Breadleaf ago

as for the video titled "messy"- The dog is likely licking up what looks like vomit. The vomit likely belongs to the preppy boy on the floor who is acting like they are drunk/ have been drugged with date rape drugs. I have seen friends of mine come up to me after getting drugged in the club by would-be rapists and later on, when we got the to safety, they acted like this, disoriented and confused but saying oh shit or FUCK WHATS HAPPENING... it is similar to that when people get to blacked out drunk as well.

Likeitirish ago

Yeah. It could take months to get a response from them if you report something.

cakeoflightylight ago

I know they track everyone. I don't trust them, not after watching the news and seeing whistleblowers jailed, murdered, and doctors showing up dead for the past couple of years for researching everything from this topic, to vaccine contaminants (sterilants and cancer causing enzymes etc.). I prefer to figure out how to submit the info anonymously. I don't want to be listed as some type of complainant or witness on a document submitted to Hillary Clinton's lawyers.

Wolftrail7272 ago

Remember it when the war starts. I wish I were kidding. I heard there were some AI bots predicting skirmishes.

Dauphin ago

Podesta is well known to have an "evil alter ego" named "Skippy." I bet we are hearing/seeing "Skippy" in action. Although I have NO SYMPATHY for these freaks, I cannot help but to think they themselves were victims of this same trauma.

Chatman ago

How did you find these videos? What lead you to these?

topkek1337 ago

And what relation does this have to Comet? There are a lot of people called John lol


why would Trump's twitter be a good place to investigate?

eiggaMAD ago

This is absolutely terrifying. I don't give a fuck who it is at this point, this NEEDS to be looked into. This is absolutely not okay.

Betty_Swollocks ago

Aaah, the old let's ignore the bits we cannot explain.

Betty_Swollocks ago

'and he is with me every second'.

In your imagination. I win.

podestakilledmyson ago

the video "sneak peak" creeped me out the most. If you play the video over and over, you can tell he's not "standing", but rather he is hanging. you can see his body swaying slightly back and forth, as if there is a noose around his neck... but there is nothing there

MAGABoomer ago

I dunno.

MAGABoomer ago

LOL Jaysus Mary and Joseph lads :D

MAGABoomer ago


Orlando_Kek_Follower ago

Any verification of this? How would someone from some random website be able to say "Yep that's Johnny Podesta" for sure? I mean I want this to be true, but I'm skeptical just because its almost too "perfect" of a piece of evidence.

Pechal ago

I see I went and saw it. Still Nuke is some kind of moderator I feel like this is just the web owners just building interest out of nothing. I guess we will see in time. Why is it with these things its always mysterious and theres no out right explanation, like how they got the video and such.

ThePedoHunter ago

Its only mysterious to us...there was nothing mysterious about the evidence and images and videos that busted all those pedos in La and Norway recently....we're just not privy to the real sick shit that FBI/Law enforcement can break into....

grlldcheese ago



VieBleu ago

There is no evidence this is any particular person and to say it is one person is libelious. OP opens themselves up to be sued for what they are asserting IN THE HEADING ALONE WHICH CANNOT BE EDITED. IRRESPONSIBLE.

posting this stuff twice and acting innocent about it, smacks of an average, by they book shill operation, which is the definition of irresponsible.

muhxburner ago

I call John Podesta a pedophile freak 10x every day before breakfast. I wish he would try to sue me, I would literately dismantle that man piece by piece with my bear hands if ever given the opportunity.

VieBleu ago

lol fair enough, that's the spirit. And love that you have bear hands.

Unfortunately I live in a fear based world. How I saw this whole audio devil meme going wrong -

1) It's clearly John Podesta, even though totally unproven! 2) Get a mob with pitchforks! 3) Welch type zombie false flags JP somehow 4) Media - Pizzagate has done it again, poor innocent JP assaulted by PG researcher - shut them down!

The leaking of this mysterious audio video stuff is very strange and not trustworthy IMO.

Orlando_Kek_Follower ago

You can't be sued for saying that a video could POSSIBLY contain someone's voice.

VieBleu ago

Basically I've come around to the idea that the "Father" audio/video was leaked for a reason, by law enforcement. They would like Perpesta's name attached to it and have it all over the internet, to rattle him. And that they know no one would ever sue, because it very well could be him - they have the visual proof, this is just a somewhat sanitized version. I don't think the people who are on these boards are the target, they are the audience. The target is the perp.

What do you think now that some time has passed?

VieBleu ago

Put your real name on it, see how it goes.

Orlando_Kek_Follower ago

And why, pray tell, would I do something like that?

VieBleu ago

since you are so sure you can't get sued for that, what's the harm? that is the point of the comment. Not sure what you are missing there.

Orlando_Kek_Follower ago

You still can't be sued for ALLEGING that someone could be featured in video footage. The statement "This is definitely John Podesta" is different than "Oh that could be John Podesta's voice."

VieBleu ago

I am not a lawyer, you may very well be completely right. It is irresponsible to put an individual's name, no matter how reviled with disturbing material and accuse them. This is shit stirring, trying to get violent comments, and discredit the forum. It is very clear to me.

And it is easy to sue in America. They COULD be sued for that, whether it would ultimately stick, not so sure you are completely correct. Internet bullying laws are still being written and changed every day. The PC climate right now is to protect individuals from "that sort of thing".

Pechal ago

You have some proof of this conversation? Screenshots of e-mails or something?

gun_and_a_sandwich ago

same fam

gun_and_a_sandwich ago

movie with the blue dude is "fantastic planet". its actually pretty good. video is still weird just giving the reference

cakeoflightylight ago

It sounds like he is probably cutting on him, or raping the kid with a broom or something. It sounds like the kid is being cut up or severely tortured or slowly killed. No other reason to scream like that. Can anyone tell what is going on through that glass?

jsllsjsllsj ago

The website seems to have been on radar for a bit. One commenter explains that the fatherhood video seems to be the shower from other videos on there. Some comment as if the have been in contact with the sites developer. Also when you click the network link it takes to to download a gaming voice and texting app. There is also a youtube account with some of these videos. But they seem to always get removed. World corp resort

cakeoflightylight ago

For those of you who don't know - in the video Each - Podesta sound-alike man is singing the theme song to Caillou which basically goes like this: "I'm just a kid who's four each day I grow some more but I like exploring on Caillou." and trying to make the kid sing it. I had to stop the tape after two seconds. I can't bear to listen right now. Here is how that song goes - You can recognize it faster if you're a mom who has heard the song 20 thousand times.

cakeoflightylight ago

Holy shit. That is incredibly creepy and scary and makes me cry. It does sound a lot like him. I can't even listen to more than a couple of seconds. These babies. OMG.

leahxpearl ago

The first tweet by WCE was favorited by this twitter profile

leahxpearl ago This profile is followed by WCE...I'm trying to figure out how to paste photo link here Not super tech savy, clearly.

EyesWideScared ago

Fatherhood has been removed.

Betty_Swollocks ago

Who's the brainwashed one here? Sorry I don't believe in talking snakes and talking burning bushes, call me crazy but there you go. Maybe you can PROVE Jebus is real? I'm here all day....Sis.

DawnofTruth ago

I am trying so hard to unhear what I just heard. WTF did I just listen to?

GeorgeT ago

I am sure thar NYPD found loads of this stuff even if this is not Podesta.

GeorgeT ago

Or pethaps they were so assured with Hillary victory that they dropped their guard.

GeorgeT ago

This needs to be sent to FBI to do voice analysis. My mum was a professional musician and I have inherited super acute hearing, can decode mimute differentiation in dilect, pronunciation of certain syllables, vowels and consonants. Certain individuals have a distinctive sound to it. Pay close attention to the way John Podesta pronounces his T's, distinctive than your standard T. Try to match it the video. Must have acute hearing. But it best to be analysed by a professional detective with a voice recognition software. Even if it not real - it gives us a glimpse if what it would sound like.

GeorgeT ago

WorldcorpEntertainment deleted the content. Needs to be analysed by an expert.

YingYangMom ago

"Blind parent", weird title. What does it mean? That we, as parents, are blind to what TPTB are doing to our children? That we are 'unaware' of what's being done to them?

GeorgeT ago

It's a voice of an adult. No doubt.

VieBleu ago

Send to the FBI and wait to make accusations.

The OP has been on this site for what, 5 minutes?

There are literally millions of men on the east coast that could sound like the monster in the video. Putting Podesta's face and name up here with this material is frankly irresponsible OP.

This upsetting stuff generates the perfect storm for another false flag event to blame on voat and people who only want to protect children by keeping attention on pizzagate..

Please Don't Write out Calls For Vigilante Justice Here.

GeorgeT ago

I am sure on FBI found 1000 of them much worse on Anthony Weaner's laptop!

grlldcheese ago

I love you. I don't know how you're so polite all the time. But you're perfectly, reasonably cautious and woke.

I get into fights with shills and dv them and voat makes you upvoat more than dv, so I'm uv stalking you to make quota.

VieBleu ago

You made my day. And for the record, grildcheese is my favorite. it's been a long 2 months, eh?

MeeestaTraumaLlama ago

I want that person destroyed. It's not Podesta. But he needs to go. I'm not one for animus but that's fucking it. Fuck these motherfuckers. Trump better do something for that freak's sake.

What the fuck is this site anyways? Can our sweet autists dig dirt without doxxing?

dontmindthemess ago

Close enough. Fry him and his brother. If we're wrong, my bad.

cakeoflightylight ago

To me it sounds just like him. But I agree with dontmindthemess. What's a little unreasonable doubt on a Saturday? Fry the motherfucker in his own torture chamber.

Likeitirish ago

Fuck it I'll send them right now. Why is anyone doing pizzagate if no one is sending their work to the FBI....I don't get. What good does it do to post "real evidence" here and not contact the authorities. I don't get it There's so much good stuff the internet pizzgaters have found but not a single person suggesting it be sent to the FBI?

cakeoflightylight ago

I don't think anyone trusts the FBI enough to be a personal submitter but we do think that they are reading this page - I for one don't want to make the FBI target me knowing that they are very much in on it. You don't know who you can trust. Tweet it straight to POTUS, realdonaldtrump and SenatorSessions. You can tweet it at the FBI but I wouldn't be doing some type of original submission. That's just me though.

Likeitirish ago

I sent them anonymously over VPN and I contacted my local FBI branch using anonymous VOIP and they said they do monitor social media. because yeah..I don't trust authorities either especially when.sending the Feds child porn. Last thing I want is to be investigated lol.

cakeoflightylight ago

I don't know how to do that. Maybe you can point me in the right direction. PMing you.

TheHolyGrail ago

Keep sending it and sending it., Everything suspect, report it to the FBI.

They must act, this is the most heinous of crimes against humanity. No more time to wait.

Poot_McGarvey ago

People did a bunch of stuff like that. Expecially in the beginning. People called in with reports. People contacted D.C. police. Agencies that specialized in, They filed FOIA requests. Some of it useful, some of it not.

I think most assume that if we've found something that FBI already has too, or if they don't already know this stuff, they are monitoring posts here and places like it.

Likeitirish ago

Yeah for sure. I submitted tons of links to the National website. But I also called my local FBI branch and they'll be investigating the links but they said they get nearly 10,000 submissions a day so it could take a while.

Likeitirish ago

Well what the hell is it doing here......send this shit to the FBI if its actual evidence.

Empire_of_the_mind ago

I expect that you all downloaded and saved a local copy of this video, yes?

peechag8 ago

Usually a lurker and don't really comment... But Jesus, I listened to the video and couldn't continue. It's fucked up hearing a kid scream like that. Anyone that's curious, please make sure you have the heart for this shit right now.

Betty_Swollocks ago

I was brought up a Catholic, never really believed but having it rammed down your throat for 15 yrs or so kind of keeps you second guessing yourself even though you know what you know. I am 100% atheist, I only need to read the Bible if I wanted to make sure of that fact. I also don't see why me writing "wish I wasn't an atheist" makes me not one!?

Oh, and no offense taken :)

ArthurEdens ago

You don't know what you're talking about

dawgfan ago

I come from the old school,if this is in fact real,this sumbitch needs his balls cut off while he's forced to watch it

Lobotomy ago

Allahu ackbar to you too.

MeeestaTraumaLlama ago

Easy there Art. Let's not eat each other.

Antonius ago

In one of the videos, the guy pisses into a toiletbowl, than drinks it...WTF!

DangerPizza ago

Maybe replacing the flashing red lamp for mind control programming. Just put this video on loop and drool your way to another you!

Betty_Swollocks ago

Less than 10 seconds I could take of that. Those poor kids. I'm not sure who is in this video, Podesta I am sure is involved in this type of shit even if this isn't him on here. I just wish I wasn't an atheist just so I could get the satisfaction of knowing there's a place in Hell for these sick sick fucks.

ConcernedParent2 ago

According to the WHOIS, 9 months. Pretty new.

nomorepepperoni ago

I don't think this is a whistleblower site at all.'s%20International%20Room%20&%20Board%20Advertisment.mp4

I wonder if any steganography is going on in these videos. And the ones posted by OP...Jesus...sick beyond words, especially if real.

Someone feel daring enough to tweet Trump with this, asking him to get Sessions on it? In any case, this shit needs to go to the FBI, NAO (if they aren't already aware since they had a Youtube in the past).

Re: Podesta, I don't think it's him in the videos. You also hear the poor soul abused initially call him "Harry", to which the monster demands his "other name", which is apparently "John".

Orlando_Kek_Follower ago

I've already tweeted both videos to Trump 42 times. And to Podesta.

Likeitirish ago

I Have just sent every link on the post to the FBI. We can no longer just talk in circles of 'what if's' and wait for arrests to come. These videos look fooking horrible. So I did what was right, fake or not.

ScientiaPotentia ago

Those aren't fake. That child's screams were real. You can't fake that.

Also, note the guy is singing Caillou a popular kids show. That way the child will remember the trauma and be re-traumatized every time that show comes on television. He seems to be doing a kind of MKUltra Trauma Based Mind Control on the child. The Red and Blue lights are an indication too. The purple is the color of Satan/Lucifer/solar daemons (Heliotrope) so there might be a link to Satanism. Please mention this to the FBI. It is important and will help track him down since not many people know how to do Mind Control. I am not in the US or I would do it myself.

Likeitirish ago

Yeah thats why I sent them to the FBI.

cakeoflightylight ago

Even if it isn't Podesta, it's someone and it's real. You can not fake a kid screaming like that - that child is not acting. I would know I have 6 kids. The worst crying you hear at my house is being whiny. This was straight up horror screaming like you think you're about to die.

Likeitirish ago

Yeah it was really really disturbing, I had to send it. Hopefully they actually look at it and follow up on it.

cakeoflightylight ago

Yeah it's so disturbing it is even disturbing me right now and throughout the night, I can't get it out of my head. I have a lot of respect for law enforcement if this is the stuff they deal with on a daily basis. They need to aggressively go after every pedo and not let them out of jail ever. Child abuse like this is not something we need a "registry" to correct.

cantsleepawink ago

the FBI ? Let us know if you hear back from them.

Likeitirish ago

You can report anything on their website, I called my local branch and emailed it to them as well as the national website submittion. they said thanks. Probably won't hear from them since they said they get like 10,000 people a day submitting stuff.....At this point someone needs to hijack a MSM feed and start playing this shit.

cantsleepawink ago

Right now I don't have much faith in the FBI.

Likeitirish ago

I have more faith in the local guys. I think if we start sending this stuff to local branches across the US the D.C FBI won't be able to ignore it. Just flood them with evidence.

GeorgeT ago

We must also keep in mind that snuff videos are a huge market on every level. It is epidemic. Remember the Hostel franchise - it is based on real events. In part 3, they used Masonic Temple for the black lodges. This is what is taking place but with children.

YingYangMom ago

Well done.

VieBleu ago


MeeestaTraumaLlama ago

Thank you thank you thank you thank you. Seriously. Thank you.

Pechal ago

So this caught my eye and I remember this same deepened weird voice in one of the Comet Ping Pong videos...

Looking at others this could be an elaborate ploy to get attention.

Pechal ago

Its something but I have a feeling this could be a well done hoax. The voices aren't exactly the same and also the website seems overtly trying to be "mysterious" instead of whistleblowing.

ThePedoHunter ago

No toddler/kid could ever fake that....what are you hearing that the rest of us aren't? ...that's terror in that child's voice.....hoax my fcking ass....

Ppl are funny.....its like they need to see a kid raped, tortued, snuffed to believe sadistic pedophiles really exist....its like ppl who looked at James fckface Alefarntis' Instagram account of all the disturbing child pics and thinks its just guys being into edgy shit...NO, its pedo culture...wake the fvk up

Pechal ago

The toddler or kid doesn't have to fake it, its easy to make a child cry. This is just like snuff film material, like in movies. Theres nothing to connect this to Podesta anyway. He doesn't even say 'John' like people claim.

GeorgeT ago

Still, it gives us tool to conceptualise of the real thing. We must realize that child torture is not some abstract thing but very real, with pain, screams and cries for help.

GeorgeT ago

Or it could be a snuff film in the making.

ConcernedParent2 ago

I think it's a hoax as well, or just someone being a sicko. It's a 9 month old site.

ThePedoHunter ago

No kid on this earth could simulate / mimic that terror...thats a little child being brutalised by a sick fck....little children cant reach down into their soul to act like that...not even shirley temple at her peak

OhRutherfordBehave ago

Does the kid in the 2nd clip not appear to be tied up on the other side of the glass, as you can see his right arm stretching up? Why is the first clip a download? Nobody wants to download anything on their computer....I don't, I'm not that tech savvy.

Dauphin ago

I cannot stop shaking... we really need to step up our game and bring a conclusion to this or really find the HARD evidence... it's gotta be out there, something irrefutable.

AllDancingCrap ago

As much as You and I want a conclusion to this nightmare, there will be not. Justice might be brought but just as viruses and bacteria these guys will come up again, maybe in a different system, maybe by turning everything their way but its not going to end. Constant vigilance to these kind of patterns, spreading the information, in such a way that it becomes second nature to look for these things in the wild (streets, media, etc). Maybe one day it'll be over, but most likely (at least the way are shaping up with our species) this just will continue in a different form. Sorry.

VieBleu ago

calm down, get up from the computer and do something else for awhile.

Orlando_Kek_Follower ago

That's what the pedos want. For us to take a breath and forget about them. Not gonna happen compadre.

VieBleu ago

just don't want the person to hyperventilate over their keyboard.

OhRutherfordBehave ago


OhRutherfordBehave ago

Do you guys remember the Facebook post of one of podesta's friends i believe, and there was a picture of a kid in a cage? It was a voat post quite a bit ago.

gun_and_a_sandwich ago

little girl in a basket from instagram?

OhRutherfordBehave ago

No that was a pic on alefantis' instagram, supposedly carisjames, supposedly his god-daughter. No there was a post, maybe a month ago, it was one of podesta's friends on Facebook, and it was literally a kid in a dog cage.

JazzyButterfly ago

What the hell did I just listen to? The website has virtually nothing on it. I don't get it.

Wolftrail7272 ago

If real... Jesus.

Thrulkggls ago

That is a relatively well-known practice in mkultra conditioning...severe trauma (including child rape and imposed fear and pain) result in the dissociation of personalities as a protective psychological measure. It is absolutely horrifying. Read up on is real and used far more often than people realize.

stellarcorpse ago


eyeswide0pen ago

Leaving this here for anyone curious about mkultra trauma programming. It has the methods that they use in programming.

DarkMath ago

"what I believe to be John Podesta's voice"........I listened to both clips, they were embedded in this youtube video explaining the story:

The adult screaming at the kid "what's my name" is definitely NOT John Podesta. The guys sounds like he's a "mass-hole" so I'm guessing it's duh a guy from Massachusetts.

What's a "mass-hole":

MeeestaTraumaLlama ago

Yup. Sounds Bostonian.

DopeandDiamonds ago

One of the audios sounds like a cross between the Kennedy accent a d the south shore accent. My gram speaks like that but not in that harsh of a tone. It is the kind of accent older generations have not the younger ones so age range fits Podesta. I don't know. I had to shut it off before it ended. Way to disturbing. It could be him, could not be. I can't make that call but I agree it is a variation of the masshole accent.

GeorgeT ago

We have a photo of a bruised child at Podesa's starwell. Even if it is not real, it gives a more than vague idea of what real thing looks like. No more Vanilla Sky - we have to delve into the abyss

DangerPizza ago

I wouldn't say how strange. Sounds like he raping somebody. More like how sick.

pizzaequalspedo ago

I'm speechless. Thoughts and prayers are it that poor kid. Please Sessions, bring these sick fucks to justice.

muhxburner ago

facebook group "#Pizzagate"

EQJ ago

Well those were two of the most fucked up audios I've ever heard. That poor child :(

MAGABoomer ago

Here's an index of the videos, I will describe them in order

Not clicking on the first one, it's probably a exe

world corp international room and board advertisement is a "fake" commercial for world corp that interposes photos of starving people, sick kids with odd picks like the burly dude on a toilet. The commercial intimates world corp is involved in human trafficking. It's certainly not a real world corp commercial.

Dadmp4 wouldn't play "Department of labor" is a scared up around the dirty short nails whiteish chubby right hand slamming piano keys whilst screaming just sounds angry..sound.

"desist" mp4 is a "music video" someone rapping one man's garbage while random photos of white men flash...old pics old gifs, man on prison cot in old time clothes, some creepy guy sticking his tongue out. Basically it's artist fail...and exceptionally boring.

"Each" is a child screaming, the man's voice "your just a kid that...can't make out the rest unless file cleaned up

fantasyA video is a big burly shirtless whiteish guy wearing a steelers had and sunglasses. Says he's dying of bladder cancer and his fantasy is to suck dick before he dies. He then gives an email dyingdad@

Now here's where things get interesting a direct link file versus a odd is of the most disturbing videos and it's been converted from a DL to a hot link to be linked here...for example. Make of that what you will. Content is curious...the child screams the man's real name. Darren or's fairly clear and with a bit of cleaning up I'm pretty sure the name could be exactly identified.

"Future" old type "attention attention" bar code, incoming transmission ...while snowy lane/path is in background rapid message runs across the screen, basically says "these videos are driving me over the edge". Yeah..I guess so you fucktard. Anyway...imagery changes to cyrillic text over the globe (the anon type globe used in their videos, this appears a few times) flash to red shimmery sky, flash to what may be a fully dressed woman (can't see face, no boobs really clear) in 70s style cardigan belted at waist and some polyester pants slouched in a chair the person briefly touches their genitals in a swirly movement and then the next flash is what is likely a cum shot on something.

"hot' is a very sad and short video of this disturbed person burning a headless star wars storm trooper figurine. Poor lad, therapy?

"I'm not sure who recorded this"mp4 is just the dude screaming, dim flashing lights and it's meant to make you work to see the background. meh.

"Intermission" hoakey taken overlooking an expressway at night. Video is meant to make you dig into it. There are glitches and "hidden" imagery that will waste people's time.

"LazyVapor" is another "creative" work of art. Crappy music, and a slatted red/black filter over preexisting video that shows an outdoor festival with what looks like Mosh, the background there is some sort of columned structure. Of course this is meant to be "mysterious" and not clear so...I'm not impressed.

"Malarky" oh dear. Well just bless his heart. Whomever is making these, please do yourself a favor and stop. Or never let anyone know..who you are. JAYSUS..another awful rap song about stupid shit, darkies, sharpies, and the imagery begins with an old man sitting on a park bench reading a newspaper, cars/'s the 1960s. Fat black woman on a just not.

"Messy" opens (thankfully with no music) to a dog licking some yellowish looking stuff off the floor. A "thickish" white kid, probably 17-19 in a white t-shirt and gray sweats on the floor can catch his face...typical white boy sticky up hair covering his face, oriental carpet and staircase in background, foreground is coffee table with a gun laying on it..the kid raises up and rubbing his face says "oh shit I..." and the person holding the camera giggles.

"Midlife" (oh fuckin A, the things I do)...yet another angst ridden really awful rap...imagery is 1960s stranger danger PSA...little girl playing hopscotch, man walks up (insert, hey little gurl want sum candy?) and offers her candy, pours it into her hand, she is happy, another little girl runs up. I stopped it there. Not even for curiosity could make me watch/listen to the rest. Please be a troll, please.

"OOPS" is disturbing but it's meant to be..opens with bar code PLEASE WAIT annoying high pitch sound...then what could be a fork...then shit on the side of a bathtub, then screaming, possibly blood on the side of a bathtub. This is asshattery. No one makes videos they can't enjoy so my guess is it's a fat troll..fuck you and the least you could have made the raps less torturous.

"Precursor" more crappy music, anon globe with World Corp. across it, then...ohhh...flash to some kind of older model car seen from...the waist up (shivers I'm scared) and that becomes cast over what is either stairs, shade slats, or siding. It's foggy. That's it.

"Producer" is well known CCTV footage of a child being run over by a van in China, several other cars run over him, many people drive by, some scooters slow, one almost stops, but everyone goes on. Next flash to cartoon man with whiteishredish skin wearing shorts flips and pullover bent at the waist vomit coming from mouth. Then the ideograph kindly flips to an old AOL advertisement superimposed over a normal rotating earth.

"Sneek Peak" crappy music in forest rangy white guy in black (whooooo) hoodie jeans just standing in the trees with his head hanging down. Picnic table barely visible, lower left, some garment/blanket over a post likely meant to be something scary. I was terrified i tell you, terrified :D

"STOP" is yet another hot link. odd that. This is the PLEASE WAIT countdown bar thing again, and a different "angle" or more on the bathtub screaming shit.

this is an addition. I was a bit "medicated" when I wrote the descriptions I apologize for forgetting. This version of OOPS is slightly different in that on the camera approach to the bathtub there is first a shot of little boys cartoon jockey shorts probably size 2-4t that appear to be either coated in something "plasticky" or wrapped/displayed through plastic. It's meant to lead you to the conclusion that the rest of the video is about a boy child.

That's it I have suffered bad rap for the cause, took one for the team so you don't have to. I've zero doubt someone is gonna waste hours...However there are things ...stop, and father, truth mixed with fiction? Possibly.

MrKrabsOurLord ago

Shit, I actually really like the rap music.

Fateswebb ago

Just wanted to mention I found a hidden video on worldcorp. In which you have to first find and then rename, to watch the video. And wen you do it's disgusting. It shows a man urinating, it even shows his penis, this appears to be the same man that is on the floor in the oops video. Then after urinating he drinks her urine by putting his hand into the toilet water and then slurping it up from his hand a few times. The man has a salt and pepper beard and is wearing what appears to be the same watch in the oops video but may be a different man. I am not even sure anyone else has found this yet. Forgive me if it has been found, but I have not seen this mentioned anywhere

MAGABoomer ago

It's a kid on the floor. The burly guy, dyingdaddy? Anyway, is it child porn? Is it illegal content? or did you find an easter egg. There are penis and pee drinking all over the Internet. For free. LOL

Fateswebb ago

It was a kind of burly guy that you don't see a lot of, and I know it's not outlaw at all but the beard he has looks similar to outlaw morgans (sorry outlaw) beard. (Salt and pepper and length) Besides the penis and the disgusting act of drinking his urine it is not related to child abuse. If there is abuse being portrayed it would be that the dude is under duress. But that cannot be proven as it seems he is probably alone.

MAGABoomer ago

Nah, this shit is everywhere. Please duckduck,Goatse, one man one jar, two girls one cup, Mr. Hands....people do very very strange things to themselves. Used to be back in the day we'd toll people with man one jar was a whole trip into a world of insanity.

Also, duck duck urine drinking/medicine. Always good to know what exactly we're being horrified over.

Fateswebb ago

Is that so? Well then certainly you wouldn't be interested in the videos that I did TO PROVE who made the videos rather than just making assumptions, as you have.

Notice, I made these since I replied and before you replied back. But ...... we are digging more, and it gets more bizarre, as in real life bizarre not weird videos bizarre... not less just so you know, before you continue the same rhetoric. Anyway

Two Videos one for who, and one for why... Who Why

So, one more thing, why bother commenting if you're not wanting to actually find stuff out and dig.

MAGABoomer ago

Unless you have provenance for the videos you have proven ZIP. NADA. So make shit if you want. But you are literally doing NOTHING to help any investigation. NADA. You cannot PROVE where the videos came from. You just cannot. Waste of time. I'm not interested in "evidence" that has zero COC is useless in court and is clearly manufactured. JAYSUS on chickenlover photo is 100x the evidence than this video. PERIOD>, where did you get this video. Silence. Go ahead waste people's time.

AreWeSure ago

the child screams the man's real name. Darren or something

I have pretty decent studio monitor headphones and the name I heard was Terrence. Definitely sounds like two syllables.

MAGABoomer ago

Yeah, it's two syllables. I was wondering what it'd sound like cleaned up. Darren was my best guess. I didn't go into it programmed to hear John, in fact I'm not sure how anyone did except that's what they were told they'd hear.

VieBleu ago

You are a true soldier, gentleman and scholar. Props for dissecting this probably non-event.

MAGABoomer ago

I am so aggravated because WHOMEVER took this shit and went to a Consiracy forum and stared asshatter...WTF is wrong with people, the kid clearly screamed DARREN and that's not John Podesta...and claiming it is makes us look stupid. Fucked up,sure, real? I have no idea because I cannot frame it within any context. I did forget to put in something and I'm going to go back and add it. Just an observation I missed. I will add it as a "quote" so people can spot it.

VieBleu ago

It smells like coordinated shill work to me - to set up discrediting, false flag, whatever. There was a second one put up too, as if coincidentally two people stumbled on this in the same day. Of course mods won't take down any of it. Ass Hattery is once more open for business!

MAGABoomer ago

It smells like coordinated shill work to me

I agree. As well as the posting of idiotic threads on ZOMG look what I found on Instagram. It's a diversion. FUCKIN A...I've seen enough REAL shit to know real from normal. They're wasting our time on purpose

Also we have some very dedicated pedos posting here. I told one yesterday, prepare to die. The climate is changing. This shit has to stop.

FriesischShipping ago

its better to play good cop and get them to snitch.

VieBleu ago

lol i just want to caution you, it is better for everyone here (that's serious about helping) if you don't tell them they are going "to die". Keep it cool. We don't want the forum open to attack for a violent tone. Please. I DO totally agree and am happy to say I think the climate is changing. the wind is shifting for sure.

And as for the ZOMIGOD threads, i could not agree with you more. I have just been informed by Vindicator that they tried to have rule #4 which would allow deletion of threads of dubious validity (to address that problem) but it got taken out, voted down whatever. So they've arranged it so even the stupidest posts will remain AND they are now encouraging getting a little army together to downvote to combat their 30-40 immediate shill upvotes. I am not interested in their points game. There is no winning, they'd just find another way to co-opt. But I downvote whenever necessary. I wonder why more people don't, or if there are really just 5-10 sinceres on here at any one time.

MAGABoomer ago

Better they have fair warning...

How odd the mods seem to delete quite a bit already, what's a few more?

VieBleu ago

they leave up the stupid shit, and have "rules" that justify it. Did you notice Voat down for couple hours today?

MAGABoomer ago

Yeah, probably searching for me :D (insert paranoia) I called three threads out last night for asshattery, including this one.

VieBleu ago

lol everyone that was on at the time thinks it was them - I thought I'd been banned.

MAGABoomer ago

I'm under no illusion that Voat is "secure". Just doing some work on the FBI vault docs. Very strange progression. 1st is additional warnings that encourages reporting ethical violations 2. physical fitness regulations and I'm reading 3. the Sikh temple shooting. Even as redacted as it is, this is one seriously fucked investigation. SERIOUSLY fucked. I'm only on the first page..oddities abound. One "witness" described the clothing of two victims in the parking lot...never mentioned the most identifiable and personalized item a Sikh wears, the turban. One witness shows his cell phone to prove he called 911...this is the second witness to claim calling 911 and not getting an answer, however this one appears not to have been too worried. From what I can tell he just said "meh" and went to a bar. WTF?

I'm just on the first section, probably won't even bother reading the rest. This is so obviously a "handler" shooting it reeks. And no fucking way was there one guy. One odd thing is that an interviewee said a reporter asked him if he had any issues with Shites...srly WTF? Did someone fuck up and schedule a "fake" aka handled shooting at a Sikh temple thinking they were muz? Another witness didn't recall much about the victims in the parking lot but oddly remembered the guy had a gun in his right hand and a "clip" (incorrect they are magazines) in the left. How the hell did he see that when he didn't really notice the victims at such a distance. This is some serious shit. Not one turban mentioned? Sikhs never take off their turbans. *unless to save a life or shower/sleep.)

Also 'helpful" members of the public. FUCKIN A...srsly who are these arm chair sleuths who hear a name on the news and start "investigating" re FB? Lawd if I were an agent I'd lose my shit on them. Once the "white supremacist" narrative got going good...(FBI started that from the beginning of the docs)...everyone who knew someone who dated someone who was a WS was reported on. Mrs. Kravitz....everywhere.

So tl;dr more than one person involved. One not need don a TFH to realize this is a handler shooting, could be fucked up attempt to victimize muz, make white supremacists seem stupid(er) a targeted hit on one particular Sikh couched as a mass murder, and of course, gun control, and taking guns from vets. Whatever else this is, it is so clearly NOT what they claim.

VieBleu ago

I don't know what to say, the rabbit hole is such a crater now for everyone. I admire your sleuthing skills though. To be honest I'm not even sure which shooting you are talking about. A couple of years back right?

MAGABoomer ago

Yes, the Sikh Temple shooting. What I knew before I read the report...Witnesses reported 4 men gunning down Sikh outside and inside. End result, one dude, "white supremacist" is blamed. At the time the TFHs were screaming FALSE FLAG (to be honest, they scream that about everything) and NOBODY DIED...idiots and thus I dismissed them as nutters.

Reading the first..just the first section of the investigation...official story=lie. That's all.

I work with documents and "information" analysis all the time. HA I did a pretty good job on the videos despite being "medicated". LOL stoned analysis!

I could not stop and start them and leave the page except for the hot linked ones so i had to watch it and go straightway to type it up. If I left the page for some reason the player would close. Some I had to DL twice cause I "lost my train".

This place is quickly becoming redundant. Moderation is not working to keep redundancy at bay, people are like Ms. Kravitz and they've GOT to be working in teams. Are so many of "us" that entirely stupid? Discussing if it's John Podesta when the child clearly screams DARREN. Fucktards.

YingYangMom ago

Sounds like real fucked up stuff.

MAGABoomer ago

It's mostly just stupid stuff. There are only two things that would/could be disturbing...the child screaming in father, that's real. However the troll could have pulled that off any pedo hosting site, fuck even vidtome was caught hosting horrific KP videos, they were reported and Vidtome has not removed them. The "please wait" videos may or may not be disturbing. I simply cannot draw enough context from them. Yes, could be bloody bathtub and some kind of body on the floor...some of the bathtub stuff is clearly poop. Probably intended to get people to waste their time going frame by frame.

It's not really fucked up. If the guy who wants to suck dick is the rapper, he should probably look into a career change. It's kinda sad, I hope he's not serious. Wouldn't want to hurt his feelings.

YingYangMom ago

I just think sometimes we view and discredit this 'stuff' too quickly because WE never would think this could actually be real pedo/psycho disturbing porn or, possibly some other creepy thing.

MAGABoomer ago

No, normal people see a photo of a kid kicking back in a baby pool and the expression on his face and it's totally pimpin/ make a leap from a humorous correlation to ZOMG it's pervy is really pushing it and that's the kind of mind that's worrisome.

None of these photos can even come close to the VERY clear pedo correlations in all the "nieces and nephews" dressed like chickens accompanied by very clear sexual references within the context of #chickenlovers.

There's nothing horrid about the breastfeeding/boobs sign. Most Americans would pose with it. It's funny, bold and back home Americans would protest and faint.

I kept going through the photos expecting to be as horrified as I was on the child chickens and I just didn't see it. The people are obsessed with pizza, that's abnormal and to be honest that's about the only thing that is "suspicious" and probably only then because we're now completely paranoid about obsessive pizza crap, for good reason!

EQJ ago

Well damn. Thank you for that analysis I'm pretty much still stuck at the mind f***** stage. You can't unhear this shit :(

MAGABoomer ago

That video I do believe is real. Where it came from? Anywhere on the net, literally. So without context all we know is that somewhere in the world a little boy is being abused by a man named Darren who insists he is now "father. The imagery is a child sized figure behind some paned textured glass. There is some sort of mop/broom being pushed around on the window, through the window you see sparks coming up from the floor...child sized person jumping screaming, lights flashing, very anxiety producing. The sparks made me wonder if there was some liquid on the floor and some current is being introduced into it? Not an engineer or spark exxpert so not sure how that can be accomplished. Reminded me of welding arch kind of sparks, but a lot of them.

GeorgeT ago

You need cool head to analyze this and top detectives do that by catharsis - too see it through the eye of the perpetrator. Remember folks, as harrowing as this is to us, to the likes of Podesta and Aifantis - it is as normal and mundane as an average bloke watching a football with his pals, sipping beer. These freaks see the world through distorted lense. So, when viewing such monstrocities try to remain cool and get inside the mind set of these monsters.

DarkMath ago

"facebook pizzagate page" link please

dawgfan ago

I agree with the Lynch Mob suggestion.When are these so called arrests gonna start happening??? Looks like the rest of the Country is taking care of business,arrests in California,Illinois,if they can do it why can't D.C.???

GeorgeHodelDidit ago

I suggest we put all the Pedophiles into the Fema camps they had set up for all us Normies......give them no food and plenty of knives and see which ones are the last to eat each other. This shit is nuts. Its either them or its us. We CANNOT FUCKING COEXIST!

Are our lives so precious to us that we can sit back and not do anything while this shit is happening in the world? Hell we can only die once....and it wont be as bad as what these kids are going through.

MAGABoomer ago

You have to peel an onion from the outside in.