterday. See my video synopsis on original thread. This is an attempt to keep people focused on fake information. You have been reported. Yeah DV me you fucktard. I'm not going to sit back and watch you asshats misdirect people. Many people here are "innocents' and easily duped, but many others are old guard anons and we know bullshit when we see it. Fuck off.

cakeoflightylight ago

You're better at life than we are because you're an old guard anon? What is that supposed to mean? You are all knowing because you are in Anonymous?

MAGABoomer ago

Yes, as a matter of fact I am. Due to the amazing display of stupid in the eagerness to follow the bouncing troll, yes I am better than you.

cakeoflightylight ago

Good thing you know it, nobody else here does.

MAGABoomer ago

Yeah because the forum has magically been populated with trolls who keep reposting debunked information to keep the real sauce off the front page. Time to move out of here and leave you idiots to "sleuth" in a circle. You fucktards fall for anything.

cakeoflightylight ago

You're one of the trolls magically populating the forum.

MAGABoomer ago

Yes yes, do keep on as scheduled. Everytime you post you make a fool of yourself. Keep going to the troll sites and downloading...just keep doing it. You fucktard. You deserve what you get.

MAGABoomer ago

I think since anyone can go read my synopsis on the first thread, I'm reporting this one. The mods better get on putting a stop to this shitposting. It's wasting time and space. Why are you doing this? Anyone with half and ear can clearly hear the child scream DARREN. Fuck off.

DarkMath ago

It's a Boston accent, no question. Trust me, I used to live there and have that accent burned into my brain. There is exactly 0% probability it's a Chicago accent.

IDeliverPizza ago

Donald trump is best friends with the Clinton's he and Ivanka attended chelsea Clinton's wedding. They only knife eachother in the back on screen to get votes when will you guys fucking understand that. It's all a fuvking game to get power. And once they get it they are in control of their boys club whether it's the Jews, Arabs or whoever they are serving. Why the fuvk do you think Jared kushner owns 666 on 5th ave.??? Who would go out of their way to own a property like that. he's a satanic free mason just like the rest of the merry boys club. They would never attack anyone in a group they are all part of including Hillary Clinton. Idk trump may be Gandalf and be against the greatest force of evil the world has ever seen and be powerless but if Heavenly mother and mother were truly guiding him he would not have been so nice to Hillary and everyone else. They are all part of the same group and its the trumps turn at the head of the table. I may be grasping at straws but Hillary Clinton should be PUBLICLY investigated if it comes down to that. THE world has seen what a soros protest looks like but the world has not seen what the believers in christ who seek justice protesting look like.

cakeoflightylight ago

Meh, IDK I think that if Trump were to publicly go after Hillary during an election the way we all have gone after her, he wouldn't have won. The left would have made him out to be some kind of conspiracy nutbag and instead, the worst they could say is that he's Orange Hitler which they know is ridiculous anyway. I think it was a hand well played. Not everyone is as smooth as us I know, but he did just manage to win the Presidency against Satan and I have to hand him credit for that.

waxdino ago

We're not all Christians here.

Godwillwin ago

If trump is guilty of any of this stuff then he needs to go down too. Personally, I don't think he is. One of the insider anons said he's not perfectly clean when it comes to a couple past business dealings but that he's not involved in the child nor satanic stuff. Just because the Clintons were at their wedding doesn't make them besties.

Here's a list of all the "celebrities" at their wedding (they can't possibly be that close with all of these people)

Ps: I'm not saying I think it's podesta in the video. I haven't even watched. I'm just replying to the wedding thing

HighFlyingRambo ago

It doesn't matter if Trumps is a pedofile not all members of the elite are maybe a few I really do believe they are using the children for other nefarious reasons also. All that matters is that HE IS A FREEMASON and is guilty by association . There are many angles to this story our story and god willing may he expose light on the darkness that has been cast upon this world.

TomDrew87 ago

You got evidence he's a Freemason?

cakeoflightylight ago

Newt Gingrich said Trump hasn't been through the initiation and he's not in the secret societies.

Pechal ago

The only options from here is to ask in what ways can we possibly prove the authenticity of this video? It seems rather slim to be able to find location or anything else from it. So I'm leaning towards hoax but I mean not confident either-way. The fatherhood video was uploaded in December of 2016 and other videos uploaded as far back as July 2016.

The website especially is suspect for trying to look overtly edgy or mysterious. Would a true leaker do all that?

YingYangMom ago

You don't need a professional to prove authenticity of the video. It is quite obvious to any parent out there that this is not a hoax. It's the real shit, no child can act as scared and as genuinely freaked-out as this child is. You can't fake that kind of terror. Even in horror movies, the actors can't quite reproduce this kind of sound.

rest_me123 ago

The question is not if it is an authentic abuse, but rather if the man is podesta or any other man.

YingYangMom ago

Absolutely right. New thread posted seems to support the theory that it is indeed J Podesta.

rest_me123 ago

Well, to find the truth, scepticism and neutrality is essential. The post bases it's conclusions on the claim that the kid says "Skippy", which isn't clear at all. Others also stated that. Also what is the background of this page (worldcorpo)? Who found it? What is it's purpose? How long has it been there?

YingYangMom ago

Yes, I know what you're saying, BUT like we've discussed, the veracity and authenticity of the "child being abused video" is not in question here, so does the background of the site that has published it really matter? I think not. Imho, it doesn't matter as to who, what or when. All that matters is that the video is REAL and we need to find out who this voice belongs to, right?

rest_me123 ago

That's correct, I just think facing the enormous amount of childabuse-videos distributed over the internet from all over the world, chances are pretty low that this particular one is coincidentally of John Podesta. But I'm alert to further developments.

sugarskull ago

So true that child is stumbling over his or her words trying to get them out so fast to appease the abuser. It sounded like many moments from my childhood...I know that upset well unfortunately.

YingYangMom ago

I'm so sorry you had to go through that... No child ever should.

sugarskull ago

thanks I am all grown up now (44 TODAY!!) so though it sucked it made me a better parent and a more sympathetic and understanding adult...I THINK haaha. But no way a kid that age could hoax that kind of upset...that is 100% genuine.

YingYangMom ago

Hey, that's great, I'm 45 myself. Happy Birthday to you :)

Scirel ago

Yes - thanks for these questions. Trust me, I know what you are saying. That is why I tried to be judicious in my assertions and put in the caveat at the end. But as to the authentication question - this is why I suggested that if anyone has access to professional quality voice analysis software, this might at least tell us if it is even a real possibility (if there is a high enough probability). But a cursory look at such products on the internet showed one forensic analysis system that cost something like 5K. So if anyone is an investigator or has a friend who is an investigator?...

MAGABoomer ago

You're not being "judicious" you're being an idiot. Thread reported. Child clearly screams DARREN. You could have concern trolled the original thread.

Pechal ago


Huh, strange that I didn't notice that before. I could've sworn it sounded exactly like John. But it does sound like Darren to me now.

MAGABoomer ago

Ya think? It sounded like DARREN the first time I heard it. Suggestion is a powerful thing. Don't fall for it. That whole thread was a cock up...can't blame anon for trolling, CAN blame people for falling for it. It was completely designed to get US caught up in dissecting that shit frame by frame....takes time, ends up with nothing. Never fall for anything without context. However the use of the Anon globe and the Cyrillic text is SO 2008, it's like saying "oh hie guise I'm a troll".

The one massive clue that ya'll are missing is that the only videos that were hotlinked were the horror screaming child ones, knowing most of you wouldn't even bother looking at the rest for FEAR they would be KP. Hotlinking specific videos should have been clue one. Those clips could literally have come from ANYwhere.

Please help maintain the integrity of this forum by DV bait threads like this one and the THREE last night. Please we need to just fucking stop. We now have people coming here posting any old instagram account and saying OMG...and actually getting attention. There have to be certain elements present in a photo or set of photos before I'm going to go round the bend on some innocent photo album. Go back and look at your own SM photos through the lens of this place.

ALSO please look at what gets the DV and how many it gets on threads like that. They rapidly try to DV comments outing them so no one can see them.

bluedeath ago

Thanks for the rambling wall of text it totally doesn't make you sound like an entitled lunatic.

MAGABoomer ago

Thanks for playing. If you can't read BTFO and go pedo your asshattery elsewhere.

Disgusted-Lurker ago

Referring to the Manhattan Kings thread...? Just curious.

MAGABoomer ago

Yesterday there were at least three other threads besides the OMG is this John Podesta that were purdee shite. I don't remember their specific names but they usually being with OMG look what I found on Instagram...and devolves from there. I am pretty chill except when I see shit I know is fake INFORMATION ANALYSIS is my bag. I suck at many things, but this is my specialty.

It's not rocket science. Many people on here are from goodness of heart and have had little to zero contact with this sort of trolling. We also literally have pedophiles on here actively trying to stop it. One asshole basically admitted it by claiming it's not abuse and many kids's about common sense, not seeing boggymen behind every smiling child photo with pizza in it, and not hesitating to shut them the fuck up. They scream CENSORSHIP for a reason.

there was an effort last night and to some extent today, to keep viable information OFF the front page which is why they didn't comment in the original thread but instead began an entirely new thread despite the fact that I'd already posted a blow by blow and included that the child screamed DARREN. That sort of thing. Keep a watch for it, DV and report.

cakeoflightylight ago

EVEN if the child says Darren, that doesn't mean that JP isn't the man in the video. I could make my kids call me Fairy Godmother pretty easily if I wanted to. I think you're getting AWFULLY angry considering everyone knows this is speculative, and there's no real way for any average person to ID him from the video. Too angry for you to be a real investigator.

MAGABoomer ago

You're a fucking idiot.

spacemanspliph ago

If pizzagate is a psyop, this just seems like a continuation of it. The whole worldcorp name and website has a NWO occult undertone to it, theres not enough evidence in those videos to do anything with. But it does further expose their agenda to the masses

TomDrew87 ago

Is this site safe to view?

LakeOfFire ago

There is also stuttering in the fatherhood video.

Compare to Podesta's.

abortionburger ago

I listened to that video. It made me sick. On another thread someone mentioned Podesta getting riled up about "Clinton's personal/private stances." When Podesta gets agitated he does sound a lot more like the guy in that video. I'm certainly not convinced, but if someone has the means, then it is probably worth a look.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

I won't download these, I do not want that kind of horror left in my brain, but do we know when these was made? Why? To rule out someone intentionally faking this. I know many say it could not be faked, but with all the fakenews and crap we just don't know anymore.

cakeoflightylight ago

Yeah, you can't fake that type of screaming. I've had several babies naturally and I've screamed my ass off - from fear when I thought my kid was missing but he was actually hiding, from anger, etc. But never like I was being beaten and abused and never like I might actually think I'm going to die from an abusive killer, which is what that sounded like to me. I can't unhear that. If you know of any actors who can fake scream like that, please post the proof. Never in my life. Much less a kid that is supposedly being abused I can't think of a kid who could fake scream like that.

VieBleu ago

As to your number 5 -Possible leaker, more likely a hoax shiller. A leaker wouldn't be so crazee irresponsible in presentation.

Overall this is non-evidence without further proof. But there is always a possibility it just happens to be the guy everyone here wants it to be. I say the possibility is less than 1%. There are a million men just on the East Coast that this could be, there are millions of more men it could be anywhere in the world. And that is if it is even real not trolling.

MAGABoomer ago

I reported this thread. it's clear it's a shill thread by the DVs YOU got. This shit is some serious fuckery and people need to stop falling for it. There was no reason for a new thread. I wrote exhaustive synopsis of each video. Trolling is trolling eh? Tried to fix ur DV but...when you catch them out they get pissed.

ben_matlock ago

agreed, upvoated. let's move on.