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ploppy ago

Where is the audio of him saying skippy? proof might be nice.

23eulogy23 ago videos- file "each"

Pechal ago

And at what time in that video? Not hearing anything like skippy. OP literally posted 1 guys comment on 4chan and took it as fact, newfag mistake.

jastonas ago

Can't hear it either.

klondike1412 ago

At around 10 seconds she goes "Nooo! Skippy! Skippyyyy!"

rest_me123 ago

There is nothing near "skippy" or "no" or "please". I'm listening on apple earpods, which are the clearest of all earplugs I ever had. I can only concur with Pechal in that matter, but still, I'm open for further revelations.

klondike1412 ago

You can very clearly hear the first "no skippy" before he starts talking over the "skippy, skippy please". It's not easy to make out the rest, but the first one is pretty clear.

Pechal ago

Well that is a huge stretch but finally someone makes some sort of a claim.

redditsuckz ago

Maybe if people keep saying they hear "skippy" enough times you might be brainwashed and able to hear it?...I cant hear shit...someone needs to isolate the audio for any proof of "skippy" being said.

Pechal ago

Not only this but it is debatable if he even says John, it sounds more like "Darren" if you think he says Darren. It can be John but its quite unclear.

Also TheTuringTest you are linking to a wrong thread about the Dam, there is nothing in here about Podesta or Pizzagate

Touchdown50 ago

No it sounds like John.

Pechal ago

Alright not trying to be a shill, but you can be objective about it. Also there is ZERO evidence that in any of these videos the child calls him Skippy, not until i get a timestamp and filename of where it supposedly is.

Ask yourself who the disinfo shill really is here, the first thing you would do with such a claim is say its in "x" video at "2:21" timestamp, whole thread no one says anything like that!

Touchdown50 ago

Thats the hard part, i dont hear skippy in that lunacy. But this guy is going on about his multiple personalties. Its like they are all there in that bathroom.

Pechal ago

The multiple personalities thing is definitely more evidence, but all I'm saying is theres no evidence of this in this video.

Touchdown50 ago

If you listen to that second video you can hear him say" and me and me and me."

TheTuringTest ago

Anunnaki_Bukakke 4 points (+4|-0) 2 hours ago At 12 seconds the child says "John," which also admittedly sounds like it could also be "Darren." Then the child repeats it, and it is most certainly John to my ear at 14 seconds. If you alter your equalizer you can isolate the child's voice better.

Then in this video

At ~7s the child says "No Skippy Skippy please" clear as a bell. Pechal is going to every comment and spreading FUD, makes me very suspicious of him.

ZalesMcMuffin ago

If you alter your equalizer you can isolate the child's voice better.

Could you be more vague?


Srsly though, what alteration do you recommend? I don't hear any Skippy or John anywhere yet. Just Darren and a bunch of screaming which I can't make words out of.

The test here is going to be what a normie hears in a blind testing arrangement. Take this to someone who has no idea what it is and tell them nothing, and simply ask them to listen and tell what they hear. It's dumb for us moralfags to take our own impressions as objective facts (which, hopefully, we all realize), and it's simple to address the subjectivity factor.

Yay for common sense.

TheTuringTest ago

If you can bare listening to the audio, then do it and prove it to yourself. All else will be secondary until the FBI or other white hat agencies legitimise it to you. Will then, the proof be good enough? Anything I say is in dispute with you currently, apparently. Listen for yourself.

Pechal ago

Uh I think you linked the wrong thing. Is there a new audio? I have listened to all the tapes. Where does it say skippy?

23eulogy23 ago

I believe file "each"

Pechal ago

Well I'm listening want to give which second, never hear skippy.

Pechal ago

Can you not just link the video, no one is telling which video. Tell the filename at least Jesus, are you purposely trying to be vague? Thats the only reason I can understand for not saying which video he says skippy.